myn4702 · 2 years
Week 10: Digital Citizenship and Conflict: Social Media Governance
Definition :
Online harassment is a type of bullying or harassment that takes place through the internet. Cyberbullying is also known as cyber harassment and cyberbullying. As the digital sphere develops and technology improves, it is becoming increasingly popular, particularly among teens. When someone abuses or harasses someone on the internet or other digital places, particularly on social networking sites, this is known as "cyber harassment." Posting rumors, threats, sexual comments, personal information, or hate speech are all examples of harmful bullying. Bullying or harassment is defined as repeated actions intended to hurt.
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Online Harassment Statistics
According to a 2018 research, the majority of teenagers (59%) had experienced some type of cyberbullying. According to a more extensive survey from 2021, this isn't only a problem for teenagers, with over 40% of Americans under 30 having experienced internet abuse. Fifty percent of those polled said the incident was caused by politics.
The following are the most typical kinds of cyberbullying:
Using offensive slurs (31 percent )
Embarrassment for the sake of embarrassment (26 percent )
Physical dangers (14 percent )
Surveillance (11 percent )
Harassment of women (11 percent )
Harassment that continues (11 percent )
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Effect of cyberbullying :
When you are bullied online, you may feel as if you are being assaulted from every direction, even your own house. The consequences might endure a long time and influence a person in a variety of ways:
Mentally, you may feel irritated, ashamed, dumb, or even enraged.
Emotionally - embarrassment or a loss of interest in things you enjoy
Physically, you may be weary or have symptoms such as stomach discomfort or a headache.
People who are mocked or harassed are less likely to speak up or try to fix issues. Online bullying can even lead to people taking their own lives in extreme circumstances.
People lack the guts to speak up and try to remedy the situation because they fear being seen, laughed at, and harassed. Bullying can also lead to sadness and suicidal thoughts in the sufferer. Cyberbullying can have a variety of consequences for us. However, these issues can be overcome, and people's confidence and health can be restored.
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What to do :
- The first step in cyberbullying prevention is to recognize it: read, listen, and be an informed online user.
- It is critical to speak out against it, which may be accomplished through raising awareness: Cyberbullying goes undiscovered most of the time, which promotes its prevalence.
- Having a dialogue about the problem of cyberbullying makes individuals more aware of it and can assist in better identifying it.
- Calling out those who bully others on the internet and giving assistance to the victims can go a long way.
- Another approach to avoid it is to not like and share such information.
- Report any sites, remarks, or images that you believe to be cyberbullying.
- Carefully select your words and convey them intelligently.
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MONICA ANDERSON 2018 ,A Majority of Teens Have Experienced Some Form of Cyberbullying (2018). Available at: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/09/27/a-majority-of-teens-have-experienced-some-form-of-cyberbullying/ Cyberbullying: What is it and how to stop it (2022). Available at: https://www.unicef.org/vietnam/endviolence/cyberbullying-what-it-and-how-stop-it#2 (2022) Youtube.com. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkzwHuf6C2U
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myn4702 · 2 years
Week 9: Digital citizenship case study: Social Media Influencers and the slow fashion movement
What is slow fashion :
Slow fashion is a method of clothing production that takes into account all components of the supply chain while also respecting people, the environment, and animals. It also devotes more effort to the design process, demonstrating that each piece of apparel is well-made. As a result, their price will be greater, and fashion will be stylish to meet the requirements of people. Slow fashion clothing gives a person a sense of self in this world. After several washing, they are naturally warm and pleasant. The utilization of organic, recycled, reused, and upcycled fibers is at the heart of sustainable fashion. The materials used are those that use less chemicals, dyes, energy, resources, trash, and have a low environmental effect.
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Fast Fashion and Slow Fashion :
Fast fashion is a word used by retailers and designers to describe a product that has been seen on a well-known brand or on the market and has been replicated with lower quality and the lowest cost to market. mass. Slow fashion, on the other hand, focuses on creating clothing that is of high quality and lasts a long time. Slow manufacturing, fair salaries for workers, zero waste, and a minimal carbon impact are all promoted. The tale of a good garment is about raising awareness of product workmanship and transparency in slow fashion production techniques. It will take a long time for you to acclimate to the change from quick fashion to slow time. You will, however, get along with a bean if you capture one.Do you really need clothing to be on-trend, and if so, how can you maintain them environmentally benign and sustainable in the future? Instead of constantly changing or dying, take pride in what you have and appreciate its worth.
