HSK2 WORDS LIST (300 words)
1 我们 wǒmen we, us (pl.) 2 你 nǐ you 3 你们 nǐmen you (pl.) 4 他 tā he, him 5 她 tā she, her 6 他们 tāmen they (male+female / male,pl.) 7 她们 tāmen they (females, pl.) 8 这 (这儿) zhè ( zhèr) here, this 9 那 (那儿) nà (nàr) there, that 10 哪(哪儿) nǎ (nǎr) where 11 谁 shéi (shuí) who [updated] 12 什么 shénme what, why 13 多少 duōshǎo how many, how much 14 几 jǐ a few, how many 15 怎么 zěnme how 16 怎么样 zěnmeyàng how about 17 您 nín you 18 它 tā it 19 大家 dàjiā everyone 20 每 měi every 21 为什么 wèishénme why 22 一 yī one 23 二 èr two 24 三 sān three 25 四 sì four 26 五 wǔ five 27 六 liù six 28 七 qī seven 29 八 bā eight 30 九 jiǔ nine 31 十 shí ten 32 零 líng zero 33 两 liǎng two 34 百 bǎi hundred 35 千 qiān thousand 36 第一 dìyī first 37 个 gè one, a, an 38 岁 suì year 39 本 běn volume 40 些 xiē some 41 块 kuài piece 42 次 cì number 43 公斤 gōngjīn kilogram 44 元 yuán yuan 45 件 jiàn piece 46 张 zhāng sheet 47 不 bù no 48 没 méi no 49 很 hěn quite, very 50 太 tài too 51 都 dōu all 52 别 bié other 53 非常 fēicháng very 54 也 yě likewise 55 还 hái repay 56 最 zuì most 57 真 zhēn real 58 正在 zhèngzài be being 59 已经 yǐjīng already 60 一起 yìqǐ together 61 再 zài again 62 就 jiǜ at once 63 和 hé and 64 因为 yīnwèi because 65 所以 suǒyǐ so 66 但是 dànshì but 67 在 zài in, at 68 从 cóng from 69 对 duì right 70 此 cǐ this 71 向 xiàng towards 72 离 lí leave 73 的 de 74 了 le 75 吗 ma 76 呢 ne 77 得 de 78 着 zhe 79 过 guo 80 吧 ba 81 喂 wèi hello 82 家 jiā home 83 学校 xuéxiào school 84 饭馆 fànguǎn restaurant [updated] 85 商店 shāngdiàn store 86 医院 yīyuàn hospital 87 火车站 huǒchēzhàn train station 88 中国 zhōngguó China 89 机场 jīchǎng airport 90 教室 jiàoshì classroom 91 房间 fángjiān room 92 路 lù road 93 北京 běijīng Beijing 94 上 shàng up 95 下 xià below 96 前面 qiánmiàn front 97 后面 hòumiàn behind 98 左边 zuǒbiān left 99 右边 yòubiān right 100 外 wài out 101 旁边 pángbiān side 102 里 lǐmiàn inside 103 今天 jīntiān today 104 明天 míngtiān tomorrow 105 昨天 zuótiān yesterday 106 上午 shàngwǔ morning 107 中午 zhōngwǔ noon 108 下午 xiàwǔ afternoon 109 年 nián year 110 月 yuè month 111 日 rì day 112 星期 xīngqī week 113 点 diǎn dot, spot 114 分钟 fēnzhōng minute 115 现在 xiànzài now 116 时候 shíhóu time 117 早上 zǎoshàng morning 118 晚上 wǎnshàng night 119 小时 xiǎoshí hour 120 时间 shíjiān time 121 去年 qùnián last year 122 号 hào number 123 生日 shēngrì birthday 124 爸爸 bàba father 125 妈妈 māma mother 126 儿子 érzi son 127 女儿 nǚér daughter 128 老师 lǎoshī teacher 129 学生 xuéshēng student 130 同学 tóngxué shoolmate 131 朋友 péngyǒu friend 132 医生 yīshēng doctor 133 先生 xiānshēng sir 134 小姐 xiǎojiě Miss 135 哥哥 gēge brother 136 姐姐 jiějie sister 137 弟弟 dìdi younger brother 138 妹妹 mèimei sis 139 丈夫 zhàngfu husband 140 妻子 qīzi wife 141 孩子 háizi child 142 男人 nánrén man 143 女人 nǚrén woman 144 服务员 fúwùyuán waiter 145 衣服 yīfu cloth 146 水 shuǐ water 147 