mikosaura · 5 years
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Oh no! The worst thing you can imagine has happened...
When a crystal breaks, you may feel sad or even broken-hearted. This damage seems irreversible and hopeless. You might have feelings of guilt surrounding the damaged stone. After grieving the loss, you may be wondering what to do with broken pieces. Read on for ideas, tips, and suggestions.
This may seem like an odd question. Can a crystal feel anything? Well, of course it can but maybe not in the same way that humans feel. Hold the pieces of stone in your hand and close your eyes. What images come to mind? What do you sense energetically? The crystal will vibrate with a message and it is up to you to receive the message and decipher it.
Does the crystal feel sad or is it happy to be liberated? You may think of a break as disastrous, but to some crystals this is a chance to start afresh as a new energy form.
If the crystal is happy to have been broken, place it somewhere to recharge and you now have two crystals to work with!
If the stone is not happy and both pieces seem to want to be together, you'll want to try to repair it...
Use an adhesive that is safe for use on stones: it won't change the color of the crystal and can go in water if you plan to use water to cleanse this crystal in the future.
After applying the adhesive, hold the crystal pieces together tightly with your hands and imagine white light filling the crystal, joining it together. Do this for approximately about two minutes (or however long the adhesive packaging instructs. Once the glue has dried, leave the newly reformed crystal buried in a plant for two to six weeks.
If you don’t have a plant, you can use a bowl filled with dirt or some sand in a dish.
For a very delicate crystal, join it with its other piece and then wrap it in a white cloth and place on top of the soil rather than buried in the planter.
If you feel the crystal is very damaged, partly fill a bowl with some soil. Wrap the stone in the white material and bury it in the dirt. Leave for a couple of weeks and then check on it. Some crystals may be fine after a short amount of time, but others may take weeks to get over the shock and will require a couple of months.
Some crystals chip instead of breaking. Find out whether the crystal is sad or happy without the chip.
If both pieces want to be together, you can try gluing by the same method listed above. If the chip is very small, you're crystal might just need to get over itself.
If the crystal is very happy without the chip, try this:
place the small piece in dirt to help a plant grow
use it in a medicine bag
start a collage made out of crystal chips
use it to make portable grids
decorate a picture frame box, or mug
add it to candle wax to boost its energy
When a crystal shatters, you may be tempted to sweep up the mess and throw it out, but there are a lot of things you can use the crystal dust for.
mix it in with paint and use it when painting your walls or making artwork
sprinkle it around the house for protection
add it to candle wax or pour it into a candle holder around the base of a candle.
As you spread the dust around give thanks to the crystal(s) for helping you with an intention or just bringing good energy in.
A broken crystal can be a blessing. It can teach us to see the positive in an unwanted situation. The break or chip gives us the opportunity to help heal the stone or to extend the joy of the crystal to other areas or our life. Try to be creative and see where the crystal takes you.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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In a world full of polarity, with positive energy you will almost certainly find the negative. You have probably encountered negative energy before but may not have recognized it. Some common experiences from encountering negative energy include:
a “gut feeling”
a sense of unease
nausea, pressure on the body
a humming sound
a dark mist
a sense of doom
emotions that shift quickly
If you suspect that you may have encountered negative energy, or a wondering what to do for future reference, then you’ll want to read on...
Have you switched cleaners in your home or hygiene routine? Some chemicals commonly found in everyday items can have adverse effects on our bodies. Could there be a gas leak or some other environmental pollutant in your home? Make sure to check the sources for these types of invaders.
If you can rule out these causes, you may be in the presence of negative energy.
Negative energy likes to collect where  energy is stagnant. Corners are a primes area to collect unwanted energy. Energy can become stagnant in the following circumstance:
too much clutter
no sunlight
no air circulation
little room to move around
Physical items give off unfavorable energy when they are no longer useful to you or do not bring you fond feelings, even if it is technically valuable. If you can, give items to people who will appreciate them, donate usable items, sell them if you want. Throw out things that are not usable. Surround yourself only with things that you love or have a positive association with.
Once you have removed broken, unwanted, or unneeded pieces, it's time to clean house. As you clean, set your intention to remove unwanted energies. Depending on the season you may wish to open windows and let fresh air flow through. Even a crack will help. Open curtains or blinds that may be blocking the sunlight from entering. Clean the glass in the windows with a natural product. You can make your own using essential oils (Clary Sage and Peppermint are great for cleansing energetically, Lemon for brightening) and vinegar or there are plenty on the market to purchase.
Imagine removing the unwanted energy along with the physical grime as you dust, sweep, mop, vacuum and wipe.
The physical cleansing is often enough to remove any negativity from your space, but if you would like you may wish to use music, chimes, singing bowls or other vibrations to disperse energy.
Smoke can also cleanse a space energetically, especially smoke produced from burning sage, Palo Santo, and incense. Place any of these in a fireproof/heatproof container and walk around your space, letting the smoke waft into each corner. Visualize it going through the walls and floor and dissolving anything that is polluting the room.
To seal the positive energy in place, mix water and a pinch of sea salt in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture around the perimeter of the room focusing on corners or areas where negative energy is prone to collect. Salt water does not interact well with electronics, woods, upholstery, or curtains. Use care when spraying near any of these.
Once you have physically and energetically cleaned the entire space you'll want to protect it from future negative energy that would like to make itself at home.
Infuse several selenite rods with your intention to protect the space from unwanted energies. Place one rod in each of the corners of the room. As you place a rod, imagine lines connecting it to each of the other rods to form a protective barrier.
To add more protection, try placing Smokey Quartz or Obsidian on each window sill and the top of each door frame in the room.
Infuse an Amethyst crystal with the intention to protect. Place it high on a book case, mantle, or shelf. From this position, the Amethyst can emit a spiritually protective light into the space. You could use a large Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Jet, Black Onyx, or Black Obsidian for this purpose.
Intention is what will make the biggest difference throughout this process. You can clean the whole day but without the intention, the work you did will not carry the same weight as someone who only did half the work, but had the intention to remove the negative vibrations.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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There is intense energy in the cosmos right now. We have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 16th and many planets are still in retrograde.
But the cards are telling us to take a big sigh of relief because we have calmer energy coming our way. We are reaching a resting point after much turmoil and stress. Your body will feel this stillness.
The 4 of Swords, also known as Truce, is sending us this powerful message. It knows how hard we have worked and is here to tell us we can take it easy for a bit.
We have pushed through challenges and made it through trying times. We now have some quiet space to rest and recover. It is also a time to build up our reserves for the next chapter of our journey.
If this seems like a much-needed message, make sure you really soak it up. Let your body feel restored in this period. Take nice long walks and baths. Drink some sparkling water with lemon. Let yourself feel proud of all your hard work.
This quiet time should also be put to good use. Do not let your brain go completely blank, instead use it to think clearly about what your next steps will be. Because you will experience less stress, your clarity will be heightened and you can make better decisions about what you want to do in the future.
Ask yourself: How best can you move forward? How can you build on your strengths? How can you consciously stay in a calm state? How can you be strategic about creating healthier relationships and personal patterns?
