mhyori1117 · 7 months
Killing Me Like a Fever
Royalty Au, Fantasy Au
Jay X Reader
Word Count:682
Warnings: Heavy angst, Major Character Deaths, Blood, Stab Wound
A/N I got inspired by the fever mv and wanted to write since I interpreted it as a really depressing song. I know I was supposed to release Yangyang's fic first, but I knew I wanted to write a short fic for this, so I decided to get this done first. It's kinda rushed so it's not the best work.
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It’s midnight and you get woken up at the sound of glass breaking. You quickly turn to look over at your husband-to-be to make sure everything was okay only to see him looking at you checking over you. “Baby, you okay,” he asks, stroking your face with his hand. “I think I heard something,” you look over to the window, "Jay, the window." The window was shattered. Glass everywhere. You look over at the Crowned Prince in terror. You quickly grab his hand and yank him away from the window. You urge him to follow your lead and quietly but quickly head to the door where guards should be stationed outside of. You're both silent and terrified. You reach the door and try to open it quietly in case the person who broke the window is still out there. Once you open the door, you notice how the guards that were supposed to be posted outside your door were not there. This was not good. You look back at Jay completely and utterly terrified. You usher Jay to be in front that way if the intruder is behind you, you will take the brunt of the fall instead of him. The small hole in the window soon becomes bigger as another rock was thrown. That was your cue to run, so you grab Jay’s hand and run as fast as you can. You can feel your heartbeat speed up at both the adrenaline and anxiety. What if something happens. Where are the guards. You can hear other footsteps that don’t belong to either you or Jay. You can’t spare a glance behind you. You have to keep running. Anxiety fills you. You can hear shouting. Curse words spew from the attackers mouth. “Baby, please go hide. Please, I would not be able to live with myself if anything happened to you. Please, I beg you. I’ll fend him off, but you go somewhere safe and live for me. I love you Y/N,” Jay says, only loud enough for you to hear. Panting with each word,”Jay, I can’t just leave you here to die. You’re the love of my life. Imagine how I would feel if I lost you. I’m sticking with you.” And with that you both keep running. Together. But that wouldn’t last forever. Soon enough all you could hear were your own footsteps. You turn around and notice that neither the attacker or Jay was following you. You quickly sprint back and notice a body laying in a pool of blood. No! No no no no! Please no. Don’t let it be Jay. You look at the face and notice it wasn’t Jay. “Jay?! Baby? Where are you,” you shout hoping he would answer. You hear a faint voice and follow it. There you see Jay leaning up against the wall on the floor. He has his palms on a wound. “Baby, what happened, are you okay,” you ask, putting pressure on Jay’s wound. He seems to be losing blood quickly. Where are the guards?
“HELP! PLEASE!,” you shout with tears pooling in the corner of your eyes.
“You're so pretty. I’m so glad I got to meet you,” Jay says with a small smile on his face and he brushes a strand of hair behind your ear with blood stained hands, “Baby, I love you so much. I hope you move on and find someone. Please don’t dwell on my death for too long.”
‘Jay what are you saying? You're not going to die. I won’t let you.” Tears keep pouring down your face. You couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. He’s the one you love. The only one. You don’t want anyone that isn’t him.
“It’s okay, love. I promise. I’m just happy I got to love someone as amazing as you,” he coughs out. You’ve stopped putting pressure on his wound, pull him in for one last kiss and hug. Once you pull away, you watch him smile as he slowly passes away. The love of your life was gone just like a fever.
Taglist: @mhyori1117
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mhyori1117 · 7 months
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for the Resonance Beach Collab hosted by @amorajae
Genre: fluff, angst, slightly suggestive
Pairing: bartender!Ten x fem!reader
Summary: When your friend forces you on a vacation by yourself to get over your horrible ex, what better option than to drink your problems away with the cute bartender that’s vaguely familiar?
Warnings: mentions of breakups, language, alcohol use, mentions of sex, ten is bi (mentions of Ten x Doyoung)
Word Count: 5.3k
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“You really need to get over this boy. He was obviously no good for you.” your friend groans as she finds you still curled up in bed at noon.
You roll over not wanting to hear any of it. Yeah, you broke up with Dejun two months ago but it still hurts like it’s fresh. He had broken up with you after two years of cheating on you to be with the other girl. You had only taken awareness of his cheating a few days before he had dumped you. Now here you are two months later still wallowing in self-pity. You feel your friend shake you trying to get you to at least show your face from underneath your cave of blankets. Eventually, you give in showing her your eyes and forehead glaring at her all the while. She gives you a sympathetic smile before talking again.
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mhyori1117 · 7 months
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Pairing: Chan x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, college au
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 466
ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿
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mhyori1117 · 7 months
género: smut (novio!kun, jealous sex, degradación, spanking, lenguaje altisonante, oral [for him], sexo sin protección [ya saben que no promuevo estas conductasss, protéganse siempre uwu])
palabras: 2k. (de hecho me pase por una palabra pero bueno :p)
notas de la autora: esto tiene el plot con el que mi intj vino el otro día hacia mi pero más explayado así que espero lo disfruten muuucho uwu… y por último kun bajo luz azul te amo mucho !!
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kun había luchado mucho por no mostrar sus celos frente a los miembros, pero en el momento en que habían salido a comer y te habían dejado por fin sólo con él ya no podía soportarlo más.
la noche anterior habías llegado a dormir con él luego de varias semanas sin verse y en realidad todo había sido perfecto para él ya que siempre el tenerte a su lado lo relajaba y podía jurar que jamás había dormido tan bien como esa noche; sin embargo, el problema había sido toda la mañana siguiente. habías planeado quedarte todo el fin de semana en el departamento y aunque aquello le había encantado en un principio, cuando te vio paseándote por todo el lugar con tus pequeños shorts deportivos la alegría se había esfumado por completo.
en un principio había intentado simplemente ignorar el hecho que tu trasero se veía aún mejor en ellos y las ganas que tenía de tomarte en cada rincón del departamento, pero poco a poco ese deseo se había convertido en molestia cuando en el desayuno había notado la mirada de los chicos posarse en ti más de lo necesario y, aunque sabía que jamás intentarían algo contigo, aquello no borraba el hecho que tu trasero sólo le pertenecía a él.
“¿los chicos ya se fueron?”, preguntas mientras te estiras hacia delante sobre tu tapete de yoga, iniciando tu calentamiento para poder iniciar con tu rutina de ejercicios.
“mmhm”, responde seco y antes de que puedas levantarte a preguntar si algo está mal lo sientes acercarse a ti, inclinando su entrepierna hacia delante hasta pegarla a tu trasero, haciéndote jadear cuando sientes claramente su pene aún entre la tela de sus pantalones deportivos y tus shorts.
te enderezas intentando mantenerte cerca de él y de manera inmediata te toma con ambas manos por la cintura, moviendo ligeramente sus caderas en círculos para que puedas seguir sintiéndolo y, de un momento a otro, una de sus manos sube a tu garganta, presionando suavemente para obligarte a pegar tu espalda a su pecho por completo.
“¿disfrutas la atención de los demás?”, susurra sobre tu oído con voz ronca y tu piel se eriza, sintiendo tus bragas humedecerse aunque no sabías a lo que se refería. “¿por eso te pasaste toda la mañana caminando por aquí con esta ropa?”
intentas contestar pero todo lo que sale de tus labios es un jadeo cuando la mano que reposaba en tu cintura la dirige a tu trasero y aprieta una de tus nalgas con fuerza.
“te hice una pregunta”, tragas saliva intentando poner tus pensamientos en orden y cuando estás a punto de responder sientes el ardor de un azote en tu trasero. “responde, ¿o ni siquiera puedes hacer algo tan fácil como eso?”
“n-no…”, respondes por fin luego de sentir un segundo azote y agradeces internamente que su mano siguiera sobre tu cuello porque literalmente podrías sentir tus piernas temblar y seguramente en cualquier momento terminarías por caer si no fuera por él.
“no, ¿qué?”, pregunta acariciando tu trasero para eliminar el ardor y cuando te ve cerrar los ojos deja un tercer azote, recordándote que quiere toda tu atención puesta en él.
“sólo quiero tu atención”, dices ya agitada, moviendo tu trasero ligeramente en busca de fricción cuando sientes su erección crecer y una sonrisa ladina aparece en su rostro ante tu respuesta.
“entonces vas a tener que demostrarme que no eres la pequeña zorra que se estuvo paseando por todo el departamento y que sólo eres mía”.
giras sobre tus pies para quedar frente a él y te toma por la barbilla con fuerza, levantando su rostro hacia él y prácticamente estrella sus labios contra los tuyos, moviéndolos con fuerza sobre los tuyos mientras tú sólo te dejas hacer ante tus movimientos, disfrutando de la dominancia de ellos. abres la boca para él cuando su agarre se mueve a tus mejillas y presiona con su dedo pulgar y medio en cada una para que pueda introducir su lengua en ti.
te separas en busca de aire y de manera inmediata te colocas de rodillas frente a él, dirigiendo de manera inmediata tus manos a sus muslos para poder apoyarte mientras esperas paciente a que te de permiso de que puedas tocarlo, batiendo tus pestañas hacia él con lentitud.
“vas a tomar sólo lo que yo te de, ¿verdad?”, pregunta mientras baja sus pantalones con lentitud delante de ti y aunque intentas mantener fija la vista en su rostro, fallas cuando su pene salta frente a ti, con algunas venas marcadas en su longitud y la punta roja.
“sí… ¿puedo tocarte?”, dices más necesitada de lo que esperabas y te ganas una risa profunda de su parte además de un movimiento de negación con su cabeza.
“no creo que lo merezcas”, se inclina lo suficiente hacia ti para acunar tu rostro con ambas manos y pasa su pulgar sobre tu labio inferior, empujándolo dentro de tu boca cuando separas los labios. “si quisiste ser toda una zorra entonces voy a tener que tratarte como tal”.
un gemido sale del fondo de tu garganta cuando libera su pulgar de tus labios y mantienes la boca abierta, con la lengua de fuera cuando todavía con ambas manos acunando tu rostro te acerca a su pene, sintiendo tu interior apretarse alrededor de nada cuando por fin su la punta de su miembro se recarga sobre tu lengua y puedes probar de manera inmediata el pre semen ahí.
cierras los labios a su alrededor y succionas con fuerza, elevando tus ojos para observarlo justo cuando cierra sus ojos en señal de placer y es imposible para ti no sonreír al verlo así. separa tus labios de él y vuelves a abrir la boca esperando volver a sentirlo, sorprendiéndote cuando de repente empuja sus caderas hacia ti y en un sólo movimiento lleva su pene por completo a tu boca, golpeando el fondo de tu garganta ante su súbita acción, haciéndolo gruñir al sentir tus arcadas.
“ow, ¿es demasiado para ti?”, dice con voz llena de condescencia una vez que saca su pene de tu boca y te ve respirando con irregularidad. peina algunos de tus cabellos fuera de tu rostro y coloca sus manos a cada costado de tu cabeza por encima de tus orejas y una sonrisa grande aparece en tu rostro cuando vuelves a abrir la boca para él y lo miras con ojos brillantes. “buena niña”.
relajas tu garganta tanto como puedes y cuando vuelve a llevar su pene dentro de tus labios respirar por la nariz profundamente, permitiéndole llegar tan profundo como quiere hasta que la punta de tu nariz roza su pelvis y rastros de tu saliva y su pre semen salen de entre tus labios, corriendo sobre sus testículos. se hace hacia atrás con lentitud cuando vuelve a sentir tus arcadas y disfruta de la vista de tus labios corriendo fuera de su longitud con suavidad y de todo el desastre húmedo que dejas a su alrededor.
“tan sucia”, su voz sale profunda y tú sonríes desde tu lugar. “arriba”.
te levantas tan rápido como te es posible a escuchar su orden y sus manos de inmediato se dirigen a tu trasero, acercándote hacia él en un beso torpe, probándose en tus labios mientras deja un azote en cada una de tus nalgas y los gemidos que salen de tu boca quedan atrapados entre el beso. dirige tus movimientos hacia la cama sin separarse de ti y cuando tus piernas chocan con el borde de la misma te deja caer encima de ella, dejando tus piernas colgando para que pueda deslizar tus shorts y bragas fuera de ti. separa tus piernas obligándote a colocar tus pies en el borde de la cama y es hasta que pasa uno de sus dedos en medio de tus pliegues que te das cuenta que prácticamente estabas goteando por él.
“¿terminaste tan mojada sólo por tu castigo y por chupar mi pene?”, asientes con torpeza cuando roza tu clítoris y empujas tus caderas hacia él en busca de cualquier tipo de alivio, pero cuando lo haces mueve su mano y dirige ambas a tus muslos, apretándolos mientras se acerca a ti y su pene reposa sobre tu pelvis.
“kun…”, su nombre sale de ti casi como un lloriqueo pero todo lo que logras es hacerlo reír de manera burlona al verte querer moverte pero impidiendo tus movimientos gracias a su fuerte agarre.
“¿de verdad crees que te lo mereces?”, empieza a mover sus caderas con suavidad adelante y hacia atrás mientras su vista sigue fija en ti, demasiado maravillado al ver tus ojos cerrándose ante la mínima estimulación, incluso si ni siquiera estaba tocando tu vagina. “vas a tener que rogarme si es que quieres que te folle”.
“por favor, kun, por favor…”, tu voz sale rota y aunque en cualquier otro momento seguro te sentirías avergonzada por sonar tan necesitada, ahora todo lo que querías eras sentir su pene llenarte. “por favor, fóllame, necesito tu pene dentro de mi, por favor”.
“te voy a follar como la jodida zorra que eres”, dice y toma su pene por la base, dirigiéndolo a tu entrada y, con lentitud pero con demasiada facilidad gracias a tus líquidos, se desliza dentro de ti, apretando su agarre en tus muslos cada que siente tu interior abrirse a su alrededor hasta que está dentro de ti por completo y libera una respiración profunda que ni siquiera sabía que había estado conteniendo.
kun empieza a moverse fuera de ti con la vista fija en su pene que al salir se encuentra mojado en tus líquidos. toma su pene y lo dirige a tu clítoris, rozando la punta sobre él hasta que te hace temblar y de repente vuelve a entrar a ti en una sola estocada rápida, rozando  el punto sensible dentro de ti, ocasionando un grito ahogado en ti. 
mantiene sus movimientos a un ritmo regulado, enfocándose en llegar profundo dentro de ti en el mismo ángulo para complacerte mientras tú levantas tu blusa y liberas tus pechos fuera de tu sujetador, acunando uno de ellos y apretando tu pezón en busca de mayor placer mientras kun te observa fascinado, susurrando entre gemidos lo linda que te ves y lo loco que está por ti.
su nombre sale de entre tus labios como un mantra con cada una de sus estocadas, sintiéndote tan llena con cada uno de sus movimientos y todo lo que puedes escuchar en la respiración agitada de tu novio y el sonido obsceno que hacían sus testículos al chocar con tu trasero en cada penetración.
es hasta que comienza a estimular tu clítoris con su pulgar, trazando círculos encima de él y presionando cada cierto tiempo que terminas corriéndote sobre su pene, prácticamente gritando su nombre mientras los haces y cuando él aumenta el ritmo de sus movimientos, sintiéndose más cerca del orgasmo cuando tu interior se aprieta a su alrededor.
“mierda, mierda”, menciona con voz agitada y sale de tu interior, tomando su pene con una de sus manos para masturbarse y poder correrse sobre tu abdomen, llenándote de su semen mientras tú todavía intentabas recuperar la respiración por tu propio clímax.
después de unos segundos kun se mueve hacia una de las mesas de noche a lado de la cama y saca un pañuelo para poder limpiarte, inclinándose hacia ti para poder depositar en ti en casto beso y después tira el pañuelo al bote de basura en su habitación.
“¿estás bien?, ¿no fue demasiado?”, te pregunta una vez que ambos están acostados en la cama.
“estoy bien”, dices de manera sincera y lo observas a los ojos para que pueda creerte, sonriéndole antes de que te acurruques aún mejor entre sus brazos.
“entonces… ¿quieres hacerlo de nuevo?”, levantas la vista hacia él cuando lo escuchas pensando que está bromeando pero el brillo en sus ojos te demuestra lo contrario. “quiero ver cuántas veces puedo hacerte venir antes de que los chicos regresen…”
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mhyori1117 · 7 months
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🌙 staring. Johnny x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. As one am rolls around, you start to realize that maybe tonight you won’t get a call. He is a frat boy, and this is Halloween weekend.  You’re disappointed as you get into bed, frowning as you scroll on your phone, hoping that if you wait another five minutes, maybe he’ll catch you. Five minutes turns into ten, turns into fifteen, and you find your eyes beginning to shut. You’re starting to understand how much you truly have come to depend on Ghostie as part of your nightly ritual. It hurts not to get a call from your favourite voice-modulated anonymous frat boy.
tw/cw. yandere/stalker subthemes, unknown caller, weed use, multiple reader orgasms, big dick!Johnny, oral, pussy eating, blowjob, deep throating, spit as lube, fingering, hand riding, dacryphilia, praise, dirty talk, cum/fullness kink, unprotected sex, heavy grinding, dick bulge, creampie, rough groping, slight restraint, size kink, submissive reader, subspace, dumbification, hair pulling, finger sucking, etc… I pet names: (hers) Tiny, good girl, pretty girl. (his) Ghostie.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 15k
🍭 aus. uni/frat au, yandere subthemes, Halloween, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. this might just be the best John fic I've ever written, or maybe I just need therapy
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You pause your movie when your phone rings and you look down at the screen. The number is unknown, and you briefly consider not even answering it. However, you’ve had two job interviews in the past week, and you don’t want to miss any opportunities, so with a sigh, you bring your phone to your ear.
“Hi, Tiny, how’s your night going?”
Definitely not a prospective employer. Your sorority gave you the name Tiny during first year, something to do with the ‘tiny’ shots you always want to take, and only those within the Greek system use it on you. On top of the Greek-specific term of endearment, the man on the other end of the line is using a voice modulator of some sort, and it makes it impossible for you to identify him.
Your curiosity is sparked. 
“Who is this?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You sigh, leaning back against your bed and setting your laptop to the side. “I get that Scream is having a comeback, but this whole ‘calling a girl and being mysterious’ thing won’t get you laid anytime soon.”
“Are you sure about that?” You can hear a hint of laughter in the man’s voice.
“If you’re not going to tell me who you are, I’ll hang up.”
“We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” There’s a pause then, “Let’s just say, a mutual friend gave me your number. They thought we’d hit it off.”
“Whoever this ungendered mutual friend is, I doubt they expected you to call me with a voice modulator and act out a Ghost Face fantasy. I get that Halloween is a week away, but come on… you can’t be serious about this.” 
“I am serious. Come on Tiny, live a little.” 
“You’re awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you, Mister Ghost Face.” 
“I’ve got good reason to be, trust me on that.”
You let out a deep sigh, going through your roster of men who might think this sort of thing would be funny. “Yunho? Is this you getting high again?” 
“Wrong frat, but good guess. I didn’t know Alpha Tappa Zeta’s star quarterback was a stoner, thanks for the info, Tiny.” 
“Shit,” you mutter to yourself. You hadn’t meant to throw Yunho under the bus like that.
“It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone about his… habits. That would be hypocritical of me.”
You search your mind for the stoners you know. Ones who would have the balls to call you like this. 
“Do you want to take another guess? I’ll give you three chances. You have two more.”
Aside from ATZ, you spend a lot of time with Sigma Veta Tau. Soonyoung is a well-known blunt roller in the fraternity system, but he wouldn’t do a charade like this. He’s very open about hitting on you any time you’re at one of his parties. 
“Jeonghan?” you ask.
“Last guess, Tiny.” 
He doesn’t confirm or deny if you’ve gotten the frat right, but you can’t really see any other SVT members who would fit this mysterious man’s profile. 
Your mind wanders to Nu Chi Theta. They’ve got quite a few weed lovers there, and you’ve been invited into many closed-room smoke sessions with the dirty NCT boys. 
There’s Yuta, and he’d definitely have the gall to entertain a flirtation like this. However, you don’t know of any mutual friends who would ever set you up with him. With another sigh of irritation, you throw out the last name on your shortlist of stoner acquaintances. 
“Hyuck? Please tell me this isn’t you.”
“Close but no cigar.” 
“I don’t like this game.”
“You’re not supposed to like it, but it is entertaining, don’t you think?”
“What’s your angle with all of this?” you question. “If you’re not going to tell me who you are, then what’s the point of calling?”
The line is silent for a few moments. “I guess… I just wanted to talk to you a little, is that so bad?”
Your heart softens, if only momentarily. “Then grow some balls and ask me out like a real man.”
“Where would be the fun in that?” The mystery man lets out a short chuckle, and your irritation only grows. 
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re really annoying?”
“A few times actually.”
“Well, you’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met and I haven’t even met you.”
“Yes, you have.”
“God, I’m tired of this. Goodnight.” 
You don’t even wait for an answer, you simply hang up.
Despite trying to get back to your movie, you can’t get the mystery man out of your head. When you go to bed you can’t even sleep, your mind completely full of all the possibilities of who your caller could have been. 
You’ll have to do some digging tomorrow. You can’t not figure out who this guy is- and you know just the fratboy to give you all the details you could need.
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Mark Lee is always fifteen minutes early, even when it comes to an 8am class. You feel like shit after tossing and turning all night, so when you slide into the seat next to him in the back of the class, he gives you a once over and his lips part in shock.
“Are you okay?”
“No, Mark, I’m not okay,” you snap, regretting it a moment later- after all, Mark’s not the one doing this to you. “Someone called me from an unknown number last night. A frat guy, I’m not sure who. He was using this voice modulator-”
“That sounds hella sketchy.”
“Super sketchy,” you agree. 
“I know it’s October and everything, but that’s a weird way to hit on a girl.”
“That’s what I said!” Mark always understands you. “He said a mutual friend gave him my number, thought we’d be cute together or something- whoever it was, I need to strangle them.”
“Is this friend a girl or a guy?”
“Mystery man wouldn’t tell me,” you groan.
“So… this dude could be literally anyone.”
“Not Yunho from Alpha Tappa Zeta, Jeonghan from Sigma Veta Tau, and not your roommate Hyuck. The guy gave me three guesses,” you explain, “the hint is that he’s a stoner.”  
“Lots of frat guys are stoners.”
“Exactly,” you sigh, leaning back in your seat. 
“What are you going to do if he calls you again?” Mark asks. “This kind of feels like stalker behavior.”
“It does,” you admit. “But at the same time, he calls me Tiny, and he says we’ve met before- when I asked what he even got out of the phonecall he said he just wanted to ‘talk to me a little,’ which, I don’t know, for some reason I feel like he’s not a stalker.” 
Mark gives you a look that says ‘You’re crazy,’ and after listening to everything that just spewed out of your own mouth, maybe you kind of agree with him.
 “So if he calls you again…” Mark reasks his earlier question, one you’d chosen to ignore.
But you can’t ignore it now, and you let out a deep breath.
“If he calls again… We’ll see what happens.”
“Mark,” you counter, knowing he’s about to chastise you. But you don’t want to hear it. If even he doesn’t have any idea of who your mystery caller could be, you simply can’t give up. If you never find out who this ‘Ghost Face’ dude is, you’ll feel unsolved for the rest of your life and you know it.
“Look, I’ll ask around a little,” Mark concedes.
You let out a squeal of delight, throwing your arms around your closet fratboy friend. He lets out a chuckle, gently squeezing you back. 
Mark’s a good guy. 
If only you were into good guys and not sleazy stoners calling you while getting a hard-on for being Ghost Face.
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Monday pt 2
It’s nine o'clock and you’re starting to get tired while you study. You’re in need of a distraction, so when your phone rings with an unknown number, your heart practically jumps into your throat.
“Hi, Tiny.”
“Wow, Mister Ghost Face,” you laugh, twirling in your spinny chair, “two nights in a row. You must really like me, huh?”
The laugh he lets out sounds genuine, even though his voice is obscured still. For some reason, the noise makes you grin, and you can’t believe you’re actually kind of having fun with this.
“I do like you,” the mystery man confirms. “Tell me about your day.”
“Tell you about my day?” You’re in shock.
“Uh huh.”
“No teasing or nothing? No three guesses about your identity?” 
“I’ll tell you what,” he lets out a sigh, “like you said, Halloween is in a week. If you keep letting me call you until then, I’ll reveal myself when you come to the party.”
“The party?” you repeat. “You make it sound like there’s only one frat party on Halloween.”
“Only one worth going to.”
“Is that so?” He’s so cocky- why does that turn you on? 
“Yup. In fact, I know you agree with me on this, because the past two Halloweens, you’ve come to my frat.” 
Your body freezes. He’s just given you a massive hint-
“So you’re an NCT boy?”
“Wouldn’t call myself a boy, and neither would you if you saw what's in my pants.” 
You swallow the lump in your throat, not sure how to even respond to the suggestive comment he’s just made. 
The man on the other end of the line lets out a chuckle. “Sorry, I’m two blunts deep. I should watch what I say to you, that's why I asked about your day.”
“You don’t have to- watch what you say, I mean.”
“Yeah?” You can almost picture him leaning back in a chair, a large half-chub growing in his pants- “Are you getting horny from a mystery man on your phone? Dirty girl.”
“Dirty guy,” you counter, “trying to entice me by saying your dick is big.”
“Well, it worked, didn’t it?”
“I’m intrigued,” you admit, “but not only because of your cock.”
“It’s a nice cock.”
“Okay, I’ll tell you about my day,” you sidestep. “Had an early class with Mark Lee, you must know Mark.”
“Of course.”
“Well, he has no clue who you could be.”
“You talked about me.” 
You can hear him smiling. 
“I bet you couldn’t even sleep last night. Too busy trying to figure out who I am.”
Okay, maybe he is a bit of a stalker. Or maybe he just knows you well… who the fuck is this guy?
“Stop being so cocky,” you insist.
“Tell me I’m wrong.” 
“Mark told me you’re probably a stalker, said I should maybe block your number.”
“I don’t have a number, if I did, that would be too easy for you. I’m an unknown caller… can you even block unknown callers?” 
“I guess we’ll find out when I block you.”
“Won’t happen though. What did you do after your class with Mark?”
“Are you really that interested in my day?” 
“I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t interested.”
He’s a cocky softy, who would have imagined. 
You wonder what you ever did to make this guy so sweet on you- you’ve dated men who don’t even care to ask you how your day went, and this guy is out here doing it practically for free.
“Classes were okay, my sorority had a little fundraiser at lunch, we baked cupcakes.”
“They were good cupcakes.” 
“Wait…” your stomach churns a little. “You stopped by?”
“I’m a sucker for cupcakes, and how cute your butt looks in blue jeans.”
You search your memory, counting how many NCT boys came through around lunch. You realize that there were far too many for it to do any good in deciphering which one is the man you’re currently talking to.
“Did we talk?”
“You talked to everyone who bought something. I’m not special.”
Except… he kind of is special, in a way you can’t truly explain… not yet anyways.
“Maybe you are a stalker,” you decide.
“I can promise you I’m not, but I bet you’d be kind of into it if I was.”
This guy makes you feel such conflicting emotions, you’re not sure how to even handle him.
“Look, I was studying when you called-”
“Right, you should get back to that.”
“I should.”
“Sleep tight, Tiny. It’s been nice talking to you.”
Part of you wants to return the sentiment, it feels second nature, but the words stop on your tongue. In all fairness, it hasn’t been particularly nice talking to the mystery Ghost Face guy. 
Instead of saying anything else, you simply hit him with a “Bye,” and you hang up the phone.
However, you don’t get back to studying, you immediately call Mark.
He sounds groggy as he says “Hello?”
“Did I wake you?”
“I just got a call from that guy again. He’s definitely one of your frat brothers, and he’s high right now.”
“That doesn’t narrow it down,” Mark sighs. “We sort of uh… all got high at the fire after dinner.”
“Mark Lee!” you screech.
“Sorry, sorry!” Mark groans. “I’ll uh… ask around some more. We’ll figure out who this dude is.”
“And if we don’t… he said he’d tell me who he is at your frat Halloween bash at the end of the week.” 
It’s Monday now, and the party is on Saturday. That means you’ll only have to wait a few days… you can hold out for a few days… can’t you?
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You read over the email a third time, but it doesn’t make anything better. The words ‘We regret to inform you that you have not been chosen for the position’ make your eyes begin to well with tears.
Quickly exiting your phone, you grab your things. You refuse to cry in the middle of the library-
The bathroom will have to do the trick, and you hurry to get there, holding back the choked sob that longs to slip out of you.
You’d thought for sure this interview would land you a job on campus. The interview had gone well, or so you’d thought.
You don’t even know why you’re getting so upset about this. 
There’s just something so devastating about rejection. 
You get to the bathroom quickly, shutting yourself into a stall before you allow the tears to fall again. You cradle your face in your hands, allowing the sadness to overwhelm you.
It’s important to have a good cry every now and again, and you definitely need this.
Your cries, however, are interrupted by your phone ringing in your pocket. Wiping at your face, you reach for the device, lifting it to your ear.
“Are you okay?” 
“I really don’t have time for this right now, Ghost-” you groan, closing your eyes at the familiar voice-modulated sound.
“You do have time,” he insists. “Tell me what happened.”
“What do you mean?”
“I just saw you running through the library. Looked like you were crying.”
“I wasn’t crying!” you nearly yell. 
“Liar. Come on, Tiny, let Ghostie make you feel better.”
The affectionate-sounding nickname prompts you to wipe your eyes. “Are you sure you’re not a stalker?”
“I was in the library, don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“I’m gone now, can’t have you figuring out who I am before Halloween.”
“Would it really be so bad if I did?” you question. “It would make me feel better.”
“Look at you, using your bad experience to try to swindle me,” you hear him laugh, and there are more sounds now, as if he’s walking across campus. “Seriously, Tiny, tell me what’s going on.”
“Do you always walk around campus with a voice modulator?”
“It’s an app on my phone babe, now answer my question.” 
“You didn’t ask a question, you commanded me to tell you what happened, and I’m not taking commands right now.”
He sighs. “Will you please tell me what’s making you cry?”
Your lower lip trembles. “It’s stupid.”
“Nothing that hurts you is stupid.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
“It looked like you needed a friend.”
“You’re not my friend. You’re some guy who got my number and gets hard by pretending to be Ghost Face from Scream.”
“I could be your friend. Could be more than your friend. And I’m not hard right now. Not after seeing you cry.” 
You take a breath. “I applied for a job and I uh… they didn’t hire me.”
“Then they’re stupid.”
“Maybe I’m stupid.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I’m a girl who’s spent three days talking to a guy who keeps his identity a secret, and for some crazy reason, you’re actually making me feel better. That definitely makes me stupid.”
“No, it makes you soft. It’s one of the things I like about you.”
“Yeah?” you sniffle. “What else? And don’t say my ass in blue jeans.”
The man chuckles. “You’re soft, and kind. But you’re a fighter too. You’ve got a spark. Don’t even get me started on how smart you are-”
“And how would you know how smart I am?”
“For starters, you’re in the top-scoring sorority on campus,” he points out. “Whenever you come to trivia night, you wipe the floor with all of us. Mark talks constantly about how much you help him with his classes, which brings me to my next point, you care about charity. That’s a great sign of your character.” 
“You do know a lot about me, don’t you, Ghostie?” His words have stopped your tears, and you cradle your phone close to your ear. 
“Still not a stalker though.”
Now he even has you laughing. “Jury’s still out on that one.”
“You sound better already,” he muses. “Mark has a free block right now, I’m sure if you call him he’d take you for ice cream or something to distract you.”
“That’s a good idea,” you admit.
“I’m full of good ideas.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, Tiny.”
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Tuesday pt 2
“This guy sounds like a full-on stalker,” Mark says for the sixth time as you grab ice cream and sit inside while a storm passes, rain splattering the windows.
“I mean, if he knew your schedule, I’m guessing he’s someone close to you.”
“He’s stalking us both, I don’t like it.”
“But he’s nice.”
“He’s stalking you, Tiny!” 
“He���s not!” you insist. “A lot of people were at the library today… honestly, I think… I think Ghostie is kind of sweet.”
“Ghostie?!” Mark stares at you in shock. “You’re calling him Ghostie now?”
“It’s cute, right?”
“It’s crazy is what it is!” Mark leans back in his seat, frowning. “This is giving me the creeps.”
“Well, it’s spooky season.”
“If I’m being honest, I don’t think any of my frat brothers would pull crazy shit like this. They’re mostly pretty chill dudes.”
“So you think he’s lying about being in NCT?” you ask, cocking your head to the side.
“I think he’s definitely lying,” Mark confirms.
“Well, agree to disagree.”
Mark studies you for a moment. “Look, the only guy who’s a freak like this is Yuta and he swore up and down to me yesterday that he’s not calling you with a fucking voice modulator.” 
“I don’t think this is Yuta.”
“Because you’re a Ghostie expert now, huh?” He scoffs loudly.
“Yuta’s not really a stoner,” you point out. “And besides, I can’t explain why I know it’s not him, I just have a feeling.”
“Yeah, is that feeling in your pussy by any chance?” 
“Mark Lee!” you gasp, scandalized by his choice of words. 
“Be real with me!” he insists. “You wouldn’t be entertaining this if it wasn’t… I don’t know, turning you on? Are you turned on by stalkers? Is this why you like Halloween so much?”
“Okay, maybe I am turned on, but that doesn’t make me a bad person.”
“It just makes you crazy,” Mark groans, running a hand through his hair. “I swear to God, when the dude reveals himself at the frat party, it better be one of my frat brothers and not a serial killer. And also, I’m going to fight him.”
“Something tells me he’d beat you,” you giggle.
“Now you’re trying to make me feel bad.”
“Says the guy who just called me crazy.” You grin, knowing that you’ve won.
“This whole thing is crazy.”
He has a point about that.
You’ve been waiting all day for a call from Ghostie, and it comes right before you’re about to head to bed. You practically launch yourself at your phone, putting it on speaker and saying “Hello?” as if you don’t know who’s on the other end of the line.
“Hey you, feeling better today?”
“You tell me, mister stalker.”
“I haven’t actually seen you today, it was a bit of a shame if I’m being honest.”
“Yeah?” God, this man has way too much power over you. “And why’s that, Ghostie?”
“Because I’ve been looking at your Instagram, but you’re cuter in person.”
“Do you follow me?” 
“We’re mutuals.” 
You’re mutuals with pretty much the entire NCT frat, it would have been more helpful if he’d said he’s not a follower, although, now that you think of it, that had always been unlikely. 
“Still trying to figure out who I am, aren’t you, Tiny?”
“Of course.”
“Remember when I was listing your good qualities? Patience wasn’t one of them.” 
“That’s so rude of you,” you say, although, you’re grinning at your phone.
“Here, I’ll make it better. I have an idea for you.”
“Let’s hear it then.” You get comfortable on your bed, wondering what he’s about to say.
“If you want a job, there’s this bar on campus, Skeets. Have you heard of it?”
“Who hasn’t heard of Skeets?” You roll your eyes. 
“They let just about anyone work there. A few of the NCT guys are bartenders, I’m sure they’d put a good word in for you with the hiring manager, he’s also a member of the frat.” 
You haven’t been to Skeets in ages, and you try to remember who you know amongst the staff. “Wait, you’re right- doesn’t Hyuck work there?”
“He does… This is the second time you’ve mentioned him, got something of a crush, Tiny?”
“Would that make you jealous?” you tease.
“I’m not the jealous type,” he states. “But yeah… it would.”
“Don’t get your Ghost Face mask in a knot, I don’t have a crush on Hyuck. In fact, if you turn out to be Hyuck and I find out you lied to me about your identity, I’m going to be really mad.” 
“I’m not Hyuck.”
“Good.” You consider his proposition for a moment. “Do you really think they’d hire me?”
“It doesn’t hurt to try.”
“You know, on Sunday, if someone had told me you’d be helping me find a job not three days later, I would have said they were crazy.”
“Guess I like to keep you on your toes.”
“I think you just have a major soft spot for me. Tell me I’m wrong.”
