myquesans-blog · 7 years
Teacher slaps student. She slaps her back. It doesn't end there !!
Teacher slaps student. She slaps her back. It doesn’t end there !!
“Back in the days we would never think about hitting our teachers, kids these days have no respect for elders and teachers and parents! This ain’t America, you can’t do whatever you want!!!” wrote Eugene Wong. “That is indeed a crude young girl BUT NO TEACHER HAS THE RIGHT TO TOUCH ANOTHER STUDENT!!!” said David Newlee. Now this is the the weapon , all the students are having !1 Well ,below is…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
Top Killer Trending Tattoo Designs That Look Insanely Hot On Guys !!
Top Killer Trending Tattoo Designs That Look Insanely Hot On Guys !!
Nowadays, Tattooing has become big business and tattoo artists are making good money out of this profession. They are so occupied in this that people have to make appointments in advance. If you are a tattoo artist or customer, there are many things you need to consider before getting it applied or drawing on others. The best place for tattoos on men is everywhere, although, full back and sleeve…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
50 Unimaginable Facts of Daily Life That Will Leave You Shocked !
50 Unimaginable Facts of Daily Life That Will Leave You Shocked !
  Heard about 8fact? 8fact tells us some cool/fun/weird facts we don’t know. So this one is for those of us who love being wise-cracks and question other people, fully aware that they don’t know the answer. Only to go like “Achaaaa ? Yeh nahi pata tha?” So just give a look at them , and do share if you like it !! also tell us ..which fact you like the most by commenting down below !! we get these…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
Check out the list of the countries that will rule in 2050
Check out the list of the countries that will rule in 2050
Time is changing, and so is the  power of different countries over the world !!. An economic report by HSBC has made a report on the change in the structure of the global economy , with the economic centre of gravity shifting from the north Atlantic to central Asia  which is mainly particularly China and India. If we assume these predictions to be true , for a while , the world is going to change…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
10 Things which will Help You Lose Weight Naturally Leading to a Healthier Lifestyle !
10 Things which will Help You Lose Weight Naturally Leading to a Healthier Lifestyle !
There is a lot of bad weight loss information on the internet. Much of what is recommended is questionable at best, and not based on any actual science. However, there are several natural things  that have actually been proven to work.So in this health blog we are going to tell you out the 10 natural things that will probably help you in loosing your weight . It is a common belief that losing…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
Money making tips & strategies from the wealthiest people around the world
Money making tips & strategies from the wealthiest people around the world
Money making strategies from the world’s wealthiest people Before discussing this topics , lets be practical , don’t get fooled by the  Rich kids of instagram . The typical multimillionaire or billionaire doesn’t breakfast on caviar, bathe in champagne and use $100 bills as toilet roll. Common man !! Be serious and a bit practical , they also know the value of the money , they also worked hard to…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
10 Most Amazing Cool Websites You Didn’t Know Existed!
10 Most Amazing Cool Websites You Didn’t Know Existed!
Here’s our tech blog in which we gonna tell you about the 10 most amazing websites you will find ever on the Internet .So ,today we gonna be checking some cool websites , there are millions of website on the internet , but here we collect only 10 best websites: 1.) Hacker Typer Type hacker hacker typer on your browser and then see the result . Open this website on your browser . and press…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
8 Simple and Quick Steps to boost/accelerate your smartphone
8 Simple and Quick Steps to boost/accelerate your smartphone
Busy in buying a new phone…any reasons .Well I have the answer , may be you are thinking  of buying a Iphone , or maybe your phone is having low RAM,or it is now working fast, low battery backup . well I have good news for you , and maybe this piece of information might help you in changing your mind. So , in this blog we gonna discuss about the 8 simple and quick steps that can boost your…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
31 World’s Most Incredible Dream Jobs that Everyone Would love Doing
31 World’s Most Incredible Dream Jobs that Everyone Would love Doing
In this blog , we gonna tell you about some jobs that will make you crazy (not those IT jobs ) ,and I bet it , million of us will love to do these jobs. At first when I came to know about these jobs, it was very even surprising for me that these jobs even existed. Well now you may be thinking about the salary ,put this thing in your mind that after knowing these jobs , you may leave your jobs…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
Dinner - 6 Healthy Options You Can Opt For??
