nasriin · 7 years
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                 ophelia rushed to hug back, the familiarity of her sister’s arms comforting her. she had been in a foreign city with foreign people for a week and to see someone she knew was a blessing. when the stepanov’s embrace came to a close, nasrin’s questions overwhelmed ophelia. ❝we can talk in detail later, okay ?? what matters is that we found each other.❞ ophelia meant what she said, but she said it mostly to stall. she ran from her guilt instead of facing it.
“ i -- that’s fine. я люблю тебя. ” she released her sister, but only at arm’s length. quickly pulling her back into her arms. “ i thought you were dead, lia --- i, uh, own an herbal shop here. you can stay there with me if you’d like... ”
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nasriin · 7 years
                 at the mention of her name, ophelia’s head snapped back, her eyes scanned the crowd before landing on familiar features. ophelia froze in place while people milled around her; she was a rock in a rushing river. the past years were cloaked in guilt and regret for leaving her sister yet in that moment, ophelia had no clue what to do. she gripped her bags filled with produce harder and her mouth hung ajar. ❝rin ??❞ ophelia finally whispered out, tears welling in her eyes. 
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as soon as she was confronted with her sister’s face she rushed over to her. engulfing the other stepanov in her arms. “ --- where did you go ?? i -- i was so worried about you. are you okay ?? ” she rambled quickly, tears spilling from her eyes. “ why’d you leave ?? ” the last question came out as a whisper, afraid the girl she was holding in her arms wasn’t real. hoping this was not a hallucination. 
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nasriin · 7 years
the familiar but long forgotten voice pierced nasrin’s ears as she weaved through the civilians in the quarter. head snapping in the direction of the sound. eyes exploring the backs and faces of the people around her. she frantically began pushing through bodies as she spotted what could be, her sister. the werewolf picked her pace up into a sprint, as she caught up to the girl. “ o --- ophelia !! ” she yelled, her tone was heart-broken and all she could hope is that she’d turn by her name being called. 
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( @ophheliias )
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nasriin · 7 years
“i swear, i will not hesitate to bite you.”
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“ w-what ?? i didn’t do anything to you... ”
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nasriin · 7 years
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“I’ve got… pipe issues,” Cole answered with a shrug of his shoulders as he moved over to the front desk, wrapping the towel around him in the process. “I’m not a pipe -water -repairman.. person, so it’s all really stressful for my lack of handyman skills. If you couldn’t already tell.”
the werewolf couldn’t stop the laugh falling from her lips as he explained his dilemma. mainly because she found herself doing the same things around her dingy apartment instead of calling for professional help. “ you might want to call someone whose expertise is pipe-water repair. ” she smiled, and moved closer to the desk. “ but i do have something you’d be more aptly to help with --- i need books on herbal study and gardening. if you don’t carry anything like that, it’s alright. ” 
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nasriin · 7 years
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Michelle didn’t like that tone, especially from Nasrin. “Listen!” At this point, she would have laid a hand on the werewolf, but she knew better. “I don’t know! I’m a soldier, a hunter! I wasn’t created to know anything outside of what I do. Opinions are useless for tools, ok?” Up until that night, she was perfectly fine with what she was and what she did, but then she messed up her perfect record and let two wolves go. Clearly, something had to be wrong with her so that was why she was in New Orleans. She never expected to meet one of the wolves here. “I choked. Something in me made my stomach turn so I didn’t.”
she jumped a bit at michelle’s sudden outburst. “ you choked because you know what you’re doing is terribly wrong. ”
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nasriin · 7 years
Minz made a show of reaching into the back pocket of her jeans and pulling the small notebook from where she kept it tucked. It was habit that had her taking her time in flipping through the pages so that she could come to the one that held a variety of shorthand in the compact little scribbles that she wrote in. “Well,” She began her response while her free hand began to pat down the front of her jacket, looking for something to write with. 
“Yesterday morning, a body was discovered in inside of one of those little studio apartments where Saint Charles and Royal merge right on Canal. You know, right above that little welcome center they got in on the corner? A pretty little bird sittin’ on a window happened to spot someone matchin’ your description just outside of it around five or so in the mornin’.” Finally finding her pen in the inside pocket of her jacket, she clicked the plunger and dragged her eyes back up to peer towards the woman seated across from her. “Any reason someone might finger you being there when you were at home?”
“ at five, i’m getting ready to open my shop --- i recognize the area you’re explaining but i’ve sadly never stepped inside of the building. ”  she pushed the hair in her eyes away. “ i keep to myself, i can’t find a reason for someone to blame me for a crime this intense. ”
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nasriin · 7 years
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“Chill, you’re not. It’s fairly difficult to actually bother me.“
she nodded, “ right, well,  i’ll be off then. enjoy your night. ” nasrin gave a smile, sorted out her papers, and proceeded to walk out of the cafe. 
