metaphorbrian · 5 years
Hello! If you’re queer and ship any queer real person ship. I NEED YOU to take this very important survey for my very important senior research project! https://utdallas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ss6Abbte6YP1GJ
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
TW Don’t kill yourself today
Don’t kill yourself today
Because your Netflix trial still has a week left
Don’t kill yourself today
Because no one else will finish off the chicken in the fridge
Don’t kill yourself today
Because I know for a fact that Starbucks is releasing a new Frappuccino sometime next month
Yes, your mother will miss you
Yes your bully will make a sappy Facebook post about how what a a wonderful person you were
And yes
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
You know that
You’ve known that
Everyone and anyone has been shoving that down your throat since they first learned what the word suicide meant
So don’t kill yourself
Until you finish your shampoo and conditioner at the same time
Don’t kill yourself
Until Doctor Who is finally cancelled
Don’t kill yourself
Until you tell someone your best pasta recipe 
Don’t kill yourself 
Because I will keep coming up with reasons for you not to
And I need you
To hear all of them
Don’t kill yourself
I love you
You’re important
It’s a bad day
Not a bad life
There is more to this
The world will keep spinning on its axis without you
Think of all the sunrises you’d miss
I know this sounds pointless
But when you’re sitting in front of everything deadly you own
Revising your goodbyes
There will be too much darkness 
To see anything else
But this is not about seeing anything else
This is about turning off the lights
This is about finding the bed instead of the noose
This is about giving yourself one more day
Even if it takes ten thousand of those
One more morning’s
“I can’t wait for tomorrow”
This is about staying alive
Because there’s gonna be a new Marvel movie
No one should miss that
This is about staying alive
Because the future is coming 
And it’s ready for you
I don’ t need you to see it
I just need you to believe you can make it 
Until then
- Hannah Dains
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
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Pretty. Girls. DONT. Eat. 
I spent years wholeheartedly believing these four words.
This phrase consumed my thoughts to the point where I never thought I would be good enough until I could stop eating for good.
And I know I am not the only one.
If you have ever felt this way - or you feel that way now - just take a moment to remind yourself of two things:
Im not the first person to point these things out. And I sure as hell hope I am not the last. But I hope one day when you google “pretty girls eat” that you see something different. 
Because… pretty girls fucking eat!!
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they eat because eating makes you look and feel good
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they eat to look good in clothes
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they eat to look good in a bikini
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they eat to feel good naked
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they eat so they can lose weight
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They eat so they can gain muscle
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they eat so they eat so they can work out
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they eat to run to the top
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they eat to lift big
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they eat to achieve that pose
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they eat to compete
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they eat for their sport
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they eat to have the strength and energy to love being active
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they eat for bright eyes and clear minds
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they eat for beautiful smiles and strong teeth
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they eat to grow brows on fleek
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they eat for healthy skin
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they eat for strong beautiful hair
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they eat to love their selfies
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they eat because they love themselves 
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and they eat because they love food and their bodies need food
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One day I want little girls to google “pretty girls eat” and see pictures of beautiful women like this. 
Women who are not only beautiful, but so much more. (and if you follow them you KNOW that they all eat!)
Fuck “pretty girls don’t eat” Because we do. And we should remind each other of that until every lost girl who has had the misfortune of believing such a terrible lie can be shown the truth:
HEALTHY girls eat.
STRONG girls eat.
DETERMINED girls eat.
CONFIDENT girls eat.
SMART girls eat.
HAPPY girls eat.
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
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Freddie Mercury wallpapers/lockscreen
Please like or reblog if you save/use
Original image credits to rightful owners
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
Platonic love is real love and shouldnt be treated like less becuase it isnt romantic. Defining love as only romantic is a terrible concept. You should be able to love people in a platonic way as much as romantic way and not be seen as less
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
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Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) + Roger’s car song “I put my heart and soul into this song. And you don’t like it because you want your songs on the album!”
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
anonymous said: please please please could you write something about Brian coming off stage at live aid and the whole time you’ve been a sobbing mess and you tell him how proud you are and how much you love him? maybe with an age difference if you’re comfortable with that. maybe he calls you angel too? just pure fluff. thanks!
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Brian had never seen you cry so hard. Even when he’d taken you on a birthday date to see The Outsiders when it came out a few years ago, he’d only seen you cry for maybe 5 minutes about Dallas’ death. But this, this was new. 
