momuse · 8 days
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ーー松本さんは、食材をストックしておくタイプですか? それともその都度買いに行くタイプですか?
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momuse · 29 days
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上國料 「ありがとう!(笑) わかにゃ(松本)の面白いエピソードは…実は最近、推しができたらしいんですよ。推しの話についていじると、耳が真っ赤になるんです」 (メンバー大爆笑) 上國料 「それがもう分かりやすくて…。わかにゃをいじると、顔がカーッて赤くなるんですよ」 松本 「絶対に隠し事できないです!」 伊勢 「もう~可愛すぎる!(笑)」
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momuse · 29 days
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「モー娘。」など「ハロプロ」育ての親が語る“育成術” 札幌南高校卒の音楽プロデューサー・橋本慎さん
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momuse · 2 months
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今、本当に推されている「人」「作品」が分かる 最旬“推し”新潮流
H!P fanbase is fewer than 50,000? It can't be!
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momuse · 3 months
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momuse · 3 months
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momuse · 5 months
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スポニチ野球記者、大谷翔平の年俸額を分かりやすく表現「ハロプロのピンナップポスターを1億4500万買える うおおおお!」
2. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2023年12月11日 00:58
大谷翔平くんは大スターになりすぎてこれから恋をするのも大変だと思うわ 名声やお金とか関係なくお互いが心から愛し合えるのは中学、高校の同級生とか牧野真莉愛だけじゃないかな
I'm worried that it would be quite difficult for Ohtani Shohei to fall in love with someone without being bound by his fame or money since he's now become a hyper celebrity. I think the only people he could genuinely be in love with each other would be someone who were at school together with him or Makino Maria.
9. ℃-uteな名無しさん 2023年12月11日 09:21
色んな女性が大谷くんに猛アタックしたり、関係者から様々な素敵な女性を紹介されるだろう だがしかし、月9ドラマのような恋から始めたかったらモーニング娘。の牧野真莉愛だよ 相手が大谷くんだからって気に入られるよう準備してるような女じゃだめ 真莉愛のような天真爛漫で奔放な性格の女の子じゃないと純愛は始まらない 大谷くんが外国の女性を好きならアレだけど、日本人の嫁さんが希望なら牧野真莉愛だね
Lots of women would approach him and the people around him would introduce various attractive women to him. But if he wants a genuine love just like the one in movies, it'll be with no one other than Makino Maria. Not with the kind of woman who is eagerly watching for a chance to date with him. Only with a simple and innocent woman just like Maria, he could get what he craves for. If he prefers foreign women, that's one thing. But if he wants a Japanese wife, Makino Maria is the one.
Shohei Ohtani joining Dodgers on 10-year, $700M contract
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momuse · 5 months
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小田 モーニング娘。は私が幼い頃から存在してくれて、小さい頃からの憧れでした。私は好きなもののためならがんばれるので、メンバーが変わっても「モー娘。はモー娘。だな」と思ってもらえるように日々がんばっています。それと私はつんく♂さんのこともつんく♂さんの曲もずっと大好きなんですが、つんく♂さんはもう自分の声で歌うことができなくなってしまったので、おこがましいかもしれないですが、つんく♂さんの喉になれたらいいなと思ってます。「つんく♂さんが何を表現したくてこの曲を作ったのか」ということを考えて、「つんく♂さんだったらどう歌うか、どう曲に寄り添っていくか」って想像するのも楽しいです。
Oda Sakura: Morning Musume has already existed from the time I could remember, and it has always been the object of my admiration. I can do my best for what I love, so I work hard every day to make people think "Morning Musume always be Morning Musume no matter its members have changed". I also always love Tsunku-san and his musical pieces, but he can't sing with his own voice any more. I'm afraid it might sound bit presumptuous, but I hope I could serve as his throat. It's fun to think about 'what did Tsunku-san want to express with the song' and imagine 'how Tsunku-san would have sang it or how he would have gone along with the song'.