Dinner – 6 Healthy Options You Can Opt For??
Well here’s health , blog ..in which we gonna discuss about the most essential thing in our life , and that is food. Well we all love to eat healthy , delicious spicy food , but the most important part is dinner , which we all enjoy eating , sitting with our family around a table , leaving all the stress and phones aside. Well, dinner is the most important meal of the day says Nate Miyaki. Nate…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
15 Command Prompt hacks/ tricks to make your PC awesome
15 Command Prompt hacks/ tricks to make your PC awesome
In this tech blog , we gonna discuss about the command prompt .Command prompt is the best tool of windows for some cool tricks and hacks. Yeah i said “hacks”, So people are crazy about doing hacks to hack some function of windows and modify it. Command prompt gives you the great feature to get most of information about your network and lot’s of thinks. But everybody scare to touch this tool. So…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
11 Amazing Android apps that will Make your Iphone Friend Jealous
11 Amazing Android apps that will Make your Iphone Friend Jealous
Back with a tech blog , well this blog is for the android users. Coming to the point , if you are android user , then this blog is definitely gonna tell you , as in this blog we gonna tell you about 11 mind-blowing android apps , that will definitely make your Iphone friend jealous of you. So it times to take revenge from the Iphone users , and tell them that the Android is the best by installing…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
10 hidden Whatsapp features you may not be knowing about??
10 hidden Whatsapp features you may not be knowing about??
In this blog we gonna discuss some tech related topic , today we gonna discuss about the app which all of us are having in their phones , well this app , everybody of us knows it well, yes its Whatsapp !!.Whether you’re just starting to use WhatsApp, or are a years-long addict, you’re probably missing out on a few of these helpful, hidden features.So in this blog we gonna discuss about the 10…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
Bollywood celebs who’re truly, madly, deeply in love with their pets
Bollywood celebs who’re truly, madly, deeply in love with their pets
Today’s Bollywood’s love for their adorable furry friends is known to all. From constant updates on social media, to giving their support to animal welfare, these celebs are all for their four-legged companions. While some celebs have turned vegetarian, others love their pooches so much that they also take them along on their travels. Get ready for some pet therapy   1.Anushka Sharma: A handsome…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
What are the Signs that can Predict Illness and Ways to Prevent it??
What are the Signs that can Predict Illness and Ways to Prevent it??
Here’s  our health blog, in which we are going to discuss with a common problem that almost every one of us face that is of illness. Well everyone of us suffer from illness . The trouble with recovering from most illnesses is that we begin to treat the illness too late. Although you cannot expect your body to announce the arrival of a virus, recognizing the signs of falling sick can help treat it…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
52 Movies That Are So Clever They’ll Have You Thinking For Days
52 Movies That Are So Clever They’ll Have You Thinking For Days
Today’s blog comprises of a list of 52 Movies That Are So Clever They’ll Have You Thinking For Days.For evidence , we have collected some of the comments from facebook , twitter, and other sources . some of the comments we referred from the site buzzfeed.com. So without wasting a minute lets check out list of such clever movies that will make you thinking for days.. 1.)Requiem for a Dream (2000)…
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myquesans-blog · 7 years
What are the 8 Top Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs??
What are the 8 Top Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs??
  Today blog will be all about the entrepreneurs, we have talked about many such related topic earlier , so do read it . well. …every youth today wants to be an entrepreneur, everybody wants to build a successful startup and become the founder of a huge company like apple.. , and because of this everybody is listening to the motivational speeches by Steve Jobs or other successful people,…
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