my-sakusasu · 4 years
SOMEONE HELP. I can’t stop looking at SasuSaku smut !!
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my-sakusasu · 4 years
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my-sakusasu · 4 years
SOMEONE HELP. I can’t stop looking at SasuSaku smut !!
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my-sakusasu · 4 years
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my-sakusasu · 4 years
Remember when our favorite space couple first met in TFA and Ben announced that he can take everything from Rey if she resists and then he ended up giving her his everything in her most vulnerable moment in TROS.
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
Me on my way to camp redwood to get xavier out of there
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
The Best Online Astrology Resources
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Because the subject of astrology is so broad and there’s endless sources out there, I often get asked to list some of my personal favorite online sites to learn astrology. So, here’s 20 blogs that I used to learn and still frequent, that I think would be great for a beginner or advanced astrologer to use! 🌟
Keep reading
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
Houses in the sr chart
the focus of this year will be….
1st house: building and preserving your self-image and self-identity. Becoming more self-aware of your physical, mental, and emotional self.
2nd house: building up your finances and focusing on your self-values and possesions. Discovering your hidden talents and establishing your self-esteem
3rd house: building up you knowledge and social identity. Learning how to communicate well with others.
4th house: building up or deviating away from your domestic life, cementing a foundation for yourself. Family, roots, and land may be the focus of this year.
5th house: building up your creativity and new, temporary relationships. Taking on personal interests in particular hobbies. Taking risks and seeking pleasure
6th house: building up your acts of service and preserving your health. Reducing stress. Being more efficient in the workplace and daily life.
7th house: building up and cooperating with all one-to-one relationships (platonic, romantic, business, etc.). Creating a balance between being other-oriented and making time for yourself. Relating to others
8th house: building up joint finances. Experiencing regeneration, healing, changes in sexuality, transformations, and personal sacrifices
9th house: building up your morals, possible knowledge from a higher education. A time to travel and experience the world from a different lens
10th house: building up what you want your social status, general reputation, and career to be like. A quest for recognition in personal achievements.
11th house: building up your current friendships, possibly expanding or becoming more attached to your inner circle. Plans for giving back to the community, stepping into your individuality, ambitions, and independence.
12th house: Discovering your hidden self, the parts of you that you don’t want to see. Becoming more reclusive, spiritual, frustrated, and using escapism as a detour
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
Solar return planets in the 5th house
The 5th house is all about our hobbies, self-expression and creative outlets. It shows where and how we shine
Sun in the 5th: this year is the year for you to shine, your the star and everyone is watching you glow. During this time you will feel more like yourself or will want to express your true essence where as in the past you may have hidden who you were out of fear or insecurity and this shows you having pride and confidence in just being you. Your encouraged with this placement to invest your time and energy into your hobbies or creative endeavors, in fact you will very much want to. Since the sun is in its ruling house there isn’t much ways it could manifest negatively. If your a creative person (or not) you would find yourself spending time/being more interested in the arts and using it as a means of self expression. Poetry, music, art, theater and anything creative really would make a huge portion of your experience this year. As advice I would say that since you are so confident and are glowing really (even if you don’t realize it) to avoid people who are negative and try to put you down in someway; those who are your true friends and those who are not would become quite clear to you. Your goals this year will come down to a basic themed of wanting to embody every aspect of yourself, this usually being manifested through various hobbies and activities of sorts that fulfil those specific aspects or ideas you have of yourself. This is also the house of romance so you can expect to have multiple suitors/ flings or just go on lots of dates even and just generally have a focus on love/think of love more often.
Moon in the 5th: if you have this placement in your solar return chart you will find that during this year your emotional nature may be heavily affected by your ego or self confidence. Your passions/ hobbies or any creative outputs would be things that you’ll heavily invest in emotional, this can be both a source of emotional fulfillment but may also lead to your feelings and emotional states being too dependent on those things. Also to not skip over the obvious, this year may be a year where you find that your often more love sick than usual. This is either in having multiple lovers passing through in your life (being equally infatuated with each) or by stumbling onto your soulmate on a random Monday afternoon. In either cases the love would be passionate and innocent in a way or (if afflicted) attention and ego based love that’s very superficial. Also for those of you that are trying to get pregnant or have had fertility issues in the past, you could very well be a mother this year as your especially fertile. This placement also calls for emotional expression, if you are someone who is always used to holding in your feelings- the universe is encouraging you to to let loose, you know live a little sing, dance paint, write- do it all, all that comes to you and don’t be afraid to make a scene sister.
