mumblecored · 6 years
Hey guys, I’m trying to create a GAY af short film, but I need a little bit of funding. Please boost the hell out of this.
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Movie: Cyrus
Experience: I really enjoyed this movie. It is supposed to be mainstream mumblecore which is shown by all the Hollywood actors in it. This movie was really entertaining and funny, but i do prefer the more classic mumblecore films. 
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Film: The Puffy Chair
Director: Jay Duplass
Experience: I really enjoyed this movie. The characters were complex and well written. This movie out of all the ones we watched so far has the most character development. The story follows a man, Josh, who drives to Atlanta with his girlfriend and his brother. On the way, they stop to pick up a red puffy chair. The plot keeps the characters motivated and the story progressing. Overall, this is a really good, well thought out movie. 
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Film: Julien Donkey-Boy
Director: Harmony Korine
Experience: I really enjoyed watching this film. Not only was it visually and audibly interesting to watch, but it was heart wrenching to watch. It really appeals to the pathos side of me. It was unlike anything I have watched before, but in a way where it kept my attention the whole time. 
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Film: The Color Wheel
Director:  Alex Ross Perry
My Experience: I thought this movie was okay. The humor is quick. There is gradual character development. I thought the ending was predictable, but even so, it was still a shock. It kept me entertained the entire time throughout the movie. 
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Film: Shadows
Director:  John Cassavete
Plot: Shadows is about a woman, Lelia (Lelia Goldoni) who is an African-American woman who passes as white. She meets a man, Tony (Anthony Ray), who courts her until she finds out that she is exactly African-American. While this is happening, Lelia’s brother, Hugh (Hugh Hurd), is trying to make a singing career, and her other brother, Ben (Ben Carruthers) spends his time trying to get girls and get into fights. 
Experience: I felt this film was kind of dull. I understand it was revolutionary for its time. There are definitely some nice moments in the film. The way the characters make up so easily, or even the underlying plot is interesting and entertaining. However, the characters were unlikable.. I feel like I should rewatch it, and see how I feel after that. 
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Movie: Downhill Racer
Director:  Michael Ritchie
Plot: David Chappellet is a skier who travels to Europe to participate in competitive skiing. 
Experience: I really enjoyed this movie. The way the camera moved so eloquently with the skiers, the way the characters spoke without really speaking much, and the long takes really make the movie realistic. While the characters weren’t very likable, I was still intrigued by them. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie. 
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Movie: Two Lane Blacktop
Director:  Monte Hellman
Plot: Two boys race their car across country after picking up a hitch-hiking girl. 
Experience: I think this movie was alright. It was very quiet and slow moving at points, but other points were full of racing and action. The film is more about their goals and inner relationships more than anything. The acting was okay, but I did not feel any chemistry between them. 
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Movie: Hannah Takes The Stairs
Director:  Joe Swanberg
Plot: Hannah goes from relationship to relationship searching for fulfillment. 
My Experience: I really enjoyed this movie. The moments felt very realistic, and I feel many people go through what Hannah is going through in this movie. She is searching for something, but she doesn’t know what it is. 
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Movie: Mutual Appreciation 
Director: Andrew Bujalski
Plot: Alan, a musician, is struggling to find his way. He and friend of his has a weird moment of mutual appreciation.
My Experience: I think this film is much more relateable than Funny Ha Ha .This film flows sooo well. I love the way Alan relates to Ellie, and how their chemistry plays off so well. I actually really loved and appreciate this film. Also, when Alan and Ellie shared the connection, I felt like that really close relates to a real life scenario. Overall, this movie was relateable and definitely fits the mumblecore genre. 
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mumblecored · 7 years
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Movie: Funny Ha Ha
Director:  Andrew Bujalski
Plot Synopsis: The main character, Marnie, spends her days looking for work/working temp jobs. She likes her friend Alex romantically, but at first he does not reciprocate. The story follows her throughout her everyday life. 
My Experience: While, I can see how this film can be really relevant and relateable to most, so far, I feel as this does not properly portray my 20s, but not everything can be a perfect representation. I do think this was a good portrayal of the mumblecore genre. For me, I don’t think life is THAT awkward, but I guess for some people it is. 
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