“I can’t. I promised not to lie to you.” 
God, he makes you so giddy it’s insane. 
“Are you going to come stalk me at Skeets if they give me a job?”
“Goodnight, Tiny.” He’s avoiding the question, and you can hear him grinning through the phone.
“Night, Ghostie.”
It’s the first time he’s the one to hang up on you, and it leaves you wanting more.
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Ghostie had assured you that Skeets hires just about anyone, but that doesn’t help the anxiety building inside of you as you prepare to take your resume into the bar. 
You even do a Wonderwoman pose outside while waiting for Skeets to open, breathing deeply to psych yourself up while you go over possible interview questions just in case the hiring manager wants a chit-chat today.
“I love working in a team environment,” you say quietly to yourself, closing your eyes and running through responses. “The most important thing is that the guests feel welcome.”
The sound of something dragging across the cement ground has you practically jumping, lids flashing open as your head whips toward the noise.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your mantra,” the tall fratboy laughs, setting up the wooden sign with the daily drink menu just in front of the door to the bar.
“It’s fine,” you assure him, swallowing thickly. 
The man in front of you is Johnny Suh. He’s two years older than you, and you know him through Mark. When guys join a frat, they’re assigned a ‘Big,’ an elder frat brother to guide them through the process. Johnny is Mark’s big, and he’s always been nice to you whenever you’ve crossed paths.
You would call Johnny an acquaintance, not a friend, but he’s still a friendlier face than you may have expected to see upon your first moments interacting with Skeets staff. 
“You coming inside, Tiny?” Johnny asks.
“Yeah, sorry John, one sec, I just need another deep breath.” You wave your hand at him, turning your back and gulping down air while you hold your bag tight to your front, the resume within practically burning a hole in the leather.
The hot fratboy heads back inside and you finish calming yourself down. 
You can do this. You can get this job.
As you enter the bar that’s just open, you realize there are only a few staff members kicking around so far. Kim Jungwoo is rearranging chairs, and Lee Donghyuck is sitting on a table looking at his phone. Johnny Suh is behind the bar, and you decide you should probably talk to him, so you try to act confident as you walk through the small establishment.
Johnny’s brown eyes raise as you approach, and he offers you a small smile. “Tough day?”
“What?” You blink at him, settling against the bartop.
“You looked kind of off outside, and most people don’t come in to day-drink this early.”
“Oh, uh… I’m not here to day-drink.” You let out a tiny laugh. “Actually, I came to see if you guys were looking to hire new staff members, I brought my resume.”
You reach into your bag to pull out the papers, and you hand them over to Johnny.
His eyes scan the first sheet. “Wow, a cover letter, I’ve actually never seen one of these.”
People don’t apply with cover letters? The idea is kind of shocking to you.
Johnny hardly looks at your resume, setting it down in front of him to address you instead. “What makes you want to work at Skeets?”
“In all honesty, I need a job. I’m dependable, and I’ve got a decent schedule to work in the food service industry. I like working as part of a team, and I’m already friends with a lot of the staff here, so I thought it might be a good fit.”
Johnny nods, assessing you. “Have you bartended before?”
“I’ve got my qualifications to serve alcohol, but I’ve mostly had waitressing jobs,” you admit.
“At Skeets, we all do a bit of everything. Would you be open to learning how to mix drinks?”
“I’d be very open to it,” you nod. 
“Then let’s give it a shot,” Johnny smiles warmly at you. “You’ve got good timing, we actually just had to let go of someone for excessive drinking on the job. I was going to put a wanted ad up today, but looks like that won’t be necessary.”
“Are you…” you swallow thickly, “are you serious? I’m hired?”
“Yeah, why not?” 
You can’t help the squeal of delight that rushes through you, and a massive grin makes its way onto your face. You even jump a little, and Johnny seems to enjoy your excitement, smiling from ear to ear while you celebrate. 
“When can you start?” he asks next.
“I can start tomorrow! I mean, if you need me that soon.”
“Tomorrow is a big night here at Skeets, the Friday before Halloween. We could use the hands, but it will be a busy one, do you think you can handle that?”
You’re quick to nod. “Of course. But I uh… I should let you know, I can’t work Halloween, I promised a friend I’d meet them at your frat for the party.”
“Don’t worry about Saturday,” Johnny assures you. “Sigma Veta Tau has their frat party tonight, so it’s all us NCT guys working, and tomorrow we’ll switch. As much as Seungcheol is a good comanager, I don’t trust him to teach you how to mix drinks on Halloween.”
“So… you’re going to be the main person training me then?” you ask.
“If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself,” he confirms. 
You can’t help but beam up at the tall frat boy, overjoyed at this turn of events. As cute as Johnny is though, part of you is excited to tell Ghostie about this when he inevitably calls you tonight. 
Your life is definitely a little crazy.
“So, how about you come in tomorrow at seven?” Johnny suggests. “The bar will be open past midnight, but I figure I can show you a few things before it gets busy around ten, and then I can let you go early.”
“I’ll be here at seven.”
“And when it comes to what you’re wearing, we’ll give you a Skeets t-shirt,” he pulls at the black fabric stretched tight across his broad chest. “Other than that, you can wear any color of jeans and some sneakers.”
“You’ll be paid for the training shift, I’ll tip you out in cash, and if it goes well, we’ll get your banking details at your next shift after that,” Johnny explains. “I’ve got your number here on your resume, so I’ll be in contact with you on Sunday, how’s that sound?”
“Sounds like a dream.” You literally can’t stop smiling.
“Tiny’s going to learn to mix,” Johnny says fondly, “Mark’s going to love this.”
You already feel close to Mark’s big, and the opportunity to work with him is a good one. Johnny is one of the more well-known nice guys at the frat. Sure, he’s got a little bit of a dangerous edge to him, just based on his massive stature alone, but he’s generally a big softy bear. 
“Thanks again for this, Johnny,” you beam. “I won’t let you down.”
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Thursday pt 2
“Hyuck said our favorite Tiny sorority princess got herself a job today.” 
“Hello to you too, Ghostie.”
“I wanted to cut to the chase and congratulate you.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten the job without you,” you admit. “So… thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” your mystery man says, and you can hear that classic grin of his. “I’m sure you got it on your own merit.”
“Apparently no one’s ever brought a cover letter with their resume before.”
“They must have been impressed.” 
“Hired me on the spot.”
“That’s my girl.” 
Your insides flutter. You like the way it sounds when he calls you his girl. “How about your day, Ghostie? Stalk any new girls?”
He laughs. “Only one girl worth stalking, which, I don’t do, by the way.”
“Sure you don’t.”
“My day was long,” he says finally.
“Yeah, it’s nearly midnight, I was thinking about going to sleep but…”
“But you wanted me to call,” Ghostie finishes your sentence for you.
“When you say it like that it sounds kind of depressing.”
“It’s not depressing, Tiny, it’s cute.”
“I like that you’re getting used to me.”
“You know… if you decided not to show up to the Halloween party- if you never called again, I think… I’d wonder who you are the rest of my life.” It’s a moment of vulnerability, and your heart races in your chest while you wait for his response. 
“I wouldn’t do that to you, Tiny,” Ghostie promises. “I’ll find you on Saturday, and not in a stalker way.”
“What costume are you going to be wearing?” 
“If I tell you, you’ll just show up and scour the whole place looking for me.”
“You know me too well, don’t you, Ghostie?”
“What are you going to wear, pretty girl?”
You literally kick your feet at the term of endearment, body buzzing. It takes a moment to collect yourself. “Honestly? I’ve got a Ghost Face mask hanging around somewhere.”
“And here I was being told I’m the one who gets hard pretending to be Ghost Face.” 
“Well… even though I don’t know you, not really, I think I got that one pretty accurate, didn’t I?”
“Maybe a little.”
“I thought you said you were big,” you tease.
“Okay, maybe a lot.”
You bite at your lip. After the great day you’ve had, it’s difficult not to feel flirty. “Are you hard right now, big guy?”
He groans, and even under the voice modulator, something tells you the sounds he makes are sexy as fuck. You can feel your panties getting wet. It’s dirty, but in the best possible way.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you grin.
“You’re being bad, Tiny.”
“Says the guy who’s literally hard right now.”
The other end of the line is silent for a moment. “Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything.”
“What if… when we meet, you’re not interested in me?”
Well, this has just taken a turn. How did you go from horny thoughts to insecurity? 
It’s a valid question though, one you should have asked yourself by now, but for some reason you haven’t. You think about it for a few seconds. 
“I feel like… I know it’s been less than a week of talking but, you’re not like any other guy I’ve ever met. And not just because you’re calling with a voice modulator.” You let out a laugh. “You ask how my day is, and you care to hear my answer. You even helped me get a job, which is crazy to think about. For some weird reason, I think when I meet you, the emotional connection is already kind of there, so no matter what you look like, you’ll be more attractive to me.”
“You really think so?” 
“I mean, NCT is known for having hot guys, so I’m not sure who you could be that would turn me off. There are only a few NCT guys I’d say a hard no to at the moment.”
“Yeah? Who?” 
“Well, Doyoung and I have never gotten along, but I know you’re not him because he doesn’t touch weed. I dated Jeno for about a week, and I know enough about him to know I don’t want to do anything with him ever again, and also, that you’re not Jeno because he’d never ask me how my day was going-”
“What an asshole.”
You laugh. “All things considered, Ghostie, I think you’ll do just fine.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“Is this why you’ve been doing the whole voice modulator thing? You’re worried I won’t be interested in you?”
“It’s one of the reasons,” Ghostie admits. “I also worried that if I did hit on you, you might think I was only trying to get you into my bed, which, yeah, it would be nice, but… as perfect as your body is, it’s not the most interesting thing about you.”
What a scrumptious take; A guy calling you up and using anonymity to prove to you that this connection isn’t only about sex. 
Your heart softens.
“Ghostie, you might be one of the sweetest guys I know,” you admit.
“More than your best friend Mark Lee?”
You laugh. “Maybe not, Mark would never do something like this. You’re a bit of a paradox that way, aren’t you?”
“If you say so, Tiny. As much as I’ve liked this talk, I think I should let you sleep. Halloween is two days away and I’m sure we’ve both got a lot to do before then.”
“What if I don’t want you to go just yet?”
“Then I’d remind you that patience is a virtue.”
“You’re such a tease.”
“Good thing we have an emotional connection so you’ll forgive me for it. Night, Tiny.”
“Night, Ghostie.” 
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Your first shift consists of shadowing Johnny. He’s a fabulous teacher. He’s calm, patient, and very encouraging. The first few hours are a breeze, but the bar gets increasingly packed as the night goes on.
It’s a little overwhelming, but Johnny helps keep you steady. He gives you the easy drink orders, things like beer and simple cocktails. While you’re filling a cup from the beer tap, he’s busy mixing five to ten different things into one glass for items on the Halloween special menu.
There’s something sexy about a diligent worker, and his beefy arms are all bulgy and hot in his tight Skeets shirt. You can tell that a lot of girls come up to the bar specifically to order from him. There are two other bartenders, but Johnny’s line is notably the longest.
You’ve had your own share of interested men pop over to say hi. There are very few frat boys here tonight, as there’s a party in full swing in the Greek village, so most of the guys coming up to grab a beer from you are people you don’t know.
Many of them are dressed up in costumes, and it’s interesting to try to guess some of the more obscure clothing choices.
Anytime you see a man in a ghost costume, your mind shifts to your mystery caller. You wonder if he’ll pop by tonight- but other than the men already working with you, no NCT boys walk through the front door. 
No Ghostie.
There’s not one second of reprieve, but staff need breaks, and finally, just before midnight, Johnny pulls you both for a breather. 
“Are you sure the others can keep up while we’re gone?” you ask, looking back at the swamped bartenders.
“They can manage,” he assures you, guiding you through the back staffroom to a door that leads to an alleyway behind the bar. “I know I’ve kept you on longer than I thought, but it’s just been so busy. How are you holding up?”
The cool night air is a drastic difference from the heat and humidity inside, and you take a deep breath, closing your eyes and enjoying it. “I’m doing alright,” you tell him. “You’re the one making the difficult drinks.”
“I’ve been mixing cocktails for years,” he brushes it off, reaching into his back pocket. 
“Well, it shows.” You watch to see him pull out a rolled joint, and next comes a lighter.
“Want some?” he asks, lifting the joint to slot between his perfect lips. 
“Are we allowed to smoke on the job?” 
“Hyuck was prescribed Vyvanse last year, so he’s practically on coke all shift,” Johnny grins, lighting the end of the joint and taking a puff. “Besides,” he lets out a deep breath of smoke, “in the service industry, sometimes you need a little buffer.”
Skeets really is a chill place if the hiring manager smokes weed on breaks with subordinates. 
“I didn’t realize you were a stoner,” you muse.
“Most of us frat boys are,” Johnny admits, pulling the joint from between his lips. It’s placed casually between two fingers, and his other hand ruffles through his pretty hair. “It’s a nice night.”
“It is,” you nod, looking up at the sky. Stars are twinkling in the dark
“I’m glad you joined the team, not sure we would have been doing so well without your extra set of hands.”
“I’m really grateful to have been given a trial shift,” you smile softly.
“Well, just so you know, it’s more than a trial shift. You’re hired.” He nudges your shoulder gently, and your grin only grows.
“Thank you.”
Johnny takes another drag from his joint. “Sure you don’t want a puff?”
“I really shouldn’t-”
“I’m going to let you go home pretty soon after this,” Johnny tells you. “So it won’t affect your performance that much.”
You wonder if this is a test, but… at the same time, you don’t think Johnny’s the type of guy to test you this way. 
You give in, accepting the joint and bringing it to your lips. It’s been a while since you smoked one of these, and your first tiny hit leaves you coughing, passing the joint back to Johnny while you try to catch your breath.
He grins while watching you, and you get the sneaking suspicion that Johnny thinks you’re cute. 
“Thank you,” you say, coughing again.
“You’ve got good manners, don’t ya, Tiny?”
You nod, wiping at the tears that have formed in your eyes from the smoke. 
“Who... who do you usually smoke with?” you ask.
“Why? You a cop?” Johnny jokes.
“No, it’s just uh… God, I could tell you the whole story but you wouldn’t even believe me if I did,” you find yourself laughing. “Just… I didn’t know you smoked, so, I’m wondering if maybe there are a few other guys in your circle who do too.”
Johnny looks you up and down. “Like I said earlier, Tiny, almost all us frat boys partake in mari-ju-ana.”
It’s clear he’s not going to give you any information that could help you figure out who your Ghostie is. You suppose you really will just have to be patient.
In less than twenty-four hours, you’ll be finding out who your mystery caller is, and the suspense is absolutely killing you.
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Friday pt 2
It’s twelve thirty when you finally get home, and you’re very tired. But at the same time, you’re awake. You take your time getting ready for bed, ignoring the loud party sounds outside and around the frat village while you wait for a call from Ghostie.
As one am rolls around, you start to realize that maybe tonight you won’t get a call.
He is a frat boy, and this is Halloween weekend. 
You’re disappointed as you get into bed, frowning as you scroll on your phone, hoping that if you wait another five minutes, maybe he’ll catch you. 
Five minutes turn into ten, turn into fifteen, and you find your eyes beginning to shut.
You’re starting to understand how much you truly have come to depend on Ghostie as part of your nightly ritual. It hurts not to get a call from your favourite voice-modulated anonymous frat boy.
You try to self-soothe by assuring yourself you’ll meet him tomorrow, but it doesn’t really help. 
Tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable, you fall into a blissless sleep.
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You’re groggy when you open your eyes, but you still go to check your phone. There’s a missed call notification from an unknown number at three am, and suddenly you’re wide awake, bolting up in bed.
“Hey, Tiny, it’s me.”
As if it could be anyone else.
“Sorry I didn’t get a chance to call you last night. I was pretty swamped with Halloween stuff. But if it makes you feel any better, you were definitely on my mind.”
Here you are kicking your feet again.
“Probably won’t get a chance to talk to you until the party, I really do hope you come… in uh… more ways than one.”
God, he makes you wet.
“I get it if you’re a little mad at me for not calling earlier, and I promise to make it up to you when I see you, if you’ll let me.”
He’s so oddly respectful.
“But I get it if you don’t want to do anything at the party. I’ve enjoyed talking with you this week, and if that’s all it’s going to be then I won’t hold it against you. Anyways, goodnight, see you soon.”
Saturday pt 2
You feel cute tonight. You’d taken your Ghost Face mask off almost as soon as entering the frat, but the little black dress you’re wearing is enough to capture a lot of attention. 
Every frat boy that comes up to you makes your heart race, but none of them reveal themselves as your Ghostie. 
You’re actually beginning to get a little frustrated, and after two hours of floating around hoping to find your mystery man, you head with Mark to his room for a break.
Mark’s roommate, Hyuck, is sitting on his bed, bong already out and resting on one thigh while scrolls through his phone. He looks up when you enter, smirking. “Finally, smoking buddies.”
“You texted me like two minutes ago to come up here,” Mark rolls his eyes. “Have some patience.”
“Not in my nature,” Hyuck insists, setting his phone down and reaching for his lighter. “First hit is mine.”
As if you expected anything less. 
You watch him inhale the thick cloud of smoke, holding it for a moment in his lungs before he lets out a deep exhale. “Fucking hell, he groans, that was a good hit.” 
Mark takes the bong and Hyuck falls flat against the bed, closing his eyes and smiling.
“So have you found your stalker yet, Tiny?” Hyuck asks.
Your gaze flashes to Mark. “You told him?”
“He was curious why I was asking for a stoner list,” Mark defends himself. 
“Whoever the dude is, he’s got balls,” Hyuck says wistfully. 
There’s a knock on the door, and Jaehyun pokes his head inside. “Heard we’re smoking?”
“Yeah, come in!” Hyuck waves his hand, still collapsed on his bed.
The door is pushed open wider, and you catch sight of Johnny standing behind Jaehyun. Your new hiring manager flashes you a wink as they enter, and the door is shut firmly behind them. Jaehyun goes to sit with Hyuck, but Johnny approaches you, taking the seat next to you on Mark’s bed. 
“How’s your night going?” Johnny asks.
“She’s waiting for her stalker to come kidnap her and fuck her brains out,” Hyuck says loudly.
“Your stalker?” Johnny laughs.
“Some guy has been calling her all week,” Mark tries to explain.
“It sounds worse than it is,” you insist, feeling the need to defend Ghostie. “He’s only a little perverted.” 
“And you’re into that sort of thing?” Jaehyun questions, cocking his head while Mark takes a puff from the bong and hands it over.
“Not usually,” you admit. “But… this guy is different.”
“You don’t even know what he looks like,” Mark groans, collapsing in his desk chair and running an anxious hand through his hair.
“That doesn’t matter,” you insist. 
“Fucking girls, dude,” Hyuck laughs, sitting up and watching Jaehyun smoke from the bong. “You know what we need?”
“More weed?” Mark suggests.
“Yes, but also, shots.” Hyuck’s eyes shift to Johnny. “Not the shit from downstairs. The good stuff.”
Johnny lets out a chuckle. “You want something from my secret stash?”
“The tequila you brought back from Mexico,” Hyuck nods.
Jaehyun lets out a puff of smoke, holding the bong out for Johnny, who shakes his head. 
“You’re not taking a hit?” Jaehyun asks, staring at Johnny in hazy shock.
“Not tonight,” Johnny responds. Then he turns to you. “If neither of us are taking a crack at the bong, how about you come help me grab the tequila?”
“Careful, John,” Hyuck teases, “She’s not interested in you, she only has eyes for this Ghostie dude.”
Mark shoves Hyuck’s knee and Johnny simply grins. “Come on Tiny, you don’t want to get secondhand high on a night like this.”
He’s right about that, and you stand with him, heading to the door. Johnny’s so tall and broad, and you try not to stare at his shoulders, but it’s extremely difficult not to appreciate his large form. 
“What’s your costume?” you ask. 
“Oh, this?” He pulls casually at his black tshirt. “I’m a serial killer, they look like everyone else.”
“Very original,” you laugh, falling into step with the tall fratboy as you make your way down the crowded hall. 
“My room is on the top floor,” he tells you, heading to the stairwell and holding the door open for you. “I like your dress, by the way.”
“Thanks, it goes with this.” You hold up the Ghost Face mask to show it to him, and his grin widens while you climb the stairs.
“You’re gonna have to let me try that on.”
“I’m uh… I’m actually saving it for Ghostie to try,” you admit, feeling a little silly with how loyal you’re being to your mystery caller.
“He’s a lucky guy,” Johnny muses.
“Here’s to hoping it goes well,” you sigh.
Johnny doesn’t respond to your comment, and as you reach the top floor he guides you three rooms down, using a key to unlock the door before he holds it open for you. “After you, Tiny.”
The space is the same size as Hyuck and Mark’s, but it only has one bed. “I didn’t realize they had single rooms here,” you say, looking around. 
“There’s only a few, and I’ve got seniority,” Johnny explains. He closes the door behind him, walking over to the large closet. 
You take in the decorations. It’s unmistakably a frat boy's room, but much cleaner than you’re used to. There’s a gaming station, and a mini fridge that you’d guess is full of beer. A clothing rack shows off some of Johnny’s more sophisticated tastes. 
You’re curious about what else he has in his stash, so you join him by the closet, peeking inside. “We’re looking for tequila right?”
God, he has a whole shelf full of expensive bottles of booze. 
“Uh huh,” Johnny nods. “Should be in the back here somewhere.”
“Isn’t this tequila?” you ask, pointing to a bottle he’s brushed past.
“Close,” Johnny flashes a grin at you before continuing to rummage, “but no cigar.” 
You freeze. 
It’s been nearly a week since your first interaction with Ghostie, but you remember that interesting turn of phrase like it was yesterday. 
But- it can’t be. 
Johnny can’t be your mystery caller-
Can he?
“Found it,” Johnny announces, pulling an immaculate bottle of tequila out. His gaze lands on you. “You alright, Tiny? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I mean… have I?” 
He cocks his head. “What do you mean?”
“You’re…” You swallow thickly. “Are you my Ghostie?”
Johnny meets your gaze with a steady look. “Does it upset you?”
It’s not a clear confirmation, but it’s a confirmation nonetheless. 
You stare at him in absolute shock for a moment. He looks insanely gorgeous tonight, all broad, with his pretty lips- without even knowing what you’re doing, you find yourself throwing your arms around him and burying your face against his chest.
Johnny freezes, obviously startled by the sudden contact, but then he’s wrapping you in a tight embrace. One of his hands finds the back of your head, and he cradles you close.
Neither of you say anything, you simply hold each other while you come to terms with everything. 
He’s so stupid for ever thinking you wouldn’t want him-
You do want him. You want him so bad-
Pulling away from his chest, you tilt your chip up, reaching for his face. You cup his cheek while you move on your tiptoes to press your lips against his.
He appears just as shocked at this movement as when you’d hugged him, but he eases into it all the same, kissing you back gently.
But you don’t want gentle, you want him.
You’re pent up from a week of teasing, and you shift in his embrace, wrapping both arms around the back of his neck while you glide your tongue against his lip. 
Johnny lets out a groan, his mouth opening for you while his hands slip down to tug your waist closer.
The kiss deepens and now it’s your turn to release a moan, pressing your tits closer to his chest. He feels like heaven against you, and his lips are absolutely magic. His tongue glides gently against your own. You can taste beer, but it’s not unpleasant, in fact, it turns you on even more.
You thread your fingers through his hair, dragging your nails against his scalp-
“Fuck,” Johnny mutters against your mouth.
Then he’s bending down, hands grabbing at your ass and prompting you to jump. You wrap your legs around his hips and he carries you effortlessly, closing the distance to his bed.
Instead of tossing you down, he sits on the mattress and suddenly your knees are digging into his charcoal duvet. You’re on top, fingers in his hair, your tongue licking at his lip, and you’ve never felt so powerful.
It gives you the confidence to wiggle your hips a little, and you’re pleased to find he’s already growing hard in his jeans. God, he feels big- and your pussy throbs at the idea of what you’re going to do to him tonight.
You’re in a dress, and your panty-clad core feels delightful against bulging denim. Johnny’s grabbing at your bare thigh, kneading your flesh, and it makes you moan desperately. Not only is he skilled with his tongue, but his hands seem to know what they’re doing too.
Suddenly he’s grabbing at your hair, tugging you so you arch your head back, giving him access to your throat. His mouth feels amazing as he begins to lick and suck on your neck, finding your sweet spot way too easily-
“Who-” You swallow thickly. “Who gave you my number?”
Johnny laughs against your skin, pulling away to look up at you with dark eyes. “Mark did.”
“Mark?!” You’re in absolute shock now. 
“Gave it to me during finals last year,” Johnny explains. “But… we both had busy summers and…” one of his hands sneaks down to guide your hips, helping you grind against him, “I guess I wasn’t sure how you felt about me.” 
“You’re crazy!” 
“Maybe a little,” he admits. “I’m also Mark’s big, and it’s not like you and I have ever been close.”
“But you’ve liked me for a while, haven’t you, Ghostie?” 
He groans at the nickname, looking up at you with eyes full of wonder. “Longer than you know.”
You wish you could say you’ve felt the same- but in all honesty, you have always seen him as Mark’s big. As an older fratboy dad type-
The way he’s acted with you this week has inklings of that protective daddy personality you know and enjoy, but… he’s not been particularly dad-like. He’s shown you a new side of himself, and you’re so fucking happy he did.
“You know, when Mark finds out you’re my stalker he’s going to flip.”
“I wasn’t stalking you,” Johnny insists, grinning up at you as he applies more pressure to your hips, making you grind against him harder. 
“God, you even hired me for a job-”
He laughs. “It wasn’t favoritism, you had a cover letter, the bar owner was even impressed.”
“You’re so bad- this whole time you’ve been mind fucking me. I would have never guessed my Ghostie worked at Skeets.”
“Well, I do have a minor in psychology,” he admits. “Figured the best place to hide is in plain sight.”
“You even smoked a joint in front of me and I never guessed-”
“Yeah, I was playing with fire with that one,” Johnny laughs. 
“It’s funny. I was so busy thinking about being loyal to Ghostie that I was trying not to check you out last night.” 
“And I’m so lucky to have you. You wouldn’t even let me put on your Ghost Face mask, so busy saving it for Ghostie.”
“Saving myself too,” you note, grinning down at him.
“We’ve talked every night since Sunday- I haven’t cum in over a week.” 
“Fuck, Tiny,” Johnny groans. “I guess I better help you out then.”
“Really? How are you going to do that?”
“I’ll let you stay on top for a while, let you grind against me until you’re begging for me to tear your dress off.” He pulls at the strap on your shoulder. “Then, I’ll flip you over, get on my knees, and eat you out like the good girl you are, stretching you open with my fingers.”
“And then?”
“When you’re shaking and delirious from cumming, I’ll fuck you right. Bet you’ve never really been fucked right before.”
God, you definitely haven’t. At least- you know you’ve never been fucked the way Johnny is about to fuck you.
“What if I already want you to tear my dress off?” you ask, grinding down against his cock.
Johnny lets out a low groan, grinning at you. “Tiny, you’re nowhere near begging yet.”
“I’m not?” You lean forward, pressing a kiss to his throat before your teeth drag against his earlobe. “Please, Ghostie, I’m already so fucking wet, you wouldn’t believe it-”
He laughs, hand finding your hair again. He tugs you away from his neck, pressing his lips to your own and kissing you hard.
He takes your breath away. His tongue is perfect, licking and tasting- making you moan loudly while you work your hips, swiveling on his denim-covered cock.
“Fuck, Ghostie, you’re so fucking big-”
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” he promises, grabbing a fistful of your ass and squeezing so hard it almost hurts. But the pain is wonderful, and you cry out in ecstasy, working yourself harder against him.
If it wasn’t for his enticing cock, you think you could make out with him like this forever. 
You just want to be naked, so you grab at your dress, intent on lifting it off-
Johnny stops you. “I’ve told you patience is a virtue, haven’t I, Tiny?”
You groan in annoyance. “John, please-”
“Ghostie,” he corrects you.
You don’t even care- you simply grab his hand, guiding it between your legs. His fingertips brush over your soaked panties, and you gasp at the feeling of him, immediately grinding down, looking for relief.
“Fuck-” you moan, closing your eyes and throwing your head back.
He begins to circle your clit through your thong and you’re forced to grab at his shoulder to steady yourself, whimpering loudly. 
“Shit, Tiny, you’re so fucking pretty,” he whispers.
“I need you,” you gasp, feeling an orgasm already bubbling in the pit of your stomach. “Please, move my panties to the side-”
Johnny doesn’t question you this time. He pulls your thong away, easily burying two large fingers into your wet, needy core.
Now you’re really gasping. You lean forward, wrapping both arms around his strong shoulders and burying your face against his throat. “Oh my God, Ghostie- don’t stop-”
“You’re going to cum from this, aren’t you, pretty girl?”
You nod desperately, swiveling your hips so your clit can rub against the palm of his hand while his fingers work you open. 
“So good,” you whimper. “So fucking good-”
Johnny groans, curving his fingers and stroking your gspot.
You squeal in his lap, thigh muscles clenching while your pussy begins to throb around the foreign intrusions. You’re so close to the edge you can almost taste it.
“Want you to cum for me. Wanna hear your sounds while you drip down my hand.” 
Fuck, he’s way too sexy, voice all low and seductive. He’s breathing hard, and you can tell you’re turning him on just from riding his fingers-
“Come on, Tiny, who’s my good girl?”
“I am-” you gasp, digging your nails into his shoulders as your orgasm hits you straight on. 
You moan loudly, burying your face against Johnny’s neck. You’re panting against his skin, wiggling your hips while his fingers continue inside of you, driving you absolutely insane. Waves of pleasure are overtaking your form, and your mind is completely blank, overwhelmed by the feeling of ecstasy that Johnny provides for you.
“That’s it,” Johnny encourages you. “So fucking good for me.”
You’re shaking on his lap by the time your high is over, and you press wet kisses to his throat, earning groans from your Ghostie. 
You reach down for your dress, lifting it up and off your body. Johnny pulls back, watching you with dark eyes. He takes his fingers out of your wet pussy, bringing them to his lips to clean. But he’s not done there, as you toss the fabric to the floor, Johnny offers you his digits next. 
You lock eyes with him for a moment before leaning forward and accepting, taking his wet fingers into your mouth and helping suck them clean. You groa at the taste of yourself. Johnny watches the motion, his free hand finding your hip and forcing you to grind down against his cock. 
“You’re so hot, Tiny,” he says, removing his fingers from your lips.
“Wait till you see me naked,” you grin, reaching behind yourself to undo your bra. 
It falls away easily, and Johnny’s large hands cup your breasts almost immediately. His head dips, eyes taking in your newly exposed skin. “Fuck, how does a girl get this perfect?”
“How does a guy get a massive cock like yours?” you counter, rubbing yourself against the front of his jeans. 
“Touche,” he chuckles, leaning down to lick your nipple. 
You thread your fingers through his hair, guiding him to show more affection to your chest, which he’s more than happy to do. His large hand cups your right breast while he worships your other with his mouth, suckling on your nipple. His teeth drag gently against the sensitive bud and you moan loudly, rocking your hips all the while.
“As much as I’d love to keep sucking on your tits,” Johnny sighs, lips moving up your throat again, “I’d rather be between your legs.”
“Ghostie, do whatever you want to me,” you instruct, feeling delightfully submissive.
“You got it, Tiny.” 
In one easy motion, he flips you so your back is on the bed. Johnny pulls away from you, sinking to his knees at the edge of the mattress before grabbing you and tugging you closer. He tears his own shirt off, giving you a great view of muscles that make you even wetter. Then he grabs your panties, sliding them down your legs so you’re completely bare for him now.
Johnny doesn’t say anything, he simply licks his lips and dives into you. His tongue parts your folds, dipping inside to taste your walls while your legs shake around his head. “Fuck, Ghostie-”
You reach down to grab his hair, applying enough pressure to his head to let him know you’re enjoying what he’s doing… if he can’t already tell from your desperately needy moans. 
His lips move to suction on your clit and a squeal escapes you, your back arching slightly at the sensation. 
You’re sensitive from having cum already, sensitive from having not cum all week only to be getting this much attention now. But you’re also probably sensitive because this is Johnny, because there’s been a build-up that’s left you ready to pop, and he seems intent on making you pop multiple times for him.
“Oh my God,” you whimper, eyes closed, abdominal muscles tensing with effort as his skilled tongue works you up again. 
Johnny groans against your pussy and it’s one of the sexiest things that’s ever happened to you. Your grip on his hair tightens, your core throbbing with pleasure already.
When he adds two fingers into your dripping hole, you know you’re not going to last, but you don’t think he wants you to.
In fact, you’d bet that Johnny himself is just about ready to explode. You can’t believe he doesn’t have his cock out yet- can’t believe he’s so intent on making you cum twice before getting any satisfaction for himself.
“Fuck, Ghostie-” You want to tell him how close you are to cumming, but you can hardly get the words out between your moans. “I’m- holy shit-”
Johnny finger fucks you even harder, his mouth focusing on your clit, and you’re pretty sure he’s understood your garbled attempt to warn him, pretty sure he wants you to cum.
You allow yourself to find your release, your back arching again as you tug on Johnny’s hair, keeping his face between your legs. You grind down slightly, your body chasing your orgasm as it surges through you like fire in your veins.
Johnny lets out a low groan again, and your entire body twitches at the extra stimulation. You’re gasping now. Nothing has ever felt this good-
To his credit, Johnny tries to help you through your entire orgasm, but he pulls away before you’re truly finished. You can feel him panting against your pussy, and when you open your eyes to look down at him, you find Johnny staring at you with the horniest expression you’ve ever seen on a man.
“Ghostie-” you whimper, shifting against his duvet. 
“Condoms,” he says, pulling his fingers out of your core and standing up.
“I’m on birth control,” you tell him quickly, making him freeze. “And if we’re both clean-”
Johnny practically moans at the idea, looking down at your body. “Does my Tiny want to be filled up all nice and good?”
Now it’s your turn to groan, and you nod, licking your lips. You sit up next, feeling your skin heat at the words you want to say, “I also… I wanna suck you off first.”
Johnny approaches the bed again, towering over you. It’s hard to focus on his eyes when his abs and strong biceps and veiny forearms are drawing your attention, but when he cups your jaw it makes things easier. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“You pretty much stalked me for a week,” you tease, grinning.
Your Ghostie lets out a laugh. He doesn’t bother to check you on the word ‘stalking’ this time, even though he’s always been adamant that’s not what he was up to. It’s nice to have this little win, and as a reward for him biting his tongue, you reach out to undo his belt.
As the buckle unclasps and you move to his zipper, there’s a loud banging on the door.
Johnny looks over his shoulder and you can hear Hyuck screaming “Tequila!” 
The frat boy in front of you lifts his finger to his lips, a shushing motion, and then he reaches into his back pocket for his phone. You bet he’s going to text Hyuck some lie about not being in the room, but you’re too horny to slow down.
You get his jeans undone and you bundle your hands up in all the fabric, roughly tugging them down.
Johnny lets out a groan when his large cock slaps up against his abdomen, and he moves his phone to the side to give himself a better view, holding it with one hand while raising a brow at you.
You’re on your knees at the foot of the bed now while Johnny stands there, and you steady yourself, grabbing the base of his cock. With one last wink at Ghostie, you lean forward, kitten licking his length from balls to tip.
The man above you quickly types in the text, then tosses his phone to the side, his large hand coming down to cup your cheek. You take this as a sign to accept him into your mouth, so you do exactly that.
He’s so large and thick- you haven’t sucked cock in a while, and you’ve never sucked a cock as big as his. You know you can take your time, Johnny’s always been patient with you. 
You start by paying attention to the head, swirling your tongue around him and getting used to his size. Your eyes close, mind focused completely on your task. You’re already drooling from this, and you can feel your saliva dripping down his shaft. You smooth your thumb along the new trail of spit, helping lube your hand so you can begin to pump his cock.
“Fuck,” Johnny groans, tightening his grip in your hair.