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The movement of Slow Fashion
According to research, the environment, ethics, and sustainability are among the top searches connected to rapid fashion. This slower, more careful approach will help the earth and all of its people as awareness and popularity develop. Slow Fashion designers seek to preserve ecological, social, and cultural diversity. Biodiversity is significant because it provides answers to problems such as climate change and environmental deterioration. Encourage diverse and creative business models; the movement recognizes independent designers, major fashion companies, second-hand, recycled things, rental clothes, your local knitting club, and clothing exchanges. this. Keeping traditional textile procedures and dyeing techniques alive adds color and significance to what we wear and how it's manufactured.
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Slow fashion - with these 20 tips you can easily implement the trend (2020). Available at: https://www.hausvoneden.com/lifestyle/slow-fashion-20-tipps-um-den-trend-einfach-umzusetzen/#:~:text=What%20does%20slow%20fashion%20mean,while%20also%20improving%20working%20conditions ABOUT THE SLOW-FASHION MOVEMENT (2022). Available at: https://www.bewildher.com/pages/about-the-slow-fashion-movementcha
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myn4702 · 2 years
Week 8 : Gaming Communities, Social Gaming, and Live Streaming
What is Esport:
Esports are competitive video game organizations. Gamers from different teams from different places will face off and compete for the prize in the same game. The groups have a certain fan base around the world and are supported by them in most of the top leagues online or in person. More than that, it seems that Esport has captured the attention of the public when tournament programs are broadcast on television. And the most famous are online channels like Twitch that allow users to access and follow their favorite games for free.
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Who is watching Esport:
His eSports sector has expanded in recent years, with more and more spectators watching their favorite games performed by some of the top players in the globe. By 2024, it is anticipated that there will be about 286 million eSports aficionados globally, a huge rise from 197 million in 2019. In addition, 291.6 million people are expected. By 2024, newspapers will be eSports watchers on occasion. In 2018, there were an estimated 25.7 million eSports viewers in the United States, a figure that is predicted to rise to more than 46 million by 2023. It is projected that around 15.5 percent of internet users will watch eSports at least once each month.As of January 2018, the most viewed eSports event was the 2018 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational competition, which drew 60 million viewers. V In addition, the total prize pool for DOTA 2 tournaments worldwide in 2019 is a whopping US$47 million.
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League of Legends and its revenues through live-streaming
League of Legends is an online multiplayer combat arena game that was first published in 2009 and is expected to generate $1.75 billion in sales by 2020. This figure marks a rebound from the $1.4 billion in yearly income recorded in 2018. In 2016, the game reached 100 million monthly active players, a significant rise from 15 million in 2015. In 2011, it was used. League of Legends is one of the most popular e-sports due to its exciting gameplay and quick pace, with approximately $15 million won in tournaments across the world in 2018. The World Championship, which became one of the most viewed eSports events in history in 2018, was the apex of the League of Legends competitive circuit.
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Global eSports viewership by viewer type 2022 | Statista (2022). Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/490480/global-esports-audience-size-viewer-type/ LoL global revenue 2020 | Statista (2022). Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/806975/lol-revenue/ (AJ Willingham, C. (2022) What is eSports? A look at an explosive billion-dollar industry, CNN. Available at: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/08/27/us/esports-what-is-video-game-professional-league-madden-trnd/index.html
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myn4702 · 2 years
WEEK 7 : The consequences of Beauty Filters We are no stranger to beauty effects on social networks. It seems that today they appear everywhere and the most prominent social networking sites are Instagram and Facebook. This is gradually being considered as a beauty tool for social network users, even if you wake up, you can still have a perfect makeup face to cover your fatigue. Although convenient, it also has its own disadvantages.
The beginning of Beauty Filter :
CEO Evan Spiegel launched Snapchat in July 2011. It's designed to make "Snaps," which are multimedia communications that can include photographs or videos and can be altered with filters, effects, descriptions, and little doodles. They can be delivered privately or to so-called "Stories" that are only visible for a single viewing. As a result, the "Story" feature rapidly emerged and gained popularity among young people. Users have had direct access to the beauty effects on their tales since that time.Snapchat Filters were a huge hit with users right away. After their in-house team created over 3000 AR effects, they released Lens Studio, a free desktop tool in December 2017 that may assist both ordinary people and marketers in bringing their ideas to reality. Two years later, they released the 2.0 version, which uses augmented reality to alter dogs, hands, bodies, and iconic sites all across the world. Despite the fact that Snapchat had a hard year in 2018 when many users abandoned the app following a redesign, it is currently more popular than ever: Daily Active Users rose 8% year over year to 203 million in Q2 2019.
