mckaylaaponte · 7 years
Jenna’s nose has been a better detective than the whole of rosewood PD
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
Why do I feel like every interview I watch or every article I read Bethany isn't spoken about ..... That is one of the things that PISSED ME OFF ! Like really what was the point of her ? Just to kill Toby's mom ? Just to fill in a hole in the ground ? Out of everything idk why that makes me so mad but it dose im just ..... Im at lost for words #pll #bethanyyoung #plothole #whythehell #prettylittleliars Starting to think that the real lairs where the people in the wrighters room for the last 7 years ! Rant done
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
OMG yes
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Real Footage of alex mocking spencer
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
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Finale got me like
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
My thoughts exactly.
So Bethany was irrelevant in the end? 🤷🏽‍♀️
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
Pause. ....
What up with bethany ????
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
This is fucking scooby doo not Pll
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
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m-Aster theory: People lie, but DNA doesn’t.
a man and woman with dark hair are trying to hurt Ali
- Wren & Spencer’s Twin + Melissa protecting Spencer from her
Wren: “I know a doctor that can get you on the pill without your mom knowing” -Alison Dilaurentis
He’s been around since the beginning and recently spotted with a strange acting Spencer (cough, twin).
He has money (a fancy apartment, nice suits etc) which could fund everything A has and does. 
Mental Illness: He mentioned his dad has a mental illness which means it could also be hereditary and could explain his obsession with Ali + the girls
Charlotte: He could’ve been close to Charlotte/Charles through Radley
Radley: He has access to everyone in Radley, he could help get Mona in and out and he also helped Cece (Charles) visit.
Suits: He owns suits which head -A apparently does
Drugs: He has access to drugs and the girls have been drugged many times
Connections: Cece/Charlotte/Charles, Melissa, Mona, Spencer, potentially her twin. 
Doctor: He’s known for “playing with body parts” as A put it
British: the british spelling of Nosey
Hopkins: was written on a box of -As which is a medical institution
OCD: All the -A hoodies and suits are lined up very precisely. Spencer jokes about him having OCD when she goes to his apartment.
Vodka: A drinks vodka as does Wren
Writing: He capitalises his letters and writes in red pen, just like -A (also he forgot the G)
Motels: He stays at motels (earlier in the seasons) and we know A has a thing for seclusion and motels.
Piano: Wren has a piano in his house and A plays the piano
Funeral: he was at Alison’s funeral..WHY?
4x03: song about shoulder bones and hip bones.
Co-owner: and what is this business/apartment that involves him and Melissa?
Drawings: The drawing Wren has looks very similar to the drawing in Ezra’s friends apartment, could they be working together?
Melissa: “Girls fight much dirtier than boys�� -Alison Dilaurentis
Melissa says she is trying to protect Spencer..from her twin?
-Hide and Seek: There are several references to hide and seek and that was apparently Melissa and Spencer’s game to play. Melissa could’ve been trying to protect Spencer somehow with this. 
-Queen of Hearts: Melissa admitted to being the queen of hearts (AND THE BLACK SWAN) and she was the one who drugged Aria (who do we know that has access to drugs? WREN)
Toffee: There is that random toffee reference that Mona makes and Melissa is eating (even though aria tells her the flavour she is the one eating it)
Mask: she had a mask just like Alison’s
Wren: she was the one who started out dating wren, she can get drugs from him and there’s this random housing connection..
Cece/Charlotte/Charles: Seems to have fuelled the entire -A game. Connections to the Dilaurentis and Drake families (including Spencer), Lucas, Wren, Ezra (the lair). 
She could’ve been feeling abandoned when along came another sibling (Spencer’s twin) that was similar to her (outcast, mentally ill etc).
With Spencer’s drug abuse and gaps in memory, this could be due to a twin drugging her (with help from Wren) or just her type A nature and need for perfection, either way it could’ve been taken advantage of and her twin stepped in to mess things up. 
The initial ‘I think I heard her scream’ Spencer seemed off, and I ALWAYS thought she did it when I first saw it. Now we know Spencer was out of it but it could’ve been her twin. 
Melissa constantly acted sketchy but said it was to protect Spencer. Maybe by being ‘in’ with Wren and -A, she was able to shield her somewhat.
Her breakdown: It could be a hereditary mental illness which her twin suffers from as well. 
The creepy singing to Hanna, that seems like her twin, not her.
When Melissa was ‘caught’ with Cece aka Charles fighting, I believe Spencer was drugged and her twin was running around and that’s when Melissa realised, or something along those lines. 
Wren could’ve been in love with Spencer’s twin and helping Charlotte because they are both Drake’s/siblings.
