7 years of relationship: does every partnership really end here?
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When I was fifteen I first heard about the superstition that after seven years everyone relationship or before it comes to an end. And indeed, every now and then, over the fifteen years that have passed, I've met more and more couples who have gone their separate ways after seven years of dating. Coincidence or is the 7th year itch really real? We looked at a few studies on the subject. You can find out in this article whether these confirm the thesis.
7 years of relationship: Is this really the end of the line?
According to the vernacular, the darned seventh year is the time of separations and divorces. No wonder that there is a lot of research on this topic to get to the bottom of it all. However, if you look at various statistics on the seven-year itch, you quickly realize that that we have most likely fallen for a superstition here. The myth of the seven-year itch has its origins in antiquity. Here people believed that after seven years a new phase of life would begin, in which every person would change significantly again. Likes and dislikes would therefore be completely different than before. And of course that also has an effect on romantic relationships. That Federal Statistical Office however, found that most couples in 2020 divorced after six and not after seven years. Accordingly, one could rather speak of a darned fifth year. The fact that 2020 was not an exception can also be seen from the statistics of previous years: Here, too, most divorces took place after six years.
Study reveals: In this relationship year, couples are the unhappiest
However, some researchers at the University of Bern have also found that divorce statistics do not reflect when one is most unhappy in a relationship. According to the study, couples are becoming more dissatisfied and unhappy every year. After ten years of relationship, this condition reaches its lowest point. However, that doesn't mean the couples are about to split up. The reason: According to the scientists, the lows are mainly short-lived.
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According to a study, relationships hit rock bottom after ten years. Photo: Getty Images/ Kay Fochtmann / EyeEmIf you have overcome the low point in the tenth year of the relationship, satisfaction rises again - for ten years. Only then were the researchers able to record a decrease again. The reasons for this, according to the study, were one Mixture of relationship dissatisfaction and midlife crisis.
You have to overcome these difficulties after 7 years of relationship
But why is the superstition that a relationship breaks up after seven years still so firmly anchored in our society? Different researchers have different opinions on this. First of all go after such a long time lost the magic and infatuation of the first years. The rose-colored glasses have been in the closet for a long time and you get to know the person by your side as he really is - with all his rough edges. Of course, this leads to small and large quarrels here and there, which can severely test the happiness of a relationship. More about relationship? 1 year relationship: Why decide now if you stay together These things change after 5 years of relationship 5-second wardrobe test: How to tell if your relationship is happyAfter seven years of relationship you not only develop outside of the relationship, but also within it. Many couples decide to start a family and have to deal with new situations that can put a strain on a relationship. This includes: - the birth of a child - the purchase of a house - existential fears
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Ignoring issues can lead to a breakup
All these changes mean that there is no time to focus only on the relationship with the partner. Romance and sex life can suffer as a result. Do you recognize yourself here? Then it is important to start, you to take care of your needs and maintain or bring back the initial infatuation. If you ignore the signs, it can not only lead to an infidelity, but also to a separation. Source link Read the full article
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Today's horoscope for December 11: the signs that will have a lasting love relationship | DailyShow
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For fans of astrology, DiarioShow.com brings all the news according to your zodiac sign about love, the economy, luck, friendship and all kinds of personal and professional ties, so that they are attentive to what fate and the stars have in store for them. All the information you are looking for horoscopein the note! Business: He will start with enthusiasm but his relatives will annoy him with conflicting issues. Amor: you will want to get rid of affective memories but someone will not like it. Business: you will feel the need to achieve cooperation; he will get it but giving benefits. Amor: the solidity of your love will arouse envy in those close to you; alert. Business: your adaptable nature will make things easier for you. He will avoid ridiculous situations. Amor: he will neglect details that are important in the relationship; you will do well to respect them. Today's horoscope." data-height="452" data-size="w:1200,h:729" data-width="745" hspace="5" src="https://news.google.com/ export/sites/cronica/img/2022/12/10/horxscopo_de_hoy_gxminis.jpg_258235706.jpg" title=" Today's horoscope." vspace="5"> Horoscope today. Business: Decisions taken lightly will look flawed but you can change them. Amor: the couple will be hit by a wave of transformations; new Horizons. Business: quarrels between relatives will cause concern but your proposal will be convenient. Amor: an ex-partner will come forward with resentment; disputes should be avoided. Business: If you detect improvisation in a business, it will be convenient to look for suitable people. Amor: favorable day to have fun, initiate romance or achieve reconciliation. Business: things can go wrong because you do not clearly express your idea. Everything will get better. Amor: your heart will vibrate for someone who introduces you; romance is coming. Business: If you manage to convince reluctant colleagues, businesses that promise success will arrive. Amor: your new image will attract people from your environment; someone will come closer Business: his permissive attitude can affect the work. Possible losses. Amor: They will set limits with affection and moments will arise that you will surely not forget. Business: a fact that goes unnoticed will become a factor of profit. Today's horoscope." data-height="360" data-size="w:640,h:360" data-width="640" hspace="5" src="https://news.google.com/ export/sites/cronica/img/2022/12/10/horxscopo_de_hoy_capricornio.jpg_430732068.jpg" title=" Today's horoscope." vspace="5"> Horoscope today. Amor: erotic games will prove to be vital to reinvigorate a worn-out relationship. Business: a relative will make you lose patience with proposals that change plans. Amor: Your fine perception will alert you that your long-awaited soul mate is very close. Business: If you persevere and overcome a certain laziness, you will obtain achievements that seem impossible. Amor: it will attract a certain person with its irresistible charm; possible lasting relationship. Fish in love, they are faithful, adaptable people who tirelessly seek a union with the mind and spirit of their partner rather than a purely sexual union. They need to dream together with their better half and feel to give pure love and very special sex. Source link Read the full article
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What happens when you (accidentally) date two guys who know each other?
