mosmindmanifested · 4 years
Conscious Living
What does it mean to live consciously? Before getting into very specific practices (which will be mentioned shortly) I found that a large portion of my day was spent in a day-dreaming haze. I would set out to perform specific obligatory tasks: Clean my room Head to work Shower in the morning Brush my teeth Hit the gym Read But most had become so habituated that these tasks seemed to come about without intention. As if I was a programmed robot, I would go about performing the aforementioned tasks without questioning the sequencing or being aware of doing even doing them. Of course, there was a shadow side to this robot efficency. In the evening (typically towards 11pm), I would have an erection, as promptly as you would expect the bus to come, the erection would happen on schedule. Being conditioned like the robot I was, I would respond to the phenomena without thinking. Before I knew it I was flicking through pornhub with the key search words: bbc backshots, and 15 minutes later, post ejaculation, would come to awareness of the whole situation. (could the post cum blues be a return of the conscious mind, shocked into attention by orgasm, being disappointed in what is sees?) Afterwords, I would vow never to do that sort of thing. I was better than pornography, and could not stand myself being pulled by the magnetic grip of pleasent sexual imagery. I had self-control god damn it! And I was determined to prove that to myself. From my sober persepective I vowed to myself never to watch porn again. I thought of all the reasons why it was not for me: Waste of time Promotes addictive behaviour through instant gratification Took away my motivation to pursue secual or romantoc intimacy in person Alas! I had before me, as vivid as if it were before my eyes in real time, a mental list of why the whole affair was pointless and why I would not engage in such infantile behaviour no longer. It should not be of any suprise, especially to you chronic masturbators out there (I see you!), how hard it could be to kick the habit of tugging your snake; and that I eventually failed. As though possesed by some demonic force outside of myself, a solid week later (and around 11pm of course), I was on my toilet bowl, pulse beating heavily, muscles tensed, while completely engrossed in the nights unconscious selection of Amateur BBC Latina Backshots. (Could it be I am projecting myself onto the well endowed male performer by selecting BBC porn?) IDLE MINIONS ARE THE DEVILS WORKSHOP I began taking inventory of the days affairs. This time I was determined NOT to be brought to trembling orgasm while watching talented amateurs get it on. I even developed a mantra that I repeated to myself in the mornings. "I will not masturbate, I will not masturbate." But as every chronic masturbators knows, a full set of testicles is a formidable force. Again, by about a week of abstinence, I had succumb to BBC amateur porn. Addiction is hypnotic. As I have experienced with previous vices: Marijuana Youtube Over-Socialization After repeating an action enough, when in a heightened emotional state, it begins to imprint itself on your psyche. What seems like a fun time at the bar every weekend can quickly turn into a compulsive alcohol issue, and be outside of your control. Call it what you like: subconscious unconscious, reptile brain There is an automatic mechanism at play in our minds. The same mechanism that determines the frequency of our breath, the mechanism that keeps us breathing at night, that lets us know when a good time to sleep is, DOMINATES OUR BEHAVIOUR. Like a good conditioned Pavlovian dog, we can become slaves to these processes, allowing them to happen under our noses, leading us to behaviours that do not serve our best intention. How did you become obese in the first place? At what point did porn become a problem? But DO NOT FEAR, we have options to combat our conditioned being. Option #1: Move With Intent Take the time each night to right down what it is you want to do the following day...and then do it. It is that simple. If you are as ambitious as myself, you will find that you may 'run out of time', before you have completed all the items on your list. And if you are judicious enough, you would have navigated right past that slippery snake of an automatic nervous system. Moving with intention engages the part of the brain associated with reasoning, logic and analytic thinking, along with higher rational faculties such as future planning, creative writing and focused work (see: prefrontal cortex). Intention directs attention. Intention allows you to see yourself taking hold of the steering wheel, navigating towards your beautiful and lofty ideals, becoming your best self. Option #2: Option number 2 works in conjunction with option number 1. What option number 2 entails is.... Get ready for it.... Hypnotizing yourself! Remember when I mentioned a 'mantra' earlier? Well that sort of thing, believe it or not, has noticeable effect. By working with the body, entering a relaxed state and summoning the feeling states you wish to feel (warmth, gratitude, enthusiasm), you open the flood gates of the unconscious. You may notice when you do this just before you sleep, you will notice your imagination begin to fire. Before you know it, you will not be aware of your body, and your attention will be completely absorbped by your imagination. Here is where the magic happens. Once you have relaxed your whole body, in a position akin to sleep, you can begin to repeat to yourself statements which you wish to be true of you (e.g. I am become more and more creative everyday). Notice how your imaginations acts. It will begin to create mental scenarios that verify, and match directly to what you say and feel. Your imagination will bring to life your words and feelings, and will begin to program your nervous system accordingly. This process is more effective with practice and repitition, and the more you do it, the better you get.. the better you get, the more your reality will change accordingly. Set intentions. Have large goals (set microgoals everyday), and hypnotize yourself into self-control. "Know thy self" - oracle of delphi "Be thyself" - Mo
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
Chaos, Order and The Mind Externalized
The second law of thermodynamics is entropy. All things go from an ordered to disordered state. Leave a bike alone for long enough and it will begin to rust and wither, leave merchandise in a store long enough and its quality will diminish, don't clean your kitchen for two weeks and it is unliveable. To maintain order requires energy. Conscious agents put forth energy to maintain the functionality of systems. You clean your kitchen and clothes, mow your lawn, maintain your vehicle and change your new born daughters diaper, all at a cost of energy and effort, without which none of these things could be maintained. Are you beginning to understand entropy? Leave things alone long enough and they become useless. Systems require energy and effort to function. They require CONSCIOUS action to work. The mind is no exception. Leave your mind idle, plan no course of action, and navigate reality. Your mind will be at the whim of impressions in the enviroment. Thoughts of the woman who smiled at you at the gym, the song playing in on the Wal-Mart radio, images of poltical figures arguing on your smartphone screen will battle for attention. The aimless mind continues to move forward, and the law of entropy kicks in. You become sick due to eating the terrible food that is advertised nearly everywhere, your finances diminish as you spend recklessly, you become increasingly anxious for seemingly no reason (when really.. you lack potassium in your system). Your life falls apart. You decide on a radical revolution. You are now to organize all your activities towards a specific end. You get rid of everything you don't need and prioritize all of your actions. You have a list of 5 major goals and you go out to get them. The days go by, you make marginal progress, but entropy kicks in again. You begin to forget about certain responsibilities and just under your awareness, you begin to faulter. You wrack your brain for answers, and come to an obvious conclusion. Your efforts are unorganized. You are making a million steps in all different directions and you cannot keep up with everything you want to do. The second radical shift takes place. Like an army recruit you are now to organize every single detail of your day to day. You plan your days down to the half hour. Everything you plan on doing is organized in a neat binder that you consult. You externalize your mind into matter by writing. Now you have a guidline for your thoughts and actions, and a guide through the chaos. Entropy may rear its ugly head, but you are equipped with a structure to move through it all unscathed. You trust your plans for yourself and follow them religiously. You are now ready to become who you are. Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