You try to sink your mouth further onto his cock, but it’s difficult. He’s just so huge-
Your pussy throbs knowing that soon, this monster dick is going to be inside of you-
Without any lube that you’ve seen so far, you want to make him as slicked up as possible, and it helps that you’re drooling from how sexy all of this is.
His cock hits the back of your throat and you gag slightly, powering through the uncomfortable feeling as you glide your tongue along his shaft. You’re not a quitter.
“Holy fuck, Tiny-” Johnny praises you. “You don’t have to try to take more than you can handle-”
But you want to. You want to pleasure him the way he’s pleasured you, and his words only prompt you to suck harder, earning more groans from the man above you.
“You’re so good at this,” he continues his words of encouragement, and they do help you take him deeper. His voice is smooth, sexy, and thankfully not modulated in any way. 
You’ve never realized how nice John’s voice really is. 
You apply more pressure with your hand, pumping him faster-
“Okay, okay-” Johnny tugs gently on your hair, prompting you to pull off of his cock and blink up at him in confusion. “I have to fuck you now. I’m done waiting.” 
You let out a tiny mewl, nodding. 
Johnny kicks off his jeans completely, pressing a knee onto the bed. He leans down to kiss you, and then he’s grabbing your body. In one easy motion, he tosses you a few feet up the mattress, so your head can land against the pillows.
God, he makes you feel truly Tiny- it’s one of the sexiest things ever.
He takes his place between your legs next, lips finding yours. One of his hands cups your cheek, and the kiss deepens, his tongue invading your mouth while your arms wrap around his strong shoulders.
You can feel his cock sliding between your pussy lips, and it’s almost embarrassing how wet you are, how much drool you’ve left on him. 
“Please-” you whimper. You can’t wait another moment either, you have to know what he feels like. You reach your hand between your bodies, grabbing his cock so you can line him up with you properly. “Ghostie, I can’t-”
He kisses you, cutting you off. Something tells you Johnny understands, and the moment you have him properly situated, he begins to push into you.
You gasp against his lips, letting go of his cock so you can grab his shoulders. He’d worked you open with his fingers two times over, but nothing compares to this. You can feel your walls stretching to accommodate his impressive girth, and it leaves you practically brain-dead.
“Let me know if it’s too much,” Johnny tells you, lips moving to your throat so he can suck on your sweet spot while he continues to burry into your hot, wet core.
You wrap your legs tightly around his hips, closing your eyes while the feeling of him overtakes you. You’ve never moaned like this before, never felt anything like Johnny-
He groans loudly against your skin, gently thrusting, coating his cock in your juices to make things easier-
The moment his hips hit flush to yours, his full cock buried inside of you, you both gasp. Johnny grabs at your hands, interlocking your fingers and pinning them to the pillows on either side of your head.
“Fuck, you’re so big, you’re so-” You can’t even think, especially not when he takes another test thrust.
His cock drags against your inner walls and you cry out, body tingling. 
“You take me so well, Tiny,” he praises you, mouth still hot on your throat. “The perfect fit.” 
You can’t speak, not now, but you can squeeze his hands and tilt your head to the side, kissing his cheek. Johnny takes the cue to bring his lips back to yours, and you’re immediately lost in yet another breathtaking makeout session.
He’s moving slow, fucking into you at a gentle pace, allowing your body to get used to his massive size. 
But you’re feeling particularly desperate, and greedy. “More.” 
“More?” He laughs. “You sure about that?”
You nod, eager to be decimated by him. “Please, ruin me-”
Johnny groans, letting go of one of your hands so he can press his palm flat to the bed, giving himself more leverage. He begins to fuck you faster, and each meeting of his cock to your core has you whimpering like a whore in heat.
“You make the cutest fucking sounds,” Johnny breathes.
Only he - with his cock making you feral - would call your noises of pleasure cute.
He’s so stupidly endearing.
“Fuck, Tiny, you’re dripping- making this too fucking easy for me.” 
It’s absolutely embarrassing how wet you are. He’s gliding into you with no issues now, and each movement is like heaven. The head of his cock hits a spot deep in your stomach- you can’t help but reach down, pressing your palm to your abdomen-
You can feel him rearranging your guts, and you both groan when you apply a bit of pressure.
“Deep, huh?” Johnny lets out a moaned chuckle. 
“So deep-” you agree, words slightly garbled. 
“I’ve just started with you and you can hardly speak,” Johnny muses. “Wonder what’s gonna happen when I make you cum again.”
You cry out desperately, removing your hand from your stomach so you can claw at his hair, bringing his lips back to your own.
You’re tired of thinking- all you want to do is experience this, experience him, at your fullest- and boy, are you fucking full.
Johnny lets go of your other hand, reaching for your thigh. He adjusts it higher on his hip and suddenly he’s driving into you even deeper.
Your eyes roll into the back of your head and you gasp loudly against his lips. Johnny traces his tongue along your teeth, and you can feel him smirking.
You love that he’s enjoying this- enjoying watching you come completely undone for him.
“You know,” he says, “if you keep squeezing me like that, I’m not going to last long.”
You don’t even care. You know this isn’t the only time you’ll be fucking this man- and after cumming twice already, your body is near its limit of pleasure, if that’s even possible. In fact, there’s something very sexy about making a man cum quicker than he’s used to, and your pussy clenches at the thought. 
“Fuck,” Johnny groans again. “Can I flip you over?”
At this point, you’ll agree to any request, and you nod quickly, biting at your lip.
With one last kiss, Johnny pulls away from you. His cock slips out of your core and you whine at  the loss, only for his two large hands to grab your waist and manually turn you onto your stomach. Then he adjusts your hips, pulling you up into doggy position.
“If you need to scream, use the pillows,” Johnny warns you, lining up with your pussy again.
The first thrust has you doing exactly that. You bury your face into the pillow, letting out a loud cry as his cock hits deeper than before. 
This position might just kill you, but you don’t care.
His hands feel so good- so large and warm and steady on your hips as he finds an even rougher pace.
You can hear your ass smacking loudly against his front with each thrust and it only adds to your arousal. 
Bunching your hands up in his duvet, you do your best not to be so loud that the whole frat will hear you. But it’s so difficult not to just melt under him- 
You can feel your eyes welling with pleasure-fueled tears, and it drives you crazy.
“Fuck, you like this position, don’t you, pretty girl?”
“Yes, Ghostie!” you gasp, nodding while his cock continues to make you feel like absolute heaven.
“You look fucking perfect like this,” he tells you. “Face down, ass up. Pretty soon you’ll be begging for me to fill you up even more.”
His words flip a switch inside of you. “God, yes, please-” you cry out. “I want it so bad-”
“Want what?”
“Want your cum,” you whimper. “Wanna be so full-”
Johnny groans, grabbing rough fistfuls of your ass while he fucks you even harder. 
“I need it, Ghostie, I need it-” You’re crying now, and Johnny notices.
He bends over your back, bracing an arm across your chest so he can lift you onto your knees. He cups your jaw, thumb stroking through a tear track. “Holy shit, Tiny,” he moans, mouth hot against your shoulder. 
“Please, Ghostie, please-” you whimper, lower lip trembling-
You’re so close-
Johnny lets go of your jaw, and his hand slips down your front. You jolt when his fingers make contact with your clit, wriggling in his grasp.
“I’m almost there, Tiny,” he admits. “Watching you cum will tip me over the edge- you’ll be good and cum for me, right?”
All you can do is nod. Words are gone. Your mind is blank except for the pleasure that’s coursing through you.
Your noises are getting pitchier, and Johnny works you all the way to your peak. You gasp loudly as you topple over the edge, core clamping down hard on his cock.
Your legs feel like jelly, and Johnny releases you, allowing you to fall to the bed while your orgasm ravages your form. You’re clawing at the sheets, burying your face in his bed to muffle your screams-
His hands are bruising on your hips, and you hear him let out a loud groan. You can feel him filling you up, his motions faltering ever so slightly. His breath is hot against your shoulders and it’s added stimulus that makes you twitch, so completely overwhelmed that it almost feels like you’re about to black out.
But you don’t want to miss a second of this. His groans of pleasure keep you in the moment even as your mind is in a sex daze. 
Johnny rides you through your high, thrusts slowing until he comes to a stop behind you. 
You’re both breathing heavily now, and Johnny stays still for a moment, enjoying the last of your orgasm aftershocks. Then he flattens his chest to your back, hand falling to the bed next to  your own. 
“Holy shit,” he breathes. 
You can’t help but let out a small laugh, and it makes Johnny groan as your core clenches again.
He kisses your shoulder, lips oddly tender in comparison to the way he just blew your back out. 
“Ghostie-” you whimper, wanting to collapse on his bed from exhaustion. 
“Stay still, I’ll get something to clean you up,” he assures you, pressing one last kiss to your skin before straightening from your back. 
You miss his warmth as soon as he’s gone, and you especially miss his cock when it slides out of you. 
You feel him get off the bed, and a moment later, something begins to drip down your inner thighs. He really filled you up, and it makes you twitch. You reach a hand between your legs, cupping your core and rolling onto your back on his bed, trying to breathe properly.
Johnny is back a second later, and you can feel his gaze on you.
“Spread these thighs for me, Tiny,” he says gently, touching your knee. 
You open your eyes, and then you open your legs. 
Johnny moves your hand out of the way, letting out a groan. “You have no idea how fucking hot this is-” he tells you, wiping your core clean of his cum. 
You still don’t have it within yourself to speak, you can only watch him toss the tissue in the garbage before you’re making grabby hands at him.
Johnny laughs. He sits on the bed next to you, leaning against the headboard before scooping you into his lap. He’s so fucking big, and he makes you feel safe cuddled in his arms, your cheek pressed to his chest.
His heart is still racing, and it makes you feel better to know you’re not the only one who’s so affected by this.
Johnny’s fingers begin to thread through your hair, and he simply holds you while you come out of subspace. 
The party is still in full swing outside, and it’s an interesting feeling to have such a private moment with Johnny in the middle of a frat on Halloween. 
“Do you think anyone heard us?” you ask finally.
Johnny laughs. “Don’t worry about it,” he says soothingly. 
You pull away from his chest, looking up at him. His hand moves to cup your face and you press your lips to his. It’s a much gentler kiss than he’d given you mid-fuck, and it eases your racing heart. 
“Yeah, Tiny?” 
“I like you a lot.”
He lets out another chuckle. “I like you too.”
“We’ll do this again sometime, right?”
“Of course, Tiny.” His hand smooths up and down your back. “I’d also like to take you on dates, if you’ll let me.”
“I’d like that,” you nod, relaxing against his chest again. “And… and when you call me, no more voice modulator.”
“I like your voice, your real voice.” God, you’re feeling so soft and mushy for him.
“I like your voice too.” For a second, it���s a sweet moment, and then Johnny continues, “Liked listening to your whimpers.”
He’s such a frat boy, but you kind of love him for it. “Did you like my tears too?”
“Only if they’re for a good reason,” Johnny says. “If anyone else ever makes you cry, I’ll have to fuck them up.”
“My protective Ghostie,” you grin, leaning up to kiss the underside of his jaw.
“As much as I’d love to stay cuddling you forever, I should probably bring the boys some tequila,” Johnny sighs.
“The boys,” you echo. “I feel like I’ve just fucked Mark and Hyuck’s dad.”
“Do you have a daddy kink, Tiny?”
“For you, I have any kink you want,” you laugh. 
“I like the sound of that.”
“Just… kiss me again?” you ask. “We can bring tequila after.”
“Are you sure you want to come with? You can stay here and I’ll come back-”
“We should…” you lick your lips, “we should be social.”
“I just fucked your brains out and you want to go be social?” Johnny grins. “Maybe I didn’t work you over well enough.”
“You worked me over perfect,” you laugh, grabbing at his jaw so you can press your lips to his.
Johnny melts into the kiss, and there’s something in it that feels like coming home. You’ve never felt this safe with a guy before, and it’s kind of starting to scare you.
If you were to stay here- you think you might even fall in love with Johnny… that is, if you haven’t already.
You pull away from your Ghostie, letting out a sigh. 
Getting out of his lap isn’t fun, and your legs are wobbly as you stand next to the bed, but Johnny’s hands go to your hips to steady you.
When he stands, he towers over you, and you’re overcome by your thirst for him all over again. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck, bringing him in for another kiss. 
It’s so easy to get lost in making out with Johnny, but you have to tear yourself away, nodding, “Tequila.”
“Tequila,” he echoes. “Can you stand by yourself?”
“I’m okay,” you assure him, but it still hurts when he lets you go. 
Johnny pulls on some sweatpants while you find your dress-
“You’re not putting that back on,” Johnny tells you, moving to his closet. “Let me give you some clothes.”
“Are you trying to announce to Mark and Hyuck that we’ve fucked?” you laugh, accepting the large t-shirt he throws your way.
“Trust me, Tiny, they’ll know.”
“Yeah? How’s that?”
“After this, I won’t be able to keep my hands to myself, and something tells me you won’t be able to either.” Johnny pulls on a hoodie, grabbing the tequila and turning to you. “I know you, remember?” 
You grin, pulling on the pair of black boxer shorts he’d also sent your way. “Maybe a little too well.” 
“Or not well enough,” Johnny suggests, approaching you again.
“You’re such a sweet talker.”
“Only for you,” he smirks, leaning down to kiss you again. “You look cute in my clothes.”
“Do I look like I just got fucked senseless?”
“Mark’s going to hate you,” you laugh.
“He’ll get over it,” Johnny brushes it off, reaching for your hand. “Ready to go?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” 
“You can still stay here if you want.”
“No, let’s face this now.” You need to be firm, need to get out of this love den before you find yourself even more loved up.
The two of you head to his door and Johnny holds it open for you. 
In the time you’ve been fucking, it looks like a lot of people have dispersed from the party, so walking through the hallway isn’t exactly a walk of shame. However, when you get down the stairs to Mark’s floor, you realize you still have to pull up your big girl panties to face him.
“I’m going to run to the bathroom,” you tell Johnny, “I’ll meet you in Mark’s.”
“You don’t want me to come with you?”
“To the bathroom?” you laugh. “I think I’m good.”
With one last kiss, you make your way to the frat bathroom at the end of the hall. It’s important to go pee after sex, for UTI reasons, your sorority big sister has drilled that into you since first year. When you’re done, you head to the sink, daring a look at yourself in the dirty mirror.
You look fucked, but you also look happy. 
In fact, you can’t stop smiling. 
After washing your hands, you dab some water on your throat, hoping it will calm you down. Once you feel good and ready, you exit the bathroom.
Mark’s door is open when you get to his room, and you poke your head inside. 
Jaehyun and Hyuck are on one bed, Mark and Johnny on the other, and they’re all lifting shots to their mouths. As you step inside, Mark’s gaze shifts to you. He takes in your new outfit and his eyes widen, then he spits out his shot, coughing loudly. 
Johnny’s hand finds Mark’s back while he practically coughs up a lung, and then Mark is leaping to his feet. “What-” His eyes dart between you and Johnny, and you can see the realization there. 
“Jesus, Mark, learn how to handle a shot,” Hyuck scoffs.
Mark doesn’t even entertain Hyuck, he simply turns to his big, pointing an accusatory finger at Johnny’s chest. “You’re Ghostie!?”
Johnny stands up. “You’re the one who gave me her number last year.”
“I what?!” Mark’s eyes are practically bulging out of his head now.
Hyuck and Jaehyun exchange a look, and Hyuck reaches for the tequila to pour another shot.
“Mark, it could be worse-” you say, trying to de-escalate the situation while stepping further into the room.
“How could it be worse!?” Mark bellows. “My Big is a stalker!”
“He’s not a stalker,” you defend Johnny, coming to join your tall new lover, your hand reaching for his.
“You’re her new boss!” Mark insists.
“Hyuck fucked our last bar manager,” Johnny points out.
“Guilty,” Hyuck smirks over the rim of his new shot.
Mark’s still not having any of this situation. “This is fucked up.”
“Mark, I’ve told you a million times, it’s spooky season.” You can’t help but giggle. This has been such a turn of events, but you wouldn’t want it any other way.
“You better not hurt her,” Mark says next, trying to meet Johnny’s gaze even while substantially shorter. 
“I won’t,” Johnny promises. 
“This is just-” Mark shakes his head. “Fuck this, I need to sleep.”
“We can move the party to my room,” Jaehyun says, already grabbing the bottle of tequila while Hyuck reaches for his bong.
It’s clear Mark’s done talking, and he collapses onto his bed face first like a tantruming toddler. You’ll discuss this with him another day, but you know now is probably not the time to push him to accept that his Big has a whole different side to him that Mark’s never seen. 
As you leave the room with Hyuck, Johnny and Jaehyun, Hyuck elbows you in the side. “I always knew you’d end up with one of us.”
“Yeah?” you laugh, gaze shifting to Johnny and Jaehyun who walk a few feet ahead of you.
“Once an NCT girl, always an NCT girl,” Hyuck nods. “And between us…” he leans closer, “Johnny is a good one.”
Your Ghostie looks over his shoulder at you, and you meet his gaze with a smile. “He is,” you agree. “Hey, John?”
“Yes, Tiny?” He stops at the door to the stairwell, holding it open and allowing you to catch up.
“I changed my mind, I think I am done with the party tonight.”
“Yeah?” Johnny smirks. “Gonna come back to my room?”
“If you invite me.”
“Tiny, my room has an open-door policy for you now.”
“Is that so?” you wrap your arms around his neck, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips.
“Uh huh,” Johnny grins. “And free cuddles, anytime you want them.”
“I like the sound of that,” you confess. 
“Just get married already!” Hyuck shouts back at the two of you as he climbs the stairs with Jaehyun. 
You and Johnny can only laugh at Hyuck. Your willpower is completely gone, and you allow your Ghostie to take you back to his room. 
He cuddles you close as the party dies down outside, and you find yourself slipping into the best sleep of your life on Halloween night with your Ghostie by your side.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! Halloween is my favourite Holiday, and there's something about Johnny and horror genre that makes me go feral
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. There’s no way he should be this fucking sexy. You’re outside in the cold, parkas on, a Santa hat on his head, a joint between his lips,  both your jeans down to your knees, his hand over your mouth to stifle your moans, and he’s about to fuck you against a wall with his massive cock- you’ve decided that Johnny as a whole is simply illegal.
cw/ tw. Unprotected sex, exhibitionism in an alley, weed use, slight temperature play, big dick Johnny, quickie, cum kink/filling panties with cum while at work, praise, dirty talk, size kink, hand over mouth silencing, choking, etc… I pet names: (hers) Tiny, pretty girl, good girl. (his) Ghostie.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.5k I teaser wc. 275
🌙 staring. Johnny x afab!reader
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You’ve been dating Johnny for a month and a half and you still can’t get enough of him. Whenever you pop over to the frat, it’s not long before one of you is dragging the other to his room. There’s never been sexual chemistry like there is for you and your Ghostie.
You’d never thought your biggest hurdle in the workplace would be refraining from jumping your bar manager, but here you are, every shift, practically drooling over him. Each brush of his hands across your body as he moves behind you to grab something makes you want to tear his clothes off, and your patience is at an all-time low. 
With Christmas fast approaching, the bar scene has substantially dwindled, and it’s making you even more needy. When Skeets only has a handful of customers, you fill drink orders while thinking about sucking on Johnny’s cock. 
It doesn’t help that he’s started wearing a Santa hat- why does it make him even sexier?
As Johnny smiles and makes casual conversation with a pair of girls sitting at the bar, you do your best to calm yourself. At the end of the night, you’ll be the one in Johnny’s bed, you just have to get to closing.
You notice in the periphery of your vision that the girls are finishing up with their drinks. Johnny excuses himself to grab the card reader, and as he slips past your ass, you feel his hard cock in his jeans. It’s difficult to stifle a moan, and you do so by biting on your lip. 
He loves teasing you, especially while you’re at work, and it drives you absolutely mental.
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mhyori1117 · 7 months
When Roses Bloom
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idol au, soulmate au, royalty au, modern au, strangers to lovers
Genre: Fluff, Slowburn
Lee Taeyong x Reader
Wordcount: 6k+
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, mentions of food, Markhyuck ( I don't ship them irl, it's purely for the plot)
Rating: PG13, some cursing and kissing
A/N This is for the love of my life. @mhyori1117. I hope you enjoy Taeyong as your soulmate. <3
You sighed. Everyone around you has been finding their soulmate. They get to experience the magic of seeing flowers bloom when they accidentally bump into their soulmate on the side of the street. Or passing by a classmate in the halls and suddenly tulips blossom out of the ground and lockers are filled with lilies. Maybe that cute coworker from the office “accidentally” bumps into you just to see if flowers bloom beneath your feet.
All of your friends have been getting swept off their feet by their gorgeous soulmates. Some of them have known their soulmates all their lives and have finally accidentally bumped into each other. Not that you aren’t happy for your friends, because you are, you just wish you would finally meet yours. You wish you could finally feel that magic. Finally getting to look in the eyes of the one meant for you. You know your soulmate won't ‌be a prince on a white horse from a faraway kingdom. But you could care less if he did have a major kingdom title or not. As long as your prince was meant for you. That was good enough. But when? When will you get to meet him?
You sigh again for the umpteenth time. Currently, your best friend was telling you about his newfound soulmate. Again, it’s not that you aren’t happy for him. It just gets annoying to hear that one of your friends has found their soulmate. Plus, he’s been rambling on about this guy for literal days. It feels like you know him more than you know yourself and you haven’t even met him yet! “Mark..Dude. It’s not that I don’t care, but you literally won’t stop talking about him. I love you and love that you are so in love with your soulmate, but I seriously feel like I know him more than I should. I haven’t even met him yet,” you set your coffee cup on your desk, “it’s not helpful when I’m trying to work on this new draft that Mr Nakamoto is requiring me to do and I can’t focus.”
“Sorry. I forgot that the boss is making you stay extra late for a new draft that he just assigned to you today,” Mark rolls his eyes, “I can’t believe he’s requiring you to finish it by tonight.”
“I know, I don’t know why he’s so up my ass about it,” you pick up your coffee cup again, take a sip, and notice it's gone cold. You frown, your evening has gotten even worse. “I’ll be back Mark. I gotta get another cup of coffee if I want to manage to finish this stupid draft before the sunsets.”
Mark waves and turns back to his desk, “can you get me a cup too?”
You wave in response as you you exit the office into the hallway. You greet the other office workers who also have to stay late to finish whatever projects they are working on. You turn left to head towards the break room to get a fresh cup of coffee. However, you bump into a rough chest. You looked up and weren't expecting to see him.
"Ah, sorry. I didn't see you there Y/n," his deep voice escaped his pretty pink lips.
"It's okay Johnny. I should've watched where I was going. Was just super lost in thought," you reply, looking away from the tall man. Johnny Suh, a man every woman dreams of being with. He's super tall, gorgeous eyes, and has all the charms in the world. Every female coworker (even males) have tried to bump into him, hoping that he is their soulmate, but so far none of them have had any luck. You? You don't really care trying to bump into attractive coworkers in hopes they are your soulmate, too complicated. Johnny, however, has tried to bump into you on several occasions, hoping that you are his.
"Boss having you work late again?"
"Mmm, he's making me work on this draft and wants it finished by tonight to be ready for the presentation tomorrow. What about you? Why are you still here this late? Didn't Jaehyun leave hours ago, thought you would've gone with him."
"Yeah, he did. Told him to go home without me. I have this merger I got to finish by tomorrow and I'm only halfway through. Looks like it'll be a long night for the both of us. You getting more coffee? I'll walk with you," Johnny turns around and starts heading towards the break room, even though it looks like he's just got a fresh cup of coffee already.
You trail behind Johnny trying to figure out his motive. Does he not believe in the soulmate system? Why has he been so adamant about trying to get you to go on a date with him? If you didn’t have so many hopes in wanting to meet your soulmate, you would consider accepting his pursuit.
“So, I was thinking…you want to go to a concert this weekend? One of my close friend’s is performing this weekend and I think you’d like his music,” Johnny asks, pouring himself and you a fresh cup of coffee.
“I need one more cup, Mark’s staying late too,” you take your cup out of Johnny’s hands and wait for him to pour a second for Mark.
“Ah, I see. So, what about the concert? You want to go,” Johnny hands you the second cup and you graciously take it.
“Thanks. I’m not sure if it’s something I’d want to do…Plus Mark and I have our movie night this weekend and he’s inviting his soulmate over so we can finally meet,” you take a sip of your coffee and follow him out the break room.
“Why don’t you invite them both? It’d be a lot of fun, plus I think Mark would get along with my friend that’s performing. You guys would be allowed backstage to meet him and hang out after the show is over. I got front seat tickets and everything,” Johnny says, holding three tickets out in front of you, “Will you at least take the tickets and ask? If neither of you wants to show up, that’s okay. At least give me some hope that you’ll come.”
“Alright,” you take the tickets out of his hand, “I’ll ask Mark and see if he’s up to going. It would be a nice change instead of our weekend movie nights. Well, I need to finish this draft so I’ll be getting back to work,” you wave goodbye and head back to your desk and let out a deep sigh.
“Johnny ask you out again,” Mark asks when he hears you sigh?
“Yeah, that’s the 3rd time this week. He can’t get a clue when I keep denying him,” you rub your forehead, feeling a migraine coming on.
“Where’d he invite you to this time?”
“To some concert, his friend is performing at, some group called 127? He invited you and your soulmate to go with. Here,” you pass him two tickets and his coffee.
“127?! Dude, I love 127! We have to go, it’ll be so much fun,” Mark practically jumps out of his chair, trying to give you his best puppy dog eyes, “Please. It really will be a lot of fun, my soulmate loves this group too! Apparently, all of the members keep their identity hidden and don’t allow pictures at performances. They are really hush hush about it.”
“Really? Johnny says he knows one of the members and that he got us backstage as well as front stage seats.”
“Johnny knows 127? Really? Dude, we have to go now that you told me there are backstage passes. I’ve always wanted to meet them and see them perform live.”
“Will your soulmate wanna go?”
“Definitely, we listen to them together all the time.”
“Alright. It will be nice to do something different this weekend. But what shocks me is that they even sell backstage passes. Aren’t most idols and celebrities royalty? Like super high royalty? Because I know we all are some type of royalty, but in order to be able to do a job like that, they have to have a higher status. Why would they even let crazed fans near royalty?”
“I don’t know. Probably. I don’t know about you, but I can flash my royalty card and get a free coffee,” Mark brags…again.
“Mark, you say that at least once a week. I don’t care that my royalty card doesn’t get me a free coffee. It’s not my fault that my royalty card doesn’t get me anything, blame my parents for not having a higher royalty status. Anyways, leave me be and let me finish this draft before Mr. Nakamoto yells at me for slacking.”
You knock on the door to Mr. Nakamoto’s office, holding a stack of paper in your right hand. You hear a faint “come in” signalling for you to enter the office. You enter the office and see your boss sitting at his desk, typing on his computer. His black hair dishevelled from him constantly running, his fingers through his hair, glasses perched on his nose, and his tie undone.
“Hi sir, I have the draft that you wanted by this evening. I’ve finished it and printed it so you can look through it,” you walk up to his desk, holding out the stack of papers for him to take.
“Thank you, just set them on the desk. I’ll look over them when I’m done. You can go home now,” he doesn’t even look up from his computer and continues typing.
“Thank you, sir. Goodnight sir. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you place the stack of papers on his desk and exit his office. “Alright Mark, drive me home.” Mark nods and you both walk to the elevator in silence.
The week flew by, and before you knew it, it was ‌Saturday, the day you were meeting Mark's soulmate and the day of the concert. You were getting ready, making sure you looked your best. You were looking over your choice of clothes when there was a knock at the door. You look over at the clock, Mark was supposed to be picking you up around now, so it was probably him. You walk over to the front door of your spacious apartment and open it.
“You ready to leave,” Mark asks, walking into your apartment.
“Yup, let me get my shoes on, real quick,” you walk over to your shoe rack that’s by the front door and sit on the bench to slide your shoes on. “Alright, I’m ready. Is he in the car?”
“Yeah, he’s driving so I told him that I’ll go up and see if you were ready.”
"What's his name,” you both walk out the door and shut it behind you. You lock it and follow Mark down the steps to his soulmate's car.
"Donghyuck, Lee Donghuck is his name," Mark walks up to the car and opens the backseat for you.
You sit down and buckle up, "Hey I'm Y/n! It's nice to finally meet you, Mark literally never shuts up about you."
"I can say the same about you, he's told me so much about you I feel like I've known you forever," Donghyuck laughs. He looks super dressed up for the concert, no wonder Mark has him as a soulmate. They really were made for each other.
"Are you excited for tonight's concert? It's my first time hearing about 127, so I'm really curious as to why Johnny thought I would enjoy their music. Mark is a really big fan of them," you try to make conversation with Donghyuck as he drives you to the place that the concert will be held at.
“Mmm, I know he is. He made me listen to their entire discography on our fourth date, not that I minded, I really like their music as well. Speaking of Mark, can you put on our playlist? That way Y/n can hear some of their songs before we get to the stadium,” Donghyuck drives out of the apartment complex and you make your way to the concert. Mark puts on their playlist and music starts blasting from the car speakers.
By the time you arrive at the stadium, you have learned the entire discography for 127 and learned Mark and Donghyuck personal favourites, and have found out yours. No wonder Mark was such a fanboy over them, their voices were really attractive and the songs were really catchy. You could definitely see yourself becoming a fan after this concert is over. But right now, you need to text Johnny and find out where he is.
Where are you at? We just arrived at the stadium.
The tall Johnny:
I’m inside, meet me backstage and come meet the guys.
Heading over now.
You put your phone in your pocket, “Johnny says he’s inside. He wants us to meet him backstage. Let’s get going.” The two boys nod and follow your lead. You walk to the end of the line and some of the other’s in the look at Donghyuck with a strange look, like they’ve seen him somewhere before. You brush off their odd behaviour, he must go to a lot of concerts or he’s a popular prince.
Once it was your turn to give the lady your tickets, you did so, but the way the lady acted when she saw Donghyuck was even stranger. It was a look of surprise, like she didn’t expect him to show up there. What is up with everyone’s behaviour… I’ll have to ask him about it.
You three get led inside of the stadium and were guided backstage. How did they know that we were going there…or that we even had backstage passes? Did Johnny say something to her beforehand?
As you’re walking to the backstage, you accidentally bump into someone because you have this habit of not watching where you were going. You look up to find the most gorgeous eyes staring down at you with a look of concern. What you didn’t expect was roses to start blossoming out of the floor and vines to start flowing down the ceiling as you two made eye contact.
It was as magical as Mark said it was. You felt butterflies erupting in your stomach as you two continued to stare into each other's eyes. Neither of you dare to break it, fearing that once you look away, the beautiful pink roses blooming behind the stranger will go away. It made him look ethereal. Like he was sculpted by the gods themselves.
“I’m Y/n…it’s nice to finally meet you, soulmate,” you hold out your hand for him to shake.
“Taeyong, Lee Taeyong. I’m sorry you had to wait so long to meet me,” he takes your hand in his and kisses your knuckles, “I agree though, it’s great to finally meet you. I guess my timing was always off because I swear I’ve seen you before. Perhaps my dreams?”
Lee Taeyong? Why was that name so familiar? “I’m surprised this is how fate chose us to meet. Backstage to a concert someone invited me to. I think your timing couldn’t have been any better,” you give him a soft smile, which he gladly returns.
Someone clears their throat behind you, knocking you two out of your daze. “Ah right. This is my best friend Mark and his soulmate Donghyuck. Both of them are big fans of the artist’s that’s performing tonight.”
“Ah, fans of 127? You must be the coworkers Johnny was telling us about, follow me, I’ll take you to meet the rest of the boys. Johnny’s been waiting for you guys to arrive as well,” Taeyong doesn’t let go of your hand and drags you along with him. Wait…What?
“Ah, wait. I think it’s time for the concert, why don’t you head to your seats, I’ll have Xiaojun show you to your seats,” Taeyong gestures to a man in a security guard uniform who smiles at Taeyong, he must be Xiaojun.
“Actually, I need to use the restroom, why don’t you guys head to our seats without me. I’ll meet you there when I’m done,” Donghyuck stops Xiaojun in his tracks.
“Are you sure Hyuck? I know how much you love 127,” Mark questions his soulmate.
“Yeah, I’ll probably only miss the opening act, I’ll be back in time, don’t worry.”
“If you’re sure. Alright, Y/n, let’s go,” Mark says, following Xiaojun out of the hallway.
You shoot Johnny a quick message telling him that you would be heading to your seats since the concert was starting soon and that you would meet him there. He replied with a simple okay and that was the end of the conversation.
When you finally arrived at your seats, which were located near the front of the stage (how Johnny was able to afford the tickets was still beyond you), you sat down at the perfect time because music started to blast through the stage speakers. A young man walked onto the stage and started the opening act. The opening act was a new and hot artist by the name of Xuxi and everyone was astounded by his amazing performance. You couldn’t believe that this one guy could hype up the crowd this much, if Xuxi was this amazing you wondered how amazing it would be to see 127 on stage.
The lights started flashing with the beat of the music, the first song was about to start and both Donghyuck and Johnny had yet to arrive. You were starting to get worried, you looked over at Mark to whisper something into his ear, but you stopped mid sentence when shock took over Mark’s face. Confusion filled your face, you looked back over to the stage and not only were you shocked to see who was up on stage, but you were completely confused.
“Is that Mr Nakamoto? And Donghyuck? What the fuck? Johnny?!” You are beyond confused and it looks like Mark had no idea that his favourite group was so close to him. He had no idea that his soulmate was a member of 127 and no idea that a coworker and boss was also a member of 127. You had no idea how you were going to be able to go to work and face them.
Taeyong makes eye contact with you as he raps his verse and winks. That causes an immediate blush to spread across your face which Mark starts to tease you about until Donghyuck blows a kiss in his direction. You began to tease him about it since he teased you, it was only fair.
The concert was half way over and you were glad that Johnny invited you to go. The initial shock and surprise is over and you would definitely agree that Johnny, your flirty coworker, Yuta, your mysterious boss, and Donghyuck, Mark’s soulmate, belonged on that stage. Johnny was a very talented rapper and he could dance too. Yuta’s vocals were off the chart. And his dancing skills? Absolutely blew you away. Donghyuck’s vocals were absolutely breathtaking. You couldn’t believe how high he could see. Not to mention that he was also a very talented dancer. But no matter how amazing they were, you kept your eyes trained on Taeyong. The way he could move and dance along to the song was hypnotising. The way his voice would rasp when he would rap his parts of the song, kept you on the edge of your seat. His entire aura was hypnotised and had you under a spell. Maybe it was your soulmate bond that caused you to feel the way you did or maybe you were just magnetised by him.
Once the concert was over, Xiaojun led you two back to the hallway where you met Taeyong, and followed the long corridor. The three of you arrived at a door that had a piece of paper taped to it saying, “127”. Xiaojun knocked on the door and you heard a faint “come in” from the otherside. Xiaojun opens the door and you trail behind him. You see the six boys lounging on the couches taking a break after the hectic concert. Taeyong sits up straighter once he spots you and his gaze never leaves yours as you walk closer to him. A smile spreads across his lips as you walk over to him. “Hey, I thought you were amazing up on that stage,” a smile spreads across your face. The other’s in the room look at you two in confusion and Taeyong notices.
“This is Y/n, my soulmate,” Taeyong introduces you to the others with a proud smile on his face.
Johnny doesn’t look the least bit surprised and neither does your boss or Donghyuck. It’s like they knew before you even found out he was your soulmate. “About time,” Johnny pipes up.
“What do you mean,” you look over at him in question.
“I had a strong feeling that Taeyong was your soulmate, you’re both basically carbon copies of one another. I told Donghyuck, Jaehyun, and Yuta about it. That’s why I was constantly asking you on dates because I was trying to get you to run into Taeyong. I probably should’ve told you the reason for the dates but at least my plan finally worked. Didn’t I tell you guys they were soulmates,” Johnny responds, throwing a look at both Yuta and Jaehyun which causes them to roll their eyes in response.