It’s a stretch but it just seems like there’s a Wren/Melissa/Charles-Charlotte/Spencer’s Twin connection. 
There is A LOT of family drama/connections between the Dilaurentis/Drake/Hastings family so it’s probably linked to that.
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
The Endgame Puzzle - What Can You See?
Everybody has said that the puzzle pieces look like Bethany Young’s drawings and I definitely agree so I edited a screenshot from the promo for the next episode and once I saw a certain picture in my head of what it could be, I can’t unsee it - it’s pretty hard to explain so bare with me here. This is it flipped 180, so the opposite way that anyone would see it looking down at the board the right way, obviously. 
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Point A - looks like a head/face looking upwards and their hair falling back behind them. As though they’re standing looking up at someone above them.
It seems as though the the person who drew the photo was looking down to this person, like this…
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Point B - These lines reminded me of an octagon we’ve seen before around someone…
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I know Bethany was buried lying down and the hole wasn’t deep enough for her to be standing up BUT the drawing looks so similar to ones in Bethany’s book…
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I always thought the drawings in Bethany’s book were drawn by another person, since it seems, she is in most of them from another’s POV. She could of asked someone to draw for her? Eddie Lamb, Wren, Charlotte, a friend who is yet to be revealed (Lucas or Jenna)…  and so the drawing is theirs of what they imagined Bethany went through when she was buried alive. They might want the girls to suffer for it - did they even figure out what actually happened to her? 
It could also be to represent Mona and what she went through in the dollhouse. She had been in there alone a lot longer than the girls and still through everything she does, she’s yet to be seen as ‘one of them.’ Plus, Mona did hit Bethany so this could be her way of making up for that. You made me hurt her when it should of been one of you…
And lastly, it could be a hint towards Melissa since she buried Bethany.
What do you guys see? I think I’ve genuinely gone mad staring at it for too long…
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
Is it alright for a dude to watch and enjoy pll? Because I'm one of them (I'm straight btw) and I've been afraid to address it because I feel like I'm going to be judged, even though I watch the show only because of the mystery and all of that, but these past seasons have been lacking of these features and I hate it when it only involves romance. Do you think it is ok for a straight dude to watch this kind of show? It's weird because I hate Gossip Girl and they're very similar
It’s alright for anyone to do anything they want to do as long as it’s not harming themselves or other people. Watching PLL definitely doesn’t inflict harm (maybe for you because it can be painful to watch….) so yes, it is absolutely ok that you watch it.
If anyone genuinely judges you for this I will be shocked. There’s so much bad shit happening in the world and they wanna get mad over a boy watching a TV show….. Imagine if we all just let people enjoy things!
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
Is it alright for a dude to watch and enjoy pll? Because I'm one of them (I'm straight btw) and I've been afraid to address it because I feel like I'm going to be judged, even though I watch the show only because of the mystery and all of that, but these past seasons have been lacking of these features and I hate it when it only involves romance. Do you think it is ok for a straight dude to watch this kind of show? It's weird because I hate Gossip Girl and they're very similar
It’s alright for anyone to do anything they want to do as long as it’s not harming themselves or other people. Watching PLL definitely doesn’t inflict harm (maybe for you because it can be painful to watch….) so yes, it is absolutely ok that you watch it.
If anyone genuinely judges you for this I will be shocked. There’s so much bad shit happening in the world and they wanna get mad over a boy watching a TV show….. Imagine if we all just let people enjoy things!
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
Final list of reasons why Bethany Young HAS to be important to the endgame in some way
Here are all my reasons why Bethany’s name just has to pop up in this final season. Not saying she’s AD (but she very well could be!) - but at absolute minimum, she is important to the story in some capacity.
1) Dr Cochran said that he delivered two of Mary’s babies - one went to Jessica (Charlotte), the other went to family county services (???) and Veronica confirmed that Spencer went to her. So, there is a third unknown child who grew up in Radley. Who do we know of that grew up in Radley? Bethany. 
“Embrace your darkness. I had to. That’s how you win the game. - A.D” This just sounds like someone was forced to live in Radley and ‘put up with it’. They can cry about their life everyday, or they can soak up their circumstances and use it to, oh I dunno, play the A game. Bethany?
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2) Dr Cochran referred to the second unknown baby as “underweight but tenacious” which is exactly the words that the writers chose for Toby to call Spencer. They were foreshadowing the similarities between the second baby (Bethany) and Spencer because Bethany is Spencer’s twin.