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momuse · 6 months
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Nomura Minami: There were nights when I couldn't help suspecting I might have a dual personality. Sometimes after the concerts I would wonder if the one who had been performing on the stage a little while ago could be the same person as I was off the stage now.
extracted from the letter from Nomura Minami to Yamagishi Riko introduced in the radio program Makino Maria no Marian LOVErin Desu on 1 Nov 2023
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momuse · 6 months
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譜久村 2018年ははーちんの卒業に続き、秋ツアーではるなん(飯窪春菜)の卒業もありました。年齢は私より上だけど立場的に一応後輩で、そして一緒にサブリーダーをしていたはるなんがいなくなってしまうのはすごく寂しかったです。自分の中で心を許せるような存在だったので。お姉さんチームとして一緒に過ごすことも多かったですし。はるなんがいつも大人でいてくれたのですごく助けられていたし、自分に自信がない私のことをいつも肯定してくれて、本当にたくさん救ってもらっていたんです。だから自分のお姉さんがいなくなっちゃうような感覚で、自然と涙が出てきました。今でも忘れられないのが、『フラリ銀座』のパフォーマンス中に泣くという(笑)。はるなんの卒業前に出たシングルだったんですけど、本来全然泣くような楽曲じゃないんですよ。でも「全てこのままで時間よ止まれ」って歌詞のところで「本当にそう……(涙)」と思ったら涙が溢れてしまって。自分でもまさか泣くとは思っていなくてびっくりしました。泣いたのはまさにはるなんの卒業コンサートの時だったんですけど、メンバーも「ここで?」とびっくりしていて(笑)。でもこの時にやっぱり自分ははるなんの卒業が寂しくてしょうがなかったんだな、と改めて感じました。
Fukumura: In 2018, following Hachin's graduation, Harunan also graduated at the end of our autumn tour. I was very sad to see Harunan leaving, who's older than me but younger in terms of tenure, and we once were sub-leaders together. She's the one I could unburden myself to. There're a lot of occasions where we form a senior team together in the band. Harunan was always mature in those occasions and that helped me a lot. She always affirmed me who couldn't have enough self-confidence. She really saved me many times. So I felt like I was losing my own sister, and I naturally shed tears. I still can't forget that I couldn't stop crying during the performance of "Hurari Ginza" (laughs). It was the single that came out before Harunan's graduation, but it wasn't a song that made me cry at all. But when I was singing the lyrics "I want everything to stay as it is. Let time stand still" and thought "That's exactly what I'm thinking ……", then I burst into tears. I myself was surprised too because I never expected that to happen. It was during Harunan's graduation concert, and the other members were also surprised like "at this song?" (laughs). But at that time I realised that I was really sad about Harunan's graduation.
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momuse · 6 months
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Maeda Kokoro: Kudo-san is an old playmate of mine who has played with me since I was little and still watches over me from afar. It was also her who inspired me to want to join Hello! Project. She calls me “Kocchan” just as my hometown friends do. And the three of us, including my brother, still meet up in our free time!
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momuse · 7 months
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just a moment before they stroke me with their performance like a lightning
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momuse · 7 months
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Morning Musume, the blue-blooded idol
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momuse · 8 months
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弓桁:モーニング娘。って、恋愛に関する楽曲が多いですよね。けど、私は恋愛したことがないので、曲をどう解釈すればいいのかわからないんです。例えば「愛して 愛して 後一分」という曲が大好きで、歌ったりするんですよ。けど、練習がてら録音すると、ちょっと滑らかに艶っぽく歌っているだけで、気持ちがこもっていないように聴こえるんです。野中さんが歌っているのと比較すると「なんか違うな」って思うんですよ。「恋愛したことがなくても��好きなものに置き��えて」とアドバイスをいただいたんですが、うまくできなくて。どうしたらいいんでしょうか。
つんく♂:いい質問やね。でもそれって、ミュージカルの舞台とかで強盗の役やったら「私、銀行強盗したことないんです」って言ってるのと同じでしょ? 「演じる」って、そういうことじゃない。歌も同じだと思うんだよね。そういう意味では、恋愛しようがしまいが、「どうやりきるか」を考えるしかないはず。
つんく♂:歌手に対して「恋愛した気持ちになって」とか言うこと自体、俺からしたらどうでもいい。「歌詞とリズムとメロディーがあって、音楽に対してどう気持ちいいか」が最初にあるんだよね。そして歌詞をよく見ると、スッと入ってくるフレーズがある。中には、今はよくわからなくても数年経てば「わ!」と思う曲もあるだろうしね。弓桁が、「愛して 愛して 後一分」を純粋に好きだと思っているのであれば、それで問題はなくて、その気持ちで歌えばいい。恋愛したことあるとかないとか、理屈じゃないの。ミュージカルにしたってお芝居にしたって歌にしたって、その日の朝、お母さんとめっちゃ喧嘩してずっとムカムカしてても楽しい歌を歌わなアカン。好きな人とラブラブでも、悲しい歌を歌わなアカン。これがプロ。プロとして、どう自覚するか。