“Yeah, yeah whatever Johnny. Don’t make me give you extra hours for that look you gave me,” Yuta responds, crossing his arms.
“Wait wait. I have several questions,” everyone turns to look at you, “if you knew about it Donghyuck, why didn’t you tell Mark and why didn’t he know that you were a part of 127? Johnny, why were you trying so hard to get Taeyong and I together? Yuta, can I call you Yuta? It feels weird to call you Mr Nakamoto outside of work. Anyways, why were you also in on it, I’m your coworker and you're my boss, isn’t that a little weird. Jaehyun, I don’t really have questions for you because you live for this type of thing. Lastly, if you guys are all in this amazing band, why do you work in an office with a 9 to 5 job?”
Donghyuck is the first one to chime in, “Well I remember Mark constantly talking about you and then Johnny would do the same. I thought it was weird at first when both my soulmate and bandmate would talk about one person so much. Then Johnny told me that he thought that you might be Taeyong’s soulmate and from the things I heard from Mark I thought he might be onto something. I wanted to help, but I didn’t want to tell Mark about the plan because he might accidentally tell you since he is quite the blabbermouth. Especially with the secret of me being a part of 127, I wanted to surprise him with that factor. Though, I’m surprised he never caught on because you can very clearly hear my voice in the songs.” Mark rolls his eyes at the last comment about him, but still grabs Donghyuck’s hand and intertwines their fingers.
“Well, I saw how you would always be so passive aggressive when someone mentioned soulmates, I could feel how sad you were whenever you saw yet another person meeting their soulmate and yet you still didn’t. I wanted to help my friend, even if it was a shot in the dark. Plus, it was pretty funny watching you get flustered anytime I asked you on a date,” Johnny adds with a smug smirk as he watches you get flustered yet again.
“Yeah, call me Yuta. Anyways, Taeyong’s one of my good friends and just like Johnny I felt like it was finally time to do something. He’s been complaining about how single he feels whenever Donghyuck tells us about the recent date he went on with Mark. I’ll answer your last question about why we work a 9 to 5,” Yuta uncrosses his arms and leans in, “It gives us a sense of normalcy. We don’t let anyone know about our identity outside of our concerts to keep that secret and feel normal. Everyone knows who Taeyong is because of his status in the world of royalty, but when he’s on stage, he’s just Ty. Not some world famous prince. Same goes for us who work at the office. If we let people share our identity then we won’t be able to do anything normal without getting swarmed by rabid fans of both those who are fans of 127 and those who are just obsessed with royal status. Plus I just know it would get worse for those of us who don’t have a soulmate. But that basically sums up, does that answer your questions?”
You nod your head, "Yeah, it does. Thanks and I guess that does make sense. Thank you Johnny for looking out for me, same with you Donghyuck, even though you didn't know me, you still wanted to help me just because I'm your soulmate's best friend. That's really kind of you."
Donghyuck shrugs his shoulders as if it wasn't anything to him, "Of course I would. I had a feeling we would get along from all the things I heard about you. I guess I was right about that too." He winks at Mark. Looks like there's something else he knows, you'll have to interrogate them both later.
"I'm just glad I finally found you, even if it was with the help of our friends," Taeyong brings you into a hug and warmth surrounds you. You smile and wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in close.
"Thank you for finally finding me," you hear a gag behind you and you roll your eyes. You didn't have to guess who that was, "Donghyuck, as if I haven't heard you say worse things to Mark." Everyone laughs as Donghyuck tries to deny it but no one believes him because everyone knows how whipped he is for Mark.
The night slowly ends, one by one everyone heads home. Taeyong happily holds your hand as he walks you to Donghyuck's car, the boys following you, but keeping a slight distance so that you can get to know one another in private. And that you did, you both basked in each other's company, just enjoying each other's presence. You talked and talked as much as time would let you, until the four of you eventually arrived to Donghyuck's car. Johnny honks his horn,signalling for Taeyong to hurry up and get in the car. Taeyong waves him off, basically telling him to give him a second to talk to you. "Uhm, Y/n. I'm really glad I met you. I was wondering if I could get your number? So I can ask you on a date, that is if you want to," Taeyong, the usually confident man on stage, seems to be feeling a bit of shyness overcome him. He fiddled with his jacket as he waited for an answer.
"Of course Taeyong. I would love to go on a date with you," you respond with a smile, you take his phone and make a contact for yourself. Once you finish typing your number, you hand him back his phone, which he takes with a smile.
He gives you one last hug, "I look forward to our first date," and hops into Johnny's car. He waves goodbye and Johnny takes off down the road. You let out a sigh when Johnny's car is no longer in view. You turn to the boys, "We have a lot to talk about on the way home, don't we?"
Saturday has arrived and it's time for your first date with your soulmate, Taeyong. It's been a few weeks since you first met him and you've both been constantly texting back and forth getting to know one another before Taeyong decided to officially ask you out on your first date. Currently you were putting on last minute details, making sure your outfit was to perfection. You hear a ping from your phone and you look over to see a message from Taeyong.
Hey, I'm parked out front
Just come down when you're ready.
Alright, I'm heading down now.
Can't wait to see you💞
I can't wait to see you either babe 💞
You smile at the message and lock the phone.You set it in your purse and lock your door on the way out. As you walk down the steps of your apartment you see Taeyong quickly rushing up the stairs to meet you halfway. He's slightly panting and holds something behind his back. You look at him confused, "Taeyong? Everything okay? I thought I was meeting you at your car?"
"You were, but I forgot that I wanted to give you these," he pulls out a bouquet of roses, just like the ones that bloomed at your feet when you first ran into him.
You take the flowers out of his hands and pull him into an embrace. You kiss him on the cheek and a light red hue spreads across his face. "Thank you Yongie, I just locked my door, but I want to put these in some water so they don't die. Come on," you grab his hand and drag him with you. The blush on his face darkens at the endearing action. You quickly unlock the door again and drag him inside, "Go sit while I put these in a vase, it'll be a minute then we can go on our first date." Taeyong nods and sits down on your couch.
You go to the kitchen and pull out a vase you made with Donghyuck and Mark when you crashed their soulmate date. It was ugly, but made with love, especially since Donghyuck and Mark decided to get handsy with your pottery vase and "help" you with it. You put some water in the vase, silently hoping it doesn't leak, and trim the rose stems to fit in the vase. As you're dumping the food packet into the vase, Taeyong walks into the kitchen, he leans against the counter and watches you do the finishing touches on the bouquet he gave you. The look he was giving you, anyone could tell that he was a man who finally met his soulmate, he looked so in love.
You finally finish and turn around to see Taeyong leaning against the counter, staring lovingly at you. You raise your eyebrows in confusion, "Yongie, do you need something?" "Mmm, no I'm good, just watching you," he quips.
"Alright, I'm done here so we can go and start our date," you walk out of the kitchen with Taeyong following you.
You and Taeyong arrived at the restaurant, it didn't look like a 5 star restaurant, which you were thankful for, you didn't really dress for the occasion. Instead it was a quaint little diner, one that fit nicely on the corner street. As you both walked in, the waiters and waitress turned to look at you two, to greet the new customers, but when they saw Taeyong they all smiled and greeted him like they were old friends. You looked up at him expecting him to explain, but he grabbed your hand and dragged you to a booth.
An older lady, who was more than likely the owner, handed both of you menus, "Hello Taeyong, it's been a while since you've visited the diner and I see you've brought a friend this time."
"Hey mom, I know it's been a while, but work has been busy. This is Y/n, my soulmate," Taeyong reaches across the table and laces your hands together.
"Ah, hello Mrs.Lee, if I knew that I would be meeting you today I would've dressed for the occasion, but Taeyong was being really secretive about where we were going," you say with a small blush dusting your faces as Taeyong squeezes your hand in reassurance.
"Oh don't worry dear, you look just fine. Anyways, I'm going to let Chenle know that you're here. He's going to be your server for this evening," Taeyong's mom walks away to the staff room and you look over to Taeyong with an exasperated look.
“Taeyong, you didn’t say anything about meeting your mother! What if she doesn’t like me? What if she thinks that you deserve a prettier soulmate? What if-” you were cut off by Taeyong when he covered your mouth with his hand.
“Shush baby. She loves you, I can tell by the way her eyes lit up when I introduced you as my soulmate. Plus, I think you’re the prettiest soulmate, so who cares whether or not she thinks you aren’t, she won’t be the one waking up next you every morning,” he winks at the last part of his statement. You roll your eyes, but a smile blooms upon your lips.
Chenle arrived at your table with two water glasses in hand, “Hey Tae, long time no see. So this is the infamous soulmate you’ve been telling me about,” he smirks and sets down the water, Taeyong resists the urge to splash the water in his face for ratting him out meanwhile a blush spreads across yours. “Anyways, you guys know what you want?”
“I’ll have a burger and fries and a chocolate milkshake,” you pass Chenle the menu and take a sip of your water.
“I’ll have the same,” Taeyong replies, handing the menu over.
“Alright, it’ll probably be about 15 minutes,” Chenle writes down your order and walks away towards the chef.
While you're waiting for the food to arrive, you and Taeyong make small talk, getting to know each other and just enjoying each other’s presence. Even when the food arrived the both of you couldn’t help but get lost in conversation with one another. Smiles never left either of your faces and minute by minute, you further fell in love with one another. Occasionally, Taeyong would reach over and steal a fry or two even though his plate was full of his own fries. You’ve never thought stealing food from another’s plate was so endearing, but when Taeyong did it, you just felt so comfortable in his presence that you didn’t even mind. And once you both finished your meals, you said your goodbyes to the staff, with your stomachs and hearts full. And in all these moments, your favourite has to be when neither of you could say goodbye at the door, with light kisses being pressed to your cheek and then you returned it by kissing his. In the end, he left pressing one last kiss to your lips with silent promises of more in the future.
“Taeyong, have you seen my box of clothes? I can’t find it,” you ask searching through the several closed boxes in the brand new bedroom.
“I think it’s in the living room, one of the movers accidentally put it in there,” Taeyong replies, opening another box of his.
“Okay, I’ll go look, thanks babe,” you walk out of the bedroom and into the living room to look for your missing box. Several movers come in and out of your shared apartment, bringing in furniture and boxes of both your and Taeyong’s stuff. Your heart swelled seeing the ugly couch, that belonged to Taeyong who had begged you to keep much to your dislike, shoved against the wall in the centre of the room on top of the rug you kept from your apartment. 
You spot the missing box, it was shoved on top of a box labelled “kitchen” in your messy handwriting. You grab the box, not realising that it was super heavy, and accidentally drop it onto your foot. Taeyong immediately comes rushing out of your shared bedroom to make sure you’re okay.
“Baby? You okay?”
“Yeah, I just dropped the box with my clothes and shoes onto my foot.”
“Awh baby, let me get that for you,” Taeyong picks up the box with ease, bringing it into your bedroom. As the day turns into the night and with a gentle breeze blowing onto your faces, you cuddle into Taeyong’s side and watch the sunset while sitting on the balcony to your new shared home. Taeyong presses a kiss to your temple and right then and there you truly know what it means to feel loved by your soulmate. When roses bloom you feel lighter than air. When roses bloom you feel like everything finally makes sense. When roses bloom you finally meet your other half. And roses did finally bloom for you, both inside your heart and at your feet. Taeyong gently grabs your chin and kisses you on your lips, you feel the roses bloom on the floor as you melt into the kiss. You finally met your soulmate and know roses will forever bloom.
Taglist for nct works: @mhyori1117 @enhasfever @kkooongie
130 notes · View notes
mhyori1117 · 1 year
Feeling Michevious
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Greek Mythology Au, Christmas Au, Modern Au, Pining Au, Best Friends to Lovers, Fluff, angst
Eris!Kevin Moon X Reader
Warnings: Kissing, mentions of food
Rating: PG -13, Kissing
Wordcount: 2,468
A/N this is for @yuta-senpai and @junjungsunwoo Meraki collab call! There might be some inaccuracisies on the greek mythology, but I did my best to research it. Anyways, Happy Christmas everyone! Nothing but a little bit of christmas magic and greek mythology to warm everyone's christmas!
 You ran as fast as your legs could take you. You had to get away from him. From everyone. How could he? How could he do that to you? To someone that he thought of as a best friend? He knew. He had to have known. Why else would he have that stupid smirk on his face?
All you could hear was the crunch of the fallen snow and your heavy breathing. All you could feel was your heart breaking into thousands of tiny pieces and tears sliding down your face. The tears blurred your vision, but you didn’t want to stop moving, you didn’t want to give someone the chance to catch up. 
However, your plan to run as far as you can from the party was thwarted when you stopped at a frozen lake. There was no way you would chance falling in, just to get away from everyone…away from him. Just thinking of him made your heart break all over again. You slumped up against a tree and slid down. You didn’t care that the ground was covered in snow and that your butt would get cold and wet. Nothing would feel worse than your tear-stained face freezing from the cold air and shattered heart. 
Oh, how wrong you were. You heard crunching snow get louder to where you were and his voice calling out your name. You wish you could disappear and that he would be unable to find you. You prayed to the gods. Slightly forgetting that he was one of them, therefore you would be at disadvantage as they would be on his side.  
“Y/n…” He stood in front of your shrinking form. He kneeled down to you, tilted your chin up, making you look into his soft brown eyes. You were hesitant to meet his gaze. Tears gently fell down your face as you stared into each other's eyes. A sadden smile graced his lips as he watched your tears fall. He took his other hand and wiped the tears away. “I’m sorry…I’m truly sorry…I guess I was just surprised and I didn’t know how to form a proper sentence. Please forgive me, my angel.”
“Hey angel,” a voice in front of you says, startling you out of your book trance. The pet name causes a light blush to dust your cheeks.
You look up and see a handsome guy, who looks to be around your age, staring down at you with a playful smirk pressed onto his lips. “Do you need something?”
“Yeah, is this seat taken? Do you mind if I sit here, angel,” he asks. The playful smirk still on his lips and the playful nickname still causes your blush to deepen.
“No, go ahead. I don’t mind, sweet prince.” A playful smirk joins your lips as you watch him become flustered at your return of his flirty banter. 
The smell of fresh coffee swirled between the two of you as you both continued your playful flirting several weeks after your first meeting. Never once exchanging names, just relying on the nicknames you gave each other. Never once exchanging phone numbers, just relying on fate to give you a chance to meet at the Thrill Ride cafe.  
Who knew that fateful meeting at the cafe would lead you to meeting the rest of his group of friends. Which would eventually lead you to learning his and their secret…You would’ve never thought they were Greek Gods if they never told you. They were skillful at pretending to be mortal, but to be fair they had several years of practice. 
And over the years of being friends with the Greek gods, your friendship with your sweet prince turned into nothing more than best friends. It caused a slight ache in your heart, but you knew deep inside, that he had no interest in you. And even if he did, a mortal and a god could fall in love, but the end was inevitable. The ache in your heart struck in an even deeper cord. You ignored it. You’ll have to ignore your feelings until you eventually move on.
You sighed as you looked in the mirror. You fix the santa hat on your head and brush your outfit with your palm to smooth out the wrinkles. You had to look your best. Your Greek God friends were throwing a christmas party and invited you to come along. You would be one of the few mortals attending a party thrown by gods. You honestly didn’t know the gods celebrated christmas. Maybe they didn’t and just wanted an excuse to throw a party, well at least Hyunjae wanted an excuse to throw a party and drink, being the god of wine and celebration and such. 
Chanhee was supposed to pick you up soon, the party was being held in an area that mortals couldn’t reach easily so that way they can party in peace without fearing that some uninvited mortal will randomly show up to a Greek god party. Your best friend would’ve picked you up, but Chanhee being the god of travel, made the option of him picking you up be the easier option, since he can just use his winged shoes to travel quicker. 
While continuing looking over your outfit, making sure it looked perfect, when there was a knock on the door. Chanhee being Chanhee opened the door without waiting for you to respond. “You look great Y/n. Stop fussing over your outfit. Though you might want to bring a hairbrush, we are traveling at a high speed.” 
“Yeah, don’t worry I’ve got some stuff in my bag just in case.”
“Well, then let’s get going.”
The party was in full swing when the both of you arrived. You had a feeling your best friend had a hand at the Christmas music since there was a lot of Beyonce playing. He was a massive fan for the mortal celebrity. 
You had to hand it to Hyunjae, he knew how to throw a great party. The hidden garden was surrounded by thousands of twinkling neon and white lights. A christmas tree decorated from top to bottom stood tall in the middle of the garden. Snow gently fluttered down from the sky, slowly touching the ground, joining the already fallen snow.  There were several other Christmas decorations that surrounded the garden. You could tell that Hyunjae put his heart and soul into decorating for the party. 
The gazebo was the main attraction of the party though, lights highlighted the importance of it, why? You weren’t sure. You wanted to ask, but Chanhee dragged you to where the others were hanging out. 
For most of the party, you hadn’t seen your best friend, which confused you. He was the one who invited you, yet he hasn’t once talked to you, so  you assumed he hasn’t shown up yet. You dismissed yourself from your friends and went to find him. 
You wanted to check the gazebo first, since you haven’t yet fully seen the decorations and why everyone kept flocking to it. You stepped into the middle of the platform and closed your eyes. A gentle smile graced your lips as you listened to the vibrant atmosphere. But then someone knocked you out of your trance by tapping onto your shoulder. 
You opened your eyes and saw your best friend standing in front of you. A smile present on his face. He yanked you towards him and  kissed you deeply. You were startled and it took you a second to register that he was kissing you for you to kiss him back. But when you did finally start to kiss him back, you felt the magic of love and the warmth of pure bliss swirl inside your heart. 
 The other gods watched you two in awe as he held you closely. Anyone watching would believe you were in love, had it not been the mistletoe hanging above you both. And when you two finally pull away for a breath of fresh air, you see the playful smirk on his lips. Confusion washed over you and you looked up, finally noticing the mistletoe. Sadness, anger, confusion filled you as you looked around, seeing the other gods and goddess watch the both of you closely. Then it hit you like a freight train. This was some sick joke. He was putting on a show for his fellow gods. Trick the poor mortal in falling for you and kiss her in front of your fellow gods so that you can be laughed at.
So, you did what you knew best. You pushed him away and ran. You ran away from everyone. Ran away from the party. You ran away from your “friends”.  You ran from him.
 You ran as fast as your legs could take you. You had to get away from him. From everyone. How could he? How could he do that to you? To someone that he thought of as a best friend? He knew. He had to have known. Why else would he have that stupid smirk on his face?
All you could hear was the crunch of the fallen snow and your heavy breathing. All you could feel was your heart breaking into thousands of tiny pieces and tears sliding down your face. The tears blurred your vision, but you didn’t want to stop moving, you didn’t want to give someone the chance to catch up. 
However, your plan to run as far as you can from the party was thwarted when you stopped at a frozen lake. There was no way you would chance falling in, just to get away from everyone…away from him. Just thinking of him made your heart break all over again. You slumped up against a tree and slid down. You didn’t care that the ground was covered in snow and that your butt would get cold and wet. Nothing would feel worse than your tear-stained face freezing from the cold air and shattered heart. 
Oh, how wrong you were. You heard crunching snow get louder to where you were and his voice calling out your name. You wish you could disappear and that he would be unable to find you. You prayed to the gods. Slightly forgetting that he was one of them, therefore you would be at disadvantage as they would be on his side.  
“Y/n…” He stood in front of your shrinking form. He kneeled down to you, tilted your chin up, making you look into his soft brown eyes. You were hesitant to meet his gaze. Tears gently fell down your face as you stared into each other's eyes. A sadden smile graced his lips as he watched your tears fall. He took his other hand and wiped the tears away. “I’m sorry…I’m truly sorry…I guess I was just surprised and I didn’t know how to form a proper sentence. Please forgive me, my angel.” 
“Did it mean anything? The kiss? Or was it just because of the mistletoe,” your eyes glossed over at the thought of it being meaningless. What a stupid tradition.
“Of course it did. I would never dream of hurting you. I love you…I am truly and deeply in love with you,” he pulls you in close, hugging you tightly, hoping that you feel the love he was trying to convey.
“Kevin…my sweet prince…I love you too…but what about the fact that I’m a mortal and you're a god. In the legends, they never work out…eventually the god leaves the mortal. We would never work out.”
“Well, you’re not exactly a mortal my angel,” Kevin chuckles.
However, you didn’t really understand what was so humorous.  “What do you mean I’m not a mortal?” You furrowed your brows in confusion. 
“Why don’t you let your parents explain,” he looks to his left. Your eyes follow his. 
You look up and see the other gods, but two standing in front of the others. Their saddened eyes stare at you and you stand up with the help of Kevin. You slowly walk towards them. “What happened to me? Why am I a mortal?”
“You caused so much trouble, that you were affecting mortals. We had no choice, but to ban you from Olympus until you could learn the true meaning of love and friendship. Until you showed proof to all of us that you knew the importance of the mortals and the importance of love. We had to have Mnemosyne lock your memories until you were ready,” Apollo, your father tells you.
 “Kevin and the rest of his friends ended up stumbling across you by pure accident. They informed us of your whereabouts and that you were actually doing really great as a mortal. Kevin eventually told us how he felt towards you and asked permission. We didn’t know whether or not you finally truly felt as the mortals and finally learned your lesson, until we saw it for ourselves on that gazebo. It was our idea to figure out your true feelings. We are deeply sorry for hurting you, please forgive Kevin,” Selene, your mother adds. 
Your eyes gloss over, the truth finally unlocking your memories. You kneel over, a rush of memories flood into your mind all at once, causing a headache. Kevin is quick to catch you before you fall to the ground.
“I’ve got you angel. I’m glad to see you back to your old, but new self,” A grin took over his face, pure joy filled his eyes.
“My sweet prince, you still have some explaining to do. You asked my parents permission to be with me, hm,” you gave him a teasing grin.
A blush dusted his cheeks at your comment and helped you stand again. “I love you, Y/n. I would love to spend my entire immortal life with you and only you. If you would have me,” he held a hand over his chest, kneeled down, and stared deep into your eyes.
“Kevin…I would love nothing more than to share my immortal life with you. I accept.” Happy tears stream down your face and you embrace him. Slowly, you bring him in for a sweet kiss. One that was filled with more love than the first. Because you learned how to truly appreciate the love you have and gained with your once mortal heart. Now you’ll be able to love him for all eternity. 
“Well, now that that is over. Can we finish our christmas party,” Hyunjae asks, a grin stretched across his face. 
“I guess we do have a party to finish. Now we can party all night! Come on, let’s go drink and stuff our faces till our hearts are content,” you reply, threading your hand with Kevin’s, pulling him along, hearts already full of love and happiness. 
Taglist: @mhyori1117
Network Tags: @k-vanity @kflixnet @kdiarynet @whipped-kpop-creators @k-radio @cacaokpop-fics @the-k-neverland @timenote-library @hotel-netfics
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mhyori1117 · 1 year
When Roses Bloom
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idol au, soulmate au, royalty au, modern au, strangers to lovers
Genre: Fluff, Slowburn
Lee Taeyong x Reader
Wordcount: 6k+
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, mentions of food, Markhyuck ( I don't ship them irl, it's purely for the plot)
Rating: PG13, some cursing and kissing
A/N This is for the love of my life. @mhyori1117. I hope you enjoy Taeyong as your soulmate. <3
You sighed. Everyone around you has been finding their soulmate. They get to experience the magic of seeing flowers bloom when they accidentally bump into their soulmate on the side of the street. Or passing by a classmate in the halls and suddenly tulips blossom out of the ground and lockers are filled with lilies. Maybe that cute coworker from the office “accidentally” bumps into you just to see if flowers bloom beneath your feet.
All of your friends have been getting swept off their feet by their gorgeous soulmates. Some of them have known their soulmates all their lives and have finally accidentally bumped into each other. Not that you aren’t happy for your friends, because you are, you just wish you would finally meet yours. You wish you could finally feel that magic. Finally getting to look in the eyes of the one meant for you. You know your soulmate won't ‌be a prince on a white horse from a faraway kingdom. But you could care less if he did have a major kingdom title or not. As long as your prince was meant for you. That was good enough. But when? When will you get to meet him?
You sigh again for the umpteenth time. Currently, your best friend was telling you about his newfound soulmate. Again, it’s not that you aren’t happy for him. It just gets annoying to hear that one of your friends has found their soulmate. Plus, he’s been rambling on about this guy for literal days. It feels like you know him more than you know yourself and you haven’t even met him yet! “Mark..Dude. It’s not that I don’t care, but you literally won’t stop talking about him. I love you and love that you are so in love with your soulmate, but I seriously feel like I know him more than I should. I haven’t even met him yet,” you set your coffee cup on your desk, “it’s not helpful when I’m trying to work on this new draft that Mr Nakamoto is requiring me to do and I can’t focus.”
“Sorry. I forgot that the boss is making you stay extra late for a new draft that he just assigned to you today,” Mark rolls his eyes, “I can’t believe he’s requiring you to finish it by tonight.”
“I know, I don’t know why he’s so up my ass about it,” you pick up your coffee cup again, take a sip, and notice it's gone cold. You frown, your evening has gotten even worse. “I’ll be back Mark. I gotta get another cup of coffee if I want to manage to finish this stupid draft before the sunsets.”
Mark waves and turns back to his desk, “can you get me a cup too?”
You wave in response as you you exit the office into the hallway. You greet the other office workers who also have to stay late to finish whatever projects they are working on. You turn left to head towards the break room to get a fresh cup of coffee. However, you bump into a rough chest. You looked up and weren't expecting to see him.
"Ah, sorry. I didn't see you there Y/n," his deep voice escaped his pretty pink lips.
"It's okay Johnny. I should've watched where I was going. Was just super lost in thought," you reply, looking away from the tall man. Johnny Suh, a man every woman dreams of being with. He's super tall, gorgeous eyes, and has all the charms in the world. Every female coworker (even males) have tried to bump into him, hoping that he is their soulmate, but so far none of them have had any luck. You? You don't really care trying to bump into attractive coworkers in hopes they are your soulmate, too complicated. Johnny, however, has tried to bump into you on several occasions, hoping that you are his.
"Boss having you work late again?"
"Mmm, he's making me work on this draft and wants it finished by tonight to be ready for the presentation tomorrow. What about you? Why are you still here this late? Didn't Jaehyun leave hours ago, thought you would've gone with him."
"Yeah, he did. Told him to go home without me. I have this merger I got to finish by tomorrow and I'm only halfway through. Looks like it'll be a long night for the both of us. You getting more coffee? I'll walk with you," Johnny turns around and starts heading towards the break room, even though it looks like he's just got a fresh cup of coffee already.
You trail behind Johnny trying to figure out his motive. Does he not believe in the soulmate system? Why has he been so adamant about trying to get you to go on a date with him? If you didn’t have so many hopes in wanting to meet your soulmate, you would consider accepting his pursuit.
“So, I was thinking…you want to go to a concert this weekend? One of my close friend’s is performing this weekend and I think you’d like his music,” Johnny asks, pouring himself and you a fresh cup of coffee.
“I need one more cup, Mark’s staying late too,” you take your cup out of Johnny’s hands and wait for him to pour a second for Mark.
“Ah, I see. So, what about the concert? You want to go,” Johnny hands you the second cup and you graciously take it.
“Thanks. I’m not sure if it’s something I’d want to do…Plus Mark and I have our movie night this weekend and he’s inviting his soulmate over so we can finally meet,” you take a sip of your coffee and follow him out the break room.
“Why don’t you invite them both? It’d be a lot of fun, plus I think Mark would get along with my friend that’s performing. You guys would be allowed backstage to meet him and hang out after the show is over. I got front seat tickets and everything,” Johnny says, holding three tickets out in front of you, “Will you at least take the tickets and ask? If neither of you wants to show up, that’s okay. At least give me some hope that you’ll come.”
“Alright,” you take the tickets out of his hand, “I’ll ask Mark and see if he’s up to going. It would be a nice change instead of our weekend movie nights. Well, I need to finish this draft so I’ll be getting back to work,” you wave goodbye and head back to your desk and let out a deep sigh.
“Johnny ask you out again,” Mark asks when he hears you sigh?
“Yeah, that’s the 3rd time this week. He can’t get a clue when I keep denying him,” you rub your forehead, feeling a migraine coming on.
“Where’d he invite you to this time?”
“To some concert, his friend is performing at, some group called 127? He invited you and your soulmate to go with. Here,” you pass him two tickets and his coffee.
“127?! Dude, I love 127! We have to go, it’ll be so much fun,” Mark practically jumps out of his chair, trying to give you his best puppy dog eyes, “Please. It really will be a lot of fun, my soulmate loves this group too! Apparently, all of the members keep their identity hidden and don’t allow pictures at performances. They are really hush hush about it.”
“Really? Johnny says he knows one of the members and that he got us backstage as well as front stage seats.”
“Johnny knows 127? Really? Dude, we have to go now that you told me there are backstage passes. I’ve always wanted to meet them and see them perform live.”
“Will your soulmate wanna go?”
“Definitely, we listen to them together all the time.”
“Alright. It will be nice to do something different this weekend. But what shocks me is that they even sell backstage passes. Aren’t most idols and celebrities royalty? Like super high royalty? Because I know we all are some type of royalty, but in order to be able to do a job like that, they have to have a higher status. Why would they even let crazed fans near royalty?”
“I don’t know. Probably. I don’t know about you, but I can flash my royalty card and get a free coffee,” Mark brags…again.
“Mark, you say that at least once a week. I don’t care that my royalty card doesn’t get me a free coffee. It’s not my fault that my royalty card doesn’t get me anything, blame my parents for not having a higher royalty status. Anyways, leave me be and let me finish this draft before Mr. Nakamoto yells at me for slacking.”
You knock on the door to Mr. Nakamoto’s office, holding a stack of paper in your right hand. You hear a faint “come in” signalling for you to enter the office. You enter the office and see your boss sitting at his desk, typing on his computer. His black hair dishevelled from him constantly running, his fingers through his hair, glasses perched on his nose, and his tie undone.
“Hi sir, I have the draft that you wanted by this evening. I’ve finished it and printed it so you can look through it,” you walk up to his desk, holding out the stack of papers for him to take.
“Thank you, just set them on the desk. I’ll look over them when I’m done. You can go home now,” he doesn’t even look up from his computer and continues typing.
“Thank you, sir. Goodnight sir. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you place the stack of papers on his desk and exit his office. “Alright Mark, drive me home.” Mark nods and you both walk to the elevator in silence.
The week flew by, and before you knew it, it was ‌Saturday, the day you were meeting Mark's soulmate and the day of the concert. You were getting ready, making sure you looked your best. You were looking over your choice of clothes when there was a knock at the door. You look over at the clock, Mark was supposed to be picking you up around now, so it was probably him. You walk over to the front door of your spacious apartment and open it.
“You ready to leave,” Mark asks, walking into your apartment.
“Yup, let me get my shoes on, real quick,” you walk over to your shoe rack that’s by the front door and sit on the bench to slide your shoes on. “Alright, I’m ready. Is he in the car?”
“Yeah, he’s driving so I told him that I’ll go up and see if you were ready.”
"What's his name,” you both walk out the door and shut it behind you. You lock it and follow Mark down the steps to his soulmate's car.
"Donghyuck, Lee Donghuck is his name," Mark walks up to the car and opens the backseat for you.
You sit down and buckle up, "Hey I'm Y/n! It's nice to finally meet you, Mark literally never shuts up about you."
"I can say the same about you, he's told me so much about you I feel like I've known you forever," Donghyuck laughs. He looks super dressed up for the concert, no wonder Mark has him as a soulmate. They really were made for each other.
"Are you excited for tonight's concert? It's my first time hearing about 127, so I'm really curious as to why Johnny thought I would enjoy their music. Mark is a really big fan of them," you try to make conversation with Donghyuck as he drives you to the place that the concert will be held at.
“Mmm, I know he is. He made me listen to their entire discography on our fourth date, not that I minded, I really like their music as well. Speaking of Mark, can you put on our playlist? That way Y/n can hear some of their songs before we get to the stadium,” Donghyuck drives out of the apartment complex and you make your way to the concert. Mark puts on their playlist and music starts blasting from the car speakers.
By the time you arrive at the stadium, you have learned the entire discography for 127 and learned Mark and Donghyuck personal favourites, and have found out yours. No wonder Mark was such a fanboy over them, their voices were really attractive and the songs were really catchy. You could definitely see yourself becoming a fan after this concert is over. But right now, you need to text Johnny and find out where he is.
Where are you at? We just arrived at the stadium.
The tall Johnny:
I’m inside, meet me backstage and come meet the guys.
Heading over now.
You put your phone in your pocket, “Johnny says he’s inside. He wants us to meet him backstage. Let’s get going.” The two boys nod and follow your lead. You walk to the end of the line and some of the other’s in the look at Donghyuck with a strange look, like they’ve seen him somewhere before. You brush off their odd behaviour, he must go to a lot of concerts or he’s a popular prince.
Once it was your turn to give the lady your tickets, you did so, but the way the lady acted when she saw Donghyuck was even stranger. It was a look of surprise, like she didn’t expect him to show up there. What is up with everyone’s behaviour… I’ll have to ask him about it.
You three get led inside of the stadium and were guided backstage. How did they know that we were going there…or that we even had backstage passes? Did Johnny say something to her beforehand?
As you’re walking to the backstage, you accidentally bump into someone because you have this habit of not watching where you were going. You look up to find the most gorgeous eyes staring down at you with a look of concern. What you didn’t expect was roses to start blossoming out of the floor and vines to start flowing down the ceiling as you two made eye contact.
It was as magical as Mark said it was. You felt butterflies erupting in your stomach as you two continued to stare into each other's eyes. Neither of you dare to break it, fearing that once you look away, the beautiful pink roses blooming behind the stranger will go away. It made him look ethereal. Like he was sculpted by the gods themselves.
“I’m Y/n…it’s nice to finally meet you, soulmate,” you hold out your hand for him to shake.
“Taeyong, Lee Taeyong. I’m sorry you had to wait so long to meet me,” he takes your hand in his and kisses your knuckles, “I agree though, it’s great to finally meet you. I guess my timing was always off because I swear I’ve seen you before. Perhaps my dreams?”
Lee Taeyong? Why was that name so familiar? “I’m surprised this is how fate chose us to meet. Backstage to a concert someone invited me to. I think your timing couldn’t have been any better,” you give him a soft smile, which he gladly returns.
Someone clears their throat behind you, knocking you two out of your daze. “Ah right. This is my best friend Mark and his soulmate Donghyuck. Both of them are big fans of the artist’s that’s performing tonight.”
“Ah, fans of 127? You must be the coworkers Johnny was telling us about, follow me, I’ll take you to meet the rest of the boys. Johnny’s been waiting for you guys to arrive as well,” Taeyong doesn’t let go of your hand and drags you along with him. Wait…What?
“Ah, wait. I think it’s time for the concert, why don’t you head to your seats, I’ll have Xiaojun show you to your seats,” Taeyong gestures to a man in a security guard uniform who smiles at Taeyong, he must be Xiaojun.
“Actually, I need to use the restroom, why don’t you guys head to our seats without me. I’ll meet you there when I’m done,” Donghyuck stops Xiaojun in his tracks.
“Are you sure Hyuck? I know how much you love 127,” Mark questions his soulmate.
“Yeah, I’ll probably only miss the opening act, I’ll be back in time, don’t worry.”
“If you’re sure. Alright, Y/n, let’s go,” Mark says, following Xiaojun out of the hallway.
You shoot Johnny a quick message telling him that you would be heading to your seats since the concert was starting soon and that you would meet him there. He replied with a simple okay and that was the end of the conversation.
When you finally arrived at your seats, which were located near the front of the stage (how Johnny was able to afford the tickets was still beyond you), you sat down at the perfect time because music started to blast through the stage speakers. A young man walked onto the stage and started the opening act. The opening act was a new and hot artist by the name of Xuxi and everyone was astounded by his amazing performance. You couldn’t believe that this one guy could hype up the crowd this much, if Xuxi was this amazing you wondered how amazing it would be to see 127 on stage.