3) The Aunt Jessie incident. Mary wanted to be close to her daughter (Bethany). She pretended to be Jessica because Jessica was on the board of Radley and was allowed to sign out patients. Bethany started calling Mary “mum” which will blow Mary’s cover - she’s not supposed to be out of Radley - she’s pretending to be Jessica, after all. So, Mary demanded she call her “Aunt Jessie”.
4) Jessica told Mary that the Charles grave is real. This was a huge lie. Could this be why Bethany drew Jessica like this? Bethany thought her sister was dead. (No wonder Mary pretended to be Jessica by sleeping with Peter. She wanted to punish her sister.)
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5) The only boy this could possibly be is Charles. So the fact that Bethany was drawing Charles being taken away from her (adopted by Jessica), means that the loss of Charles was important. It’ll make sense for Bethany to be A.D and wanting to avenge Charlotte’s death. The signs of Bethany being angry at the loss of Charlotte is in this picture.
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6) What the hell?
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Has this got anything to do with the fact that Bethany (a talented artist) never draws her face? Well, it’s tricky to answer because we’ve already seen her face: Troian’s face! She’s Spencer’s twin. Mary had ‘two Spencers’. 
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7) Charlotte called Wren to tell him that Melissa buried Bethany - what if that wasn’t Charlotte trying to break up Wren and Melissa, but instead, she was just trying to get justice for Bethany by ruining the life of the one who killed her (Melissa killed Bethany as she died from suffocation). This is again foreshadowing the strong connection between Charlotte and Bethany. (Assuming she is dead.)
8) If Bethany really is Spencer’s twin, that means the flashback on the roof with Marion wasn’t depicted properly. Since Charlotte is older than Spencer and therefore older than Spencer’s twin, Charlotte would’ve been older than Bethany. They weren’t the same age. Essentially, the error was NOT that Toby and Alison looked like teenagers when Marion was alive. The error was that Charlotte looked so young. She wasn’t that young.
9) Why would Sara Harvey care about sending letters to Bethany’s parents? This could be Bethany telling her parents that she is alive and well.
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OR, maybe that was Sara Harvey, who, under orders from Charlotte, had to send Bethany’s parents flowers. That still highlights the important relationship Charlotte and Bethany had.
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10) Was this Bethany in 420?
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11) Did Spencer’s twin kill Yvonne? Did the twin provide poisonous those butterscotch biscuits that Yvonne was eating in 713? That could’ve been AD’s dangerous way of doing her sister a favour. “Oh c’mon sis, I know you love Toby. I was doing you a favour!”
The point of this post isn’t really to jump to conclusions; she may be dead, alive, A.D,, a helper, or just another one of Mary’s children. Point being that she is important in some way and I can’t wait to see how. I will be 100% disappointed in the endgame if her name is not even mentioned in some way. I’ll be sure to update this if I think of more reasons as to why she is important to the story!
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
A.D = Avery Drake
It all starts at Radley - all roads lead back to Radley, Dr Cochran said he delivered “two (Cece and Spencer) of Mary’s babies” suggesting she possibly had more.
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I think the night Spencer was born, a second baby was born. Veronica was outside Radley in a car while Peter was inside. 
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After Spencer was born, a second baby was born; one that Peter hadn’t accounted for, he couldn’t face having to deal with two children. So he pretended that just one child was born - Spencer, Spencer only escaped being left in Radley because she was born first.
The second child born was Avery - Avery Drake. We have seen her multiple times, but only once as a child. Remember the dancing girl from Spencer’s dream?
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Avery spent the first part of her life in Radley, where she gets to know Cece, without realising they’re related, and Bethany Young, the three become very close friends.
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Eventually, Avery shows she should be allowed out of/ runs away from Radley, the same way Cece was, however she chose not to spend her time in Rosewood. She spent her time in Courtland - where she made friends with Sara Harvey.
Avery was part of the group that Emily and Hanna met, however she was not at the meeting because she was preoccupied with Radley/the A Game.
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We were told Avery was struggling with the disappearance of Sara, but she knew Sara was safe the whole time - she was worried about Bethany, after she vanished on labour day (when Mona hit her over the head and Melissa buried her alive)
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Both Avery and Cece struggled with not knowing what happened to Bethany - until Mona arrived at Radley. Mona revealed to Avery about Spencer, and Avery clocks that she’s spent her life in a mental hospital while her twin had a luxury life, this is enough to drive anyone crazy. 
Due to the sub-conscious guilt of deep down knowing she killed Bethany, while on her meds, Mona lies and says that it was Spencer and her friends. 
That is Cece and Avery’s motives to play the game with Mona.
Mona = Black Hoodie
Cece = Redcoat
Avery = Black Widow 
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Sara Harvey had no reason to disguise herself, Spencer’s twin does.
