mashirogroup · 6 years
I read through some of the translated scripts of the game and honestly Yuma should've been sloth. The only gluttonous part about her was getting fat to make Renji happy, while sloth makes far sense. She only does what Renji tells her to do, never going up against up and even saying she doesn't have a will of her own and how she wants to stop thinking.
I agree with you anon, Sloth fits Yuma better than Gluttony, actually Sloth fits Yuma better that how it fits with Haruto in my opinion. And interpreting her Gluttony as "her eating her own self/thoughts" feels like a bit of a stretch.
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mashirogroup · 6 years
What are your thoughts on each of the chapters and how would you rank them?
Not too sure about the rankings, but I can say STAGE06 would be my favorite  for sure, moving onto the commentary
STAGE01 is alright, it gives a gist of how the game works and what to expect from it, but I have to say the dungeon is nothing too special, and as far as main storyline we don’t get much
but hey it’s the first chapter. STAGE01 is what got me interested in this game to begin with though, because of how it showed the game would actually focus on the characters’ backstories and how it affects their personalities, Haruto’s in particular isn’t half bad, but I am not too much of a fan of how he pretty much did nothing wrong even if he supposedly did something wrong. I like how this chapter makes Haruto’s suspicious from his own pov, something that will come handy later.
STAGE02 is one I enjoyed more, I was curious about Zen from the start since he had such a bad attitude for whatever reason, and as I said when talking about Zen’s character, his backstory does explain very well why he has trust issues to begin with, I mean, he couldn’t trust his family so why would he trust some strangers? Moreover Zen’s suspicious nature leads him to bring up the theories on who is behind the incident which makes the player think on who is or isn’t suspicious too (although Zen’s accusation come from a more personal place too). I also really really like the Saruyama dungeon, it would be favorite for how it looks. Also while I probably didn’t ever mention this, I greatly enjoy the relationship between Zen and Yuma (not necessarily in a romantic light, though I enjoy it like that too), and this is where it starts getting interesting.
STAGE03 is where the story really picks up, both Cliones and Kurosuke get introduced this chapter, so that’s something I appreciate. Minamo has a backstory that isn’t as heavy as many others in the game, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing as many backstory in the game can end up being, well, too heavy. Overall very enjoyable, I liked it.
STAGE04 is a mixed bag, on one hand my favorite character is the protagonist, she gets some development I appreciate, again some interesting bits between Zen and Yuma, and Rinko showing sides to her character I really appreciated, plus a lot more delving into main story issues, such as Kurosuke and how the Mashiro Group is involved in the cloning research. The dungeon is quite nice too. However Yuma’s backstory has some really gross themes that I just wish weren’t there, the incest was totally unneeded and for an arc like Yuma’s, stressing that she had to do everything her father said was plenty. There was no need for the incest being one of the things her father wanted from her. There was no need to add the incest whatsoever. 
STAGE05 again has a pretty big twist so it’s important for the story, plus Ryou’s character is given a lot more depth, being faced with the extremely heavy past he had forgotten. I like how Ryou has to face the fact his mother
didn’t really love him and was envious of him instead, how he tried to deal with it and how he still tried to keep his happy-go-lucky attitude regardless of how he really felt. That made me appreciate Ryou a lot more as a character. About Ryou’s backstory itself, as I said multiple times already, it’s very heavy, to the point it’s too heavy, it’s too much. Much like incest, pedophilia is something I definitely didn’t want to be there. 
STAGE06 as I menioned before is my favorite, and it’s what really made me like Rinko. Her development is my favorite in the game, she learns to face her past, and the dependency issues she used to have head on, moreover I found her behavior in the chapter interesting, I personally like the way she suspected Haruto so strongly. Not just her, I enjoyed the whole suspicion thing that was going on this chapter. But I also enjoyed the resolution to the Kurosuke case, this Stage wraps up the mystery and ends on a big cliffhanger. I also like the dungeon.
STAGE07 is another one I am not really sure where to place, one part of Mamoru’s backstory I liked a lot, the one about his childhood. But then like I said on the post that asked me about the characters
his obsession with his younger sister felt a bit too much
I have to say that even though this is the chapter where most of the mysteries get unraveled, I don’t have that many strong feelings about it. Mamoru’s abandonment issues were a highlight though.
FINAL STAGE doesn’t have any character backstory as we have ran out of characters and it’s mainly “Let’s go defeat Terashima”. The dungeon is very beautiful, and Terashima is a terrible person, but also a legitimately fun character. I have found the ending to be very emotional, the characters all die yes, but they die after getting over their past and developing properly. 