The answers will come to you during this time. You will be so connected to this peaceful place that you will work hard to keep this energy.
You will be less drawn to dramatic partners or situations. You will find yourself having healthier boundaries and saying no to things that are not serving you.
The 8 of Swords is also called Interference. The word ‘interference’ is speaking to all the thoughts in our head that are interfering in our ability to just listen to one thought at a time.
Sometimes we can be so clouded with overthinking that we eventually become paralyzed.
This is especially tricky when it comes to future planning. We might spend all our time ruminating about what could go wrong that we never take that next step.
The 8 of Swords wants us to use the energy of the 4 of Swords to focus on slowing down in order to think clearly and positively.
Once we have spent time thinking through our questions and strategizing for the future, it is time to put ourselves out there.
The 8 of Swords and the 4 of Swords both warn that we cannot spend too much time in the contemplation phase. We have to go out there and do!
Under the energy of the Lunar Eclipse will be a great time for restorative practices and quiet reflection. But towards the end of the week, we should take a risk.
We should go for what is in our hearts and push through our fears of failing. I truly believe we have the talent and strength to accomplish anything.
Mantra for the week: I deserve to rest in stillness. I am building up my confidence and I’m optimistic about the future.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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The mind can go in a thousand directions. But on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, a gentle wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Meditation is not just about sitting in silence. It is about allowing yourself to become one with the moment.
When you are meditating, you are not in the past, in the future, or lost in your thoughts; you are front and center in the moment, allowing your energy to mix with the energy of now.
Imagine your entire being as a ball of energy. Every time you think about something, reflect on something, or get lost in thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow, your energy becomes pulled in many directions. This neat ball of energy that you are becomes stretched, leaky, and scattered.
But if you bring all of your energy together by focusing on the present, on the here and the now, you enter into your truest power and your strongest form, and from this place, the best solutions and greatest inspirations can be found.
Allowing yourself to become one with the moment is also highly relaxing and has infinite benefits for your mind, body, and soul.
Many people feel that to meditate you have to sit in silence with a clear mind. While this is one way to meditate, it is not the only way to meditate.
While meditation can be brought into all aspects of your life, another great practice is a Walking Meditation.
Walking Meditation requires you become one with the moment but also one with the Earth.
As you place each foot on the ground, you are doing so consciously and with love. As you walk, you are becoming an observer to your surroundings and taking in whatever each moment brings your way.
Very often when we walk, our mind is elsewhere. We are anxious about arriving at our destination, or we think about 100 different things that take us out of the present moment.
In a Walking Meditation, the task is to become completely present. To let go of all thoughts and to simply allow your energy to merge with the nature around you.
As you take each step, you are allowing yourself to observe the sights and smells around you. You are allowing yourself to slow down and to see and feel what is really in front of you.
This evokes a sense of compassion and connection, not just with yourself but with the oneness around you.
The Buddhist monk and a practitioner of walking meditation, Thich Nhat Hanh says:
“You can take a step and touch the earth in such a way that you establish yourself in the present moment; you will arrive in the here and the now. You don’t need to make any effort at all. Your foot touches the earth mindfully, and you arrive firmly in the here and the now. And suddenly you are free—free from all projects, all worries, all expectations. You are fully present, fully alive, and you are touching the earth.”
By walking in this way, it creates a freedom, a peace, and a calmness that can allow you to be more productive, more creative, and more aligned when you have to step back into the real world.
If you would like to try a Walking Meditation, here is how to start:
For best results, it is recommended to do this daily for at least 10-20 minutes. Feel free to also bring your furry friends along with you!
Start by picking a route, somewhere out in nature works best but if you have to do city walking that is fine too. As you get more comfortable with the practice, you can also just walk freely and where your heart wants to take you, but to start, having a route can help.
As you place your first foot on the ground, say a quiet “thank you” to yourself, and begin walking. As you walk, try to just observe the sights, smells, and sensations around you. Really look, really smell, really feel in to what is in front of you.
If you notice any thoughts creeping in, switch your focus to the things that stand out to you, such as street signs, flowers, birds and so on. If you see something that catches your eye, allow yourself to look at it. Don’t pass judgment or get lost in your thoughts about it, just observe.
As you walk like this, you will start to become more mindful of your body and your breathing. If you feel any tension in your body just be gentle with yourself and try to soften into it using your breath. Try to breathe deeply and take nice long exhales.
When you reach your destination and as you take your final step, say a closing “thank you” quietly to yourself again.
Remember the idea is to make this effortless, so while you can take all these steps into consideration, the real art with this is just allowing yourself to be free in the moment.
A Walking Meditation is a great alternative to a regular seated meditation and is also a great way to clear your mind when you are feeling restless or agitated. Give it a try and see if it works for you!
“Our hurried steps print anxiety and sorrow on the Earth. If we can take one step in peace, we can take two, three, four, and then five steps for the peace and happiness of humankind.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
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mikosaura · 5 years
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The Capricorn Lunar Eclipse on July 16th is the most transformational point of 2019.
Under the energy of this Eclipse, we are going to be guided to come face to face with all we need to let go, all we need to release, and all we need to bring closure to.
Our fears are coming up from the surface, our pains are rising up from our past in order to be cleansed and released once and for all.
The Eclipse energies will be strong and we will feel them entwining with our own energy field, bringing us everything from revelations and awakenings, to anxiety, tears, and healings.
To help support you through this energy, here is a ritual idea, feel free to adjust or edit it as you need.
This ritual can be done anytime, but it is best done between the dates of July 11-29, 2019. You only have to do the ritual once.
Cleansing tool of choice (eg. incense, smudge sticks, etc.)
3 Candles (any color is fine)
3-4 big handfuls of uncooked rice (substitute with any other uncooked grain, bean or dried herb)
Pen and paper
Bowl of water
Your favorite essential oil
Glass of drinking water
1. Start by stretching your body for about 5-10 minutes. Just loosen out any knots, perhaps do some light jumping, yoga poses, or dance around the room for a moment. Just listen to your body and do what you feel to begin stretching and waking up your muscles.
2. Once you feel like your muscles are nice and relaxed, gather all your ritual ingredients. Place your candles in a triangle configuration with the bowl of water in the middle. All your other ingredients can be off to the side. Light your candles.
3. Take your cleansing tool of choice and begin cleansing your aura. Be sure to stand as you do this, you can also recite the following:
“I cleanse my energy with light and love. I release all heavy weight that is no longer serving me. I let go of any fears that are surrounding me and blocking me from moving forward. I release and let go of any pains or alignments that surround me now. I am light. I am love. I am cleansed. I am light. I am love. I am cleansed.”
After you have cleansed your own energy field, cleanse the space around you and your ritual ingredients. As you do, you can recite the following:
“I cleanse this space with light and love. Only love may dwell here. Only light may live here. My space is cleansed. My space is pure. My space is protected. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
4. Sit in front of your candle configuration, and meditate for 10 minutes, which will help to open, relax and soften you into these energies.