Although Cece and Avery kept themselves hidden from Mona, they begun to fear she may remember them from her time at Radley and reveal them to the girls, so they stole the game off her. 
Avery and Cece continued the game with the soul purpose of revenge for the girls killing Bethany.
For unknown reasons, they decided to end the game in 6x10, however, Cece agreed to take the fall for Avery so that Avery could enjoy her life free. Cece lied about her story in order to protect her, and Sarah Harvey agreed to join as she was friends with Avery and heard her story.
After Cece gave up 5 years of freedom for Avery, to then be murdered, Avery started the game again in order to avenge her death. 
Avery has lost the only things she ever had; Bethany and Cece. She has nothing left to live for, and that’s why she’s ending the game, after she finds out who killed Cece - she has nothing left to lose.
A.D = Avery Drake.
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Notice how all the liars have only one eye shown, but Spencer has two - hinting she has a twin.
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The scene in which A is seen in the zoo, she matches Spencer.
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
List of PLL questions!
Here I have almost every single (mystery) plot point the show has ever done. I hope this increases enjoyment of the series because it’s great knowing that things actually do make sense despite not getting answers explicitly (we need to dig for them)!
Keep reading
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
Okay guys, so here is my theory. It’s long so bear with me. I hope you’re convinced with this one
In this theory, I will tell you who Uber A is. Who killed Charlotte. Who killed Jessica. How every character is involved in the story. What the initials A.D. stand for. Everything that we are yet to know at this point. 
Who is Uber A? There are two people. A twin of a character we know and her helper. We have an identical twin among us that has been behind everything that we are yet to know. Bethany Young is the twin and she is Uber A. The show is coming in full circle. She killed Jessica, Charlotte, Sara Harvey, etc. Uber A and Charlotte’s killer ARE the same person. She is not here to avenge anyone’s death like they want us to believe. She’s here for revenge for having her life ruined. 
They promoted this new A as the deadliest and most twisted A of all the As (and the one who loves the game the most). That description doesn’t fit with someone who is avenging someone’s death. 
It all starts with Bethany and Charles. The night Marion Cavanaugh died. According to Charlotte, Bethany pushed Marion Cavanaugh and blamed her. This isn’t true. Charlotte killed Marion, Bethany witnessed it, and Jessica covered it. Charlotte blamed Bethany but Jessica paid Wilden to rule it out as a suicide. Flashbacks aren’t always true. It’s visualized on what the person is saying. Jessica wouldn’t cover up the murder if Bethany did it. That’s why in Bethany’s recordings we would hear her saying to someone “she’s a bitch, she’s an evil bitch!” It’s not clear as to who was she talking about but it was definitely Charlotte or Jessica. Bethany drew pictures of Jessica with horns and the word ‘liar’ all over it
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Charlotte lied in her story so Alison and the rest of the liars would feel bad for her. This is why some of the things don’t make sense. A big part of her story was a damn lie. Charlotte is the biggest liar on the show. Everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie. Bethany got payback after the time jump by murdering Charlotte and throwing her off the bell tower, just like Charlotte pushed Marion from Radley. What I love about this is that Uber ‘A’ is putting the girls through hell to find Charlotte’s killer when she is the one behind it.
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Who’s Bethany’s twin? Spencer Hastings. Mary Drake had Spencer and Bethany. Both are identical twins. One was locked up in Radley and the other one lived the perfect life. Before you all say “Bethany was two years older than Spencer and the rest of the girls” Charles was supposedly older than Jason but in reality they were the same age. Jessica and Kenneth came up with that lie to keep the adoption a secret from everyone else as it was revealed in 6x20. Bethany’s information was made up to keep her a secret from everyone. 
Peter Hastings was responsible for this and this is why he wanted Toby to stop investigating his mom’s death and sign the papers to close Radley back in season 4. The more he was investigating the more got to the truth. 
This is why we never saw her face when she escaped Radley. She has Spencer’s face. And this is going to be the ultimate final twist the writers already talked about. Lets be real, if she was a random girl we would see her face. They could’ve casted literally any blonde for this scene and they would show us her face. We still have yet to see her face as a teenager
One of the biggest mysteries on the show are Bethany’s drawings. There is a drawing of a woman falling (Marion), the picture of a demon (Jessica) taking a kid (Charles) away. We also see pictures of her but they’re all distorted. We can’t see her face
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This makes me believe that she has part of her face disfigured or doesn’t want to show her face AND this is why Uber A wears masks
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In 7x08, Spencer and Aria go visit Dr. Cochran and he tells the girls that he helped Mary delivered “Two OF her babies” as opposed to her “two babies” hinting about another child. Mary was giving Spencer hints about a twin in the premiere telling her how much she and Melissa looked alike. 
