mmseol-blog · 5 years
seol’s been told she has no filter. foot-in-mouth disease. whatever euphemisms you can come up with to describe someone whose brain never seems to be on speaking terms with their mouth. it’s not a bad thing, per se, but she’s vowed to be more tactful upon her enrollment into yosul. think before she speaks and all. 
but can you really blame her for laughing? she’s been watching the guy opposite her struggle with getting his broom up ( not a metaphor for anything else, ya nasties! they were at a flying lesson! ) for the majority of their lesson. offering unwarranted help might possibly come off as a little uppity, so she resolves to just hide her giggles as he yells “up!” at his broom behind a series of coughs into her sleeve. 
he seems to finally lose it.  
so does the broom.
"yeah, the broom like... yeeted up!” seol’s always been good at charades, and she gestures with big movements, with hushed whispers as she demonstrates just how the handle of the broom had broken his nose. kinam - at least, that’s what the name on the chart says - is pretty tall as well. she wonders just how angry the broom had been at him.
her peripheral vision catches a movement through the curtain separating her and his cot, and she pulls it open, popping her head in. “oh, are you awake? good morning!”
for @mmkinam
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
JIYI ! ‌:
jiyi takes another bite of her bagel, the tartness of the orange she’d just eaten mixing with the sweet-savoury cream cheese. “is that why you’re here?” she raises the bagel, her supper for the night, and nods to the platter of fruit that the house elves are preparing, clearly for the other girl.
the pun’s so terrible she can’t even find it in herself to laugh at how bad it’d been, and it’s clear that jiyi’s not impressed with it either. seol’s smile drops, and she’s sure she looks just about as amused as the house elf. seol feigns a half-hearted “ha... sure am.”, the expression on her face a clear indicator otherwise. 
seol’s not quite sure when exactly she’d aged out of playdates and graduated to networking; every meeting supposed to be about forming connections that could prove useful for the future. though they’d bored her to tears at the time, at least playdates were free of hidden motives. the networking was left to the adults- the kids’ only tasks to occupy themselves for the few hours they talked business and be in one piece by the end of it. 
now that she thinks about it, this might be her longest unprompted conversation thus far with jiyi, and she’s already been surprised. while jiyi didn’t exactly seem like a stickler for the rules, seol wouldn’t have expected that the other was a curfew-breaking miscreant like her. “i’ll keep that in mind!” she hums around a mouthful of bagel.
“well...” how does she explain this without seeming like a complete idiot? “i fell asleep in the baths before dinner because i was reading a potions text... then woke up all pruney way after curfew. then i got hungry so i decided to try looking for the kitchens by myself, instead of just hiding in the baths! i remembered hearing the entrance was near the jujak commons, so i knocked on every portrait. got scolded twice, actually, before the lady in the green hanbok pointed me!”
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
@mmcheol ♡
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Booksmart (2019) Directed by Olivia Wilde
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
it’s been an unusually long day. 
if seol was one to wax poetic, she’d lament about how minutes seem to tick by far too slow, hours stretching into endless roads paved with the sands of time.
she’s not, though, and she just thinks today fucking sucks and she’s tired and wants to go to sleep the minute transfiguration ends. she’d stayed up the entire night before studying for a potions test, because seol was going to get an O even if it killed her.
( she killed it, by the way. answered all the questions with no problem! )
but!!! nothing was ever without consequence, and seol found herself absolutely exhausted by hour 15 of studying. she’d given up on getting sleep when she’d looked at the window to see the sun peeking over the horizon, and turned up for classes barely alive. transfiguration’s the last class of the day, though, and they’re supposed to be doing something reasonably easy today. seol’s sure she’s going breeze through, and breeze through she does! ( granted, she almost falls asleep into her water goblet, but! )
until end of the class rolls around, and seol’s turned her bookbag inside out looking for the essay on the reparifarge spell she’d slaved over in the library last week for a good 5 hours. her classmates have all left, some of them casting concerned glances at her, but she can’t find it within herself to assure them of her mental stability because she can feel herself about to cry, as she flips through her textbooks yet again to make sure it hasn’t sneaked in there somehow.
it’s not there.
seol makes a distress call similar to that of a boiling tea kettle, and slides down into her seat.
for @minheemm ♡
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
— 오늘은, 유난히, 네가 이뻐 보인다!
this is new to her. the whole ‘taking care of people’ thing? it’s never been something that she’s ever really had to do, or has ever wanted to, actually. she’s always been babied-- by the han family, cheol, ( it’s TWO AND A HALF MINUTES ??!! ) kyung, and pretty much anyone she’s ever interacted with. babie energy, she supposes.
