mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“It sure does. So much sense. You’d have a hard time confusing anybody with this conversation. Anyway, can you pass me that napkin? I need to write something down & I don’t have any other paper.”
“Oh okay. Makes sense.”
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“I don’t think otherwise, don’t worry.” she said. “But you should really take a moment to yourself some time, you might burn yourself out.” she told him, fixing the blanket around the little girl. She nodded along with what Adrian was saying. She remembered how she used to help take care of her younger brother, though he was a stubborn one and constantly insisted on doing everything himself. “I can always give you a hand? Until you’re used to it. It just takes a little bit of practice before you get into the right routine. That’s what I learned from baby sitting. I could hang out out here and take care of her when you need me to.”
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      “A moment to myself? No I haven’t” He answered Mckenzie as his eyes followed her every move in some kind of shock after seeing her find that damn teddy bear that he had been trying to find for the past hour. “I’ve been taking care of her ever since I got back home.” He told the other “But it’s fine. I love her, I really do love her, please don’t think otherwise.” Adrian moved over to the crib and looked at the little girl that stared up at him wide eyed, finally at ease after the teddy had been returned to her.  “It’s just hard, you know? I’ve never really been good with kids. Sure I used to take care of my little sister but she never really was a kid, she could always take care of herself”
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong.” Mckenzie said, wandering into the room next to the one they were both currently in. The blonde got down on the ground and looked under the crib, reaching out to grab the teddy. Once in her hands, Kenzie got up and set it in the young girl’s hands. “I know this is your first time being a dad and all, and it’s pretty scary, but you can do this. She’s your flesh & blood, she’ll see you’re upset and be unsettled yourself. She’s a smart little girl.” she said softly, leaning against the crib slightly to gently stroke the tears off the baby’s face. “Have you had a moment to yourself, yet? Done something you like doing?”
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       Breathing in slowly Adrian tried to calm himself down without a success. “I know, I know… But she’s been up for hours and she never stops crying. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong”  
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“Did you check under the bed? She’s dropped it a couple of times.” Kenzie said, “You gotta calm down, it’ll stress her out more.. you know?”
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       “Where is it?” Adrian paced around the room hearing his little girl crying in the room next to him. “I can’t believe it’s lost. She won’t go to sleep without her teddy” 
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“Delusional, hysterical, traumatized... whatever works for you, it’s probably right. I just hope that whoever it was that was supposedly Maria shows their face again-- it’d be nice to not believe that everyone’s fucking dead now.”
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“It’s hard to believe it when you didn’t see it for yourself. Maybe people are too shaken up about Lacey Bowman that they’re starting to become delusional.”
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“I didn’t say anything. You made up the conversation in your head. I’ve just been standing here for the last five minutes minding my own business.”
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“Could you repeat that I didn’t quite understand.”
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
“You’d have better luck standing outside at night, if you really wanna talk about death. But you’re young, so you shouldn’t be.”
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“Is it possible to die from boredom? Cause I’m super bored right.”
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“The word eventful is slowly becoming synonymous with disastrous around here. I still don’t believe that they saw her. Maria, I mean. People are being killed now, why would she be spared?”
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“This whole thing turned eventful real quick. One dead and a missing girl sighting.”
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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though her sister’s embrace isn’t as comforting as mckenzie would like, she still settles back. “i wanna go home.” she says softly, “dia, i wanna go home.” if she had the choice, she’d have stayed back in toronto. mount hope was already a living nightmare after maria disappeared, and now it was mckenzie’s living nightmare. “please. i wanna go home.”
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“ no. no, we should leave telling her family to the authorities. they know how to handle it, and her family may not believe some random phone call. “ she gives up trying to move kenzie and instead just wraps her arms around the girl. “ i know, kenz, i know. it’s not… right. it’s sick. “
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“i already called them. should just call her family or something.” mckenzie mumbles, her eyes never leaving the body. she was covered in blood, her mind now plagued with images of lacey’s body. “she just.. she looked so surprised.. i can’t shake it. she’s dead. i- dia.. she’s dead.”
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“ what ?! “ her gaze moves to the dead body, and she has to fight to keep her dinner down. there was so much blood that it reminded her of the gym, and she had trouble not thinking of it. she tries to move kenzie away from it. “ we gotta – we gotta call the police. an ambulance. “
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“No. No way. There’s nobody out there, you’re being delusional. You should just go home.”
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“I don’t fuck around. I saw what I saw. She’s out there and we need to go find her right now!:
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“How long has she been missing for now? If she could come back and be seen, she would’ve done that before now. She’s dead, I’m telling you, she’s dead. Whatever you saw was a kid playing some kind of sick joke on you because she’s dead!”
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“She can’t be! I just saw her! She’s not dead!”
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“You really think I’m going to believe that you saw her after what I found in the Haunted House? She’s probably dead, you can’t possibly believe she could still be alive. She’s probably dead!” 
“I-It’s true! I-I saw her! Please believe me!!”
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
“m-ms. bowman!” kenzie cried, “dead! sh-she’s dead!”
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“ kenz ? what – what is it ? talk to me. “
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
“help! somebody help me!”
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
&&. this is halloween || self-para
she shuffled through the parking lot, her arms folded tightly against her chest. it was late, and cold, but she and a group of friends had decided to wander over to the haunted house. she had admittedly been avoiding the place; it just seemed too simple to be any kind of scary but they managed to get her to tag along anyway. “it just seems like it’s for the little kids-- it’s so.. typical!” she said, walking into the house after her friends. if only she knew what she was in store for.
there were a couple of jump scares, though the sound of chainsaws weren’t quite enough to scare the girl. “there’s got to be something in this place that’ll make you piss yourself, kenz. there’s no way you can be this fearless.” one of her friends mumbled, still recovering from their own little heart attack. the blonde rolled her eyes, leaning into the wall a little more to look at the details. she had to admit, a lot of work went into the house. maybe she just had to stop being so cynical about halloween. 
mckenzie carried on through the haunted house, navigating her way through the dark. she wasn’t sure where she was going, her friends already racing off through the house to see what other surprises were in store. the girl kept her head down, not really interested in the rest of the house when she was knocked down by something that had fallen. mckenzie fell to the ground with a loud yelp, her heart racing from the fright she had received. she scrambled to her feet, looking behind her to see if there was anybody else behind her. finding that she was the only one, mckenzie looked back to what had knocked her over. it was a body. she could just make out the shape of it in the dark. maybe the house was scary after-all. 
she reached out to push the fake body away and jumped back once she felt the squish of somebody’s stomach. kenzie ripped open her pocket on her utility belt and yanked out her cell phone, her hands shaking as she found the flashlight app. she almost didn’t want to look, hoping that it was just incredibly well done special effects but as she lifted the light, and uncomfortable knot formed in her stomach. 
ginger hair hung limp on her head, with her mouth agape, and eyes glazed over. though she was dead, mckenzie could easily tell who it was. the blonde’s eyes filled with tears as she stared at the dead, hanging body of her teacher lacey bowman. 
“Help! Somebody help me!” 
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mcknzndrws-blog · 8 years
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“at first, i kinda thought you were the dude from the godfather, so you definitely look the part. i just wish i’d brought a coat or something-- it’s kind of cold. i’m sure if i keep away from doors and  windows i should be okay.”
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“If it makes you feel any better, my costume is just a suit. I could easily be mistaken for something else.”
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