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mashirogroup · 6 years
At first I was gonna ask you why Ryo's boss looks like a crocodile (or alligator) but then I kinda figured it out on my own. Besides that crocodiles are green which is the color is envy, I think it more has to do with animals. Each sin has an animal tied to it, e.g. Pig = gluttony, goat = lust, toad/frog = greed, ETC. But the animal of envy is a snake, and the crocodile monsters are tied up in bondage forcing them to move around like a snake, so it fits with the whole envy thing. Any thoughts?
That’s a good theory anon, here are my thoughts on the matter
Personally, I believed each dungeon was linked to an animal from the chinese zodiac too. Haruto’s dungeon is full of goats and Haruto gets called a black sheep (though goats are linked to lust, there are no goats in Rinko’s dungeon). However, I have found this, so the animals from the dungeon might very well be related to the sins linked to the characters. In Haruto’s case it is at least. 
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Zen’s is heavily linked to monkeys, the monkey thing is mostly linked to Zen’s grandfather, but later on his grandfather tells Zen they are similar, moreover Zen calls himself a monkey before the boss fight. I believe this monkey thing is used in a way that means someone who can’t repress one’s instincts to a point it’s inhuman. It goes without saying for Zen’s grandfather, but Zen too at the end of the day couldn’t repress his anger and showed violent behavior many times. So, in some way it can relate to his sin.
Yuma’s has pig enemies and also pig plushies lying around (plus she calls herself a pig at times) and this also links to gluttony as you say, I was unsure about Minamo’s but in a stream I was watching someone pointed out she might go with Rooster as the giant chicken enemy appears for the first time in her dungeon, the other enemies in her dungeon are all humanoid
I am honestly still a bit unsure on her. Pride can be linked to peacocks that is still
a huge bird I guess but it seems a bit farfetched. Another source tells me pride is linked to horses, but I wouldn’t know how to link it to her.
I got a bit off track there, but we are finally to Ryou’s. I thought the crocodile would stand for either dragon or snake because of that chinese zodiac theory, and between the two snake makes more sense for how it’s linked to envy and how the boss moves because of how it’s tied up indeed. The most reasonable answer as to why it’s tied up is because of Ryou’s interest in bondage and of his own personal history, but it does also work to make it look like a snake. Seeing there are other exmples of the animals present in dungeons representing the owner of the dungeon’s sin, it feels entirely possible. It’s worth mentioning the bosses usually take the form of someone else rather than the owner of the dungeon, but STAGE 05 is also where we get the reveal Creatures are nothing but the imperfect clones of the main cast, and, seeing the bondage thing (that is definitely related to Ryou) is there too, this boss might have had things that relate to Ryou himself and not what that boss Creature took the appearance of.
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mashirogroup · 6 years
(rot13) Abj jr xabj Znzbeh vf ohyxvat hc sbe gur unefu raivebazrag. Ubj Gur Jbeyq Raqf? Znzbeh eryrnfr n fhcre ivehf be fbzrguvat?
Gur jbeyq raqf orpnhfr bs n anabznpuvar qrirybcrq ol ZNAV tbvat bhg bs pbageby. Znzbeh qvqa'g jnag gur jvfu sbe gur jbeyq gb raq.
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mashirogroup · 6 years
So how does this game end? I plan on buying it regardless of the ending (since this is a game that is more about the journey for me) so I want to see if I can fix my curiosity until it comes to America.
(rot13) Gur tebhc qrsrngf gur ynfg obff, ohg orsber ur tbrf qbja sbe tbbq, ur xvyyf Fnpuvxn creznaragyl. Orsber yrnivat gur ebbz, gur erznvavat punenpgref svaq n uhzna onol jvgubhg na K-xrl gung ybbxf yvxr Fnpuvxn, naq gurl qrpvqr gb gnxr pner bs ure naq anzr ure Fnpuvxn. Nsgre svir lrnef, gur pybarf pna ab ybatre or rkgraqrq, fb rirelbar ohg arj Fnpuvxn qvrf. Orsber qlvat, Unehgb gbyq Fnpuvxn gurer zvtug fgvyy or crbcyr nyvir va gur jbeyq, fb fur tbrf ba n wbhearl gb svaq arj crbcyr nsgre rirelbar'f qrngu. Qhevat ure wbhearl fur trgf vawherq, ohg trgf erfphrq ol na haxabja obl, cebivat gurer ner vaqrrq fgvyy crbcyr va gur jbeyq. Gur erznvavat yvirf pbhagre bs gur Rkgraq Znpuvar fubjf gur ahzore bs yvirf erznvavat va gur jbeyq vapernfrq ntnva. Gur raq.