5. Once done, open your eyes and take your bowl of rice or grain or herb. Pick up some of the rice or grain you are using, and think about something you would like to release. Say out loud whatever you would like to release as you hold the rice and then drop or throw it into the bowl of water that is in the middle of the candles.
The idea is that the rice or grain acts as a conduit for whatever you are releasing. Do this 5-10 times or until all the rice is gone from the bowl.
Here is an example to guide you:
*holding a pinch of rice in your hands/fingers*
“I release and let go of my fear around not being good enough or worthy enough to go after the job that I really want.”
*throw/sprinkle rice into bowl of water*
6. Now, take your piece of paper and cut or rip it into three pieces. On each piece of paper, write down something you want to be resolved or completed in your life. You can also write down something you wish to bring closure to. It is ok if you repeat some of the things that already came up from the rice exercise earlier.
7. Once you are done writing it all down, fold up your three strips of paper. Take one of the strips of paper and hold it into the flame of the first candle. As you do this, recite the following:
“I release and let go. Thank you.”
Then drop the burning paper into the bowl of water.
Take your next piece and hold it into the second candle flame. As you do, recite the following:
“I am ready for closure. I am ready to move on. Thank you.”
Drop the second burning paper into the bowl of water.
Finally, take your last piece of paper and holding it into the last candle flame, recite the following:
“This cycle has ended. A new one can now begin. It is brighter. I am lighter. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Drop the final burning paper into the bowl of water.
8. Once the paper stops burning, take your finger and begin swirling the water around in an anti-clockwise motion. As you do, say the following or feel free to say whatever you feel in the moment:
“I am cleansing. I am letting go. I am releasing all that must go. My life is free, my light is clear. I am not one to succumb to my fear. I know the path forward, I know where my journey goes, Universe guide me so I may grow. I am open to the light. I am open to the love. I am open to the wholeness that flows from above. I am authentic me, I love myself and my life. Mother Moon, I thank you for this cleansing, thank you for this light. I am me. I am whole, and I trust the way in which the wind blows.”
9. Now, take a drop of the essential oil you are using and place it into the bowl. The essential oil will lift the vibration of what is inside the bowl. Now take your finger and stir the water in a clockwise direction. As you do this, just take 10 deep long breaths in and out. Try to clear your mind as you do this.
10. Once you are done with your breaths, stop stirring the water. Sit for a moment in silence reflecting on any emotions or feelings that have been stirred. If you like, you can simply journal or meditate.
11. Once ready to close the ritual, snuff out your candles and then take your bowl of water with the papers and the grain and discard it outside in the garden or bury it in the earth.
If you don’t have access to a garden, it is fine to drain the water down the sink and discard the paper in recycling. Just try to return the ingredients to earth as much as possible.
12. Once you have done this, take your glass of drinking water. Holding it in both hands, recite the following affirmation to charge up the water and then drink it:
“This water cleanses my spirit, it nourishes my soul. As I drink I will feel restored, healed, and awakened. As I drink this, my body, mind, and soul will feel at one.”
Happy Lunar Eclipse!
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mikosaura · 5 years
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On July 16th we have a Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. The Full Moon, which usually illuminates the night sky, will be partially hidden by the shadow of the Earth, creating an alignment that will bring new insights and information to the surface.
The energy behind this Eclipse is intense, and beams of energy will flow from the darkness and from the light to expose our shadows and things we have been hiding that we need to release.
While releasing and endings are a big theme of this Eclipse, there is something deeper happening here too. This Eclipse is not just guiding us to release and bring closure to things that have served their time, it is also guiding us to stretch; to stretch the limits of our mind, our body, and our soul.
We all know how good it feels after taking a big stretch. Knots can be released, you feel more aligned and elongated, and there is more space for blood and energy to flow freely.
That is the work of this Eclipse. It will be stretching us, cracking us, helping us to release the knots and tensions of the past. It will be stretching us from one end to the other so we can find our true alignment.
Under the energy of this Eclipse, we may feel like we are being stretched to our limits or pulled in two different directions. We may have to choose a path, or we may feel torn between one mode of action versus another.
A decision will have to be made, but the Eclipse will be your guide and will deliver the answers in the perfect timing.
While we wait to see which path is the best fit for our souls, we have to remember to keep stretching and opening.
We have to work on letting go of the things that we know have no place in our hearts and minds, as this work will free us up to make those judgment calls and decisions that will affect the next chapter of our lives.
If something in your life has been weak or crumbling, the Eclipse may also bring that final push you have been looking for. Lunar Eclipses don’t bring destruction but rather, they help to give things that are already on their way out that final push.
Stay open and see where this Eclipse guides you to release, to let go, and to bring closure.
This Eclipse is also connected to the Solar Eclipse we had back in January 2019, so think back to what themes or lessons you have been working on since this time. Chances are there is a little more learning and growing to do, so be gentle with yourself and try not to force things to flow.
Under the energy of the Capricorn Eclipse, we will also be reminded of how strong we really are.
Capricorn is represented by the mountain goat, and although it is small, it has the ability to climb any mountain it chooses.
Using its nimble-footing, the mountain goat can venture higher than most; it just has to believe in itself and be guided by the right motivation.
What is your motivation for doing what you are doing? What is your motivation for your actions and for your words?
Discovering what motivates you as you climb your own mountain will help give you the clues needed to make it the top.
When an intense Eclipse like this passes through our energy field, we may feel a little stuck or stagnant, and this can add to the need to question things like our motivation.
This questioning is necessary and important as it gets us to stretch our minds and to think differently for a moment. It allows us to open to new possibilities and to think about the things that are serving us and the things that are no longer.
While this questioning can be revealing, it can also be overwhelming and can create some anxiety and tension within our being. Understanding that this is part of the process can help, but so can trusting and knowing that you can do anything.
Repeat this to yourself 100 times if needed: “I can do anything. I am strong enough to work through anything that comes my way.”
The Capricorn Lunar Eclipse may also bring questions of power and status into play. We may see this playing out on the world stage or even in our own lives. We may be questioning who we have chosen to give our power to and what we have our chosen to prioritize in our lives.
As the celestial bodies in the sky align for this Eclipse, it is going to be like two armies meeting on opposing sides of a field.
Rather than fighting each other however, they are working together to bring healing, transformation, and growth to the person standing in the middle, and that person is you.
Once these two forces have pulled and stretched you, helped you to work through some knots and some tension, you are going to feel taller, lighter, and more open. Energy is going to be able to flow up and down and pass freely through your body, activating your soul and your energy centers.
Under the energy of this Eclipse, we have to be gentle with ourselves. We have to allow ourselves to gently stretch and breathe through the knots and tight spots. We have to inhale and exhale until we feel our bodies melt and open.
The July 16th Eclipse is one of the most potent and transformative points of the year, but we are ready for it, we are strong enough to handle it, and like all things in life- this too shall pass.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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With five different planets in retrograde, including Mercury, and the start of the Eclipse Season, we are about to go through the biggest death and rebirth of the year.
Reflecting on our behavior and facing uncomfortable feelings will be part of this work and the cards communicate the same message.
They want us to allow those around us to be our teachers and learn the important lessons. They want us to shed what needs to go and let die what no longer serves us. 
