navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
Beneficial features of OJS & Web Development Services | What & Why?
 The features of OJS & web development services by PKP makes the best option for maintaining a platform for publishing and sharing scientific knowledge. 
We have got all the answers to the what & why of the OJS. Learn some amazing features of OJS that make it a proficient choice for the scientific world. 
 An open journal system refers to an open-source software application used to manage and publish scientific journals. Public knowledge project developed and released the software application in 2001, intending to empower science and research. Due to its amazing features of OJS, it has usage of more than 10,000 journals worldwide. Due to the same reason, Navicosoft offers its website development services for developing custom open journal systems and PKP website themes for you. 
PKP has been upgrading the OJS continuously for better features. The recent update of OJS3 was rolled out in February 2021. Besides, PKP offers a fee-based service that allows installing and hosting OJS and the backups, security patches, upgrade, and support. The PKP service aims to utilize the revenue thus generated for the development and support of PKP software. 
Custom Open Journal System Themes
With the best features of OJS, the PKP website themes offer plenty of themes such as classic themes, modern themes, and custom OJS themes. The Custom OJS themes are much more than a design. It provides various capabilities such as customization of menus, sliders, footers, headers, sidebars, and much more.
Navicosoft ensures the proficient customization of OJS themes. The expert website development services team provides you with unique and creative designs specialized for your journal. Hence, we craft custom themes for you to present the data in the best understandable way. 
Features of OJS
The Open Journal System makes the best choice to showcase the scientific work and share it with the scientific community around the globe. Here are some of the features 
OJS     maintains quality standards worldwide.
It     has been upgrading actively via collaboration.
OJS     brings an amazing architecture and framework of plugins.
It     facilitates online submission, content management, and single or     double-blind reviews.
Well-managed     payment modes to accept journal fees or donations.
24/7     content-sensitive support.
My     favorite features of OJS are exporting tools     that export the content to other systems such as CrossRef, DOAJ, etc.
Moreover,     the user interface is responsive and themeable.
You     can monitor the website traffic with the help of the Google Analytics     plugin.
Readers     have the option of email notification and commenting.
Furthermore,     it enables search engine optimization and comprehensive indexing.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
How to grow your Woocommerce store faster?
Are you looking for ways to grow your Woocommerce store faster? Hop in to know five valuable resources to promote it in no time.
Leverage Email Marketing, spend on Woocommerce SEO, secure the leads, track your performance, and focus on overhauling the shopping carts. 
Woocommerce stores often get slow due to substantial features, plugins, etc. In such cases, you mostly heard that Woocommerce Optimization helps a lot. In particular, it speeds up the store and brings leads and conversions. However, today we want to brief five productive ways to grow your Woocommerce store faster.
Let's get started!
Compile an Email List 
Not all website visitors will be your customers or planning to buy with you. However, when they come to visit your Woocommerce store or subscribe, you get their info automatically. Now it's your part to stay in contact with them. In short, keep them updated with all of your news, whether new product launches, company news, newsletter, or new blog posts.
Therefore, first, all you need to do is to build an email list. Afterward, leverage the Email Marketing services to delivers the email to develop their interest in buying with you. 
Track your Woocommerce Store Visitors 
This tip is slightly similar to the above one: you need to know metrics circling your store users. For instance, the most surfed pages, interested products staying time, the source your customers coming from, etc.
 It will help you modify your store suitably to increase conversions in a similar manner to Woocommerce Optimization.
Put a Stop to Shopping Cart Abandonment
Also, a problem hindering your store's growth can be the potential customers not completing the purchasing process. Therefore, meticulously hunt for the reasons and do the needful rectification. 
Ultimately, you will probably be able to recover the cart sales that you might lose gradually.
Make the visitors your Leads.
Besides the above, another tactic you can practice is to secure the leads. Improve the CTAs, include more signups and promotional deals to convince them. 
 Invest in SEO Services 
SEO is the best way to make an online store noticed until it becomes famous in the internet world. It brings traffic to the online stores, increases the ranking, and visibility on the Search Engines Result Pages (SERP).
More and more people know about your store's existence, visit, and convert as your customers. Eventually driving the revenue acceleration and help to grow your Woocommerce store.
