mcsmseasonthree · 9 months
come now!!
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mcsmseasonthree · 10 months
Stay in beacon town.
EPISODE 1: "old times"
1 week later...
Scene opens with radar, Lluna and jesse talking with eachother
Lukas comes up to them
Lukas: "hey...jesse?"
Jesse: "oh hey lukas! Whats up?"
Lukas: "can i talk with you? Alone."
Jesse: "...sure. radar ill be back"
Radar: "okay boss! We will be here"
Jesse: giggles "radar what did we talked about?"
Radar: "right- its jesse not boss- sorry-"
Jesse: "its fine"
Lukas chuckles and starts walking towards the treasure room
Lukas: "follow me jesse"
Jesse: "alright."
They go to the treasure room
Lukas: "its only been 1 week and the town is already getting better"
Jesse: "i know right?"
Lukas: "you know...i'll have get going back to my house. To continue my writings.
Jesse: "...right..."
He looks to the ground
Lukas: "...you okay..?"
Jesse: "....im fine...just remembered the confersation we did with petra on admins cabin.."
Lukas: "...what did she say?"
Jesse: "...she feels like you guys dont care about her anymore."
Lukas: "...what? But i care about her...a lot.."
Jesse: "apparently she doesnt thinks so..i mean..you all never came to greet her when she was back."
Lukas: "....im...im really sorry..i didnt know she would feel like that.."
Jesse: "you'll have to apologize to her, not me."
Lukas: "yeah...i have to be there when she comes back..."
Lukas turns to radar playing with Lluna
Lukas "...he reminds me of you...and..reuben."
Jesse: "...yeah...i can see why you think like that"
Jesse looks towards reubens graveyard on the treasure room
Jesse: "...i still miss him a lot.."
Lukas: "....hey radar!"
Radar: "yeah lukas?"
Lukas: "i want to talk with you alone to, can you come here?"
Radar: "yeah sure"
They go away
Jesse looks at Lluna
Jesse: "..."
he looks at reubens memorial
Jesse turns back and pets Lluna
Jesse: "maybe i dont have him anymore..but im glad your here Lluna"
Radar and lukas comes back after some time
Lukas: "hey jesse!"
Jesse: "what did you two talked about?"
Lukas and radar looks at eachother, smiling. Then they turn back to jesse
Lukas: "its a secret! Also i decided to stay here!"
Jesse: "really?!"
Lukas: "i cant miss when petra comes back this time!"
Jesse: "im glad you decided to stay!"
Lukas: "heh...and me and radar are going to the endercon, i have a feeling that your treehouse might still be okay"
Jesse: "the treehouse??"
Lukas: "yeah! Wanna come with us?"
Jesse: "heh of course im coming!
Lukas: "great!"
Radar: "lets go then! İm so excited to see your treehouse!"
Lukas: "alright, follow me"
Walking to the endercon
jesse: "Do you really think the treehouse might be okay?"
Lukas: "the wither storm was chasing after the amulet, its just a guest"
Jesse: "i see, i hope it is."
Radar giggles front of them
Radar: "OH BOY OH BOY! i cant wait to see your treehouse!"
Jesse: "it might be destroyed though, dont be so sure radar"
Radar looks happy, doing little jumps while walking, lukas chuckles from behind.
Jesse and lukas looks at eachother for a moment, looking deeply into eachothers eyes. then they look away after some time, lukas scratches the back of his head
Radar: "OH wow! İs that your treehouse??"
Radar points at a wooden house on a tree, jesse takes a step closer once he sees the treehouse
Jesse: "it...it is!"
Lukas: "it looks...completely okay??"
They go to the other side of the treehouse
Lukas: "...guess not completely."
Jesse: "...it was a mistake for me to think it would be alright"
Lukas: "...im sorry jesse"
Jesse: "its okay lukas"
They get inside of the treehouse, jesse looks around
Jesse: "...this brings so many nostaljica.."
lukas looks around to
Lukas: "...it sure brings you some memories"
Radar is just looking around excitedly
Radar: "so this is where it all started?! Before you all were nothing??"
Jesse: "yeah...its really old"
Radar: "you guys sure had some great times here!"
Lukas: "...they probably did."
Jesse: "oh right! Lukas you never saw inside of the treehouse right?"
Lukas: "yea."
Radar: "i thought you all were friends in the past"
Jesse: "we all were. Except for lukas"
Lukas: "i was with...the old ocelots. I wasnt friends with them"
Radar: "oh. I see."
jesse walks behind himself, lukas walks next to radar
Jesse: "...its been a long time since i last saw this treehouse..it brings back so many memories..i can remember the times we used to hang out in here like it was yesterday..."
Lukas: "....you guys sure were hanging out a lot.."
