napali113 · 2 years
Assignment 4 was to find an article that's gone viral using Buzzsumo. So I typed in Disney as a category and chose to fact check this one due to the facts stated in the headline. First thing I noticed was the website being npr.org which I found to be a credible source. As I dug a bit deeper to find out where the facts came from I didn't immediately find any sources listed with the article. I continued to do a google search of the headline to see what other similar articles I could locate. The same article appeared in multiple places stating who it was written by, and similar articles were found by other sites such as the Tampa Bay times.
After a search on the specifics of the article It is confirmed that the article is legitimate and a truthful one!
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napali113 · 2 years
Danielle Natoni (@daniellenatoni) • Instagram photos and videos
Meet Danielle Natoni.
You may know her if you ever done an Insanity workout either with beachbody on demand, live or an old school CD. Otherwise I will assume that not many have heard of her. She is definitely an inspiration to anyone in the fitness industry like me. One thing I like about her is I do believe she KEEPS IT REAL. She advertises many different products between foods, products, clothing and she gives what I believe to be honest reviews. She always tries the product for at least 30 days before letting her followers know what she really thinks about it.
Since I have been following her for several years, I've seen her receive personal training certifications, I know her husband is a researcher and I follow her website as well. Her posts don't consist of trying to be someone she's not, just to make money but to genuinely be someone to look up to and to trust.
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napali113 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Taking things back to the 2020 election when ballots were claimed to be missing, stolen ect. There were claims that ballots were thrown in the dirt in Arizona and this picture is tagged along with several of those claims. Within all of this there's a lot of missing context this photo being linked with multiple statements and articles. Some state that these were unopened ballots missing. Others say these were being mailed back and stolen. So after a Snopes search and a google search I found that this is in fact a real untampered photo from an article from a legitimate source, az central. However, it was borrowed and used in other articles that stretched the truth.
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napali113 · 2 years
Fact Check- Disney
Articles amongst other social media posts were formerly released as accusations towards the CEO of the Walt Disney World company stated that he was arrested for human trafficking. Now if you know the story you know this was in fact false. However, before we knew if it was true or false we had to make a decision to either believe what we read or dig deeper. The source of this article is "Logically" which I never heard of before but they state they are fact checking the articles. So I dug a little deeper to find that confirmed sources have other articles stating the accusations were false. This led me to check the original source of the information which is the Vancouver times. To which they stated that no confirmed references stated the arrest of Bob Chapek, but other employees from Disney were arrested for such causes. This just goes to show that articles and social media posts turn into a game of Whisper Down the Lane and how false information ends up looking like it is legitamate.
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