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mashirogroup · 6 years
How would you rank each of the characters?
Personally it’d be something like Yuma > Zen > Ryou > Minamo > Haruto > Rinko > Mamoru > Sachika, but I am biased by personal taste in this (and it might happen for the position to shift slightly, it already happened). Talking more about the characters under read more, spoilers included.
Yuma caught my attention from the get-go. Her comedic moments were all pretty much to my taste, and I’ll always appreciate a character that goes from doing everything she’s told (despite how she might feel about the matter) to a character that decides to stop being a doll (and in Yuma’s case, she literally referred to herself as a doll even) and finally decide to live as herself, for herself. I wish her backstory didn’t involve incest however, it was clear just how much control her father had over her even without it.
Zen caught my attention the moment he casually said whether anyone wanted to die during dinner, and then proceeded to almost kill himself after he gets met with the answer Why don’t you die yourself then?. That made me think he’d be the
you know, the wild card character, which would have been good enough but as the story progressed he reveals himself as a type of character I personally like more than that. He has a strong backstory that perfectly explains a lot of his behaviour, and a lot of his lines are gold. I do agree with other people that for a character like him, revealing everything about his past and having him develop so early in the game wasn’t really the best choice though. He also has done very messed up things, that feel like too much.
Ryou has a likeable, easygoing attitude and an extremely heavy backstory, and how he is the moodmaker while having such a heavy backstory is something that personally really hit me, fair enough, he doesn’t remember a thing about what happened in his past, but after he gets shown it, I feel it’s interesting how he tried to keep up his easygoing attitude while still reflecting about said past in his head. Honestly speaking, he is also genuinely fun. 
Minamo has a fun attitude and personality, her pride shows without her being mean or anything, but more in a way where she thinks she can deal with anything and doesn’t want to worry others, making her quite the likeable character. She is sort of the big sister of the group. Her backstory is sad but isn’t as heavy as most of the other ones in the game.
Haruto is another character that is quite likeable, he’s serious, works towards uncovering the mysteries in most of the game, and worries about the other characters, he is also the main focus of everyone’s suspicions during STAGE 06 and has a few shady reactions early on, so it makes the player want to keep an eye on him.
Rinko has a good development which is one of the best parts of her character, but before that happens, unfortunately I personally found her personality to be a little too plain and just not really to my taste, this is an entirely subjective matter however, and she does have her moments (being the first one to consider the end of the world and cloning story being the truth, or supporting Yuma in her chapter). But Rinko really does shine from her own chapter and onwards. 
Mamoru is consistently good towards the game, usually bringing up interesting points, I also liked to see he has big abandonment issues because of his past, however, this is also what led him to have an unhealthy attachment to his half-sister, and feels a little bit too obsessed with revenge for my taste. Much like Zen some of the things he has done feel like too much.
Sachika is alright, she is supporting of everyone else, develops throughout the story and has an air of mystery to her, but ultimately Sachika herself wasn’t really hiding anything, and it was a bit of a letdown to me, other than that, I found the original Sachika to be more interesting in many regards. I somehow expected more out of her character, but she’s still a nice girl.
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mashirogroup · 6 years
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Zen Kubota's birthday is on September 18th, today!
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mashirogroup · 6 years
(rot13) Vf gurer n ernfba jul Znzbeh unq zber culfvdhr pheeragyl guna va gur cnfg? Gb sbby rirelbar ryfr be cheryl uvf ubool?
Ur unq gb ohvyq hc fbzr zhfpyr va beqre gb yvir va gur unefu raivebazrag bs gur rnegu nsgre gur raq bs gur jbeyq
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mashirogroup · 6 years
Hi hi! I wanted to ask if there was any shippy content in the games proper??
As for main story, it depends on how much you want to read into it, there are some scenes that might make you want to ship stuff (I can say it made me ship stuff at the very least), but nothing canon. I know there is a ruin bonus event where Haruto princess carries Zen, but I haven’t seen the event myself so I can’t talk much about it. 
That said, you can pair the characters however you want in the hotel, and it can trigger special events of two types, one type are bonding events, the other type are events where the characters get more intimate and that go with special CGs. 
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mashirogroup · 6 years
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Penguin Parade announced the production of Zanki Zero Petanko (first picture) and cospa announced Zanki Zero T-shirts and a tote bag (second picture) 
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mashirogroup · 6 years
(Use rot13 for names) so you said that there's some spoilery character in the group picture you posted. The only one I recognized was grenfuvzn in the bottom left. Are the two in the upper left supposed to be znb and erawv with xhebfhxr in the upper right?