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nasriin · 7 years
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“Believe me it’s not that bad.” Perhaps it was after living so many places and hearing so many different accents that they all sounded natural to his ear. “Ooooo, Siberia, cold,” He gave a purposeful shiver like he was there in the wintry north of the Russian continent. “I can understand why you would want to leave. Weather alone.” He said lightly, a laughter in his words. Even for a creature of the supernatural who wasn’t affected be the elements, he hadn’t enjoyed it. “I’ll have to come by one day and check out the store. I do have a couple sisters and I’m sure they’d appreciate it.”
she smiled, “ i prefer the cold. it’s too humid and hot here -- i miss the snow. ” she explained as she thought of the summer months she had spent while being in new orleans. “ i’d appreciate the business, thank you. ” she tilted her head slightly, “ --- i’m nasrin, it’s nice to meet you. ”
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nasriin · 7 years
“Stop your fidgeting, alright? Many have tried to escape that chair all have failed.” Hayden spoke coldly as veins grew through the skin of his face and his tone grew darker. He walked over to the other and leaned down to meet them at eye level. “Listen, I’m sorry about this, I really am. You seem like a really nice person and it’s nothing personal but I need to eat and…” He paused and removed a sharp combat knife from the clip on his hip. “Let’s face it, no one is really going to miss you. Now, stay still. I just want to drain you slowly but I will snap your neck if you don’t listen.” 
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“ h-how did i get here ?! ” she frantically scanned the room with her eyes. the first thing that came to her mind as she woke up was, it had to be wolfsbane and that this guy was insane. “ what is wrong with you ?? ” 
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nasriin · 7 years
“Just a moment!” Cole called out from the bathroom after hearing the bell ring, signaling the entrance of a customer. Or so he assumed, seeing as he had been the only one in there since moving into the back to investigate the loud noise. He was drenched in water from head to toe after the sink pipe burst and sprayed him right in the face. Without much understanding for this type of maintenance, he scrambled around trying to find things to stuff the hole until he could call someone; slipping around in the puddle of water and falling to the ground here and there. After slowing the spray, he made his way to the main room and looked to the other, trying to play it cool as he stood there. “Something I can help you with?” Cole cleared his throat before smiling, slowly combing his fingers through his wet hair.
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her eyes followed the store owner as he came from, wherever, and greeted her. she tried to remember exactly what she had came for, but her thoughts were strictly involved with how he’d gotten drenched in water. “ --- y-yeah, i feel like i should be asking you that question. ” she examined the bookshelves around the shop quietly before her eyes landed back on him. “ are you alright ?? ” 
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nasriin · 7 years
Coffee. Donuts.
It was pretty atypical for a cop to find one or the other in their hand – in Minz’s case it happened to be both. She didn’t complain about the stereotype. If anything she seemed to embrace it with the doughy pastry hanging out of her mouth and the steaming cup of coffee being held just inches away from it so that she could make the transition seamless when the time came. Something that was fast approaching considering the sticky nature of the donut needed to be washed down with the black, steaming liquid in order for it to taste as heavenly and divine as it was supposed to. It was almost enough to make her forget that she was supposed to be interrogating the person in front of her.
“So,” She began when reality came away with a sip of the hot coffee. “Where were you on the night of the sixth between three and seven in the morning?” She didn’t wait for a response, instead she was rolling on as the hot cup of coffee was sat down onto the hard metal table that had separated her from the person her partner had hauled four hours earlier. “We have a witness that puts you in the same building as where a homicide occurred but you’re not listed as one of the residents in any of the apartments.”
No smile, no wavering of her voice to hint towards her emotions, she didn’t even move beyond what was necessary when it came time to doing her job instead of living in the heaven that was coffee and donuts that brought on the brief presence of a smile. 
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she remembered herself being in her bed on the sixth between three and seven. the blond was concerned and confused with the interrogation.  she was not by any means fearless and incredible with social interaction. “ --- ma’am i recall being at home at the time.. but i don’t have witnesses on my account. ” she’d never been brought in by law enforcement, especially witnessed at the sight of a homicide. “ could you please elaborate on this ?? i’m not familiar with the apartment complex nor have i ever stepped inside. ”
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nasriin · 7 years
“Please, don’t feel like you have to apologize for that. Like you said, I did just throw something out there at you.” He offered with a smile trying to at least make her feel at ease. He wanted nothing from her other then the conversation they were already having. “I thought I heard a slight accent in your words. Where are you from?” He asked, quickly adding on. “If you don’t mind me asking. I travel around a lot.” Plus who knew that the man who once had been a simple wood cutter for his village had quite the ear for languages. “A herbal shop? Like for teas and stuff? Or more natural medicine and things?” He curiously prompted.