つんく♂:例えば、マクドナルドに行った時に、店員のお姉さんが「今日から働いている人」か「3年働いてる人」かなんて、お客さんからしたら関係ないやん。「チーズバーガーをセットでください」って考えるだけで、そのお姉さんがうまいかうまくないか、考えたことないやろ? お客さんってそういうもんなのよ。モーニング娘。がずっと好きな濃いファンはわかるけど、そうじゃなかったら、ふと、急に興味持つわけやん。先輩がいようが、後輩だろうが、好きになった子を好きになるわけやから。先輩の順番は待たんでいいし、メンバーをかきわけて「はいはい!」ってアピールしないと。
Yumigeta: Morning Musume has a lot of songs about love, doesn't it? But I've never been in love, so I don't know how to interpret the songs. For example, I love the song Aishite Aishite Ato Ippun, and I'd sing it every now and then. But when I record it for practice, it just sounds like I'm singing a bit sexually seductive without real feelings. When I compare it to Nonaka-san's singing, "There's something different" I realize. I was once advised "You can replace it with something else that you like, even if you've never had a lover" but I couldn't get it right. What should I do?
TSUNKU♂: That's a good question. But it's just like saying "I've never robbed a bank" when you play a robber in a musical. That's not what 'acting'. means. I think it's the same with singing. In that sense, whether you're in love or not, you have to think about how you're going to 'perform it' after all.
Yumigeta: (nods)
TSUNKU♂: I myself don't care about telling singers "sing like as if you've fallen in love with someone". The primary thing is 'there are lyrics, rhythm and melody, and how you feel good about the music'. And if you read the lyrics carefully, there'll be phrases that just slip in your mind. Even if you don't understand what the lyrics of some songs mean for now, after a few years you'll get what they means like "Wow!" If Yumigeta genuinely likes Aishite Aishite Ato Ippun, then there's no problem with it. You just can sing it with that feeling. It's not a matter of logic like whether you've ever been in love or not. It makes no difference whether it comes to a musical, a play or a song, you need to sing a fun song even if you had a big quarrel with your mother that morning and then you're pissed off all the time. Even if you are in love with someone, you need to sing a sad song sometime. This is professionalism. It's crucial how to discipline yourself as a professional.
Yumigeta: (nods)
TSUNKU♂: For example, when you go to McDonald's, you wouldn't care about how long each staff has been working there, like "That one has been working here for 3 years" or "The other one has just started working here today" or something. Because that personal stuff doesn't matter at all to the customers. You'd be just thinking "I'll have a cheeseburger as a set," and you never think about whether the staff in front of you is well experienced in the job or not, do you? That's how customers are. I'm not sure about how the veteran fans who have been into Morning Musume for a long time think about you new members. But new fans who have just unexpectedly got interested in the band wouldn't care which member is sempai or kouhai, they'd just get into the member who had attracted them. You don't have to stand in a line behind your seniors for chances to appeal to the fans. You need to cut in the line and assert yourself.
Yumigeta: (nods)
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momuse · 8 months
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Yumigeta: I suppose that many of the other idols change their outfits and hairstyles to keep up with the trends of the times. But the members of Morning Musume, In a good way, are only interested in what they like, and are very particular about it. Especially Makino-san is. I'm also the type of person who prefers clothes that I like rather than what's trendy. So that's what I like about Morning Musume. モーニング娘。16期&17期とつんく♂のスペシャル座談会!
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momuse · 8 months
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Kenshuusei Unit '23
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momuse · 1 year
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from Asakura Kiki's graduation concert
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