Mercury in the 5th: having this placement just reeks creativity for this year, you’ll be an idea generating ware house (if afflicted, this could be about having artist/writers block) since this is mercury, the planet of communication and writing, it is easy to see this as being a writer’s placement- if you’ve been trying to finish a book forever (or any creative endeavors really, but more so things dealing w/ literature) you’ll probably find more than enough inspiration to express those thoughts. At its most basic, it could represent a year with lots of fun and laughter. If you have a career in comedy (or theater/acting) you may have that spotlight where you get to express yourself because people will listen to you. Don’t be afraid to be spontaneous, if you wanna book a flight to a random country for a week then do it you will likely have a lesson there to learn or you just probably really deserve that vacation. Express your thoughts, let your words be heard and don’t hold back. Also if you’ve never been a writer then this may be a year where you’re inspired to start writing.
Venus in the 5th: Romance, Romance Romance. This year is about this magical thing we call loveeeeeee. In fact this placement is known for its romance and the passionate-lovers who can’t quit each other soap opera. No but for real, you will have a certain glow to you this year that will make you like a magnet to those around you. You will have no problem attracting suitors and this is likely due to you learning a lesson about self love and confidence at some point this year. If your a dancer or singer this ones a placement for you; you will stand out like a star around your competition and others will see your potential and want to help you, for those into modeling/ want to model you may be scouted or signed to some big modeling agency. I feel like a big part of the lesson of this placement this year is to enjoy being carefree and innocent in love or just matters of the heart, to take pride in who you are and what you value.
Mars in the 5th: this to me shows someone who goes after what they truly want in life. Perhaps you were stuck at a job you didn’t really love or some mundane life pattern like school and you decide to say f-it all and just take that risk, diving head first and following your heart. Others may see this as immature, childish or reckless- but really if your having any doubts you should know it’s what your supposed to do. It’s about having faith and trust in the universe, that you will be OK and supported in whatever venture you decide to go on. On the other hand if you do act out of fear and continue to do something in which you don’t feel like it’s your passion it’s likely to come crashing down, because the lesson is that nothing done out of fear will truly last. Another thing with this placement is that you know (or will learn) how to assert and express your wants and needs- if your a passive person who lets others walk all over you, you will learn how to assert yourself in a way that is healthy and positive (hopefully- it’s up to you) as far as love and romance goes, you may have a few passionate connections- it may even be through those lovers that you are set free into doing what you’re really meant to do
Jupiter in the 5th: anything creative and fun will be expanded with Jupiter here. Now obviously with Jupiter- we know he can get a little tooo excited and expand things a little too much to where they may become unhealthy. This may be a little too much fun, too much food, too much alcohol, too much gambling, too much sex and no where near enough amount of work. if you’re usually the type to be a workaholic or generally a very responsible person, this may be a great way for you let go and let loose but if not you have to to watch out as to not let these overindulgences take over your life. Jupiter also encourages you to find and express your true spirituality- what do you believe? What resonates with you the most? In a way it makes us look at ourselves and really introspect who we really are spiritually. This is usually done through some sort of an expansion, usually by traveling, something about looking at a sunset or watching the stars in another place on earth makes you really think about your meaning and existence. Also your spiritual gifts and ideas may really grow and flourish this year.