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Why we fell for Filter:
Nowadays, social media now plays a big part in our lives, and for many, that includes heightened concern about how they look to other online users, says The International Psychology Clinic's Martina Paglia. "Filters are now widespread online, and it's becoming increasingly uncommon to find photographs – especially of girls and women – that haven't been filtered in some manner." Furthermore, when we utilize filters as an immediate editing tool, it is both quick and handy; it does not take long, yet it is still ideal. Now that our exterior appearance is constantly being scrutinized and assessed, we always want to project the greatest image possible to keep up with society's fashion or just to be more attractive.It would be difficult to use a filter if you watched a version of yourself becoming more gorgeous simply by holding your phone and snapping a shot. Acne patches, wrinkles, and dark circles will vanish in an instant. The standards of beauty are polished and edited to make everyone feel as if they are not good enough or attractive enough, so we are always seeking methods to disguise that.
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The bad side of beauty filter :
Celebrity retouching in high-end publications has become more accessible. It's simple, it's readily available, and it's being shoved down our throats. For years, Instagram's filters have been smoothing our skin. The consequences of beauty filters on our psychological health are yet unknown, but there's no doubt that in a world where we're constantly gazing at ourselves-whether through selfies, FaceTime, or Zoom. It's normal to feel inferior. When you remove the filter and look in the mirror, nothing like the enlarged picture, "there is a great contrast between the actual person and the fictional one,"According to Widdows, "as the difference between them grows wider, the risk of tension, discontent, and unhappiness grows." That's why individuals continuously seek the services of plastic surgeons to reshape their features to resemble filtered versions of themselves. Filters have the ability to influence how you think and show yourself. One thing we still don't understand is why applications urge us to disclose our best selves so that when the other person reads your profile, there would be 'Love' and you will receive points. as a result of being rated as the most liked profile And the product is you, whether you use an app to find love, validate yourself, or simply have fun.Because these applications are extremely intuitive and rely on photographs rather than words, applying a beauty filter to your photos is a technique to optimize oneself, which leads to people with malicious intent being easily duped.
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The Brief History of Social Media Augmented Reality Filters — INDE - The world leader in Augmented Reality (2022). Available at: https://www.indestry.com/blog/the-brief-history-of-social-media-ar-filters (Accessed: 7 April 2022).Hanna Kozlowska, 2021 Opinion | These beauty filters create a cruel online dating Catch-22 (2021). Available at: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/online-dating-beauty-filter-trap-ncna1285338 ROBERTA SCHROEDER, 2020 How we fell for filters and the science behind your obsession (2020).
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myn4702 · 2 years
Week 6: Digital Citizenship and health education: Body modification on Visual Social Media
What is pornification?
Pornographic or sexually explicit material is a mainstream cultural adaption of the sex industry's techniques and content, as well as eroticism in Western society. Pornography is notorious for utilizing sexually graphic images of women to show "how patriarchal authority functions in the field of gender representation".Contemporary society has argued that all types of pornography try to account for how common and ordinary pornography is when there is so much content accessible in both the media and academia. Also, how accessible it is in whatever media and how individuals of all ages constantly come into contact with and utilize it. The popularity of the sex business grew in tandem with the predominance of sexualization and the rising division of society, as indicated by the emergence of dance clubs. Sexualization and the commodification of women and girls has become so ingrained in our culture that many people regard glamor modeling and lap dancing as not only normal but even desirable. The sex and beauty business, which is both open and confined by the diversity of identities and objectives available to young women, is both open and constrained.
