momomo-mo-mo-momo · 6 years
@gema-lit || December 23rd - Holiday Bonfire and Light Show
    More nervous than she had probably ever been before, Momo stared down the contact on her phone, debating between texting and calling. She knew Chiaki didn’t have the best attention span, but she also didn’t want to interrupt a gaming session while the other girl was in one of her competitive moods.
    In the end, she ended up dialing her classmate up, gulping softly as the ring started up.
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    If it went to voice mail, what should she say? The brunette could probably leave off the ‘this is Momo’, as there’d be a caller ID, but launching into the thick of the invitation would be rude and crass, wouldn’ it?
    .... Momo was a classy lady, she wanted to give Chiaki a good time - just a normal good time! Among good friends, of course.
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 6 years
@momomo-mo-mo-momo - Gift giving event!
It probably didn’t seem like it from the lack of decor in her current office but Snow White loved winter, especially Christmas. Families getting together, warmth shared and good-will spread through the community. It was all Snow wanted for Solaris and she was going to start it off by giving her exceptionally talented assistant a gift.
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It wasn’t much honestly, just a small stuffed animal that reminded Snow of the energetic assistant, but it was the thought that counted. With no haste, she left her office space and entered the lobby in search of Momo. 
    Momo had been on edge all day, to the point where it had almost interfered with her impeccable performance earlier, as she’d been so focused on the gifts in her bag, to be distributed throughout the day, that she’d nearly knocked over a stack of papers on her desk.
    Despite all her fussing and worrying, her services were needed all over the building so she spent very little time on her own desk, instead, she was taking the run of the building in preparation for the holiday season.
    It was really no surprise that she ran into her boss with all the moving around she was doing, but Momo did slow her gait to acknowledge the commanding lady.
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       “Happy holidays, Ms. White!”
Winter event - 12/22 { Snow + Momo }
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
Vash could feel the contents of his stomach shifting as the bin that he was in flipped over. Something else he felt was the rush of blood falling from his face and circulating through his body. Slowly but surely the feelings in his long arms and legs came back along with that terrible needle feeling of the nerves connecting back up.
Tears formed in the corners of his eyes but were soon to disperse when he heard that the stranger was about to pull him out. Immediately Vash started struggling despite the sore feeling in his limbs to somehow signal to the female that she should in fact not do that and he could get out on his own.
When his left arm finally calmed down from the blood finally coming back to it he removed the ducktape and started climbing out backward. Finally, he was free and could take a deep breath of fresh air and not of grime, slime, and whatever else was in the dumpster. 
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Finally, after reversing for at least a few minutes Vash was free and in the light of the outside. He looked around and eventually spotted his savior. With no hesitation, he jumped up and towered over the dark-haired female and flashed her his iconic smile. ”Hey thanks for saving me, I really owe ya!”
    Oh, it looked as if Momo’s services were no longer needed. It was only after being able to step back and let the man escape his trash prison that she allowed herself to wonder if it was a good idea.
    What if this guy was a criminal and this was justice? There wasn’t anyone around or any signs to tell differently, but she wasn’t necessarily privy to gang activity, nor was she oblivious to it.
    These concerns were quickly swept away, however, in favor of being polite in the face of uncertainty.
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          “It was no trouble, I’m glad I was able to help you out of there.” How did she tell him that he looked (and smelled) like he’d been in there for days without being very rude.... “Not to be intrusive, but I don’t suppose there are muggers about? I would like to be prepared, rather than uninformed.”
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
Chiaki never really labeled her sexuality as anything. She liked boys, girls, and anything in between. Sometimes she got curious about her feelings but never did she act on them. Not with Hajime, not with Komaeda, and definitely not with any female. The closest she got to acting on her feelings was staring at the subject in question and that was what she was doing at this exact second.
See, there was this cute student in her classes and her bus that just always managed to capture the gamers attention. Chiaki wondered what it was and decided it was the fluffy hair and those stunning eyes that sometimes caught her own. 
Today though Chiaki set a goal to start some conversation and maybe- just maybe- ask her to hang out after class. And she tried to do as such as when the bell rang and class became dismissed, Chiaki hurried over to her ‘crushes’ desk and began some sort of conversation.
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“H- do- would you- um-” She cut herself off at the beginning of each word she tried to force out, this was proving to be harder than she thought it would be. Chiaki could feel her heart pounding just a little bit faster than it was five minutes ago and if she didn’t know better, she would’ve said she was having a heart attack.
    Momo wasn’t exactly one of the “rushers” - those who sped out of class at the first given opportunity for who knows what reason - so she was still packing up when her (admirer?) interested classmate approached her desk.
