melancholy-magik · 4 years
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The first Pride was a riot.
Wall sticker in Marlborough lesbian pub, Brighton.
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melancholy-magik · 4 years
being a macroorganism is so stressful. i want to know what my cells are doing. I don’t like how unsupervised they are
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melancholy-magik · 4 years
the voice of criticism
Saturn in the 1st: Here the person feels very conflicted between their independence and their sense of responsibility. Saturn here confuses the impulsivity and recklessness of the 1st house. Until fully developed these people are going to be battling between those key things I mentioned above. The person with this placement needs to live through a lot of experiences to be able to do the right things and decisions which is one of their main goals. We have the instincts and intuition of the first house with the discipline of Saturn helping the person want to make the right choice and go through their options. But of course, the critical voice of Saturn may make them insecure for sometime until they figure out things. That is how they are gaining their maturity, becoming very disciplined and responsible with time. Also these people are very cautious , calculating all the consequences once developed, because the nobility within this placements tries to do the right thing everyday.
Saturn in the 2nd: These are people who are very comfortable in their position. This is as a result of them being very responsible and cautious (the 2nd house agrees with Saturn). They only need to pay attention to getting out of their comfort zone once in a blue moon, because that will bring them freshness and a new perspective on things, which sometimes is very hard with the critical voice of Saturn. Usually they are very reliable, a pillar which is pretty much aware of their routine and doing things their own way. The 2nd house brings sensitivity to these people, they might be sensitive to the critical voice which is why fear is created about taking risks, but that is something they need to do and chase their pleasures. Very responsible and practical.
Saturn in the 3rd: Saturn here quiets down the 3rd house, making them more precise and a listener which helps them gather the necessary knowledge for their further development, but they still possess the qualities for communication. These people put more effort into their work, and the thing they need to work on is balancing out their communication skills and their newly learned listening skills for their own benefit of choosing the right opportunities to take risks. When developed in the right path they become very confident in their abilities. That effort I mentioned above is also making them very dedicated and careful with everything.
Saturn in the 4th: Here Saturn is in contact with the 4th house, making these people appear more cold and aloof than other 4th house placements, with the critical voice that might in the beginning make them a bit insecure about their nurturing feelings and in general feelings. With the toughness of Saturn they learn how to repress them and focus on their work, in a sense of their feelings not getting in the way. These people are still very nurturing and appreciative of their home space, which is something they need to re-fill their batteries. These people are people who should not be afraid to embrace the feelings of wanting to be around their closest ones, because they are still aware and cherish the real values of life which is exactly that. Saturn when developed, also helps them that not everything is in their control, but with the tough love of Saturn they can control how they react to things happening to them. Letting go is also a key for these people, because that is one step closer to growing emotionally and spiritually.
Saturn in the 5th: Here Saturn walks through a fire house once again, creating the similar conflicts with the 1st house. These individuals become very conflicted because the 5th house is more on the free-will side, while Saturn is a bit more controlling and is always wanting to to the right thing, once these two clash the individual starts feeling very stressed and anxious. The stress and anxiety slowly goes away once they start understanding this, how to cope with it and balance out the qualities both sides offer. They will become less reckless in their choices and more confident with their choices, which can build a strong leader in these individuals. Saturn will really help these individuals become the best version of themselves. The flow of creativity and innovation should not disappear, once they learn to balance out their work ethics, moral and nobility they will be able to still be an individual who is independent and capable of doing things the right way.
Saturn in the 6th: There is harmony here, the 6th house is an earth house and responsible enough for the critical voice of Saturn. But until getting to the point where they can balance out things, they will go through a tough phase of over-working themselves, also they might become overly self-critical which can sometimes make them depressed but they almost never fail to deliver. The thing they need to work on is mixing it up a bit in life, getting out of their routine which they have probably mastered by now, their responsibility and reliability opens so many doors for them, but they should not forget about life and enjoying it. Life works in funny ways, taking a risk or just going with the flow can also bring them life-experiences feeding them with new knowledge and wisdom. They are also people you can always depend on.