Polarity Play
Bodshivatta on the path through samsara to the gates of nirvana. Fixed in position, immaculate discpline, at 5:30am you can find him in lotus posture soaking in the prana, connecting the infinite. In his bag he has a copy of all the classics: The Bhagvad-Gita Zen Mind Beginner's Mind The Kybalion A devotee to selflessness, living in self-imposed poverty. The tale goes that he was once spotted levitating in the lotus posture under a Los Angeles freeway by two opiod addicted bums. They swear to it till this day, and even recorded it on their Samsung devices (how a bum has a samsung device and social media presence is beyond me, but technocracy does not discriminate, Silicon Valley and Bums co-exist in San Fran). Energetic resonance, he lives off of the generosity of the public, yet never asks for a dime. People just seem to take interest in this soft-spoken Bodshivatta. He is excellent company as well. He has stories of his former days at Yale university, the device he patented that temporarily disables all sensory input and slows down neurological function to a state that is the closest to death that any human being could ever experience. His time in the military. The first time he killed a man. His divorce. The child he lost to a miscarriage that sparked tension between him and his wife. His literary knowledge, his medical knowledge, the way he could induce feelings of ease and grace to those that took him in. He would always leave their company on his own accord, they would always offer some sort of Reneissance patroniage package for him to contimue living with them, he always declined. ART NOUVEAU The gallery opens at 9pm, kids from all over Toronto, Ontario arrive in immaculate dress. The average instagram follower count in the room is the mid thousands. Drinks flow, an exhibition titled: 'loss of youth' features a framed Backwoods cigar wrapper, next to an image of Charlie Brown recreated by the artist. The print is going for 20000 dollars. A buyer looks on in a trace. He and his gay lover, both in there 50s (the median age at the affair is 23) earnestly consider buying the piece. At the entrance of the room, two intoxicated socalites, payed at grand total of $50 and a promise to be tagged in an image with the artist, collected the Pay What You Can cover charge. Just outisde the doors, a cloud of marijuana smoke greets you. The fashion directors and social media influencers watch in awe as a couple of blue collar kids spit a freestyle. The curator walks around the affair like a chicken with his head cut off. You can estimste the level of social importance an individual has by the duration of time he spends with them. The DJ plays the trap classics, surrounded in hues of blue, red, and purple LED lights. The gay lovers are now engaged in a bidding war with the 23 year old affiliate marketer, a couple of living-in drag queens vouge on the dancefloor (can you believe they are also PHD candidates? Work hard play hard am I right?) Media coverage is on fire, a C-list rapper makes his presence known by showing up unexpectedly, the curator and him spend a sum total of 30 minutes in conversation. The C-List rapper pays homage to the event by graciously featuring it on his Instagram story. A young anthropology major is thrilled to be scouted by a local representative of a modelling agency, au revoir dreams of analyising skater sub-culture, hello nights of ketamine at The Weekends annual halloween bash.
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
The Biggest Risk You Can Take is Not Taking Risks
Are you risk averse? I would not be suprised if you were. Risk taking is a cultural taboo; associated with images of casinos, intoxicated attempts at parkour, and losing your life savings on a sub-prime mortgage scam. "Only 5% of small business succeed." "Your chances at getting into medical school are 1 in 150, what makes you think YOU of all people are special?" These and many other aphorisms plauge our minds as we make crucial decisions, some which may alter the course of our lives indefinetly. Where does this doubting culture come from? Who benefits from conformity and docile acceptance of ficticious circumstance? Who capitalizes on you compromising your unique vision and taking 'a more realistic' approach? Until 1995, if you worked at IBM you were not allowed to wear anything other than a white dress shirt, a black tie and navy jacket. Other stringent demands were placed on uniformity (color of socks, color of shoes, style of coat etc), expect to be written up otherwise. What is the value of having non-risk-takers? Depenability? I mean that is what you are getting paid for right? Think of how many useless meeting you attend in a year, how many e-mails you respond to, how many hours of your work-day go by with not much work getting done. Trust me, you are not fooling your employer. They are just as aware of the lack of work being done, and the hours being paid for it. So why pay you for the unnecessary hours? Dependability? To better illustrate the phenomena let us turn to the brilliant writer Nassim Taelb who can better elucidate this: "Bob calls you at 5 P.M. to let you know that he and the copilot, well, they love you… but, you know, they will not fly the plane tomorrow. You know, they had an offer from a Saudi Arabia Sheikh, a devout man who wants to take a special party to Las Vegas, and needs Bob and his team to run the flight. The Sheikh and his retinue fell in love with Bob’s manners, the fact that Bob never had a drop of alcohol in his life, has an expertise in fermented yoghurt drinks, and told him that money was no object. The offer is so generous that it covers whatever penalty there is for a breach of a competing contract by Bob. You make a few phone calls and it turns out that it is easier to find an academic economist with common sense and ability to understand what’s going on than find another pilot, that is, an event of probability zero. You have all this equity in a firm that is now under severe financial threat. You are certain that you will go bust. You start thinking: well, you know, if Bob were a slave, someone you own, you know, these kind of things would not be possible. Slave? But wait… what Bob just did isn’t something that employees who are in the business of being employees do! People who are employees for a living don’t have such opportunistic behavior. Contractors are too free; they fear only the law. But employees have a reputation to protect. And they can be fired. People who like employment like it for a reason. They like the paycheck! People you find in employment love the regularity of the payroll, with the special envelop on their desk the last day of the month, and without which they would act as a baby deprived of mother’s milk. Then you realize that had Bob been an employee rather than what appeared to be cheaper, that contractor thing, then you wouldn’t be having so much trouble. But employees are expensive… You got to pay them even when you’ve got nothing to do for them. You lose your flexibility. Talent for talent, they cost a lot more. Lovers of paychecks are lazy … but they would never let you down at times like these. So employees exist because they have significant skin in the game –and the risk is shared with them, enough risk for it to be a deterrent and a penalty for acts of undependability, such as failing to show up on time. You are buying dependability. And dependability is a driver behind many transactions. People of some means have a country house, which is inefficient compared to hotels or rentals, because they want to make sure it is available if they decide they wanted to use it at a whim. There is an expression “never buy when you can rent the three “Fs”: what you Float, what you Fly, and what you …that something else”. Yet many people own boats, planes, and end up with that something else. True, a contractor has downside, a financial penalty that can be built-into the contract, in addition to reputational costs. But consider that an employee will always have more risk. And conditional on someone being an employee such a person will be risk averse. By having been employees they signal a certain type of domestication. Someone who has been employed for a while is giving you the evidence of submission Evidence of submission is displayed by having gone through years of the ritual of depriving himself of his personal freedom for nine hours every day, punctual arrival at an office, denying himself his own schedule, and not having beaten up anyone. You have an obedient, housebroken dog." Who benefits from you not taking risks? The last person you want to be is the guy with the pink mowhawk arriving at army base camp for recruitment initiation. The last person you want to be is the guy who falls in love with