Radar: "..."
lukas whispers to radar on the behind
Lukas: "radar, stay focused to the plan. Remember everything you can in here"
Radar: "alright, dont worry"
jesse turns to them as he hears the whispers
Jesse: "what are you two talking about?"
they both look at eachother and smiles
Radar: "nothing!"
Jesse: "oh really? 🤨"
Lukas: "heh heh...its about the suprize ive been planning!"
Jesse: "huh...speaking of the suprize... What is it exatly?"
Lukas: "you'll have to wait until petra comes back!"
Jesse: "aaw seriously?"
Radar: "sorry! We cant tell it until she arrives back!"
Jesse: "alright fine! I wonder what are you two planning"
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mcsmseasonthree · 10 months
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mcsmseasonthree · 10 months
Hit the road.
Episode 1: "The trident"
The scene opens with jesse looking down to he water, then he/she turns to petra
Jesse: "so why were we here again?"
Petra: "i told you! we are going to get the trident."
Jesse: "trident?"
Petra: "yes. I heard its can only be found from underwater."
Jesse: "is it some kind of weapon or something?-"
Petra: "yes it is. İts strong as a diamond sword and also it has cool enchantments!"
Jesse: "i see. So how are we going to find this...'trident'?"
Petra: "you know the zombies, right? Well, they turn into a different creature when they drown."
She points on one of them, walking around the water
Petra: "see? Some of them should have the trident"
Jesse: "are we going to fight?"
Petra: "no we will stay here and hope one of them drops it. of course we are going to fight. Follow me!"
Jesse: "okay fine 🥲"
She dives onto the water, then jesse goes after her
(one cool fighting scene later)
Petra: "how many you got?"
Jesse: "i got 6. But all of them are close to breaking"
Petra: "its supposed to be like that. Just mash them together"
Jesse: "right-"
Both of them mash the tridents they collected
petra: "aand were done!"
Jesse: "it looks so cool"
Petra: "heh i know right. Now next thing we need to do it find enchantment books so we can enchant them, just focus on finding loyalty and riptide"
Jesse: "alright-"
Petra and jesse goes to the monster rooms to find some enchantments, and they do find the loyalty one.
Petra kill a zombie and breaks the mob spawner
Petra: "alright. look at the chest"
Jesse goes and opens behind her/him while petra goes for the other one
Jesse: "hm...bingo! Another loyalty!"
Petra: "good!"
Jesse: "so a question, how are we going to enchant the tridents? We dont have any anvil"
Petra: "dont worry, i can handle that. you were asking why were i mining iron right? Well, you got the answer :)"
Jesse: "ohh-"
Petra: "go and put some torches around so monsters doesnt come"
Jesse: "okay i got it"
Jesse[player] puts some torches around while Petra puts a crafting table and makes a oven, then puts the irons in
Petra: "you done with the torches?"
Jesse: "yup"
Petra: "good. the irons should be done soon"
Jesse goes and sits front of the oven, petra follows her/him
Petra: "...so...jesse?"
Jesse: "yeah?"
Petra: "i...just wanted to thank you for being with me. i know you left everyone to come with me...im honored, but..you know"
Jesse: "yeah..i just didnt wanted to leave you alone after our speech on the admins cabin."
Petra: "...thank you jesse. Your my best friend :]"
Jesse: "anytime petra"
Jesse: "also, how did you know about the trident?-"
Petra: "dont ask. Please 🥲"
Jesse: "...ohkay?-"
After some moment of silence petra gets up and takes some irons and hands it to jesse
Petra: "make 3 iron blocks with these"
Jesse: "you got it!-"
Jesse[player] makes the iron blocks
Jesse: "there"
Petra: "okay, give me"
Jesse gives the blocks, petra goes to the crafting table and makes the anvil, then puts it
Petra: "give me the enchantment book and your trident"
jesse does it, then petra enchants her and jesses tridents and gives it back to jesse
Jesse: "so what is this enchantment suppossed to be?"
Petra: "throw it and find out"
Jesse[player] throws the trident and it comes back
Jesse: "Oh wow- cool!"
Petra: "right?"
Jesse: "what is the next advencure going to be, petra :>"
Petra: "heh. A trip back to the nether!"
Wait for episode 2 :3
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mcsmseasonthree · 11 months
Alright so, im going to make a comic about it, i just want y'all to say which option
Op 1: "so why were we here again?"
Op 2: "alright were here"
Op 3: ...
Op1: "monster hunt then huh? im ready for it!"
Op2: "cant we find another way to get it?"
Op3: "are we going to fight?"
Op4: ...
Op1: "i got 6. But all of them are close to breaking"
Op2: "i got some- but what now?"
Op3: ...
[For op 3:
Op1: ....
Op2: "Oh right. I got 6" ]
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mcsmseasonthree · 11 months
Tumblr media
Idk what to do for now
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