The Hierophant is the card of guidance. It is all about giving us messages on how to grow spiritually and how to go deeper.
You are ready to question institutions that you once followed unscrupulously. You are ready to expand your mind and let go of any restraining forces in your life.
Whether you go back to school or find a spiritual mentor to help on your new path, a teacher will enter your life in some way. You feel you have reached as high as you can get on your own and you need a guide to help take you to the next level.
However, there are a few things to look out for when a new teacher enters your life. A true Hierophant never sells themselves to you, the Universe will put them in your path naturally.
So trust your own intuition, if you feel uneasy about following a guide, listen to that feeling. Open your mind to the possibilities and use your own wisdom to bring a mentor to your life.
This card gives us signs not only in the form of a mentor, but also as a book, podcast, quote, or symbol. The messages you need are around you. They are letting you know what direction is next.
Sometimes our teachers can be people who challenge us or rub us the wrong way. It is the people we struggle with the most that show us what we need to work on in ourselves.
What bothers you in another person is often a reflection of something you don’t like about yourself. So allow those who push your buttons, as well as those you admire to support your learning.
With our second card this week, our first response might be fear. We are afraid to face whatever message the card is offering.
But we should not fear the Death card. It is not a card of darkness but a card of new beginnings. It is about letting go the heavy baggage we carry that make our steps more difficult. With Death, we are shedding the past and starting with a lighter load.
Death brings a powerful transformation. This change could feel somewhat disruptive or it could feel like a breath of fresh air.
Often we are afraid of change and afraid of the new. We are fearful because we crave permanence. We want to hold on to whatever we have, even if we need to let go.
But death is simply a transformation.
In tarot, Death is full of beauty. It is a deeply powerful and positive card. It means we are ready to let go of things that are causing us pain. We are ready to have a deep metamorphosis.
What part of you needs to die in order for you to live more fully?
Through connecting to our inner voice we will hear the message of what needs to be released. Whether it is an addiction, a toxic person, or a stagnant job, we are ready to let go.
With death there is always some pain. We need to acknowledge that there will be grief in letting go, even if we are releasing something that is bad for us.
When you connect with what needs to be released, honor this by doing a ‘Releasing Ceremony.’
Write what you want to let go of on a piece of paper, then give the paper its own transformation. This could include ripping it up and scattering it in the wind, letting it burn, or burying it in the earth. Whatever you choose, this ceremony will help honor the process of death.
When there is death there is also new life. This card gives me so much excitement because there is an abundance of creation in death. From the space of what you let go of there will be fertile energy.  It will allow you to create new and positive things for your life.
Mantra for the week: The world sends teachers that help me grow and expand.  I let go of baggage and welcome new energy.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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Chiron goes retrograde in Aries on July 8th until December 12th, 2019. This is the first retrograde Chiron has made since it entered Aries back in February of this year and during this time we will all be getting a gentle refresher before we move forward deeper into the work.
Chiron is known as the “wounded healer” and will spend until 2027 in the constellation of Aries. This long cycle means we will have plenty of time to work through the lessons and get used to the energy, however July 8th is a day of particular importance.
On this day, Chiron stands still before beginning its apparent backward movement through the cosmos. This pivotal day is one where we can really harness and lessons that are being sent our way, if we only stop and pay attention.
Chiron spends a good part of the year in retrograde, so it is hard to work out the themes and lessons during this period as eventually, we get settled into the energy and forget that it is there.
However, on the days that Chiron goes retrograde and goes direct, these are the times where we can get our clues. These are the times when the lessons of Chiron in Aries are felt on the deepest of levels.
This year, Chiron also goes retrograde in between two very potent Eclipses, so while it may be hard to hear Chiron’s voice among all the other energies, there are a few things we should pay attention to:
Our physical health and well-being: Chiron rules over healing, and Aries rules over the head. We may need to pay attention to illnesses involving the head, sinuses or eyes and to look deeper to ensure we are taking care of ourselves and listening to the wisdom of our body.
Our mental health and well-being: Chiron in Aries wants us to become authentic leaders of our own lives. It wants us to be proactive and to step out of the victim mindset. If we haven’t been doing this, we may receive a wake-up call or we may find that our thoughts around a particular situation or belief start to change.
Our emotional well-being: Chiron in Aries wants us to stand up for ourselves! If we have been failing to do so, or need to set some boundaries, issues in these areas may present themselves. This energy may also awaken old anger and push it to the surface for clearing.
Our spiritual well-being: Chiron in Aries will be guiding us to ask- “Who am I?”We may have to get real with ourselves on a deeper level and to figure out if our motivation for doing something is aligned with the person we want to be.
Our soul well-being: Chiron in Aries will be guiding us to reach levels of self-acceptance like never before. We all have wounds, we have all experienced traumas, and reaching a level of acceptance with this and knowing that despite it all we can still be whole, is the path to healing under this energy.
Chiron in Aries wants to see us step up in authenticity. It wants to see us become the leaders of our own lives. It wants us to become the truest and most courageous version of ourselves.
It doesn’t want us to get bogged down in thinking we are not good enough or worthy enough to lead the life of our dreams. It doesn’t want us to feel that the nightmares of our past mean we are disqualified from having a brighter and more meaningful future.
We don’t need to wear our wounds as a badge of honor. Instead we can just allow them to become part of who we are. We can allow them to lift us and guide us to become more compassionate, more caring, more trusting, and more loving people.
If you want to dig deeper into the work of Chiron in Aries, think back to what was happening for you around the following dates:
April 18, 2018
February 18, 2019
March 22, 2019
See if you can find any common themes or feelings that were taking place at this time, as this will help you to uncover more of what Chiron’s journey in Aries has in store for you.
After Chiron goes retrograde on July 8th, we will have a total of six celestial bodies in retrograde, meaning the cosmos is really guiding us to slow down, reflect, and to visit the past before moving forward.
July is a really pivotal month, but as Chiron is all about healing on the deepest of levels, take some time to honor this and to think about what messages and dreams Chiron is bringing your way.
Once Chiron goes direct again on December 12, 2019 we will all be ready to enter that next phase of healing brought to us by Chiron in Aries energy.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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In astrology, the Chiron asteroid symbolizes your deepest wound, your seed of spiritual transformation, and the alchemist of your life.
Whenever Chiron is active in your birth chart, it often brings about a healing of wounds that your soul has been sent to learn and grow from.
All of us come into this life with wounds to heal. These wounds are carried over from our previous lifetimes, but they can also be lessons that our soul is eager to learn. Sometimes our soul will take on these wounds and lessons in order to become a teacher or a guide.
In astrology, whatever sign Chiron falls in your birth chart can often indicate or give clues as to what wounds you have come to heal in this life.
No matter what sign your Chiron was in at birth, Chiron’s move into Aries is going to affect everyone.
Chiron moves signs very rarely, and when it does, it brings a shift in energy and leaves a lasting imprint that we will all be able to look and reflect back on once it has finished its journey.
