meandthejoker · 13 days
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Todo Modo 1976
Directed by Elio Petri
Starring Marcello Mastroianni and Gian Maria Volonté
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meandthejoker · 14 days
Exactly! When I first watched it I thought about it too, that the two of their characters may be switched. I read in Volonté's biography that it was him who choosed to play M. which may indicate that there was a switch after all. And the final cast is just perfect, dynamic changes and eventually brought a better chemistry. I love the "bad priest" Marcello's portraying and Volonté's president as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!*^o^*
and it's funny because first time i watched todo modo i was a little taken aback by marcello's character bc this downright evil type role is not what he usually does then i watched it a second time after having seen some gian maria movies and it made me realize that marcello's role is a typical gian maria character with all his frantic political speeches, being very intimidating etc while gian maria's character is a typical marcello role bc he's very sensitive, internally conflicted, sexually troubled (to say the least) etc. at least that's the perception i have of them. and this is supported by a sciascia (who wrote the source novel which is very different from the movie apparently) interview i found where he talks about said differences and says that the film's version of marcello's character is much more negative and vicious than in the novel and he says that petri probably relied on the image marcello has established w aforementioned type of roles, so the audience automatically sympathizes with him in any case. and him saying this just ties into perfectly to my interpretation of the final gian maria - marcello confrontation scene which might be a spoiler now but since i consider it kind of to be a reach it also isn't? like what i think happens is that they switch roles and the dynamic is reversed at that final moment. like during that conversation marcello's character takes on the emotional, vulnerable (perhaps subjugated even?) role that was until that point gian maria's and he in turn appropiates marcello's and he seems to be in control and just full on evil in contrast with the ambiguity of the previous 100 minutes or so. and that's why it's perfect casting i think because this latent, true(?) self that is brought out there is hidden until this critical moment which is something that not only plays into the overall themes of repression and disintegration of the self, but has this kind of meta function because of the typical characteristics of gian maria & marcello roles that i've mentioned. like in the end they do end up playing the characters they were "supposed to" and best at in the moment of this shift, making everything even more fascinating and layered. and like i said bit of a reach but the film is so ambigous to begin with so this might as well have been intentional. if you ask me it possibly was. like if i learned anything during my months of delusion is that with petri films all interpretation is possible
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meandthejoker · 2 months
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Young Vittorio Gassman in the theatre
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meandthejoker · 2 months
I remember Marcello once said
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Just like himself🖤🩶
Esistenzialismo, alienazione, incongruenza.
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Lo straniero.
Meursault è un uomo apatico e distaccato, un antieroe sociale, incapace di provare emozioni genuinamente profonde o di conformarsi a schemi dogmatici e labili consuetudini sociali. La sua indifferenza nei confronti degli eventi più cruciali della sua vita lo lascia inerme, inetto, conducendolo a compiere scelte del tutto discutibili, culminando nella sua condanna a morte per omicidio.
Marcello cattura in modo straordinario e fervente l'essenza di questo personaggio così complesso e controverso trasmettendo al pubblico la sua apatica freddezza, adornata da un' inquietante calma, anche dinnanzi alla tragedia e all'ingiustizia, contribuisce al dono di un contrasto acceso, sottolineando un tratto di fatua e delicata sensibilità.
Lo straniero è un excursus esplorativo attraverso temi profondi come l'alienazione, l'assurdità distopica della vita e la mancanza di senso nell'esistenza umana e delle sue discutibili convenzioni sociali, nei suoi confini emarginati in regole da perseguire, per porsi il "dovere di essere" perfino quello che non si sente di essere. Mersault, resta ben lontano da tutto questo, scegliendo distintamente di camminare controcorrente, trascinato, emarginato, inetto, a suo modo elucubrante di un concetto ben più semplice, più asciutto, avulso da ogni sovrastruttura esistenziale, del tutto conscio di non essere l'unico a permeare il ruolo di un uomo alienato in una convenzione sociale e morale.
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meandthejoker · 2 months
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When You Look At Someone
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meandthejoker · 2 months
Wowwwwwwww! It's beautiful! Thank you for making my day*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠* Modern au is so hot and I can just imagine dapper-charismatic Volontè in suit!
PS: puppy bran is awfully cute:⁠-⁠P
summary: There are things you’re so dead certain you can’t tell anyone, they never leave your thoughts. Especially when lies of omissions are your life’s foundations. Especially when of all people you’re with that anyone. Or, secrets, treason and the past in a Brancaleone modern day (and very soap-operatic) AU that is also an exercise in projecting. Can be read fandom blind, IMO.
ship: Brancaleone da Norcia/Teofilatto dei Leonzi
words: <5000
warning: grieving and cheating, in no particular order
author’s note: This is more of an original work than a L’armata Brancaleone fanfic, but no better idea has come to me so far, since I needed a love triangle. Expect way more OOC behaviour than my usual fare (beside the modernised names) and keep an eye on the warning.
Generously betaed and bettered by none other than sal_si_puedes! Thank you so much!
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meandthejoker · 2 months
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young puppy marcello in Peccato che sia una canaglia (1954)
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meandthejoker · 2 months
"se non, per proteggere chi amavo" he literally makes me cry😢
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160 vite, e la mia (tra parentesi).