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she relaxed her tense nature as he spoke. “ you’re just being nice, my accent sticks out terribly -- i’m from siberia originally. ” the blond called the waitress back over with her hand and ordered another mint soda. “ a little bit of everything. i make shampoos, body wash, teas, and medicines. my mother made all the basics when i was young and taught me. ” 
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nasriin · 7 years
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Well that had to be the first for sharing to much. Though he barely had offered anything passed he had lived in New Orleans and hadn’t been back. He laughed a little, more amused by it and not thinking she was rude at all. “No I didn’t think that at all. I was just trying to make conversation. I hardly think mentioning I’m from here is overly personal though. I mean it was either that or I was a tourist. Most people in the city are.”
she nodded slowly, “ oh. i can be a little weird with conversation, i apologize in advance. ” the girl was only skeptical of sharing things, simple things, with people because of fear. “ --- i’m not from the states, but i’ve lived here for half of a decade. i-i own an herbal shop in town. ”
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nasriin · 7 years
He had lived all over the world from the monks in Tibet to trying to be a seventies hippie in Los Angeles. He’d lived multiple lives and yet out of everything, being home was what left him ill at ease. NOLA was the one place that just left him out of sorts; it wasn’t even to do with the fact that the once southern bayou covered in trees had become one of the top tourist destinations for college students, especially with mardi gras just around the corner; it wasn’t even the lists of supernatural that lived there, he was sure among the hosted guests at the bar that evening there was a few of them lingering there in the crowd; they said once you leave home its hard to go back, Tristan was beginning to understand that, even in just a few hours. 
Why he chose to be at the bar and not at the family homestead, believe it or not, but he actually liked the human company. It would have been odd if he had sat there without a drink in front of him, a bottle of beer with droplets of water condescending on the napkin it rested on, he had blended in with crowds for centuries and took sips of the alcoholic drink that did absolutely nothing for him other then for appearance. He decided to try and make small talk with the person next to him, “So, are you a tourist or a resident?” He asked conversationally. “I actually grew up here, but I left and it’s been a long time since I’ve been back.” 
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as the stranger spoke she tilted her glass towards her lips. the lack of filter and need for small talk the man had was intimidating for nasrin. “ i’m a little bit of both.. ” she answered simply. she’d lived in russia and france most of her life, only coming to new orleans shortly after her sister’s disappearance. “ are you always this willing to give your personal information away ?? i’m not meaning to be rude, i don’t understand. ”
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nasriin · 7 years
Naomi had been busy, running all the errands for her grandma’s list of ridiculous demands. She was currently on the phone with one of the personal chefs from her grandma’s estate, trying to get the right ingredients for her dinner when she felt someone stick their hand out in front of her before she walked into the street filled with cars speeding. “Oh my god,” She breathed a she hung up the phone. “I’m so sorry. I almost got myself killed,”
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she wasn’t trying to be anyone’s hero or bring a lot of attention to herself. the girl headed into the busy streets had alarmed her and she went sprinting towards her. throwing her hands out in front of her and luckily stopping naomi in time. “ --- y-you. what were you thinking ?? ” 
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nasriin · 7 years
CUT HAIR draped by a worn out hoodie , clementine’s hands resided in the pockets as her head remained low. she’d been caught by a group of hunters just a while back FEEDING        && it seemed like they had no time when it came to explanations. now practically cornered , hunters behind && in front of her , her eyes searched for an exit. && an opportunity showed itself , the vampire quickly && quietly pushed a walk figure against the wall with a finger on her lips to shush them. “PLEASE , just play along.” She murmured quietly before pressing her lips against theirs. PDA made people uncomfortable. She hoped it would make the hunters uncomfortable as well.
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she allowed the girl to kiss her, but was ultimately skeptical of the people around them and where the stranger had come from. the taste of blood was prominent as she kissed the other, it made her want to push the girl harshly. she really wasn’t the best at watching her surroundings. “ --- hi !! i’ve been waiting for you. let’s go in, i made dinner. ” she dragged her by the arm gently and pushed them through the door to her shop. her apartment was located on the second floor but she had no intention on bringing the girl along with her. “ --- you can hide out in here... or whatever until they leave. ” she told the vampire quietly, as she shimmied her coat off and locked the shop’s door. “ i’ll be upstairs, don’t mess with anything please. ”
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