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    There was nervousness on both of their parts, clearly, as the brunette couldn’t help but gulp softly, hands buried in the satchel on her lap and intently studying her feminine classmate up close for what was probably the first time.
    ‘She’s even prettier up close’, ‘what did I do’, and ‘what romcom have I seen this moment in’ were all thoughts getting muddled inside her head while she half took in what the other girl had to say.
          “Momo.” The brunette found herself talking, smiling, cutting off the nervous stutters with an attempt at looking put-together. “My name is Momo; sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone when you know their name. So can you tell me who you are?”
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
Jeez, it stunk in the trash but that wasn’t surprising. No, the real surprise was that he was inside the trash can and stuck. Vash had tried to get a while ago but failed every. single. time. It was impossible for Vash to get out by himself because not only was he buried upside down to his hips in this trash and he wasn’t about to break his hipbones trying to get out of the trash can. His only hope was that someone would come for him sooner or later.
Vash would’ve made some sort of noise or yell if his mouth wasn’t duck taped and stuck neck to some fast food bag. So he was stuck waiting to be saved like some princess in a fairytale story. Now usually Vash didn’t take naps but the upside down situation really got his blood rushing and ultimately put him to sleep.
His saving grace was also what ultimately woke him up. The knocking against the garbage sent a jolt into his chest and forced out some sort of yelp that was muffled by the ducktape that somehow was still on his face.
    Momo grew alarmed by the sharp movement and soft panicked noise that the person inside the trash made by a noise which she considered to be soft and harmless and immediately put her bag down so she could use both hands to do... whatever needed to be done.
          “Wait just a moment, I’m going to set the trashcan onto its side so that it will be easier to remove you... sir?” That was the best guess she could make at the moment and besides, it could be remedied when this poor stranger was out of their unfortunate predicament.
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    She crouched down, wincing at the strain the action put on her lower back and wrapped her arms around the middle of the bin, bracing herself for action before slowly tipping it while struggling to maintain control.
    If it was a smaller person she wouldn’t have any trouble, being fairly active in cardio and extremely proficient in weightlifting, both required for her P.E. credit, unfortunately, this person was really pushing her upper limits for weight.
    With one final heave she rolled it slightly so that it wouldn’t fall on her arm and cringed slightly at the scratching noise the shifting of trash made inside the can before moving over to the guys feet, flexing her arm muscles experimentally.
          “Alright, sir, I’m going to pull you out now, give me a hot minute.”
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
The knock at her door brought Snow out of her concentration on the multiple stacks of paperwork that came with being the mayor. She set down her pen and rubbed her wrist from the prolonged writing period.
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 “Please come in.” She replied smoothly and loudly enough to be heard through the thick oak door. A perk of being the mayor was her own corner of the building and that heavy door that basically canceled any outside noise. It made working on paperwork easier but at the same time, it was pretty solid and took a good amount of effort to open.
    With little to no difficulty, Momo pushed the large oaken door open enough to slip through and turned to slow its urgent path to slamming shut behind her, only letting go when it clicked closed.
    That also bought her some time to gather herself for one of her first real interactions with the lady mayor/mayoress; over some mild paperwork and mail items, granted, but this was still her boss.
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          “I have separated the files and the mail into urgent and less urgent - unfortunately everyone wants your attention for something, Ms. White.” Momo tried for a casual smile but clenched her toes inside her flats, nervously while holding the two stacks out.
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
    Momo couldn’t help but notice things. She was a relatively attractive young woman - usually a little tall for most men’s tastes, thank god - with... assets that she thought to be vulgar and undoubtedly other things that appealed to men that she would never figure out.
    Still, when she was getting the attention she really wanted - that is, attention from girls - it still set off her radar and felt much like a false alarm, as most stares were jealous ones.
    The brunette had no idea how to interpret the soft, almost blank stare of her frequent classmate, though. It wasn’t something she was used to at all, and so simultaneously confused and flustered her when delivered in steady doses.
    Recently, she’d dared to stare back, shortly meeting the quiet girl's eyes with her eyebrows scrunched together and lips pressed together, the model of confusion, or perplexed innocence. That hadn’t lasted long, however, due to her quick embarrassment ending the contact as quickly as it had started.
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    Now she was settling for ducking her head to peer back to the girl under her fluffy fringe, now curious and a bit enthralled as well, both by curiosity and... well... she didn’t really look bad, at all.
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
    After a long day at the office, Momo couldn’t be more excited to go home, kick her legs up, and put a heating pad on the back of her neck and shoulders to relieve some of the posture pain she’d built up over the day.
    Not every goal could be met, as often she would set high expectations at her work and school when really she had to prioritize one over the other because importance was a factor, here, but she figured this could at least be followed to the letter.