but here she is, sitting behind one of the tapestries with junsu, a BIGGER babie than her. "y’know, you don’t... have to drink it.” the flask full of firewhiskey is balanced dangerously on top of her knee-- one wrong move, and it’d come crashing down and stain the pretty dress she’d dug out of her trunk just for this event. 
how did she even end up here, anyway?
ah, right. he’d been in the baek ho commons, and offered to escort her for the short walk to the dining hall. “i really only brought this to pre-game for this shit, in case it’s like, boring as fuck.”
for @mmjunsu ♡
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
JIYI ! ‌:
she laughs and shakes her head, a little sheepish that she’s become that predictable. “nope! though they look like a really good supper snack…” she caves and takes a bite from one, then holds the other one out to the younger girl. “do you want one? they’re really good!”
see, seol doesn’t like being forced to do things. her childhood’d been crammed full of playdates with the children of other Very Important Families, and she usually ended up running away and entertaining herself by breaking one thing or another. the wons were (and still are!) important business associates, though, and seol’d been brought aside and bribed to behave before all their playdates. jiyi was someone she’d vaguely known before yosul-- too many years her senior for her to be comfortable with, but someone she’d smile at if she ever saw passing by. 
sitting in a corner in the kitchen reminds hers oddly of the won playdates. the elves' movements demand her rapt attention-- seol’s absolutely inept in the kitchen, and she’s just trying to not get in their way. 
the knock sends her into a panic, though, and she scrambles up onto her feet. would a wheel of cheese would be able to hide her? the door swings open before she can try to dive behind it ( probably a good thing. she’s 172 cm, it’d just be humiliating if someone saw her try to hide behind cheese. ) and jiyi pokes her head in. seol clutches at her chest in a show of relief, letting out the breath she’d been holding. 
“my god, i totally thought i was gonna get in trouble. hi!” a smile finds a way onto her face easily, waving back with the same, if not more, enthusiasm. the elves are offering jiyi bagels, and seol gets an inkling the other girl’s here often with how familiarly the elves are addressing her. it’s seol first time in the yosul kitchens, ever-- actually, she hasn’t really had cause to ever step into a kitchen-- and the house elves had scared her with how they’d swarmed around at first, asking what she required. 
“ooh, i will! thanks! they’re cutting some fruit for me, too, so you’re welcome to stay and share it with me.” the fruit platter they’re preparing seems to be more fit for a house than seol, but she doesn’t quite have the heart to tell them to stop.
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
ッ written w insanity for @mmseol .
━ ⟨ › he sits across from her with a frown that’s focused, a thought that something feels off but then the warmth in his chest argues that he’s just stupid. he was missing something this whole time and it’s seol who’s going to fill it. the heavy tingle of pleasant warmth when he thinks of what it’s like to love and be in loved, and he’s completely sure this is right. his cards buzz in his bag and he can feel the urge to take them out but, why does it feel like they’ll say something he doesn’t want to read right now? seol is definitely someone that matters, seol is the person he was meant to meet tonight ⟩ ━  ❞ y’know, seol-ah, it’s so weird, but like, like it’s so stupid, but i thought i loved sung? ❞   ━ ⟨ › he blinks away the fog of his head to focus on seol ; he was looking for someone before wasn’t he? he looks away from seol to glance around at what he was looking for but it’s irrelevant now and his eyes snap back to her again before even seconds pass ⟩ ❞ it’s super, duper weird. i don’t know why i keep thinking that. i think something’s so stupid, haesung isn’t the person i should love, right? ❞  
( ` there’s a pleasant buzz in her head that she’d typically recognise as alcohol. but god, this isn’t something as simple and boring as soju, it’s love. call the tabloids, everyone, because seol will never fall for anyone else BUT the beautiful specimen in front of her, known as one chae seonchan. ) i know, right ? like, my previous crushes were all so dumb. i understand now. this... this is true love. ( ` looks around because chan’s looking around too, and her eyes return to where his are back on hers. chan is so fuckin’ cute!!!! why hadn’t she ever noticed him as a guy before this? ) oh my god... what if... he was jealous of our love, because it’s so great ? and HE slipped you a love potion or something ? my poor channie-oppa ! ( ` coos, patting his cheek. no one’ll ever think of taking chan from her away ever again. they’re gonna get married once she’s 20, and then they’ll have 10 kids and teach them how to dream. a very taylor swift-esque sentiment, but  seol doesn’t think anything could ever come close to their love-- she could wax poetry about him until the end of her living days, but nothing would ever be able to capture even one-tenths of the depth of her feelings for chan. )
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
before she could open her mouth in retaliation, someone blocked her path. min byeol raised her eyebrows and said, “ eonnie, could you maybe move a little ? i’m kind of busy here. “
seol’s day starts like this-- she wakes up late, because she’d studied well into the night before. misses breakfast because halfway there, she realises her wand is NOT where it’s supposed to be snugly tucked into the waistband of her skirt, and has to turn back to get it. gets stuck on a moving staircase. and then, to put the cherry on top of the shit sundae, walks into a suit of armour, because she was so preoccupied with checking her bookbag to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything in the commons.