the woman working in his office. The last person you want to be is the guy who failed at business. Freedom is not free. Freedom to do as you want, to be who you are, on your own terms comes at a cost. That cost is uncertainty. Being one of the few who venture into unknown territory and takes the risk associated with such a journey. This land of the unknown was personfied as a mythical beast, typically harbouring great treasures and holding captive a princess! You either slay the beast and get rewarded accordingly, or you die in the process. Or you could be many of the faceless men who did not have the courage St.Geroge had, and enjoy an endless series of comfortable domestication. Who benefits from you not taking risks? One of Aesop's Fables to further drill the point: "A gaunt Wolf was almost dead with hunger when he happened to meet a House-dog who was passing by. “Ah, Cousin,” said the Dog. “I knew how it would be; your irregular life will soon be the ruin of you. Why do you not work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly given to you?” “I would have no objection,” said the Wolf, “if I could only get a place.” “I will easily arrange that for you,” said the Dog; “come with me to my master and you shall share my work.” So the Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together. On the way there the Wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the Dog’s neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that had come about. “Oh, it is nothing,” said the Dog. “That is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it chafes a bit, but one soon gets used to it.” “Is that all?” said the Wolf. “Then good-bye to you, Master Dog.” The last person you want to be is the kid who protests doing his homework because he feels it is useless. The last person you want to be is the kid who notices the emporer has no clothes. (In the original myth, the child who possesed the awareness that the adults lacked in rightfully seeing his authority figure in a compromising position, and then proclaiming that fact for the world to see, was put to death.) How does a pimp posses a hoe? He offers her the opportunity to make money. Money she could triple if she decided to work as an independant contractor. He offers her community. She becomes a part of a 'stable' (a group of specialy selected prostitutes that a pimp owns). Once she has been with him for a while, there is something to lose. The extravagent dress, the luxury living, the community of fellow prostitutes, the reputation she built under her pimp, all gone if she one day decides to pick a different profession. That makes for one dependable and risk averse employee. Who benefits from you not taking risks? Definetly not you. Namaste :)
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
The Haphazardous Meanderings of Intoxicated Youth
When I reflect on some of the times I struggled the most in life, I remember being plauged by an endless anxiety. Like I was a character in a Kafka novel. The outside world seemed dystopian, people seemed alien, and no matter what I was doing, I was only partially doing it, because I could not take my mind off of worries and anxieties of the future. I credit this partially to the fact that I grew up in a single parent family of low socio-economic status. Thoughts of class disparity were ceaseless, all that mattered was escaping what I percieved to be the shameful circumstance of living in government owned housing. My mother would not shy away from reminding me of the financial circumstance that we were in. I cultivated a sense of indebtness to her. I lived for her. And what she wanted me to do most was to go to university and get a great career. I supressed my inner voice, but no matter how much I tried, it would express itself in alternative avenues. I would write poetry, smoke weed excessively and dress like a modern bohemian. That was what I was becoming. School was not for me, especially 'Psycholingustics', but I was not to become a loser marijuana merchant like those I lived amongst in the government housing project (funny enough, I later became just that, but with the illusion of grandeur associated with working at a marijuana dispensary). At the time I was also conflicted with my religion. I was born and raised following Islam. The notion of heaven and hell flashing across the screen of my mind everytime I would roll a joint. Shame, especially existential shame, is a formidable poison. My relationship with my father was not great either. After not living with my family for the first 18 years of my life, he had returned, and this time indefinetly. All the years of feeling abandoned, neglected, not loved, a second priority, would have to be put aside if I were to live in peace with this guy. So I avoided him (which is pretty hard to do in a tiny 3 bedroom town house). With all the chaos and aimlessness surrounding my experience of emerging adulthood, I still felt that I was superior to most of my peers. Every time I meant someone I would size them up. "Okay this guy make more money than me, but is he as well read?" "Alright this guy might be able to deadlift more than I can, but he sure as hell is not as sexually successful". I was never as uncomfortable than the times I was around someone that I felt had me "completely beat". Looking back, the metrics that I would compare with others became so granuler and ridiculous that it is hilarious to look back at: "yea that dude probably has a small dick, not a threat at all". I truley believed myself to have no control over the course of my life. The one thing that was supposed to occupy most of my attention, the thing I was supposed to be passionate about and make a living through, was dictated by the will of another. I was living a lie. I was living a life not true to myself, and I suffered accordingly. Things shifted dramatically when I slowly diassembled the spell cast on me. Starting first with forgiving my father for his absence, there was no way I could live a sane and peaceful life otherwise. Second, I dropped out of university. There was no way I was going to become a speech pathologist, and everyone around me knew that. The pain of 'not being in line with my peers' ate at me at first, but slowly subsided. I humbled myself. I took a job as a cashier at a health food store and delivered food on a bike with Uber. Delivering with Uber was pretty Zen. I spent hours at a time on the road with nothing to think about, no stimulus coming in other than the navigation system on my phone. It was somewhere during the countless hours of doing this mindless task that my first vision hit me. I WAS TO BECOME A NATUROPATH! Immediately I began researching all the different paths on how to become a Naturopath, and was quickly disenchanted when I realized the countless years of education that I would have to complete (including going back to finish highschool science credits that I neglected to take when I was 16). So I compromised my vision. I was now to become a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner? The whole thing seemed awkward, and it was reflected in the ambivalence I showed towards the whole thing. After signing up for TCM school, I dropped out in the first week. What was next? I liked lifting weights, so why not make a career out of it? I quickly got certified as a personal trainer. The goal, being influenced by my past ambitions of becoming a Naturopath, was to become a Holistic Health Coach. I would create a unique practice that integrated both fitness and holistic nutrition / herbal medicine. I got my first job as a personal trainer a month after being certified, and I realized how much I hated it. Clients were unmotivated, trainers would do whatever it took to retain clientele (even if that meant making them dependent on them). I felt like I was dealing marijuana again, except this time it was the promise of a six pack and a sexually desirable body. Throughout this time I would work as a barista. I landed a job at an independent coffee shop in the city and was making good money and having fun doing it. I would wake up every morning at 5am to be there by 6:30, open the shop independently, and spend the rest of the time making lattes, jamming out to my independently curated playlists, and reading when it got quiet. I loved this job. When I reflect on it it must have been the best job I have had to date. The weak dream of becoming a holistic health coach was beginning to fade into the recesses of my mind, I was complacent where I was, and I was looking forward to renting out my first apartment in the city with all the money I was making (tips were ridiculous). Until one day... the owner and I get into a conflict. He wants things done in a very particular way, a very VERY particular way, and my fragile ego cannot take the onslaught of criticsm and admonishment. In the middle of one of his speeches, I quit; tears pouring down my face as I