As he left the stage, fired up from the incredible performance they had just put on, he saw you smiling broadly, but crying as if you’d just heard the actual Queen herself had passed. Jim was directly behind you, a comforting arm around your shoulder that he retracted only when Brian approached after handing off his guitar to the tech.
“Brian, wonderful show,” Jim praised, giving him a quick pat on the back as he let go of you. You immediately dove into Brian’s embrace, hugging his torso and bawling your eyes out as Brian securely wrapped his arms around you, looking at Jim with an eyebrow raised. Jim just smiled knowingly and shrugged, taking off to congratulate Freddie and leaving you two alone to your devices.
“Hello, love,” Brian murmured, rubbing your back and nuzzling your hair as he tried to figure out why in God’s name you were crying so hard. It almost hurt him to see you like this, even if you weren’t upset. “Did you like the show?”
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
i just want to say to fic readers that big long rambly comments on fics, where you say the things you loved about it and sometimes get capslocky and squeal and use exclamation points and quote parts and praise the smut or the characterizations or the world building or the chemistry or all of the above, comments like that are fucking incredible and every fic author loves you, thank you
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
The press/managers @ Queen: haha yeah maybe don’t be too controversial or political with your songs and stuff don’t want to lose those homophobic sexist racist fans y'know!
Brian: *writes white man and put out the fire*
Freddie: *writes is this the world we created*
John: *writes I want to break free with a music video in drag*
Roger: *spends entire solo career writing songs about racism, segregation, neo-nazis, inequality, domestic violence, and the futility of war*
how about
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
Reblog this if you are part of the Classic Rock Fandom... We can't be that small can we?
Seriously I want to know how many of us there are because people always seem to choose not to mention us. So if you’re part please reblog this!
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
It is our duty as feminists to protect and respect women in Hijabs
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
Some Day One Day — chapter two
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Pairing: College!Brian May (1960s, or early 70s) x fem!reader
Warnings: a kiss (this is fluff!), friends-to-lovers, a lil angst aka Brian May Sad Boi Hours
Words: 2.5K
Summary: Brian invites you to come with him to his childhood home in Hampton for the spring holiday.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and is not intended to be taken as truth or fact. I do not claim to own Brian May, Queen, or any other affiliated names or fictional events.
Author’s Note: Wow, this fic got crazy feedback!!! I’m so happy to create something you all enjoy. This fic is the stuff out of my fluff fantasies! I’m a sucker for college!Bri, and I hope you are, too. It’s been nice writing something and not feeling like I need to obsessively research/fact check/edit. Enjoy! 
~ chapter one ~
If you would had told yourself a day ago that you’d be kicking off the spring holiday with a midnight bike ride with Brian May through the empty streets of Hampton, you wouldn’t have believed it.
The streetlights bathe the world before you in a wash of yellow. The night air is brisk but lively, and it bites at your nose and fingertips as you pedal to keep up with Brian. He’d given you his bicycle, and though it was too big for you, you’d gotten the hang of it quickly. Brian uses his father’s bike. He looks back at you every so often and asks how you’re doing with a smile.
“Keepin’ up alright, Pluto?”
“This is fun!” you shout back. The road flies beneath your tires. It’s been years since you’ve ridden a bike, and years since you’ve felt like this.
Brian had waited to come get you until an hour after his parents retired for the night. You had slipped on your sneakers—as per his recommendation—and a jacket and waited patiently for the knock on your guest room door. When he finally came, he was wearing similar clothing and a guitar case around his back. He’d beamed at you with a unchecked excitement. 
“Are you ready?” he’d whispered. You’d nodded and followed him out to the garage, feeling like two teenagers sneaking out for the night.
But you still have no idea where on earth he’s taking you. And with his guitar strapped on his back. Was it some kind of music venue? A hidden cave? A lakeside view? He’d insisted that it was “somewhere special,” but that couldn’t be more ambiguous.  You were out of guesses. 
Anywhere is special with Brian, you think, watching the way the wind blows his hair back as he bikes in front of you.
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
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safe to say that I feel a deep, intense love for this cast
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
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Hey guys! As a writer myself, it’s hard to have a lot of resources for writing in one place. That’s why I decided to create this masterpost, and maybe make more if I find future resources. I hope you like it, and expect to see more masterposts like this in the future!
