namescyrusbcyes · 20 days
Reblog if you're a cuddler.
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namescyrusbcyes · 28 days
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Everyone reblog this IMMEDIATELY
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namescyrusbcyes · 28 days
@pointss UR SO GOOD 😭
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We need to tell him GENTLY
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namescyrusbcyes · 28 days
@honeydisiacc UR AWESOME
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i drew raph so cute here hehehehe
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namescyrusbcyes · 1 month
Disaster Twins!! <3
Lee: Leo & Donnie
Ler: Leo & Donnie
DARN IT! Donnie slammed his head on his desk, lately he had been feeling touch starved.. He didn’t want to, but he ‘unfortunately’ was. Although he’ll never admit it, he loves his brother's affection and love.. Though right now he was beating himself up by trying to shake it away yet he couldn’t, no matter what he did. Why can’t you just go away..!? He muttered softly, when he suddenly heard an annoying knock. Oh God, no. He knew the sound of that knock, and was then confirmed when he heard the voice of his twin. “Heyy bud! Whatcha up too?” Leo grinned, entering Donnie’s room. Donnie rolled his eyes, slumping over his desk. “Not now Nardo, I’m busy.” He said with a slight sneer, yet Leo could obviously tell he wasn’t. “Busy? What’s more important than spending time with your beloved brother?” Leo spoke with his lower lip sticking out as he leaned against Donnie’s chair. “Everything.” Donnie replied, looking away from him. Leo smirked, “Was that sarcasm?” Donnie turned his head to glare at him. “This time it wasn’t.” He deadpanned. “Aw c’mon! I’m bored!” Leo dragged the word out dramatically as he rested his chin on Donnie’s shoulder to purposely try to get him to push him away. Donnie just rolled his eyes as he turned back to open his computer. Huh.. He’s not pushing me away.. That’s weird. Leo thought as his eyes widened softly at Donnie’s reaction. Donnie tapped on his computer, pretending to be occupied. Leo then narrowed his eyes softly, now wrapping his arms around Donnie’s neck to see what he would do. Donnie just continued to type on his keyboard, unbothered. What in the Jupiter Jim? Okay, something is definitely going on. Leo finally decided to say something about it, “Hey D.. How come you're not pushing me away?” Donnie paused on his typing, hesitating. “No reason.. Just.. don’t want to.” He replied. Leo raised a non-existent eyebrow, “Ya sure?” Donnie then glanced at him. “Leo, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be close to me.. Be grateful.” He said sternly. Leo smiled, “I know, and I am! I’m just curious.” Donnie turned back to his computer, now actually looking busy. Leo stayed there with arms wrapped around Donnie’s neck for a few more moments before resting his head against Donnie’s cheek. Donnie tried to stay serious, yet failed and smiled. Leo quickly noticed this, “Aw…!”
Donnie’s eyes widened with realization as he cleared his throat and leaned against his desk. Leo rolled his eyes, now moving to sit beside Donnie in the same chair. “Wha- Hey! Nardo, get your own chair.” Donnie put on a fake scowl. Leo grinned softly, annoyingly pressing himself against Donnie.. Practically taking all the space. “What’s wrong? Is this bothering you?”
Donnie glanced away to the side, mumbling. “No..”Leo stared at him for a moment before cracking up. “What? What happened to my brother who is always pushy and against touch?” Donnie refused to look at him, embarrassed. “Shut up..” He grumbled as he continued his ‘work’ on his computer. Leo smirked, yet said nothing more as he now just watched Donnie type on his computer. He glanced at Donnie every now and then, and decided to wrap his arms around Donnie’s sides after a few moments. Donnie paused, looking at Leo whose head was on his shoulder.. “Wha.. what are you doing?” He asked, trying not to show how happy he was to receive this affection. “Taking advantage of you not being pushy.” Leo replied with a warm smile as he closed his eyes. Donnie just stared at him for a few moments before sighing, finally giving in and resting his head on top of Leo’s. Leo’s smile widened, he was practically in awe! I mean how often do you get to experience an affectionate Donnie? While this was all cozy and loving he was uncomfortable in the same chair with Donnie physically, yet still wanted to be with him.. So if he felt too uncomfortable, he would just shift. Yet this time when he shifted, he accidentally jabbed his fingers into Donnie’s inner thigh.. Making Donnie squeak. Leo stared at him as Donnie quickly covered his mouth. “What was that?” Leo asked, a bit confused. Donnie cleared his throat, resuming his typing. “Nothing.. Don’t worry about it.” Leo narrowed his eyes, a bit suspicious.. So he decided to shift again and ‘accidentally’ jab his fingers into Donnie’s inner thigh, yet this time.. Donnie let out a soft giggle. He stared at him for a moment before realizing, a smirk quickly forming on his once confused face. “Donnie..” Leo grinned. Donnie spoke with a serious tone, yet was obviously nervous. “Yes..?” Leo’s grin widened. “Are ya still ticklish?” Donnie’s eyes widened with panic at the sudden question as he turned to look at Leo. “Wha.. What? No. No I’m not- Nardo I will personally murder you in your sl-EHEHEP!” He squealed as Leo began to rapidly squeeze his inner thighs.. Making Donnie burst into uncontrollable giggles. “PFT NARDOHO!” He