tell him that I cannot meet the demands he is placing on me. He was a good man. He gave me an opportunity in a time in my life where I needed it. A month prior, my family home burned down. The only possesions I had was the turtle neck I wore the night of, a pair of black chinos, and red basketball shoes. Living out of a hotel that the City of Toronto geberously financed, I reached out to him on my sisters laptop when I saw he was looking to hire a new barista. I came to our interview in the only outfit I had, and he accepted me, regardless of the dishevled apperance and stench of desperation. Losing that job was like losing a part of myself. Like losing a good friend. I made a vow to myself that day: that I would no longer rely on anyone for anything, and even if it killed me, I would create something for myself. Back to ground zero. Nothing to do but the acid I bought a week prior, and reading Steve Jobs' biography. Hallucinating on a micrdose of LSD and going 30km/hr on my bike one evening it dawned on me.... an idea like no other. And for the first time in my life, it was one I really believed I could make possible. To the drawing board I went until I fonally hashed out an vision that I was proud of, one that I will materialze. What is that vision you ask? You will have to wait and see my friends :) Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
Anchors; Sigil Magick
That one song comes on, flashes of nogstalgic summers spent at your cousins house impregnate your consciousness, who knew The Black Eyed Peas would be such evocative musicians; and that a song as explicit as "Let's Get Retarded" would be able to conjure such warm and fuzzy feelings. The last confederate flag is torn down at Southern Carolina U. The students rejoice in tribal ecstasies, one more win for the power of unity, progressivism, righteousness; and one loss for those who wish to strip them of their human dignity. "I can't perform without my lucky underwear you incompetent swine!" Ozzy Osbourne is engulfed with rage and chastises his junior assistant who mistakenly picked up another mans underwear from the dry cleaners. "Dude! Im sorry! How many Ozzy Osburnes can there be in this town!?" The junior assitant is out of a job and the evenings show is cancelled due to "unforseen circumstances". A Christian born again, after conquering a 15 year heroin addiction the 30 year old and former male prostitute has found Christ! He is baptized for the first time and feels the holy spirit engulf is very being. Had you seen him 2 years prior you would mot be able to recognize the man. Finally learning to read and write, the man has developed a fond love of literature and scripture and has dedicated the rest of his life to spread the word of Christ through allegorical literature, and to finance himself by providing cleaning services for institutions that aid recovering addicts in their life and death struggle. He never leaves his house without his golden crucifix . Before the events of September 11, 2001, September 11, was just another calendar date. November roles around and everyone wears red flowers on their shirts. The family house is haunted! The Cicilian immigrants pass down spooky stories to their progeny. "Sometimes at night, the ghost of Great Uncle Mario visits. Great Uncle Mario was a terrible man! He was very mean and would beat all of us when he was not feeling okay (a euphemism for alcohol intoxication). One day we were woken up by Uncle Mario crying in the dining room, it must have been 3 oclock at night! Suddenly the cries stopped and we heard a loud boom! Uncle Mario had ended his own life. His spirit is not at rest, and if you unfortunate enough to be awake in the late hours of night, AVOID THE DINING ROOM!" The kids shudder in terror, if there was one fool proof way to get your kids to go to sleep on time, this was it. But what makes this story peculiar is that the Cicilian elders shared the same terror, which made the story as impact as it was. "Why would you buy me a versace shirt without the logo mom! Now it is just as useless as all the other crap you buy me on Christmas!" - Scenes from a Forest Hill Christmas "PTSD is a bitch. I can't go to Wal-Mart anymore without reliving the experience of my mom losing me when I was 5. I felt so alone, so lost, so confused, I felt abandoned. I sat down and cried between two racks of Wrangler jeans, it took over 2 hours to find me, but it felt like a life time. Lets just go to target and not mention this again.." Rumor has it that any SS member seen not bearing his Nazi insignia was doomed to be one of the unlucky few that had to battle in the front lines. "I'm sorry... Here at IBM we wear white shirts and black ties. I could not care less that you recieved your PHD in computer science from M.I.T, you are not above dress code and there are many willing applicants who would be dying to be where you are right now. Come back tomorrow in proper attire or find yourself a new place of employment." What came first: the rapper or the gold chain? A question that perplexes cultural anthropolgists. Inert symbols can be rendered meaningful. States can be conjured from these otherwise meaningless symbols depending upon their personal association to the individual experiencing said state. Use it or be used by it. Namaste :)
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
Sex : Money ? Power !
Sex is anxiety inducing. Two foreign bodies rubbing up against each other, exchanging fluids, generating heat, emotions pouring and culminating in the near death experience of orgasm. The moments leading up to the experience can be quite entertaining as well. The courting rituals, the wine, the fancy date at the local watering hole, the series of suggestive texts, never truly expressing our innate desires but hinting at the energies flowing through us as we write. The taboos: sexual chastity promulgated by centries of contraceptionless biological determinism. The unconscious speaks: "will he be around to provide for my child afterwards?". She becomes evasive, elsuive, transient and ephemeral, testing your levels of desire, seeing if you are willing to commit. The phallic man: desperate to procreate, always in a state of tension and frenzy. The body yearns for sexual release, your genetic lineage depends on it. You download tinder, badoo, POF, Hinge, OkCupid and every other dating app to maximize your opportunties. Your are like a plant releasing pollen into its enviroment; shotgun disemination hoping to pollenate a willing flower. You go to the bar, you go to the gym, you suffer humiliation at the hands of your boss because you know his favour matters when it comes to making partner, and making partner means power, and power means sex. A marionette at the hands of your genes. Status markers and sexual singaling: The peacock with the the most brilliant feathers wins favour of the mate. The female of the species ALWAYS has agency, ALWAYS is the one choosing. The peacock with the most brilliant feathers places himself at risk of consumption of predators, the signal does not discriminate and invites all sorts of company. As Kendrick Lamar once said: "Damn that pussys to die for! (Kendrick Lamar on Travis Scotts Smash Hit: Goosebumps)". Power in the traditional sense: Our bodies are attuned for survival. And since there are no snakes that we have to avoid in the dense Amazon, the predators manifest psychologically. In the traditional sense power is given, power is taken, power exchanges hands like the flow of currency in the marketplace. We are cognizant of our social positioning. An attack on our status may be percieved as life or death. A loss of status may be analgous to death. (Think of the many men who have commit suicide due to financial ruin). The reptilian brain can dominate the untrained. Anxieties: Relative positioning, relying on external perceptions to dictate internal states. As Jay-Z once said in his famous lecture 'The Antitdote to Suffering and Mental Alchemy (otherwise known as his Ebro interview)' "you got feel like you got it even if you aint got it". When you rely on status and social positioning to dictate how you feel, YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN THE BEASTS IN THE FIELD. You are a slave to biology. Excerise the will. Go from believing you are at the will of your body to being the Cause of your inner states. Determinism is for chumps. You on the otherhand are the master of your universe. Believe that, live it. What makes a man sexy: 'Be six foot tall, earn 6 figures minimum, have a huge cock, be the life of the party, be pro athlete fit'. I mean that is what HBO would have you believe right? The new defintion of sexiness according to Mohammed Egal: 'The man who exercises agency over his life. The man who lives according to his will, and is rewarded for doing so". Namaste errrrrrbody!
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
The Illuminati!?!?!?!?