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Gone are the days of getting to know a person and walking straight towards a relationship with them without looking left or right. At least I can count on one hand how many times this has happened to my friends over the last few years - except for a few romantic lovebirds. Instead, today there are also changes of direction and emergency braking. And most importantly, lots of distractions along the way. Welcome to the parallel dating universe!When I talk to my friends about our dating life, they usually don't just talk about two current people - one per head - but about several. The guy got in touch again, a new match here, an encounter there. Parallel dating, i.e. meeting several people at the same time, has become super normal - not only for people who date casually and without serious intentions, but also for those who are looking for a serious relationship. Why settle for just one person when dating apps give us the ability to compare them all and find the perfect match for us? If we don't want to do it ourselves, none of us can be expected to make a commitment and dismiss all other options after a short period of time. It goes without saying that there can be overlaps and that you sometimes have two people at the start at the same time. Basically, I think that's perfectly okay - no matter what the intention behind it is. As long as they don't find out about each other unprepared...
Why parallel dating in circles of friends is not a good idea
What do you think, how likely is it that you will meet two men who are friends on a dating app in Germany's largest city? Well, apparently big enough. My girlfriend actually managed to date two guys from the same handball team at the same time. First unconsciously and then consciously - you have to be that brave first, don't you? And as if that wasn't dramatic enough, the two also regularly went to training together. Oops! Of course, the whole thing ended in a big drama, she was banned from the club (fun), now checks her dates very carefully for possible circle of friends that she has in common and has not overcome the trauma to this day. And I would still love to know how the conversation between the two dudes went, in which they realized that their stories are about the same woman. Parallel dating can also be uncomfortable - no matter how big the city and thus the range of dating apps is.
How to Parallel-Dating ohne Stress
But that's not all that needs to be considered when dating in parallel. Of course, the focus should always be on ensuring that nobody gets hurt. And that's why, as always, communication is key. If you're only interested in sex and don't want to commit to one person, make that clear before your date develops different expectations of you. And if you're looking for a permanent relationship and get to know several exciting people at the same time, you'll have to make a decision at some point - at the latest when things get more serious and the other side wants exclusivity. And if you find out the two people are friends, you should leave town Better to explain the whole thing directly before it clears itself up.If you stick to it and of course also pay attention to your own well-being - after all, so many dates are super exhausting - I think you can meet as many people as you like and as they fit into your schedule. Whether we want to get to know several people at the same time or prefer to concentrate on just one is a matter of taste. And that's exactly what we should always keep in mind: Everyone ticks differently. While you may find parallel dating unproblematic, another person may not find it so. So: be nice, be considerate and communicate openly. Otherwise, things can quickly end badly.
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More dates, more drama? Luckily I have not had any bad experiences with parallel dating so far. But maybe that's just because I have a thousand dating apps on my phone, but I hardly ever go on dates and I'm not looking for anything at all, but rather let myself drift - sometimes more and sometimes less active. Luckily I haven't been thrown into the arms of two men from the same team. So far at least, one should never say never. All previously published "dates & desires" columns can be found here: Bildquelle: Unsplash / Alaksiej Čarankievič Did you "dates & desires: What happens when you (accidentally) date two guys who know each other?" favor? Then leave us a like or share our article. We look forward to your feedback - and of course you are welcome to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, Flipboard and Google News. Source link Read the full article
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Sex without feeling: what precautions should be taken?