菜 cài vegetable 148 米饭 mǐfàn rice 149 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit 150 苹果 píngguǒ apple 151 茶 chá tea 152 杯子 bēizi cup 153 钱 qián money 154 飞机 fēijī airplane 155 出租车 chūzūchē taxi 156 电视 diànshì television 157 电脑 diànnǎo computer 158 电影 diànyǐng movie 159 天气 tiānqì weather 160 猫 māo cat 161 狗 gǒu dog 162 东西 dōngxī thing 163 鱼 yú fish 164 羊肉 yángròu mutton 165 牛奶 niúnǎi milk 166 鸡蛋 jīdàn egg 167 西瓜 xīguā watermelon 168 咖啡 kāfēi coffee 169 自行车 zìxíngchē bike 170 船 chuán boat 171 雪 xué snow 172 药 yào medicine 173 手机 shǒujī phone 174 手表 shǒubiǎo watch 175 眼睛 yǎnjīng eye 176 身体 shēntǐ body 177 公共汽车 gōnggòngqìchē bus 178 报纸 bàozhǐ newspaper 179 人 rén person 180 名字 míngzi name 181 书 shū book 182 汉语 hànyǔ Chinese 183 字 zì character 184 桌子 zhuōōzi desk 185 椅子 yǐzi chair 186 门 mén door 187 题 tí topic 188 课 kè lesson 189 姓 xìng surname 190 问题 wèntí question 191 事情 shìqing matter 192 考试 kǎoshì exam 193 票 piào ticket 194 意思 yìsi meaning 195 颜色 yánsè color 196 谢谢 xièxiè thank 197 不客气 búkèqì you are welcome 198 再见 zàijiàn good-bye 199 请 qǐng please 200 对不起 duìbùqǐ sorry 201 没关系 méiguānxì It doesn’t matter 202 欢迎 huānyíng welcome 203 是 shì am, is, are 204 有 yǒu have 205 看 kàn look 206 听 tīng listen 207 说话 shuōhuà speak 208 读 dú read 209 写 xiě write 210 看见 kànjiàn see 211 叫 jiào call 212 来 lái come 213 回 huí return 214 去 qù go 215 吃 chī eat 216 喝 hē drink 217 睡觉 shuìjiào sleep 218 打电话 dǎdiànhuà call up 219 做 zuò do 220 买 mǎi buy 221 开 kāi open 222 坐 zuò sit 223 住 zhù live 224 学习 xuéxí study 225 工作 gōngzuò work 226 下雨 xiàyǔ rain 227 问 wèn ask 228 走 zǒu walk 229 进 jìn enter 230 出 chū come 231 跑步 pǎobù run 232 到 dào arrive 233 穿 chuān wear 234 洗 xǐ wash 235 给 gěi give 236 找 zhǎo find 237 懂 dǒng understand 238 笑 xiào smile 239 回答 huídá answer 240 告诉 gàosù tell 241 准备 zhǔnbèi prepare 242 开始 kāishǐ begin 243 介绍 jièshào introduce 244 帮助 bāngzhù help 245 玩 wán play 246 送 sòng present 247 等 děng wait 248 让 ràng let 249 起床 qǐchuáng get up 250 唱歌 chànggē sing 251 跳舞 tiàowǔ dance 252 旅游 lǚyóu travel 253 上班 shàngbān be on duty 254 生病 shēngbìng fall ill 255 休息 xiūxi rest 256 运动 yùndòng exercise 257 游泳 yóuyǒng swim 258 踢足球 tīzúqiú play footbal 259 打篮球 dǎlánqiú play basketball 260 完 wán finish 261 爱 ài love 262 喜欢 xǐhuān love, like 263 想 xiǎng want 264 认识 rènshi know 265 觉得 juédé think 266 知道 zhīdào know 267 希望 xīwàng hope 268 会 huì can 269 能 néng can, be able to 270 可以 kěyǐ can 271 要 yào ask for 272 可能 kěnéng may 273 好 hǎo good 274 大 dà big 275 小 xiǎo small 276 多 duō many, much 277 少 shǎo few, little 278 冷 lěng cold 279 热 rè hot 280 高兴 gāoxìng happy 281 漂亮 piàoliàng beautiful 282 高 gāo tall 283 红 hóng red 284 白 bái white 285 黑 hēi black 286 忙 máng busy 287 快 kuài fast 288 慢 màn slow 289 远 yuǎn far 290 近 jìn close 291 好吃 hǎochī delicioous 292 累 lèi tire 293 长 cháng long 294 新 xīn new 295 贵 guì expensive 296 便宜 piányi cheap 297 晴 qíng fine 298 阴 yīn cloudy 299 错 cuò wrong 300 快乐 kuàilè happy
