mushroomsandacid · 19 days
Blog Post 10:
Finally finished compiling my projects at the WIP stage.
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Unfortunately encountered some despairing technical difficulties recently as I had to replace my laptop and during a file transfer from my old PC I nearly lost all of my files but I managed to recover them.
If I could go back and redo my production process over the last five weeks I would definitely be more proactive in gathering resources and being consistent with blog posts as there are two areas I have seriously faltered in. I found myself with limited time to complete my projects by the due date since I had to wait for certain things however I'm glad that I will be able to submit the results on time (Barely.)
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mushroomsandacid · 19 days
Blog Post 9:
Finished editing the images for my photography collection.
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The image above was the most detailed in terms of being the most edited. I created a psychedelic effect background and overlaid the photo on top so that it mildly faded into the image. I then blurred the background around the walkway to create a stretching perspective.
The purpose of this photo was to mimic the visual effects of taking psychedelics.
This was my first time using After Effects to edit images and while there was a learning curve the experience was very educating.
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mushroomsandacid · 19 days
Blog Post 8:
Finished shooting today for my first 3/5 photos in my collection for the photography portion of my project.
I booked a Cannon EOS M200, Tripod, and extensive lighting kit.
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I ended up enlisting the help of a friend from a previous Media course to help me with camera operation as I pose in the photo being created shown in the above image.
This is the final outcome:
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mushroomsandacid · 19 days
Blog Post 7:
I finished recording and editing the audio and music for my podcast.
Unfortunately had to record a few segments from my phone but I'm overall happy with the results and as this is only an abridged version of the podcast for the WIP stage I will most likely re-record the whole thing. I used Audacity as I recently lost access to the computer lab due to there being some issues with my ID card.
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Here is some audio from the intro:
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mushroomsandacid · 19 days
Blog Post 6:
Finished recording the intro and transitions for my podcasts using the Olympus LS100 and my Black Artist Acoustic Guitar through a 10w Marshall amp.
I encountered some set-up issues with the audio recorder as it needed to be fully charged before use and this led to some frustration when I couldn't record properly but I managed to get it working. The playback through the recorder has the audio appearing a bit scratchier than I expected however I hopefully can clean it up somewhat later through software. Also had to replace the lead cable for my guitar as it annoyingly broke halfway through recording but I'm glad I've had this experience now as I can reference it in the future.
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mushroomsandacid · 2 months
Blog Post 5:
Originally Submitted: 27/03/2024
I have been looking for potential spots to shoot for my photography project as well as recruiting friends to both pose and help handle equipment:
These are my selected shooting spots for each photo:
Photo 1:
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Photo 2:
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Photo 3:
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Photo 4:
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Photo 5:
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These are the people have asked and have asked and who have consented to take part in the shoot:
Dennis Hagen (Model)
Morgan Nicholls (Model)
Kate Robinson (Model)
Una Djukic (Model)
Michael Bennet (Camera Operator)
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mushroomsandacid · 2 months
Blog Post 4:
Originally submitted: 29/03/2024
I have found and purchased some cheap audio and visual media equipment from friends and Facebook marketplace for convenience in conducting my project.
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The equipment I have compiled includes:
-Two Gimbals
-Gannon Camera
I do not know the exact specs for many of these so I will conduct further research.
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mushroomsandacid · 2 months
Blog Post 3:
Originally Submitted: 18/03/2024
After conducting research on podcasts I've decided to record a little intro/outro for my own podcast. I play guitar and am capable of composing music so I decided to write this little segment.
I don't think there is anything particularly psychedelic about this piece however it does follow the popular industry standard of being under five seconds and follows a minor chord progressing and resolving as a major chord. I will add drums and bass later in the production phase.
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mushroomsandacid · 2 months
Blog Post 2:
Originally Submitted: 11/03/2024
Microdosing is the practice of ingesting small amounts of Psychedelic substances, most commonly Psilocybin and LSD, to gain the functioning and mood-lifting euphoric benefits of taking the substance but without inducing a mind-altering state. 
Microdosing gained popularity over the last decade as an alternative to antidepressant and anxiety medications to improve mood and activity as they are not addictive and users claim they have more beneficial long-term effects. Some researchers in the medical field have been advocating for the legalisation of theese substances in this form so they can be regulated but have stated that there are still concerns about microdosing illegally.
Psychedelics like Psilocybin and LSD work by replicating and binding to Serotonin receptors in the brain that regulate perception and mood. They act by opening neural pathways which in large quantities, such as in typical recreational doses, can cause hallucinations and amplify emotional states. When taken in smaller quantities however research has found that regular limited exposure to these substances can have greatly beneficial effects without intoxication. Microdosing has reportedly been used to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety and can even help alleviate stress from previous traumas as well as being linked to helping those struggling with other problems such as insomnia. Research suggests that when small amounts of the substance are ingested instead of spiking the activity in neural pathways it simply soothes the release of brain receptors which can cause calmness and clearer thinking and emotional processing.
This is greatly pertinent to my research as it has great implications for the advocation of legalising these substances.
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mushroomsandacid · 2 months
Blog Post 1:
Originally Submitted: 06/03/2024
For my first week, I conducted broad research on psychedelic substances seeking to find information such as the effects of these substances, their history, legality and usage in New Zealand. 
These are my sources: 
Therapeutic effects of classic serotonergic psychedelics: A systematic review of modern‐era clinical studies. By 
         Behavioral Neurobiology of.      Psychedelic. Drugs 
Drug Classification and Legality 
These are the two substances I have selected to focus on: 
Most commonly referred to as Magic Mushrooms. There are over 150 varieties of this substance that can be found around the world with slightly varying effects between species. In New Zealand, there are two known species of Psilocybin mushrooms. Psilocybe Weraroa and Psilocybe Subaeruginosa. They can be found in cold, moist environments growing on tree roots and bark where they are most commonly found between April and July. Psilocybin is most commonly ingested through consumption and effects typically last 3-4 hours and induce euphoria and brightened wave-like distortions of colour and visuals. Dosage is measured in grams with a normal dosage consisting of two to five grams. Psilocybin is one of the oldest and longest-used psychoactive substances known to man but was popularised in the mid-1960s by the hippie movement.
Psilocybin is actually considered to be one of the safest illicit substances as users are incapable of overdosing, it is non-addictive and the effects don't cause long-lasting physical harm however if used inappropriately the substance can cause adverse mental effects such as psychosis. The biggest danger associated with this substance is that there are many poisonous species of mushroom that look similar and are often mistaken for causing psychoactive effects leading to harm or even death when consumed.
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(Left) Psilocybe Subaeruginosa a.k.a Gold Tops
(Right) Psilocybe Weraroa a.k.a Blue Meanies
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide or LSD was discovered in 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hoffmann and later, like Psilocybin, was popularised in the 1960s. It is most commonly produced by synthesising the substance into a liquid and dropping the chemical onto blotter paper which is then ingested orally by placing the paper on the tip of the tongue allowing it to dissolve. The substance is most commonly found in this form which are referred to as tabs and are sold individually. LSD is dosed and measured in micrograms with an average dose consisting of 50-200ugs and the effects of LSD are very similar to Psilocybin however the duration lasts longer, usually 8-12 hours. 
Unlike Psilocybin which is more commonly grown or privately collected seasonally, LSD is heavily trafficked and can only be purchased illegally. This comes with the danger of the substance also being prone to tampering by sellers who may sell laced, overdosed or more dangerous substances under the pretence of being LSD. LSD can also cause psychosis like Psilocybin.
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