Saturn in the 7th: These are people who should trust their instincts more. The insecurity and anxiety Saturn creates here makes them very indecisive and vulnerable to its criticism, making them feel helpless and a bit lost. Saturn just tries to make them see which is the right thing to do, which they probably already know but their insecurity makes them fall into those grey areas, but with experience and character development they will be able to blossom into their true selves. Their sensitivity is something that will help them learn so much, because of the influence of the things they are so sensitive to and also the things they so dearly adore doing outside that routine that Saturn has created for them. Once they gain their confidence and start going the right direction, they become very dedicated and focused.
Saturn in the 8th: Very, very stubborn. Their intense and sensitive nature clashes with Saturn’s logic and stability, making them very anxious, insecure and suspicious of everything and everyone at the beginning. The 8th house is also known to be quite able to find solutions, resolve puzzles and problems with their dedicated nature and analyzing, which can work so well with the logic that Saturn provides their way. Once they start blossoming they can become very successful. The 8th house is also known to have such strong intuition which can help with the demands of Saturn for doing and choosing the right thing. But the intensity of character these individuals possess can make them very stubborn as I mentioned but also very proud, thinking they can do it all alone, I know they can but asking for help and opinions would make them break out the routine and actually help them realize. Also very sensual beings. Those are all the struggles they need to go through.
Saturn in the 9th: Saturn here will try to make the individual confused about thinking and ideas, Saturn is more on the traditional, conventional side whereas the 9th house is all about originality, picking up different ideas and perspectives before forming their own opinion about anything. The clash here will be the battle they need to go through. They should have an objective opinion on things but never stop their imagination or limit it in any way, because it will stop the 9th house from growing in any way. They should encourage new ideas and individuality. Once they learn how to balance this out, their philosophical nature is here to stay alongside their ingenuity.
Saturn in the 10th: Saturn here is at home. These individuals are hard-working, noble, practical, fair everything Saturn wants gets here. These are people who are a force to be reckoned with. They are extremely organized, but what they need to be careful of is becoming their own worst enemy. Because these are people who are family people, they take love seriously and are super loyal friends. Once they are able to openly say it and search for just that they will also be able to win over their huge ego that might also be created due to all of their success. Once they succeed with having a family the voice of self-criticism lessens, because they have people who have their back. Also, these are people who are very self-reliant and they should be, they take themselves to the top.
Saturn in the 11th: These are people who can become so successful. The 11th house here listens to Saturn, which is why they need to be careful of becoming too proud of the qualities they possess. Because the 11th house makes them very different, original and with a different mindset than others, they take pride in that. They should always follow the hunger of their motivations and they will get far. They might be a bit more shy than other 11th house placements because of facing all the difficulties they need to get over before arriving to the finish line. Creative, extremely intelligent. Having so much qualities and the voice of criticism of Saturn, makes them afraid of failures, which is something they need to overcome. Once they overcome that fear, they can be very much fearless and gain so much wisdom under their belt, helping them become way more generous and the humanitarians who make the right choices (with a help of the voice of Saturn of course).
Saturn in the 12th: This is a placement which is a challenging one. The 12th house here is very much afraid, self-destructive, conflicted and insecure at the very beginning of understanding Saturn. Also they might have problems loving themselves, which is something they overcome with the strength and responsibility Saturn lends them aside the criticism. That criticism gets to them, because the 12th house people are way more sensitive than the rest of houses, but it something that is necessary for their growth in any sense possible. Once they overcome some of the obstacles, they become very powerful and need to be proud of themselves instead of thinking they are not worth it. They are still carrying their compassion, sympathy and sensitivity with them making them the ideal people for giving help, people are always drawn to them when they are having difficulties. They are extremely creative and imaginative, but also have the quality of nobility, perfect for advising others and setting them on a path. They are still healers with the help of Saturn directioning them towards the right path.