What has now become a ubiqutous meme, 'The Illuminati' is a term used to describe an international and underground group of super-villians bent on world domination and human enslavement. They are famously associated with world political leaders, famous music artists, bankers and other members of society with high levels of authority, power, or influence. The Illuminati has become a blanket term, encompassing all possible secret societies, or potential for clandestine groups of individuals with ill intent for the public at large. I am here today declare myself one of the 'crazy' conspiracy theorist that buys in to the potential of such a movement being true. One thing I like to do when assesing a conspiracy theory, is to try to understand the motivations behind its possible existence. As Henry Kissinger, famous war criminal and Machiavellian political leader under the Nixon administration would say: 'Power is the greatest aphrodisiac'. Control over others has been a prominent theme since the dawn of human civilization. Any great empire that has ever existed has had a expedient slave caste that was tasked to labour, servitude and, at times, complete subjection to the will of the ruling hegemon. The most egregious example that has been branded into the consciousness of the masses through hollywood influence is... you guessed it... the trans-atlantic slave trade; where West African merchants willing offered there Spanish commerce associates, the bodies and minds of their fellow West Africans. However, at the height of the industrial age, men like Edwards Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud and father of the Public Relations firm), and Joseph Goebbells (head of Nazi propoganda), with their keen understanding of human psychology, came to the stunning understanding that human beings yeild more productivity when they willingly engage in an action as opposed to when they are force. These wizards then went to work on using media to manipulate the masses and to manufacture the consent of an otherwise civilized public, to engage in the most anti-social behaviour. Stop and think about it for a moment. How on earth did Nazism become a thing? The easy and completely foolish assumption is to lump all of them into the category of 'evil', and dismiss their actions as a by-product of that evil. Many of these 'evil' Nazi's were regular people in their past lives; fathers, teachers, statesmen, brothers, artists, pillars of their communities. This is testament to the power of mass psychology and propoganda. It is no wonder that many of the key minds behind the Nazi movement were extradited to the United States where they were granted asylum. Someone must have been admiring the artistry behind the movement. Spaning fron the mid 1950s to late 60s, research into mass psychology and mind control continued in the very nation I call home, Canada. At the university of McGill, under the guise of a CIA intelligence project, subjects were given undisclosed amount of LSD6 and were subject to various trials that were aimed at creating a heightened suggestive state, and creating a docile mind-controlled being. This project was known MK-ULTRA. Its alumni include a famous test subject, Theodore J. Kaczynski 'The Unibomber', a domestic terrorist who would mail deliver pipe bombs to unsuspecting U.S. citizens. Intelligence agencies seem to have a keen interest on controlling the human mind and subjegating the human body. But why? What exactly do they have in store for us? Attaining higher profit margins is a zero sum game, and when you've already accumulated billions, what drives the insatiable lust to continue? What is the end game of an intelligence agency who wants to strip away autonomy of its citizens? Here is where things get weird. This is where I lose my faithfully rational audience that is unwilling to entertain the possibility of what I am about to say. I do not ask you to suspend your disbelief, and if at any moment, what I am about to say sounds too outlandish to entertain, feel free to stop reading at any moment. You see, I do not think the controlling elite is being motivated by rational means. I do not believe the Nazi regieme, or the communist movements figure headed by Mao and Stalin (120 million plus estimated deaths between them), was motivated by political gain or power. I believe there is an ontological battle going on, one that supercedes human wants, desires and ambitions. The battle between being and non-being. The battle between life and death. Darkness and light. Good and evil. Heaven and hell. You see, these underground groups are death cults. They venerate human degradation, strife, hardship, toil, death, war, self-destruction, and everything antithetical to human life and prosperity. They create 'agents of chaos' by self-replication. Through ritual abuse and trauma of the young, they are able to fashion the minds of their offspring to harbour and propogate this malevolent ethos. It was done to them when they were young. Media hints at this. How many stories have you heard of psychopathic serial killers and mass murders who faced traumatic upbringings. Of course, this does not suffice for a justification for their actions, but it truly represents and possible explaination. Trauma is cyclical. Hurt people hurt people, and through a program of traumatic abuse, new generations of degenerate and maladapted youth enter society. Look at the Jeffrey Epstein situation that has overrun the media right now, a powerful financial player who procured under-aged youth to be sex slaves for his wealthy business and political friends. On further examination on the island he would fly his clients out to, you notice some peculiar landmarks: a temple, underground tunnel systems, etc. Members of this death cult are obssesed with youth. They recognize an innocence and potentiality in them that they themselves were stripped of, and in an acts of pathological envy, go to unspeakable measures to make sure that these children are as malleable to their influence as possible. Members of this death cult are motivated by theological motives. It is not uncanny for these people to organize around specific dates and times to conduct elaborate rituals in service of pagan dieities. (For a dramatic rendition of this depravity, I suggest you watch visionary director Stanley Kubricks swan song 'Eyes Wide Shut', fittingly titled might I add). They claim to communicate with off world intelligences that collaborate in their organized efforts to influence mass culture and the global society at large. I suggest you youtube 'cremation of care' ceremony. They are the enemies of humanity in human form. A snake eating its own tail; devouring those that they depend upon. I house the opinion that their fractured mental states, as a result of meticulous abusive efforts from parents or gaurdians, completely destroys their sense of self, and like in the case of the clinical narcissist, they function through performative emotion and expression. But what if a regular folk, not brought up in such nightmarish circumstances, wanted to participate in such a system, and reap the rewards of being a part of it? In comes ritual intiation. You must sell your soul. You must go on record committing the worst crime possible, to the most innocent victim possible, so that you are now bound to a state of obedience and secrecy. We all have heard of absurd gang/mafia rituals that initates have to perform to gain the trust and respect of their fellow members. These include but are not limited to: killing a rival gang member, killing an innocent civilian, cannibalism, acts of sadism, sexual abuse of another, being sexually abused by senior members and the list goes on. The same principal applies here. If you want to be a part of this network, you're going to have to make some sacrifices. I wish this type of activity was just in movies, but movies, as dramatic as they may be, have to take their influence from somewhere. What might be more disturbing, is just how commonplace this behaviour is. It is not isolated to a specific political or economic class, it is not bound to only certain countries and geographical locations. I can garuntee you, anywhere there are humans living in large cities, this network is alive and ready. So why aren't we aware of this? Why does the common pedestrian not house this information? Because ignorance is bliss. To become aware of such a grim reality would shatter whatever worldview you hold dear. The pain, the confusion, and the terror that such an insight would bring could not be withstood by most, and in an attempt to protect ourselves from such discomfort, we will do whatever it takes to guard our worldview, even if it is completely in contrast to reality. To know the truth would mean you would have you would have to entertain the possibility of being wrong. Can your fragile ego handle that? To know the truth would entail a modicum of responsibility. How will you live your life in the wake of this information? I do not blame you for being unaware. How can I? Had it not been for my unique experiences and encounters, I would not be subject to such information. But I can blame you for shutting it out. I can blame you for your lack of curiosity, your inability to entertain alternative possibilties, and your coward attempts at maintaining the status quo. Wake the fuck up. Look around you. Something is going on. There is a world out there that parallels our day-to-day activities, and whether you're conscious of it or not, it is playing a part in shaping the world you participate day-in and day-out. Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