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开学生词 // Starting School Vocabulary
With many of us returning to school after Winter Break, here are some of my favorite back-to-school words.
开学 kāi xué - to begin a new semester
新生 xīn shēng - new student
研究生 yán jiū shēng - graduate student
校外 xiào wài - off campus
校内 xiào nèi - on campus
省钱 shěng qián - to save money
好处 hǎochu - advantage, benefit
适应 shì yìng - to adapt to, to become used to
搬家 bān jiā - to move (where you live)
帮忙 bāng máng - to help
宿舍 sù shè - dormitory
办公室 bàn gōng shī - office
同屋 tóng wú - roommate
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Chinese ~skin care~ vocabulary
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护肤 hùfū - skin care
皮肤 pífū - skin
SKIN TYPES 皮肤类型 [pífū lèixíng]
Normal skin: 中性皮肤 [zhōng xìng pífū]
Dry skin: 干性皮肤 [gān xìng pífū]
Oily skin: 油性皮肤 [yóuxìng pífū]
Combination skin: 混合性皮肤 [hùnhé xìng pífū]
Sensitive skin: 敏感性皮肤 [mǐngǎn xìng pífū]
EFFECT 功效类 [gōngxiào lèi]
Anti-acne: 青春痘(用的) [qīngchūn dòu (yòng de)]
After sun: 日晒后 (用的) [rì shài hòu (yòng de)]
Anti-: 抗、防 [kàng]; [fáng]
Anti-wrinkle: 抗老; 防皱 [kàng lǎo]; [fáng zhòu]
Purifying: 清洁(用的) [qīngjié (yòng de)]
Facial: 脸部(用) [liǎn bù (yòng)]
Hydra: 保湿 [bǎoshī]
Nourishing: 滋养 [zīyǎng]
Oil-control: 抑制油脂 [yìzhì yóuzhi]
Peeling: 敷面落式面膜 [fū miàn luò shì miànmó]
Repairing: 修护 [xiū hù]
Revitalizing: 活化 [huóhuà]
Sun block: 防晒 [fángshài]
Treatment: 修 [xi]
Washing: 洗 [xǐ]
Whitening 美白 [měibái]
SKINCARE ROUTINE 护肤程序 [hùfū chéngxù]
1. CLEANSING 清洁 [qīngjié]
Foam: 泡沫 [pàomò]
Facial cleanser: 洗面奶 [xǐmiànnǎi]
Body wash/shower gel: 沐浴露 [mùyùlù]
2. EXFOLIATION 表皮剥脱 [biǎopí bōtuō]
Scrub: 去角质; 磨砂膏 [qù jiǎozhì]; [móshā gāo] 
Peeling: 敷面落式面膜 [fū miàn luò shì miànmó]
3. REFRESHING 恢复肌肤 [huīfù jīfū]
Toner: 爽肤水 [shuǎngfūshuǐ]
Smoothing/balancing toner: 柔肤水 [róufūshuǐ]
Lifting lotion: 紧肤水 [jǐnfū shuǐ]
Essence/serum: 精华液 [jīnghuáyè]
4. MOISTURIZING 保湿 [bǎoshī]
露 [lù] :lotion,霜 [shuāng] :cream
Skin cream: 护肤霜 [hùfūshuāng]
Day cream: 日霜 [rìshuāng]
Night cream: 晚霜 [wǎnshuāng]
Eye gel/cream: 眼霜 [yǎnshuāng]
Lip care: 护唇 [hù chún]
Body lotion 身体乳 [shēntǐrǔ]
Hand lotion: 护手霜 [hùshǒushuāng]
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boxed-in, Taipei
June 2014
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Traditional & Simplified: You Can Have It All
I guess I talk about simplified & traditional characters kind of a lot so I thought I’d try to pull together a resource page for those trying to make the switch or if you just want to know more.