The lights started flashing with the beat of the music, the first song was about to start and both Donghyuck and Johnny had yet to arrive. You were starting to get worried, you looked over at Mark to whisper something into his ear, but you stopped mid sentence when shock took over Mark’s face. Confusion filled your face, you looked back over to the stage and not only were you shocked to see who was up on stage, but you were completely confused.
“Is that Mr Nakamoto? And Donghyuck? What the fuck? Johnny?!” You are beyond confused and it looks like Mark had no idea that his favourite group was so close to him. He had no idea that his soulmate was a member of 127 and no idea that a coworker and boss was also a member of 127. You had no idea how you were going to be able to go to work and face them.
Taeyong makes eye contact with you as he raps his verse and winks. That causes an immediate blush to spread across your face which Mark starts to tease you about until Donghyuck blows a kiss in his direction. You began to tease him about it since he teased you, it was only fair.
The concert was half way over and you were glad that Johnny invited you to go. The initial shock and surprise is over and you would definitely agree that Johnny, your flirty coworker, Yuta, your mysterious boss, and Donghyuck, Mark’s soulmate, belonged on that stage. Johnny was a very talented rapper and he could dance too. Yuta’s vocals were off the chart. And his dancing skills? Absolutely blew you away. Donghyuck’s vocals were absolutely breathtaking. You couldn’t believe how high he could see. Not to mention that he was also a very talented dancer. But no matter how amazing they were, you kept your eyes trained on Taeyong. The way he could move and dance along to the song was hypnotising. The way his voice would rasp when he would rap his parts of the song, kept you on the edge of your seat. His entire aura was hypnotised and had you under a spell. Maybe it was your soulmate bond that caused you to feel the way you did or maybe you were just magnetised by him.
Once the concert was over, Xiaojun led you two back to the hallway where you met Taeyong, and followed the long corridor. The three of you arrived at a door that had a piece of paper taped to it saying, “127”. Xiaojun knocked on the door and you heard a faint “come in” from the otherside. Xiaojun opens the door and you trail behind him. You see the six boys lounging on the couches taking a break after the hectic concert. Taeyong sits up straighter once he spots you and his gaze never leaves yours as you walk closer to him. A smile spreads across his lips as you walk over to him. “Hey, I thought you were amazing up on that stage,” a smile spreads across your face. The other’s in the room look at you two in confusion and Taeyong notices.
“This is Y/n, my soulmate,” Taeyong introduces you to the others with a proud smile on his face.
Johnny doesn’t look the least bit surprised and neither does your boss or Donghyuck. It’s like they knew before you even found out he was your soulmate. “About time,” Johnny pipes up.
“What do you mean,” you look over at him in question.
“I had a strong feeling that Taeyong was your soulmate, you’re both basically carbon copies of one another. I told Donghyuck, Jaehyun, and Yuta about it. That’s why I was constantly asking you on dates because I was trying to get you to run into Taeyong. I probably should’ve told you the reason for the dates but at least my plan finally worked. Didn’t I tell you guys they were soulmates,” Johnny responds, throwing a look at both Yuta and Jaehyun which causes them to roll their eyes in response.
“Yeah, yeah whatever Johnny. Don’t make me give you extra hours for that look you gave me,” Yuta responds, crossing his arms.
“Wait wait. I have several questions,” everyone turns to look at you, “if you knew about it Donghyuck, why didn’t you tell Mark and why didn’t he know that you were a part of 127? Johnny, why were you trying so hard to get Taeyong and I together? Yuta, can I call you Yuta? It feels weird to call you Mr Nakamoto outside of work. Anyways, why were you also in on it, I’m your coworker and you're my boss, isn’t that a little weird. Jaehyun, I don’t really have questions for you because you live for this type of thing. Lastly, if you guys are all in this amazing band, why do you work in an office with a 9 to 5 job?”
Donghyuck is the first one to chime in, “Well I remember Mark constantly talking about you and then Johnny would do the same. I thought it was weird at first when both my soulmate and bandmate would talk about one person so much. Then Johnny told me that he thought that you might be Taeyong’s soulmate and from the things I heard from Mark I thought he might be onto something. I wanted to help, but I didn’t want to tell Mark about the plan because he might accidentally tell you since he is quite the blabbermouth. Especially with the secret of me being a part of 127, I wanted to surprise him with that factor. Though, I’m surprised he never caught on because you can very clearly hear my voice in the songs.” Mark rolls his eyes at the last comment about him, but still grabs Donghyuck’s hand and intertwines their fingers.
“Well, I saw how you would always be so passive aggressive when someone mentioned soulmates, I could feel how sad you were whenever you saw yet another person meeting their soulmate and yet you still didn’t. I wanted to help my friend, even if it was a shot in the dark. Plus, it was pretty funny watching you get flustered anytime I asked you on a date,” Johnny adds with a smug smirk as he watches you get flustered yet again.
“Yeah, call me Yuta. Anyways, Taeyong’s one of my good friends and just like Johnny I felt like it was finally time to do something. He’s been complaining about how single he feels whenever Donghyuck tells us about the recent date he went on with Mark. I’ll answer your last question about why we work a 9 to 5,” Yuta uncrosses his arms and leans in, “It gives us a sense of normalcy. We don’t let anyone know about our identity outside of our concerts to keep that secret and feel normal. Everyone knows who Taeyong is because of his status in the world of royalty, but when he’s on stage, he’s just Ty. Not some world famous prince. Same goes for us who work at the office. If we let people share our identity then we won’t be able to do anything normal without getting swarmed by rabid fans of both those who are fans of 127 and those who are just obsessed with royal status. Plus I just know it would get worse for those of us who don’t have a soulmate. But that basically sums up, does that answer your questions?”
You nod your head, "Yeah, it does. Thanks and I guess that does make sense. Thank you Johnny for looking out for me, same with you Donghyuck, even though you didn't know me, you still wanted to help me just because I'm your soulmate's best friend. That's really kind of you."
Donghyuck shrugs his shoulders as if it wasn't anything to him, "Of course I would. I had a feeling we would get along from all the things I heard about you. I guess I was right about that too." He winks at Mark. Looks like there's something else he knows, you'll have to interrogate them both later.
"I'm just glad I finally found you, even if it was with the help of our friends," Taeyong brings you into a hug and warmth surrounds you. You smile and wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in close.
"Thank you for finally finding me," you hear a gag behind you and you roll your eyes. You didn't have to guess who that was, "Donghyuck, as if I haven't heard you say worse things to Mark." Everyone laughs as Donghyuck tries to deny it but no one believes him because everyone knows how whipped he is for Mark.
The night slowly ends, one by one everyone heads home. Taeyong happily holds your hand as he walks you to Donghyuck's car, the boys following you, but keeping a slight distance so that you can get to know one another in private. And that you did, you both basked in each other's company, just enjoying each other's presence. You talked and talked as much as time would let you, until the four of you eventually arrived to Donghyuck's car. Johnny honks his horn,signalling for Taeyong to hurry up and get in the car. Taeyong waves him off, basically telling him to give him a second to talk to you. "Uhm, Y/n. I'm really glad I met you. I was wondering if I could get your number? So I can ask you on a date, that is if you want to," Taeyong, the usually confident man on stage, seems to be feeling a bit of shyness overcome him. He fiddled with his jacket as he waited for an answer.
"Of course Taeyong. I would love to go on a date with you," you respond with a smile, you take his phone and make a contact for yourself. Once you finish typing your number, you hand him back his phone, which he takes with a smile.
He gives you one last hug, "I look forward to our first date," and hops into Johnny's car. He waves goodbye and Johnny takes off down the road. You let out a sigh when Johnny's car is no longer in view. You turn to the boys, "We have a lot to talk about on the way home, don't we?"
Saturday has arrived and it's time for your first date with your soulmate, Taeyong. It's been a few weeks since you first met him and you've both been constantly texting back and forth getting to know one another before Taeyong decided to officially ask you out on your first date. Currently you were putting on last minute details, making sure your outfit was to perfection. You hear a ping from your phone and you look over to see a message from Taeyong.
Hey, I'm parked out front
Just come down when you're ready.
Alright, I'm heading down now.
Can't wait to see you💞
I can't wait to see you either babe 💞
You smile at the message and lock the phone.You set it in your purse and lock your door on the way out. As you walk down the steps of your apartment you see Taeyong quickly rushing up the stairs to meet you halfway. He's slightly panting and holds something behind his back. You look at him confused, "Taeyong? Everything okay? I thought I was meeting you at your car?"
"You were, but I forgot that I wanted to give you these," he pulls out a bouquet of roses, just like the ones that bloomed at your feet when you first ran into him.
You take the flowers out of his hands and pull him into an embrace. You kiss him on the cheek and a light red hue spreads across his face. "Thank you Yongie, I just locked my door, but I want to put these in some water so they don't die. Come on," you grab his hand and drag him with you. The blush on his face darkens at the endearing action. You quickly unlock the door again and drag him inside, "Go sit while I put these in a vase, it'll be a minute then we can go on our first date." Taeyong nods and sits down on your couch.
You go to the kitchen and pull out a vase you made with Donghyuck and Mark when you crashed their soulmate date. It was ugly, but made with love, especially since Donghyuck and Mark decided to get handsy with your pottery vase and "help" you with it. You put some water in the vase, silently hoping it doesn't leak, and trim the rose stems to fit in the vase. As you're dumping the food packet into the vase, Taeyong walks into the kitchen, he leans against the counter and watches you do the finishing touches on the bouquet he gave you. The look he was giving you, anyone could tell that he was a man who finally met his soulmate, he looked so in love.
You finally finish and turn around to see Taeyong leaning against the counter, staring lovingly at you. You raise your eyebrows in confusion, "Yongie, do you need something?" "Mmm, no I'm good, just watching you," he quips.
"Alright, I'm done here so we can go and start our date," you walk out of the kitchen with Taeyong following you.
You and Taeyong arrived at the restaurant, it didn't look like a 5 star restaurant, which you were thankful for, you didn't really dress for the occasion. Instead it was a quaint little diner, one that fit nicely on the corner street. As you both walked in, the waiters and waitress turned to look at you two, to greet the new customers, but when they saw Taeyong they all smiled and greeted him like they were old friends. You looked up at him expecting him to explain, but he grabbed your hand and dragged you to a booth.
An older lady, who was more than likely the owner, handed both of you menus, "Hello Taeyong, it's been a while since you've visited the diner and I see you've brought a friend this time."
"Hey mom, I know it's been a while, but work has been busy. This is Y/n, my soulmate," Taeyong reaches across the table and laces your hands together.
"Ah, hello Mrs.Lee, if I knew that I would be meeting you today I would've dressed for the occasion, but Taeyong was being really secretive about where we were going," you say with a small blush dusting your faces as Taeyong squeezes your hand in reassurance.
"Oh don't worry dear, you look just fine. Anyways, I'm going to let Chenle know that you're here. He's going to be your server for this evening," Taeyong's mom walks away to the staff room and you look over to Taeyong with an exasperated look.
“Taeyong, you didn’t say anything about meeting your mother! What if she doesn’t like me? What if she thinks that you deserve a prettier soulmate? What if-” you were cut off by Taeyong when he covered your mouth with his hand.
“Shush baby. She loves you, I can tell by the way her eyes lit up when I introduced you as my soulmate. Plus, I think you’re the prettiest soulmate, so who cares whether or not she thinks you aren’t, she won’t be the one waking up next you every morning,” he winks at the last part of his statement. You roll your eyes, but a smile blooms upon your lips.
Chenle arrived at your table with two water glasses in hand, “Hey Tae, long time no see. So this is the infamous soulmate you’ve been telling me about,” he smirks and sets down the water, Taeyong resists the urge to splash the water in his face for ratting him out meanwhile a blush spreads across yours. “Anyways, you guys know what you want?”
“I’ll have a burger and fries and a chocolate milkshake,” you pass Chenle the menu and take a sip of your water.
“I’ll have the same,” Taeyong replies, handing the menu over.
“Alright, it’ll probably be about 15 minutes,” Chenle writes down your order and walks away towards the chef.
While you're waiting for the food to arrive, you and Taeyong make small talk, getting to know each other and just enjoying each other’s presence. Even when the food arrived the both of you couldn’t help but get lost in conversation with one another. Smiles never left either of your faces and minute by minute, you further fell in love with one another. Occasionally, Taeyong would reach over and steal a fry or two even though his plate was full of his own fries. You’ve never thought stealing food from another’s plate was so endearing, but when Taeyong did it, you just felt so comfortable in his presence that you didn’t even mind. And once you both finished your meals, you said your goodbyes to the staff, with your stomachs and hearts full. And in all these moments, your favourite has to be when neither of you could say goodbye at the door, with light kisses being pressed to your cheek and then you returned it by kissing his. In the end, he left pressing one last kiss to your lips with silent promises of more in the future.
“Taeyong, have you seen my box of clothes? I can’t find it,” you ask searching through the several closed boxes in the brand new bedroom.
“I think it’s in the living room, one of the movers accidentally put it in there,” Taeyong replies, opening another box of his.
“Okay, I’ll go look, thanks babe,” you walk out of the bedroom and into the living room to look for your missing box. Several movers come in and out of your shared apartment, bringing in furniture and boxes of both your and Taeyong’s stuff. Your heart swelled seeing the ugly couch, that belonged to Taeyong who had begged you to keep much to your dislike, shoved against the wall in the centre of the room on top of the rug you kept from your apartment. 
You spot the missing box, it was shoved on top of a box labelled “kitchen” in your messy handwriting. You grab the box, not realising that it was super heavy, and accidentally drop it onto your foot. Taeyong immediately comes rushing out of your shared bedroom to make sure you’re okay.
“Baby? You okay?”
“Yeah, I just dropped the box with my clothes and shoes onto my foot.”
“Awh baby, let me get that for you,” Taeyong picks up the box with ease, bringing it into your bedroom. As the day turns into the night and with a gentle breeze blowing onto your faces, you cuddle into Taeyong’s side and watch the sunset while sitting on the balcony to your new shared home. Taeyong presses a kiss to your temple and right then and there you truly know what it means to feel loved by your soulmate. When roses bloom you feel lighter than air. When roses bloom you feel like everything finally makes sense. When roses bloom you finally meet your other half. And roses did finally bloom for you, both inside your heart and at your feet. Taeyong gently grabs your chin and kisses you on your lips, you feel the roses bloom on the floor as you melt into the kiss. You finally met your soulmate and know roses will forever bloom.
Taglist for nct works: @mhyori1117 @enhasfever @kkooongie
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mhyori1117 · 2 years
Make My Heart Race
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Sports Au, Nascar Au, Illegal Street racer Au, Journalist Au, Strangers to Lovers
Genre:Fluff, seriously don't know how i managed to not even add an ounce of angst
Pairing: NascarDriver!Xu Minghao x Journalist!Reader
Wordcount: 9.2k
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of food, illegal street racing, breaking the law, possibly wrong nascar termiology
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and breaking the law lmao
A/n: This is for the Sport Au Collab hosted by @gyukult! Thank you so much Gyu for letting me apart of this amazing collab. I made some wonderful friends and thank you to those who helped me figure out plot and which banner was better. You guys are the best! I also want to thank @sungbeam for helping me with the outline, without you I would seriously still be struggling where to go with this! I would also like to thank @heeracha for letting me use her all eyes on me line! I also hope you don't mind the awkward pov switches. I tried to space out the places when I would switch them. Also, some of the parts are purely self induldge and Hao is a bit oc...
Engines rev as they wait for the chequered flag to wave signalling the start of the race. Loud music blasted from the several cars, all of different types, but all doing the same thing…making the person behind the wheel hellbent on winning the race. One racer stood out amongst the crowd, She was notorious for winning and was one of the fastest racers Seoul has seen in years. She however, could care less about winning because she just wanted to feel the adrenaline course through her veins as she sped through the streets, she just happened to win every single time. This time was no different. She sped through the streets, turning tight corners, zooming past red lights. She just loves the thrill of racing.
You quickly looked over your outfit in the mirror in front of you, making sure it is deemed appropriate for a journalist interview. This was it. You were finally going to interview the people you’ve been dreaming of meeting. You gave yourself another look in the mirror before confidently nodding to yourself and grabbed your keys off the table, heading out the door with a confident walk.
Once you looked at the building in front of you, you felt your previous confidence leave your body. You’ve never felt so intimidated by a building before until now. But, you had to present yourself with confidence, so you took a deep breath and let your anxiety release as you breathed out. You let your false confidence return to you as you walked towards the arena with a notepad and pen in your hands. You flashed the security guards your press pass and walked through the doors. You  could hear the sounds of engines roaring as you walked to the pit stops in hopes of catching one of the racers . Cars would zoom past you and you could feel the gush of cold air fly past you just as the cars did.
 You let a grin take over my face as you spotted the very racer you were hoping to be able to interview. He was just getting out of his car as you made your way towards him, as his best friend sauntered over to him with a big grin stretched across his face. The very racer you were making your way over to, notices you walking towards him and cocks his head in confusion.
He watched as she made her way over to him. There was something fascinating about her, the way she carried herself. Full of confidence and intimidation, but the man did not feel an ounce of fear or nervousness as she continued to make her way towards him. No, instead it made him curious about her. He wanted to know…No, he needed to know more about her. He was compelled to walk over to her. To start a conversation, to talk to her. It was like he was under a spell or some magnetic force that pulled him towards her. He couldn’t even hear a word his best friend was saying. Not even when she was right in front of him, looking directly into his eyes. He only started to pay attention when she opened her mouth and started to talk to him.
“Hi! I’m Y/n, I work for the Daily Carat. I’m a journalist there and I was asked to come interview you and the upcoming Indy 500. Are you able to answer questions right now or do you need to get back to practising, I don’t mind coming back another time or scheduling an interview,” you say, trying to be confident with my words. 
“No worries, I’m available to talk now. Is it me you want to interview or Seungcheol,” Minghao asks with a slight smile on his face. 
“Well, both if you don’t mind. I originally came here to interview you, but I don’t mind interviewing The Quickest Lane Switcher either,” I smirk looking over at Seungcheol. 
“Yeah, yeah. Of course you would call me that,” He rolls his eyes, but there’s mischievous glint in them.
“Do you two know each other,” Minghao asks, confusion written over his face. 
“Yeah, just a bit. I’ve run into him a few times,” I reply, “Anyways, let’s get on with the interview. You guys are probably very busy with the race only being next month.”
“Right, so what do you want to know,” Minghao sits on the hood of his car.
You pull out your notepad and look over the questions you had previously prepared beforehand. “Well, I want to know how you feel about being a third time winning racer going for his fourth win. It must be pressuring for you to have to live up to big expectations. Especially with everyone expecting you to win. How do you try to not let the pressure get to you and push forward?”
“Yeah, there is a lot of pressure with people trying to constantly expect me to win for the fourth time. I feel like I’d disappoint them if I didn’t strive to always win because it’s just expected of me. I try to not let it get to me and use it as motivation. I want to be able to surpass everyone’s expectations and go fast each time. I want to surprise people,” Minghao looked away from me, jaw clenched in frustration. Something must be bothering him.
You write down key notes about what Minghao has said and move onto the next question, ‘Seungcheol, what about you? I know you might not be going for your fourth win, but going for a third one is still a big deal. Is there a lot of pressure around it? Especially, since this time you have to go up against your best friend. Are you planning on taking it easy on him,” you let a teasing smirk play on your lips at the last comment.
“Haha very funny, you think you’re very funny because you beat me. Don’t get so cocky, I’ll win next time,” he rolls his eyes with a cocky smirk.
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say. Now answer the questions Choi,” You rest your hands on your hips, fully confident in yourself. Your anxiety has completely left and you feel completely in my element.
“Fine, Lee. I would say there is and there isn’t a lot of pressure. I think I mostly put the pressure on myself because much like Minghao, I want to surpass people’s expectations of me. I don’t want to be seen as only one thing. I want to be able to surprise people with a variety of skills. And no, I’m not going to go easy on Minghao just because he’s my best friend.”
You continue asking them questions and they continue answering them, but every once in a while you couldn’t help but look over at the cars driving by. The way that they would speed past  you was thrilling. You couldn’t help but let a small grin take over your face whenever they would drive past.
Minghao noticed the way her eyes would gleam whenever they drove past them. He was growing even more curious about her. He wanted to know her secret. He wanted to know what she loved about racing and why she loved watching people race. He was also rather curious to know how she knew Seungcheol and what the hell they were talking about. He was so enthralled by her and the way she spoke that he failed to realise that the interview was over and that she was walking away from them now. He couldn’t help but wonder if he would see her ever again as he watched her figure leave the arena. Damn it, he should’ve asked for her number before she left.
Seungcheol whacks him on the back of the head, “Dude, you’re staring, she’s not coming back. Who knew Xu Minghao would be the type of guy who would fall in love at first sight.” 
“I’m not in love with her,” Minghao replies, rubbing the back of his head.
“Oh yeah, definitely not. I’m also not an illegal street racer,” Seungcheol rolls his eyes at the obliviousness of his friend.
“Whatever, I’m just curious about her. I’ve never met anyone quite like her before.  I just…I don’t know how to explain it, but she has the magnetic aura about her that pulls me to her.”
“That’s the first step, then boom next thing you know you’re in love getting married and having kids and-”
“Choi Seungcheol.”
“Sorry man. I was just trying to make a point. But, speaking of Illegal street racing. There’s another race tonight. You should come with me. I’ll even drive you there,” Seungcheol says, hoping to convince Minghao to finally go.
“I don’t know Cheol. You know how I feel about those races. I’ll have to think about it.”
“C’mon man. It’ll be fun, I promise. How about this, if you don’t have fun or enjoy it, I’ll drive you home immediately no questions asked. I will never ask you to attend another race again.”
“Why do you want me to go to this race so bad?”
“Well, I’ll be racing in one of the events tonight plus I think it might surprise you about who else will be there tonight.”
“Who else?”
“Come and you’ll find out. Don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
“Fine. One race and that’s it.”
Evening finally rolled around and Minghao couldn’t believe how many people showed up to an illegal street race. He would think that there were famous people here with the amount of people that showed. Well, not counting himself and Cheol because they were technically celebrities. “Seungcheol, what’s up with all of these people? You would think it would be a bit more discreet…Is there some sort of celebrity coming to the race or something,” Minghao asks, eyes widening  as he sees even more people join the neverending crowd.
“Hush! Don’t call me that here, call me S.coups. People don’t know me as that here, can’t let them know I’m a famous racer, otherwise they would think that I’m cheating, they don’t take that shit lightly either,” Seungcheol, quickly hushes his friend.
“Alright, Alright. Calm down. You didn’t answer my question nor did you tell me that before we arrived here,” Minghao couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Seungcheol’s stupidity. 
“Oh, yeah. Sorry,” He rubs the back of his neck, “Well, somewhat famous people. At least what we consider famous in the illegal street race community. First, there’s DK, but you know him as Seokmin, yes a lot of nascar racers do illegal street racing. Then there’s Woozi, he’s known for his speeding  tricks. He’ll speed up and pass someone just to slow down right when they are behind him. It pisses everyone off when he does it, but it’s a brilliant way to always stay in first. Lastly, the one even more famous than you and I, Zero Light. She always wins because no one seems to be able to beat her. She also happens to be DK’s sister so she grew up behind the wheel, racing is in her blood. It’s my dream to be able to go against her in a one on one and win. Ah, here she comes, that’s her car.” As Seungcheol was talking, a car sped down the street. It was jet black and had white racing stripes.It was the coolest car Minghao has ever seen, but the comment about Seungcheol wanting to win against her made him confused. Because Seungcheol was a literal nascar driver, she can’t possibly be that good, right?
Once everyone noticed the car, they surrounded the car, and started to whoop and holler. Two people got out of the car and because everyone was surrounding them, Minghao couldn’t make out their faces. But he could definitely feel the change in the atmosphere when they showed up. Before everything was chill and people were just vibing, but now people are buzzing with excitement. 
“Hey! Zero Light, over here! I have someone I want you to meet. Bring DK with you,” Seungcheol shouts, waving his arms hoping to get their attention, which it somehow does.
They start weaving their way through the crowd to him and Seungcheol. And Minghao couldn’t believe who was in front of his eyes, “Y/n? What are you doing here?”
Her lips curved up to a smirk and he swears he’s never seen anything more attractive than the confidence he could feel surrounding her, “Ah, Minghao! I see S.coups has finally convinced you to come to one of these. And please, refer to me as Zero Light. Can’t let anyone know my real name in case the cops catch someone from one of these races. We should give you a nickname in case too. Do you have a nickname someone calls you that you like?”
“How about The8, for his love of infinite speed,” Seungcheol pipes in, “Also, where’s Woozi? Isn’t he supposed to be racing tonight?”
“I think it’s perfect,” you say, “Yeah, he’s on his way. He said he should be here in a couple of minutes. We won’t start the race without him anyways. What’s a good race when Woozi isn’t there.” 
“I like it,” Minghao replies, a confident smirk on his pretty lips, “Whose Woozi? S.coups mentioned him before, and said he was some sort of illegal street racing celebrity.” 
“Cool. Woozi’s my best friend. Yeah, he’s well known amongst the community here in Seoul, not quite sure if he’s as well known outside of it as we mostly do our races here. Oh, right. This is my brother DK. You probably recognize him, but because of him I’ve been able to see every single race of yours. Gotta say, I’m quite the fan. S.coups also talks quite a bit about you and wanted you to come to one of these. Glad you finally decided to come.”
“Really? Every single one? And you talk about me, they better be good things or I’ll-”
“Haha. Don’t worry, he only says the best things. Well, maybe a few embarrassing stories here and there, but that’s what friends are for. They gotta embarrass you sometimes and you them otherwise, are you true friends?”
“I guess you do make a good point.”
“Oh, Zero Light. I wanted to ask you if we could hold a one vs one tomorrow night. I don’t think there’s any scheduled illegal races for next week,” Seungcheol asks, butting into the conversation.
“You really want to lose that bad, huh?”
“I don’t think I’ll lose. I am a nascar driver after all,” Seungcheol smirks, confidence blooming in his chest.
“Although that may be true, how many times have you lost to me? I mean the same goes for DK here. He’s my brother so he would hate to lose to me at something he does for his career,” you rest your hands on your hip, cocking your head with a mock.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. What do you say? You in?”
“Sure, why not. I could use a break from all the tough competitors,” you smirk as Seungcheol scowls.
“Oh fuck off will you. Anyways, I can’t wait to finally win against you and rub it in.”
“Confident are we? Speaking of racing, where the fuck is Woozi. He said he’d be here soon, we can’t wait all night for him.”
Soon enough another jet black car comes barrelling down the street and instead of white racing stripes, it has a single red stripe down the centre of the car. When everyone notices that car, they start shouting yet again and the already buzzing energy gets even higher as someone new makes their appearance. 
“Ah, Woozi’s here. Perfect timing as always,” you roll your eyes and look over at the car that’s currently parking.
“That’s Woozi? I’m not going to lie..I expected him to be a lot more-”
“Intimidating? Taller? He’s very intimidating when you first meet him, but once he warms up to you, he’ll be someone you never forget,” you say, looking over at the short male with a smile on his face as he greets others while he makes his way towards us. 
“Hey guys! Who's the newbie? I swear I’ve seen you before, are you a model or something,” Woozi asks, looking up at Minghao.
“That’s The8,” you lean closer to Jihoon’s ear, “His name is actually Minghao and he’s a nascar racer. He’s S.coups best friend and has raced against DK before.”
“Ohhhh. Wow, I’ve heard so much about you from Zero-” Woozi starts to say until I elbow him before he says too much.”
“That’s enough out of you. We’ve got a race to start now that your ass has finally arrived,” you roll your eyes.
“Oh, it’s starting now? Good luck Zero Light! You too Woozi and S.coups,” Minghao says, smiling with sincerity. 
“Baby, I don’t need luck,” you wink and leave a flustered Minghao behind as you head back to your car.
“I do, thanks The8,” Woozi says, “Especially if I’m going up against her.”
Minghao couldn’t even respond to Woozi because he was so caught up in his thoughts of her. His heart sped up just like the very cars he was surrounded by. Maybe Seungcheol was right. Maybe he did fall in love at first. “Come on lover boy, quite staring at my sister. You’re not going to want to miss this,” He lets Dk pull him somewhere they can see the race and just ignores the comment he made because again, it might very well  be true.
Engines revved as they waited for the chequered flag to wave. Loud music blasted from all the cars, pumping up both the racers and the viewers. Minghao could hear Villain blasting from her car. He was excited to see how she would race. Since he’s never been to one of these, he’s not quite sure how  they work. But he’s pretty sure you aren’t supposed to wait for everyone to speed off while you wait behind. Except that’s exactly what she did. She stood at the start line for five seconds before she finally sped off. 
You could feel the bass of the song thrum against you as it blasted through the speakers. You waited for about five seconds before you decided that it was long enough for everyone to get a good distance from the start line. You waited so that you could feel the real adrenaline race through your veins as you raced through the streets desperately trying to catch up. But for you, it was nothing.
You zipped through the streets, fast as the speed of sound. You could hear the tires screech against the asphalt every time you took a tight turn left. You drove up next to a jet black car with a red racing stripe and you knew exactly who you just caught up to.. you looked to your left and saw Jihoon flip you off and grinned from ear to ear. You could hear his laughter ring through my ears as you finally drove past him, making me come in first.
Watching her drive the way she did ignited something in Minghao, something he hasn’t felt in a while. He wanted…he craved to know what it felt like to drive the way she does. He wanted to be both the passenger and driver. He wanted to feel the thrill she felt. And he could tell she loved the adrenaline by how excited and how her smile beamed into the night as she celebrated her new victory. 
You climbed out of the car. A grin present on your lips as you bask in the glory of your win. Minghao pulled you into a tight hug, congratulating you on the win. Woozi even came over and joined the crowd  to congratulate you, though he did tease you and tried to say that you cheated. You could still feel the adrenaline pump through your veins. There was nothing more thrilling than racing down the street reaching new speeds. 
The glory and excitement was cut short as soon as you and everyone else heard sirens race through the streets desperate to find you and where everyone was hiding. Everyone quickly scrambled to get out of there before the cops showed up. Everyone was so panicked about getting caught that Seungcheol forgot to grab Minghao. DK and Woozi must've sped off together because they were nowhere to be found in the vicinity. 
Minghao still hadn't registered what was happening even when you pulled up next to him furiously trying to get him into the car. "Hao, fuck. Come on get in the fucking car, we don't have time for you to look like a cute lost puppy!"
"What? What's going on Y/n-" you didn't let him finish his sentence and opened the passenger side and yanked him in the car. You see flashing red and blue light's behind youand siren's blaring, "FUCK!"
You hurriedly shift your car into gear and speed down the street. Cops seemed to catch on that you were one of the racers and started to follow you, "Fuck, fuck. Okay, Hao...We are currently getting chased by cops, so I'm going to need you to duck down, so they don't see you. Can't have you going to jail."
Minghao listen's instantly and ducks down, hiding himself from the view of cops. You grip your steering wheel so tight that your knuckles start to turn white. You keep taking several left and right turns to throw the cops off your track but it doesn't last long enough. 
You quickly turn left into an alley. Fortunately, the cops were far enough back that they didn't seem to notice the sharp turn, so you quickly turned off the car and ducked down to remain hidden. You look over at Minghao to gauge his reaction. To your surprise, he looked like he was having the time of his life. He let out an elated laugh and you couldn’t help but start laughing alongside him.  “I think we’re safe now. I don’t hear the siren’s nor do I see flashing lights. I’ll take you home, where do you live,” you sat up in your seat and pulled out of the alley and drove Minghao home.
You walk up to Minghao and tap him on the shoulder, “Hey. My boss didn’t think we got enough questions yesterday, so I’m back again. Is Cheol not here today? Also, if you aren’t free right now, I can come back another time, schedule a lunch with you if need be.”
“No! No. It’s fine. I have time now. Yeah, Seungcheol is still a bit shaken up from last night, so he wants to take the day off from practising, especially since he has the race against you tonight,”Minghao sits on the hood of his car, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Ah, typical Cheol,” you reply playfully, “Anyways, some fans want to know how you got into racing in the first place. I’m not going to lie,  I’m also curious as to how you got into the whole nascar racing scene as well.”
“Well, Seungcheol would be the reason. He’s my best friend and he’s been doing illegal street racing since we were teenagers. I went only once to one of those and it was an amazing experience. I know I said I haven’t gone to one before, that is mostly true. I haven’t been to one since that one because after that I started to do more research about Nascar racing and just fell in love with everything. The way that there is no limit to how fast you can go. What about you?”
“Huh? What do you mean,” you look up from your notepad and give him a quizzical look. 
“What do you love about racing? Why don’t you become a Nascar racer instead of doing illegal ones?”
“Hey, I’m the one supposed to be asking the questions, not you. You can’t take my job like that,” you tease, trying to fight off the embarrassment.
“Awh, please? I won’t ask anymore questions. I’m just curious to know more about you,”Minghao takes his hands out of his pockets and folds them over his chest.
“I was just teasing you,” you sat next to him on the hood of his car. ”Jihoon actually got me into it. That’s Woozi’s real name, don’t tell him I told you,” you point your pen at him and he puts his hands up in surrender, “You would think it was my brother, but it wasn’t. He was a Nascar racer and sure that was cool too, but there were too many rules, plus tell me how many women Nascar drivers you see. But anyways, much like you. Jihoon was an illegal street racer as a teenager too and at first I was terrified of being at one of those races. Then he convinced me to and instead of being on the side lines, I was in the car with him. I got to feel the air whip through the car as we went faster and faster. I was so scared that we were going to  crash any time we took a tight corner. However, it was the most fun I’ve ever had and I just loved the rush of adrenaline.”
“Wow…that’s amazing,” he truly looked like he was in awe of what I told him. you felt extremely touched that he wanted to learn more about you. You also felt your heart pick up the pace.
“I guess..Anyways, are you ready for the Nascar race next month?”
“Yeah, I guess I’m excited,” Minghao lets out a breathy sigh and looks a bit dejected.
“Is everything okay? You can talk to me if something’s bothering you…”
“No, I’m fine! Don’t worry. Are you excited for the race against Seungcheol?”
“I mean, it’s Cheol. How excited can one be? I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” you say when you notice the look he was giving me. “Yeah, I’m excited. I'd be even more excited if I were to know whether or not you would be making an appearance there.”
“Honestly? I love being a Nascar driver and being able to go fast. But when we were speeding away from the cops? What I felt then? That was something entirely different. The thrill and rush of getting caught was so exhilarating. I want to experience it again. Seungcheol didn't ask me to go, so I wouldn’t know where it was being held and-”
“I could take you,” you quickly chime in.
“You want to take me?”
“Yeah! It would be fun to have a passenger, someone that isn’t my brother or Jihoon,” I let out a chuckle, causing Minghao to smile.
“They, hell yeah!”
“Cool! What time should I pick you up?”
“I’ll give you my number and you can text me a time you think would be good.”  
Score! “Cool, I’ll text you then. I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you tonight. Bye Hao!”
The ride to the new area, where the race will be held, was a silent one. Not an uncomfortable or suffocating silence, but rather one that you basked in. You felt so comfortable around Minghao and you’ve only known him for two days. It’s crazy to think about how you’ve gotten close over the span of 48 hours, but you guess if you are getting chased and fleeing from the cops, it does that. Not that I’m complaining. It was somewhat a magical night, one that you will commit to memory forever. You wonder if he would do the same. 
You pulled into the lot and everyone crowded around your car once they noticed you had arrived. You told Minghao to stay in the car until you gestured for him to get out. You spotted Seokmin, Jihoon, and Seungcheol walking towards your car, so you waved for Minghao to get out of the car. Everyone gasped in surprise when they saw Minghao get out of the car, you even noticed your friends making confused faces, but you ignored them.
“Hey S.coups. Ready to lose,” you ask, taunting him.
“I don’t think so. Tonight is the night I finally beat you,” Seungcheol smirks.
“You think? Want to put a bet on it?”
“Sure. Loser buys dinner?”
“How about dinner for the entire group, your friends and mine?”
“Deal. But before we start the race, I want to know why you guys arrived together?”