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The received idea that women like one-night stands less than men is a gender stereotype. Women talk about it less, probably because they are afraid of being judged. "As if, in the background, there was this idea that to be a good girl, you must not live from sex just for sex" explains Alexandra Hubin. Yet it is not that rare. Some women are at a turning point in their career and do not want to be distracted by love. They just want to have fun. Other women are single and do not want to complicate their daily lives with the presence of a lover without having to give up shared sexual pleasures. Having one or more disappointing relationship adventures can also be the reason for this choice. Source link Read the full article
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Psychology: This factor is the most important for a good relationship
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Not sex or love This factor is the most important for a successful relationship
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A large study found what makes a successful relationship © Fresh Stock / Adobe Stock What makes a healthy and happy relationship? A study looked at data from over 11,000 couples and found the deciding factor. What does it take for a successful, healthy, happy relationship? Is it love that outshines everything? Good and regular sex? Same humor? Researchers Samantha Joel and Paul Eastwick addressed this big question, using 11,196 couples as a basis. Using artificial intelligence (AI), they have combed through countless combinations of indicators - far more than any single person would be able to examine in a lifetime. To anticipate one result of this massive study: no, it's not shared humor or good sex that makes a successful relationship. As unromantic as that may be, it's not even love. At least not directly.
That is what makes a successful relationship
According to the study, the most reliable indicator of the success of a relationship is the partner's belief that the other person is behind them wholeheartedly, as the research team led by Canada's Western University found out. If we think about it more closely, the result is not that surprising: What do most people want from their partner? That they regularly dispose of household waste? That they shower us with compliments? Satisfy us physically? Certainly, these are wonderful icing on the cake. But the certainty that we can always rely on themthat they are willing to put in work and effort so that our mutual relationship lasts and deepens – after all, that is what matters in the end.
Other factors for a happy relationship
In addition to the knowledge that the partner is fully behind themselves and their relationship, other criteria for a satisfied partner have emerged: the feeling of closeness and appreciation as well as sexual satisfaction with one's partner. In an interview with "Western News", scientist Soel emphasized the importance of her work and that of her colleagues: "Satisfaction in romantic relationships has important effects on health, well-being and work productivity." However, research into relationship quality has so far been limited in scope and extent.
What does that mean for love?
But do the results of the study mean that anyone can have a happy relationship with anyone, as long as there is commitment, appreciation and good sex? Not necessarily, Joel points out. They found that individual differences between the partners only had a minor impact on relationship satisfaction. But if, for example, you cannot have constructive discussions with your partner or if you are not on the same wavelength as the person when it comes to intimate behavior, you will probably have difficulties in maintaining a happy long-term relationship with this person. After all, we now know what is obviously the most beautiful sentence for your partner: "I stand behind you. Always." Sources used: news.westernnu.ca, ifstudies.org, pnas.org cs Guido #Subjects Source link Read the full article
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5 series that you can watch if you liked Smiley
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Updated Friday, December 9, 2022 - 14:54Carlos Cuevas and Miki Esparb are the stars of this romantic Christmas comedy set in Barcelona
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Smiley promo imageNetflixSmiley It is a Spanish fiction that Netflix premiere on December 7. This romantic Christmas comedy centers on the love story between two very different boys, Alex (Carlos Cuevas) y Bruno (Miki Esparb), who meet in Barcelona after a coincidence. If you liked the eight episodes that make up its first season and you are looking for similar proposals, then you will find other LGTBIQ+ themed series and in the same line.
This production features Patrick (Jonathan Groff), Frankie (Agustn Lanuez) y Dom (Murray Bartlett), three gay friends who live in San Francisco. Comedy, drama and romance are mixed in its two seasons, which are available on HBO Max.
Neil Patrick Harris (how i met your mother) is the protagonist of this series created by Darren Star (sex in new york). The actor gives life to Michaela gay man who remains single after an unexpected breakup with Colin (Tuc Watkins)with whom he had been in a relationship for 17 years. Netflix its first season, consisting of eight chapters, will premiere in July 2022.
Now is the time
This French production revolves around a group of LGTBIQ+ activists in the city of Lyon. His romances, his personal conflicts, his claims and his clashes with political figures are some of the plots of the title. of the movie offers its two seasons and a continuation called Now is the time: CHAOS.
With love, Victor
the catalog of Disney+ includes all three seasons of this 'spin-off' of the film With love, Simon. It is a fiction centered on Victor (Michael Cimino), a young man who has just moved to a new city and who begins to question his sexual orientation. One of his former high school students, Simon (Nick Robinson)gives you advice through messages and helps you clarify your doubts.
The adaptation of the graphic novels of Alice Oseman became quite a phenomenon after its premiere in Netflix in April 2022. The company has already renewed it for two more seasons. The British series tells the tender love story that arises between two teenagers, Charlie (Joe Locke) y Nick (Kit Connor). It also introduces other characters, such as the young trans Elle (Yasmin Finney) and the couple formed by Tara (Corinna Brown) y Darcy (Kizzy Edgell).According to the criteria ofThe Trust ProjectKnow moreSee links of interest Maccabi Playtika Tel Aviv - Valencia Basket Real Madrid - AS Monaco Source link Read the full article
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