Interestingly, Woocommerce's SEO compatibility is pretty good. However, doing all SEO on your own is hard, especially when not knowing the insights. Therefore, find the best SEO Services like Navicosoft to uplift your store performance.
If your store is getting slow, contact Navicosoft to give it a boost with its professional Woocommerce Optimization services. Besides, you can expect result-oriented help concerning all of the above to grow your Woocommerce store in a short span.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
What is a Website builder template? Why should I use it?
 The trend of maintaining an online existence requires robust website development services. Hence, developers use website builder templates.
 Website builder templates simplify the web development process and facilitate the developers. Here are some insights about the templates for you.
 An online existence is the basic necessity of businesses in today’s digital world. It is even important for small-scale companies and startups. It is the first and maybe the last impression of your brand on your potential audience. This calls for functional, catchy, and proficient website development. Hiring a top-tier website development company Navicosoft, can save you much time and energy. The expert back end & frontend developers team ensures optimum functioning websites. The current trend of increased online existence has also posed pressure on developers for efficient services. Therefore, several tools are used to speed up the website development process, such as the Website builder template.
Why do the developers use the builder templates?
To me, a website builder template is one step ahead of WordPress, which simplifies the website development services to another level. No doubt, WordPress is handy, but it requires technical knowledge somehow. Not all WordPress plugins work as they seem. Hence, despite the extreme flexibility of WordPress, you would need assistance from a WordPress development agency. However, the web builder templates are much more user-friendly.
What is a website builder template?
Navicosoft knows how to deliver quality in time. Hence, we keep updated with such amazing tools to create online platforms with low to no technical knowledge and complicated coding. A builder template is offline/online software. You just have to continue proceeding through the steps the site takes you through, and your website will be live in no time. These templates make the best option for startups because they won’t have to set aside heavy budgets for their online presence.
Well, we all know that nothing comes perfect, and so is with the templates. There are several advantages of using builder templates. However, you must take care of some critical points while using the template.
Pros of using Website builder templates
You     do not need to learn all the complex manual coding languages.
It     is the most proficient route to get your website ready in no time.
No     need for a website designer. You will be able to design your website     according to your requirements and demand.
You might know it beforehand, but with the website builder template, you would have limited options.
Lastly, you might not have a website as professional as you wanted.
For professional websites, visit Navicosoft.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
5 basic tips for developing a mobile-friendly website
 A mobile-friendly website is better than a typical desktop website. Here are some handy tips for developing a mobile-friendly website
Short description: In response to increased mobile device usage, here are some tips for developing a mobile-friendly website, such as loading speed and popups.
 Mobile usage has been on the increase since 2003 that has skyrocketed during the last few years. An evidence is the fact that 53% of the total website traffic has been coming from mobile devices. Such significant figures call for a better mobile-friendly website, more likely a responsive website that adjusts to every different screen size. 
An optimized and responsive website shows the same content when used with different devices. However, the layout and size of the element change accordingly. Hence, you won’t have to zoom in and zoom out to navigate through the website. 
Hiring a website development company as Navicosoft offers you responsive websites with the best layouts. Furthermore, to help you ace the competition, we have a list of some handy tips to optimize a mobile-friendly website.
1.      Use of mouse
Obviously, there is no cursor to navigate through the website. Therefore, while you look for website development services, you must ensure the elements of the mobile version of your website is clickable with the thumb.
2.      Loading speed 
No one has enough time to wait for your website to load. Stats indicate that mobile users require a maximum of 2 seconds of loading time. Typically, websites with complex user interfaces and heavy coding, heavy images, self-hosting videos take much more time than just 2 seconds. Henceforth, it is vital to improving your website loading speed for better leads to conversions.
3.      Website forms 
For mobile-friendly websites, it always a good practice to keep the website forms short and brief. It is because typing on a smaller screen device is a bit difficult. Therefore, ask only for essential information in your forms. The lesser the typing, the better the experience would be, and the more mobile-friendly website will be.
4.      Popups
At this point, I can feel your pain. Popups are annoying on a desktop and much more annoying on a smaller screen, especially when you can’t figure out to close the popup. 
So try avoiding pop-ups or use sparingly with the mobile version of your website.
5.      Website content
Though irrelevant, it is important to manage your website's content such that it looks as legible as on the desktop screen—for example, a paragraph of four lines.