Collaborative vs. Competitive Frames
I sure many of you have been in this position before. You are at a social event. You've been in a great mood all night, laughing, sharing stories with old friends and meeting new people while you are at it. Suddenly a friend of yours insist that you meet one of his friends from work. You intorduce yourself and he begins fishing for information. "What do you do?" "What are your hobbies?" "Do you have Instagram?" Something is off in the conversation. Everyone in your circle takes notice of the situation. You try to spin the conversation to a lighter note, you tell a story that you feel this person may find funny. Your friends tag in to the playful atmosphere you are trying to foster, laughing and adding the occasional anecdote in between the conversational lulls. It becomes the new guys' turn to speak again. He brings the conversation back to work, he talks about all the deals he has closed today, and then complains about the percieved lack of "hot girls" at the party. Although unsolicited, he pulls up an image of the girl he is currently having sex with. He then spins the conversation to his area of expertise, economics, and asks for your input knowing that you are ignorant on the subject. You begin to grasp the situation now. This new 'friend' had no intention of joining in on the fun times you and your buddies were having, and in fact was engaged in a dick measuring contest that you had no clue you were competing in. You take note of this, and excuse yourself, sticking to your intention of having a joyful time. It is in male nature to compete. We compete for female attention, we compete to climb hierachies of competence, we compete in athletic endeavours, we compete in chess. Anywhere that there are winners and losers you will find men going head to head to distinguish themselves amongst the duality. However, we must be conscious of when competition is not in our best interest. Hunter-gatherer tribes survived and then gave rise to civilizations not as a result of head to head in group competition, but through cooperation within the group. All great projects take a a coordinated effort in order to reach fruition. Take the European Gothic cathedrals for examples. Many were built through generations of selfless devotion towards realizing a worthy ideal. The result is some of the most beatiful and timeless artifacts known to man. The collaborative frame of mind allows an individual to create harmonious relationships with his peers to serve not only their own private interests, but the interest of the group at large. The collaborative frame is win-win. It is the underlying ethos of wealth creation, and the bond that allows individuals with diverse interests to come together towards a common goal. The competitive frame on the other hand is obssesd with winners and losers. It is a zero sum game. One players gain is another players loss. The competitive frame is akin to a waring mentality. You vs them. In order to succeed you must eliminate the opponent. This makes sense when you are trying to fend off a neighbouring tribe of wildlings that want to rape your women and kill your children; or when you are in a cage fight with a muay thai black belt. But it doesn't make much sense when you are in a social setting. The social setting is an opportunity. An opportunity to meet a potential mate, a new business partner, a life long friend, or an artistic collaborator. When you come at it from a competitive frame, you become invulnerabele. Your unique personality is less likely to shine through a guarded demeanor. The unessecary competitive frame is a reaction to perceived scarcity. On the other hand, the collaborative from is comes from a place of abundance. The collaborative frame is aware that there is enough joy, money, women, for all to benefit, and as a result of working interdependantly, allows for greater opportunity to prosper. It is a positive feedback loop. When you colloborate you create greater outcomes than you could from direct competition, and greater opportunties for all. Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
The Power of the Pivot
Experiencing writers block? Hit a roadblock on the road to developing an interesting piece of art? Meet the pivot. The pivot is a slight adjustment in an end product without compromising the overall vision. Like a surfer adjusting his footing to ride the wave, the master pivoter is able to feel out the circumstances that may stand in the way of his vision, and make the necessary adjustments to overcome these hurdles. Say you are running a theatre and are planning to showcase local artists in the music scene. However, you are being approached more by filmakers and improv groups who are interested in renting space for their showcasings. The fit the local demographic that you are trying to serve, but their medium is different. The pivoter recognizes the opportunity at hand and rebrands his theatre space to service the eager artists at his door: filmmakers, improv clubs and even local theatre coaches that are looking to begin hosting classes in the space. Pivoting applies to your personal life as well. Say you're training hard to compete in football but find it hard to follow the intricate movement patterna associated with the sport. It's that time in the season to test your overall athletic capabilities. To your suprise, you blow everyone out of the water in the 100m dash, even setting a college record in the process. The master pivoter, recognizing his innate skill and latent potentiality, shifts his attention to spriniting, and drops his investment in football. From this example you could see that pivoting can be hard at cerrain points. When we invest so much time, and emotional energy into a given endeavour, but are met with unimpressive results, we may become personally attached to our investments and continue to persist towards a dead end. A pivoter must be amorphous. A pivoter must throw rigidity and dependance on a specific way of doing things out the window, and allow herself to flow in the river of opportunity. A pivoter is like water. Adaptable to circumstances, and able to fit the mold of lifes demands effortlessly. Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
Thoughts Create Reality
Look around. How much of what you see is a product of the human mind having its influence on the environment. The sidewalk you walk on, the car you drive, the building youre currently inhabited in. Our inner worlds create the reality around us. Through the use of our bodies and the coordinated effort of others, we restructure the earth around us into forms that serve our human interests and desires: survival, romance, creativity, commerce, healing. We work to continue a human lineage of collective evolution: bringing forth new forms, technologies, art and experience and continuously broadening the horizons of possibility. Our minds are our greatest insturment in this creative process. Working day in and day out, in our sleeping and waking state, we are continually creating inner worlds that dictate the consequences of our external reality. You become what you think about all the time. Your imagination is running wild all the time whether youre aware of it or not. It is the tool shop where we plan, dream, createand then manifest from. Think of any great project you have ever accomplished, a university degree for example. Before it materialized as a consequence of you showing up to your exams and going through the required preperations to excel in them, there was a dreaming you who saw his/herself as the person holding that degree and moving on to creating a real social impact with the skills you acquired. Before it happened you saw it happen. As a consequence of you holdong on to that mental image, you overcame all challenges and obstacles on the path and made your dream a reality. Thoughts become reality. Mind materalizes into matter. What you say to yourself is integral in cultivating a mind that will bring forth its desired result. Think of every form of information you are exposed to as a seed being planted in your consciousness, and your attention as the water that will feed whatever seed is planted. Your efforts towards allowing the seeds you choose to SHOWER with your attention is the light that will be converted into energy as the plant matures. Faith is the fuel. Was there a point in time before you had achieved your goal thaty you doubted its possibility? I know Ive doubted myself when it came to my fitness goals countless times. But so long as faith in its attainment remained prominent in my consciousness I was able to traverse the tumultuous storms of fear and disbelief. Calibrate your thoughts towards your vision, hold onto it, and it will appear. Look at the world around you. Are you not in awe of the skyscrapers and technologies all around you? They were once mind stuff. Ideas, dreams, hunches. Anything is possible in this dream world. Become a dreamer and materialize your chosen reality. Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
Stress is the Real Killer