“Yeah, I’m also curious. Last I checked, you only ever brought us two,” Seokmin points to him and Jihoon, “Are you guys a thing?”
“What? No,” both Minghao and you shouted together, causing some onlookers to stare.
“Uhm no. I asked if Minghao was coming and he said that he wanted to but you didn’t invite him so I did. I took your personal cheerleader, jealous?”
“Well, I thought after last night he wouldn’t want to come to one of these things again. Or maybe he didn’t come to see me race, but rather someone else,” Seungcheol looks over at Minghao, hinting at something.
“Who? It’s only  us racing tonight,” you ask obliviously.
Seungcheol rolls his eyes at your response which confuses you more, “No one, no one. Speaking of races, Minghao, are you prepared for the race next month? I still feel like I haven’t gotten enough practise in and I’m doing these illegal street races. I can’t imagine what it would be like for you.”
“I’d rather not talk about it right now. You have a race to lose,” Minghao quips
Seungcheol looks absolutely baffled to the point where you want to take a picture to laugh at in the future, “Wow. I thought you were MY best friend…”
“I am. Also try not to get too angry when I sit with her in her car,” Minghao starts walking backwards towards my car.
“Wait, what? I thought you would’ve wanted to ride with Seungcheol,” you replied.
“And be on the losing team? Nah, plus after the experience from last night, I want to experience that again with you,” Minghao gives your a toothy smile, that just maybe, just maybe makes your heart flutter a little. 
“Suit yourself,” Seungcheol walks past my car to his, not before passing by Minghao whispering something in his ear. 
You could hear music blasting from Seungcheol’s car as he revved the engine. The grip on your steering wheel tightened. You could feel the adrenaline start its course through your veins. You took a deep breath in and let it consume you. You felt a hand on yours, took it off the steering wheel and intertwined it with another. You look over and see Minghao’s hand interlaced with yours. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, you were about to question it, but Minghao squeezed your hand in reassurance. Silently, he was cheering you on. Your heart definitely did flips that time.  The chequered flag waved, but you were too caught up in Minghao to notice, that was until he released his hand from yours and pointed. Oh fuck…you were going to have a hard time explaining this one.
It took everything in Minghao to hold back his laughter. He didn’t want to throw her off her game. But as soon as she noticed she went flying down the road. Instinctively, he grabbed the handle and held onto it for dear life. He could tell that as soon as he did that, that Y/n was trying to hold back her giggles. As the car continues to pick up speed, Minghao starts to let loose a bit. He lets go of the handle and rolls down the window to truly feel air whip through his hair. He takes a deep breath in and truly tries to feel how she’s currently feeling. He pictures himself behind the wheel instead of her. He breathes in every sight, feels every turn, and can taste victory around the corner. Well, he could. That was until Seungcheol came speeding down the street, fast as lightning. Seungcheol quickly took the spot as first place. Minghao looked over at Y/n and noticed the panicked look on her face. This must not happen very often. Minghao did the first thing he could think of that would ground her. He put his hand on her arm, causing her to look over at him. Her eyes widen in surprise as she continues to look forward to the road ahead of her. She took one of her hands off the steering wheel and interlaced it with Minghao’s. He felt his heart speed up as the car began to speed up. They both secretly conveyed their thoughts and feelings to each other without murmuring a word. They could tell just by how someone would squeeze their hand. Minghao was cheering on and motivating her without having to say a word because all she had to do was look over at him and see the emotions in his eyes. 
To celebrate your win with Minghao, the both of you went to a fast food place to grab a bite to eat. “Hey,” you hear in a soft voice and look up from your burger to see Minghao staring at you with a curious gaze.  You blink in confusion. “Yeah? You need something?”
“I was wondering if you knew a place where we could chill out for a bit. I don’t really want to go home yet, you know?”
“Yeah, I do. I’ll take you there after we finish eating. Is that good with you? If not, I can bring our food with us.”
“I don’t mind waiting for you.”
You park the car on the grassy hill away from city life. You stepped out of the car and let the cold breeze fill your lungs as you breathed in the fresh air. Minghao also stepped out of the car and took in the surroundings around him. You could see a soft smile greet his lips., causing you to smile at his contentment. You sit on the hood of your car and put your hands behind your head as you lay down to look at the stars above. You feel the car shift in weight as Minghao lays next to you. You look over and see him already looking at you. You take one of your hands from underneath your head and innerlace them with his. At this point, when your hand isn’t in his, it feels strange. Like a sense of lostness. Your hand feels like it belongs in his. You feel at home when you're with him. you can’t help wondering if he feels the same as you do.
“Why didn’t you want to go home? Is there something bothering you,” your voice is soft and not above a whisper. You continue observing his face as he looks away from you and towards the city in front, oblivious to love blossoming in the air. 
Minghao lets out a deep sigh, “there’s a reason I didn’t really want to talk about the race. I’m not all that happy racing anymore. It’s kind of become a burden to me instead of a fun career. I don’t really feel the same passion and energy that I used to feel. I think it’s because people nowadays only care about winning and will do whatever it takes to win, even if that means cheating.  I’m actually thinking this will be my final season as a Nascar racer.”
You sat up in shock, “What? Really?”
He nods his head, “I haven’t made a final decision yet, but it’s something I’ve been thinking of. My passion for racing is dwindling everytime I go to the race track to practise for my upcoming race.” 
“What if I help you get your passion and love back for racing? I mean these past two days, I’ve seen you smiling and you look so light and free than I’ve seen you in your past races. What if I help you get your love back? You can maybe try illegal street racing and if you don’t want to physically be in the driver's seat, you can sit next to me. I really really want to help you. Maybe even use this as practice for the Indy race instead of actually practising. Get away from the race track and the rules for a bit.” 
 “Yeah…Okay. That sounds like a good idea. Let’s do it,” Minghao warmly smiles towards you and your stomach does somersaults. 
It’s been two weeks since you had that talk with Minghao. You’ve been going to illegal races almost every day, minus a few breaks here and there. But it’s sort of become a tradition that after every illegal race, you would go grab some greasy food and go up on the hill away from the city. Some of those nights were the best nights of your life. You would just sit and talk about anything and everything that came to mind. Those nights were your favourite because you get to listen to him talk about his life.  
Tonight was no different. You guys were chilling on the hood of your car staring at the stars talking about life. “Y/n,” he quietly speaks up.
“Yes Hao?”
“I think I’m ready.”
“Ready for what?”
“I want to race in an illegal street race,” he looks over at you, eyes full of anxiety.
“Are you sure,” you ask and he nods his head, “Well, why don’t we make an announcement at tomorrow night’s race? Hell you can even race it! I’ll let you take my spot for tomorrow night’s race!” 
“Are you sure you don’t want to race one last race?”
“Nah, I’m fine. I mean I can always join you in the car if you are that worried I would get bored,”
“What? I wasn’t worried, I just didn’t want your fans to get mad that you aren’t racing.”
“I could use a break. They’ve seen me win enough times. So, don’t worry about them.”
The evening rolled in faster than you thought it would. You could feel the excitement and adrenaline radiating off of Minghao as he sat next to you on your way to the illegal street race. It was his debut night as an illegal street racer, so to see him not anxious in the least bit surprised you to an extent. He was a nascar racer after all, but you think he would be a little bit nervous about racing in an actual street race where he could potentially go to jail for. But no, you could see the confident smirk and glint in his eyes. 
You arrived at the parking lot where others were currently parked and waiting for you to arrive. The spectator’s and your friends surrounded your car as you parked, whooping and hollering as soon as they saw you exit, but their cheers grew when Minghao stepped out. Minghao walked over to your friend group while you thought now was a good time to announce Minghao’s debut because everyone was all fired up by his arrival. But first you had to get their attention.
“ALL EYES ON ME,” you shout, cupping your hands around your mouth to make your voice louder.
“ALL EYES ON YOU,” everyone shouts in return except there’s a faint voice yelling, “my eyes are always on you.” You could’ve swore it was Minghao saying that but why would he.
“Alright, now that I have everyone’s attention. I have a few announcements about tonight’s race. I know some of you might be a little disappointed with some of the news I’m going to share, but I don’t care,” you playfully tease, hands on your hips and a growing smirk on your lips.
 “The first announcement is that tonight, I am not racing.” You could hear a series of groans come out of people’s mouths. You also noticed Jihoon and Seokmin furrow their eyebrows in confusion, meanwhile Seungcheol is raising an eyebrow towards Minghao, but he chooses to ignore him. “I know, I know. You’re all mad and upset because you took the time out of your night to come and see me. I appreciate it, I really do, but I’m going to be taking a break from racing for a bit, Not for too long, but a small break, like around a week.”
If that didn’t confuse everyone then what you’re about to say is going to definitely elicit surprises and confusion. “Since I’m taking a small break, someone’s going to need to take my place for the race tonight. I want to introduce you to one of my good friends who will be taking my place tonight and for future races. I know you all have been quite curious about him, so why don’t I let him introduce himself? The8, come here please”
Everyone turned to look at the man you pointed to; and the previous disappointment everyone felt vanished, instantly replacing it with excitement. Cheers surrounded Minghao as he made his way towards you. He had a rather shocked face at all the cheers…it was really cute. 
“Hello everyone! I’m The8 and I’m taking Zero Light’s place for the time being. I hope you guys won’t be too upset about your future losses and your upcoming loss tonight,” Minghao says with a cocky smirk, firing up the crowd even more. 
“Alright, alright. That’s enough boasting, why don’t you actually show them what you’re capable of? Because you may be able to talk the talk but it doesn’t mean you’ll walk the walk. How about it ladies and gentlemen? Are you ready for the race to start,” you shout, screams encompass the parking lot, bouncing off the walls echoing through the small neighbourhood. 
Minghao grips the steering wheel, knuckles turning white. He hasn’t felt the rush of adrenaline like this in a really long time. He’s been craving for another taste ever since he lost his love in racing. This. This feeling is what he’s missed for so long. He can’t even say he’s nervous because he’s not. Although he should be with you watching, however, it brings him a sense of comfort knowing that you’ll be watching him race. Watching him win. He let his confidence take the wheel and stepped on the gas as soon as the flag was waved.
Minghao sped down the streets as quickly as he could. Zooming through the streets, weaving through the cars, passing obvious stop signs, and doing his damned best to win. There was no way he was going to let someone show him up. Racing was in his blood after all. It’s what he lived for. It was what drove him to be the person who was. So there was no way he was going to lose.
Minghao had to do a double-take when he saw Jihoon sitting on the hood of his car, waiting for his fellow racers to show up. He didn’t even see Jihoon pass him. How the hell did he get there before him? Minghao storms out of the car, or correction, your car because you oh so graciously let him borrow it, but not without threatening him if he puts a scratch on your precious baby. He marches his way over to Jihoon, “Dude, when did you even get here? I never saw you pass me?”
Jihoon shrugs his shoulders, “maybe you just weren’t looking for me. Slipped right past you, near SVT Street.”
“That far?! Seriously, how did you do it? You have to teach me, but I still can’t believe I lost.”
“Well this is your first street race. You may be a Nascar racer, but you don’t know the streets like we do. We know what streets we can skip, plus we aren’t afraid to play dirty,” you walk up behind Minghao, “don’t be too sad that you lost. It was more than likely you were going to lose against Woozi.” 
“I could teach you a couple of tricks if you would like,” Jihoon suggests.
“Yeah, okay. Who knows, they might help me in Nascar racing too. It wouldn’t hurt to try,” Minghao tries not to pout, but couldn’t help it. He genuinely thought he would win. You walk up to him, and without thinking about it, you press your lips gently to his cheek, hoping that you will slightly cheer him up. When you pull your face away from his cheek, you find him staring at you, an unknown emotion swirling around his eyes. You’ve never noticed how his eyes are a vast ocean that will pull you under. It’s almost as if you could find all the answers to the world hidden inside.You would’ve stared longer, but you quickly moved away from Minghao as soon as you heard Jihoon clear his throat behind you. You spun on your heels and practically sprinted to your car. 
Jihoon looks over at Minghao to question him about what just happened, but he could tell the man was lost in thought, staring at your faded silhouette. Jihoon just shakes his head at the obliviousness between you two. “Dude, are you just going to stare at her longingly and let her keep waiting for you? Or are you going to follow her? Maybe ask her what the fuck just happened,” Jihoon says, mumbling the last part.
“What?” Minghao furrows his eyebrows and lets confusion fill his features. 
“She’s going to leave your sorry ass behind if you don’t hurry up and get it together.”
“Shit,” Minghao sprints after your car, waving his hands hoping to get your attention.
Jihoon sighs, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose, “idiots to lovers I tell you. Oblivious idiots.” He rolls his eyes and sticks his hands into his pocket and jumps off the hood of his car to head home.
Jihoon has been training Minghao in the art of street racing, alongside you. He’s definitely changed since you first met him at the track. At first he was so reserved, reluctantly answering your questions, but now he can’t stop talking about himself. In a positive way, of course he always remembers to ask you questions in return. Usually, those questions are asked while the both of you are laying on the hood of your car, your head on his chest, and his arm lazily wrapped around your waist. Those nights were your favourite because it’s become some sort of tradition that the both of you would head there after one of Minghao’s street races, but not before grabbing some greasy food to eat while staring at the far city lights, surrounded by thousands of glittering stars. 
It was hard to believe that a month has passed since you struck up the deal together. You’ve noticed that not only is he not as reserved, but he’s gotten his spark back. You can see it in the way he smiles while his hands are on the steering, shifting gears, and zooming past cars. He’s finally found himself and his love of racing. However, there’s a few problems that you’ve come to realise. 
You realised that you were madly in love with Xu Minghao, especially the Minghao you only got to see. You couldn’t determine whether or not he felt the same, but he had to at least feel something during those nights when he would sing to you, gently kissing your forehead and stroking your cheek while you accidentally fell asleep on the hood of your car.
But the next problem you ran into was a major one. If you were to ever tell Minghao your feelings and he returned them, he would easily forget about you. Afterall, tonight is his final street race before he has the Indy 500 the next day. And once he’s done with the race, he’ll probably go back home, continuing his life as a Nascar racer. Meanwhile, you’ll be left alone in a giant city. 
“Hey Minghao! Are you ready for your final race tonight? Even if it’s up against me,” you smirk, walking up to Seokmin’s car. Seokmin let him borrow it for the night because he wasn’t going to use it, not if you, Jihoon, Seungcheol, and Minghao were all planning on racing. No, he valued his life much more than his car.
“Yeah, hope you’re ready to lose this time,” Minghao returns your smirk.
“Against you? Never. Remember who you’re talking to baby, I am Zero Light, the undefeated,” you lean in closer, breath tickling his ear.
“How about this, if I lose against you, I’ll tell you a secret,” he whispers, bringing his hand up to your face, resting his palm on your cheek, gently grazing it with his thumb.
“And if I lose? What will I have to do,” you ask, leaning into his touch.
“Nothing because that’s how confident I’ll win against you,” he pulls his hand away from your face, grabs your hand, kissing your knuckles. His smirk widens when he looks up and sees the light red hue spread across your face.
“I better get back to my…uh… car….the race will…um… be starting soon,” you back up away from the car accidentally bumping into a stranger, “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” You keep apologising to the stranger, while Seokmin, Jihoon, and Seungcheol all collectively sigh watching both you and Minghao act stupid in front of each other.
You swung open your car door, stomping your way over to him. You swing his door open and yank him out of the car after he unfastens his seatbelt. You bring him into a bone-crushing hug and hold him tight. Tears well up in your eyes and you slightly pull away from him, “I can’t believe you.”
“Can’t believe what? That I won and that you lost,”  Minghao teases, looking deep into your eye, mapping every detail of your face.
“No. I can’t believe how far you’ve come during this month. I’m going to miss you when you leave to go home,” you wrap your arms around his neck, drawing his face closer to yours so that you can truly stare into his eyes forever.
“It wasn’t without yours and Jihoon’s help, thank you for everything. I’m…” you can see the hesitancy within his eyes. He wants to say something…he needs to tell you…
“Hao? What is it? You can tell me anything,” you take his face into your hands and gently brush your fingers against his cheek, much like you did before, he leans into your touch.
“I’m going to miss you too…I’m going to miss you more than you can imagine,” you can hear the sincerity in his voice and it takes every last bit of self-control in you to not smash your lips onto his, so all you could offer him was a comforting smile.
Minghao was anxious, you could tell even far up in the bleachers. You wanted to be in the pit with him, cheering for him, but you couldn’t. You were only allowed down there when they weren’t busy getting ready for a race, 1 minute left, you noted, and when it was appropriate for journalists and reporters to ask their questions. 
He was pacing back and forth. The anxiety chewed him up inside. He got so used to racing in the street races, that he seemed to forget some of the basic rules. He has to go over them before the race starts. What was it? What was the first rule? Shit…He can’t remember.  
Then his phone rings. He knew it was you. He could tell because he purposely picked out a ringtone for you, so that he always knew it was you calling him. “Y/n?”
“Hao…breathe for me. Just remember you’ve got this,” your voice soothes his growing anxiety.
“But what if I accidentally forget that this isn’t a street race and it’s an official one?”
“You won’t. Do you know how I know,” you see him shake his head from a distance, “Because on the track you are Xu Minghao, not The8. You are just yourself and not some persona you put on for others. Because if you lose, I won’t tell you a secret.”
“A secret?”
“Yeah, if you win…I’ll tell you one of my deepest secrets.”
As if a switch was flipped, in that very moment, you could feel the fiery energy radiate off his aura. Even though he was going up against his best friend and your brother, he had confidence in his ability to race. He knew he would win. He had to win. He’s never felt this desire to win this strong before. Not until you gave him a reason to want to win. When he races, he doesn’t care if he wins or loses, as long as he’s feeling the adrenaline pump through his veins he’s okay with losing. But now? You telling him one of your precious secrets? He has to win.
Lap after lap, it felt like the race was never going to end. You felt anxiety raise each time someone overtook Minghao’s first place, but he always seemed to be able to kick it into gear and steal his spot back. You were at the edge of your seat, hanging by a thread. Sometimes, it looked like Minghao wouldn’t even be able to take his spot back, but then suddenly he would use a move Jihoon taught him and it was like appeared out of thin air and was back in first place.Once the race was truly over, you were over the moon excited that Minghao was able to secure his fourth win. But more anxiety came once you realised you had to tell him your secret. 
“Hao! Congratulations! I’m so proud of you! After you're done taking pictures and celebrating, can we go to our spot?”
“Of course! I can’t wait to celebrate my win with you,” Minghao sends a wink your way.
“Do you remember what I said to you over the phone before the race started,” you ask, voice barely heard over the whisper of the lofi radio. The gentle glow cascades you both in a paint-like-lighting. Your question pulls Minghao out of his thoughts.
“How could I forget? It was my motivator…the reason I wanted to. It was the first time I ever really felt a desire to win that much,” Minghao looks over at you, but you are avoiding all eye contact with him, just staring out at the setting horizon in front of you, “what is it? The secret?”
“I don’t want you to leave and go back home. I want you to stay here with me…with all of us.”
“Because I’m in love with you. I don’t know when it happened, maybe when I was first introduced to you as a racer or maybe it was after I truly got to know you…” you finally gather the courage to look at Minghao, only to find him already staring at you. There that unknown emotion is again. It’s ever so present, swirling and mixing in his eyes.
You take his long silence as rejection and hop off the hood of the car, you can feel the tears well up and slowly slide down your face. You don’t know where you're walking to and frankly you don’t care, you just want to get as far as you can from MInghao. 
You feel gentle fingers grasp your wrist, you turn around to see Minghao crying. Why is he crying? You’re not sure, but you know that you’re crying along with him. “Y/n…you didn’t wait for my answer.”
“You took too long to answer, so I took it as a rejection.”
“Only an idiot would reject you and I am not one. But I am an idiot for not saying something sooner. I wanted to tell you that I loved you last night, but I just couldn’t form the proper words or sentences. I was also going to tell you that I was planning on staying…over the course of the month, Seoul has become my place because you are my home.” Tears start to slide down your face again after his heartfelt confession. He brings a comforting hand and lightly wipes your tear stained cheeks with his fingers…“Beautiful…as always,” slowly his face gets closer to yours. And as you stare into each other's souls, Minghao searches your eyes for any hesitancy and when he doesn't find any; he tilts your chin up, bringing your lips closer to his, finally letting them meld together like two puzzle pieces meant to find each other. 
Taglist for Seventeen: @mhyori1117
Networks: @the-k-neverland @cacaokpop-fics @timenote-library @k-radio
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mhyori1117 · 2 years
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drunk hoshi 🤍 (part 1)
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mhyori1117 · 2 years
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jeno @ new york fashion week vogue world
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a neo a day keeps the feelings at bay [18/∞]
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mhyori1117 · 2 years
When Roses Bloom
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idol au, soulmate au, royalty au, modern au, strangers to lovers
Genre: Fluff, Slowburn
Lee Taeyong x Reader
Wordcount: 6k+
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, mentions of food, Markhyuck ( I don't ship them irl, it's purely for the plot)
Rating: PG13, some cursing and kissing
A/N This is for the love of my life. @mhyori1117. I hope you enjoy Taeyong as your soulmate. <3
You sighed. Everyone around you has been finding their soulmate. They get to experience the magic of seeing flowers bloom when they accidentally bump into their soulmate on the side of the street. Or passing by a classmate in the halls and suddenly tulips blossom out of the ground and lockers are filled with lilies. Maybe that cute coworker from the office “accidentally” bumps into you just to see if flowers bloom beneath your feet.
All of your friends have been getting swept off their feet by their gorgeous soulmates. Some of them have known their soulmates all their lives and have finally accidentally bumped into each other. Not that you aren’t happy for your friends, because you are, you just wish you would finally meet yours. You wish you could finally feel that magic. Finally getting to look in the eyes of the one meant for you. You know your soulmate won't ‌be a prince on a white horse from a faraway kingdom. But you could care less if he did have a major kingdom title or not. As long as your prince was meant for you. That was good enough. But when? When will you get to meet him?
You sigh again for the umpteenth time. Currently, your best friend was telling you about his newfound soulmate. Again, it’s not that you aren’t happy for him. It just gets annoying to hear that one of your friends has found their soulmate. Plus, he’s been rambling on about this guy for literal days. It feels like you know him more than you know yourself and you haven’t even met him yet! “Mark..Dude. It’s not that I don’t care, but you literally won’t stop talking about him. I love you and love that you are so in love with your soulmate, but I seriously feel like I know him more than I should. I haven’t even met him yet,” you set your coffee cup on your desk, “it’s not helpful when I’m trying to work on this new draft that Mr Nakamoto is requiring me to do and I can’t focus.”
“Sorry. I forgot that the boss is making you stay extra late for a new draft that he just assigned to you today,” Mark rolls his eyes, “I can’t believe he’s requiring you to finish it by tonight.”
“I know, I don’t know why he’s so up my ass about it,” you pick up your coffee cup again, take a sip, and notice it's gone cold. You frown, your evening has gotten even worse. “I’ll be back Mark. I gotta get another cup of coffee if I want to manage to finish this stupid draft before the sunsets.”
Mark waves and turns back to his desk, “can you get me a cup too?”
You wave in response as you you exit the office into the hallway. You greet the other office workers who also have to stay late to finish whatever projects they are working on. You turn left to head towards the break room to get a fresh cup of coffee. However, you bump into a rough chest. You looked up and weren't expecting to see him.
"Ah, sorry. I didn't see you there Y/n," his deep voice escaped his pretty pink lips.
"It's okay Johnny. I should've watched where I was going. Was just super lost in thought," you reply, looking away from the tall man. Johnny Suh, a man every woman dreams of being with. He's super tall, gorgeous eyes, and has all the charms in the world. Every female coworker (even males) have tried to bump into him, hoping that he is their soulmate, but so far none of them have had any luck. You? You don't really care trying to bump into attractive coworkers in hopes they are your soulmate, too complicated. Johnny, however, has tried to bump into you on several occasions, hoping that you are his.
"Boss having you work late again?"
"Mmm, he's making me work on this draft and wants it finished by tonight to be ready for the presentation tomorrow. What about you? Why are you still here this late? Didn't Jaehyun leave hours ago, thought you would've gone with him."
"Yeah, he did. Told him to go home without me. I have this merger I got to finish by tomorrow and I'm only halfway through. Looks like it'll be a long night for the both of us. You getting more coffee? I'll walk with you," Johnny turns around and starts heading towards the break room, even though it looks like he's just got a fresh cup of coffee already.
You trail behind Johnny trying to figure out his motive. Does he not believe in the soulmate system? Why has he been so adamant about trying to get you to go on a date with him? If you didn’t have so many hopes in wanting to meet your soulmate, you would consider accepting his pursuit.
“So, I was thinking…you want to go to a concert this weekend? One of my close friend’s is performing this weekend and I think you’d like his music,” Johnny asks, pouring himself and you a fresh cup of coffee.
“I need one more cup, Mark’s staying late too,” you take your cup out of Johnny’s hands and wait for him to pour a second for Mark.
“Ah, I see. So, what about the concert? You want to go,” Johnny hands you the second cup and you graciously take it.
“Thanks. I’m not sure if it’s something I’d want to do…Plus Mark and I have our movie night this weekend and he’s inviting his soulmate over so we can finally meet,” you take a sip of your coffee and follow him out the break room.
“Why don’t you invite them both? It’d be a lot of fun, plus I think Mark would get along with my friend that’s performing. You guys would be allowed backstage to meet him and hang out after the show is over. I got front seat tickets and everything,” Johnny says, holding three tickets out in front of you, “Will you at least take the tickets and ask? If neither of you wants to show up, that’s okay. At least give me some hope that you’ll come.”
“Alright,” you take the tickets out of his hand, “I’ll ask Mark and see if he’s up to going. It would be a nice change instead of our weekend movie nights. Well, I need to finish this draft so I’ll be getting back to work,” you wave goodbye and head back to your desk and let out a deep sigh.
“Johnny ask you out again,” Mark asks when he hears you sigh?
“Yeah, that’s the 3rd time this week. He can’t get a clue when I keep denying him,” you rub your forehead, feeling a migraine coming on.
“Where’d he invite you to this time?”
“To some concert, his friend is performing at, some group called 127? He invited you and your soulmate to go with. Here,” you pass him two tickets and his coffee.
“127?! Dude, I love 127! We have to go, it’ll be so much fun,” Mark practically jumps out of his chair, trying to give you his best puppy dog eyes, “Please. It really will be a lot of fun, my soulmate loves this group too! Apparently, all of the members keep their identity hidden and don’t allow pictures at performances. They are really hush hush about it.”
“Really? Johnny says he knows one of the members and that he got us backstage as well as front stage seats.”
“Johnny knows 127? Really? Dude, we have to go now that you told me there are backstage passes. I’ve always wanted to meet them and see them perform live.”
“Will your soulmate wanna go?”
“Definitely, we listen to them together all the time.”
“Alright. It will be nice to do something different this weekend. But what shocks me is that they even sell backstage passes. Aren’t most idols and celebrities royalty? Like super high royalty? Because I know we all are some type of royalty, but in order to be able to do a job like that, they have to have a higher status. Why would they even let crazed fans near royalty?”
“I don’t know. Probably. I don’t know about you, but I can flash my royalty card and get a free coffee,” Mark brags…again.
“Mark, you say that at least once a week. I don’t care that my royalty card doesn’t get me a free coffee. It’s not my fault that my royalty card doesn’t get me anything, blame my parents for not having a higher royalty status. Anyways, leave me be and let me finish this draft before Mr. Nakamoto yells at me for slacking.”
You knock on the door to Mr. Nakamoto’s office, holding a stack of paper in your right hand. You hear a faint “come in” signalling for you to enter the office. You enter the office and see your boss sitting at his desk, typing on his computer. His black hair dishevelled from him constantly running, his fingers through his hair, glasses perched on his nose, and his tie undone.
“Hi sir, I have the draft that you wanted by this evening. I’ve finished it and printed it so you can look through it,” you walk up to his desk, holding out the stack of papers for him to take.
“Thank you, just set them on the desk. I’ll look over them when I’m done. You can go home now,” he doesn’t even look up from his computer and continues typing.
“Thank you, sir. Goodnight sir. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you place the stack of papers on his desk and exit his office. “Alright Mark, drive me home.” Mark nods and you both walk to the elevator in silence.
The week flew by, and before you knew it, it was ‌Saturday, the day you were meeting Mark's soulmate and the day of the concert. You were getting ready, making sure you looked your best. You were looking over your choice of clothes when there was a knock at the door. You look over at the clock, Mark was supposed to be picking you up around now, so it was probably him. You walk over to the front door of your spacious apartment and open it.
“You ready to leave,” Mark asks, walking into your apartment.
“Yup, let me get my shoes on, real quick,” you walk over to your shoe rack that’s by the front door and sit on the bench to slide your shoes on. “Alright, I’m ready. Is he in the car?”
“Yeah, he’s driving so I told him that I’ll go up and see if you were ready.”
"What's his name,” you both walk out the door and shut it behind you. You lock it and follow Mark down the steps to his soulmate's car.
"Donghyuck, Lee Donghuck is his name," Mark walks up to the car and opens the backseat for you.
You sit down and buckle up, "Hey I'm Y/n! It's nice to finally meet you, Mark literally never shuts up about you."
"I can say the same about you, he's told me so much about you I feel like I've known you forever," Donghyuck laughs. He looks super dressed up for the concert, no wonder Mark has him as a soulmate. They really were made for each other.
"Are you excited for tonight's concert? It's my first time hearing about 127, so I'm really curious as to why Johnny thought I would enjoy their music. Mark is a really big fan of them," you try to make conversation with Donghyuck as he drives you to the place that the concert will be held at.
“Mmm, I know he is. He made me listen to their entire discography on our fourth date, not that I minded, I really like their music as well. Speaking of Mark, can you put on our playlist? That way Y/n can hear some of their songs before we get to the stadium,” Donghyuck drives out of the apartment complex and you make your way to the concert. Mark puts on their playlist and music starts blasting from the car speakers.
By the time you arrive at the stadium, you have learned the entire discography for 127 and learned Mark and Donghyuck personal favourites, and have found out yours. No wonder Mark was such a fanboy over them, their voices were really attractive and the songs were really catchy. You could definitely see yourself becoming a fan after this concert is over. But right now, you need to text Johnny and find out where he is.
Where are you at? We just arrived at the stadium.
The tall Johnny:
I’m inside, meet me backstage and come meet the guys.
Heading over now.
You put your phone in your pocket, “Johnny says he’s inside. He wants us to meet him backstage. Let’s get going.” The two boys nod and follow your lead. You walk to the end of the line and some of the other’s in the look at Donghyuck with a strange look, like they’ve seen him somewhere before. You brush off their odd behaviour, he must go to a lot of concerts or he’s a popular prince.
Once it was your turn to give the lady your tickets, you did so, but the way the lady acted when she saw Donghyuck was even stranger. It was a look of surprise, like she didn’t expect him to show up there. What is up with everyone’s behaviour… I’ll have to ask him about it.
You three get led inside of the stadium and were guided backstage. How did they know that we were going there…or that we even had backstage passes? Did Johnny say something to her beforehand?
As you’re walking to the backstage, you accidentally bump into someone because you have this habit of not watching where you were going. You look up to find the most gorgeous eyes staring down at you with a look of concern. What you didn’t expect was roses to start blossoming out of the floor and vines to start flowing down the ceiling as you two made eye contact.
It was as magical as Mark said it was. You felt butterflies erupting in your stomach as you two continued to stare into each other's eyes. Neither of you dare to break it, fearing that once you look away, the beautiful pink roses blooming behind the stranger will go away. It made him look ethereal. Like he was sculpted by the gods themselves.
“I’m Y/n…it’s nice to finally meet you, soulmate,” you hold out your hand for him to shake.
“Taeyong, Lee Taeyong. I’m sorry you had to wait so long to meet me,” he takes your hand in his and kisses your knuckles, “I agree though, it’s great to finally meet you. I guess my timing was always off because I swear I’ve seen you before. Perhaps my dreams?”
Lee Taeyong? Why was that name so familiar? “I’m surprised this is how fate chose us to meet. Backstage to a concert someone invited me to. I think your timing couldn’t have been any better,” you give him a soft smile, which he gladly returns.
Someone clears their throat behind you, knocking you two out of your daze. “Ah right. This is my best friend Mark and his soulmate Donghyuck. Both of them are big fans of the artist’s that’s performing tonight.”
“Ah, fans of 127? You must be the coworkers Johnny was telling us about, follow me, I’ll take you to meet the rest of the boys. Johnny’s been waiting for you guys to arrive as well,” Taeyong doesn’t let go of your hand and drags you along with him. Wait…What?
“Ah, wait. I think it’s time for the concert, why don’t you head to your seats, I’ll have Xiaojun show you to your seats,” Taeyong gestures to a man in a security guard uniform who smiles at Taeyong, he must be Xiaojun.
“Actually, I need to use the restroom, why don’t you guys head to our seats without me. I’ll meet you there when I’m done,” Donghyuck stops Xiaojun in his tracks.
“Are you sure Hyuck? I know how much you love 127,” Mark questions his soulmate.
“Yeah, I’ll probably only miss the opening act, I’ll be back in time, don’t worry.”
“If you’re sure. Alright, Y/n, let’s go,” Mark says, following Xiaojun out of the hallway.
You shoot Johnny a quick message telling him that you would be heading to your seats since the concert was starting soon and that you would meet him there. He replied with a simple okay and that was the end of the conversation.
When you finally arrived at your seats, which were located near the front of the stage (how Johnny was able to afford the tickets was still beyond you), you sat down at the perfect time because music started to blast through the stage speakers. A young man walked onto the stage and started the opening act. The opening act was a new and hot artist by the name of Xuxi and everyone was astounded by his amazing performance. You couldn’t believe that this one guy could hype up the crowd this much, if Xuxi was this amazing you wondered how amazing it would be to see 127 on stage.
The lights started flashing with the beat of the music, the first song was about to start and both Donghyuck and Johnny had yet to arrive. You were starting to get worried, you looked over at Mark to whisper something into his ear, but you stopped mid sentence when shock took over Mark’s face. Confusion filled your face, you looked back over to the stage and not only were you shocked to see who was up on stage, but you were completely confused.
“Is that Mr Nakamoto? And Donghyuck? What the fuck? Johnny?!” You are beyond confused and it looks like Mark had no idea that his favourite group was so close to him. He had no idea that his soulmate was a member of 127 and no idea that a coworker and boss was also a member of 127. You had no idea how you were going to be able to go to work and face them.
Taeyong makes eye contact with you as he raps his verse and winks. That causes an immediate blush to spread across your face which Mark starts to tease you about until Donghyuck blows a kiss in his direction. You began to tease him about it since he teased you, it was only fair.
The concert was half way over and you were glad that Johnny invited you to go. The initial shock and surprise is over and you would definitely agree that Johnny, your flirty coworker, Yuta, your mysterious boss, and Donghyuck, Mark’s soulmate, belonged on that stage. Johnny was a very talented rapper and he could dance too. Yuta’s vocals were off the chart. And his dancing skills? Absolutely blew you away. Donghyuck’s vocals were absolutely breathtaking. You couldn’t believe how high he could see. Not to mention that he was also a very talented dancer. But no matter how amazing they were, you kept your eyes trained on Taeyong. The way he could move and dance along to the song was hypnotising. The way his voice would rasp when he would rap his parts of the song, kept you on the edge of your seat. His entire aura was hypnotised and had you under a spell. Maybe it was your soulmate bond that caused you to feel the way you did or maybe you were just magnetised by him.
Once the concert was over, Xiaojun led you two back to the hallway where you met Taeyong, and followed the long corridor. The three of you arrived at a door that had a piece of paper taped to it saying, “127”. Xiaojun knocked on the door and you heard a faint “come in” from the otherside. Xiaojun opens the door and you trail behind him. You see the six boys lounging on the couches taking a break after the hectic concert. Taeyong sits up straighter once he spots you and his gaze never leaves yours as you walk closer to him. A smile spreads across his lips as you walk over to him. “Hey, I thought you were amazing up on that stage,” a smile spreads across your face. The other’s in the room look at you two in confusion and Taeyong notices.