To begin to understand Chiron’s move into Aries, we need to go back to 2010. It was around this time that Chiron shifted into Pisces. Chiron has been in this placement since then, and by understanding the past, it will allow you to make sense of the future.
In Pisces, Chiron has been guiding all of us to focus on healing our spiritual selves. Chiron has been asking us to awaken to our truth and to really dig deep into our psyche in order to uncover subconscious thoughts and beliefs.
While in Pisces, we have all been encouraged to activate and open our spiritual selves, and to understand that there is more to this life than just what we see.
Many awakenings have happened since Chiron’s entrance into Pisces, and this gentle placement has helped all of us to open our minds on some level.
Perhaps think back to what was happening in your own life regarding your spirituality since this time. Perhaps reflect on any subconscious thought patterns that were bought to your attention, or awakening  moments that helped to inspire and heal you.
By understanding this, it will allow you to gain some insight on what may unfold as Chiron enters Aries.
Chiron enters Aries on April 18th, but will hover in and out of Aries and Pisces until 2019. Even though we will start to get a taste of Aries Chiron energy during 2018, we will really begin most of the work in 2019.
It may also help to pay attention to what unfolds in your life around April 18, 2018 and February 18-19, 2019. If there are any significant shifts, thoughts or feelings, this may also hold a clue as to what this energy has in store for you.
On a global level, Chiron in Aries is all about healing our ego and our sense of self. This is a time for all of us to learn how to embrace who we are and to allow our ego to work for us, not against us.
This is also a time of self-realization, and coming into a new understanding of our individual uniqueness and what our purpose here on earth is. The fundamental question- Who am I? Will be explored under this energy on a whole new level.
Chiron in Aries is very physical, so our bodies may also be extra sensitive under this energy, and we may need to pay greater attention to our health. Any injuries or physical ailments may also come to the surface in order to be repaired and balanced once and for all.
While Chiron in Pisces was a very gentle and patient energy, Chiron in Aries is going to be a little more aggressive and quick moving.
Chiron in Pisces would have given us time to think, ponder, reflect, and dig a little deeper, whereas Chiron in Aries is all about taking care of things quickly and efficiently. We going to be encouraged to heal and resolve things swiftly and to not wallow in events that come our way.
Under the influence of Aries energy, we are going to be continually encouraged to get back up and dust ourselves off whenever we get knocked down. This energy feels like a bit of tough love that the Universe is sending our way in order to progress us further and faster.
It is important to understand that healing, grief, pain and sadness, is all part of life, and all part of the experience of being human.
Our souls are made of unconditional love and we will always return to this place, but here on Earth, we must allow ourselves to feel, and we must give ourselves permission to be who we are.
By the time Chiron has finished its journey in Aries in 2027, we are all going to have a greater acceptance of ourselves, and an understanding that our unique expression is important for not only finding our purpose, but for healing on both an individual and global level.
We are also going to have been able to clear and release any wounds regarding our self-worth and find the strength and courage to get back up, even when we feel battered and bruised.
Chiron in Aries is a strong and fierce placement that is going to help us all find our inner power and inner warrior. This energy is fiery, bold, and is going to help all of us to reach new levels of consciousness and awareness so we can heal on a whole new level.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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Mercury begins its retrograde in the sign of Leo on July 7th and finishes in the sign of Cancer on August 1st, 2019.
Mercury will spend most of its time retrograde in Cancer, which will flavor the energy of what this Mercury Retrograde is set to bring.
In the cosmic skies, Mercury likes to stay close to the Sun. The Sun likes having Mercury by its side as it plays the role of messenger.
Mercury captures and writes down whatever the Sun needs or feels is important, and Mercury is the only one who is trusted with such an official role. But every so often, Mercury begins straying from the Sun’s side and dips out of view into the dark.
It does this not to be mischievous, but rather because it wants to make sure the Sun hasn’t missed any important information or messages along the way.
Mercury travels through the dark, through the land of dreams, and the subconscious to ensure that no important facts, insights or information has been left by the wayside.
The Sun without its messenger is a little lost for a while, which is why this period can be frustrating for the Sun. But, it knows that Mercury’s mission is important, and very soon it will emerge by its side once again with new insights, new information, and important facts that may have been forgotten or missed.
Of course, in this cosmic story, you are the Sun, and your own little messenger, Mercury is touring the subconscious realms of your mind to ensure that you have haven’t missed or skipped over any vital clues or information.
If you have, Mercury will bring these to your attention just before, during, and just after the retrograde period. Therefore if you notice any communication issues, delays, or things cropping up from your past, know that it is Mercury’s way of bringing you important messages and wisdom that you need to look at before you can move forward.
Mercury’s retrograde through Leo and then through Cancer will set the theme that we will all feel to varying degrees.
For the brief period of time that Mercury is in Leo, we will be reminded of the importance of needing to take ownership of our lives. Mercury will help us to do this by bringing things to our attention that we need to own up to or take responsibility for.
As Mercury travels into Cancer, we are going to be reminded that before we can really step up and take ownership of our lives, we have to first settle things “at home”.
Settling things at home is about settling into yourself, into your body, mind, and soul. It is about feeling at home inside of yourself no matter what is going on around you or through you.
Before we can own and take responsibility for our lives and become the leader we were destined to be, we first have to be comfortable within ourselves.
In order to let our hair down and be the freest, most authentic version of who we are, we first have to love ourselves, and all of this is going to be a major theme under this retrograde energy.
Mercury Retrograde is something everyone likes to blame things on, but really, it is a time where we are forced to deal with the things that we overlooked and the important facts that we failed to observe the first time.
It is our opportunity to play catch up and to revisit things so we can be certain they are what we want before moving forward.
As July’s Mercury Retrograde falls just a few days after the Solar Eclipse, it really is nice timing, as whatever the Eclipse stirs or brings our way, we will have time to digest, reflect, and ponder things for a while.
Eclipses bring change, whereas Mercury Retrograde wants us to pause before making a change, and this will be a welcomed pause which we can all use to ensure we are stepping forward into a more authentic future, rather than one that is old, overdone, and not for our highest growth.
July’s Mercury Retrograde makes it five planets in retrograde throughout the month, which seems like a sign from the Universe that all of us need to spend some time reflecting and revisiting things before moving ahead.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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The Sirius Gateway opens every year from July 3rd-7th. During this time, we are able to tap into and open to the higher frequencies from the Sirius star with greater ease.
Sirius is known as our Spiritual Sun, and the ancients believed it was a place of higher consciousness, technological advancements, and a portal to higher realms.
In some ancient cultures, it was believed that souls passed through Sirius in order to access heaven.
Many ancient cities were built in alignment with Sirius as it was believed that the vibrations of this huge star could reign down and deliver higher frequencies to help in the advancement of life on Earth.
Sirius is also believed to be home to highly advanced beings that have access to strong intuitive and psychic abilities as well as radically advanced technology.
Many people from planet Earth feel a strange connection with Sirius or that Sirius could have once been their home in a previous or parallel life.
During July 3-7, we can all access the light energies of Sirius, and if we open ourselves, we may even be able to receive downloads and messages that help us to awaken our consciousness further.