Appearance Generator
Archetypes Generator
Character Generator
Character Traits Generator
Family Generator
Job/Occupation Generator, (II)
Love Interest Generator
Motive Generator
Name Generator
Personality Generator, (II)
Quick Character Generator
Super Powers Generator
Brand Name Generator
Medicine Title Generator
Name Generator
Quick Name Generator
Vehicle Generator
Town Name Generator
First Encounter Generator
First Line Generator, (II)
Plot Generator, (II), (III)
Plot Device Generator
Plot Twist Generator
Quick Plot Generator
City Generator
Fantasy Race Generator
Laws Generator
Pet Generator
Setting Generator
Species Generator
Terrain Generator
Subject Generator
”Take Three Nouns” Generator
Word Prompt Generator
Color Generator
Decision Generator
Dialogue Generator
Journey Generator
Title Generator, (II), (III)
Some Tips
Just a few I found from the writing tips tag!
Writing action / @berrybird
How to create a strong voice in your writing / @collegerefs
How to plot a complex novel in one day! / @lizard-is-writing
8 ways to get past writer’s block / @kiramartinauthor
psa for writers / @dasakuryo
”Write Using Your 5 Senses” / @ambientwriting
How People Watching Improves Your Writing / @wherethetransthingsare
Writing Science Fiction: Tips for Beginners / @fictionwritingtips
Creating Likeable Characters / @authors-haven
Descriptive words / @somekindofstudent
Words to replace “Said” / @msocasey
Obscure color words / @mintsteelpeachlilac
Words to spice up your stories / @busyibee
Words to describe someone’s voice
Words to Use Instead of Very / @gaybybirth
Touchy Feely Words / @gaybybirth
Some Advice
Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules for Writers
”But my plot isn’t UNIQUE or BIG enough!” / @youreallwrite
8 Things Every Creative Should Know / @adamjk
(How To) Get Over Comparing Yourself to Other Creatives / @adamjk
How to Get Over Common Creative Fears (Maybe) / @adamjk
14 Tips From Stephen King On Writing / @i-can-give-you-prompts
Electronic Thoughts / @eruditekid
“Mix About Writing” An Instrumental Mix / @shadowofemirates
Shut Up, I’m Writing! / @ninadropdead
Chill / @endlessreveries
Breathtaking Film Scores / @tweedskirts
Music to Write to Vol. 1: Starlight / @crestadeen
Music for Written Words / @ghoulpatch
Dead Men Tell No Tales / @scamandersnewt
Fatale / @dolcegf
All These Things that I’ve Done / @referenceforwriters
Feeling Soaking into Your Bones / @verylondon
I Can Feel Your Pulse in the Pages / @rphelper
Morally Ambiguous / @scamandersnewt
Wonderwall / @wheelerwrites
Pythia / @mazikeene
Ballet: To Dance / @tanaquil
Websites and Apps
For Writing
ZenPen: A minimalist writing website to keep you free of distractions and in the flow.
The Most Dangerous Writing App: A website where you have to keep typing or all of your writing will be lost. It helps you keep writing…kind of. You can choose between a time or word count limit!
Evernote: An online website where you can take notes and save the product to your laptop and/or smartphone!
Writer, the Internet Typewriter: It’s just you and your writing, and you can save your product on the website if you create an account.
Wordcounter: A website to help check your word and character count, and shows words you’re using frequently.
Monospace: An Android app for writing on the go when you feel the inspiration, but you don’t have your laptop on you!
For Productivity
Tide: An app that combines a pomodoro-esque timer with nature sounds and other noises! (Google Play / Apple Store)
ClearFocus: An Android app with a pomodoro-type time counter to let you concentrate easier and stay productive.
Forest: An app with a time counter to keep you focused and off your phone, and when you complete the time limit, a tree grows in your garden! (Google Play / Apple Store)
SelfControl: A Mac downloadable app that blocks you from distracting mail servers, websites, and other things!
Prompt Blogs
Writing Tips Blogs
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
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I drew 70′s freddie in japan bc why not
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
Just Fantasy (Gwilym Lee!Brian May Imagine) Part ½
request: “27 and 36 pleasee:)”
27. “There’s only one bed.” 36. “I need you to fake date me.”
summary: You’re an assistant at a recording studio. Over the years, you’ve become well associated with Queen. You’re the only one that will put up with their crazy antics and weird requests. When your mother is on your back about having a boyfriend, you tell her you’ve been in a serious relationship. Panicked, you look to Brian for help.
warnings: cursing (THIS WILL HAVE A PART TWO)
“Alright boys, here’s your coffees. Black for John, one sugar for Freddie, two for Brian, and one and 3/7ths sugars for Roger,” you winked.