“This is Y/n, my soulmate,” Taeyong introduces you to the others with a proud smile on his face.
Johnny doesn’t look the least bit surprised and neither does your boss or Donghyuck. It’s like they knew before you even found out he was your soulmate. “About time,” Johnny pipes up.
“What do you mean,” you look over at him in question.
“I had a strong feeling that Taeyong was your soulmate, you’re both basically carbon copies of one another. I told Donghyuck, Jaehyun, and Yuta about it. That’s why I was constantly asking you on dates because I was trying to get you to run into Taeyong. I probably should’ve told you the reason for the dates but at least my plan finally worked. Didn’t I tell you guys they were soulmates,” Johnny responds, throwing a look at both Yuta and Jaehyun which causes them to roll their eyes in response.
“Yeah, yeah whatever Johnny. Don’t make me give you extra hours for that look you gave me,” Yuta responds, crossing his arms.
“Wait wait. I have several questions,” everyone turns to look at you, “if you knew about it Donghyuck, why didn’t you tell Mark and why didn’t he know that you were a part of 127? Johnny, why were you trying so hard to get Taeyong and I together? Yuta, can I call you Yuta? It feels weird to call you Mr Nakamoto outside of work. Anyways, why were you also in on it, I’m your coworker and you're my boss, isn’t that a little weird. Jaehyun, I don’t really have questions for you because you live for this type of thing. Lastly, if you guys are all in this amazing band, why do you work in an office with a 9 to 5 job?”
Donghyuck is the first one to chime in, “Well I remember Mark constantly talking about you and then Johnny would do the same. I thought it was weird at first when both my soulmate and bandmate would talk about one person so much. Then Johnny told me that he thought that you might be Taeyong’s soulmate and from the things I heard from Mark I thought he might be onto something. I wanted to help, but I didn’t want to tell Mark about the plan because he might accidentally tell you since he is quite the blabbermouth. Especially with the secret of me being a part of 127, I wanted to surprise him with that factor. Though, I’m surprised he never caught on because you can very clearly hear my voice in the songs.” Mark rolls his eyes at the last comment about him, but still grabs Donghyuck’s hand and intertwines their fingers.
“Well, I saw how you would always be so passive aggressive when someone mentioned soulmates, I could feel how sad you were whenever you saw yet another person meeting their soulmate and yet you still didn’t. I wanted to help my friend, even if it was a shot in the dark. Plus, it was pretty funny watching you get flustered anytime I asked you on a date,” Johnny adds with a smug smirk as he watches you get flustered yet again.
“Yeah, call me Yuta. Anyways, Taeyong’s one of my good friends and just like Johnny I felt like it was finally time to do something. He’s been complaining about how single he feels whenever Donghyuck tells us about the recent date he went on with Mark. I’ll answer your last question about why we work a 9 to 5,” Yuta uncrosses his arms and leans in, “It gives us a sense of normalcy. We don’t let anyone know about our identity outside of our concerts to keep that secret and feel normal. Everyone knows who Taeyong is because of his status in the world of royalty, but when he’s on stage, he’s just Ty. Not some world famous prince. Same goes for us who work at the office. If we let people share our identity then we won’t be able to do anything normal without getting swarmed by rabid fans of both those who are fans of 127 and those who are just obsessed with royal status. Plus I just know it would get worse for those of us who don’t have a soulmate. But that basically sums up, does that answer your questions?”
You nod your head, "Yeah, it does. Thanks and I guess that does make sense. Thank you Johnny for looking out for me, same with you Donghyuck, even though you didn't know me, you still wanted to help me just because I'm your soulmate's best friend. That's really kind of you."
Donghyuck shrugs his shoulders as if it wasn't anything to him, "Of course I would. I had a feeling we would get along from all the things I heard about you. I guess I was right about that too." He winks at Mark. Looks like there's something else he knows, you'll have to interrogate them both later.
"I'm just glad I finally found you, even if it was with the help of our friends," Taeyong brings you into a hug and warmth surrounds you. You smile and wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in close.
"Thank you for finally finding me," you hear a gag behind you and you roll your eyes. You didn't have to guess who that was, "Donghyuck, as if I haven't heard you say worse things to Mark." Everyone laughs as Donghyuck tries to deny it but no one believes him because everyone knows how whipped he is for Mark.
The night slowly ends, one by one everyone heads home. Taeyong happily holds your hand as he walks you to Donghyuck's car, the boys following you, but keeping a slight distance so that you can get to know one another in private. And that you did, you both basked in each other's company, just enjoying each other's presence. You talked and talked as much as time would let you, until the four of you eventually arrived to Donghyuck's car. Johnny honks his horn,signalling for Taeyong to hurry up and get in the car. Taeyong waves him off, basically telling him to give him a second to talk to you. "Uhm, Y/n. I'm really glad I met you. I was wondering if I could get your number? So I can ask you on a date, that is if you want to," Taeyong, the usually confident man on stage, seems to be feeling a bit of shyness overcome him. He fiddled with his jacket as he waited for an answer.
"Of course Taeyong. I would love to go on a date with you," you respond with a smile, you take his phone and make a contact for yourself. Once you finish typing your number, you hand him back his phone, which he takes with a smile.
He gives you one last hug, "I look forward to our first date," and hops into Johnny's car. He waves goodbye and Johnny takes off down the road. You let out a sigh when Johnny's car is no longer in view. You turn to the boys, "We have a lot to talk about on the way home, don't we?"
Saturday has arrived and it's time for your first date with your soulmate, Taeyong. It's been a few weeks since you first met him and you've both been constantly texting back and forth getting to know one another before Taeyong decided to officially ask you out on your first date. Currently you were putting on last minute details, making sure your outfit was to perfection. You hear a ping from your phone and you look over to see a message from Taeyong.
Hey, I'm parked out front
Just come down when you're ready.
Alright, I'm heading down now.
Can't wait to see you💞
I can't wait to see you either babe 💞
You smile at the message and lock the phone.You set it in your purse and lock your door on the way out. As you walk down the steps of your apartment you see Taeyong quickly rushing up the stairs to meet you halfway. He's slightly panting and holds something behind his back. You look at him confused, "Taeyong? Everything okay? I thought I was meeting you at your car?"
"You were, but I forgot that I wanted to give you these," he pulls out a bouquet of roses, just like the ones that bloomed at your feet when you first ran into him.
You take the flowers out of his hands and pull him into an embrace. You kiss him on the cheek and a light red hue spreads across his face. "Thank you Yongie, I just locked my door, but I want to put these in some water so they don't die. Come on," you grab his hand and drag him with you. The blush on his face darkens at the endearing action. You quickly unlock the door again and drag him inside, "Go sit while I put these in a vase, it'll be a minute then we can go on our first date." Taeyong nods and sits down on your couch.
You go to the kitchen and pull out a vase you made with Donghyuck and Mark when you crashed their soulmate date. It was ugly, but made with love, especially since Donghyuck and Mark decided to get handsy with your pottery vase and "help" you with it. You put some water in the vase, silently hoping it doesn't leak, and trim the rose stems to fit in the vase. As you're dumping the food packet into the vase, Taeyong walks into the kitchen, he leans against the counter and watches you do the finishing touches on the bouquet he gave you. The look he was giving you, anyone could tell that he was a man who finally met his soulmate, he looked so in love.
You finally finish and turn around to see Taeyong leaning against the counter, staring lovingly at you. You raise your eyebrows in confusion, "Yongie, do you need something?" "Mmm, no I'm good, just watching you," he quips.
"Alright, I'm done here so we can go and start our date," you walk out of the kitchen with Taeyong following you.
You and Taeyong arrived at the restaurant, it didn't look like a 5 star restaurant, which you were thankful for, you didn't really dress for the occasion. Instead it was a quaint little diner, one that fit nicely on the corner street. As you both walked in, the waiters and waitress turned to look at you two, to greet the new customers, but when they saw Taeyong they all smiled and greeted him like they were old friends. You looked up at him expecting him to explain, but he grabbed your hand and dragged you to a booth.
An older lady, who was more than likely the owner, handed both of you menus, "Hello Taeyong, it's been a while since you've visited the diner and I see you've brought a friend this time."
"Hey mom, I know it's been a while, but work has been busy. This is Y/n, my soulmate," Taeyong reaches across the table and laces your hands together.
"Ah, hello Mrs.Lee, if I knew that I would be meeting you today I would've dressed for the occasion, but Taeyong was being really secretive about where we were going," you say with a small blush dusting your faces as Taeyong squeezes your hand in reassurance.
"Oh don't worry dear, you look just fine. Anyways, I'm going to let Chenle know that you're here. He's going to be your server for this evening," Taeyong's mom walks away to the staff room and you look over to Taeyong with an exasperated look.
“Taeyong, you didn’t say anything about meeting your mother! What if she doesn’t like me? What if she thinks that you deserve a prettier soulmate? What if-” you were cut off by Taeyong when he covered your mouth with his hand.
“Shush baby. She loves you, I can tell by the way her eyes lit up when I introduced you as my soulmate. Plus, I think you’re the prettiest soulmate, so who cares whether or not she thinks you aren’t, she won’t be the one waking up next you every morning,” he winks at the last part of his statement. You roll your eyes, but a smile blooms upon your lips.
Chenle arrived at your table with two water glasses in hand, “Hey Tae, long time no see. So this is the infamous soulmate you’ve been telling me about,” he smirks and sets down the water, Taeyong resists the urge to splash the water in his face for ratting him out meanwhile a blush spreads across yours. “Anyways, you guys know what you want?”
“I’ll have a burger and fries and a chocolate milkshake,” you pass Chenle the menu and take a sip of your water.
“I’ll have the same,” Taeyong replies, handing the menu over.
“Alright, it’ll probably be about 15 minutes,” Chenle writes down your order and walks away towards the chef.
While you're waiting for the food to arrive, you and Taeyong make small talk, getting to know each other and just enjoying each other’s presence. Even when the food arrived the both of you couldn’t help but get lost in conversation with one another. Smiles never left either of your faces and minute by minute, you further fell in love with one another. Occasionally, Taeyong would reach over and steal a fry or two even though his plate was full of his own fries. You’ve never thought stealing food from another’s plate was so endearing, but when Taeyong did it, you just felt so comfortable in his presence that you didn’t even mind. And once you both finished your meals, you said your goodbyes to the staff, with your stomachs and hearts full. And in all these moments, your favourite has to be when neither of you could say goodbye at the door, with light kisses being pressed to your cheek and then you returned it by kissing his. In the end, he left pressing one last kiss to your lips with silent promises of more in the future.
“Taeyong, have you seen my box of clothes? I can’t find it,” you ask searching through the several closed boxes in the brand new bedroom.
“I think it’s in the living room, one of the movers accidentally put it in there,” Taeyong replies, opening another box of his.
“Okay, I’ll go look, thanks babe,” you walk out of the bedroom and into the living room to look for your missing box. Several movers come in and out of your shared apartment, bringing in furniture and boxes of both your and Taeyong’s stuff. Your heart swelled seeing the ugly couch, that belonged to Taeyong who had begged you to keep much to your dislike, shoved against the wall in the centre of the room on top of the rug you kept from your apartment. 
You spot the missing box, it was shoved on top of a box labelled “kitchen” in your messy handwriting. You grab the box, not realising that it was super heavy, and accidentally drop it onto your foot. Taeyong immediately comes rushing out of your shared bedroom to make sure you’re okay.
“Baby? You okay?”
“Yeah, I just dropped the box with my clothes and shoes onto my foot.”
“Awh baby, let me get that for you,” Taeyong picks up the box with ease, bringing it into your bedroom. As the day turns into the night and with a gentle breeze blowing onto your faces, you cuddle into Taeyong’s side and watch the sunset while sitting on the balcony to your new shared home. Taeyong presses a kiss to your temple and right then and there you truly know what it means to feel loved by your soulmate. When roses bloom you feel lighter than air. When roses bloom you feel like everything finally makes sense. When roses bloom you finally meet your other half. And roses did finally bloom for you, both inside your heart and at your feet. Taeyong gently grabs your chin and kisses you on your lips, you feel the roses bloom on the floor as you melt into the kiss. You finally met your soulmate and know roses will forever bloom.
Taglist for nct works: @mhyori1117 @enhasfever @kkooongie
130 notes · View notes
mhyori1117 · 2 years
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happy pinktyongday ♡♡🌹🌸💗🎀 ♡♡220701
2K notes · View notes
mhyori1117 · 2 years
When Roses Bloom
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idol au, soulmate au, royalty au, modern au, strangers to lovers
Genre: Fluff, Slowburn
Lee Taeyong x Reader
Wordcount: 6k+
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, mentions of food, Markhyuck ( I don't ship them irl, it's purely for the plot)
Rating: PG13, some cursing and kissing
A/N This is for the love of my life. @mhyori1117. I hope you enjoy Taeyong as your soulmate. <3
You sighed. Everyone around you has been finding their soulmate. They get to experience the magic of seeing flowers bloom when they accidentally bump into their soulmate on the side of the street. Or passing by a classmate in the halls and suddenly tulips blossom out of the ground and lockers are filled with lilies. Maybe that cute coworker from the office “accidentally” bumps into you just to see if flowers bloom beneath your feet.
All of your friends have been getting swept off their feet by their gorgeous soulmates. Some of them have known their soulmates all their lives and have finally accidentally bumped into each other. Not that you aren’t happy for your friends, because you are, you just wish you would finally meet yours. You wish you could finally feel that magic. Finally getting to look in the eyes of the one meant for you. You know your soulmate won't ‌be a prince on a white horse from a faraway kingdom. But you could care less if he did have a major kingdom title or not. As long as your prince was meant for you. That was good enough. But when? When will you get to meet him?
You sigh again for the umpteenth time. Currently, your best friend was telling you about his newfound soulmate. Again, it’s not that you aren’t happy for him. It just gets annoying to hear that one of your friends has found their soulmate. Plus, he’s been rambling on about this guy for literal days. It feels like you know him more than you know yourself and you haven’t even met him yet! “Mark..Dude. It’s not that I don’t care, but you literally won’t stop talking about him. I love you and love that you are so in love with your soulmate, but I seriously feel like I know him more than I should. I haven’t even met him yet,” you set your coffee cup on your desk, “it’s not helpful when I’m trying to work on this new draft that Mr Nakamoto is requiring me to do and I can’t focus.”
“Sorry. I forgot that the boss is making you stay extra late for a new draft that he just assigned to you today,” Mark rolls his eyes, “I can’t believe he’s requiring you to finish it by tonight.”
“I know, I don’t know why he’s so up my ass about it,” you pick up your coffee cup again, take a sip, and notice it's gone cold. You frown, your evening has gotten even worse. “I’ll be back Mark. I gotta get another cup of coffee if I want to manage to finish this stupid draft before the sunsets.”
Mark waves and turns back to his desk, “can you get me a cup too?”
You wave in response as you you exit the office into the hallway. You greet the other office workers who also have to stay late to finish whatever projects they are working on. You turn left to head towards the break room to get a fresh cup of coffee. However, you bump into a rough chest. You looked up and weren't expecting to see him.
"Ah, sorry. I didn't see you there Y/n," his deep voice escaped his pretty pink lips.
"It's okay Johnny. I should've watched where I was going. Was just super lost in thought," you reply, looking away from the tall man. Johnny Suh, a man every woman dreams of being with. He's super tall, gorgeous eyes, and has all the charms in the world. Every female coworker (even males) have tried to bump into him, hoping that he is their soulmate, but so far none of them have had any luck. You? You don't really care trying to bump into attractive coworkers in hopes they are your soulmate, too complicated. Johnny, however, has tried to bump into you on several occasions, hoping that you are his.
"Boss having you work late again?"
"Mmm, he's making me work on this draft and wants it finished by tonight to be ready for the presentation tomorrow. What about you? Why are you still here this late? Didn't Jaehyun leave hours ago, thought you would've gone with him."
"Yeah, he did. Told him to go home without me. I have this merger I got to finish by tomorrow and I'm only halfway through. Looks like it'll be a long night for the both of us. You getting more coffee? I'll walk with you," Johnny turns around and starts heading towards the break room, even though it looks like he's just got a fresh cup of coffee already.
You trail behind Johnny trying to figure out his motive. Does he not believe in the soulmate system? Why has he been so adamant about trying to get you to go on a date with him? If you didn’t have so many hopes in wanting to meet your soulmate, you would consider accepting his pursuit.
“So, I was thinking…you want to go to a concert this weekend? One of my close friend’s is performing this weekend and I think you’d like his music,” Johnny asks, pouring himself and you a fresh cup of coffee.
“I need one more cup, Mark’s staying late too,” you take your cup out of Johnny’s hands and wait for him to pour a second for Mark.
“Ah, I see. So, what about the concert? You want to go,” Johnny hands you the second cup and you graciously take it.
“Thanks. I’m not sure if it’s something I’d want to do…Plus Mark and I have our movie night this weekend and he’s inviting his soulmate over so we can finally meet,” you take a sip of your coffee and follow him out the break room.
“Why don’t you invite them both? It’d be a lot of fun, plus I think Mark would get along with my friend that’s performing. You guys would be allowed backstage to meet him and hang out after the show is over. I got front seat tickets and everything,” Johnny says, holding three tickets out in front of you, “Will you at least take the tickets and ask? If neither of you wants to show up, that’s okay. At least give me some hope that you’ll come.”
“Alright,” you take the tickets out of his hand, “I’ll ask Mark and see if he’s up to going. It would be a nice change instead of our weekend movie nights. Well, I need to finish this draft so I’ll be getting back to work,” you wave goodbye and head back to your desk and let out a deep sigh.
“Johnny ask you out again,” Mark asks when he hears you sigh?
“Yeah, that’s the 3rd time this week. He can’t get a clue when I keep denying him,” you rub your forehead, feeling a migraine coming on.
“Where’d he invite you to this time?”
“To some concert, his friend is performing at, some group called 127? He invited you and your soulmate to go with. Here,” you pass him two tickets and his coffee.
“127?! Dude, I love 127! We have to go, it’ll be so much fun,” Mark practically jumps out of his chair, trying to give you his best puppy dog eyes, “Please. It really will be a lot of fun, my soulmate loves this group too! Apparently, all of the members keep their identity hidden and don’t allow pictures at performances. They are really hush hush about it.”
“Really? Johnny says he knows one of the members and that he got us backstage as well as front stage seats.”
“Johnny knows 127? Really? Dude, we have to go now that you told me there are backstage passes. I’ve always wanted to meet them and see them perform live.”
“Will your soulmate wanna go?”
“Definitely, we listen to them together all the time.”
“Alright. It will be nice to do something different this weekend. But what shocks me is that they even sell backstage passes. Aren’t most idols and celebrities royalty? Like super high royalty? Because I know we all are some type of royalty, but in order to be able to do a job like that, they have to have a higher status. Why would they even let crazed fans near royalty?”
“I don’t know. Probably. I don’t know about you, but I can flash my royalty card and get a free coffee,” Mark brags…again.
“Mark, you say that at least once a week. I don’t care that my royalty card doesn’t get me a free coffee. It’s not my fault that my royalty card doesn’t get me anything, blame my parents for not having a higher royalty status. Anyways, leave me be and let me finish this draft before Mr. Nakamoto yells at me for slacking.”
You knock on the door to Mr. Nakamoto’s office, holding a stack of paper in your right hand. You hear a faint “come in” signalling for you to enter the office. You enter the office and see your boss sitting at his desk, typing on his computer. His black hair dishevelled from him constantly running, his fingers through his hair, glasses perched on his nose, and his tie undone.
“Hi sir, I have the draft that you wanted by this evening. I’ve finished it and printed it so you can look through it,” you walk up to his desk, holding out the stack of papers for him to take.
“Thank you, just set them on the desk. I’ll look over them when I’m done. You can go home now,” he doesn’t even look up from his computer and continues typing.
“Thank you, sir. Goodnight sir. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you place the stack of papers on his desk and exit his office. “Alright Mark, drive me home.” Mark nods and you both walk to the elevator in silence.
The week flew by, and before you knew it, it was ‌Saturday, the day you were meeting Mark's soulmate and the day of the concert. You were getting ready, making sure you looked your best. You were looking over your choice of clothes when there was a knock at the door. You look over at the clock, Mark was supposed to be picking you up around now, so it was probably him. You walk over to the front door of your spacious apartment and open it.
“You ready to leave,” Mark asks, walking into your apartment.
“Yup, let me get my shoes on, real quick,” you walk over to your shoe rack that’s by the front door and sit on the bench to slide your shoes on. “Alright, I’m ready. Is he in the car?”
“Yeah, he’s driving so I told him that I’ll go up and see if you were ready.”
"What's his name,” you both walk out the door and shut it behind you. You lock it and follow Mark down the steps to his soulmate's car.
"Donghyuck, Lee Donghuck is his name," Mark walks up to the car and opens the backseat for you.
You sit down and buckle up, "Hey I'm Y/n! It's nice to finally meet you, Mark literally never shuts up about you."
"I can say the same about you, he's told me so much about you I feel like I've known you forever," Donghyuck laughs. He looks super dressed up for the concert, no wonder Mark has him as a soulmate. They really were made for each other.
"Are you excited for tonight's concert? It's my first time hearing about 127, so I'm really curious as to why Johnny thought I would enjoy their music. Mark is a really big fan of them," you try to make conversation with Donghyuck as he drives you to the place that the concert will be held at.
“Mmm, I know he is. He made me listen to their entire discography on our fourth date, not that I minded, I really like their music as well. Speaking of Mark, can you put on our playlist? That way Y/n can hear some of their songs before we get to the stadium,” Donghyuck drives out of the apartment complex and you make your way to the concert. Mark puts on their playlist and music starts blasting from the car speakers.
By the time you arrive at the stadium, you have learned the entire discography for 127 and learned Mark and Donghyuck personal favourites, and have found out yours. No wonder Mark was such a fanboy over them, their voices were really attractive and the songs were really catchy. You could definitely see yourself becoming a fan after this concert is over. But right now, you need to text Johnny and find out where he is.
Where are you at? We just arrived at the stadium.
The tall Johnny:
I’m inside, meet me backstage and come meet the guys.
Heading over now.
You put your phone in your pocket, “Johnny says he’s inside. He wants us to meet him backstage. Let’s get going.” The two boys nod and follow your lead. You walk to the end of the line and some of the other’s in the look at Donghyuck with a strange look, like they’ve seen him somewhere before. You brush off their odd behaviour, he must go to a lot of concerts or he’s a popular prince.
Once it was your turn to give the lady your tickets, you did so, but the way the lady acted when she saw Donghyuck was even stranger. It was a look of surprise, like she didn’t expect him to show up there. What is up with everyone’s behaviour… I’ll have to ask him about it.
You three get led inside of the stadium and were guided backstage. How did they know that we were going there…or that we even had backstage passes? Did Johnny say something to her beforehand?
As you’re walking to the backstage, you accidentally bump into someone because you have this habit of not watching where you were going. You look up to find the most gorgeous eyes staring down at you with a look of concern. What you didn’t expect was roses to start blossoming out of the floor and vines to start flowing down the ceiling as you two made eye contact.
It was as magical as Mark said it was. You felt butterflies erupting in your stomach as you two continued to stare into each other's eyes. Neither of you dare to break it, fearing that once you look away, the beautiful pink roses blooming behind the stranger will go away. It made him look ethereal. Like he was sculpted by the gods themselves.
“I’m Y/n…it’s nice to finally meet you, soulmate,” you hold out your hand for him to shake.
“Taeyong, Lee Taeyong. I’m sorry you had to wait so long to meet me,” he takes your hand in his and kisses your knuckles, “I agree though, it’s great to finally meet you. I guess my timing was always off because I swear I’ve seen you before. Perhaps my dreams?”
Lee Taeyong? Why was that name so familiar? “I’m surprised this is how fate chose us to meet. Backstage to a concert someone invited me to. I think your timing couldn’t have been any better,” you give him a soft smile, which he gladly returns.
Someone clears their throat behind you, knocking you two out of your daze. “Ah right. This is my best friend Mark and his soulmate Donghyuck. Both of them are big fans of the artist’s that’s performing tonight.”
“Ah, fans of 127? You must be the coworkers Johnny was telling us about, follow me, I’ll take you to meet the rest of the boys. Johnny’s been waiting for you guys to arrive as well,” Taeyong doesn’t let go of your hand and drags you along with him. Wait…What?
“Ah, wait. I think it’s time for the concert, why don’t you head to your seats, I’ll have Xiaojun show you to your seats,” Taeyong gestures to a man in a security guard uniform who smiles at Taeyong, he must be Xiaojun.
“Actually, I need to use the restroom, why don’t you guys head to our seats without me. I’ll meet you there when I’m done,” Donghyuck stops Xiaojun in his tracks.
“Are you sure Hyuck? I know how much you love 127,” Mark questions his soulmate.
“Yeah, I’ll probably only miss the opening act, I’ll be back in time, don’t worry.”
“If you’re sure. Alright, Y/n, let’s go,” Mark says, following Xiaojun out of the hallway.
You shoot Johnny a quick message telling him that you would be heading to your seats since the concert was starting soon and that you would meet him there. He replied with a simple okay and that was the end of the conversation.
When you finally arrived at your seats, which were located near the front of the stage (how Johnny was able to afford the tickets was still beyond you), you sat down at the perfect time because music started to blast through the stage speakers. A young man walked onto the stage and started the opening act. The opening act was a new and hot artist by the name of Xuxi and everyone was astounded by his amazing performance. You couldn’t believe that this one guy could hype up the crowd this much, if Xuxi was this amazing you wondered how amazing it would be to see 127 on stage.
The lights started flashing with the beat of the music, the first song was about to start and both Donghyuck and Johnny had yet to arrive. You were starting to get worried, you looked over at Mark to whisper something into his ear, but you stopped mid sentence when shock took over Mark’s face. Confusion filled your face, you looked back over to the stage and not only were you shocked to see who was up on stage, but you were completely confused.
“Is that Mr Nakamoto? And Donghyuck? What the fuck? Johnny?!” You are beyond confused and it looks like Mark had no idea that his favourite group was so close to him. He had no idea that his soulmate was a member of 127 and no idea that a coworker and boss was also a member of 127. You had no idea how you were going to be able to go to work and face them.
Taeyong makes eye contact with you as he raps his verse and winks. That causes an immediate blush to spread across your face which Mark starts to tease you about until Donghyuck blows a kiss in his direction. You began to tease him about it since he teased you, it was only fair.
The concert was half way over and you were glad that Johnny invited you to go. The initial shock and surprise is over and you would definitely agree that Johnny, your flirty coworker, Yuta, your mysterious boss, and Donghyuck, Mark’s soulmate, belonged on that stage. Johnny was a very talented rapper and he could dance too. Yuta’s vocals were off the chart. And his dancing skills? Absolutely blew you away. Donghyuck’s vocals were absolutely breathtaking. You couldn’t believe how high he could see. Not to mention that he was also a very talented dancer. But no matter how amazing they were, you kept your eyes trained on Taeyong. The way he could move and dance along to the song was hypnotising. The way his voice would rasp when he would rap his parts of the song, kept you on the edge of your seat. His entire aura was hypnotised and had you under a spell. Maybe it was your soulmate bond that caused you to feel the way you did or maybe you were just magnetised by him.
Once the concert was over, Xiaojun led you two back to the hallway where you met Taeyong, and followed the long corridor. The three of you arrived at a door that had a piece of paper taped to it saying, “127”. Xiaojun knocked on the door and you heard a faint “come in” from the otherside. Xiaojun opens the door and you trail behind him. You see the six boys lounging on the couches taking a break after the hectic concert. Taeyong sits up straighter once he spots you and his gaze never leaves yours as you walk closer to him. A smile spreads across his lips as you walk over to him. “Hey, I thought you were amazing up on that stage,” a smile spreads across your face. The other’s in the room look at you two in confusion and Taeyong notices.
“This is Y/n, my soulmate,” Taeyong introduces you to the others with a proud smile on his face.
Johnny doesn’t look the least bit surprised and neither does your boss or Donghyuck. It’s like they knew before you even found out he was your soulmate. “About time,” Johnny pipes up.
“What do you mean,” you look over at him in question.
“I had a strong feeling that Taeyong was your soulmate, you’re both basically carbon copies of one another. I told Donghyuck, Jaehyun, and Yuta about it. That’s why I was constantly asking you on dates because I was trying to get you to run into Taeyong. I probably should’ve told you the reason for the dates but at least my plan finally worked. Didn’t I tell you guys they were soulmates,” Johnny responds, throwing a look at both Yuta and Jaehyun which causes them to roll their eyes in response.
“Yeah, yeah whatever Johnny. Don’t make me give you extra hours for that look you gave me,” Yuta responds, crossing his arms.
“Wait wait. I have several questions,” everyone turns to look at you, “if you knew about it Donghyuck, why didn’t you tell Mark and why didn’t he know that you were a part of 127? Johnny, why were you trying so hard to get Taeyong and I together? Yuta, can I call you Yuta? It feels weird to call you Mr Nakamoto outside of work. Anyways, why were you also in on it, I’m your coworker and you're my boss, isn’t that a little weird. Jaehyun, I don’t really have questions for you because you live for this type of thing. Lastly, if you guys are all in this amazing band, why do you work in an office with a 9 to 5 job?”
Donghyuck is the first one to chime in, “Well I remember Mark constantly talking about you and then Johnny would do the same. I thought it was weird at first when both my soulmate and bandmate would talk about one person so much. Then Johnny told me that he thought that you might be Taeyong’s soulmate and from the things I heard from Mark I thought he might be onto something. I wanted to help, but I didn’t want to tell Mark about the plan because he might accidentally tell you since he is quite the blabbermouth. Especially with the secret of me being a part of 127, I wanted to surprise him with that factor. Though, I’m surprised he never caught on because you can very clearly hear my voice in the songs.” Mark rolls his eyes at the last comment about him, but still grabs Donghyuck’s hand and intertwines their fingers.
“Well, I saw how you would always be so passive aggressive when someone mentioned soulmates, I could feel how sad you were whenever you saw yet another person meeting their soulmate and yet you still didn’t. I wanted to help my friend, even if it was a shot in the dark. Plus, it was pretty funny watching you get flustered anytime I asked you on a date,” Johnny adds with a smug smirk as he watches you get flustered yet again.
“Yeah, call me Yuta. Anyways, Taeyong’s one of my good friends and just like Johnny I felt like it was finally time to do something. He’s been complaining about how single he feels whenever Donghyuck tells us about the recent date he went on with Mark. I’ll answer your last question about why we work a 9 to 5,” Yuta uncrosses his arms and leans in, “It gives us a sense of normalcy. We don’t let anyone know about our identity outside of our concerts to keep that secret and feel normal. Everyone knows who Taeyong is because of his status in the world of royalty, but when he’s on stage, he’s just Ty. Not some world famous prince. Same goes for us who work at the office. If we let people share our identity then we won’t be able to do anything normal without getting swarmed by rabid fans of both those who are fans of 127 and those who are just obsessed with royal status. Plus I just know it would get worse for those of us who don’t have a soulmate. But that basically sums up, does that answer your questions?”
You nod your head, "Yeah, it does. Thanks and I guess that does make sense. Thank you Johnny for looking out for me, same with you Donghyuck, even though you didn't know me, you still wanted to help me just because I'm your soulmate's best friend. That's really kind of you."
Donghyuck shrugs his shoulders as if it wasn't anything to him, "Of course I would. I had a feeling we would get along from all the things I heard about you. I guess I was right about that too." He winks at Mark. Looks like there's something else he knows, you'll have to interrogate them both later.
"I'm just glad I finally found you, even if it was with the help of our friends," Taeyong brings you into a hug and warmth surrounds you. You smile and wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in close.
"Thank you for finally finding me," you hear a gag behind you and you roll your eyes. You didn't have to guess who that was, "Donghyuck, as if I haven't heard you say worse things to Mark." Everyone laughs as Donghyuck tries to deny it but no one believes him because everyone knows how whipped he is for Mark.
The night slowly ends, one by one everyone heads home. Taeyong happily holds your hand as he walks you to Donghyuck's car, the boys following you, but keeping a slight distance so that you can get to know one another in private. And that you did, you both basked in each other's company, just enjoying each other's presence. You talked and talked as much as time would let you, until the four of you eventually arrived to Donghyuck's car. Johnny honks his horn,signalling for Taeyong to hurry up and get in the car. Taeyong waves him off, basically telling him to give him a second to talk to you. "Uhm, Y/n. I'm really glad I met you. I was wondering if I could get your number? So I can ask you on a date, that is if you want to," Taeyong, the usually confident man on stage, seems to be feeling a bit of shyness overcome him. He fiddled with his jacket as he waited for an answer.
"Of course Taeyong. I would love to go on a date with you," you respond with a smile, you take his phone and make a contact for yourself. Once you finish typing your number, you hand him back his phone, which he takes with a smile.
He gives you one last hug, "I look forward to our first date," and hops into Johnny's car. He waves goodbye and Johnny takes off down the road. You let out a sigh when Johnny's car is no longer in view. You turn to the boys, "We have a lot to talk about on the way home, don't we?"
Saturday has arrived and it's time for your first date with your soulmate, Taeyong. It's been a few weeks since you first met him and you've both been constantly texting back and forth getting to know one another before Taeyong decided to officially ask you out on your first date. Currently you were putting on last minute details, making sure your outfit was to perfection. You hear a ping from your phone and you look over to see a message from Taeyong.
Hey, I'm parked out front
Just come down when you're ready.
Alright, I'm heading down now.
Can't wait to see you💞
I can't wait to see you either babe 💞
You smile at the message and lock the phone.You set it in your purse and lock your door on the way out. As you walk down the steps of your apartment you see Taeyong quickly rushing up the stairs to meet you halfway. He's slightly panting and holds something behind his back. You look at him confused, "Taeyong? Everything okay? I thought I was meeting you at your car?"
"You were, but I forgot that I wanted to give you these," he pulls out a bouquet of roses, just like the ones that bloomed at your feet when you first ran into him.
You take the flowers out of his hands and pull him into an embrace. You kiss him on the cheek and a light red hue spreads across his face. "Thank you Yongie, I just locked my door, but I want to put these in some water so they don't die. Come on," you grab his hand and drag him with you. The blush on his face darkens at the endearing action. You quickly unlock the door again and drag him inside, "Go sit while I put these in a vase, it'll be a minute then we can go on our first date." Taeyong nods and sits down on your couch.
You go to the kitchen and pull out a vase you made with Donghyuck and Mark when you crashed their soulmate date. It was ugly, but made with love, especially since Donghyuck and Mark decided to get handsy with your pottery vase and "help" you with it. You put some water in the vase, silently hoping it doesn't leak, and trim the rose stems to fit in the vase. As you're dumping the food packet into the vase, Taeyong walks into the kitchen, he leans against the counter and watches you do the finishing touches on the bouquet he gave you. The look he was giving you, anyone could tell that he was a man who finally met his soulmate, he looked so in love.
You finally finish and turn around to see Taeyong leaning against the counter, staring lovingly at you. You raise your eyebrows in confusion, "Yongie, do you need something?" "Mmm, no I'm good, just watching you," he quips.
"Alright, I'm done here so we can go and start our date," you walk out of the kitchen with Taeyong following you.
You and Taeyong arrived at the restaurant, it didn't look like a 5 star restaurant, which you were thankful for, you didn't really dress for the occasion. Instead it was a quaint little diner, one that fit nicely on the corner street. As you both walked in, the waiters and waitress turned to look at you two, to greet the new customers, but when they saw Taeyong they all smiled and greeted him like they were old friends. You looked up at him expecting him to explain, but he grabbed your hand and dragged you to a booth.
An older lady, who was more than likely the owner, handed both of you menus, "Hello Taeyong, it's been a while since you've visited the diner and I see you've brought a friend this time."
"Hey mom, I know it's been a while, but work has been busy. This is Y/n, my soulmate," Taeyong reaches across the table and laces your hands together.