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This is one of my favorite scenes from 7A because Mary was indirectly telling Spencer her relationship with her parents and how they met a long time ago leaving Spencer confused
What does Sara Harvey have to do with everything? Sara was killed for knowing too much. She was a girl from another town involved in all this mess. Sara ran way from her home and Charlotte kidnapped and forced her to be her accomplice. She used her as a decoy in all the stuff that she was planning to do like “The Lodge Fire”. She knew stuff about Charlotte and was going to tell the girls and run away but Uber A was outside her room waiting to kill her. Never underestimated “A”. It happened with Jessica, Mona and finally to Sara. 
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I hate to say this but Sara wasn’t the real Black Widow. The real Black Widow is Bethany. I have proof of this. The first time we were introduced to the Black Widow was in the season 4 premiere titled “A is for A-L-I-V-E” (the title is a clue). Her introduction was really creepy and weird. It felt like a new character that was VERY connected to the story. Whoever this person is did NOT want to be seen in public because either they’re supposed to be dead, they are secret twin of someone or they are looking for them and that’s why she was wearing a mask and we can see this at the end of the episode
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In 7x01 when the girls see the fake Hanna hanging in the bell tower. There was a clue that leads back to 4x01. Caleb looks at this phone and it’s 4:01 a.m. The writers tend to use numbers as clues. The episode where we are introduced to Black Widow
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Black Widow had the girls as dolls at the lair. Sara may have been bad but having the girls as their dolls is completely twisted and it doesn’t fit her with character. Sara wasn’t wearing a mask when she lifted up her veil. I’m pretty sure the writers did this on purpose so we could catch the fakeness of Charlotte’s story.
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Another thing that doesn’t make sense about her story. She shot Wilden twice. Lets be real here. She would know if he was really dead after shooting him. Why would she need Sara to go and check if he was really dead? This makes absolutely no sense. Here is more proof that Bethany is the real Black Widow. Toby was getting messages to take the RV and he would know what really happened to his mom. Who would know what happened to his mom? The witness. -A was helping Toby solve his mom’s mysterious death
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What I’m about to say I believe no one has said it before. Bethany was working with Mona but Mona didn’t know who she was working for. Mona created the A game so Bethany could finish it. This has always been Bethany’s game. Mona loved playing the game and the last thing she would do was to reveal herself. Someone KNEW what Mona had done that night Alison disappeared and Mona was being blackmailed about it. She had no other choice than to reveal herself. How do I know this? Easy, Mona saying to Spencer “Either you join the A-Team, or you disappear” 
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And of course Mona’s monologue when she’s admitted for evaluation: “I know they’re watching me, I don’t look bad considering… I like this lipstick, what’s it called? Toffee tango? (voice changes) They think it’s over, Loser Mona is going to the nuthouse and those precious liars are going home to sleep with their windows open and their doors unlocked. Don’t they know that’s what WE want?”
Okay there’s been theories that it was Charlotte talking after Mona but it’s impossible because Charlotte was a patient at Radley and met Mona later during her stay. Whoever was talking was helping Mona all along and she was present in the season 2 finale. She was at the masquerade party. She was right in front of us wearing a red dress with a full mask. The camera focuses on her. She has been watching them all along. Scary, huh? 
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Now. I will talk about her helper. Her helper is Dr. Wren Kingston. Wren has been an A-team member since the beginning. Mary sent him to Rosewood check on The Hastings and the only way to continue reporting her what the Hastings were doing was to get engaged to Melissa Hastings but he fell for Spencer and everything was ruined
I will give you the biggest clue that Wren is “the helper”
In 7x01, we see Mary talking to someone on the phone and according to Mona, “It’s definitely a man. I think he has an accent. Maybe Aussie, maybe British. Note: This can’t be Rollins because Mary and Rollins were not in touch for a couple of days
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Something that hasn’t been explained is why Wren suddenly decided to volunteer in Radley when Mona was admitted there. He volunteered to continue the A game but with a new leader (Charlotte DiLaurentis). Eddie Lamb suspected and knew all along that Wren was bad news
The infamous visitor’s pass. Wren didn’t make the pass for Charlotte. it was for Bethany but under the name CeCe Drake. She used Charlotte’s “alias” when she had her out privileges. She was sneaking into Radley under that name to visit Mona under the Red Coat disguise. That pass couldn’t have been for Charlotte because she was already a patient. All she needed was to get out of her room and visit her. Why would she need a visitor’s pass?
