meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2019 National Park Challenge: Days 10-12
2019 National Park Challenge: Days 10-12 "This world is but a canvas to our imagination." -Henry David Thoreau
JULY 4, 2019
Zion National Park: We headed to Zion National Park pretty early in the morning. Just the drive through Zion was pretty incredible. Parking was a struggle so we ended up having to park outside of the park and walk into the park. We ended up hiking a total of 2.3 miles before having lunch and driving south to our relatively primitive campsite outside of Valle, AZ. We were far…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
Capitol Reef & Great Basin National Parks
Capitol Reef & Great Basin National Parks
CAPITOL REEF NATIONAL PARK: This park is known for being the “most scenic portion of the Waterpocket Fold” according to NPS. The easiest way I have come to understand what this is is that hundreds of millions of years ago rock layers formed. Then less than 100 million years ago those layers of rock were lifted by tectonic forces (google says these forces originate under the earth’s surface and…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
Arches & canyonlands
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ARCHES NATIONAL PARK: According to the National Park Service, this park has “over 2,000 natural stone arches.” Every time I go to a national park the term majestic comes to mind and Arches is definitely majestic. These arches are made of various forms of sandstone which NPS defines this as “grains of sand cemented together by minerals”, layers of clay and salts, then eroded by rainwater, and…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
Grand teton national park
Grand teton national park
June 28, 2019: We drove through Grand Teton National Park to get to Victor, ID on June 27 and then returned on June 28 to actually check out and explore the park.
“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” -Gustave Flaubert
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Grand Teton National Park is home to the Teton Mountain Range which has been named the mountains of the imagination.
Most of this…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2019 national park challenge - days 7-9
2019 national park challenge – days 7-9
JULY 1, 2019
Capitol Reef National Park: We headed southwest to Capitol Reef National Park from our campsite in Thompson Springs, UT. We got out of the car to check out so petroglyphs and rock art before continuing our drive to Richfield, UT where we car camped for the night.
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“Every city is an anthology of stories. Places are an endless index of beginnings.” – A.A. Gill
JULY 2, 2019
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2019 National park challenge - days 4-6
2019 National park challenge – days 4-6
FRIDAY JUNE 28, 2019
We drove up and down Taylor Mountain again headed to Grand Teton National Park. We stopped for coffee in Jackson, WY before continuing on to Grand Teton.
After we spent some time in Grand Teton National Park, we went back to Jackson, WY to have lunch and explore. We ate at a BBQ place and checked out the various shops before heading back to our cabin in Victor, ID.
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
Yellowstone adventures
Yellowstone Adventures
August 2018: After dropping Rosie off at doggy daycare, we headed to the first National Park of our 2018 road trip. Yellowstone was also the first National Park not only in America but the world and was established in 1872. We entered through the west entrance after driving through Gallatin National Forest and passing the Big Sky and Gallatin Mountain Ranges.
Old Faithful Geyser: We were…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2019 national park challenge days 1-3
2019 national park challenge days 1-3
At 5 pm on Tuesday, June 25, 2019; we left Minnesota. We had an uneventful several hours of driving before ending up in Oacoma, SD around 10:30pm. We stayed the night in a hotel because I knew we would be getting there late, I wanted to make sure I got plenty of sleep for the drive the next day, and it didn’t make sense to put in a ton of effort to set up camp just to…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2019 national park challenge takeoff
2019 national park challenge takeoff
Over the last week we did our initial grocery shopping, meal and snack prep, packed, got our travel journals started, packed the car, and made sure we were ready for an amazing three weeks away from home and the bustle of our busy lives.
“So much of who we are is where we have been.” -W. Langewiesche
The other day I was having a conversation with someone about their upcoming travel plans.…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2019 national park challenge planning
2019 national park challenge planning
With spring semester of my second year of law school wrapped up and June rapidly approaching, this year’s national park road trip is quickly upon us and it is a big one.
We are planning to hike 13 parks in roughly 22 days. We have already been to Yellowstone, so twelve of the thirteen will be new to us.
This year, AirBnB has been a lifesaver in making traveling plans. We’ve found some…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2018 national park challenge: days 10-12
2018 national park challenge: days 10-12
We woke up on August 16, packed up, and checked out of the motel before dropping Rosie off at doggy daycare. We checked the forest fire updates to see if there was anything new to learn but there wasn’t. Then we made the short drive to Glacier National Park.
We had originally planned on heading up to some of the more northern areas of the park for our hikes before picking Rosie up. We then…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2018 National park challenge: days 8 & 9
2018 National park challenge: days 8 & 9
August 14, 2018, John took a Lyft to the airport, and L, Rosie, and I headed north. We got to our campground near North Cascades National Park, settled in for the night, travel journaled, and hung out.
North Cascades is nicknamed “The American Alps,” consists of three distinct but contiguous sections: North Cascades National Park, Ross Lake National Recreation Area, and Lake Chelan National…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2018 National park challenge: day 7
2018 National park challenge: day 7
August 13, 2018, hubby, L, Rosie, and I all piled into the Subaru and headed to Olympic National Park. To get there we had to take a ferry to Olympic Peninsula. This was L’s first time on a ferry.
Olympic National Park includes mountains, rainforest, and Pacific coastline. While we were there we hiked 2.8 miles and were fascinated by the variety of plants and animals we found.
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2018 national park challenge: days 4-6
2018 national park challenge: days 4-6
On August 10 (day 4) we were up bright and early and on the road again. We talked about the places we could stop to break up the drive but decided we wanted to get to Washington.
We drove through Lolo National Forest and Coeur d’Alene National Forest in both Montana and Idaho. I had never driven any notable decline prior to that.
We stopped for a late lunch or early supper in Ritzville,…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2018 national park challenge: day 3 yellowstone
2018 national park challenge: day 3 yellowstone
We woke up bright and early, experienced a beautiful sunset before dropping Rosie off at doggy daycare before heading to the first National Park of our trip as well as the first National Park not only in America but the world established in 1872: Yellowstone.
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To get there we drove through Gallatin National Forest and admired the Big Sky and Gallatin Mountain Ranges.
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While at Yellowstone…
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meegz2008-blog · 5 years
2018 National Park challenge: days 1 & 2
2018 National Park challenge: days 1 & 2
I am in the midst of planning our 2019 National Park Challenge adventure and realized I never blogged about our 2018 adventures the way I had intended. Better late than never.
A few days before we left my daughter (L) read the book Who Was Sacagawea? Reading about the trials and tribulations of a woman who traveled more than 4500 miles by foot, canoe, and horse all while carrying a baby on…
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meegz2008-blog · 6 years
Capable: Unexpected Pep Talk
Capable: Unexpected Pep Talk
Recently Lydia, our dog Rosie, and I embarked on a twelve day road trip out west to visit six National Parks as we move forward with making progress on our National Park Challenge.
One morning, as we were making our final preparations for our journey in the beginning of August, a few people expressed concerns about my husband not joining us and the dangers of us girls traveling alone. I reassured…
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