Navicosoft helps you with its well-trained team of front end & backend developer.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
9 benefits of using Woocommerce for an e-store
Woocommerce stands out among WordPress plugins to bring eCommerce functionality. Learn the amazing benefits of using Woocommerce.
Amazing advantages include customization, SEO-friendliness, secure, powerful payment gateway choices, and tremendous community support. 
Woocommerce plugin gives rise to perfectly functional and advanced-featured eCommerce stores fitting best with the businesses. Further, if you incorporate Woocommerce Optimization shoulder to shoulder, give a boost to your business leads and conversions. Below here are the nine benefits of using Woocommerce to build an e-store.
Website niches often bound the developers concerning the integration of some features. However, no need to worry when Woocommerce is offering real-time massive customization options. Whether it concerns navigation, layout, feel, colors, backgrounds, headers, etc., you have freedom. Thus, lay your hands effortlessly on an e-store completely tailored to your needs.
Extensive themes & plugins Choices
Woocommerce has a vast wardrobe of themes and plugins. You can choose your desired theme and plugin to build your envisioned eCommerce platform. Besides, there are no chances of struggling between plugins and themes during updates. 
SEO Friendly 
Woocommerce has an SEO-optimized built-in code. Moreover, using WordPress trigger the best of the best SEO support. Therefore, when opting for Woocommerce Optimization of the e-store, it readily improves the rankings on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP).
Navicosoft, being an expert on digital platforms, develop excellent Woocommerce websites complementary to your business needs.
WooCommerce is intuitive
This plugin is highly attuned; it rapidly analyses and acts according to the situation. Specifically, the checkout process has a good degree of impulsiveness, directing users to their cart, using coupon codes, and getting shipping quotes.
Secure Platform 
This plugin has a robust layer of protection against force attacks. Besides, you can create strong passwords and use authentication-factors as well.
Payment Gateways Integration Options
Woocommerce supports all payment gateways; PayPal, Stripe, Square, Amazon Pay, 2Ceheckout, etc. Eventually, the payment acceptance process for the e-store becomes quite easier.
Third-Party Extensions
To streamline the works, businesses, and lives, it provides trouble-free official and third-party extensions to attract and retain customers.
Powerful Community Support
You can expect useful answers for every query you have regarding Woocommerce. That is, experts relatively and readily answer and relieve the complexity. Eventually, making it an ideal choice to use this plugin to develop the eCommerce store. 
Acquire all these benefits for your e-store and avail regular Woocommerce Optimization by Navicosoft.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
Car Breakdown at night? Here’s what to do!
Car breakdown often happens at the wrong time, when you’re in a hurry to reach somewhere or have a lot of luggage. If the Car Breakdown at night, the wrong time, the driver definitely feels distressed. Besides, there are not so many to help you out. 
Thus, no need to feel miserable due to a Breakdown. Stay watchful and practice the above tips, and you be all ready to gear up on the road again.
Don’t Panic!
Getting stuck at night certainly worries and terrifies you and made the situation more stressful. However, this is the time when you should stay active more than ever. Therefore, stay composed and focus on your car.
You might be able to figure out the issue and resolve it quickly without the help of any Car Recovery Abu Dhabi or Towing. For instance, it can be just a Flat Tyre.
Move your car to a safe place.
However, if the car cannot move and is in the middle of the road, you need to shift your vehicle to the roadside or a safe place. The path isn’t clear at night it helps to avoid other accidents and collisions.
Contact a Car Recovery Service with 24 Hours’ Service 
At night, not so many people are willing to help. Therefore, as soon as your car seems to be in someplace safe, call a Recovery Service or Towing Service.
Remember to contact one that provides services round the clock. For instance, Car Recovery Abu Dhabi stays at its disposal 24/7 and arrives at the situation fastly.
Other safety tips while waiting for the service 
While waiting for the Car Recovery Service to recover the Car Breakdown at night, try to stay calm and do the following.
Use Flashers: If your car is stuck and will not move even an inch, then leave it at the very place. Turn on the emergency lights so that others can know there is an out-of-order car. Also, they can change their lane at the right time.
Use Flares: Secondly, place the barriers or flares around your car. Further, turn on the flares to specify your exact position.