I remember being big into powerlifting in the winter of 2018. I would go to the gym almost daily and go for yet another one rep max, or a lift that would require all the strength I could muster to perform one time, to notch on a daily accolade and feel accomplished. At first, this was a task thst did not take as much effort as I had anticipated. Each session I was able to pack on at least 5lbs on each of my major lifts. After 3 months of training I hit a plateau. I had successfully moved a staggering amount more than I had intitally began with, but in order to breach my current threshold I would have to become a bit more strategic about when I lifted and how much weight I would move per session. My ego had other plans. Though I was not physically ready to begin lifting heavier, I would not get that dopamine release of accomplishment unless I had found a way to increase my numbers. So with each session I would tax my body by stacking on the next personal best and finding a way to perform a reptition. As a result two weeks of this practice I had become very fatigued. I would have trouble waking up in the morning. What would once be a warm up at the gym felt like the main course, and my drive sex and achievement simulatneously dipped. Feeling impotent, lethargic, and emotionally drained, I had no choice but to cut back on the hours I spent in the gym. At around the same time I had acquired a smart serve certification and was excited to begin working in the service industry. Being the bone chilling 2019 winter that it was, I would brace the cold in my fatigued state and go resturant to resturant aiming to land my first gig as a server in the industry. Almost every place turned me down or offered me positions that I had no interest in. Nonetheless, my desire was relentless and I would find work in the industry by any means necessary. Day in and day out I would spend an average of 3-4 hours handing out applications and scouting out the resturants that would have an opportunity for myself. I landed a trial shift at a resturant in Yorkville, Toronto, one of the most affluent neighbourhoods in the city. This day was one of the coldest of the season, reaching almost -30 degrees celcius. Being eagar to please, I ventured out in the awful conditions and gave it all I had. The anticipation of the event did not allow for me to get much sleep the night before, doubling-down on my already fatigued state. The shift starts with a team meeting. They discuss items that go over my head completely, then they begin service. Almost immediately the resturant begins to fill with patrons trying escape the on going blizzard. In a matter of 30 minutes the resturant is buzzing with action, and with little guidance from the server I was requested to shadow, I was thrown into the chaos of a full service resturant. I improvised where I could, filling patrons water glasses and clearing tables of empty dishes. A mild nasuea began to set in. I could feel my eyes sinking into my face. It being a non-scheduled shift, I had absolutely no idea when the shift would end. I was in awe of how unstructured and manic the serving staff around me seemed. No one was willing to lend a hand, and for some reason, I felt obligated to stay there, at least unt the blizzard died down. After 4 long hours of stress accumulation, the manager came to me and let me know my trial shift was done. I think she could read the fatiguw in my body language, because what intially started out as a cheering inquiry as to how I enjoyed worked there quickly transformed into a look and tone of concern. I took my staff meal as payment for the ordeal and ventured out into the winter storm. I made it home that night feeling utterly defeated. Not only was I certain I would not be hearing back from the resturant, I was anticipating a major cold coming my way. The next week of my life was spent in bed. It felt as though my whole nervous system was drained. Everything felt lime a task: getting out of bed, walking down the stairs, preparing food. Just going through my morning routine would have drained me of whatever reserve energy I had in the day, and the rest was spent in bed. How did I get here? I reflected on everything I did in the past week. I noticed my hyper-activity fueled by caffeine had worn out my nervous system and endocrine system. My libido was shot, I could not produce an erection for days on end. Going forward I cut out coffee, rested more between heavy lifting days, and make rest and recovery an integral part of my daily regimen. Yang energy; activity, is fiery in nature and consumes your accumulated life force in order to move forward. Once you have no inner reserves, you are running on fumes, and as a result are more susceptible to stress related illnesses. A cool analogy I learned from the powerlifiting community is the water and cup analogy for stress. The cup represents your energy reserves; how much stress you could accumulate on a daily basis. The water, administered in small doses, is the enviromental stresses that you encounter on a daily basis: work, school, exercise, child care. Each human, depending on their genetic capacity and age, are able to bear a specific amount of volume of stress before the cup overflows, representing stress related illness. Each night however, due to reccomended rest and food intake, the cup is emptied and the individual as able to begin again with replenished reserves. However, if the persons rest is compromised, the cup ia only partially emptied, and the same environmental stresses from the day before may begin to compound on top, causing the cup to overflow. 8 hours of sleep as a minimum, proper diet, avoidance of stimulants and alcohol in the evening, and supplementation are all reccomended as longevity practices that will save you from nervous system and adrenal fatigue. Periodic rest and mindfulness practices in the day go a long way in maintaining optimal levels of energy. Stress kills! So kill stress. Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
5 Things Ive Learned From Waking Up At 5am Everyday
1. Sunlight is a Nutrient We all have heard at one point or another about the benefits of getting more sunlight. However, when my circadian rhythm was completely in-sync with the sun, it had a dramatic effect on my mood and energy levels. I found that getting to the gym was much less of a hassle, that I had more drive to finish tasks, and a much more active libido. My skin seemed to take a more radiant glow and would lubricate, and release natural oils more effectively. 2. Self-Starters Wake Up Early This might not be the most healthy example, but my boss at the time would be awake by 3am in order to begin prepping his business deliveries for 6am. By 5am, the associated business owners would be reaching out to my boss to coordinate the deliveries. By 7am, the self-employed regulars would roll into the cafe and begin working on their given endeavours. I typically would not have been awake at these hours, so to see that these self-employes professional were able to consistently be working when most of us would be asleep was an interesting trend to observe. 3. A Morning Routine Goes A Long Way Prepping a morning ritual has been one of the most powerful practices that waking up early had facilitated. Being the only one awake in my family home allowed the privacy to begin practicing affirmations, periods of undisturbed meditation, and food preperation that would all have been interupted had the rest of my family been awake. Giving myself the time to dedicate to these practices had calibrated my mind and body to deal with the challenges of the day. 4. Sunrise is Sacred Being in-tune with the sunrise provided a surreal experience every morning. The air was cooler, the birds would chirp harmoniously. It seemed as though everyone I came across was in a dream-like state, highly immeresed in their imagination and tapping into alternate states of consciousness. The silence in the streets provided a chilling ambience. You could hear your voice echo had you ever been inclined to let out a yodel. The morning dew created a faint mist that would provide a sensation of hydration just being outside. 5. You Feel In-Tune With Yourself Given the silence and solitude that an early morning provides, it is the best time to tap into your imagination and altered states of consciousness. It is an opportunity for intimate connection with yourself. I find myself planning more accurately, and following through with these plans when I take the opportunity to wake up early and go within. My powers of visulazation are heightened, and I can bring forth my ideas for the day with a sense of ease and calm. Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
A Holistic Approach to Well Being