Saturn in the 5th: Saturn is in your 5th house for a very specific lesson, and usually this can be grouped into two types of people (in some cases obviously) people who play too much and work too little and people who work too much and play too little. Saturn here is trying to teach us about the balance of fun and serious, chaos and structure and it’s never healthy to be too much of either. You will likely feel that your self expression is somehow restricted or hindered- this could be due to a parent, or a commitment you made (or were somehow pressured into making) you could feel trapped and unable to move towards you goals and ambitions for who you want to be. This is usually due to fear, fear failure, rejection or feeling that there is an immovable blockage. With Saturn, it’s important to realize that you will always be greatly rewarded for your efforts and with Saturn consistency is key so don’t get discouraged. Remember that anything worth having doesn’t always come easy. Also with this placement it could be a marking point of maturity in your life, like say your a college student who’s used to always going out on the weekends but this year you get your first job and you can’t do that anymore because you have responsibilities and they may feel limiting but ultimately there is a lesson to take from Saturn, always.
Uranus in the 5th: this a placement that talks about spontaneity and fun. It’s another placement of feeling like your life is a roller coaster but it will feel me more reckless and unstable at times. The thing with this placement is it could be you or the world around you that feels this way(look at aspects and house rulers) in case of it being you, you may have more erratic behavior and find it hard to be consistent but on the positive you’ll have unique ideas that are honestly things worth looking into. This could be you having the craziest ideas on what to do to express yourself or to just straight up entertain others. You likely will do that very well as Uranus is very hard to predict it’s next move and you will easily keep your audience (or just the people around you) on their toes. This could also be you adapting a new wardrobe that rebels and goes against your old style. You could also feel that life around you is crazy as if your going on a adventure or have some weird experience everyday. It’s important to see the blessings of this placement as the things that you find within a second takes others ages to figure out; your a bit of a creative genius whether you know it or not.
Neptune in the 5th: this placement to me feels very artsy. Painting and color or just visuals in general such as photography etc are more enhanced with this placement for Neptune. You’ll have a very vivid imagination and honestly if I were you I would pay attention to the images, colors or symbols and such as the universe is likely speaking to you through them. Also your dreams during this time may be very telling and expressive of your inner psyche and subconscious (more so than usual). This may also feel like a ego-dissolving placement (because it is) so if your someone who has a naturally strong sense of self this may be a challenging placement. Sometimes the universe wants you to just let go, surrender and see where life takes you- you don’t always have to be on top of everything you don’t have to be in control of everything you don’t have to know Everything, just sit back and enjoy the music. After all there’s a reason for everything and maybe it’s for your greater good to not know.
Pluto in the 5th: this is a placement of a drastic change being made to how you express yourself. This could be literally ego death or just having all these fear in regards to your identity suddenly come out to the surface and you having and existential crisis. Pluto is here to show us the things we’ve pushed deep down that we want to ignore about ourselves and when it comes down to it they are the things that truly control us. To me I think Pluto is ultimately about freedom, freedom from your fears; Pluto here asks us why are you the way you are? Are you acting out of fear and why? Are you afraid of your shadow-side? Things that we all have subjective answers to, but one thing to be noted is that Pluto frees you from those things by forcing you to face them, by exposing you to your true authentic self and teaching to love that person. This can manifest in a change of style, expression or personality- it can have you portraying your darkness more outwardly and embodying that with more confidence. Once thing for sure is that by the end of this year your would be a more authentic and raw version of you than you’ve ever been.
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
The Solar Return Ascendant
       The ascendant in a Solar Return chart indicates our orientation towards the coming year, and it is usually considered to be the best place to start when beginning interpretation. It’s meaning gives direction to the rest of the themes in the chart, and it is the primary focus of the year. Remember to modify the place of reference when creating a natal chart to where you currently live, rather than where you were born. Some astrologers believe that you can travel in order to influence the energy of the Solar Return (I am one of them) and in that case be sure to use the location of the exact return instead.
SR Aries Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is self-actualization and individuation. There may be more energy available to you and it will be spent following that which ignites your passion. Who are you? What do you want to create with your life?
SR Taurus Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is increasing financial security and stability. This year can be a bit more solemn, with time spent enjoying music and art. You want to solidify your place in the world. What makes you feel grounded? What can you do to further stabilize your position in life?
SR Gemini Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is learning and communication. There is likely to be a lot more comings and goings this year, and time will probably be spent socializing with others. What can you learn from others? What can you teach them?
