mxds-x · 7 years
The French Connection Full Movie Review
Arguably one of the top 5 action movies of all-time, this movie embodies the grittiness of 1970s detective work in the big city. International crime and intrigue, a mysterious French figure, a rough cop called Popeye, and easily one of the top 3 car chase scenes in any movie, The French Connection is undoubtedly a "must watch" film for the action movie buff, as well as the hardcore movie lover & the aspiring movie maker. This is how movies should be made.
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mxds-x · 7 years
this was when i met the team crafted guys! i got a
this was when i met the team crafted guys! i got a selfie with jerome, mitch told me to sneak a photo with him, Adam told me that what i said to him meant so much
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mxds-x · 7 years
Can we just appreciate how fluffy this microphone
i like theatre, emotionally investing myself into tv shows, and 80s music // she/her. music † about † ask † x † credit. Can we just appreciate how fluffy this
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mxds-x · 7 years
suicideisquad: WWAT - Paris + - mcmxcv - mxds-x
on the journey to being the first Disney princess with dyed hair // cis her/she. music full movies † about † ask † x † credit. suicideisquad: “ WWAT - Paris + ”. suicideisquad:.
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mxds-x · 7 years
some favorite screenshots of Mitch being a cutie
some favorite screenshots of Mitch being a cutie movie
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