so, yeah. not off to the best start.
why had she followed the group of jujaks who'd been laughing about some poor first year who’d opened a howler at breakfast? was this god’s way for punishing her for being so nosy? why did all the goddamn corridors in this dumbass place look the same? yosul’s an absolute architectural nightmare, for someone with a sense of direction as lacking as hers.
she rounds a corner, and then another, before realising that this is most definitely not where the second year charms classroom is. firsties are milling around her ( tiny!!! they’re all so mini. and cute! ) and she makes a move to turn back, because the watch on her wrist tells her she has only 10 more minutes to figure out how the hell to get to class. 
but nooooooooooo.
there’s a group of girls blocking the way, taking up a good 90% of the corridor. what the fuck? when the fuck did they get here? why does she suddenly feel like she’s in a shitty high school b movie? why does this remind her of that maeobsa movie she watched in middle school with cheol? what the fuck, is she cady heron?
oh, it’s the girl who’s standing with a hand on her hip who’s the cady heron. 
see, seol’s determined to stay out of ( or get into relatively less ) trouble this year. she doesn’t want to jeopardise her spot on the team, and time not spent scrubbing cauldrons in detention is time she’d be able to use to study. so, for once, she thinks about what to do. ( call the press ! )
“hey, kids.”  she’s taller than all of them, she realises, as she pushes in between the group. “don’t you have to get to class? stop blocking the way. others need to walk too.”
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
☏ + ☢ !
send ☏ for a vague text
💬 : sorry!!! just ignore what you saw please 👼
send ☢ for a desperate text
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
* things said meme
things you said over the phone
things you said with the tv on mute 
things you said when you were proud
things you said under your breath
things you said with sorrow between your fists
things you said when you were lost
things you said when our world began to crumble
things you said with too many days between us
things you didn’t say at all
things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear
things you said you’ll never forget
things you said with clammy hands 
things you said when fear cut deep
things you said while a fever stole your mind
things you said with rage between your teeth
things you were afraid to say
things you said when no one else was around
things you said when the sun was shining
things you said with blooming bruises and stinging cuts
things you said when we were safe
things you said without thinking
things you said that kept me grounded
things you said you loved about me
things you said you hated about me
things you said when you lied
things you said with scraped knees 
things you said with tears in your eyes
things you said while holding my hand 
things you said in the car
things you said under the stars
things you said at my grave
things you said at the kitchen table
things you said on the porch at 3 am
things you said in a gas station parking lot 
things you said in a hotel room
things you said in the waiting room
things you said while you stroked my hair
things you said that made me feel loved
things you said when i was crying
things you said while i cried in your arms 
things you said when you thought i was asleep
things you said in your sleep
things you said when you kissed me goodnight
things you said after a nightmare
things you said before death snatched you
things you said that i wish you hadn’t
things you said when it ended
things you said when you met my friends
things you said when we first met
things you said when they took me away
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
three, two, she’s going to make it! seol slams her hand down on the handle of the door leading to the baek ho dorms, and she SWEARS she feels it budge. 
a moment passes. she pauses, trying to jiggle it, as if it’s going to make a difference. it’s Magic that’s keeping the door locked, and the bobby pins in her hair aren’t going to help her macgyver her way in. seol glances surreptitiously to her sides, before sliding her wand out her sleeve and whispering an ‘alohomora’.
damn it.
fine. okay. she expected this anyway. if her little unlocking charm was able to unlock the door to their dorms, seol’d be very worried for the security of the place. she massages her scalp with her fingertips, squatting down with a weighty exhale. it’s way past curfew, and seol isn’t inconsiderate enough to wake her roommates up to let her in. she caused this mess, so she’s going to fix it herself.
the phone rings a couple of times before yuanlan picks up, and seol greets her with a flat “heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp.” 
for @mmyuanlan ♡
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
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liked by @junsu6, @cheolie, @han_kyung_charms_professor and 917 more.
unbelviseol: when i was on the subway home the day this was taken the guy next to me vaped into my face so i blew the smoke back at him. everyone thank @park_sunw00 for making sure i didn’t get arrested!!