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melancholy-magik · 4 years
saturn in the signs
aries - saturn in aries is a very challenging placement - saturn is exalted in libra and so falls in aries, which can be difficult when aries is such a force to be reckoned with. you may struggle to chase your ambitions for worry or self-esteem issues, or you could blindly leap after everything you desire without realising the responsibilities of your dreams. you can falter when trying to assert yourself, and you might feel older than your age, unable to let go and just live without repercussions. when you learn to have confidence in yourself and your abilities, the results of your projects will reflect your inner balance. 
taurus - in taurus, saturn’s lessons revolve around security. saturn in taurus really struggles to feel comfortable, stable and safe, and they often cling onto things to find a sense of security in life. but material possessions can’t fulfil you ultimately, and that’s a lesson that saturn in taurus needs to learn. they need to go a little deeper and learn to feel secure in themselves before they can find it in the world. hard work and a little bit of luxury will help them to find what they need, but they have to be open to receive it. they can struggle to express their romantic and creative side too, so it’s important to embrace the parts of themselves that they so often leave behind. 
gemini - saturn in gemini can really struggle in their early years, and this is because gemini embodies so much of the childhood experience - education, curiosity, thinking and learning, siblings and the hometown. they are prone to falling into negative thought patterns, and may struggle with nervousness and anxiety too. this placement often indicates shyness, especially in early life, but it does ease up as you age so don’t fret. saturn in gemini can really take their time learning a subject, but once they fully understand, they never forget and seem to master the subject effortlessly. they are logical, make great writers and teachers, and often doubt their abilities. they often have a head for business too, but it’s imperative that they learn to communicate clearly and without inner chaos for their many talents to manifest. i would suggest writing out your feelings if you’re struggling with this placement, because it’s easy to feel alone in the world with it and nobody should feel that way.
cancer - saturn in cancer controls their emotions. they often lock them away and may struggle to understand and express their own levels of empathy and emotion. it’s a life lesson for these people to learn to come out of their shell and live for themselves, as they can often suppress their passions and needs for the sake of their family’s. saturn in cancer often clings to others, craving the warmth and security they needed as a child; however, they hate to be dependant or needy, and so there’s this inner push-pull that can easily spiral into self hatred if allowed. it’s important that they look at themselves and their past, come to terms with it and try to learn from it too. if you have saturn in cancer, try to create a soothing home that puts warmth in your heart, as the home environment of these people is very important to them and can help them feel more secure. it’s also worth trying to build up your confidence, as you will feel much better if you have your own back.
leo - saturn in leo often manifests as a strong-willed, deeply ambitious person, who can come across as cold and stubborn, but really just needs recognition for what they do. they want people to admire them, and this need to be recognised often comes from childhood somewhere. ego plays a bit part in the life of leo in saturn, and they can struggle to connect with their true selves - they usually have tons of creative talent but no knowledge of how to unlock it, and so are prone to frustration. these people tend to feel they are inferior to others, and they can sabotage themselves by putting themselves down. they can be jealous too, and they try to protect their delicate selves from others by being cold and aloof. the lessons that saturn in leo need to learn revolve around humility, creativity and love; love for others, sure, but mostly for themselves, because it’s this cold centre that brings all the trouble. you must balance the power you have inside, and if you can, you’ll find true joy in life at last.
virgo - this is a great placement for saturn if you can make the most of it; unfortunately it’s not so great if you can’t. at its worst, saturn in virgo brings compulsive behaviours, control issues, harsh self-criticism and niggling health concerns. however, these modest people are hardworking, able to see the little details that make something perfect, cautious and excellent planners. they just need a little push in the right direction, a self-esteem boost, and to learn to let go. hypochondria can develop in times of stress, as well as anxiety issues in general, but if they can learn to manage their stresses and become more relaxed in day-to-day life, these problems will ease up considerably. control can seem to keep them sane, but in all honesty you’ll never control everything, and if you can’t handle losing it, you’ll never be able to keep it. turn that brilliant mind inwards and look at what’s truly good for you; you’ll know.
libra - saturn is exalted in libra, and so it’s quite a nice placement really; these people are fair and pleasant, and quite charming. this can seem a very natural and even easy placement for saturn, but of course it isn’t without its lessons; saturn in libra often experiences restriction when it comes to relationships. they can struggle to relate to others on a personal level, and may find it very hard to be in a relationship. the relationships they do enter may feel forced or loveless, but they themselves don’t know how to mend these holes. the key lies within, and reflection will definitely help. once you are aware of the patterns you form throughout your life, you can work on changing the ones that aren’t helpful for you, and you can experience more open, romantic and pleasant relationships. it’s important to stabilise yourself and take responsibility for the relationships you aren’t happy with, for this placement to flourish.