If you want to know how to access the energies, here are some things you can try:
Your third eye, which is located in the center of your forehead, is the seat of your soul and the birthplace of your intuition and psychic abilities. To activate your third eye, hover your hand a few inches above your third eye center and begin moving your hand in an anti-clockwise direction. Do this for 1-2 minutes. Then, shake off your hand and begin moving it in a clockwise direction for another 1-2 minutes. The anti-clockwise motion cleanses your third eye while the clockwise motion opens and activates it. Once you have done this, spend some time meditating, journaling, or in nature so you can open to any insights or downloads from the cosmos, your guides, or higher self.
A great way to receive insights and downloads is through automatic writing. To begin, start by journaling for 10-20 minutes. During this time, get everything you are thinking about out on paper so you can have a clear mind. When you can’t write anymore, ask Spirit, the Universe, or your Higher Self a question. Write the question down and then begin writing the answer. Don’t worry if the answer seems to come from you at first, the more you keep writing and allowing a stream of consciousness to flow, the greater chances you have of receiving some divine guidance.
Meditating is one of the best ways to open your heart and mind to receiving these highly advanced Sirius vibrations. It is designed specifically for helping you to tap into the Sirius Gateway as well as the other energies that we have through the month. You can also meditate using your breath as well. Try breathing in for 4 counts, holding your breath for 4 counts, and exhaling your breath for 8 counts. Repeat this 10 times to start with and see if it helps to calm and still your mind.
Crystals are a great way to tap into this energy. Charge your crystals with the energies of the Sirius Gateway by setting an intention and leaving them out overnight. Use your intuition to draw you to which crystal is best. If you like, you can write an intention on a piece of paper and place it under the crystal as you charge it. In the morning, take your crystal and begin meditating or holding it. Try to keep it close to you all day so it can transfer the energies to you. You can repeat this every night that the Sirius Gateway is active (July 3-7th) if you wish.
The Sirius Gateway is a magical time so open yourself to the energies, follow your intuition, and see what spiritual awakenings and insights are waiting for you!
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mikosaura · 5 years
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The cards knew their message had to be strong this week so they sent the brother and sister of the same suit.
The gentle but powerful energy of the pentacles is guiding us this week under the influence of the New Moon Solar Eclipse.
The picture of the cards is in front of a blooming borage plant. This plant has lovely edible purple flowers and many medicinal uses. Borage is a source of Vitamin B and Omega fatty acid. It is used to stimulate breast milk and reduce stress.
Many people have borage in their garden to attack pollinators and protect neighboring plants against pests and disease. This super plant is full of uses and just one of the many ways connecting with nature can enrich our lives.
The Daughter and Son of pentacles are most alive when outdoors and they call us to connect more with the natural world. They want us to spend time in the wilderness for healing and wisdom.
Under the New Moon Eclipse, we think about new beginnings. What seeds do we want to plant and what will we grow into during our next cycle? The natural world is always changing and evolving, and so are we.
The Daughter of Pentacles is a planner. She is hardworking, responsible, and takes care of business. She doesn’t want the spotlight, but instead makes sure everything goes smoothly behind the scenes.
The Daughter of Pentacles is here to support you during this time. Do you need help with logistics and details? Do you need someone to keep things moving along?
Her energy will help us tap into our planning mode. We will be able to tackle projects and to do list with more ease and vigor.
The Daughter is about stepping away from the spotlight and social calendar to get things done. Use these skills under the New Moon Eclipse to put things into motion.
What have you been putting off? And what work do you need to start? You will be able to accomplish a lot this week if you give yourself the time. You might even be more productive if you spend a moment in nature as well.
There is so much wisdom in the Son of Pentacles but there is also a lot of heaviness. This card tells us we have gone through hard times and feel the obstacles with each move.
We are not light and breezy when it comes to making decisions or taking steps forward. We have experienced pain and loss and it informs our behavior.
We could feel depressed by the number of struggles we have gone through and our inability to fully let them go, or we could embrace our past as something that makes us wiser, stronger, and more compassionate.
We carry heavy burdens that have changed us as people, but these changes make us the people we are today. The things we have gone through give us special skills and strengths that no one else has. They are unique to us because our experiences are unique to us.
We have grown in our empathy and our perceptions of life. We can feel and see things we couldn’t before. We know how to support people in ways that match what they truly need. We also can see through things that would have tricked us in the past.
Traditionally, the Son of Pentacles is slower moving and takes time to make decisions. They do this in order to think deeply about what is their next step.
The pains of their past have given them wisdom and insights. They use this knowledge to think through all the scenarios and what could go wrong.
The Daughter of Pentacles helps us put action steps behind our thoughtful decisions. Together the cards act as a team to help us to move forward. We have the wisdom of the Son and the commitment of the Daughter.
Use their energy this week to move your life forward. Make some tough calls, plant seeds, and get things done. We are being called by the energy of the moon and the power of the natural world. We are always growing.
This is mantra I have used before, but it is so fitting for this week. Say this rhyme under the influence of the New Moon Eclipse and see what magic occurs.
Mantra for the week: My past has made me strong and smart, my heart lets go of fear. Doors open all around and the blessings of life appear.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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The Cancer Total Solar Eclipse on July 2nd is going to bring a wave of opportunity our way. These opportunities will be helping us to change up our routine and bring more inspiration and motivation into our lives.
We may also feel guided to think about our home and family situation and to bring more balance or boundaries when it comes to who we choose to give our time to.
Of course, everyone is going to feel the effects of the Eclipse differently, but for clues, you may want to look back to what was happening in January 2019, as events from that time are linked to what is unfolding now.
To help you navigate through the energies, to help you open to the opportunities, and to invite the nurturing and intuitive energy of Cancer into your life, here is a ritual to guide you-
This ritual is best done from June 29-July 13th, 2019
Cleansing tool of choice (Eg. smudge sticks, incense, oils etc.)
Pen and paper
1 white candle
Crystal of choice (I really like amethyst for this but you can choose whatever you feel drawn to)
1. Have all your ritual ingredients out in front of you. Light your candle and sit before it, gently gazing on the flame. Take 5 deep breaths in and out just to calm yourself and settle your mind.
2. On your next 5 breaths, recite the following mantras. The best way to do it is to read the mantra aloud and then take a deep breath in and out. If you like you can also place your right hand over your heart as you do this.
I prepare myself for the work of this ritual. (breathe in and out)
I am calm and centered in my body, mind, and soul. (breathe in and out)
I am ready to open myself to the current energies and the Eclipse knowing I will always be protected. (breathe in and out)
I am ready to make the changes I need to so I can live a life more aligned with my purpose. (breathe in and out)
I am peace, I am calm, I am love. (breathe in and out)
3. Now, Meditate on your own for 10 minutes.
4. Once the meditation is complete, take your pen and paper and at the top of the page, write down – “10 things I wish for my life right now”. Begin making your list, thinking of the 10 things you would want in your life right now. You can be as detailed as you like.
5. Look back over your list once done and just observe any thoughts or feelings that have come up for you. Is there a theme running through what you have wished for? Are there actions you can take today to help your wishes come true?