"Ah, hello Mrs.Lee, if I knew that I would be meeting you today I would've dressed for the occasion, but Taeyong was being really secretive about where we were going," you say with a small blush dusting your faces as Taeyong squeezes your hand in reassurance.
"Oh don't worry dear, you look just fine. Anyways, I'm going to let Chenle know that you're here. He's going to be your server for this evening," Taeyong's mom walks away to the staff room and you look over to Taeyong with an exasperated look.
“Taeyong, you didn’t say anything about meeting your mother! What if she doesn’t like me? What if she thinks that you deserve a prettier soulmate? What if-” you were cut off by Taeyong when he covered your mouth with his hand.
“Shush baby. She loves you, I can tell by the way her eyes lit up when I introduced you as my soulmate. Plus, I think you’re the prettiest soulmate, so who cares whether or not she thinks you aren’t, she won’t be the one waking up next you every morning,” he winks at the last part of his statement. You roll your eyes, but a smile blooms upon your lips.
Chenle arrived at your table with two water glasses in hand, “Hey Tae, long time no see. So this is the infamous soulmate you’ve been telling me about,” he smirks and sets down the water, Taeyong resists the urge to splash the water in his face for ratting him out meanwhile a blush spreads across yours. “Anyways, you guys know what you want?”
“I’ll have a burger and fries and a chocolate milkshake,” you pass Chenle the menu and take a sip of your water.
“I’ll have the same,” Taeyong replies, handing the menu over.
“Alright, it’ll probably be about 15 minutes,” Chenle writes down your order and walks away towards the chef.
While you're waiting for the food to arrive, you and Taeyong make small talk, getting to know each other and just enjoying each other’s presence. Even when the food arrived the both of you couldn’t help but get lost in conversation with one another. Smiles never left either of your faces and minute by minute, you further fell in love with one another. Occasionally, Taeyong would reach over and steal a fry or two even though his plate was full of his own fries. You’ve never thought stealing food from another’s plate was so endearing, but when Taeyong did it, you just felt so comfortable in his presence that you didn’t even mind. And once you both finished your meals, you said your goodbyes to the staff, with your stomachs and hearts full. And in all these moments, your favourite has to be when neither of you could say goodbye at the door, with light kisses being pressed to your cheek and then you returned it by kissing his. In the end, he left pressing one last kiss to your lips with silent promises of more in the future.
“Taeyong, have you seen my box of clothes? I can’t find it,” you ask searching through the several closed boxes in the brand new bedroom.
“I think it’s in the living room, one of the movers accidentally put it in there,” Taeyong replies, opening another box of his.
“Okay, I’ll go look, thanks babe,” you walk out of the bedroom and into the living room to look for your missing box. Several movers come in and out of your shared apartment, bringing in furniture and boxes of both your and Taeyong’s stuff. Your heart swelled seeing the ugly couch, that belonged to Taeyong who had begged you to keep much to your dislike, shoved against the wall in the centre of the room on top of the rug you kept from your apartment. 
You spot the missing box, it was shoved on top of a box labelled “kitchen” in your messy handwriting. You grab the box, not realising that it was super heavy, and accidentally drop it onto your foot. Taeyong immediately comes rushing out of your shared bedroom to make sure you’re okay.
“Baby? You okay?”
“Yeah, I just dropped the box with my clothes and shoes onto my foot.”
“Awh baby, let me get that for you,” Taeyong picks up the box with ease, bringing it into your bedroom. As the day turns into the night and with a gentle breeze blowing onto your faces, you cuddle into Taeyong’s side and watch the sunset while sitting on the balcony to your new shared home. Taeyong presses a kiss to your temple and right then and there you truly know what it means to feel loved by your soulmate. When roses bloom you feel lighter than air. When roses bloom you feel like everything finally makes sense. When roses bloom you finally meet your other half. And roses did finally bloom for you, both inside your heart and at your feet. Taeyong gently grabs your chin and kisses you on your lips, you feel the roses bloom on the floor as you melt into the kiss. You finally met your soulmate and know roses will forever bloom.
Taglist for nct works: @mhyori1117 @enhasfever @kkooongie
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mhyori1117 · 2 years
Summer Breeze
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Road Trip Au, Fake Dating Au, Mutual Pining, Strangers to Lovers
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Yang Jungwon x Reader
Wordcount: 7k
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of food, side pairing of Jakehoon for the plot, fem pronouns are used but reader isn't described as such
Rating: Pg13 - swearing, kissing
A/n: This is for @parkmejeon004 Holiday romance collab event!
“Hey Y/n? You packed and ready for the road trip tomorrow,” Jake, your best friend, asked, shoving chips into his mouth as he talked on the phone. 
“Mmm, I am. Is Heeseung and his girlfriend coming along too,”  you reply, stirring the food in the pan 
“Yeah, so is my boyfriend. I think Jungwon is coming, but you haven’t met him yet. Is your little brother coming with or did he decide that he didn’t want to come with?”
“Niki? Yeah he’s coming, he’s also going to bring his best friend, so there’s gonna be quite the crowd. Have we decided what we wanted to do, besides the obvious?” You turn the heat off and begin making rice to go with the bulgogi stir fried.
“Mmm, some of us were discussing if we should travel along the coast and camp on the beaches. We could have nightly bonfires, it’ll be fun, but other’s would rather sleep in a hotel and drive along main roads to sightsee. What do you think?”
“I kind of like the thought of camping on the beach, falling asleep to the waves, you know? But I also like the idea of sight seeing, I mean we are going on a road trip to travel, so why don’t we do a little bit of both? That way everyone is happy and gets to do what they want.”
“Good idea! I’ll tell the other, talk to you later Y/n, tell your brother I said hi!”
“Will do Jake, see you tomorrow,” you hung up the phone and set it on the counter. You sighed aloud as Niki and his best friend walked in through the door. You look over and greet him, “Hey Niki, hey Sunoo. You guys ready for the road trip tomorrow?”
“Yeah! I haven’t been on a road trip in years, plus I’m excited to go sightseeing in the different cities,” Niki replies enthusiastically. 
“Oh, right! Before I forget, we’ve had a slight change of plans, some people wanted to drive along the coast so we can camp out on the beach and then others wanted to go sightseeing, so we’ve decided to do a bit of both. I think that it’ll be fun to drive along the coast and have bonfires on the beach. I believe that’s what we're going to start with the coast, then once we drive back we’ll be switching it up and driving through the towns and end with the coast,” you, put some of the food you cooked  on two separate plates. You hand one of the plates to Sunoo and then Niki.
“Thanks sis for the food. And yeah that does sound fun. I heard that most of the boys are bringing their significant others, are you going to be alone again?”
“Thanks for reminding me Niki, but yes. It’s fine, who knows maybe I’ll meet a stranger in a random city and fall in love,” you shrug your shoulders, and put the remainder of the food on a plate for yourself.
“Didn’t they say Jungwon was going to tag along,” Sunoo asks, stuffing his face.
“Mmm, he is, but I haven’t met him. I think he’s my age, but I don’t know anything other than that,” you reply.
“Oh, I actually went to school with him, he’s a sweet kid, I think you guys will get along really well,” Sunoo smirks, cocking an eyebrow at you. 
You look at him completely confused and decide to just ignore it, “Alright, then. I’ve finished eating, so I’m going to wash my plate and head to bed since we have to leave early,” you put your plate in the sink and begin washing it.
“You’re right, here let me wash your plate. You should head to bed since you have to drive us there,” Sunoo offers, taking your plate from you.
“Thanks, Sunoo. Goodnight you two, see you in the morning," you head to your room for the night.
You woke up to someone poking your face. You open your eyes and see your little brother poking your face. "Niki…what the fuck are you doing," you ask grogily.
"Sunoo and I made breakfast. I know we aren't supposed to leave for a few hours, but we thought we should make you breakfast so that you didn't have to. Your alarm went off an hour ago, but I turned it off so you could sleep." Niki turns on your bedside lamp as you rub the sleep out of your eyes.
"Mmm, thanks Niki. I'll thank Sunoo once I head down there. Give me a minute to get dressed and then I'll head downstairs," you reply, getting up out of the bed. Niki rolls his eyes and shuts the door behind him. 
Once you finish getting dressed you head down the stairs and immediately the scent of eggs and bacon wafts through the air. It smells so good, Sunoo was probably the one who cooked it because the last time Niki tried to cook bacon, he almost burned down the house. As you continue your way to the kitchen, the smell of freshly squeezed orange juice fills your senses. That might have been Niki’s doing. 
When you walk into the kitchen, you see Sunoo and Niki idly chatting while eating their breakfast, while there’s another plate with food set to the side for you. You sit next to Niki with your plate of food and start to eat, “thanks Niki, thanks Sunoo. You didn’t have to make me breakfast, but I’m glad you did. After we're done eating, we should pack the stuff in my car so we can head to Jakes. I’ll text him before we leave to make sure he’s awake.” The boys nod and scarf down their food.
You all make small talk while you eat until you finally finish your breakfast and wash the dishes. You head up to your room to grab your phone off the charger and put the charger in your bag. You open up the contact for Jake and text him to see if he was awake and a minute after messaging him, he replies letting you know that his house was unlocked and to just let yourself in. You grabbed your bag, which had 3 weeks worth of clothing, and headed back downstairs to alert the boys. “Alright boys, I texted Jake and he’s awake waiting for us to arrive, so get your stuff in the car so we can be on our way,” you gesture for the boys to grab their things so that you can hurry up and get to Jake’s. 
After two hours of driving to Jake’s house, you finally arrive and hop out of the car. You grab your things and walk into the house with the boys following behind you. The first thing you see when you walk in is Sunghoon and Heeseung sprawled out on the floor, another boy  and a girl sitting at the dining room table, and Jake sprawled out on the couch scrolling through his phone. He looks up once he hears the door open and a wide smile spreads across his face, “Hey guys, you finally arrived!”
“I mean we are the furthest from you, plus Niki turned off my alarm so I could sleep in. Anyways, nice to see you, it’s been a while. I’m glad that you invited my brother and I.”
“No problem, I should probably introduce you to Jungwon and Reyna. Reyna is Heeseung’s girlfriend and Jungwon is her little brother, he’s your age. Renya, Jungwon, meet Y/n, my best friend. Behind her is Niki, her younger brother, and then that’s Sunoo, his best friend.”
“Nice to meet you guys, I’m really excited to go on a road trip with you guys! Have we decided seating arrangements yet,” you ask, sitting next to Jake after he moved over. 
“Yeah, the older members will be taking turns driving, but the seating arrangements will mostly be the same. We’ll also be taking two cars since there’s eight of us. We’ll be split into groups of fours. Niki, Sunoo, Myself and Sunghoon. The rest of you will be in the other car, that way there’s two adults in each car to take turns. From there you guys can figure out who sits where. Speaking of we should get going, that way we can cover a lot of land,” Jake says, getting up off of the couch. Jake grabs his things from his bedroom and heads back into the living room, “Alright, let’s get going.”
You nod and pick up your things off the floor, everyone trails behind you as you exit the house. Heeseung enters the driver’s seat of the pale yellow jeep, perfect for road trips, Reyna hops into the passenger side of the car. Meanwhile you and Jungwon hop in the backseat. At first, it was really awkward talking to Jungwon, you just met him and you didn’t really know how to have a conversation with him, but after you started talking, you found out that you actually have a lot in common. And once you finally hit the coast, the flow of conversation was so natural it’s as if you’ve been friends for years. 
You made the mistake of looking away from Jungwon to check up on the couple in front of you, but every second Heeseung get’s, he’s making heart eyes at Reyna, which she’s happily returning. You roll your eyes and fake gag, “can you believe this? Stuck on a road trip and everyone seems to be paired up with someone. Even Niki has Sunoo.”
“Ugh, it’s gross. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that my sister has Heeseung, but sometimes it gets to be too much. Yeah, I noticed that too. Maybe we should fake date, so we can pair up,” Jungwon jokes, laughing at the ridiculousness of his proposal. You join him in laughing, giggling at the thought of fake dating Jungown. 
You both continue to make conversation with one another, trying not to dwell on the idea of fake dating. But even after a few days, the thought never left your head. It would be a crazy idea, however, you’ve been dealing with the constant overflow of lovey dovey couples and then Niki and Sunoo hanging out. So, you couldn’t help but think, “what if I did fake date Jungwon?” “What if we acted like a couple on this trip?” You had endless thoughts of what if’s because what if you did actually asked him to be your fake boyfriend just so you weren’t alone. Maybe you should just ask him, he is just hanging out on the beach with his feet in the sand and the gentle waves in front of him.
 Before you could even realize it, you were already walking towards him, your feet were moving on their own. It was like a magnet that was pulling you to Jungwon. Next thing you know, you were standing next to him, “hey Wonie, do you mind if I sit next to you?”
“Y/n? No, no, go ahead, I don’t mind,” Jungwon scoots over on the blanket to make room for you.
“Thank you,” you sat down next to him, making sure there was enough space between the two of you.Silence enveloped the both of you, but it was a comforting silence. Jungwon stared out at the sea while you watched the moonlight bask on Jungwon’s face. You're memorizing every detail; unbeknownst to you, you aren’t meaning to. That was until Jungwon caught your eye, making you quickly look away. A small blush crept onto your cheeks, good thing it was dark, otherwise Jungwon would notice it.
“Hey, Y/n? Did you need something,” Jungwon turns to look at you, tilting his head in a questioning manner. 
“Uhm, yeah. I actually wanted to ask you something,” you also turn to look at him, you clear your throat. “This is kind of embarrassing to ask, but remember when we were joking about pretending to date?  Well... What if we actually did? Just until this trip is over. I’m tired of seeing all the couples getting to be lovey dovey on the trip and getting to hang out with one another, it makes me want that. I also kept thinking of what it would be like if I were to be in a relationship while on this trip and the first person to pop in my head was you. So, would you like to be my fake boyfriend?’’
Jungwon looks at you, surprise painting his facial features. “Wait, really? You want to fake date me?”
“Yeah, I’ve actually been thinking about it since we had that conversation. I want to be able to hold someone’s hand while walking on the beach or through the streets. I want to be able to take couple pictures or have someone to kiss late at night. I want to be able to experience that on a road trip, even if it’s only for this trip,” you reply, looking away, slightly embarrassed about this whole situation.
 Jungwon takes your hand into his, interlacing your hands together, which causes you to look at him. “Yes. Yes I’ll be your fake boyfriend for the trip.” Your heart flutters and butterflies erupt. “I was also thinking about the conversation. A lot of my thoughts were similar to yours.I haven’t really experienced a relationship before, but when I first saw you, my heart fluttered. I wanted to talk to you, but I felt so shy and nervous around you. So, I’ll gladly be your fake boyfriend.” Jungwon smiles, a heart fluttering smile. You happily return his smile and squeeze his hand for comfort. The next thing you knew, you both were soaking wet. The waves from the ocean splashed onto the picnic blanket, soaking you. You both look at each other, incredulously, making you both laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
“Well, we better head back. We don’t want to catch a cold and it’s getting late anyways,” Jungwon says, helping you to your feet. He picks up the damp blanket off of the sand, softly shaking, trying to get as much sand off the blanket as he can. After shaking the blanket he holds it in his left hand and takes his right hand into your left hand, gently dragging you along with him, back to the others. You both let the calm ocean waves fill the silence as you walk hand in hand. Neither daring to break the comfortable silence.
“Ah! Jungwon stop,” giggles leave your mouth as Jungwon continues to splash you with water.
“But you're so cute when I tease you,” Jungwon replies, splashing you again.
The waves continued to crash on the shore and the both of you were walking hand in hand along the shoreside, but Jungwon kept bending down to splash you with water. Which caused giggles to erupt from you. Then it turned into an all out water fight, which you certainly weren't going to back down from, and it seemed like Jungwon wasn't either. 
After the water fight had ended, you declared yourself to be victor, but Jungwon thought he should be the winner, in the end you decided it was a draw. With clasped hands, you walked back to the jeep, soaking wet, yet again. “What happened to you guys,” Heeseung asks, bewildered at the sight in front of him. Sunoo looks over at all the commotion and then takes another bite of his sandwich.
You shrug your shoulders in response, “Jungwon wouldn’t stop splashing me, so we had a water fight, which I won by the way.”
“No, I won that fight,” Jungwon says, looking at you, a smirk upon his lips.
“No way, You may have started that fight, but I totally ended it,” you reply, arguing your side of the story.
“Why are you two holding hands,” Niki interrupts, rolling his eyes at your childish fight.
“Wait! Why ARE you holding hands? I swear you were holding hands when you both came back from the beach the other night. Looking back on it, you came back wet too,” Jake questions, an eyebrow raised, “you said it was just my imagination, but it doesn’t look like it now.”
“Maybe because she’s my girlfriend,” Jungwon answers nonchalantly. That caused Reyna to spit out her drink all over Heeseung, making everyone laugh in disgust, and Heeseung looked at his girlfriend, baffled.
“I’m sorry, what? Since when,” Sunghoon suddenly joins the conversation.
“Since the night at the beach,” You sit in a lounge chair next to Jungwon, trying to dry off in the hot sun. You also grab a sandwich from the picnic basket, immediately taking a bite out of it, letting the flavours flood your senses. 
“What? Who asked who,” Reyna looks at her younger brother expectantly, she takes another sip of her soda, which makes Heeseung move over a little. He’s hoping he doesn’t get sprayed again. 
“I did,” Jungwon cuts in, before you could say anything. You look at him confused because that is definitely not how you remember it. “I asked her to be my girlfriend.” Reyna beams at her little brother finally asking out his crush. Everyone else, they laugh, some fake cry at Jungwon growing up and becoming a man. You smile and enjoy the presence of everyone having a good time on the road trip. You are so happy that Jake asked if you wanted to go. Jungwon takes your hand into his and gives you a soft smile, silently telling you that this was how he truly felt.
Today was the last day driving through the coast and sleeping on the beach, soon you’ll be driving through the streets of different towns. You’re actually really excited to see new towns…with Jungown and of course everyone else too. Currently, Jungwon’s hand was interlaced with yours, your head was laying on his shoulder, and he was showing something to you on his phone, it was some of the recent couple pictures you guys took together. You guys looked good together, like a real couple who was completely head over heels for one another. Some of your friends would point out how cute you looked together or how Jungwon sometimes looks at you as if you put the stars in the sky. If only they knew that your entire relationship wasn’t real. How would they look at you then? They will never find out. Never.
You ended up falling asleep with your head on Jungwon’s shoulder. Jungwon made sure to make you comfortable and that when you would eventually wake up, your neck wouldn’t ache. He was caressing the back of your hand with his fingers. Every once in a while he would reach up and with feather-like touches, caress your cheek with his fingertips. Quietly humming along to the radio, lulling you back to sleep. In that moment, you knew that you didn’t want to be in anyone else’s arms but Jungwon’s.
You feel yourself getting shaken awake. You open yours to see Niki roughly pushing you. “Niki what are you doing,” you reply groggily, you rub your eyes trying to get the sleep out. You stretch out  your stiff arms. You notice that Jungwon was no longer in the car with you, neither was Heeseung or Reyna.
“Waking you up, dumbass. We’ve arrived at the coast, so you better enjoy the day since it’s the last night on the coast for now,” Niki replies, dragging you out of the car.
“I’m awake, I’m awake. Yeah, don’t we have a big barbeque planned for the night? Did anyone bring board games with them,” you ask the group, stretching your legs after being cramped up in the car for so long.
“Yeah, we have a couple of games planned for the evening, but I also brought some board games. Please try not to lose the game pieces in the sand, it would be impossible to find them if they ever fell in the sand. Anyways, I also brought some ice cream from the convenient store, so let’s eat that while we wait for Heeseung to grill the meat. We can also play a couple of games too,”  Jake says getting up from the lounge chair, “Hoonie, can you help me set up a couple of tables? We need a table for the meat, so let’s bring this one over near the grill. We need to put it in between the bonfire pit and the barbeque.” Jake drags one end of the table to the proper place. “Okay, now can you grab the end of that table over there? Now help me drag over here. It's going to go in between the chairs here. Perfect! Now we have a board game table, but most importantly, our dinner table!"
Everyone cheers at the completion of the barbeque party. Jake went to one of the jeeps and pulled out a couple of board games. “Alright, I have a few board games as well as some card games like Uno. I thought we should start off the evening with truth or dare like the grown adults we are,” Jake sat on the lounge chair next to Sunghoon, setting the games onto the sand. But he puts uno on the table. Guess, we’ll be playing that afterwards.
“Truth or dare? Really Jake? What are we, middle schoolers,” Niki asks with sarcasm dripping from his tongue.
“I mean, aren’t you a middle schooler,” you tease your younger brother.
“Watch it Y/n. Don’t forget I’m a giant.”
“Yeah a giant baby,” you say, continuing to tease Niki. 
“Fine then. Truth or dare Y/n? If you say truth, then you’ll become the giant baby. In fact, let’s make a deal. I’ll let you call me giant baby if you pick dare and never once back down from one this entire game. If you do, then I get to call you tiny crybaby. Do we have a deal,” Niki asks, a conniving smirk present on his lips.
You knew that smirk, it was his infamous troublemaker smirk, but you being you, you couldn’t back down from a challenge and Niki knew that more than anyone. “You have yourself a deal!”
“Alright then, truth or dare? Or should I say dare or dare,” his smirk widens.
“I don’t know why you bothered asking when you already know what I’m going to reply. But nonetheless I choose dare,” you roll your eyes.
Everyone was watching you both bicker back and forth. They were at the edge of their seats, waiting for Niki to give you a good dare to start the evening barbeque party. “I dare you to kiss Jungwon.” Everyone’s excited glances dropped after Niki said that and started to say how boring and stupid the dare. Meanwhile both yours and Jungwon’s face was on fire. “Well it might seem lame or stupid, but I know my sister. I don’t think they’ve kissed yet. Look at their reactions when I said that.” 
Of course we haven’t kissed yet! We’re not even dating stupid! “Fine Niki, I’ll do your stupid dare.” You got out of your chair and stood in front of Jungwon. Now this is something everyone is anticipating. You kneeled down in front of him and whispered so quietly so that only the two of you could hear, “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I don’t mind being called a tiny crybaby if it means you won’t be uncomfortable..” 
“I’m not uncomfortable Y/n…Are you?”
You shake your head, a small smile graces your lips, “not at all.”
Jungwon swallows nervously, “Well then. If we’re on the same page, let’s kiss then…even if it’s in front of all of our friends, your brother, and my sister.” 
You lightly chuckle, “mmm, alright.”
Jungwon softly smiles and cups your face with his hand. The setting sun hits your face and his heart speeds up. The sun is creating a spotlight effect to where all he can see is you. He only wants to see you. It’s like he's seeing you for the first time and in this moment he’s finally realizing that he’s truly and deeply in love with you. He’s memorizing every detail of your face, as much as he can while he’s allowed to be this close to you. Slowly, you start to lean in and just like a magnetic pull, he leans in too. And ever so lightly, your lips touch. When they finally touch, you both jump in surprise, like a jolt of electricity runs through your veins. Jungwon decided right then and there, kissing you was the best thing in the entire world nor did he ever want to stop.
For you? You felt the same way Jungwon did. You were extremely nervous to kiss him for the first time and once your lips touched? You poured all of your feelings into the kiss, hoping Jungwon would return yours. Everyone watching could tell that you were both inexperienced but that the kiss was full of love and passion. Anyone could tell that you absolutely and profoundly loved one another.
Slowly and reluctantly, you pulled away from each other. You opened your eyes and stared at each other. Observing one another. Memorizing each other. That was until someone decided to break the moment and clear their throat. “We get it, you love one another, now can we get back to the game,” Niki says, biting back a laugh. Everyone chuckles, also eager to get back to the game. Silently you go back to your seat, thinking about the kiss you shared with Jungwon.That was your only thought for the rest of the game.
You guys finally finished the game of truth or dare. The next game was Uno, but since the sun was down and the moon was rising, it was also time for dinner so Heeseung and Jake got left out to start the barbeque. Heeseung started cooking the meat, while Jake was left to cook the ramen and rice. The rest of you enjoyed several games of Uno and a few rounds of Cards Against Humanity. You won’t lie, you absolutely wiped the floor with the others. They had no chance of winning against you, except in the few last rounds of Uno. Jungwon tempted you with more kisses if you let him win, which you happily accepted. The day ended with laughter, stomachs full of food, and hearts full of love. Maybe even sneaky kisses shared between you and Jungwon.
It’s the first day of not driving along the coast. Today and for the next week, you’ll be driving through the town and exploring the streets of new towns. Your eyes were wide with excitement at each passing building. The current town you were in was having a festival today, so you all decided to park at a cheap motel and walk around town. You and Jungwon were hand in hand walking through the vibrant streets, looking at the different shops that you passed by. Every once in a while, one of you would quickly drag the other into one of the shops and buy something that really caught your eye.  However, in one instance you left Jungwon on the street so that you could run into one of the shops and buy something. Jungwon did the same thing to you so you didn’t mind nor did he. 
You both were enjoying each other’s presence and soaking up each other’s energy. You were swinging your hands as you continued to chat about anything and everything. You ran into Heeseung and Reyna while walking aimlessly through the chaotic streets. “Hey guys! Having fun? Ooo! I see that you guys went shopping,” Reyn exclaims with excitement. She’s practically bouncing off the walls. 
“Hey! How are you guys? Yes we did little window shopping until we found a few things that we liked so we decided to get some stuff. They were pretty reasonably priced as well,” you respond, matching her energy.
“Hey! How are you guys? Yes we did little window shopping until we found a few things that we liked so we decided to get some stuff. They were pretty reasonably priced as well,” you respond, matching her energy.
“Well, would you like to join us? We’re going to grab one of the funnel cakes that I saw passing on our way to the motel. Then we’re going to meet up with the others in the town square for dinner,” Heeseung asks, wrapping his arm around Reyna’s waist. 
You look over at Jungwon silently asking him with your eyes. “Yeah, that sounds like fun! We were actually thinking of getting some soon,” Jungwon replies, squeezing your hand in a loving manner. 
“Okay, let’s go then,” Reyna says, looping your arm with hers, pulling your hand away from Jungwon’s. You try to reach out for Jungwon’s hand to clasp your hands together again, but Reyna is dragging you away from him and Heeseung looped his arm with Jungwon’s. “Don’t worry Y/n. I just want to have a little girl talk, let the boys have their boy talk. I wanted to ask you something. How is Jungwon treating you?”
“Good. Really good, I’m really glad to have met him and that I get the pleasure of calling him mine,” you smile, thinking back to when you first met him and now when you get to call him your boyfriend, even if he’s your fake boyfriend. He’s definitely the best boyfriend you’ve had out of all of your relationships. 
“I’m glad. If he acts up, tell me and I’ll give him a stern talking to. But seriously, I can tell that the both of you truly love one another. Take good care of him for me,” Reyna smiles and ruffles hair.
“I…I will. I promise Reyna,” you reply, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. You try not to cry in front of her. She must never know that this is fake. What are you going to do once the trip is over? Not only are you going to break Reyna’s heart, but yours as well because you  fell for Jungwon. First love truly makes you fall the hardest.
You tore off a piece of funnel cake and shoved the doughy bread into your mouth, letting the powdered sugar coat your tongue. Happiness surges through your body at the taste of the delightful treat. You go to tear off another piece of the funnel cake, but Jungwon holds out a piece for you to eat with a small smile on his lips. You happily eat the piece of funnel cake and Jungwon kisses your forehead. Moments like these really make you think you both are in a relationship and that you both are madly in love with one another….you are but you don’t know if Jungwon feels the same. Moments like this also break your heart because your relationship will inevitably end.
The window was down and a cool breeze was blowing into the car making your and Jungwon’s hair messy. Your nose was in a book, but your mind was everywhere, but the words on the pages. It was the first day driving back on the coast and the final week of your trip. You couldn’t believe that the trip was already almost over and your time with Jungwon was running out. The eight of you were heading to your campsite for the evening and tonight you had something planned for Jungwon, something you’ve been meaning to do for a while. 
Once you arrived at your destination, you made sure to pull Jungwon aside for a quick chat. And currently, you were sitting in silence with the tension high. You didn’t know how to form the words you wanted to say to him, so you settled with grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers, making him look away from the crashing waves and to you. You swallowed hard, mouth running dry, “so it’s the final week…when do you want to break up?”
“Uh, I guess the final night should be fine,” Jungwon’s tone had some sadness to it as if his heart was breaking at the thought of losing you.
“Okay, that works for me too. Before that happens though, I wanted to give you something. I bought you something in that first town we visited, actually that’s why I didn’t want you to go in with me. Here,” you hand him a small glass charm in the shape of a bird. He carefully takes it out of your palm and tears slowly fall down his face. “Wonie, why are you crying? Do you not like it?”
“No, I love it. It’s just, I can’t believe it’s almost over and I actually got you something too. I did the same thing,” he grabs a small cat charm out of his pocket and hands it to you. Tears start streaming down your face as well. All the feelings you’ve been feeling this past few weeks started pouring out all at once. You’re not ready to let Jungwon go, you don’t think you can ever let him go. You both silently cry while sharing a passionate kiss, trying to not let the other one go, but too afraid to tell the other how you truly feel about the other.
It was the final day for your trip. Which means it was the last day you get to call Jungwon your boyfriend. It’s going to be a hard day. You can already tell how the final night of your vacation is going to go. Your hand was desperately holding onto Jungwon’s. You don’t want to have to say goodbye, but a deal is a deal, you can’t keep him forever if he truly was never yours to begin with. Who knows, maybe there’s some girl at his school that he was waiting to finally ask out, but then here you come asking him to pretend to be your fake boyfriend. Fuck. You can already feel the tears wanting to pour out, but you can’t. Not here, not in front of everyone else. They can’t know that you’re hurting because tonight you’ll be losing the one person who treated you like you were the only thing that mattered. You clutched the cat charm in your palm, letting the metal dig into your skin, hoping that it wouldn’t be painful. Telling you that this was all just a dream. That you wouldn’t be losing Jungwon for another week. But when the metal dug into your skin, it started to sting, now you knew that this wasn’t a dream. That tonight, before the final barbeque party, you’ll be parting ways with Jungwon.
You let out a deep sigh, causing everyone to turn and look at you in confusion, but you shake your head, quietly telling them that you were fine. However, Jungwon knew that wasn’t the truth because he knew that tonight would be the final night he would be allowed to kiss you. This would be the final night he had the chance to tell you how he felt and if he didn’t, he would lose you forever. So, he took your hand into his, pressing a gentle kiss onto the back of your hand, silently telling you that everything would be okay.
But everything wasn’t okay. While everyone was chatting at the game tables playing games, you and Jungwon were sitting on a rock together. Heeseung and Jake were already starting to cook the meat for the final barbeque party, so you thought it was now or never. It was time to break up with Jungwon. You didn’t know how you were going to keep it together having to go back to the camp and act like everything was okay even when it wasn’t. Tears were already forming and neither of you haven’t even said anything yet. 
“Well, I guess this is where we break up. It was a pleasure being your fake boyfriend Y/n. I’m really glad I got to know you and call you mine even if it was only for a little while. I hope we get to stay friends after this,” his voice cracked with each word he said to you. His heart was cracking at the same time. If you listened closely, you could probably hear both of your hearts breaking at the same time as if it was glass.
You chewed on your bottom lip, trying to force the tears to not fall, and you slowly nod your head in agreement, “Yeah. I hope so too.” Your voice was strained as if you were crying for hours, but to be truthful, you probably have been. You sniffle, letting the tears rain down your face. And at that moment, Jungwon watching you break down and cry, made his heart shatter in a million pieces knowing that you were hurting because of him. He couldn’t help but cry as well.
You went back to camp first, not being able to see Jungwon’s face anymore nor being around the scent of his cologne, the scent of home. Everyone was worried when they saw your eyes puffy and red. Niki instantly went to comfort you, having a small idea of what happened between you and Jungwon. He got even more of a hint when you asked if you could switch with Sunoo and share a car with him. He immediately agreed, but worry for you began to bubble inside him. 
His worry for you grew when you wouldn’t leave your room for weeks, barely coming out to eat food that he and Sunoo made. Sunoo was also extremely worried for the both of you. He would visit Jungwon every once in a while. When he went to visit him just last weekend, his sister was over taking care of him because he hadn't bothered to leave his room either. You both were in the same state of depression. It was clear to both Niki and Sunoo that you both had broken up, but why? You both were perfect for each other. 
Both him and Sunoo stood in front of your bedroom door. Neither one of them dared to open it, scared to see you sobbing over Jungwon again. But Niki had to make sure you were okay. He had to make sure the person he looked up to was okay. He had to. He also had to know why you broke up with Jungwon. So, he opened the door and his heart cried for you. Seeing you curled in a ball, tissues scattered all around you, plates and bowls stacked sky high, some of them still had leftover food in them. He ran to you and immediately engulfed you in a hug. Which caused you to start sobbing some more. You’ve been crying so much that no tears would fall, but you knew they would. He knew then that you weren’t okay. He knew then that you were heartbroken. 
“Y/n, what happened? If I may ask. I just want to know why you guys broke up. You guys were so perfect for one another,” Niki asks, cradling you into his chest, still hugging you.
“We weren’t perfect for one another. We weren’t even dating,” you sniffled, snuggling deeper into NIki’s chest. Sunoo comfortingly rubbed your back. 
“What do you mean?”
“We were fake dating,” you replied curtly, causing Sunoo to gasp in surprise.
“What? Why,” Sunoo asks, a confused look filled his face.
“Because, I wanted to experience what everyone else was on the road trip. We were originally joking about it on our way to our first stop, but then I thought it was a great idea. So, I asked him and he agreed that once the road trip was over that we would break up. But, what I didn’t plan for was to actually fall in love with him. Pathetic, right? Unrequited love strikes again,” you respond, wiping your face with another tissue.
“No. I don’t think it is.” You look over at Sunoo, “What do you mean?” “He means, it’s not pathetic. Nor do we think it's unrequited love,” Niki combs his fingers through your very tangled hair.
“Yeah right. Then why wouldn’t he say anything?” “Maybe he was scared. Why didn’t you?”
“Because I was scared…”
“Tell him,” Sunoo replies, looking serious as ever.
“What? I can’t just tell him!”
“You can and you will. You better go take a shower or I will drag your ass in there  and turn the shower on while you're still clothed with no remorse,’ Niki threatens, getting off of your bed getting ready to drag you.
“Okay, okay,” you put up your hands defensively and head to the shower with a fresh pair of clothes in your hand.
You seriously don’t know what you’re doing here. You have no idea how you let Niki and Sunoo talk you into this. You let out a deep sigh and knocked on the door in front of you. When it swung open, there stood a somewhat angry looking Reyna, “What the fuck do you want?”
“I want to talk to Jungwon.” “Well, I highly doubt he wants to talk to the person who broke his fucking heart.”
“Please, let me explain.”
Reyna sighs and opens the door wider for you to enter, “fine, but I’m not letting you see Jungwon unless I like your explanation.”
You explained, you told her everything about the whole fake dating, to how you developed real feelings for you and how you came here to tell Jungwon that you fell in love with him. But what you didn’t know was that Jungwon was listening in on the conversation. He heard every word you said about, so he opened his bedroom door, letting his presence known to you and Reyna. You looked up at him in surprise and chewed on your bottom lip out of nervousness. 
“I heard everything,” he steps closer to you. Reyna takes that as her cue to leave and so she does.
“You did? And?”
“And do you feel the same? Do you love me too?”
You don’t know when Jungwon arrived in front of you, but when he did, his lips were on yours in an instant. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist. You pulled each other in closer, never wanting to let the other go this time. And when you do finally pull away from the kiss, slightly breathless, you smile for the first time in weeks. 
“Y/n…I fell in love with you at first sight. I kept hearing about you from the boys and I just knew you were my summer breeze…I love you.”
“I love you too, Jungwon.” 
You shared another passionate kiss together, but that is just the very beginning of your love story.
Enha taglist: @mhyori1117 @enhasfever
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mhyori1117 · 2 years
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Johnny @ The 2022 Met Gala
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