scorpio - now this is one of the more turbulent positions for saturn; scorpio is so raw, so emotional and sometimes chaotic, while saturn seeks the tangible, control, results. however, i actually this has the potential to be a really good placement; these people are intuitive, determined and mentally very strong. they are calculating and sometimes quite controlling, in the murky manner of scorpio. the main problem with this placement is that saturn restricts the emotional goldmine that is scorpio. this can lead to all manner of emotional issues, repressed memories, and even holding onto negative energies around them. they can struggle to see their true intentions and often fear rejection and abandonment deeply. they can struggle to open themselves up to another person or be intimate. they must learn to open their eyes and look at themselves honestly, with the same sharpness they look at others, and then focus all that immense energy on healing from whatever is dragging them down. it’s hard and painful, but we all know the strength of this placement.
sagittarius - saturn in sagittarius can seem like a weird match, right? but actually, it fits quite well. this placement brings strong ethics and morals, a real lust for learning, skepticism and strong intuition. however, these people may feel dissatisfied with their education, feeling it did them no good and that they need to teach themselves. they can swing from skeptical to cynical in the blink of an eye, or from intuitive to blindly guessing at life. this placement is surprisingly prone to bouts of depression, as it’s hard to need your freedom but be scared of the consequences of it. they can struggle to open up and trust others, and can sometimes rebel just for the sake of rebelling, rather than because they believe it’s right. the lessons of this placement focus on balancing ethical codes with human needs and wants, structuring your learning so you can make the most of it, and learning to find the wonder in the world. this placement is great for teachers and often leads to your becoming a leader in your chosen field, but you must heal from your issues first.
capricorn - saturn is at home in capricorn, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its own set of challenges like any other saturn placement. issues of control and perfectionism can make achievements difficult, although this is actually a very hard working placement that prides itself on its achievements and the completion of goals. saturn in capricorn often sees things in black and white, feeling that emotions are all awful things that distract from progress, and anything less than perfection is failure. but awareness is a huge part of making strides, and as much as they crave recognition, their inner self needs recognition by the outer self in order to truly flourish. time heals all wounds, and keeping this in mind will help you to heal your own. 
aquarius - saturn in aquarius is a natural psychiatrist, a scientist at heart. they can apply themselves fully to anything that peaks their interest, and their hearts are solid gold. but they can struggle to fit in amongst their peers, and their way of living can be unconventional and possibly even distressing to them. it’s important that they learn to balance their own lifestyles with their dreams and morals. these people are wonderful friends, and have fair hearts. as the traditional ruler of aquarius, saturn is surprisingly comfortable here, and if you can be honest with yourself and apply your beautiful minds and hearts to the world around you, i think this is actually a wonderful placement for saturn.
pisces - saturn in pisces can be a very tough placement, as saturn deals with structure and pisces dissolves everything it touches. but this is a sensitive and extremely creative placement for saturn, and if you listen to its lessons, you are likely to become a wise and empathic person, without feeling consumed by negativity. it’s very easy to fall into depression with this placement, because you may feel responsible for others, but if you learn to put your needs first and to step back when you need to, you’ll find this eases up considerably. inner reflection and connecting the mind and body to the soul, will help you on your journey. it’s important to learn to say no and to let out your feelings through some creative pastime. 
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melancholy-magik · 4 years
Ceres in Air: Give then space, acceptance, but most of all support.
Ceres in Fire: Let them face challenges on their own but also be their cheerleader. Caring needs to be warm, even heated.
Ceres in Earth: Structure, stability, security - the 3 S’s are vital to their growth and well being.
Ceres in Water: Encourage creative expression, give them reassurance, affection, let them attach to someone or something.
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melancholy-magik · 4 years
Uranus in the Houses: Individualism
Uranus in the 1st: I’m sure you’d imagine quite the quirky and interesting person with this placement. While this certainly can be true, there is something about questioning identity. Uranus indicates a “higher mind”, innovation, moments of discovery. Identity is not fluid, not easily lost, and not obscure BUT they may fall into re-discovering themselves over and over again. Individuality is tightly connected to expression and intellect somehow. Seeking change in how they represent themselves may be something they crave or do naturally. There is something special about exploring all facets of the self. 
