mistsinthenight · 51 minutes
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sorry i can't stop thinking about this. it's finally our month honey
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
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dorym makes me want a cigarette and i never smoke
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
I have been thinking about small children and small dogs.
It is sometimes observed that small dogs can be unholy terrors. I have come to think this is more because of unintentional training rather than a lack of training.
If you have a large and potentially dangerous dog, you will probably seek to train it just so it does not damage your home or family. If you have a 2 kg dog, you just pick it up and move it if it is misbehaving.
This inadvertently trains your small dog to escalate if it wants any degree of self determination. It avoids someone but gets picked up. It runs away but gets picked up. It barks, it growls, it gets scolded and picked up. If it goes absolutely berserk and does its best to kill someone, it might not get picked up. You have taught your dog *this* is what it takes to be taken seriously as a very small animal.
Small children are often treated a lot like small pets. They are small people filled with needs and wants, almost powerless in the face of a nigh incomprehensible world. And larger people scold them and pick them up when their needs and wants are inconvenient for the larger people.
I have been around many small children this week and seen many meltdowns. Some of them are just exhausted and overstimulated. Some are probably classic brats who have been taught they can get their way if they just whine enough, which is a variation on the same idea.
But I must believe that some of them have learned this is the *only* way they will get *any* attention to their stated wants and needs.
Your parents have a plan and an agenda for the day, and you were not consulted because you are 4 years old, but you are still a human being with needs to understand and to some extent control your environment, and if the only way you can get anyone to listen to you for 5 minutes is to make those minutes absolute hell for everyone involved, yourself included, well, that is what it takes.
When you are 4 years old, fairly petty inconveniences can in fact be the worst thing that has ever happened to you. Small children can have the best and worst moments of their lives several times a day. They are learning the bounds of "normal," and they don't have many days that could have been worse.
It can be hard being a Very Small Animal.
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
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caleb widogast
you can get a print here: inprnt!
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
The “average wizard makes 3 failed attempts to teleport to Eiselcross a year" factoid is actually just statistical error. The average wizard makes 0 attempts to teleport to Eiselcross ever. Essek Thelyss, who lived almost eight centuries and attempted to teleport to Eiselcross over 10,000 times, is an outlier and should not have been counted.
His anonymously submitted paper presenting a statistical analysis of his success rate and factors contributing to slightly higher odds was unfortunately rejected by every respectable arcane journal in Exandria. No one believed him.
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
This Pride I hope that all of you never ever forget that no amount of sanitizing your sex life or sanding down of your LGBT edges will make bigots accept you. So, don’t debase yourself by capitulating an inch to them, especially in ways that throw your fellow community members under the bus.
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
I love that Caleb and Essek were parallels and Dorian and Orym are mirrors.
Caleb, the transmutation (change) wizard, who wanted nothing more than to master time to undo the hurt and pain it caused him. Essek, the dunamancy (time) wizard, who knew that he desperately needed to change because he was unhappy. Caleb falling in love with Essek and realizing that he had to selflessly let go of the past because it made him who he was. Essek falling in love with Caleb and realizing that change isn’t so terrifying when you’re in love with someone who makes you better. The two of them finally knowing peace in the end, maintaining a relationship that allowed them to both heal and grow.
Orym, the kindhearted, yet profoundly sad air ashari who lost some of the most important people in his life and decided go keep going in spite of it all. Dorian, the charming, yet deceitful air genasi searching for his own way through life, trying to find his place. Two men from air domains settling into the new normal, desperately trying to stop their flaws from shining through. Orym trying to keep his good heart and optimism under the crushing pressure of the world. Dorian trying to keep smiling, because if he doesn’t, he’ll break down. Orym falling in love with Dorian and feeling like he’s betrayed his husband. Dorian falling in love with Orym and feeling like he can never have him. Both of them wanting so much but feeling like they don’t deserve it.
Anyway, Liam O’Brien continues to hurt me every week
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
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northern lights photographed from space
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
Hello everyone!! Wave 1 of my pride kitties has been a huge success, and I'm happy to announce that wave 2 is in the works now!!
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These pins are available for preorder now!! Production takes about 20~ days (give or take) and shipping takes about a week, so the hope is that they'll get here before the end of pride month!!
My other Pride Kitties are still available now!! (Bisexual pride kitty is being reordered too, supplies are running out fast!)
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
I hope everyone understands, when I say “most endangered habitat on earth”, I mean temperate grasslands.
They’re more endangered than tropical rainforests, coral reefs, the arctic tundra, all of those go-to environments that get more of the spotlight.
Where I live, maybe 25% of the prairie remains in a natural state and that number is dropping. Even these fragments are mostly missing the keystone species that maintain their health, like bison, wolves, and prairie dogs. I know this is the case for other grasslands like the pampas and steppe as well. Vast lands empty of many species that used to call them home.
If you live on temperate grasslands, hold onto them tight, because they’ve been exploited like no other land and most people don’t even know how far the devastation goes.
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
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Orym's in his hobbit era with the longer hair
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
i think abt that tweet that was like "voice training? no thanks, maybe you should do ears training" every single day that shit changed something in me
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
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STAY SAFE!! [ID: the Gilbert Baker pride flag with the words “Happy pride to all those who are unable to celebrate openly and safely. You are loved and seen!” in all-caps black text over it. /end ID]
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
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I love love her new design!!
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mistsinthenight · 1 hour
”getting thicker skin” is great in theory but I think for some people “get better at handling your thin skin” is gonna be way more helpful advice. I have strong emotional reactions to criticism and they might never go away, but i can continue to try and handle each situation maturely and that’s the important part. Sometimes irrational feelings are chronic and living with them is better than trying to beat yourself up into not having them.
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