milqs-r-us · 2 years
Hello! I'm wari! Someone sent me this blog, and I feel its only fair to clear it up. 🙏Yes, that milq is intentionally a heavily Criminal Girls based design. It was not a hidden element of her, nor was I ever confronted/asked about refrences. I don't expect to be, but I found it rather uncomfortable to be blasted on a blog... 😓
I apologize if anyone was offended or felt that was unsaid or that I was stealing 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️. She's made up of multiple aspects of characters in both 1 & 2 and is not a 1 to 1 ripoff of any design. If this is uncomfortable, I can alter her design to remove direct refrences and revert back to my inital concept as I didn't intend any harm.
Her bangs are very much like Alice's cat-ear bangs (staple of CG1 for cat/dog ear hair) and her dress is very similar Ayanos (colors not intended initally) with sleeves from Shinoa. There are unique elements to her design like the collar, socks, and chains. Her haircolor and general scheme of red/blue/white was taken from my prior draft which had a more generic "pinterest clothing" design.
I saw others making designs based on franchises (fnaf, sailor moon, sanrio) and thought it would be cute to do so for something niche that I really like.
I would like to note, as I saw it said none of my other milq designs are intentionally inspired by anything. My customs are based heavily on the pinboard and information I am given. If they would like a theme based design, then it will likely have that theme
I can provide a diagram of anything I used in my concept if need be, and I apologize for the long post.
Have a wonderful day & I apologize again for any drama.
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
Those are both official mals on the ml.
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
I meant one mal. It’s the same mal just different artists. Other is a uni.
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
I did like 5 minutes of research JUST FOR YOU, ANON: those Mals are literally Premade 64, one of the very first Mals ever made, and MYO 286, owned by berrytreats, who won a raffled Hacuubi Redesign slot that allowed them to pay a hefty bit extra to have their milq upgraded to a Mal in the redesign process. I hate that I looked this all up for you, idiot, enjoy.
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
The hair on that wari milq looks straight up copied from one of the characters so yeesh
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
isnt waris milq concepts always vaguely familiar with an existing character or is it just me
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
The Twitter mals were shared sparingly when they were created in the revisions event. $500 you could turn existing milqs into mals. Also they are on the masterlist even if no link.
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
do you really think biia would retweet fake/unofficial milqilins or are y'all dumb af 💀
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
i know they are legit mals, one is Kotone and the other is #286 on the myo masterlist, they had gotten a redesign slot and paid $500 for biia to turn their myo into a mal.
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
& kotone is #64 on the premade masterlist
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
dcsl4oaw8x7p 🤣 I think we can agree it’s all cringe. no one in this trash community will be happy with what people make, what matters is that people are having fun! would rather be cringe than whatever the original anon thinks is “worthy of praise”
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
When sammyhoover is trying to sell everyone because the debt collectors are knocking. Honestly hope this is a wake up call for her and her unhealthy spending habits.
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
waris latest milq concept reminds me of how the characters in criminal girls (a game) looks and I wonder if they know of it lol
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
Seeing cursed milqs is more fun than seeing Dreamland Lullaby Sprinkle Cupcake Vodka Whipped Cream Berry Milkshake shit that y'all are coming up with
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
How do you know of they're actually Ma'laccilin on Biia's twit? Never seen those designs before.
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
Are they mad because theres like the smallest wings on accessories??? BFFR.
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milqs-r-us · 2 years
milqilins-are-cringe-people-making-cursed-flavors/qlox2pyrxj5s still cringe. someone having fun with their cringe ass ah ah milqs can be based and cringe at the same time lol
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