Stay inside the car: It would be best if you wait while staying inside your vehicle. Also, roll up all the windows and lock the doors. However, don’t sleep or get busy in other activities; instead, keep your eyes wide open to outside.
Tell your situation to a close person.
Inform about your Car Breakdown at night to someone who can come pick you up. Or at least share your location for precautionary measures.
If you feel scared of being unsafe, calling and sharing your location with the police can work too.
Save your phone battery.
Don’t use your mobile phone except contacting and tracking the Car Recovery Abu Dhabi. Or else your battery might die fast, and you are left with nothing to reach the recovery service or police.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
6 WordPress website mistakes you should never make!
Save your online efforts by avoiding the WordPress website mistakes that might make you lose the business leads and conversions.  
Blunders like inappropriate WordPress theme, unbacked-up website, too many installed plugins, un-optimized images, and leaving the site security at risk. 
WordPress website brings many benefits for any business due to its user-friendliness, plugins, and eCommerce capabilities. However, some WordPress website mistakes can turn your website into a burden instead.
Scroll down to know and be aware of these blunders. Let do this!
Unsuitable Theme Relative to Your Business Niche 
The first mistake people make is to choose a theme not fit best with the brand. Don't get swamped by the colors and designs of the themes.
Instead, while browsing through the themes, keep in mind:
Does the theme convey your brand values?
Can the theme catch up to your business goals?
Can your mobile users easily navigate through the     theme?
Quality coding of the theme
In addition,
Check for the SEO-friendliness
Cross-browser compatibility
It is best to consult a WordPress Development Agency or asks for a developer's opinion to avoid such a mistake.
Not Backing Up the Website 
The second one from WordPress website mistakes is to rely on automatic backups and doesn't pay attention to securing the website files.
Unfortunately, website owners, sometimes, due to website crashes, cyber-attacks, data breaches, malware, and so forth, loss their site's data. Eventually, there is no option left other than spending the thousands of money again. 
WordPress has plenty of backup plugins (both free and premium); you can utilize them. Besides, keeping an eye on yourself or via a WordPress Development Agency on scheduling the backups or can save you from site issues and wasting loads of money. 
Installing a Massive Number of Plugins 
Plugins, indeed, boost the WordPress functionality and add features that increase the site's efficiency. For instance, the security and data backup plugins work best to keep your site out of danger.
However, don't get overwhelmed by the excess choices available to get in one go.
A massive number of plugins installation eventually lead to slow down the website. As a result, the site loses leads and conversions as no internet visitor wants to visit and stay on a slow-moving WP website. Also, it affects the SEO rankings.
You definitely don't want that; therefore, keep your best to avoid the jotted WordPress website mistakes.
Leaving the Site with Vulnerable Security 
You must know that sites that are not secure don't get trusted by the visitors, and search engines also don't prefer them.    
Besides, other reasons we mentioned above (cyberattacks, etc.) backfires the site's overall performance.
Practice strong passwords (using uppercase,     lowercase, numbers, characters).
Install WordPress Security     plugins, SSL Certificates     to build a strong firewall around your website.
Changes on the Live Website 
Mostly what individuals do is change any features, plugins, theme, content directory directly on the live websites. You should not be doing this, especially when you are not an expert. Due to bugs and unexpected scenarios, your website can show errors like 404 and others to your visitors. It most probably can break their interest in visiting, subscribing, and purchasing with you. Therefore, avoid this by either using the staging option or letting an experienced WordPress Development Agency do this task.
Un-Optimized Images 
Finally, the last one from the WordPress website mistakes is using the un-optimized images on the website.
Admittedly, images make your website livelier and engaging to potential customers. However, un-optimized photos add weight to the website, affect speed and SEO.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
What are different types of liposuction? | Body contouring 
 To choose the best body sculpting in Lahore, you must know all the types of liposuction so that you would know you what you need. 
There are several types of liposuction you must know for the best body sculpting in Lahore. Here is a brief overview for you.
 Liposuction is mainly performed on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, upper arms, and calves for body contouring in Lahore. With the steady pace of technology and development, there have been different types of liposuction introduced. Consequently, the working principle of each type differs in its benefits and drawback. 
The best plastic surgeon chooses the most appropriate procedure of body contouring in Lahore. However, the choice depends entirely upon the patient's health, fat distribution, weight, and the amount of fat. 