Uranus in the 2nd: Individuality in how they view self-worth or approach security may manifest. Being inventive and original in practical, sensual, physical ways is another way to look at this placement. “Unique ways to make money” is the trademark of this position but there is much more to this house than money and possessions. Uranus in this House may show their uniqueness in how they spend money or what they buy but they also show their individuality through the physical realm and this can mean many things. This is one to own a “conversation starter” whether it is in their fashion choices or home decor. Having an unconventional approach to what a society deems as “practical” may happen. There is something special about physically living, valuing, and really existing on a different level. 
Uranus in the 3rd: “Eccentric communicator” is the label many put on this placement. So yes, individuality is certainly seen in how they crack jokes, spur up debates, and bring up odd, political, or even taboo subjects. Here we see that “higher mind” showing social intuition and observation. They approach the realm of socialization, learning, and expressing differently. They are very eager to learn about others and about the world around them. The way they learn could show individuality and uniqueness. In their earlier years they may have stood out a lot among peers, especially in a classroom setting. There is something special about living in the realm of ideas and sharing for them. 
Uranus in the 4th: Unconventional family life or domestic life can pop up with this placement. In terms of individuality this comes from freedom to be themselves apart from a family or tight community. Deep-seeded Influence upon them, comfort, attachments, and roots - these things shape them into a sculpture different than others with their same upbringing. This doesn’t just mean the black sheep in the family, this can mean the odd one out in a school, church, or organization. Being “different” doesn’t always mean being an outcast or something negative. With the 4th being a house about safety and comfort, they may find their individuality or express it best when being disruptive towards that comfort/security. There is something special about constantly stepping out of their comfort zone. 
Uranus in the 5th: That individuality shines through the bright 5th House in expression and creativity. Unique fashion sense ✓, has combined quirkiness with flair ✓, unforgettable party goer ✓, original artist  ✓. Don’t forget being an “individualist” when it comes to romance. Uranus at times can make someone with this position highly independent and doesn’t want to be in any relationship that threatens their individuality or freedom. Uranus isn’t necessarily known for self-focus but it can be known for separation and a focus on what makes you, you. With that focus comes a theme of rushing into relationships with like-minded people but then still trying hard to protect their differences and freedom to express. There can be a tug-of-war in love. Really individuality sometimes shows the most or is solidified through how they are different from their lovers yet still find common ground. It shows through their art. It shows through their speeches. It shows through their big ideas. It shows through their celebrations. There is something special about never losing yourself while still connecting with another. 
Uranus in the 6th: Don’t sleep on this placement! Sure we could talk about unconventional healing and maybe being a healer is one way they stand out. Uncommon illnesses and accidents are tied to this but let’s talk about other areas of the 6th. Other environments that their uniqueness can show and breathe in. Here is someone who stands out in their everyday routine, in their work space, and in their habits. They can be innovative and original, breaking away from the normal humdrum of everyday life. Uranus in the 6th can be a strength for teamwork and altruism. They know how to change a negative or toxic environment or routine into something liberating. They may serve others by helping them break free, start anew, or giving them the knowledge they need to better their situation. Despite Uranus sometimes being looked at as a planet about disruption, chaos, “being apart” - in this house Uranus intelligently approaches inefficiency, which many times could be due to a lack of cooperation or understanding. There’s something special about how they can bring people together but also push them apart, whichever equals an improvement. 
Uranus in the 7th: Independence can be both a gift and a struggle in love for this individual. Sacrificing freedom and individuality will never, ever happen. On the surface many have pinned this placement as one showing commitment issues. But let’s look at this as individuality in how we connect with others on a whole. Throw out gender roles, societal expectations for marriage or even friendship, rework master and apprentice. Individuality comes in how they treat others. Their expectations and “roles” in their relationships. An enemy? A rival? They likely don’t think of them how you may typically think of an “enemy”. Respect, equality, and give and take are all approached in a way that allows them to not be bound by how you perceive them and even how you care for them. There is something special about their harmony, their connections, their vibrations with others. 
