myfeelingsaremyown · 7 days
Practice your coping skills when you’re not in crisis. When we’re in crisis, it can be so much harder to think straight. Please practice and plan for coping skills so that you’re prepared. Even write down a crisis plan including a step by step instruction guide for what coping skills to use so that it’s easier when you’re overwhelmed.
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myfeelingsaremyown · 30 days
“You’re going to be sad. You’re going to want to scream and punch things. Do it. Let out every ounce of anger you have. Sit on the floor and cry until you feel numb. Listen to songs that make your heart sink to your feet. Write angry letters to all the people who have broken you, left you, ignored you or hurt you. Throw your hairbrush at the wall. Do it twelve times. Do it until you feel like you can breathe again. You’re going to be sad. You’re going to want to hurt yourself. Don’t you dare do it. Sit on the floor and watch cartoons like you did when you were little. Listen to songs that make you want to dance around your bedroom in your underwear at 3 A.M. Make paper airplanes out of those angry letters and watch them soar into the fireplace. Brush all the knots out of your hair and say “I am worth it” into the mirror. Say it twelve times. Say it until you feel like you can breathe again. You’re going to be sad. You’re going to get through it.”
— things i wish i could make you understand (via winterkristall)
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myfeelingsaremyown · 1 month
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myfeelingsaremyown · 1 month
“Please stop destroying what is left of your heart by constantly thinking about things that have broken you.”
— Unknown
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myfeelingsaremyown · 2 months
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[Id. an image of a pale yellow snail, sitting on a pinecone and looking up at a stem of small white flowers. Above and below the snail there is text that reads "The world is a scary place right now", "but the flowers are still blooming", "and the birds are still singing", "and the snails are still here", "and when this is over", "the snails, and you, will still be here", "alive". End Id]
the flowers and birds and snails continue on in spite of it all and so, too, shall i
source _@/
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myfeelingsaremyown · 2 months
“The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.”
— Juliette Lewis
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myfeelingsaremyown · 3 months
Listen to me: You get good at things by being bad at them. You learn by failing. You gain competency and a sense of mastery by failing at something many times and in many interesting ways.
The sooner you are able to laugh at your own failures, to enjoy the process of messing up, the easier life will be. Because you'll no longer be afraid of learning.
And once you're no longer afraid of failing, you can learn anything.
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myfeelingsaremyown · 3 months
If you feel really sad right now, that’s valid. But try not to get stuck into the helpless feelings of believing you’ll be sad forever. That’s likely your lack of emotional permanence talking. You will not be sad forever. But it’s okay to be sad right now.
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myfeelingsaremyown · 4 months
"I would kill for you. I would die for you" would you take a break for me? Would you sit down and rest? For a day, a week, a year? Would you let others take care of your needs for me? Would you let yourself be held for me? By me?
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myfeelingsaremyown · 4 months
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myfeelingsaremyown · 4 months
You're not supposed to fight against your feelings. Don't push them away, don't surpress them. Rather, think to yourself: "This feeling is painful and I don't like it, but I will allow myself to feel what I am feeling. It will eventually get better. Feelings are not forever. I am gonna feel this feeling intentionally for a while, then I can distract myself. My feelings are valid and allowed. I am not at war with myself. I don't want to numb myself. I will be happy again soon. There is a time for everything".
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myfeelingsaremyown · 5 months
Just imagine that it continuously gets better from here
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myfeelingsaremyown · 5 months
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myfeelingsaremyown · 5 months
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myfeelingsaremyown · 5 months
I think the best advice I ever got to stop myself from getting in my head over issues i was having with a partner/friend was “Are you deciding on ultimatums in your relationship without the other persons knowledge or consent? Are you having conversations in your head where the other party is a projection you supply the responses for? If so; you have done this person a huge disservice in not allowing them to answer on their own terms. You have done so much architecture around this problem in your mind that is impenetrable for anyone who was not there when it was being built.”
That shit really changed my life and honestly? I think made me a nicer person to be around.
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myfeelingsaremyown · 6 months
“what if i’m not good enough for them” bitch are they good enough for YOU?
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myfeelingsaremyown · 6 months
“I cannot express how important it is to believe that taking one tiny — and possibly very uncomfortable — step at a time can ultimately add up to a great distance.”
— Tig Notaro, I’m Just a Person
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