Here is an overview of the options one may have with liposuction.
 Suction assisted liposuction
It won’t be wrong to say that suction-assisted liposuction is just another fancy title for Liposuction. The earliest technique of all the types of liposuction.
The equipment consists of a cannula that connects to a vacuum device. Followingly, the surgeon inserts the cannula into the treatment area sub-dermally. 
Consequently, it breaks down the fat and removes it via the suction pressure created by the vacuum. It is best to keep it to only 100 ml or less of fat. Otherwise, if the vaccum sucks more fluid sucks, it can cause blood loss (25% to 40% of the liquid removed).
To counter the drawback of the other types of liposuction, tumescent liposuction was introduced in the late 90's. However, the disadvantages may include long healing periods, blood loss, complications due to skin irregularities.
The plastic surgeon injects tumescent fluid consisting of a local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor (epinephrine) in the subcutaneous fat layer in the ratio of 3-4 mL per anticipated mL of aspirate.
 Ultrasonic liposuction (UAL)
Among the types of liposuction, there is ultrasonic liposuction which removes the fat by liquefying with the help of ultrasound combined with the ultrasonic waves. It helps with the most challenging body contouring areas—the male chest, back, and saddlebags. 
It facilitates the removal of fibrous or otherwise tough fat. Furthermore, it poses minor risks of bruises and bleeding. This method of liposuction allows the safe removal of higher amount of fat.
However, this procedure of body sculpting in Lahore can cost you high-energy radiation, blisters, and burns in the skin.
The last entry of our list of the types of liposuction is the smartLipo. It is a minor surgical procedure known as the laser-assisted liposuction technique. It employs two different frequencies. 
One liquefies fat in the target area that needs to be sculpted. The other wavelength tightens the tissues and skin in the region and boosts collagen formation. 
By now, among all the types of liposuction, smartLipo has been the best procedure for body sculpting in Lahore. It tightens the skin better than any other treatment, while other liposuction or plastic surgery methods can cause sagging or sagging skin and take months
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
Predicting the future of Plastic Surgery
 Plastic surgery trends reveal an increased demand for cosmetic surgery because of upcoming developments, such as it has come to be much less intrusive and extra economical. New modern technologies as well as ingenious techniques, in addition to the best cosmetic surgeons, are pioneering to enhance the high quality. In today's globe, lots of people have a tendency to look and feel the most effective. Plastic surgery can assist to overcome their instabilities, attain this as well as postpone the aging procedure. In the near future, this urge for younger and also appealing appearances may come to be even more common.
1. Liposuction is popular
The preference for liposuction procedures is expanding in the UK and also the US. Lipo will certainly be one of the most demanded cosmetic surgery procedure because of a greater tendency of excessive weight in these populaces in the coming future.
2. Tech-advancements
Over the next ten years, cosmetic surgery predictions consist of developments in scar administration, skin tightening, fat grafting. For this, correct medical training as well as certification would certainly be the topmost top priorities of the specialists. Furthermore, Breast enhancement, tummy tucks, as well as liposuction surgery will certainly be the 3 most popular plastic surgery treatments in the forthcoming year. Concerning minimally invasive procedures, botox still ranks on top, followed by fillers, chemical peels, laser hair removal, dermabrasion, and so on
3. Straining the candidates
While a number of elements motivate people to seek the very best surgeon for plastic surgery, more than 60% of plastic surgeons decrease people since they "clearly didn't need it" or "didn't believe it would help them."
Two-thirds of medical professionals (67%) state their individuals start earlier and "possessing it," where individuals disclose and honestly review their plastic surgery with loved ones.
Greater than three-quarters of cosmetic surgeons surveyed concur that their patients seek a "much more natural" (78 %) versus a "formed" look (15%).
4. Plastic surgery assists in Breathing:
People may birth an underdeveloped nose or break their nose due to an accident triggering them to take a breath problems. When the septum is changed, it triggers trouble taking a breath through the nose, water drainage problems, snoring, as well as various other troubles.
The very best cosmetic surgeon fixes this through septoplasty. It is often performed together with a nose job or rhinoplasty to improve the nose's appearance.