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Mona said to the liars in 3x24 “that she made a deal with the devil and she gave her a way in and out of that place” Charlotte wasn’t giving her a way in and out of Radley because she needed Mona to get out of that place without anyone noticing as she stated in 6x10. Mona was talking about someone else
Only someone who works or was a patient for a long time knows the exits and secret doors. Bethany escaped Radley so she would know the secret exits
Uber A was visiting Mona and she’s the one who really stole the game from her. She manipulated Charlotte to play the game. Telling her anonymously what to do. Just like Mona, Charlotte was addicted to the A game so why would she just give herself up? Someone was telling her what to do. 
In 6x10, Mona tells that girls that she didn’t tell CeCe about them but somebody at Radley did start sending her riddles and twisted rhymes. More proof that someone else was seeing her. 
In the 7B promo, we see Mona telling someone “there’s has always been somebody watching, manipulating. By this we can assume that Uber A has been manipulating everyone since the beginning
The last time we hear about Wren is in 6x17 in a flashback of Hanna and Melissa in a restroom. According to Melissa, he was in contact with Charlotte when she was at Welby. Melissa tells Hanna that Charlotte ruined her relationship with him because he found out that she killed the girl in the grave. Wren was blackmailing Melissa about this throughout 6B. This is why Melissa was terrified if someone else had the tape confession because someone was targeting her.
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Now the last question. Who’s in the grave? A stranger that was killed and buried with the outfit. Grunwald rescued Alison and someone with a red sleeve rescued Bethany. There are two different scenes with two people wearing different clothes and rescuing someone. Whoever was identified was killed and buried with the yellow top outfit
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Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Say hello to Uber A
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You can follow me on twitter @boyfataie if you want to discuss it
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
It is bittersweet that I present to you my last ever theory for Pretty Little Liars. I apologise in advance for the insane length, but this is covering all those frustrating loose ends across the entire series. I hope you can make it to the end so we can discuss. My only fear for this theory is that it is too daring and gutsy; it would re-define the show we thought we knew. Are the writers willing to ‘go there’ in just 10 episodes? I don’t know! Regardless if this is all right, partially right, or so damn wrong, I hope you have as much fun reading this as I did putting this together the past two months! For the last time before the show ends… I hope you enjoy!
Keep reading
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mckaylaaponte · 7 years
*NEW* Pretty Little Liars Endgame (Alternative)
Whilst I still stand by my first endgame theory, today I want to explore an alternative way the endgame could potentially unfold. 
One day at Radley, Charlotte accidentally pushed Marion Cavanaugh off the roof. Jessica, who was on the board at Radley, agrees to help her niece Charlotte by ruling Marion’s death a suicide, but internally within Radley, Charlotte blamed Bethany for it. Charlotte reversed the roles when telling her story to the liars in 610 so that they would feel sorry for her. 
Jessica feels bad that an innocent patient, Bethany, was blamed for something her niece did so she signs Bethany out of Radley to adopt and ride a horse. Considering she helped Charlotte get away with it, it is the absolute least Jessica can do. But Bethany isn’t appreciative of these sympathetic gifts because she knows that Jessica is having an affair with her father. Jessica asks Bethany to call her “aunt Jessie” as a way of saying “I’m not having an affair with your father, I’m just a long lost aunt hence I’ve been around your father lately!” Bethany throws a tantrum and buckets after Jessica’s lies. “Is it like mother like daughter?” and “can I trust anyone in that family?” says Bethany in her recordings. Bethany’s hatred is building towards two dead characters, ‘mother and daughter’ Charlotte and Jessica. (Even young Charles thought they were a part of the DiLaurentis family for quite some time.)
After Charles’ funeral, Charlotte’s doctors let her go, out of belief that trapping a transgender patient in a mental asylum isn’t doing any good. And, she’s apparently been making progress… again, Bethany was blamed for Charlotte’s fatal mistake. She never returned to Radley as Charlotte: she was free to walk the streets of Rosewood. She created the new alias CeCe Drake, after having found out about her birth mother Mary Drake (although having still never met her). CeCe attended college and shared a roommate, explaining how she knew everyone at Eric Kahn’s party and perhaps how she slipped into the Rosewood High yearbook. This also explains why Charlotte needed a visitors pass to see Mona in Radley, as she was no longer a patient that can sneak down the hall. 
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During college, CeCe and Noel happened to be at the same frat party. Noel accidentally pushed a girl down the stairs, but of course the bystander ex-Radley patient gets the blame for it. As a result, Charlotte is kicked out of college for something Noel did. Hence Noel helped Charlotte in the dollhouse; he felt he owed something to Charlotte. He took something from her that she worked extra hard for. 