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The sexualization of culture
During the early years of the twenty-first century, sexualization was propagated in Western cultures through sexy imagery in advertising, mainstream media, and popular culture. The usage of photographs of women. In the 1960s and 1970s, women fought for the second feminist movement. Gender objectification has a direct impact on women's perception of their role as subjects in society and the acknowledgment of women as intellectuals in society. On the other hand, Western cultures emphasize neoliberal principles of autonomy and personal accountability, reflecting a perspective on the individual whose position and life experiences must be interpreted as the result of the values expressed in their choices.In terms of communication, numerous studies have looked into the shift from the image of women as passive, "sexy" objects on car bonnets to a new lustful style of expression. Positive, always "trying," lively, and confident women are shown as knowing how to use their sexuality for their pleasures and goals. As a result, such relevant flows are provided by the expansion and reach of networked communications, as well as the circulation rates of the pictures, text, arguments, news, and ideas it delivers. to sexual identity, behaviors, tastes, orientations, rights, and regulations ( Donaghue, N. (2014)
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Pornography and the limit of decency
Pornography is not protected by the law and will be punished, according to the Supreme Court. As a result, pornographic content will be illegal in commerce in both the United States and overseas. The majority of sexually explicit pornography is unlawful. The Supreme Court used the Miller, a three-part narcissism test, to decide whether work was pornographic. Pornography that passes the Miller test is permissible and not outlawed, although exposure to children under the age of 18 is subject to specific limitations and bans. As a result, all sexual information is eliminated from television broadcasts and seems to have been modified from the original due to Supreme Court guidelines and criteria.
Lababidi, Y 2013, The Pornification of Popular Culture, Truthout, <https://truthout.org/articles/the-pornification-of-popular-culture/>.
Donaghue, N. (2014) "Sexualization", Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, pp. 1746-1750. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-5583-7_418.
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myn4702 · 2 years
Week 5: What is digital citizenship?
What is platformization?
Platformization is the penetration of digital platforms' infrastructures, economic processes, and governmental frameworks into many economic sectors and spheres of life, as well as the reorganization of cultural practices and imaginations around these platforms, which is referred to as Platformization. Platformization refers to social media platforms' expansion into the rest of the web and their efforts to make external web data "platform compatible." By examining one facet of their medium-specificity, the specific technological architecture and ontological distinctiveness of platforms will be investigated. Platformization, with social networks' dominant infrastructure and the development of social media into other online spaces, has given rise to today's business model. APIs are used to transform social networking sites into social media platforms. Platforms for social media help the company to increase into the web and utilize these extensions to format external WEB data. They're working on issuing systems that will decentralize data generation while centralizing data collecting ( Helmond, A. (2015). Previous examples have demonstrated how Facebook uses its platform as an infrastructure model to expand into external online spaces, and how it uses these extensions to define data formats for its platforms to align with their economic interests by popularizing user activities as well as web and app content. Grab, a prominent transportation company has created an app and platform to link drivers and passengers. Customers' requests can be met more readily, and supervisors can better supervise the actions of drivers. This is beneficial to both customers and company owners.
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What are the advantages/disadvantages of platformization?
Clients along with manufacturers and service providers always are the most essential market drivers for mobile apps, and their choices will shape the industry's future. Cross-platform development expands the potential of usually basic apps with a limited user base by increasing diversity and alternatives, allowing consumers to pick from a wider range of apps. select. Users may try apps that are typically tied to a degree before switching to a competitor's platform. It's critical to stress that the benefits listed are hypothetical benefits that may or may not arise from attempting to practice diversity. Customers may not be happy, because cross-platform products will not be available if the development tools do not allow for the full potential of the device, or if the result is faulty. successful. Users, together with manufacturers and service providers, are the most essential market force in application development, and their choices will shape the future of the industry.
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Helmond, A. (2015) ‘The Platformization of the Web: Making Web Data Platform Ready’, Social Media + Society. doi: 10.1177/2056305115603080.
Corral, L., Janes, A. and Remencius, T. (2012) "Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiplatform Development Frameworks–A Vision on Mobile Environments", Procedia Computer Science, 10, pp. 1202-1207. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2012.06.173.
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myn4702 · 2 years
Social media has significantly altered public image, attitude, and behavior; it is infiltrating, posing a threat to the press's information role, and placing journalists in jeopardy. In terms of Internet users, Vietnam ranks 16th in the world, with 67 percent of the population accessing it on a daily basis for an average of 7 hours, and about 360 active social networks (December 2018). In Southeast Asia and Asia, the number of social network users reaches 64 percent of the population, a high in Southeast Asia and Asia (as of the end of 2019) (TS. Nhà báo Trần Bá Dung 2020 )
This necessitates a shift in journalistic perspective.It may be claimed that 2012 was a year when reality TV series landed and infiltrated Vietnam's entertainment scene in a big way. It's simple to find articles, comments, or social media sites that convey a good or bad opinion about reality television shows. This impact on the native audience and the abroad Vietnamese population be direct, indirect, fast, and long-lasting? Obviously, it has a great influence on the viewers' mental lives and even depends on the director to carefully pick the circumstances for the player to encounter in the setting of reality TV is not as popular as it is in our nation now, but the diffusion of information on the Internet is too quick.