5. Plastic Surgery boosts Vision
As we age, the muscles loosen, including those around the eyes loosen up, and also the eyelids become droopy. In many cases, the drooping top lid may disrupt vision.
Blepharoplasty is the very best service to saggy eyes. If the surgical procedure is due to aesthetic reasons, your health insurance might not be covered, except it impacts the vision.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
5 important Car care tips to beat the summer heat in Dubai
The burning heat in June, July, and August makes us feel like sitting on the seams of the sun. However, your vehicle cannot enjoy the luxury serving for the purpose it has been made for. You must have comprehensive knowledge about car care tips. It is because the heat, summer season in UAE brings dirt puffs, dust, and humidity which causes severe impacts on your car. The extreme heat and light during the summers right in the middle of a sandy area can easily cause severe damages to your car’s framework, sand and dust will impact your engine, and the heat would evaporate the car fluids causing overheating and roadside breakdown. That’s when you call the car recovery services Abu Dhabi. However, it has always been a good practice to know some car care tips on hand.
To me, one’s vehicle is the most precious asset one earns. Your hard-earned property must be the most cared one. Here are some handy tips for your car safety, especially during the summers.
1.       The cooling system
Before you set out on a journey right in the middle of the day, the first thing I would suggest you check is your car’s cooling system. Indeed, it won’t be a pleasant experience to have your car AC broke on the roadside. Although the sun would be firing heat from all sides, it can cause severe health issues such as heat stroke and even death. For this, the excellent car care tips include a check the coolant fluid, filter conditions, radiator for any debris, for the leakage of coolant beneath the hood.
1.       Battery life
After the AC, the top-ranked issue registered for car breakdown is that the car batteries die out. It is quite an essential practice to check your batteries before you set out on your journey. If you forget to do so, you must call the car recovery services Abu Dhabi for car battery replacement service. 
1.       The exteriors
The last of my car care tips in summer is to protect your exteriors. It is essential because the jarring sunlight will be having some severe effects on your car’s body and paint. You must park your car in the shade and cover your vehicle with car covers. Moreover, while washing your vehicle, you must ensure that you don’t wash your car under direct sunlight.  
1.       Fluid levels 
You will be calling the car recovery services Abu Dhabi if you miss out on checking your car fluid levels, lubricants, coolant, brake fluid, and motor oil levels, etc. 
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
Face anatomy for plastic surgery | options of face surgeries
 Learning face anatomy for plastic surgery is essential to get to the best plastic surgeon and services. Here is a brief overview for you. 
You can make the right decision only if you learn your face anatomy for plastic surgery. Go through this brief overview of the subject.
 Long gone are the days when one had to adjust with their facial looks. Advanced technologies, equipment, the best plastic surgeons have made it possible to fix the areas of the body. The main reasons for plastic surgery may be due to deformation caused during an accident, to cover aging signs, fat accumulation at specific areas, or maybe one doesn’t feel comfortable about their looks. However, if you seek a plastic surgery solution to your face imperfection, you must know face anatomy for plastic surgery. This knowledge beforehand helps you decide what you want, related possibilities, and understand what your plastic surgeon is conveying to you.
Facial anatomy
The facial anatomy consists of the skin, muscle, fat, and bone from the deepest to the superficial level. Furthermore, the anatomy of the face categorizes into the upper face, middle face, and lower face. 
The best plastic surgeon in Pakistan have further subdivided these categories into the following:
1.      The Upper face
The area of your face from the hairline to the lower eyes is the upper face. Here is the detail in the following.
The face anatomy for plastic surgery of forehead comprises of about skin, fat and layer of vital muscles. These muscles are responsible for moving the eyebrows and help you with facial expression.
 Concerning this, facelift surgery facilitates treating wrinkles, fat grafting, dermal fillers, and forehead implants. Moreover, the second main feature is the eyes on the face. 
2.      Middle face 
The middle face extends from the lower eyelids includes cheeks, ears, and nose. The best plastic surgeon classifies the nose into radix, dorsum, alae, columnella, and the tip. If you seek ­rhinoplasty, you must know the terms so that you may be able to understand your surgeon well. 
The second most important part of your face is the cheeks with the fat pads. There are various muscles under these pads that move your upper lip, flaring the nose, and chewing. You may also be looking to learn the face anatomy for plastic surgery to treat small or prominent ears and ear injuries.
