meowolfe-blog · 7 years
How are you still single?
How are you still single? This is by far the number one question I have guys I meet on a dating app or in person ask me. Potential suitors act seemingly dumbfounded to see a girl like me ridin solo for this many consecutive years. Literally this blows the fuck out of guys minds. It's like a series of fireworks are popping off in their heads as they try ferociously to see the clear reason that the otherwise great specimen before them is single. They mentally cannot wrap their heads around it, and they all seem to make it their personal mission to figure out just what "it" is. "It" being the the reason as to why a girl like me could possibly have gone this long without a boyfriend. "It" is the sole explanation as to WHY and HOW someone like me isn't taken. No one dares to assume that it may just be a personal choice, or that perhaps the right person just hasn't come along. No way. No one actually chooses to be single... no matter what they tell you....Being the natural problem solvers that they are, I can feel guys running through a mental checklist of my traits. Ok she's pretty, check, and she's getting her MBA which means she must be smart, check. She does a lot of community service, so she's nice to others, check...Hmmm...Their conclusion, a clear personality flaw must be at work here. Is she overly anxious or needy? Does she have a ton a cats, or germaphobia? Does she have an entire pinterest wedding planned and 5 children of yours already named? Is she a closet alcoholic or head case? Clearly there is something being missed here, or perhaps it just hasn't yet reared it's ugly head. And so, they sit back, grab some popcorn, and anxiously watch the slow motion train wreck waiting for that "aha" moment to provide an answer to the impossible question, How are you still single?, is finally laid to rest. Or at least until they receive some kind of rationale they can attribute to my situation and be on their god damn merry way. So there's that.
For. Your. Information.... I am not a fun lil lollipop triple dipped in psycho. I am not 50 shades of cray. I am no more needy, jealous, and whiney than the next girl. My looks and brains don't make me any more or less likely to have a boyfriend/fiance/husband right now. I only wish I could drop some revolutionary shit on you that would provide any kind of insight into my situation. I have been single AF for almost 4 years now and I'm just as clueless as I was before. I have no idea how or when I missed this couples bandwagon or how over the years I've actually gotten worse at dating. Instead of knowing what I want I seem to only know what I don't want and only when it's right in front of me. I have to continuously tell the hopeless romantic (emphasize hopeless) in myself that there isn't something fundamentally wrong with me I just simply haven't found him yet. I've decided to steer clear of saying "the one" because I don't know that I believe there is only just one and only one person out there for us. I think you could have many soulmates and life partners that would work out, but it all comes down to timing...Well fuck you timing. Timing can seriously be the shits.
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