maybemiles-blog · 8 years
ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ , (゚д゚), (゚⊿゚),(・∀・),(・A・)
ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ: How friendly is your muse around new people?
Pretty friendly. Miles isn’t the most naturally outgoing guy, especially toward strangers, but unless he’s got some sort of reason to behave otherwise, he’ll be perfectly cordial.
(゚Д゚): When your muse didn’t expect something, what do they do?
Miles has a tried-and-true method of dealing with unexpected occurrences: three minutes of panic, after which any lingering feelings of doubt are hermetically sealed away via aggressive compartmentalization.
(゚⊿゚) : Is your muse in denial a lot?
Not really, but when he is in denial, he denies hard.
(・∀・) : Does your muse like to tease people?
His friends, for sure. Maybe not a stranger, though.
(・A・) : What does your muse consider to be bad?
Disloyalty, wastefulness, and overall dickishness.
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
(`-´)> : Who does your muse honor the most? / ヽ(`Д´)ノ : What irritates your muse the most? / ( ゚ヮ゚) : When is your muse happiest? / ( ^_^)O自自O(^_^ ) : How often does your muse drink?
(`-´)> : Who does your muse honor the most?
His mother, no question.
ヽ(`Д´)ノ : What irritates your muse the most?
Long lines and ignorance. And people who are rude to service employees.
( ゚ヮ゚) : When is your muse happiest?
When he has a moment to himself to just live in the moment. Miles tends to spend all of his time worrying or working, so anything that allows him to relax makes him super happy.
( ^_^)O自自O(^_^ ) : How often does your muse drink?
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
Nobody warned Miles that holding direct eye contact with Keaton Brooks was akin to having your soul sucked out of your eyeballs. “I care about the details because I’m not an employee; technically, I’m an independent contractor whose present contract terms are pretty great, all things considered. You’ll have to excuse me of being wary of anyone who might rock the boat, even someone as charming as you, Mister Brooks.” It was all about the paycheck, at the end of the day. And the working conditions. And the treatment of the dancers. And - well, Miles could go on, as there were many reasons why Keaton Brooks could cause him problems. But thinking about that would ruin his careful compartmentalization; he could freak out when he wasn’t on the job.
Miles faked a gasp at Keaton’s challenge as he pocketed the bill. “Why, you aren’t doubting me, are you?” He followed Keaton’s line of sight to the stage. “Oh no, no,” he said, “You paid for a dance, so I’m all yours for the next couple of songs.” He stood from the bar, gesturing for Keaton to follow. As he led the other man to more comfortable, lounge-type seating, he recited the ground rules: “Just so we’re clear, no touching and no full nudity unless you get a VIP room. If I give you a lap dance - and spoiler alert, I will - then you can touch, but please don’t try anything weird.”
“But most importantly, rule number one is to have fun and be yourself,” Miles said with a wink, shimmying up on the table in front of Keaton with practiced ease. Here, Miles was in his element, denim-clad hips rolling steadily to the bass-line, joined by soft caresses along his body. Half-lidded eyes broke contact only when they rolled up or closed in pleasure. Call him shallow, but Miles always especially enjoyed dancing for attractive customers. His hands inched closer to the waistband of his jeans, which had slipped down to reveal a delicate, lacy strap. Head tipped coquettishly, Miles didn’t quite stop dancing, but made no motion to continue. “What d’you think,” He purred, “more?”
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It was with nothing but amusement in his brown eyes that Keaton listened to the male’s blunt speech, looking purely attentive all the same but still with traces of a devious undertone gracing his sharp features. “I’m glad to hear all of that,” the hotel owner responded, his voice as calm and unwavering as ever as he received the glass of Scotch from the bartender. There was no doubt in his mind that this place would soon be his, and while such a sense of overconfidence may have been unhealthy, it was what had helped him succeed through his past few years of being a young businessman. “But I am quite interested to know why you, a dancer here, are so curious of my future plans and what I can offer,” he spoke, his eyes locked intently on the other’s. “Normally, these are such affairs I’d speak to the current manager or owner about, but I’ve never seen an employee quite so concerned as yourself.” 
It was a trait Keaton appreciated rather than felt pestered by– he would expect any of his own employees to be on top of things and so invested in the place they worked to want to know of any happenings, but of course, the dancer’s reasoning could be completely different. Taking a sip of his drink, his eyes flickered in amusement as he felt the boy’s soft voice trail into his ear, wondering what exactly this “Brendan’s” game was. There was no doubt in his mind that it was a fake name, considering everyone knew that employees in this field would most likely never reveal their real names during work hours. 