grinned, squirming. Leo grinned back, “Thought you said you weren’t ticklish?” Donnie giggled loudly, “I’M.. NOT!” Leo rolled his eyes, now moving to lightly scratch and poke along Donnie’s sides and plastron. “PFFT! HAHAHA! LEHEO!” Donnie’s giggles turned to laughter, and it quickly rose in pitch. Leo’s eyes widened, a satisfied smirk on his face. “Wow! I don’t remember you being so ticklish in the stomach Don-tron!” Donnie just shook his head in response, laughing and squirming as his eyes shut tightly. Leo’s smirk turned into a grin, he hadn’t heard Donnie’s genuine laughter in so long.. And boy did he miss it. Donnie threw his head back, letting out a few cackles along with giggles as he kicked his feet happily. Leo chuckled, beginning to slow down to a stop to give him a break so as to not overstimulate him too much. Donnie stayed there for a moment, panting with arms wrapped around his sides as he let out a few soft giggles every now and then. Leo smiled, “Gee Don, I don't remember you being so ticklish!” Donnie looked up at him with a soft grin, “Says you! You're a walking tickle spot!” Leo gasped dramatically, putting a hand on his chest. “Am not!” He huffed. Donnie raised a brow, smirking. “Ya sure? So you're basically saying that if I were to tickle you right now, you wouldn’t laugh?” Leo crossed his arms over his chest confidently, yet his nervous smile told Donnie everything. “Positive.” He looked away, acting tough. Donnie narrowed his eyes, his smirk growing as he then gave Leo a soft poke in the side. Leo giggled, quickly covering his side.. All his courage and bravery had left him. Donnie grinned, “Thought you said you wouldn’t laugh?” He lifted his hands up near his chest, beginning to wiggle his fingers. Leo’s eyes widened as he backed away with a nervous grin. “Hey hey! W-wait! We can talk about this!”
Donnie’s grin widened as he slowly approached Leo, who was already giggling from the anticipation. Suddenly without warning Donnie leaped at Leo, pinning him to the ground. Leo let out a yelp of surprise as he began squirming and giggling. Donnie chuckled, “Why are you laughing? I haven't even done anything yet!” Leo then squealed as Donnie dug his hands into his sides, his giggles growing louder.. almost like a laugh. “HEHEHE! DONNIEHE!” Donnie smiled, occasionally digging his wiggling fingers around Leo’s neck.. Making Leo squirm more and scrunch up his shoulders. Donnie laughed a bit along with him, boy was his laugh contagious! Leo tried to wiggle his way out of Donnie’s grip, only to fail miserably. Donnie narrowed his eyes, now moving down to rapidly squeeze around Leo’s knees and thighs to see his reaction. Leo immediately burst into uncontrollable laughter and giggles, way louder than before. “Woah! Someone’s sensitive here!” Donnie grinned as Leo could barely respond with his laughter. Donnie then began to squeeze around his inner thighs and behind his knees, sending Leo into more hysterical laughter with a bit of snorts. “BAHAHAHA!! DONNIEHEHE STAHAP!” He managed to breathe out in between snorts and laughs. Donnie chuckled, rolling his eyes as he began to slow down to a stop. “Alright alright fine.” Leo panted, twitching occasionally as he lay there on the floor for a bit.. A few giggles slipping every now and then. Donnie snickered, crossing his arms over his chest as he sat beside him. “You alright there Nardo?” He grinned widely as Leo just groaned, a soft giggle following closely behind. “I will destroy you.” Leo deadpanned with a smirk as he glanced up at Donnie. Donnie rolled his eyes, smiling softly. “Yeah yeah, love you too brother.” He mumbled to himself. Leo’s eyes widened, he sat up. “Wha- What did you just say? Did you just say what I think you said?” His eyes sparkled with hope. “Hm? Oh I was just saying how much I hate you.” Donnie smirked with a shrug. Leo pouted, “That’s not what you said! You said the exact opposite! Why can’t you just admit it?” He whined a bit towards the end of his sentence, his lower lip sticking out. Donnie puckered his lips for a moment, “Hm… let me think about it.. Nah.” Leo faked a sob dramatically, reaching a hand out to Donnie. “Why..? Please..!” Donnie stared down at him with an annoyed expression, yet let Leo crawl to him. “Not unless you admit it.” He huffed, looking away from Leo. Leo sat up and wrapped his arms and legs around Donnie, rubbing his cheek against his chest. “I love ya D..” He said softly, and meant it. Donnie’s eyes widened, he wasn’t expecting him to actually admit it! And the affection plus the ‘I love you’ made his heart melt.. Almost to the point that he wanted to explode. “I… I feel.. Emotions.. Wha- what do i do?” He choked out, a soft squeal of delight about to escape his throat. Leo smiled softly, closing his eyes as he pressed his cheek against Donnie’s chest. “Let it roam freely.” He mumbled. Donnie blinked, his lips slowly quivering into a warm smile as he embraced Leo tightly. “I love you too Nardo..” He giggled. Leo grinned softly, rubbing his head against Donnie’s. Donnie chuckled, “Ah yes, head rubs.. A well-known fact about Red-eared sliders when they want to show affection.” Leo scoffed playfully, “Uh uh, don’t start.” Donnie rolled his eyes, letting out a small chuckle. “Alright alright I won't.” Leo smiled softly, slowly beginning to drift off into a deep sleep.
Yep. That was one fun and rare day for the Disaster Twins.
Sorry if this was short or if the ending was rushed, this is my first tickle fic and I was bored so I just decided to make this! <3
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