museum curator, watching steve waltz into the smithsonian, the memory of having the stolen cap america authentic howling commando era uniform returned dirty and ridden with bullet holes still fresh in their mind: hide the VALUABLES
steve, reaching over the rope to poke at something on display: it’s my goddamn stuff???
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New fear unlocked for Masterchef contestants:
When the Chocolate Guy (Amaury Guichon) sets the challenge!
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“The stone corrupts all those who wield it, it is fueled by their ambitions and dreams. So we need someone with no ambitions, no dreams, someone who doesn’t care about what the future holds for themselves. That’s why we found you.”
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I think all negotiations with Dooku during the war should be done through Jocasta.
@atagotiak (Tia):
Au where Qui-Gon survives, Dooku still goes evil. Dooku has to deal with the bitter divorcee and the estranged kid Oh hey, official communication about something that is publicly broadcast or whatever A fairly small percentage of the population tunes in because hey, even if it’s important it’s boring political stuff But then Jocasta and Dooku are… well they’re mostly taking this seriously, it is important. But as old friends/lovers who miss each other but are also very bitter they can’t resist being kinda bitchy at each other Anyways. Memes
There's at least one "you couldn't even remember our 20th anniversary, how can you be trusted to run an entire half of the galaxy" moment, and it spreads like wildfire.
Just like that, EVERYONE is watching, just in case there's more juicy gossip about Behind The Scenes Jedi.
"You never even reached out to your grandpadawans, and then the first time you meet them--"
I just love the idea of Jocasta airing the dirty laundry, and because Dooku already admitted that, while Jedi don't marry he was as close to that as possible with this woman, all her comments are read into with "bitter that her husband ran off" instead of "Jedi angling to spike the war higher."
Also. Accidentally using nicknames Also also, pointedly using titles I’m just imagining Dooku slipping up and calling her Jo and Jocasta calling him Count in response
"Better than any soap opera" -- Coruscant Daily
"A delightful and sordid look into the private lives of Jedi, current and former" -- Alderaan Gazette
"Exclusive interview with Count Dooku's grandson, General Kenobi, following scandalous accusations by Madame Nu is the Order" -- Herald of Theed (The very first line of that one is Obi-Wan insisting "grandpadawan, not grandson.")
@thisarenotarealblog (Docc):
"we're not blood related. I'm from stewjon and he's from serenno. It would take a large amount of extraordinary coincidences for that to be the case. " "Master Kenobi I'm given to understand that much of your life is composed of extraordinary coincidences." "....no, don't do this to me, I already checked"
Anakin, face too close to the microphone: Senator Amidala says that dependent health insurance cuts off at 26 on Serreno. The galaxy is interpreting the lineage as adoptive parenting, so Dooku should be paying for my health care. Reporter: Isn't your healthcare already free--" Anakin: Irrelevant.
Someone films a rant that Jocasta def didn’t mean to make public: “Hurting his grandpadawans, starting a war, invading planets, vandalizing libraries….”
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You know how Uncle Owen is always so crabby about Obi-Wan all “stay away from Luke”, “don’t train him”, “Kenobi’s just a crazy old man Luke you keep your distance”? Obviously we can reasonably assume that this is mainly because he doesn’t want Luke getting mixed up in all the stuff that wound up getting his dad killed (er, “killed”), so he just thinks it prudent for them all to keep away from each other. Kenobi’s a wanted fugitive after all!
But like…what if most of the reason Owen is so exasperated with the whole thing is that it’s not even really that he’s THAT opposed to Obi-Wan as a person in general, but that Luke WILL NOT STOP GOING BY OBI-WAN and it’s making it a lot harder for all of them to keep a low profile because literally every time a Skywalker and a Kenobi are within 15 feet of each other, something explodes or a pirate brawl breaks out or they accidentally assassinate a Hutt or something. The few times we HAVE seen them interact on Tatooine in canon have been pretty Dramatic and involved Obi-Wan having to kick people’s asses basically every single time, for one thing.