3.      Lower Face
The lower face includes lips, chin, and jaw. There are numerous blood capillaries under the skin of the lips. Dermal injection and filler are popular to remove wrinkles around. 
The shape of the chin is maintained due to the fat pad under its tip. The chin shape can be easily changed with chin plastic surgery or mentoplasty. Using chin implants is also common. 
Lastly, the shape of the jawline is one of the essential features in face anatomy for plastic surgery. You can quickly fix the droopy jowls with facelift plastic surgery.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
Top 3 benefits of body lift surgery | Why plastic surgery?
 Risks and benefits of body lift surgery is the most important information one should get hands-on. Here are some benefits of plastic surgery.
There are various benefits of body lift surgery other than body contouring, such as weight loss, mental health, social and physical functioning.
 Obesity has played enough havoc on the world. Now is the time to deal with the issue and eradicate the disease. It has been possible only after the recognition of obesity as a disease. Various awareness campaigns and efforts in this regard have facilitated people to seek solutions for weight management. The first and foremost go-to solution for obesity is an improved lifestyle such as a healthy diet and exercise. However, if it doesn’t work, the ultimate option is laparoscopic and bariatric surgery. This is where the benefits of body lift surgery come into view. The best solution to flapping skin after weight loss surgeries is plastic surgery.
If you succeed in finding the best plastic surgeon, you will enjoy the best benefits of plastic surgery after massive weight loss. 
Anything more than the cosmetic concerns?
Primarily, body lift surgery is pursued by cosmetic concerns to redefine the body's shape and bring about a toned body. Mostly, the surgery is precedes with weight loss efforts which result in excessive loose skin on the areas of the abdomen, thighs, waist, and hips. However, the best plastic surgeons are now available to help you with such uncomfortable and sagging excessive skin. The skin around arms, breasts, thighs, buttocks can be easily treated. 
Published studies in peer-reviewed journals indicate and support the proposed benefits of body lift surgery beyond the horizon of aesthetics.
1.      Psychological benefits
It may not be the prime reason to go for plastic surgery. However, the research for cosmetic surgeries indicates that the patients who undergo such treatment have a better self-image. Consequently, it helps in improving self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and various other related mental health issues.
Better mental health is observed that the body lift surgery improves one’s confidence and social functioning. 
2.      Physical benefits
Not only cosmetic but benefits of body lift surgery also improved one’s physical functioning. Excessive weight causes may deform one’s posture, and the excess skin may cause weird flapping skin, which is no doubt very uncomfortable. Furthermore, the patient may have been facing issues while getting fit into their clothes. 
The good news is that the best plastic surgeon will be freeing you from all such types of issues.
3.      Weight loss
Finding the best plastic surgeon is never about weight loss. The primary reason to opt for a body lift is body contouring rather than weight loss. However, studies report an evident decrease in BMI after plastic surgery. 
Hence, patients enjoy `the benefits of body lift surgery, such as the firm body and toned physique, along with many other benefits.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
Title: 4 Answers to Common questions about liposuction | FAQs
 liposuction surgery is a first go-to solution for stubborn fat removal. Therefore, learn answers to some common questions about liposuction.
 For a long, there have been myths and queries strolling about liposuction surgery. Here we have an answer sheet to some common questions about liposuction
 Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that helps you through the process of shedding unmanageable fat even with diet and exercise. More than shedding the fat, it is more about restoring the body shape and contour. During the liposuction surgery, very small incisions are made. The surgeon inserts a tube called cannula via these incisions for fat suction via a suction machine. Some other names of liposuction are lipectomy, lipoplasty, or simply lipo. There are four different types of lipo; power-assisted, laser-assisted, ultrasound-assisted, and tumescent liposuction. By now, it has been a standard go-to body sculpting procedure. Hence, here we address some common questions about liposuction.  
1.      How much can I lose with liposuction? 
However, there cannot be a clear answer to this question because lipo is a body contouring procedure rather than weight loss. Maximum 5-8 pounds of fat removal is possible, and not more than 4-5l liposuction is safe for one surgery. Hence, you should not expect any dramatic weight loss changes. 