Uranus in the 8th: Individuality is a precious thing shared with others. There is a desire for absolute acceptance and understanding in their closest relationships or within intimacy. Sharing the mind may make them feel more vulnerable than sharing anything else. A great desire to understand the taboo, the occult, the mysterious, metaphysics, life and death exist here. Their individuality can be kept in a darker place only to be shared with a few. On some level this could make someone seem a conformist, basic, etc. But don’t confuse this with the secrets and hidden attributes of the 12th House. Sometimes this can be more literal in that what makes them special is a darkness in their past. How they deal with pain or negativity can stand out. Also the taboo or occult may be an area they feel most comfortable in expressing their true self. Sometimes  throw out the average cabbage picture - this may also be the occultist in your community, not afraid to show their spell books or rave about their love for true crime documentaries and podcasts (which honestly isn’t that unusual but I’m trying to give you a visual the best I can). The 8th House with its dark and heavy reputation, I don’t want anyone thinking the darkness in their life is the only thing that makes them “special”. Rather that trauma could have been uncommon. The way they understand the darkness and unpredictability of the world is more of the emphasis I want to make. 
Uranus in the 9th: They stand out in their beliefs, morals, or possibly education. Truth and lies play a role in what makes them “unique”. There could be a tendency of bolstering up their individuality, possibly at a young age or when feeling insecure. When secure, when fulfilled, when they have an open mind and are actively learning they show their uniqueness, especially the uniqueness in what they believe in truthfully, openly, proudly. Uranus drives this individual to make a statement in their beliefs or non-beliefs even. This can be presented in so many positive or negative ways. Finding meaning in one’s life is also part of this house. They may stand out the most in the lengths they go to find meaning. From the tamer backpacking across Europe to find themselves, to exploring different religions, to more erratic actions and choices of completely abandoning a long-standing career for something very different or even giving up everything they own to help others may happen. There is something special in how they see a different way to think, believe, and in a way be. 
Uranus in the 10th: We can’t ignore that they are going to seem “different” or “special” somehow in the public sphere. Before we talk about fame, know there is a lot about connecting with and belonging to society with this placement. The way they think about or approach society could be unique. The way they fit into society can be unconventional as well. They pay attention to the collective, can tap into it. That intellectual side of the planet can drive them to analyze and understand the collective, law, society, social issues. I would say that standing out in your career or having your individualism show here is a prominent manifestation, especially in parts of the world where career are everything to a society. There’s something special about standing out in the crowd, in the boardroom, in the industry.
Uranus in the 11th: This placement is known to hang around rebels and outliers. This is part of their individuality, befriending those on the fringe of society or the norm. The way they fit into groups and organizations is unique. They may stand out as a leader in a club or friend group. They may be the glue among friends too. The way they view fellowship and approach it is likely unconventional. When it comes to the collective, much like the 10th house position they too can tap into it. The 10th sees trends in what society values and within laws and reputation while the 11th taps into social trends, new ideas, sees where society is headed on a larger scale or with the big picture. They can have goals that are on a different wavelength than most. They dream big and originally. This house can be about extending the self to others. With Uranus we can see someone who does this in an humanitarian way, highly social way, or maybe  intellectually focused way. There is something special about giving and taking from the group. 
Uranus in the 12th: Known for hidden individuality that wants to bubble to the surface. “Associated with past revolution and upheaval” according to Judy Hall. Individuality is shown best when they have confidence and pride in their uniqueness. It is also shown best when they rebel against the norm. Here can be a powerful position for the “rebel”, “anarchist”, or “innovator”. Their individuality can also shine through by helping others in a large way, through humanitarian deeds. Eccentricities will be both their weakness and strength. At times the emotional heaviness of the house can make them feel unstable and insecure about their differences, other times they can tap into their inner genius, trendsetter, and visionary. There is something special about just being different. 
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melancholy-magik · 5 years
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melancholy-magik · 5 years
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melancholy-magik · 5 years
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I love ocean
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melancholy-magik · 5 years
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melancholy-magik · 5 years
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If we play this out, darlin, can you be the villain?