“Have I ever told you I loved you?” Roger asked.
“On occasion,” you smiled.
“Thank you for the coffee Y/N!” Brian shouted.
“Anytime boys!”
You’ve been an assistant for EMI for years now, but Queen as always been your favorite band to stop by. They even requested for you to come with them when they recorded Night At The Opera.
You and Brian had become particularly close. Any time the band had been in the middle of a disagreement, you always tended to help them look at facts rather than their opinions. Brian respected you for this. You were blunt. You weren’t afraid to tell them if a lyric made no sense, or if they were just being plain silly. Sometimes they listened, sometimes Roger threw something out a window.
With your birthday coming up, your mom was persistent on setting you up with a man to bring to your family birthday dinner. You’d be spending the weekend at your childhood house with your family for your birthday. Birthdays are a big deal in your family. You had no idea why, but ever since you were a kid you always had big birthday blowouts.
“Honey, you haven’t had a real relationship since you were in high school!” your mother shouted.
“I’ll have you know I’ve been in a serious relationship for the past three months,” you stated.
Why? Why would you say that? You didn’t even talk to boys!
“Oh really? Why haven’t you told me!” your mother sounded way too happy about this.
“I didn’t know if it was going to work out,” you mumbled.
“Well great! You should bring him. What’s his name?”
You hesitated.
Fuck. Too late now.
“Perfect! Bring him for your birthday next weekend then. Alright dear, I’ve got errands to run. Love you!” she said.
Fuck fuck fuck.
“Love you too, Mom.”
The next morning you brought two coffees with you. One for you and one for Brian. You had to ask him today to come with you and you were completely terrified.
You walked into their studio to find them already in the full swing of things. John was showing them a new song and the boys weren’t the biggest fans of it.
“Y/N!” Brian shouted.
“That’s me,” you laughed. You handed him his coffee and he thanked you.
“Do we not get coffee?” Roger whined.
“I can go get you guys more coffee, I only had enough money on me for two,” you explained.
Brian looked shocked, he couldn’t believe you paid for his coffee when there was free coffee here.
“You didn’t have to,” he told you.
“I know you like this better than the coffee here. Plus, I need a big favor from you,” you said nervously.
He nodded and agreed to talk with you later.
You sat in the sound booth helping some techs work the tapes while the boys recorded their parts for a new song.
Eventually, you finally had to work up the courage to talk to Brian.
“So what do you need to talk about? Is everything okay?” Brian asked you.
“Well…” you hesitated. This suddenly seemed like a bad idea. Retreat. Fuck. You have to.
“My mom has been on my ass for months about not having a serious boyfriend so just… ah shit okay,” you breathed. Brian looked very confused. “I need you to fake date me and come with me for the weekend to my parent’s house for my birthday?” Your words were a statement but you said it as a question. You were a mess.
He’s going to say no. You’ll get fired. This was a dumb idea. Oh God…
“Okay sure. When?”
“Oh,” you were shocked. You definitely didn’t expect Brian to be so cool about it. “Next weekend. We’d drive down Friday and stay until Saturday evening.”
“Okay,” he smiled. “I’ll pick up Friday then.”
“Oh my god thank you!” you hugged him tight and he laughed at your enthusiasm. “I owe you a lot more than just a coffee.”
“You owe me nothing, consider it a thank you for putting up with us.”
“Thank you. Seriously Bri you have no idea how much this means to me,” you said. He smiled at you and put his hand on top of yours.
“I’d do anything for you. You need me, so I’m there,” he assured you. “Alright, I’ve got to get back to work before Roger plays my part for me.”
“I’d be surprised if he hadn’t already,” you laughed.
That weekend, Brian was at your door at 4pm Friday afternoon just as he promised. He helped you put your bags in the car and opened up your door for you.
The drive to your parents house was filled of screaming the lyrics to whatever song popped up on the radio. You also talked about your relationship back story. How you met, when you started dating, all the small things.
Finally, you pulled into your old driveway. Brian insisted on getting all the bags from the back of the car, so you made your way and walked right into your old house.
“Mom! We’re here!” you shouted. Brian was following behind you with a bag on each arm. Your mom wrapped you in a hug, but her attention seemed to be far away. She was more focused on meeting Brian.
“Put those bags down sweetie,” your mom smiled. “George! Can you come and take their bags to Y/N’s room?”
She lead you and Brian to the living room.
“So how did you two meet?” she asked. You told her nothing about your “relationship” prior to coming here, that way you and Brian could create a story yourselves.