“Let’s see what you’ve got,” the man replied in his deep husk, nodding towards the stage. “I have no preference when it comes to music– it’s your pick. I’d like to see if you can dance as well as you can talk.” Taking out his wallet, the male handed him a twenty, eyebrow raised. “Let me warn you, I’m holding you to high expectations already…”
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
(`・ω・´), ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ), ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
(`・ω・´) : What does your muse completely gush over?
Puppies, sales (particularly in the produce section at the grocery store), politics, porcupines - words that start with the letter “P”, in a broad sense.
( ^_^)O自自O(^_^ ) : How often does your muse drink?
Not super often. Because Miles is so busy, he usually only drinks socially, and even then, he limits himself since drunk!Miles is infinitely more flirty and prone to making poor decisions than normal!Miles.
ヽ(O`皿′O)ノ : Is your muse violent when angry?
Not particularly. An angry Miles is more likely to lash out verbally than physically.
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
☥, 文 // 💭
Send 💭 and my muse will blurt out what they are thinking about yours!
Did I leave my homework at Dallas’? Shit. It’s gonna get mixed up with his students’ papers - shit, wait, what if he brings home a hookup and it gets lost forever? Or worse? Dammit. I gotta call him.
Send in ☥ for my character’s reaction to receiving nude pictures from yours.
[ sent: dallas ] DUDE wrong number
[ sent: dallas ] nice pic tho? the lighting flatters ur ass gj
[ sent: dallas ] no i will not give you pointers on how to make your dick pics more appealing wtf im gonna delete ur number
                                                                 Save image?
                                                                Cancel ►Yes
Send in 文 for a confession from my character on what gets them hot.
Denial. Miles loves pushing his partner to the brink, only to pull away just before his partner can feel the bliss of release. He loves the sense of control he has over his partner, the sound of wanton begging and the feeling of hard dick aching for absolution - but can’t reach it, because Miles is the one pulling the strings. Does it make him a tease? Maybe. But he likes to think he makes the wait worth it, in the end.
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
Send me a face for a headcanon about my muse!
(`・ω・´) : What does your muse completely gush over?
_| ̄|○ : What situation would your muse give up in?
(`-´)> : Who does your muse honor the most?
(´;ω;`): What brings your muse into a state of
ヽ(´ー`)ノ : What calms your muse down?
ヽ(`Д´)ノ : What irritates your muse the most?
(#゚Д゚) : What does your muse do if they're angry?
( ´Д`) : Is your muse loud in bed?
( ゚Д゚) : What does your muse do when surprised?
┐('~`;)┌ : When your muse can't answer something, what
do they do?
(´∀`) : What could your muse care less about?
( ´_ゝ`) : Who or what is your muse most indifferent
Σ(゜д゜;) : Is your muse easily scared?
( ゚ヮ゚) : When is your muse happiest?
キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! : What does your muse do when
very excited?
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ : Does your muse like to cuddle?
( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ: Does your muse pat others on the
head? If not, do they get pat on their head?
(((( ;゚Д゚))): What is your muse terrified of?
Σ(゚Д゚): What would your muse be most shocked to obtain?
( ゚д゚): What amazes your muse?
(´ー`)y-~~ : Does your muse do any drugs? Smoke?
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) : How often does your muse drink?
ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ: How friendly is your muse around new people?
('A`) : What does your muse do when they're alone?
(´-`).。oO( ... ) : What does your muse think about a lot?
(゚Д゚;≡;゚Д゚): Is your muse impatient?
( ´д)ヒソ(´Д`)ヒソ(Д` ): Does your muse enjoy gossiping?
(・∀・)つ⑩ : Does your muse enjoy saving or spending money? Or are they indifferent?
(゚д゚): When your muse didn't expect something, what do they do?
(゚⊿゚) : Is your muse in denial a lot?
(・∀・) : Does your muse like to tease people?
(・A・) : What does your muse consider to be bad?
(゚∀゚) : If your muse was a drug, what kind would they be?
( つ Д `) : When your muse is sad, what do they do?
♪┏(・o・)┛♪ : Can your muse dance well?
d(*⌒▽⌒*)b : What makes your muse the happiest they could ever be?
(╬ ಠ益ಠ): What infuriates your muse to the point they may kill whatever it is?
(≧ロ≦): Is your muse a screamer in bed?
(ΘεΘ;): How much of a tsundere is your muse?
(‐^▽^‐): What does your muse's laugh sound like?
┌(;`~,)┐ : What discombobulates your muse?
ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ : How does your muse run?
ヽ(´▽`)/ : What does your muse look like when happy?
ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ : Is your muse violent when angry?