    Unfortunately, or maybe not, according to her bleeding heart, her eyes caught on an odd sight - a pair of legs sticking out of a large garbage bin, right next to the bus stop.
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          “Um?” Because she wasn’t sure what else to do, Momo gently rapped her knuckles on the rusted outer shell of the garbage container and cleared her throat. “Uh, sir or madam... are you awake in there?”
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
    Momo fidgeted nervously in a fair vest and pencil skirt - a standard uniform, by company formal standards - and raised her hand to knock at the door of the lady mayor’s office, a stack of papers held under one arm.
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          “Ms. White, I have some mail and other such things,” if that was even the right terminology, “to you. May I come in?”
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
@momomo-mo-mo-momo  // Enjoy the comedy
New city, new friends, new faces, new problems. Shuichi had a habit of finding trouble- or trouble finding him if you will. He’d made special effort to get an apartment in the high-class area of the town, a job in the city police, and cut off any connections he had in the past. So why? Why was he now running around in Luna of all places, trying to find leads into a case that he wasn’t even really on?
Curiosity, that’s what. Shuichi wasn’t always one to stick his nose in places he wasn’t supposed to when it came to people’s gossip but murder was another thing. He’d notice the case had gone cold and was interested in picking it back up to bring some sort of closure to the family of the victim.
Finding a body wasn’t part of the agenda. Not on the schedule, not on the calendar, not on the map. But now here it was, staring straight at him, a decaying corpse stuffed in the many dumpsters. He wanted to scream or throw up- maybe even both, but he managed to keep it down far enough to collect his thoughts of what he was supposed to do in this situation. 
    As a proactive member of a rational, functioning community, Momo got around. She traveled the districts, she saw the sights, she observed the good, the bad, and the ugly (as the movies so eloquently put it).
    Still, most of what she studied was downright confusing and needed properly investigation rather than a quick look-see.
    It was generally a bad thing when someone was hanging out in an ally around some trashcans and a very large trash bin, right? And Momo wasn’t concerned about being attacked or anything.
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            “Citizen!” A great start, because that is actually how the common folk talk among themselves. She approached quickly, one hand over her nose because there was something rather tepid coming from the trash the stranger was looking into. “You look rather startled and a tad suspicious here. May I help you?”
Deep in Earth {Momo + Shuichi}
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
Being woken up wasn’t rare for Tanaka. Being woken up by someone other than Oota though? Yeah, that was more of a special thing for him. It took him a moment to understand just where exactly he was before memories came rushing back to him. The move to Solaris, the new school, the new halls. It was all so much work that Tanaka couldn’t help but fall asleep near the stairs- after all, he didn’t have Oota to carry him everywhere anymore for the time being. 
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“Hmm?” Tanaka stared at the person who had the pleasure of waking him up with his normal apathetic eyes. “I’m quite fine.” He answered finally after taking a good few seconds to think about what he was asked. Yeah- this new school was going to take some getting used to.
    Momo wanted to coo at the boy as he slowly woke up - as someone who’d been in charge of the rather lethargic members of her class, she understood that it probably wouldn’t be appreciated, though.
      “I was just making sure.” It was a relief that he appeared to remember suffering no head trauma, which there would be no reason for there to be any but that didn’t mean it didn’t happen.... In any case.
      “As I said, most people are packing up to leave for the day and...” she tilted her head and smiled, amiably. It woudn’t do if he thought he was in trouble when Momo was just a concerned adult. “I was worried you had decided to take a short nap... and would be locked in. This isn’t one of the main halls, after all.”
there’s no need to be down
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
there’s no need to be down
    Momo was a “busybody”. What this meant, exactly, she wasn’t sure, but during high school, a friend had explained (not very well, but at least they’d tried) that it meant she liked to be involved... in a negative sense.
    If this was true, wouldn’t nosy be a better term? She didn’t think there was anything wrong with how she liked to involve herself in things, even when it wasn’t any of her business.
    She couldn’t apologize for - upon finding them asleep on the stairwell of a school she was visiting - waking someone up with a smile. “Excuse me, young man, but school hours are almost over... are you quite alright?”
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
Starter call!
Like this post for a short (two/three paragraph) starter for Momo Yaoyorozu from BNHA! Knowledge of the show is not needed in order to interact, and if you have any suggestions they are appreciated!
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
And now, a sudden Momo-appreciation post
Honestly, Momo’s literally the sweetest thing, she’s just this good mix of awkwardly cool yet being really cute
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And damn crafty holy moly
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and she has me feel so much
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Keep reading
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momomo-mo-mo-momo · 7 years
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Yaomomo & Inking practice This took more time than I dare to admit.
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