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
♔ ⁇ ✺ ☠
send ✆ for a morning text
💬 : [voice message] cast a muffliato or shut the fuck up i can hear zimzalabim through the walls💬 : [voice message] rbb outsold
send ♠ for a drunk text
💬 :  FOUNTEH RUUTHH BENEATH UR LIEA💬 : TURE LOV ENEBER HASTO HIDE💬 : i loev u beyeonece sunabenim
send ☏ for a vague text
💬 : boutta put a bitch in his place hit u back l8er
send ⁇ for a worried text
💬 :heard u got injured during practice 💬 :this is what u get for being stupid haha fckin n00b💬 : which bed are u in just left detention
send ♣ for a text not meant for you
💬 : he kinda cute tho @.@💬 : maybe i caught feelings or wuteva 💬 : don’t even try to find out who it is
send ✺ for a sassy text
💬 : shut it virgin
send √ for a long-winded confession text
💬 : hypothetically💬 : if one had written one’s brother’s number on a library book along with ‘call for a good time’ when one had been mad at one’s brother for ruining one’s cashmere sweater and one had forgotten about it until one’s brother received a call from a 47 year old lady💬 : would one’s brother be mad that one’s forgotten which library book one had written the number in and one’s brother might have to live with people sexting them forever
send ☠ for a misguided advice text
💬 : it’s ok just shove a few pillows under your blankets and make sure ur roomies know snitches get stitches💬 : granted you’ll have to stay out the entire night but 
send ☢ for a desperate text
send ☼ for a congratulatory text
💬 : yooo u made the team too💬 : i hope you’ll enjoy the next 2 yrs of losing 2 baekho!!!!!💬 : second place ain’t bad… silver complements ur tone
send ✘ for a text that should never have been sent
💬 : i’m so sick of people saying that i am only where i am because i’m pretty or i have connections💬 : ‘oh the charms professor is her cousin and that’s why she has an o in that class’💬 : i have Os in almost every class u stupid fuck i’m so fucking sick of these absolute halfwits being unable to accept i’m doing better than they are and talking shit about me behind my back all the fucking time💬 : at least have the fucking decency to say it to my face so i can beat the shit out of u 💬 : i just…. don’t know why they think i don’t deserve what i’ve worked my ass off for.💬 : mom’s gnna send me a howler tomorrow rip ig
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
all the texts :^)
send ✆ for a morning text
💬 : hey waterboy r u awake???💬 : i know this is the first early morning practice 4 u…. find strength lol
send ♔ for an angry text
💬 : the fuck did i get into trouble for lol that asshole was the one who started the fight i just finished it💬 : tell coach i’ll be late for practice i have to talk to my head of house and i’ll do the laps myself
send  ♠ for a drunk text
💬 : i’m a fycin g furru. i have to liv  eith thta.
send ☏ for a vague text
💬 : are you ready?
send ⁇ for a worried text
💬 : some first year just said they saw u running by and that ‘if you died today tell seol i love her’💬 : u probably have enough coddling from ur sisters but that’s very concerning
send ♣ for a text not meant for you
💬 : hey babe i’m in the pad aisle what size pussy u wear 💬 : NO IM SO SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN TO SEND THAT TO U IGNORE IT 
send ✺ for a sassy text
💬 : well i mean maybe if u stanned loona.
send √ for a long-winded confession text
💬 : ok um so i know we’re supposed to be meeting right now but💬 : this first year actually came to me💬 : like god i hope she isn’t like a weirdo or something call me and find a way to work ‘pineapple’ in if she is💬 : i just... she seemed to like u a lot💬 : so someone named seulbi will be meeting u ok she’s cute give her a chance!!!!💬 : don’t take drinks from her just in case tho lol💬 : i’ll be at the bookstore if u need anything~~~~ i’ll treat u to a meal later if it doesn’t go well but if it does invite me to ur wedding ㅎㅎㅎ
send ☠ for a misguided advice text
💬 : idk man honestly if u like someone u should definitely just confess to them! you’re cute and handsome and tall! idk why your crush wouldn’t like u back!!!!! they have terrible taste if they don’t!!!!!!!!!
send ☢ for a desperate text
send ☼ for a congratulatory text
💬 : hey, congrats on becoming part of the team! i’m han seol, second year chaser. i hope we’ll get along well~ feel free to contact me if anyone messes w u (ง •̀_•́)ง
send ✘ for a text that should never have been sent
💬 : kwak junsu? like kwak jidam?
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
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