學習吧! From Simplified To Traditional - This is a blog in Spanish, but they have a series on learning the two and if you already know one then you’ll be fine (o bueno, pueda mejorar su español al mismo tiempo) 
Simplified to Traditional Conversion Table - I don’t actually recommend using this as it’s a little overwhelming, but it let’s you get an overall idea of character change. If you actually just want to change something there’s plenty of programs, but you can also just use google translate. Since it’s not actually “translating” anything it won’t garble it. (otherwise p much never use it for Mandarin-English)
List of Radicals - A handy thing anyway, but you can also see that the vast majority are the same in traditional/simplified so once you know the different ones yr good to go. For many characters the only change is this new radicle, e.g. 給 -> 给
probably excessive, but you can also get character sheets, but honestly if you can just recognize your “second” set well that’s enough, especially because so much is typing. 
A lot of learning is just seeing it more and more—you can make a flashcard set, or you can also just start doing everything in the one you want to learn (p much me learning trad., then going to China). Also use dictionaries that show both, like pleco or mdbg.
More Than You Want to Know About Simplified Characters - some decently detailed history
Language Reform in China (yikes it wasn’t that much when I got it) - Way cool, lots of primary resources talking about the debate, including when full-romanization was proposed
Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese - again, probably more than you want to know 
bam there you go, reading all the texts. most of the time it’s really not so bad, only sometimes am I like “dumbass you knew that.” ( 權 -> 权, 鬆 & 松 -> 松) 
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跟...比起来 (mandarin grammar)
跟…比起来 is a way of making comparisons 
the structure is as follows:
noun (phrase) 1+跟+noun (phrase) 2+比起来, comment
跟+noun 1+比起来, noun 2 +verb phrase
*note: when i looked it up to check my facts i saw you can apparently also use 和 in place of 跟
the comment that follows 比起来 is the comparison between the two nouns and should use words like 最,比较,一点,得多,and 多了
structure 1: noun (phrase) 1+跟+noun (phrase) 2+比起来, comment
*in this first structure, you’re comparing noun 1 to noun 2, so the comment will probably have something to do with noun 1 if it’s a statement*
Between cats and dogs, I like cats more.
[here it would be as a question] 猫跟狗比起来,你更喜欢哪一个?
Between cats and dogs, which do you like more?
To me, when comparing Chinese and math class, Chinese class is more fun.
Which is easier: using a washer to wash your clothes or washing them by hand?
structure 2: 跟+noun 1+比起来, noun 2 +verb phrase
*in this second structure noun 1 is what noun 2 is being compared to*
Compared to you, I’m way prettier
My tuition is more expensive than my phone bill.
compared to chicken, beef is the most delicious.
so that’s it since i’m in the middle of finals and feel a little out of it, there might be a couple mistakes. if you notice any please please tell me (preferably through an ask so i’m more likely to see it)
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Some mathematical symbols in Mandarin Chinese~
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#365Chinese - Character of the Day @ #PaceMandarin jiè 界 boundary http://www.pace-mandarin.com/jie4-boundary/
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(via All about Location Words)
In Chinese language, 方位词 (nouns of locality) are used for this purpose. Here is a list of the most common words to describe location. Learn now: http://bit.ly/2kfyzot
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(via The use of ‘了’(le)in Chinese)
“我去了公司了。” When you first read or hear this kind of sentence, you may wonder, why do I need to use two “了” in one sentence? Do they have the same meaning? What are their functions? How do I use “了” correctly? Many learners couldn`t tell the differences, and use “了” incorrectly even after they have reached a higher level. Now let`s talk about “了” and give us a clearer understanding on how to use this Auxiliary word. 