6. Once done, take your piece of paper and fold it up. Holding it in both hands, recite the following or feel free to recite whatever you feel in the moment:
“Dear Universe, receive my wishes and help me to make them come true. Guide me to the best and most appropriate actions so I may receive the wishes that are in my best and highest interest. Mold my wishes so they bring me to my soul path. Allow them to bring only joy, prosperity, and happiness to all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Take your folded paper and place it under your crystal if using.
7. Now, take your cleansing tool of choice and while you are going to cleanse, you are also going to seal in the work you have done and activate your energy for the days to come.
8. Take your cleansing tool and starting at the top of your head, begin working down your body.
As you cleanse the top of your body, recite the following:
“I seal in the good thoughts. I seal in the peace and calm that floods me now.”
As you cleanse the midsection of your body, recite the following:
“I seal in the love and creativity that is around me now. I activate my feelings of purpose.”
As you cleanse the lower part of your body and feet, recite the following:
“I am cleansed, all dense energy has now left my body. I am aligned. I am restored. I am energized.”
Now cleanse your surroundings as well. This time, don’t recite any affirmations or mantras, instead, just focus on allowing the cleansing tool to do its job. Feel into the energy and just allow yourself to be part of the process.
9. To close out the Solar Eclipse Ritual, snuff out your candle and place your paper and crystal by your bedside or on your altar for the next 3 days. After 3 days, you can look over your wishes again or put them away for reflection at a later time.
Happy Solar Eclipse!
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mikosaura · 5 years
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The second Eclipse Season of 2019 kicks off with a Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer on July 2nd.
While intense, the energy around this Eclipse is really like a fresh breeze entering the room. If things have felt stagnant, stuck or sticky for you, this Eclipse is a wonderful opportunity to shake things loose and to begin moving forward.
Making changes will definitely be favored around this Eclipse, so think of an area of your life that needs an upgrade and allow the Eclipse energy to guide you. Opportunities will be knocking, so stay open!
As this Eclipse falls in Cancer, we may also notice our home and family life becoming a priority.
We may notice issues in this area or feel a pull between looking after ourselves and putting our needs first, and caring for others and the commitments we might have made to others.
We may also feel a desire to put new boundaries in place or make changes that allow us to focus on giving ourselves more self-love and self-care.
Cancer is also the sign of the Divine Mother and while not all of us are lucky enough to know what it’s like to be cared for, nurtured, and loved by our mother, we all have the power within to care for, nurture, and love ourselves.
We all have the power to stand up for what we need and to honor and celebrate the nurturing, intuitive, and loving parts of ourselves.
Cancer energy is all about this, so if you haven’t been looking after yourself, if you have been burning the candle at both ends, or ignoring the call of your heart (or the calls from your mother!), this Eclipse may bring a much needed wake-up call.
While Eclipses can be potent they are also wonderful gateways of change. They are points in the year where the Universe can intervene to put us on track with our lives and where we need to be heading.
The type of events that fall around an Eclipse are believed to be fated and help us to align with our path, our purpose, and our higher calling.
While this Eclipse is all about opportunity, the Universe may need us to first clear the way to allow these opportunities to reach us.
Don’t be afraid to make changes in your life. Don’t be afraid to shake up your routine, set boundaries or stand up for yourself and what it is that you need.
Doing so can be scary at first, but sometimes it takes that first courageous step so you can start creating more of what you want in your life.
If any issues stir for you around this Eclipse, a good technique to help you navigate through is to ask yourself- Who do I want to be in this situation?
Whenever you have something that is bothering you or when you have to make a decision about how to act or how to be, try asking yourself this question first.
Often when you ask yourself this question, it guides you to get truthful with yourself and to figure out what actions, thoughts, and words are aligned with the type of person and the type of reality you wish to create for yourself.
The themes and lessons of this Eclipse are also closely connected to the Eclipses of January, so perhaps think back to this time and see what the Universe may be guiding you to work through and how you have grown since this time.
Reflect on the journey you have traveled since then, and know that whatever is bubbling or troubling you, the answer to the question- “Who do I want to be in this situation?” will be your guide.
As this Solar Eclipse is like a supercharged New Moon with plenty of opportunity and inspiration around it, you may also want to take a moment to set an intention or think about what you desire moving forward.
Write down your wishes, set some intentions and then allow the Universe to do the rest. Allow the Universe to take your wishes and figure out the perfect and best way for them to be delivered to you.
Allow the Universe to mold and shape your wishes so they result in the perfect and highest outcome for you and your soul journey.
Eclipses move and shake us. They put us where we need to be, and this Eclipse is going to open that doorway, it is just up to us to take the first step and begin walking through it.
You may feel the energies of the Eclipse building as we move closer to it, but chances are you will need to wait until the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which falls on July 16th before you can really decipher what the Universe has in store for you.
Nonetheless, if you have been looking for a fresh start, if you have been looking to clear the cobwebs and try something new or to create a routine that is more nurturing, this July New Moon Solar Eclipse will bring you plenty of opportunities. Are you ready?
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mikosaura · 5 years
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Every zodiac sign has wonderful gifts associated with it, but there are also challenges that you might face, especially if the sun is currently in the your sun sign. Stones work to encourage your gifts and help you face your challenges.
The sun is in Cancer from June 21st - July 22nd. If your sun sign is not Cancer, these stones are still useful. The zodiac energy of each sign surrounds all of us based on the time of the year. The energies of Cancer are at work now.
More than any other sign, Cancer energy is a series of contradictions. At first it feels gentle, kind, sympathetic, and patient. Then with a click of a crab claw it turns cranky, snappish, and selfish. During this time of year, you may feel the need wallow in self-pity and complain endlessly about how mistreated you are by the world. Turn another page of the calendar and suddenly you are back being helpful, solicitous, ready to do anything asked of you. You'll want to act cautiously and a sense of security and a courageous urge for the next adventure simultaneously.
The timing of this energy is also worth note. The middle of the summer is a common time for family reunions and other gatherings of family. Cancer energy is very nurturing and people with the sun sign of cancer are often thought of as motherly.
CANCER: June 21 - July 22nd
PLANET: the Moon
Abalone Shell connects the Cancer energy back to the ocean, back to water. It can aid in communication, especially when you are feeling especially indecisive or contradictory. It also brings peace and beauty into your life.
Agatized Coral is another stone that connects the user to the water of the ocean. It offers support, healing and strength for the motherly, nurturing Cancer.
Cancers feel emotions more strongly than the other signs, so this time of year you may find your emotions are on the edge. Calcite can help you express them in a positive manner without overreactions.
Carnelian can bring some balance and grounding to the water bound Cancer energy. It also encourages a creative outlet for all the emotions bouncing around inside of you during the Cancer season.
Moonstone pulls the nurturing moon energy and vibrant water energy to the ground. It can also help develop and inspire your psychic intuition.
Opal removes fear during the times you are doubting yourself and encourages personal power when you are feeling confident. It is another stone that enhances your intuition.
Like Carnelian, Rainbow Obsidian can help balance you and bring the energy down to earth. It also has a mystical quality that many Cancers are drawn to.
