there’s been in influx of new follower notifications for this blog lately?
so, uh
just as a reminder:
the same goes for @mxstertxcticixn and @medicusimmortalem. like, don’t get me wrong, I loved playing all these guys, I miss playing all of them, but the tumblr RPC has made me hate too many things I loved, so I bailed.
if you wanna come chat on my main blog, you can find me on @shaicarus. if you wanna chat on discord, it’s shaicarus#8286. I even have a rp server on there though it’s very barren because my health fell apart for a while.
but, uh. yeah.
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huh. haven’t been on this blog in a while.
and I don’t really plan on staying! I think I’m pretty much done with tumblr RP? because without fail, whenever I try it I get so fed up with tumblr’s bullshit that I wind up kind of hating whatever fandom I’m in a little bit! not ideal.
I’m here at the moment because I’ve been gone long enough that I can look at FFXV-related things without rolling my eyes so hard I can see my brain stem! so I’m here to remind anyone I used to play with or who I never got the chance to play with that I have discord–shaicarus#8286–and I have a rp server there. it’s not super active because I have five jobs at the moment, but basically every muse I might feel even tangentially inclined to play is compiled there.
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(Feeling starters | Old as balls but still accepting) Restless
He is pacing when she comes upon him. The sky threatens rain at any moment and the overlook at the edge of Lestallum is empty save for him. His pleasant mask has slipped in the isolation, and he cuts a sharp glance in her direction before letting his attention slip back to the Disc. The clouds seem to build thicker there.
“Is this a hobby of yours?” he wonders, a saccharine sort of cheer coating the words, artificial and sticky. He’s not even bothering to look at her anymore. “Accosting people when they don’t want you there, that is.”
He slides a sidelong glance in her direction again, before his pacing resumes, like a cat waiting outside the canary’s cage.
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did this a while ago but forgot to post WHHOOPs. Still on my Ardyn bullshit
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I’m going on vacation. I’m gonna be in Ohio for the rest of the month to house-sit for my sister. That doesn’t sound much like a vacation, but in order to thank me for never demanding payment for all of the house-sitting I do, my sister is shipping my best friend up from Georgia to spend the entire 12-ish days with me.
I’ll still be around, but I wanted to let people know, so they are aware that if I disappear this time, there’s an actual reason for it.
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I’m going on vacation. I’m gonna be in Ohio for the rest of the month to house-sit for my sister. That doesn’t sound much like a vacation, but in order to thank me for never demanding payment for all of the house-sitting I do, my sister is shipping my best friend up from Georgia to spend the entire 12-ish days with me.
I’ll still be around, but I wanted to let people know, so they are aware that if I disappear this time, there’s an actual reason for it.
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RP-Meme: These Feelings
Send me ‘Feeling’ and I’ll generate a random number between 1-100 and write a starter in which my muse is feeling… (You can also send me ‘Feeling ⇆’, and my muse will find yours feeling…)
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I’m going on vacation. I’m gonna be in Ohio for the rest of the month to house-sit for my sister. That doesn’t sound much like a vacation, but in order to thank me for never demanding payment for all of the house-sitting I do, my sister is shipping my best friend up from Georgia to spend the entire 12-ish days with me.
I’ll still be around, but I wanted to let people know, so they are aware that if I disappear this time, there’s an actual reason for it.
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Ardyn Izunia –– FFXV: Episode Ignis ☾ taken with ansel ☀︎
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Instagram: @artwoonz
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RP-Meme: These Feelings
Send me ‘Feeling’ and I’ll generate a random number between 1-100 and write a starter in which my muse is feeling… (You can also send me ‘Feeling ⇆’, and my muse will find yours feeling…)
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(Feeling starters | Accepting)
He avoids Insomnia when he’s like this. It wouldn’t do for him to start challenging the larger daemons there in some feral daze. Gods know what sort of damage they might cause. So (rather rightfully, he thinks) he doesn’t expect to have any company when he’s in the middle of goddamn nowhere. Just what he needs; the tin soldier seeing him when he can barely keep his own shape. How unseemly.
He’s sitting on an outcropping of rock when he realizes he has company, otherwise alone in the wide, wide desert. His nostrils flare and he takes a breath.
A growl builds in the back of his throat. Thickly, he swallows it and a mouthful of black sludge back. Even so, it’s still running down the corners of his mouth when he speaks.
“Are you quite sure this is where you’re supposed to be?” His voice shifts as he speaks, a growl creeping in at the edges. His hands curl into fists, tense enough that the stone cracks beneath them, and in the gaps between breathes he is other. Pincers and mandibles one instant, jaws that go on and on and on in the next, before he his simply Ardyn again, tearing at his seams. 
He glances over his shoulder finally, watching his unwanted guest from the corner of one eye, glowing gold set in a pool of ink-like black. “I see no daemons for you to hunt.” The ichor pours over his chin and he scarcely seems to notice it. “And I do so hate being caught unawares like this.” There is a warning in his words, as subtle as a siren. When he growls after that, he makes no effort to muffle it.
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RP-Meme: These Feelings
Send me ‘Feeling’ and I’ll generate a random number between 1-100 and write a starter in which my muse is feeling… (You can also send me ‘Feeling ⇆’, and my muse will find yours feeling…)
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“No mortal weapon can kill this creature. He is not of this world.”
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Ardyn vs Noctis. Bit of a different sketch style for me, but a lot of fun! (More of my fanart on Patreon)
Meadowhaven.net | DeviantArt | Patreon | Etsy | my one and only FFXV fic
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It’s not my fault if in God’s plan he made the devil so much stronger than a man
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