More details: http://bit.ly/2kPXCeb
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Getting Sick 😷
生病 (shēng bìng) - to get sick
流鼻涕 (liú bítì) - to have a runny nose
头疼 (tóu téng) - to have a headache
发烧 (fā shāo) - to have a fever
感冒 (gǎn mào) - to have a cold
流感 (liú gǎn) - the flu
咳嗽 (késoù) - to cough
累 (lèi) - tired
毯子 (tǎnzi) - blanket
阿司匹林 (āsīpīlín) - aspirin
过敏 (guòmǐn) - to be allergic to
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Chinese Polyphonic Characters Learning
two pronunciations of 觉
我觉得很累,想睡觉。(Wǒ juéde hěn lèi, xiǎng shuìjiào.)
I feel very tierd and want to sleep. 
Check the Polyphonic Characters E-book here: http://bit.ly/2je3u0z
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Taipei, Taiwan 2017
Lets just go ahead and say I’m a 23 year old college student and I’m addicted to my phone. I literally sometimes just hold it to give me comfort. I was genuinely concerned about communication while I’m here in Taipei. There are are so many post and websites and suggestions available on how to though. Anytime I have traveled before I have always just bought a sim card in the country I am visiting and relied on WIFI to call back home. None of these sources though mentions that Taiwan seems to have some interesting ruled and one of them is that you have to be a local to buy a sim card it seems. I had to get one of my local friends to take me to get a sim card, even though its prepaid. So it has no contract associated it. It was strange from me coming from the states where literally anyone with the cash can buy a phone and start talking on it in a matter of minutes.
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Taipei, Taiwan 2017
After a Full year of planing and studying Chinese I’m finally in Taiwan! It has been such a journey to get here that i’m honestly not sure what i’m doing here. I’m sure i’ll recover soon though. So far the week has been getting my appetite wet with anticipation of what all the island has to offer. Ive seen so many things to do and the locals are just so pleasant. Even with my poor Chinese, which is hard to understand, I can tell they really have kind hearts! Many people here in Taipei speak English though which I can see as a blessing and curse. While I try and speak Chinese they always respond in English if they speak it. Anyone whom seems to not speak English runs off to find someone who can. Its really sweet. Hopefully ill still get to develop my Chinese significantly through out my exploration of the Island. I heard that as I move south less and less people speak English, so a challenge may be in order.
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Mandarin Grammar: 从来不 vs 从来没
so if you’re anything like me you get these two grammar patterns mixed up all the time
i learned these in my second year of mandarin and to this day i can’t distinguish them for the life of me so
for my sake and yours i’m gonna revisit them
subject+从来不+verb phrase
this is used to indicate something a person never does and probably never will do
奶奶从来不喝酒 nǎinai cónglái bu hējiǔ
Grandma doesn’t drink
我从来不洗碗 wǒ cónglái bu xǐ wǎn
I don’t do the dishes (lol jk i do my dishes just not in a timely manner)
so like i said this one implies that you have no intention of doing the action you don’t do now
this one is more like someone has never done something but they’re open to doing it, or that they’ve just never experienced something
我从来没去过中国 wǒ cónglái méi qùguò zhōngguó
I’ve never been to China
她从来没吃过火锅 tā cónglái méi chīguò huǒguō
She’s never eaten a hotpot
so that’s all i have to say on this topic but as always if there’s an comments questions or concerns just hmu
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In the collection below, you’ll find many examples (some with videos) of how to use a variety of common Chinese words and expressions in many different ways: http://bit.ly/2iPfloq
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