Can you just imagine Tiny Luke, EVERY TIME he goes with Owen and Beru to the market just to pick up some damn groceries making a BEELINE for Obi-Wan, who’s trying to stay low-key, wearing his hood and attempting to maintain an aura of Quiet Mysterious Wizard? Luke just CHARGING right over to him and waving his arms and yelling HEY MISTER OLD BEN KENOBI HOW ARE YOU IT’S ME ME LUKE SKYWALKER I’M SEVEN NOW HOW ARE YOU WANNA SEE HOW HIGH I CAN JUMP??? AREN’T YOU SO IMPRESSED????? BY THE WAY I’M A PILOT YOU KNOW. Not to mention that Luke’s an untrained powerful Force-sensitive which means A) he can probably sense Obi-Wan from like 8000 miles away, so there’s no point trying to hide from him, and B) he has no control over how his emotions spill out into the environment around him, and he gets so excited stuff starts flying off of market stall shelves and glass jars explode and Obi-Wan has to be like HA HA OH YOU KNOW HOW KIDS ARE HERE LET ME PAY FOR THAT before anyone can ask how the hell Luke managed to break something he can’t even reach; what just happened here???
What if Luke just has full-blown Skywalker Syndrome from birth, and brings up Obi-Wan like 20 times a day? Owen isn’t unreasonably cranky, really. He’s just so, so tired.
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look, I’m just saying that it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility for Palpatine to have made Vader attend state dinners, and it’s also not completely out of the realm of possibility for Leia to have been brought to one of those state dinners, and since both Leia and Vader are possessed of the peculiar ability to engender absolute rage in anyone that talks to them, it is in fact more than possible that they ended up in the bitchiest, most useless of staring contests at least once
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me remembering that luke and rey didn’t even have a good relationship and we didn’t get to see them as a parental relationship or even as friends
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after the war ends, Obi-Wan desperately wants to quit the Council, but Mace keeps rejecting his resignations
so Obi-Wan decides to take matters into his own hands: if he can’t resign formally, he’s going to get himself kicked off
he starts by showing up to Council meetings intoxicated, and wearing increasingly outrageous (and frequently revealing) clothing
when his own efforts fail to get any reaction out of Mace, he recruits outside assistance
he sends Anakin wearing a fake beard and mustache to attend as him (which has the side benefit of convincing Anakin that he never, ever, wants anything to do with the Council)
Cody attends wearing Obi-Wan’s clothes and lightsaber, but making no other attempt to disguise himself
Quinlan breaks in during a meeting, makes out with Obi-Wan for two minutes straight, then smashes through a window to make his daring escape
Ahsoka does her best Hondo impression and shows up to kidnap Obi-Wan in the middle of a session, with Rex and the Bad Batch (in their normal, full armor) as her dastardly pirate crew
and while certain members of the Council are outraged, Obi-Wan still can’t even get Mace to consider his resignation
of course, Mace isn’t going to tell Obi-Wan that his efforts have backfired: this is the most entertainment Mace has had in YEARS, he’s wasn’t letting Obi-Wan quit before he started this, and now at least half the reason is that he wants to see what Obi-Wan’ll try next
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Headcanon that Luke and Obi Wan got the money to pay Han Solo by selling the moisture farm at bargain-basement prices in Anchorhead without telling anyone that it was totally torched, and by the time anyone find out they were well off planet. Luke now has a reputation as one of Tattooine’s most famous con men despite the fact that it was Obi Wan who ran the con.
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tim drake’s snapchat is 90% him making bruce wayne do normal middle-class american things and filming the results. popular youtube compilations include the one where they’re at denny’s at two in the morning and tim keeps trying to get bruce to order a moon over my hammy just so he’ll have to say it, the one where they’re at disneyworld and bruce gets increasingly frazzled culminating in him actually physically picking up gaston for reasons no one can entirely recall, and everyone’s favorite series “bruce wayne doesn’t understand walmart”
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The total area of solar panels it would take to power the world, Europe, and Germany
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Bruce praising the first 3 Robins and giving Damian guidance. This is what we need more of DC.
(I like how he sees the need for Jason’s methods, even though he doesn’t agree with them)
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I see a lot of coffee addict Tim posts but lbr the real coffee addict in the family is Bruce. He hasn’t had a full night of sleep since 1939, he has many children, he does not function in the morning before he’s had coffee. So please imagine:
Bruce has been awake for less than twenty minutes after sleeping for less than two hours, he’s just poured his first coffee of the day into a mega mug (it says “#1 superhero”. Jason gave it to him). He takes a blissful sip of the coffee and goes to leave the kitchen to do… things. Meeting at Wayne Enterprises, solve a case, whatever.
Alfred does not approve of caffeine as a substitute for food. He makes some pointed remark about Bruce not eating breakfast. (Again.)
So Bruce, still barely awake, just grabs the box of cereal on the counter which Dick had for breakfast and pours some into his mug. Alfred stares at him in horror. Bruce instantly regrets ruining his black-as-night coffee with sugary cereal, but he’s nothing if not dramatic and he’s committed now. He drinks the whole thing without breaking eye contact with Alfred.