The biomedical model, as a reactionary agent, has been successful in tackling complex problems relating to the function of the human body. Where would be be without insulin and the practice of sanitation, or all of the other paradigm shifting insights that were a direct consequence of the scientific approach to health and well being. However, a particular facet of well being has not been following the positive trajectory associated with the biomedical model of health. As funding and public awareness continues to pour into the domain of mental health, those being afflicted by mental health ailments seem to increase in number. Our attempts, guided by the biomedical ethos, to localize and then counteract the physical agents causing these illnesses; the persistent use of SSRI medications, has failed. My estimation is that, in dealing with the visible symptoms of mental illness, we are not recognizing the enviromental causes that are directing the individual to a state of illness. Holisitic health, as a complementary modality, may be a useful tool in solving this dilemma. Holisitic health does not isolate a particular system, but deals with the individual as a whole. Holistic health is not a problem solving modailty. A holisitic health practitioner does not begin by asserting the individual as being in a "state of illness". Holisitic health is process oriented, not result oriented. A great holisitic health practitioner guides an individual to create specific routines and practices in order to progressivley realize higher states of well being. This may include but is not limited to: Sleep hygeine Dietary modification Meditation practices Affirmation development Routines to build self-confidence Exercise regiments Monitered fasting A great holistic health practitioner may even use specific metrics provided by the biomedical model (i.e. blood testing, sleep cycle monitoring) to guide his/her practice and pin point areas of focus. Holistic health is not afraid of using words such as: spiritual. Holisitic health recognizes the interpedenant nature of man and his enviroment, and as a result, guides the individual in the process of transformation from within to without. A holisitic health practitioner places the locus of control in the hand of the patient. By vicariously instilling the belief that the client may overcome whatever difficulties they face, the practitioner initates a placebo effect that, in many documented cases, had yielded changes in the individuals condition. (There are many cases of individuals being placed under a hypnotic state, and being subject to stimulus that would cause an adverse physical reaction in their normal waking state, and coming out unscathed.) A holisitic health practioner recognizes the human bodies innate healing systems, and works to incorporate this dormant potential to achieve optimal results. If you are one of the many that has been failed by the biomedical model of health, there has never been a better time to start collaborating with a holistic health practitioner and developing critical practices that will transform you from the inside out. Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
Why I Think About Death Everyday
The worst possible case scenario is ceratin: we are all going to die. We have no clue when it is going to happen, and no matter how much we pray that the Ray Kurtzweil's of the world will be able to create some sort of artifically intelligent means to extend our life, we know deep down these efforts are futile. "Time is money and the reaper knows the budget". It is hidden from public sight with the exception of the obviously fabricated dramas we see through media. It is a latent fear that we all carry, deeply ingrained in us through thousands of years of evolutionary programming. We fear it to the point where many of us are in denial of its inevitability. And although we many not verbally express this belief, through our actions many of us live as though we will live forever. We are constantly pushing off the things that will provide us the most joy, the activities that we resonate with the most, the people we cherish, the things we really want out of life, believing that it will all happen at a later time. We have been taught to sacrifice our present for a greater future. To value an imaginary future where all of our worries will be lifted and our desires granted. That future is uncertain. It may never come to pass. You can feel joy now, knowing that this life is transient and can be taken at any moment. You can organize your time and efforts so that you spend all of your time living a life true to yourself and what you intend on creating. Stop being a beast of burden. Why live your life of expectations and complacence. YOU SHALL BE A GREAT HOUSEWIFE YOU SHALL ATTAIN A MASTERS DEGREE YOU SHALL FOLLOW ISLAM YOU SHALL WORK TO LIVE YOU SHALL BE FRIENDS WITH SO N SO Remembering death places things in perspective. You have this one life to live. It will end eventually. When? You dont know. But you know it will end. It is finite. It is limited. Every moment is once step closer to your oblivion. So live it fully. Live it true to your unique vision. Never compromise your being. - Mo
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
The Value of Attention Management
Your attention is valuable. Where you place it will directly effect the outcomes in your life. Your attention is so valueable, advertisers pay a premium to have the opportunity to entertain it. If you do not protect your attention, those who wish to manage it will manage it. I am not talking about some clandestine operation aimed at controlling the minds and bodies of the masses (although I admit, such a proposition may not be out of the realm of possibility). I am talking about the private interests in your life that wish to influence you. The middle manager that wants to squeeze as much "productivity" out of you as he can in the hours that you have alloted to him. The needy and pessimistic 'best friend' that engages you daily with their complaints and frustrations. The annoying YouTube advertisment that promises you the number one secret that all millionaire entrepenuers know, but wont share. You are in ceaseless competition with the outside world to keep your attention focused on your vision. Paraphrasing one of my mentors Naval Ravikant : The great battle of the 21st century is to manage your attention efficently. Now more than ever we have the tools to make our dreams a reality; knowledge, wealth allocation services, ability to connect with collaborators and consultants. However organizing our efforts have never been more difficult. As useful as a tool that access to a smart phone may be, as soon as we open our device, we are bombarded by the insaitable demand for attention. How many notifications display themeselves on your screen in an hour? Think about it for the next hour. Every time a notifaction pops up on your screen, make a mental note of it, decide whether or not it is useful for you to be recieving this notifaction. If you are ever so inclined, block the useless notifications. How often do you watch internet pornography. Be honest. Become more conscious of it when you do, and how much energy and focus you give it. If you are a man, your libido is an integral driving force to your productive success. Make sure you don't dissipate it senselessly. (Go find a loving and committed sexual partner if the desire is that strong) How much junk information do you consume? How much gossip, drama, tragic events, and disempowering information do you consume? This has a direct result on your mood, energy levels and thought patterns. Be mindful of it. Less is more when it comes to possible subjects of attention. The 80/20 principle states: 80% of your results are derived from 20% of your efforts. For example: You are strength training in the gym. You do 10 exercises. Chances are, 80% of the strength you develop is coming from 2 (20%) of those exercises. Find out what those exercises are, and invest more time in them. For the sake of this post I reinterpret the principle as follows: 80% of what you think about is a result of the 20% of information that had the most emotional impact on you. Isolate that 20% and engage with that content more often, assuming it is empowering information. Your attention is valuable. Protect and nourish it. Namaste
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
Inner Confidence
How much of your self worth is contingent upon things that can be stripped away from you at any moment. Your career Your home Your hot girlfriend Your social status Your BMW Your education Your sex appeal Would you be able to hold your head as high without these attachments? Your self-esteem rests on these pillars, and had one of them been removed from under you, your foundation would become unstable. This is outer confidence. It is ephemeral and volatile. . It is comparitive and hierchical in nature, and by virtue of being so is always in competition; feeling threatened. Inner confidence on the other hand.... Inner cofidence is generated from within. Its foundations rest on the unique being that you are. It celebrates authenticity and idyosyncracy. It grows when it is expressed. The truer you are to yourself, the more your inner confidence develops. Have a joke in mind that you think would be funny? Say it. Inner confidence is NOT approval seeking. Inner confidence is polarizing. Some people may love you for your quirks and others may resent you deeply for it. Inner confidence speaks to its own audience. If they hate let them hate. As my mentor Seth Godin says "every message of hate can be reinterpreted as one saying "that's not for me"". In order to cultivate inner confidence you must stop hiding. A song you've been jamming to all night pops in your head. You feel the rhythm manifest in your body. You start humming and tapping your feet to the beat. Normally if you were out in public you would not dare to sing, but today is different. Today you sing that song at the top of your lungs. Passers-by give you mixed signals. Some smile and some seemed annoyed. You sing regardless. CHALLENGE: Take the opportunity today to express what would otherwise be a repressed thought. You see a girl with a funky jacket walk by, tell her what you think about it. You have a risky text in mind.. Send it. Express yourself fully. Be bold. Live freely. Namaste
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