mmseikatsu · 2 years
For some people, life doesn’t truly begin until they’re 26-30. The way we romanticize and obsess over youth is super harmful. Your life is not over at 21, I promise you. It’s just beginning
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mmseikatsu · 3 years
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Ramen 🍜 Love 😍
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mmseikatsu · 3 years
love those mutuals i don’t talk to but have super warm energy. i see your lil icons and just feel comforted. love y’all <3
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mmseikatsu · 3 years
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27/100 days of productivity
Dressing up to decorate your space is the very first step of giving your new home 🌟 immaculate vibes 🌟 trust me
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mmseikatsu · 3 years
Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
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mmseikatsu · 3 years
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mmseikatsu · 3 years
Because: The particular reason for circumstance
This means: This actively demonstrates that
In conclusion: To sum up everything that has been stated so far
For: for the exact purpose of
Like: Along the lines of
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mmseikatsu · 3 years
I'm sorry I'm late VS. Thanks for waiting for me. I appreciate your patience.
Sorry, I messed up VS. Thanks for the info. I'll get up to speed on that.
Sorry, I'll do better next time VS. Thank you for your feed back. I'm on it.
So sorry to bug you VS. Is now good time for a quick question?
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mmseikatsu · 3 years
How do you handle stress and pressure?
Answer: There is no place in this world without stress and pressure. You just need to stay motivated and focused.
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mmseikatsu · 3 years
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mmseikatsu · 4 years
The desire for success can drive us so hard, push us to the limits, and keep us from the inner peace we’re all after—the ever elusive “happiness” and “fulfillment.”
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mmseikatsu · 4 years
Don’t get your revenge by trying to impress them with how far you have come without them. Get your revenge by learning to love yourself. Get your revenge by living the best life possible and not giving a fuck whether they notice or not.
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mmseikatsu · 4 years
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Sunset 🌅
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mmseikatsu · 4 years
Self-care Activities
Get an extra-large garbage bag and get rid of everything that you don’t use, that doesn’t fit, triggers painful memories, or that you bought in hopes that it would make you a different person. 
Unfollow anyone who makes you feel anything less than inspired, empowered, and happy to be who you are.
Stop arranging and posing photos and just take snaps of things as they’re happening. If your life isn’t interesting enough to do that, your life is the problem, not your Instagram feed.
Make a spreadsheet and manually write out everything you spend each week. Nothing will make you more self-aware of your spending habits, or help to hold you accountable.
Delete the phone numbers and text threads of people who you don’t recognize, haven’t spoken to in years, always have to text first, or really shouldn’t communicate with again. It will be cathartic.
Stop digitally checking in with friends you had falling outs with, exes, and anyone else who isn’t an active part of your life. They’re only going to keep going on without you.
Each night, pack your breakfast and lunch, lay out your outfit, and have your bag, phone, and water bottle all ready to go. This will make mornings go much more smoothly.
The next time you tell someone that you miss them, make concrete plans to see each other and put them in your calendar. Do what you say more than you say what you’ll do.
Stop trying to be everything. You don’t need to cook like a chef, perform like a CEO, have the most robust and interesting friend group imaginable, take photos like a blogger, and workout like a triathlete. Pick one or two things that you are good at and enjoy and do your very best to work on those each day.
Write a worry list. Every time something is bothering you, write it down instead of mulling it over. It will help you let it go for the moment, and at the end of the day or week, review the list to see whether or not anything on there was something you should give your energy to.
Write a wish list. Every time you have the urge to spend money, book a trip, or even buy another random thing from Amazon, add it to your wish list. At the end of the week or month, pick a few things off of it. It will save you tons of money and help build delayed gratification.
Have a plan of action for when you feel overwhelmed by your emotions. It might be going for a walk, taking a drive, taking a nap, calling a friend, and so on. Instead of sinking and feeling helpless, return to your list.
Learn the invaluable art of knowing when to keep your mouth shut. When someone says something with the intention of aggravating you, not responding doesn’t make you complicit, it makes you powerful.
Work on being a little more humble. Instead of trying to convince yourself that you are the best, most, and greatest, change your self-talk to remind yourself that you’re worthy, trying, and capable.
Stop expecting life to always be good. Instead of trying to manically make yourself happy all the time, try accepting that you are going to have bad days when tough things happen, grief when a loss occurs, and mixed feelings when you’re unsure. This isn’t because you’re broken, it’s because you’re functioning the way you’re supposed to be.
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mmseikatsu · 4 years
Sometimes life throws us a curveball or two and it feels like the end of the world. We tend to dwell on the tough time we are in and any motivation feels out of reach. Sometimes words of advice from others–those who have gone through a moment of weakness and who have lacked inspiration or motivation–can help. Whether it be a teacher providing motivation for a student, or a mother sparking inspiration in her child, a great quote–one that sparks something in our soul–is always a great thing.
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mmseikatsu · 4 years
Repeat after me:
I am the woman of my own dreams. I require no validation. My wish is my command. My life is my own, I build it. My voice is my own, I let it be heard. I am relentless in my dedication to trusting myself. I am insatiable in my thirst for the extraordinary, and I do not settle for the mediocre.
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mmseikatsu · 4 years
There are flashes of beauty everywhere we look, captured sometimes by your eyes only.
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