While CeCe was off beginning her new life in Rosewood (still before ‘that night’), Bethany was still in Radley, taking medication that should have Charlotte’s name on it, drowning in her own drool. That’s sure to drive her crazy. 
“That night”, Bethany escaped with the intent of killing Charlotte as revenge for ruining her life. Jessica, who was Bethany’s caretaker at Radley, got a call that night from Radley workers informing her that Bethany has escaped. “I’m very worried, please send someone”, said Jessica, knowing how much Bethany hates her and her niece. A war was brewing. Charlotte wanted to hurt Bethany before Bethany harms anyone. Charlotte accidentally hit Ali instead of Bethany, but thankfully Mrs. Grunwald came to Ali’s rescue. “I swear I thought it was Bethany, mum” cried Charlotte.
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Mona hit Bethany with a shovel thinking she was hitting Ali; she hated Ali that much. The purpose of a psychic saving Ali was because only a psychic could know to come back to Rosewood and save another person: Bethany Young. Mrs Grunwald sensed more danger and went and saved Bethany. I don’t like supernatural elements as much as the next person, but it exists, and we have to acknowledge it and use it.
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Notice how the person saving Ali/Bethany is different in the two instances. TWO people were pulled out of the dirt. (Red sleeve vs no sleeve.)
Bethany Young is alive. Bethany Young is Uber A and AD, which stands for After Death. Whilst there have been many deaths over the seasons, Bethany’s “death” was THE death that started it all and so it’s very iconic for her to go by AD. We know AD has to be someone who has access to medical records, as they leaked Yvonne’s abortion and Veronica’s sickness. Who better than someone who successfully faked her death? 
Bethany couldn’t stand the idea of that bitch Charlotte getting 5 years treatment and then getting to go home with her family, happily ever after. As revenge, Bethany killed Charlotte the exact same way that Charlotte killed Marion and blamed her for it: Charlotte was pushed off a building (bell-tower). 
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Here is our clue from the writers that we should be looking at Bethany. In the (FAKE) flashback we saw of Bethany, she was wearing this red sweater.
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Yet we saw someone in an awfully similar red sweater walk into the bell-tower the very night Charlotte was killed: Bethany? Again, even though it was a fake flashback and that red sweater doesn’t technically exist, it is the writers foreshadowing. 
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And if it wasn’t already clear, Bethany killed Jessica, too… the affair that could’ve teared apart her family forever (Bethany might have become related to Charlotte, that thought scared Bethany!) and Jessica also helped Charlotte get away with pushing Marion. Jessica had to go. Season 5A made it extremely easy to guess that Melissa and/or Peter killed Jessica with Peter’s drugs, and hence they lied about where they were the night she was killed. Yet, here we are in 7A, and the writers still haven’t confirmed Melissa and Peter’s involvement. For that reason, I believe the answer is elsewhere. If it really was Melissa and Peter, that could’ve been confirmed years ago. If it really was Melissa and/or Peter, why is it being extended into season 7B? Because there’s more to the story. It was Bethany.
Bethany/AD chooses to frame Melissa for Charlotte’s murder. Out of all people in Rosewood, why did the killer chose Melissa? Because Melissa has a motive that would make sense in front of a jury: Charlotte sent Wren the video of Melissa confessing to burying Bethany the actual person in the grave, which lead to Wren breaking up with her. Melissa’s relationship crumbled, combined with the simple fact that Charlotte is in possession of a video that could destroy Melissa’s reputation forever, is why Bethany decided Melissa is the perfect candidate to frame: she would have a motive to want Charlotte dead. 
Bethany stole Melissa’s suitcase, broke the handle and bashed Charlotte’s head with it. She then put the suitcase back before Melissa notices it’s missing… or did she? Whilst unpacking her clothes, Melissa says in 613 “I know I had more clothes in here”. Evidently Melissa’s suitcase was tampered with. 
Melissa was the person sending unsigned, emoji texts throughout 6B. She was being harassed by Bethany, that if she doesn’t admit to killing Charlotte or find another killer before the end of the election night, her confession video will be shared with everyone. 
How did Bethany even get her hands on this video? From Wren. As we know, Charlotte sent the video to Wren so clearly Wren is in possession of this video. The reason he instantly ended his relationship with Melissa is because Bethany is his sister and he was mad that Melissa potentially killed his sister and didn’t say anything. Of course, she’s alive now, but what a big secret that is to keep.
As Emily stated in 617 after being attacked, “there’s definitely 2 people after us”. Bethany wanted Emily to touch the suitcase handle (why not have a second person to frame?) whilst Melissa was the one trying to get it back to save herself.