Moreover,taking advantage of social media's "share," "comment," and "spread" functions, numerous news agencies created fanpages on social media to both distribute and promote press items tailored to their requirements. a novel strategy that caters to the demands of young readers while promptly collecting reader input on the article's content, therefore catching readers' interest in material that reflects the article's content. However, social media has the potential to dominate and overwhelm the press, particularly when it comes to information on sensitive and delicate problems and cases.Social networks are progressively promoting benefits in terms of reporting speed and calculation, as they are continually updated with new technological tools and features, freely making and translating news and articles, and offering information without verification. As a result of these linkages, the press's dominance as a dominating medium is eroding. On the other side, the press is at danger of being misled by social media through fake news and a lack of verification, even with the intent of distorting, misrepresenting, and spreading inaccurate information, resulting in negative public perception. public opinion, which has an impact on the press's reputation.
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When reality TV shows are brought back to Vietnam, they are usually "hot" at first, but then "cool" in subsequent seasons. This can be explained in part by Vietnamese viewers' insatiable thirst for new experiences. As a result, most programs that wish to attract viewers manufacture Scandals to allow viewers to comment and get more engaged. The Face Vietnam, in particular (A program that is rated as a talkative girl in the television version). Then there's the scandal with model Minh Tu in season 2 (Yan 2017)
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Reference :
TS. Nhà báo Trần Bá Dung 2020 ,Truyền thông xã hội và những thách thức “chỗ đứng” của nhà báo (2022). Available at: https://dangcongsan.vn/tieu-diem/truyen-thong-xa-hoi-va-nhung-thach-thuc-cho-dung-cua-nha-bao-557347.html Yan 2017,The Face 2017: Chưa lúc nào thấy hết scandal (2017). Available at: https://www.yan.vn/the-face-2017-chua-luc-nao-thay-het-scandal-135691.html
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myn4702 · 2 years
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
Tumblr is a photo-sharing website. Users send their followers fascinating photographs, videos, and other media, which they may subsequently share with their own followers. Tumblr's focus on visual material and minimal barriers to content sharing make it a good fit for many consumer-based enterprises. In addition, internet communities such as Tumblr have a public sphere (Bruns & Highfield 2016). Tumblr is known for its basic concept, in which people's interests are brought together to create value for this digital community and online network (Tumblr 2020). Tumblr has always valued aesthetics, originality, and articles that are succinct and pertinent to its ethos and goal of building an open and multicultural community. On the social media platform Tumblr, there are around 495.5 million users and 171.5 billion posts as of 2919. (Statista 2019,2020).This is a platform where most people are free to create and discuss issues of interest to society. Especially when it comes to gender issues, entertainment topics, and simply reality TV shows and celebrity clubs, which are popular on this social platform. It seems that with just one HASHTAG, everything is gradually becoming more accessible and popular than ever on most social platforms. It is packed full of information along with your data, giving you richer content than you expected. Whatever your preferences are, they will be met and received. More than that,Tumblr is a website that works as a digital diary for anonymous users, providing them with a private and secure environment. This has both benefits and drawbacks, but on the plus side, women on social media are banding together to grow stronger and safeguard their own voices. "Teen girls strategically choose to connect with feminist politics online, taking into account factors such as privacy, community, and peer support," Jessalynn Keller discovers. ('Oh She's a Tumblr Feminist,' Keller).As a result, it is clear that the Digital and Social Networking as Tumblr can bring people together although we have different regions, cultural,language,Etc but still know and create good relationships all over the world.
Reference :
Bruns, A. and Highfield, T. (2015) "May the Best Tweeter Win: The Twitter Strategies of Key Campaign Accounts in the 2012 US Election", Die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2012, pp. 425-442. doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-19767-8_18.Tumblr (2022). Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/about Tumblr: total number of posts 2019 | Statista (2022). Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/221565/total-cumulative-number-of-tumblr-posts/ Tumblr: total number of blogs 2020 | Statista (2022). Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/256235/total-cumulative-number-of-tumblr-blogs/ Keller, J 2019, ‘“Oh, she’s a Tumblr feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms’, Social Media + Society, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1-9.
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