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mashirogroup · 6 years
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Zanki Zero Official Setting Book announced! You can find a full version of the cover in the source link but be careful, as there are present some spoiler characters
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mashirogroup · 6 years
So Haruto is sloth because his actions let a woman die, Zen was wrathful towards his family, Minamo's pride caused her to think she wasn't to blame for her sin, Yuma was gluttonous to make herself look more like her mother, Ryo was envious towards his mom's partners for stealing her away from him and Rinko was lustful so that she wouldn't be abused? So why is Mamoru greed?
STAGE07 Spoilers
In my opinion Mamoru is greed because of his relationship with his younger half-sister. Leaving aside the rest of his backstory for now, his half-sister went to live with him, and he really treasured her, and promised her he’d ‘heal her no matter what’. However one day she was murdered and
saying it destroyed him would be an understatement. Mamoru steals her corpse and dedicates himself to find a way to 'heal’ her. He wants revenge too. This to me seems greedy in the sense that his actions after his half-sisters died, his desire to bring back to life, to cure her, was wanting too much. Way too much. At the beginning of his stage he even claims to be living only for his desire. 
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mashirogroup · 6 years
Do you know how Ryo is tied with Envy? From what I read from a translated Japanese site (that was translated with Google Translate so it probably wasn't that accurate) is that the sin of Envy ties with his mother because she doesn't want anyone to take Ryo away from her. But that's more like jealousy than envy which although similar are different.
STAGE05 spoilers
Going from his backstory, his mother did indeed feel envy towards Ryou, but in a way where she thought it’s “always about Ryou” and never about her. As for Ryou himself, I am inclined to believe that he’s envious of people who actually received his mother’s love and attention, as she always put men she was seeing before her own child. It felt to me like Ryou wanted to be loved, as by the end of the chapter too, he reflects on whether his mother loved him “at least a little bit”. 
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mashirogroup · 6 years
Character: Yuma Mashiro
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Name: Yuma Mashiro (Female)
Height: 154.6 cm
Weight: 63.6 kg
Favorite food: Fish dishes
Disliked food: None
Birthday: January 5
Blood type: AB
The only daughter of the Mashiro Group leader 
Other info not included on her profile:
Sleeping Together skill: Drop+ 
Sin: Gluttony
spoilers after read more
Past: Her mother taught her to always listen to her father. Her mother then died, and Yuma became a replacement for her, so she pretty much had to obey everything her father said, becoming “A doll of the Mashiros”. This happened as well. One day her father happily tells her about a research institute (MANI) who was researching human clones, Yuma was against cloning, but she ends up agreeing with her father on the matter because of her position. After he turns to MANI to bring back his deceased wife and the attempt fails terribly, Yuma’s father decides to disband it, but he gets assassinated in front of Yuma instead, while he tells her to destroy everything involving the clone research. (This comes from chapter 4 that has been fully translated by juicedup here)
Part of the Garage Kids, who caused Sachika Hirasaka’s death.
Dungeon: Cruise Ship Belle Moa
Protagonist in: Chapter 4
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mashirogroup · 6 years
If its not too much: can you reveal the identities of each of the bosses?
I am sorry this took so awfully long, but there is a twist regarding Creatures at the end of STAGE05 that I wasn’t sure how to approach, in the end I decided to avoid bringing it up for now 
STAGE01: The Creature of Sloth, it represents the editor-in-chief from Haruto’s workplace, unnamed.
STAGE02: The Creature of Wrath, it represents Zen’s (grand)father, unnamed.
STAGE03: The Creature of Pride, it represents Minamo’s younger brother, Hiroki.
STAGE04: The Creature of Gluttony, it represents Yuma’s parents (both of them), Renji and Moa.
STAGE05: The Creature of Envy, it represents the creep who was interested in (child) Ryou, unnamed.  
STAGE06: The Creature of Lust, that represents Rinko from when she was a student, and another Creature that looks like a bust that says “Rinko
Liar” that I believe represents the Creature of Lust’s boyfriend, and so basically Rinko’s boyfriend(s).
STAGE07: “Full Armor Kurosuke”, Sachika’s murderer, Yousuke Kurosaki (Kurosuke).
FINAL STAGE: “Extend Terashima”, the head of MANI Daichi Terashima. 
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mashirogroup · 6 years
I think Zenrinko would be a great thing because both of them having backgrounds involving sexual trauma and manipulation/issues from adults (even if in different ways) so they could elaborate on their memories together + farmer/florist bonding over loving nature and flowers bonus
Hmm, personally I prefer other pairings for both Rinko and Zen, but their bonding event was kinda cute, it would be nice to see them getting a little closer.
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