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be pro-aging but wear sun screen. sun protection is not beauty industry propaganda it will save you. wear it. or else.
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I'm not ignoring my WIPs. they're ripening in my mental cellar
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The thing people don’t realize about writing is that time spent just staring out the window is CRITICAL
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“Repeat after me: My current situation is not my final destination.”
— Unknown
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Understanding aspects in Astrology
Trines: These indicate that it’s is easy for the planets to connect with one another. Their ability to merge is seamless. They still have a level of individuality, but it’s easy for them to work together because they share the same characteristics/duties.
Essentially, they’re like siblings that look alike but still are their own person.This is a passive aspect and happens so effortless that it can go unnoticed.
Squares: This aspect indicates that these planets have an individualistic function that’s vastly different from the other, and together, those functions are needed to inact change.Therefore, these planets have to figure out a way to create change. This is why squares will often make us feel discomfort or activate an event that gives us no choice but to act.Square can be major life changing events.
Sextiles: This aspect indicates that planets share a common function, therefore allowing them to work together with more ease. We have the opportunity to inact change more smoothly; noticing an impact. For example, Mars applying a sextile to Jupiter could look like an indicator for the brain being able to process big chunks information or one having tendency to take in alot of information that the mind can quickly process and filter.
Oppositions: This aspect indicates that planets are extreme opposites of each other and that they’re so far apart.Planets that oppose one another are direct mirrors of one another, and one can utilize the qualities of the other to yield results. While these planets still have their own functions, they extract what is needed from the other to support their own function.Also, these planets truly stand on their own, and that is fine. Their functions are needed in specific times, and it’s important to know when to lean into one or the other.
Conjunctions: This aspect indicates planets that are coming into union or out of union depending on the motion of the planet. When joining together they’re colliding worlds; it’s like when you enter into a relationship with someone, while yall will always have your own qualities, the union brings together something new, adds a specific level of support that wasnt there before, etc. When these planets are separating, they’re becoming more individualistic, seeking to yield results on their own without the support of the other planet. In the natal chart, the separating planet in a conjunction can be like a child leaving home ready to establish a life for themselves.
Something to always consider when it comes to aspects :
Aspects in the birth chart can look multiple ways, depending on the maleficence or beneficence of the planets.
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"Can't wait to see where you take this story" well I can't wait to see where this story takes me either
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The older I get the more attractive I find people who are just great human beings and have a good personality. It’s such a turn on.
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This is one of the funniest holiday cards I have ever seen.
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“What happened? What sort of spell was that? Is that an unforgivable curse?”, “It’s called sniper rifle, you wizardly scum”
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This phrase in my language 'to be kissed by a muse' is so accurate and helpful in explaining my inspiration. Because most of the time it's just like a kiss on the cheek, a quick peck on the lips, and I'll write a small scene. And then sometimes my muse is just french kissing me and I'll write a whole novel.
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writers' resources
sick of using "very _____" ? : https://www.losethevery.com/
want to simplify your writing ? : https://hemingwayapp.com/
writing buddies / motivation ? : https://nanowrimo.org
word you're looking for but don't know ? : https://www.onelook.com/thesaurus/
need a fantasy name ? : https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/
need a fantasy name ? : https://nameberry.com/
want a name with meaning ? : https://www.behindthename.com/
who wants a map maker! : https://inkarnate.com/
story building / dnd ? : https://www.worldanvil.com/
need some minimalistic writing time ? : https://zenpen.io/
running out of ideas ? : https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/
setting a goal ? how about 3 pages / day ? : https://new.750words.com/
what food did they eat ? : https://www.foodtimeline.org/
questions on diversity within writing ? : https://writingwithcolor.tumblr.com/
now what was that colour called ? : https://ingridsundberg.com/2014/02/04/the-color-thesaurus/
want more? : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/lyralit :]
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JANELLE MONÁE photographed by MASON ROSE (Halloween 2023)
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