Marlene has said there is one question she can’t wait to answer, but she can’t tell us what this question is because the question itself is a spoiler. That question is precisely “who is actually in the grave?“ The answer is one that makes total sense: Alison’s twin. This also explains how the Jane Doe was identified as Alison in the first place: similar DNA.
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They foreshadowed this in 513 by showing a dead Alison in a grave. This was the writers telling us that YES, despite all complications, there really is an Alison in the grave. We already have twins; Mary and Jessica. However, scientifically, twins CAN give birth to twins. So, it is possible to have another set of twins involved in the endgame. Also, Marlene has explicitly said that “we won’t see Courtney”. We may never actually find out the name of Ali’s twin. It doesn’t matter. They aren’t alive, they aren’t A like in the books. We will never see them. They are DEAD. 
It’s also possible that the person in the grave is a random girl we’ve never met before - probably one of the many new cast members joining the finale.
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This is tricky to answer for 2 reasons:
- At the time of this Tweet, Marlene knew there will be a FAKE flashback involving Bethany in 610. Ignore that flashback COMPLETELY. It never happened. That was Charlotte retelling a story of lies.
- There is before the incident regarding her face,
- There is after the incident regarding her face.
What incident?
One day whilst on temporary release, Bethany was with Jenna in Jenna’s garage. Alison and her friends threw fireworks inside and as a result, Jenna was blinded and Bethany was burnt. This is how the show is coming full circle as we are circling right back to the stories of season 1. Bethany hates Ali and the girls for the permanent damage she has suffered. 
Alison blamed Toby for ‘The Jenna/Bethany Thing’ which Bethany assumes means that Toby was involved, too. Hence, in a true moment of anger right after her name was announced to the public on television, Bethany blew up Toby’s house. 
Note that Bethany never shows her face in her pictures. This is not laziness by any means, she is actually a brilliant artist.
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So whilst Bethany is framing Melissa for Charlotte’s murder, she is harassing the Liars over it too because they ruined her life.
Bethany/AD is walking around Rosewood in masks. Her face is deformed, on top of the fact that she’s supposed to be dead. She cannot show her face. Further, 6A revealed that Bethany Young shared a room in Radley with Leslie Stone. That same season we saw Leslie with boxes of glasses identical to those that AD has been wearing. Leslie knows Bethany is alive and she was trying to locate her long lost friend - she found her!
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Bethany shot Spencer as not only revenge for burning her (The Jenna/Bethany Thing), but for being the one to bash her over the head that night. Of course, Spencer didn’t actually do it (Mona did) but since everyone in Rosewood thought it was Spencer, Bethany later latched on to this popular belief. (Note: if Alison survived a rock to the head, Bethany survived a bashing to the head, too. Heightened reality, unfortunately.) 
This message was from Bethany: 
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Again, note the blacked face.
This Black Veil person from 401 was Bethany. CeCe’s story of who this person was, revolved around Sara Harvey pulling off a veil to reveal her face, but in reality, there is a (BURNT) Alison mask underneath that veil. CeCe’s version couldn’t be true as Sara never had a mask when she entered the limo. Sara never saw the girls as dolls - Sara was just Charlotte’s decoy, so it makes no sense for Sara to have been playing dolly earlier… This is Uber A.
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Why would Sara Harvey care about Bethany Young? She doesn’t. Below is Bethany sending flowers to her family who she misses. She wants to tell them she’s alive and well! But first she wants to finish off this game and punish the people who hurt her.
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Despite the above Tweet being from 2013, she is going to follow through with that in these final episodes because:
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I know what you’re probably thinking… Bethany being Uber A is not satisfying. To me, it is! It goes right back to season 1 as it revolves around ‘that night’. The person that suffered that night in the pilot, is back for revenge! 
I could do a part 2 for this theory to explain who is Bethany. Who are her parents? Is she a DiLaurentis? Is the “aunt Jessie” thing supposed to be taken literally - is she a Drake? Is she someone’s twin? Is Melissa Bethany? Is Sara Harvey Bethany (I hope not, but very possible)? Is Bethany Charlotte’s twin who also transitioned, hence Jason thought he saw CeCe that night (but really it was Bethany, like Charlotte says)? I believe we are dealing with Bethany - but who is Bethany, is for another day. I do NOT believe for a split second they will make Uber A be a person we’ve never met before. That’s pathetic.
When the Bethany-ideas came flooding to me, I googled ‘Bethany is Uber A’ to see the fan consensus on this topic and the first result was an amazing post by @the-outlast. Whilst we have some largely contrasting opinions on some aspects, shoutout to this person for a couple pieces of evidence I used to explain our belief that Bethany is alive :)
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