SR Cancer Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is connecting more deeply with close friends and family. This year you are searching for greater emotional security. It may be a year of great ups and downs emotionally, and as such you will prioritize finding a family. Who is worthy of your trust? Do your relationships with those close to you feed your soul?
SR Leo Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is creativity and play. This year will likely be a social one, as you are seeking to enjoy your relationships with others. It will likely be a year filled with drama and romance. How can you have more fun in life? Do your creative endeavors feed the strength of your ego, or do you rely on the opinions of others?
SR Virgo Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is increasing practicality and discernment. There is likely to be a preoccupation with health and routine this year, and you will examine your life with greater focus and intention. This is a great year to begin a new exercise routine and implement dietary changes gradually. How can you turn your dreams into reality? What is your relationship with your body like?
SR Libra Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is on relationships and mediation. This year provides an opportunity to find greater balance in your life, especially in your relationships with others. What do your relationships say about you? How can you better cooperate with others?
SR Scorpio Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is deepening intimacy and connection. This year can be one where it’s easy to pursue one’s goals with tenacity. It’s likely to be a year of solitude, but when interaction is sought it is for the purpose of deepening an existing relationship. How can you achieve your goals in life? How can you deepen the soul connection with your loved ones?
SR Sagittarius Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is travel and expansion. Another year of increased energy. This might be a year that you prioritize long distance travel over every day expenses. At the very least you will travel with your mind, constantly learning new things and seeking to expand your horizons. How can you gain greater perspective in your life? What are your dreams and aspirations?
SR Capricorn Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is the furthering of career goals and social standing. There is a seriousness toward your approach to the coming year. You’re likely to buckle down and work toward getting what you want out of life. What can you do to achieve your dreams? How can you work more efficiently toward them?
SR Aquarius Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is networking and socialization. This year may bring all manner of new people into your life. You’re seeking to expand your social circle and you prioritize acquaintanceships in lieu of deepening existing relationships. How do you relate to your group associations? What are your social aspirations?
SR Pisces Ascendant: The focus for the year ahead is releasing expectations and going with the flow. This year you’re granted a greater sense of flexibility, though this is at the cost of direction. It may be a year where not much seems to get done, but in return you have greater freedom of expression. How do your interactions with others feed your soul? How can you transcend the mundane world and find greater creativity and spirituality?
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
Which different types of birth charts are there? I know there's Natal, but what are the other ones?
Progressed chart (it progresses your natal chart forward signifying the evolutions of your personality)
Transit chart (it compares the current planetary positions to your natal ‘creating’ transit aspects. Transit planets will also be in a natal house. Transits are a great way to see a ‘forecast’ of which area you might have problems with during that time)
Persona chart (each planet will have its own persona chart, it’s based on after the planet completes the full circle/houses. It’s an in depth version of your planets)
Draconic chart (it dials your north node back to 0 degrees Aries creating your draconic/‘soul’ chart. It shows your purest self and your purest needs)
Solar return chart (it’s the chart made each year around your birthday when the sun goes back to the degree that it was in your natal chart. It can show which areas will be prominent that year)
Lunar return chart (chart made approximately each month when the moon goes back to the degree that it was in your natal chart. Focuses on emotions and energies of that month)
Synastry chart (comparison between two charts, usually overlapping each other creating aspects between the two showing how the planets/people will interact with each other. Planets will fit into each other’s houses too)
Composite chart (it takes the two people’s planetary positions and finds a midpoint which is usually not a possible chart for someone to have. It’s a chart focusing on the relationship of the two and less on the interactions made)
Davison chart (takes two people’s birth date, time, place, year and finds a midpoint between all of those creating a real/possible chart that someone can have. Focuses on the relationship, less on the interactions)
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
what if😳we were both vampires 🧛‍♂️ and we shared a coffin⚰️ together,,,,,haha just kidding,,,,,unless ?
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
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feathery light kisses are nice *two thumbs up*
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
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Dorkiest Team
Naruto Episode 101
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
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Disney (part 2 coming soon)
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my-sakusasu · 5 years
Anyway, I want to be rawed romantically
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