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
Sexual Sunday Meme - NSFW
Send in ☎ for my character's reaction to getting phone sex from yours
Send in ✉ for my character's reaction to getting a sext from yours
Send in ♌ for my character's reaction to being spanked by yours
Send in ❤ for my character's reaction to be propositioned by yours
Send in ✿ for my character's reaction to being fondled by yours
Send in ☥ for my character's reaction to receiving nude pictures from yours
Send in ★ for my characters reaction to yours asking them where babies come from
Send in ☀ for my character's reaction to yours exposing themselves
Send in -‘๑’- for my character's reaction to yours telling them to bend over
Send in ✥ for my character's reaction to finding out yours is a dominatrix
Send in ♍ for my character's reaction to yours telling them they are a virgin
Send in ❆ for my character's reaction to being tied up by yours
Send in ♉ for my character's reaction to suddenly being kissed by yours
Send in ❣ for my character suddenly being joined in the bathe by yours
Send in 文 for a confession from my character on what gets them hot
Send in ♚ for a confession from my character on what turns them off
Send in ♛ for a confession from my character on their kinks
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
Send 💭 and my muse will blurt out what they are thinking about yours!
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
tfw you’re pst (so still sunday night) and you log on to a bunch of memes like
what is this
am i in the future
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
Alina Baraz and Galimatias – “Fantasy”  Urban Flora (2015)
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
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Booboo Stewart
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
“No,” Miles immediately said. “No, no, that’s totally fine. In fact, the best thing you can do is burn them as soon as you find them and forget we ever had this conversation. Really.” Though he winced at the thought of basically burning money, it was worthy collateral. 
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She rose an eyebrow at Miles, getting a bit confused and yet curious as to what he had in mind. As soon as she heard his question though, she smirked. “Besides mine?” she asked jokingly. “No, I haven’t, but I’ll make sure to tell you if I do see one. Which is probably going to be difficult considering how many people live around here.”
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
“You know what?” Miles looked flatly at the stranger, color in his cheeks offsetting the utter lack of life in his eyes. “Fine. I’m gonna die of embarrassment either way, so if you really wanna play witness to my death by search for my panties, then it’s your time.” Miles visibly deflated after the tirade. “Shit. Did I say mine? I meant my friend’s. That.”
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The blue-eyed male couldn’t help but smirk at the boy’s question, amused “Red panties, you say? No, but there are a few yellow ones over there” he teased whilst pointing to the side before taking a deep breath “I can help you look for these panties for your friend though.”
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
“You should stop asking questions, I think,” Miles words were slightly muffled by his hands, in which his head was currently buried. He resisted the urge to correct the man about street hookers - because he could definitely attest to the fact that they were a rare breed of people more broke than himself and would definitely not leave a pair of panties out - and instead bit back: “But my, uh, friend has better things to do. And I...apparently don’t. I guess.”
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“Well I haven’t seen any street strippers around these parts in a while, so I think you might be looking in the wrong place,” Beau chuckled, blowing out smoke from the joint he was smoking while he waited to meet up with a customer, “Why’re they making you do their dirty work in the first place? Tell your friend to find their own damn panties if they mean so much.”
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
This conversation isn’t real. This isn’t an actual thing that’s happening. The mantra cycling through Miles’ head didn’t help at all. “They’re not,” he grudgingly admitted, “They’re mine, not my friend’s. And I really don’t want to buy another pair, because what self-respecting man goes out to buy panties? If they’re not here, the only place left for me to check is the coffee shop by my house. I guess you can...come with, if you want.”
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“Can I ask why you had your friend’s underwear in your laundry bag? Are you guys roommates or something?” Rinah rose an eyebrow, clearly amused as she leaned on the table. “No really, I’ll help. You seem desperate and I need something exciting to tell my grand kids.”
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
“That’s fine.” At the girl’s smile, it took all of Miles’ self-control not to shove his head in his hands. “Please don’t laugh at me. I’m already fairly mortified.”
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Aelin cracked a smile as she shook her head “Nope sorry I haven’t”
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maybemiles-blog · 8 years
“No!” Miles’ snapped reply was quick enough to be suspect. “There’s nothing to share beyond my current predicament.” However, he couldn’t help but be slightly relieved when Reese didn’t have the panties. Yes, Miles needed them, but he also wasn’t sure that he could handle Reese having them. “That’s fine. Really. I mean, kind of not really, but it’s for the best.”
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Reese looked at the other in disbelief, blinking a few times before slowly shaking his head to himself. “Anything you need to share with me, Miles?” he teased with his cheeky smirk, arching an eyebrow. “No, I haven’t seen any– sorry, mate.”
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