Rose Quartz enhances love of all types. Cancer energy is very nurturing and caring. This stone can channel and amplify the compassion you may be feeling, especially for yourself.
Ruby is perfect for using with Cancer energy because it is both grounding and nurturing. It ignites love and passion and can help the user feel a sense of abundance.
Chalcedony brings a sense of familiar connection, which is perfect for the nurturing motherly energy of Cancer. It is another stone that can help balance and stabilize the Cancer energy.
Selenite is named for Selena, the moon goddess because it helps with psychic abilities and making a connection to moon. If you are especially prone to overreaction and moodiness, red or peach selenite may be better options.
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mikosaura · 5 years
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As we flip the calendar from June to July, we enter into the Eclipse Gateway, into the elevator of our destiny. We are all riding up to the next floor, which means we have to prepare.
There are many ways that we can prepare and the Universe will be our guide. We can be asked to leave things behind, to take things with us, to reflect on things, and to think about what dreams and visions we would like to fulfill.
Whichever way we are guided to prepare, when we reach the end of July, we are going to have arrived at the new floor, at the new level of our destiny.
The biggest event of July is definitely the Eclipses, but before we get into what they may bring, there is something else happening in the first part of July that is worth mentioning, and this is the alignment of the Sun and Sirius.
Sirius has long been believed to be our Spiritual Sun, and its energy is said to help activate and awaken us. For the first part of July, we are going to be in a heightened state of energy thanks to Sirius, and we will be more open to receiving downloads, intuitive messages, prophetic dreams, visitations and more.
This is beautiful and highly advanced energy that will be helping all of us to get in touch with our spiritual gifts and to awaken to a new level. This energy is definitely one that we can take advantage of if we allow our mind to empty and our heart to open.
The first Eclipse of the month falls on July 2nd and it’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse in the sign of Cancer.
This Solar Eclipse is all about stepping forward into the future. It is full of opportunities, wisdom, and spiritual insights. It is an intense Eclipse, but it is one that will help us to open doors and get us to where we want to be.
If you have been working towards a goal or wanting to start a new job, move, or take action on a big project, this Eclipse offers so much support and advancement.
This is a great Eclipse if you are looking for opportunity or for change, so set your intention, put your feelers out there and see how the Universe delivers.
If you are feeling lost and a little undirected in life, this Eclipse may also present some opportunities to help guide your way. Try to stay open and try to say yes to the things that come your way, as you never know where they may lead you!
Sometimes in order to align with our purpose, we have to start taking action even if we are unsure if it is the right action. Sometimes, it is the act of moving and getting out of our rut that helps us to find where we need to be.
Following the July Solar Eclipse, we have Mercury going retrograde on the 7th.
While Mercury Retrograde is often seen as an annoyance, in this instance it is really is a gift! After the wave of opportunity that the Solar Eclipse brings, we are going to want a chance to slow down and weigh up our options, and that is where Mercury comes to help us.
Mercury will be guiding us to look at the past and to reflect on what we have learned before moving forward. It wants to remind us of the wisdom and knowledge we have gained so we can avoid making the same mistakes from our past.
If Mercury retrograde brings up things from your past, pay attention and figure out whether you want to make that past part of your future or if you are ready to leave it behind.
A day after Mercury goes Retrograde, Chiron follows, giving us a total of 7 celestial bodies in retrograde through most of the month. This is strong retrograde energy and really the Universe’s way of allowing us to slow down and catch our breath.
The following Eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. This Lunar Eclipse is one of the heaviest aspects of the year, however it too is also helping us on that elevator ride to a new level.
In order to move up, we have to clear, we have to let go, we have to release, and that is exactly what this Lunar Eclipse will be guiding us to do.
Under this Lunar Eclipse, it will be important for us to remember our strength, to remember all we have learned, and to never forget the wisdom and knowledge we have inside.
Everything we need has already been given to us, and keeping this in mind under the Lunar Eclipse will be helpful. We already know the way, we are just walking towards it.
On July 22, we begin the start of Leo Season. We are going to feel new motivation as we move out of watery, intuitive, touchy-feely Cancer and into the fiery sign of the Lion.
Following this on the 31st, we have a Black New Moon in the sign of Leo. A Black New Moon is very rare and happens when we have two New Moons in one month. (A Solar Eclipse is considered a New Moon.)
This Leo Black Moon will help to seal in and round off the opportunities that the Solar Eclipse may have brought our way.
Overall, July is a month of new beginnings, fresh starts, and opportunities. It is an intense month with a lot of cosmic energy bubbling, but it is also a month of acceleration and graduation.
Through this pivotal month, don’t forget to be gentle with yourself, to practice a lot of self-care, and to not allow your fear to block you from riding that elevator to the top- you’ve worked hard and you deserve it!
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mikosaura · 5 years
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With the June Solstice causing us to pause and contemplate, Neptune going into retrograde, and the start of Cancer Season, we have a lot powerful energy this week.
The Tower is back again to let us know that through all these changes, inner truth will be our theme. The Tower wants us to focus on the truth above all else. It wants us to be vigilant in our truth finding and cut out any falseness in our lives.
When the Tower comes up it forces us to ask: How are you holding on to a story that is hurting you? What are you currently doing that doesn’t make you feel good? Who is in your life that doesn’t support your growth?
This card calls us to cut out the unhealthy aspects of our life. If we don’t, some things might start to crumble on their own.
We need a strong foundation in which to move forward, so how can you make sure your ground is secure?
Really question the narratives you tell yourself. The Tower is calling us to examine how we view ourselves and the lies we tell ourselves about our worth.
We are worthy of so much but we can convince ourselves we are not. The Tower is not going to stand for those beliefs any longer. So start shedding those thoughts as soon as possible.
Tanaaz writes,”When Neptune energy is strong, it allows us to peel back the curtain, to look beyond the veil and the barriers so we can find a new truth, a new understanding, and a new way of thinking.
Neptune wants us to tap into a higher consciousness and delve into the heart of our Spirit. It wants to remind us that there is no separation, that the stories we tell ourselves are simply myths, and that things are not always what they seem.”
The combination of Neptune in retrograde and The Tower will make for a powerful time of transformation and letting go of old beliefs. We will come out of this time with more clarity and strength.
The 3 of Wands is also connected to our journey towards inner truth and discovery. It is easy to misinterpret this card to be about ‘doing the right thing’ according to a set of societal codes.
Instead, the 3 of Wands is about personal excellence, both in our actions and in ethics. It’s about finding out what matters to us and what our values are deep inside.
It is about living in accordance to what we care about most. It calls us to create and maintain high standards. The next step is developing the confidence and strength of character to live out those standards in our everyday lives.
Spend time this week finding your “ethical center.” Quiet your mind through meditation, a long walk, or journaling. Think about where you might be disconnected from your center and how you could adjust.
Forgive yourself for the ways you have strayed from your center. Know that we always have time to reconnect to what is important to us.
We have so much good inside of us and we are never too far from our hearts.
Mantra for the week: I let go of all untruths about myself and live out my beliefs through my actions.
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