You can my break my heart, darlin don’t that sound appealing?
Real fun real fun
Real fun real fun real great
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melancholy-magik · 5 years
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You some LA vibe, I’m the flyest on my block
Henny on the rocks and that shit do not stop
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melancholy-magik · 5 years
developing your craft (beyond tumblr)
Witchblr can be wonderfully supportive and rich with information for a new witch. Spells! Masterposts! Correspondences! Oh my!
But at some point, it feels like you keep seeing the same posts, the same lists, over and over, and your grimoire is full of conflicting correspondences pulled from 15 different resources, and you feel like you should be further along than you are, and there is a subtle guilt over the witchy practices you continue to fail to adopt, and your craft is beginning to feel a little….stagnant.
Where are you supposed to go from there?
I think it is important to understand that while the witchblr community is a wonderful melting pot of ideas and practices, and can be a wonderful place to start, it shouldn’t be your primary resource.
So, without further ado:
1. Beliefs
What are your beliefs? Take the time to think about it. What is important to you? What is it that you want out of your craft?
What are your thoughts on hot topics such as cursing, consent, cultural appropriation, and if applicable, the law of three? What practices or subjects are essential to you? What does your practice look like in terms of spellwork, rituals, devotion, meditation, and practices? Are tools essential? What type of witch do you consider yourself, and is the label necessary or important to you? Perhaps it is important that you don’t align yourself any which way at all.
This is the time to figure out what your craft means to you, and what you value. A little self-reflection never hurt anybody (I don’t think?).
2. Data
I assume at this point you’ve gathered enough information to make yourself dizzy. Go through it. 
Pitch out anything unreliable. Mark anything that requires further investigation. Put aside or throw out information on subjects you are no longer interested in or are no longer applicable to your practice. If you don’t give a damn about Astrology, you don’t need to keep collecting the information because of the idea that this will make you a more well-rounded witch.
From what is remaining, sort all the conflicting information and decide which sources to rely on, which ones to mix and match, and which ones to scrap all together. Note the subjects in which you wish to explore more and deepen your knowledge of, and which things you consider essential knowledge.
At this point I also imagine you have plenty of your own input to add as well, so go ahead and do that. 
3. Correspondences
Correspondence lists are all over the place. 
But correspondences are a very deeply personal thing that vary drastically between communities and from person to person. New witches tend to take these lists way more seriously than they should. I don’t have a lot of faith in a spell that requires a heavy amount of cross referencing correspondences that don’t align with your own intuition. 
For instance, if you look up correspondences for money, you might find clovers, basil, and hyssop. But if you don’t know what hyssop is, then don’t use it just because a list or spell made it sound like you have to have that hyssop or the spell won’t work. If you don’t associate hyssop with anything, its not going to carry any correspondence in whatever you use it for.
Develop your own correspondences based on your own associations and intuition and suddenly the possibilities for spells and ingredients are endless. Use lists for quick reference, but don’t work from them religiously. When you come across a list that has a paragraphs worth of meanings, pick and choose which ones make sense to you and ignore the rest.
4. Resources
You never have to be done with exploring new methods and subjects, unless you want to. Delve into things for as long or intensely or as sporadically as you want to. But for the love of all that is good, expand your search outside tumblr. 
And when you do, I’m here to let you know, it’s going to be a bitch finding information you can trust. Learn to sniff out bias and avoid it like the plague. 
Refine your Google searches. Read a book. Investigate. Basically become a scholar. When you have a massive collection of quality resources mixed with your personal accounts and intuition, forming your own opinions is a lot easier. 
It’s a pain in the ass, but unfortunately that’s how the world works. There aren’t many authorities on witchcraft. You have to become one. At least as far as your interests go anyway.
5. Practice
Refine your knowledge, refine your skills, practice how and what you want to practice. Tumblr can’t tell you how to be a witch. That is something you need to figure out on your own. 
Ultimately nothing on this list is particularly earth-shattering to hear, I realize, but these are all things I wish I’d been told a little sooner. Ultimately if you want to grow, don’t rely on the community as your only source of information.
Whether that means diving into other platforms or going solo, you need to find that out for yourself. 
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