mayhvms · 5 years
i never realized that one day i would have to verbally tell someone that slipping benjamin franklin in my skirt as a tip isn’t cute. it’s honestly pretty fucked up. 
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          " that just sounds pathetic. how much of an idiot do you have to be to think someone would appreciate your hands anywhere near them? "  annoyance is laced deep into every fibre of her body as luna clicks her tongue in distaste -- almost disgust -- at the other's words.   " did you hit them? please tell me you hit them. "
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mayhvms · 5 years
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we interrupt your regularly scheduled program to introduce -- moi :)))) i’m isa, your resident dumbass libra, 21 and from the gmt+1 tmz, with pronouns she/her this here is my child mitsuha yes i named her after the your name character bc that movie owns ! my ! mf ! heart ! who also goes by the name luna so feel free to call her either one of those ! if you’d like to plot ( my discord is that queso 🧀 #2155 ), feel free to message this and i’ll come hound you for possible connections ! ok so let’s get down to business
sO for now i only have her stats/profile page up HERE but i should have a plots and bio page up ….. hopefully this week ??
but !! here we have miss minamoto mitsuha – or luna minamoto, whichever you prefer – born on august 10th as the love child of two adults in love, who were unfortunately not married to each other
in short: her dad – heir to one of japan’s biggest bank holding companies, already engaged to a woman of similarly high social status – fucks up and falls in love with mitsuha’s mom. the child is the price of their love – of thinking they could conquer society’s disapproval. the girl and her mom live comfortably – being the dirty little secret of a company ceo comes with a lavish lifestyle and anything they could ever ask for, and he stays for as long as he can without raising suspicion. it’s not long until his wife finds out and, humiliated of being the second choice, threatens with divorce – and with it, more than half of everything he has to his name, as well as airing out all his dirty laundry -- unless he forgets all about his other family. her dad, terrified of losing his money and reputation, stops visiting and cuts off all contact with them. half a year later, he comes back despite his wife’s ultimatum, but limits his visits to once a month. her mom’s overjoyed, mitsuha – not so much
so mitsuha grows up watching that fucked up cycle that her parents ( mainly her mom ) call love – this fills her head with the completely wrong idea of love and now she doesn’t really believe in it :/
moved to the usa when she was 20, used her dad’s money to buy an apartment in baltimore, took out a large enough sum to keep her comfortable for the next couple of years – and then cuts herself off from his bank account now, she’s on the hunt for a proper job. don’t be surprised to see her talking to herself, or pacing up and down a hallway – she’s probably practicing for an interview
she can honestly be pretty fake ?? the type of person to make you believe you’re best friends when in reality she couldn’t care less about you. mitsuha learns how to change her entire personality depending on who she’s around, in order to get whatever it is she needs – so she’s almost always around people, but most of the friendships she has are superficial bc of this
doesn’t actually like forming any sort of romantic attachment bc of what she’s seen happen to her parents so bring on ALL the one night stands and fwbs – but at the first sign of something more, she will most definitely ghost and avoid you for as long as possible
lowkey a sugar baby
in general, she’s a fun person to be around – v sociable, v charming – but she’s also got a very bad temper! can turn into a vindictive bitch if she really hates you
will offer fashion advice at any time of the day whether u ask her or not
VERY competitive and always willing to prove you wrong. you say she can’t do smth ?? just watch her as she does EVERY SINGLE THING in her power to try and succeed. ESPECIALLY if its smth small and insignificant
also LIVES for the adrenaline rush. speeding on a motorbike in the middle of the night with music @ full volume ? sneaking into the highest floors of buildings bc the view is amazing ?? almost getting arrested for pulling all this dumb shit ??? SHE’LL DO ALL OF IT AND MORE
is actually a p good cook but 90% of the time she can’t be bothered – so she basically lives off instant ramen and takeout food ://
the way to her heart is through snacks or constantly listening to her complaining about some tiny incident that had happened an hour ago that she’s already half forgotten but just let her SPEAK please
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mayhvms · 5 years
I love wearing lingerie under unassuming clothes
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mayhvms · 5 years
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mayhvms · 5 years
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mayhvms · 5 years
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mayhvms · 5 years
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mayhvms · 5 years
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mayhvms · 5 years
*buys nine new lipsticks to make up for the fact that I’m sad*
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mayhvms · 5 years
not everything is about you
that’s fucked up and i refuse to believe it
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mayhvms · 5 years
He licked his lips. “Well, if you want my opinion–” “I don’t,” she said. “I have my own.”
Toni Morrison, Beloved (via urbancatfitters)
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