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Damian Wayne: [turns on the bat cave’s computer and places his hand on the handprint scanner]
Computer: Welcome. Voice activation required.
Damian Wayne: Robin.
Computer: Access denied.
Damian Wayne: Damian Wayne.
Computer: Access denied.
Damian Wayne: Blood son.
Computer: Access denied.
Damian Wayne: Blood son!
Computer: Access denied.
Damian Wayne: …
Damian Wayne: Damn you, Drake… Demon spawn.
Computer: Welcome, Demon spawn.
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BDSM 101: Common Misconceptions Of Those Who Visit Tumblr's BDSM Community
Many who first come to view and explore the community of BDSM on Tumblr, enter with the incorrect assumption that they are entering a world with very informal relationships, as well as making certain assumptions about D/s types. What follows is a list of common misconceptions, and the truth behind them.
1. Submissive girls are up for grabs.
Submissive girls are either in a relationship, or they are not. If they are, they belong to no one but their own Dominant. No others have rights over them. If they are single, Submissives may choose to pursue relationships with their choice of Dominants. During this time, they belong to no one but themselves. No others have rights over them.
2. An existing relationship is no impediment for pursuing a submissive girl.
Most in the D/s community are monogamous. While some couples choose to find playmates, and some individuals are polyamorous, the law of the land is, if you see someone is already in a relationship, look for your next one elsewhere.
3. Submissive girls like to be called terms such as “princess”, “kitten”, “pet”, and “slave”.
These are terms of affection that are earned by a Dominant. Submissives do not want to be called these names by anyone they have not submitted to.
4. Submissive girls like to be referred to as “whore”, “slut”, and “cunt”.
Wrong again. Submissive girls who are into degradation like to be called these names by partners they choose, or by their Dominant. When a stranger uses one of these titles, it just feels like disrespect.
5. I can treat submissive girls any way I wish.
Just because they like to give up control, does not make them unworthy of your respect. In fact, they are due respect in spades for enabling Dominants the ability to explore their half of the power dynamic.
6. Dominant men expect others to hit on their submissive.
While some might enjoy being shown they have something that others want, the vast majority of Dominants prefer that their relationship be respected, and you keep your desires to yourself. Not sure is a submissive girl has a Dominant? Try asking.
7. There is nothing wrong with asking any submissive I meet to be my submissive.
D/s relationships require a high level of trust, which takes time to earn. Asking someone you just met to be your Submissive, is like asking that girl who you talked to a few times, that sits behind you in math class, to be your wife.
8. There is nothing wrong with asking any Dominant I meet to be my Dominant.
Again, it is entirely inappropriate to ask someone you just met to be your Dominant. Why would you give a near stranger such a high level of control over your day to day life?
9. Submissives are all alike.
Every submissive wants to do BDSM the way it works best for them. While many hold common traits, each is unique.
10. Dominants are all alike.
This is also incorrect. Not only do they each have their own appetites, but they adapt from relationship to relationship to provide the care and fill the needs of their current submissive.
While these guidelines are the general rule of the land, each person and relationship in the universe of BDSM is different. If you aren’t sure about something, sit back to observe and learn, or err on the side of caution and respect. Please enjoy visiting our community.
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No okay, but the more I think about it, the more I love the idea of Selina giving a ridiculous answer every time someone asks/implies that Damian is her son, especially if it happens in front of Damian.
“Oh my god, who’s this cutie?”
“I don’t know” *looks at Damian suspiciously* “Are you a thief? Did you come her to rob those poor, rich, completely clueless and annoying people of all their unnecessary, beautiful diamonds?”
(Damian is amused)
“Your son is so cute”
“He’s not my son, he’s my bodyguard and he’s dangerous, don’t come any closer to me, it’s for your own security.”
(Damian’s half offended and half pleased)
“Is this your son?”
“No, this is my cat. My son’s home, probably sleeping in his queen-size bed. No, wait, what is the difference between cats and children again? I forgot.”
(Damian is confused)
“Oh, you brought your son!”
“No, I brought my husband, what are you talking about” *turns to Damian* *screams* *falls to her knees to clutch Damian to her chest* “BRUCE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, YOU SHRUNK”
(Damian’s so done)
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Whoever is reading this, You are worth it. Your strong and perfect. Life can only get better. Please don’t selfharm, because You Are Beautiful. I love you all.
Please reblog this to share the love
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