“Well Y/N has been an intern at EMI, as you probably know, and that’s our record company. Y/N would always be popping in and dealing with our crazy antics,” Brian joked. You smiled at him. “I don’t know, I guess we just sort of-“ he paused to look at you. “Clicked.”
You never noticed how enchanting his eyes are. Or how soft his lips looked.
“Oh you two are so cute!” your mom beamed. “Okay, alright, I’ll let you two get settled. Dinner will be around 6.”
“So I guess we’ll be in my old bedroom,” you told Brian. You led him down the hall to your old room. Your room was exactly how it used to be back when you were in high school. Pictures with friends and family all around, books filling your shelves, posters all around the walls. Everything was the same.
“There’s only one bed,” Brian said slightly concerned. He didn’t know how you would feel about sharing a bed with him.
“Well that’s,” you paused. You didn’t know what to feel. “Fine? I mean we can’t ask for another bed; we’re supposed to be in a serious relationship.”
“We’ve taken naps on the same couch, this won’t be any different,” Brian added.
“Exactly! Nothing we haven’t done before,” you smiled.
You unpacked your bag and put the clothes in your old dresser drawers. Brian didn’t seem to know what to do, so you just put his stuff in the drawer below yours.
You began to look at all your old knick knacks and photographs spread throughout our room as Brian laid across the bed.
“Tired?” you asked him. He nodded sleepily.
“I’ll let you sleep then,” you told him. You began to walk out of the room when you heard a soft “no”.
“No? What do you want then?”
“Come nap with me,” Brian said. He had a fuzzy blanket pulled up to his chin and had scooted over to make room for you. You couldn’t say no to him, so you slipped into a pair of sweatpants and climbed into the bed next to him.
“May I?” Brian asked. He wanted to wrap his arms around you. You nodded yes. He got closer to you and pulled you close to his chest.
You don’t know how long you were asleep, but you woke up to your sister snapping a polaroid of the two of you.
“Josie!” you whisper shouted. “It’s been 5 years since I’ve lived here and you still have no sense of privacy?”
“I was sent to tell you dinner was ready!” she defended. “And then I saw this and it was just too cute!”
You shoved your sister away so you could begin to wake up Brian. You lightly pressed against his shoulder, but he wouldn’t budge. You tried shaking, and nothing. Eventually, you got up, and tugged on the blanket off of Brian’s body. Nothing. He somehow still looked so peaceful; so, you leave him be.
“Where’s Brian?” your mother asked.
“I couldn’t wake him up from his nap. He’s been overworking himself so I figured I’d just let him sleep,” you explained.
It was nice being with your family again. You haven’t really had a family dinner like you used to back in school in years. It’s always been holiday or birthday celebrations, so extra people were all around.
“I never did that!” your sister screamed.
“Shhh!” you shouted. “Brian’s still asleep,” you laughed.
“Josie honey, you definitely did fall asleep at a rock concert,” your mom laughed.
“How did you manage to do that?” a voice asked. You turned around excitedly and found yourself face to face with Brian. He smiled and leaned down to kiss your forehead. Had to put on a show…
“Good morning sleeping beauty,” you joked.
“You’re the beauty,” he replied.
Too bad this is fake, you thought. Wait what?
You didn’t have much time to unpack your inner thoughts. You’re mom pulled out the desert and sent your father to pull out the rest of the food for Brian.
“Thank you for saving some food,” Brian said. “Apparently I’m a hard sleeper.”
“Everything. I tried everything May,” you said.
“I’ve been rooming with Roger for years, I’m immune to everything.”
That part wasn’t surprising. Back at the farmhouse, Roger would often be doing loud and random activities late in the night and early in the morning.
“Oh! Speaking of Roger, how’s the band Brian?“ your mom asked.
The next few hours were spent with your family learning about Queen and Brian. Many farm stories and other recording studio shenanigans were shared. You were
leaning on Brian’s chest, his arm wrapped around you with his hand slipped into yours.
“Wait!” you yelled laughing. “Remember when John got so drunk he got lost in the middle of the field and we found him crying while petting a baby calf?”
“Yes! Oh my god Roger spent hours getting him back inside!”
A few more stories were shared, then you all decided to head to bed.
“Goodnight mom!” you called.
“Goodnight you two.”
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metaphorbrian · 5 years
reblog this if you’re a fanfic writer & your motivation to write actually increases when readers actually show interest & give you feedback. even just a reblog or a little comment here and there
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