Ho adoperato il mio mestiere per poter vivere altre vite, per giocarci. Ho lasciato che il mio mestiere di attore, adoperasse la mia. La mia vita, tra mille vite era una parentesi, da fare combaciare, incastonare tra me e gli altri. Per 160 vite ho pagato il prezzo della mia malinconia, della distanza, della superficialità. Si, perché in superficie la mia immagine era altro, erano i miei personaggi, i loro vizi. Ma tra parentesi, c'ero io. Forse, con un poco di rimpianto per una vita più normale, comune. Seppur la notorietà mi abbia levato la fame, privilegiato, abbia alimentato in me, un piccolo desiderio di rivalsa, ha abusato di me, inevitabilmente; condizionando il mio essere padre, esiliandomi dolcemente, levandomi il gusto semplice di andare a prendere le mie figlie da scuola, poiché non subissero la "violenza" mediatica, perché fuori da quelle parentesi, il mio nome era diventato ingombrante. Ha messo in piazza il mio essere marito, amante, uomo. Bada, bene, in quanto uomo, sono fallibile, e per questo non mi sono mai nascosto, se non, per proteggere chi amavo. Era bene che loro rimanessero tra quelle parentesi, al sicuro, mentre io ne ero fuori, a giocare a fare l'attore. Pensando ad una vita più borghese, mi immaginavo architetto, avevo intrapreso gli studi per diventarlo, poi la fortuna, mi baciò e sono stato destinato a vestire altri panni, un guardaroba immenso, forse un po' ingombrante, ma bellissimo.
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meandthejoker · 2 months
my poor italian level dose not enable me to fully understand him, but i'm deeply impressed by his partnership with visconti, especially their early days in the theater^v^(I''m also informed that he and gassman worked together back then too! ) Plus one of my unpopular opinion is that i think he gives one of his best performances in Lo straniero 🖤❤️
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Appuntamento con il destino all'ora del tè.
È una giornata qualunque della sua vita da impiegato, Marcello riceve una telefonata:
Pronto, Marcello? Vieni in Piazza di Spagna, c'è il Rugantino, una sala da tè, ci vediamo lì, devo presentarti una persona.
Quella persona era Visconti. Con lui Marcello, ha aperto le porte al proprio destino, varcando la porta d'oro del teatro, ma questo ancora non lo sapeva. Luchino lo ha allenato con le dovute durezze, riservate a un purosangue, alimentando in Marcello la chiara e sicura voglia di potercela fare. Gli ha insegnato la sacralità di quel palcoscenico, e del peso che le parole hanno. Lo ha forgiato, stancato, esortato, stimolato, esaltato, rivendicato e messo in discussione. Visconti ha sfidato il suo istinto, con un occhio attento al futuro e Marcello si è lasciato sfidare, così, semplicemente, in un giorno qualunque. Il mestiere dell' attore, è cominciato così, davanti ad un tè, mentre la vita si rimetteva in gioco con un banale "si", detto con la incosciente e ostinata voglia di giocare.
«Visconti mi ha messo in teatro e mi ha insegnato buona parte di quello che so, non solo il mestiere ma il gusto del mestiere, da uomo moderno, il non essere guitto, una cosa che tanti attori bravi non capiscono, pur essendo dotati di grandi possibilità. A parte naturalmente, insegnarmi a recitare, a capire certi testi, a capire come valorizzarsi […]. Questa partenza mi ha fatto capire le mete da perseguire, anche nel cinema».
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meandthejoker · 3 months
I don't usually get the time for posting and tumblr is not my main social media, but I do keep watching films literally everyday (and always looking for more ^o^). Most of them are old films that don't have many viewers. So if you have any thoughts or ideas about films or whatsoever, please feel free to contact me(or interact with me)! I'm always happy to hear from friends on tumblr
I used to watch a lot of old hollywood pieces (I still am) while at present I'm exploring the new fresh area of italian cinema, which I find to be most intriguing and enjoyable. I love italian actors and actresses so much and I'm working on getting to know them more! Perhaps later on when I get some time I'll try to write something about them^v^
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meandthejoker · 3 months
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How can I express my love for I soliti ignoti 😭😭😭
(and hey where's that baby come from does he belong to my ship you tell me:P
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meandthejoker · 4 months
just a happy-live-together ghost couple in Roma🥰
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meandthejoker · 4 months
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vittorio gassman in “fantasmi su roma 1961
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meandthejoker · 4 months
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During the shoot two weeks at the studio, three weeks at Schofield Barracks in Honolulu during March and April 1953—Clift, Sinatra, and author Jones formed a tight little group with epic drinking bouts. Lancaster got so used to carrying Sinatra and Clift, dead drunk, to their rooms each night, undressing them, and putting them to bed, that on his birthday for years afterward he would get a telegram from Sinatra with the message "Happy Birthday, Mom." — Burt Lancaster: An American Life by Kate Buford
Burton Stephen Lancaster November 2, 1913 — October 20, 1994
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meandthejoker · 5 months
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meandthejoker · 6 months
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meandthejoker · 6 months
odd gypsy lady
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i can't believe he had more than one of these
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