2.      Is the result permanent?
It is a myth strolling around that the removed fat cells come back after some time. However, this is not true. Everyone’s body is genetically programmed to store the excess energy in the form of fat cells in some regions of the body. Once gone, fat cells won’t crawl back into your body. However, if you fail to maintain a proper diet and exercise plan, you will most likely be needing it again. 
3.      Are results evident immediately after surgery?
Among all the frequently asked questions about liposuction, this one is a bit cringy. It is because it would take you at least 8-12 weeks to see the ultimate results of the procedure you went through.
4.      Liposuction or a tummy tuck?
There hasn’t been much awareness about body contouring surgeries; one might confuse liposuction and tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. 
Lipo is a non-invasive surgery that helps in removing fat cells. However, it does not deal with saggy skin, skin layers, or excessive skin after liposuction. Hence, liposuction is the best suitable for people who have good skin elasticity, and post-surgery, their skin can easily adjust with reshaping. 
However, for people with saggy skin with low to no elasticity, abdominoplasty is a better option.
No doubt, it might be liposuction with a tummy tuck is not recommended due to expected complications. However, in some cases, liposuction and abdominoplasty may be joined together for better results. Such a decision entirely depends upon the skin condition and excess fat of the candidate.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
What are the essential tools to have in-car every time?
 It won’t be wrong by any means to say that no one anticipates a car break down. More importantly, no one would ever wish or think of it while setting off. However, not thinking about it does not prevent it from happening, unfortunately. The first action you can take is to try fixing it yourself. However, if you don’t get a problem with your vehicle, you must call the best car recovery Abu Dhabi and wait for their arrival. Most of the car recovery agencies in Abu Dhabi offer 24 hour services. No doubt, you can always reach out to your favorite car recovery agency. However, you must have some essential tools in your car every time. Here is a list for you.
 The tire changing kit
A tire changing kit is essential to every car. It is because the flat tire is the most common cause of car breakdowns. The good news is even if the car recovery Abu Dhabi is a bit late to your help, you can try changing the tire yourself at least temporarily to get to the nearest station. For this purpose, you must have a tire jack, spare tire, a lug wrench, and it would be best if you have a WD-40.
If you have a second-hand car, you might be missing out on these tools. A proper check for this is vital.
Tyre Sealant 
The second most important of our essential tools list is the tire sealant. Other than the tire changing kit, it is a well-appreciated practice to keep a tire sealant with you. No doubt, you have your spare tire. However, you never know when your luck is going to strike you hard. Unexpectedly, if your tire blows out due to a tiny leak, a small amount of tire sealant would fix it for you.
 First aid kit
The first aid kit ranks among the essential tools not only for your car but home as well. If your car broke down right in the middle of a deserted road, you won’t have any chance to call your car recovery Abu Dhabi and wait. However, the situation might get too complex if the accident has caused you any injuries as well. For such cases, never forget to keep the first-aid kit in your car!
While you are waiting for the car recovery Abu Dhabi at the roadside, the last thing you want is your phone battery drained. Hence, if you are out on the road you especially at night, you must check for a torchlight rather than a phone flashlight.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
A solution to an always tired look – Blepharoplasty  
 If you have had enough of your always tired look and looking for a solution, blepharoplasty is your stop. Learn more about eye surgery.  
An always tired look may make you look older than your age. If you have drooping eyes, reduced peripheral vision, you must look for blepharoplasty. 
 Imagine you have been preparing for your annual dinner party for the last two months and the only compliment you get is, “Why you look so tired? Didn’t get enough sleep last night?”. I know, that’s something way too savage! But what can you do about an always tired look? Attributing to the advanced plastic surgery methods, blepharoplasty allows you to enjoy your youthful look once again.
What is Blepharoplasty?
With age, fat accumulates above and below eyelids, eyelids stretch, and the supporting muscles also weaken. Consequently, it leads to sagging eyebrows, bags under the eyes, and droopy eyelids. Not only it makes you look older than your age, but it also casts a negative impact on your eyesight especially peripheral vision/ side vision. Blepharoplasty is the best solution to an always tired look due to droopy eyes. 
Blepharoplasty is quite simple to understand. If you choose the best plastic surgeon in Lahore, he will ensure healing without any scarring left. However, the procedure is about trimming the excess skin, muscles, and excess fat below and above the eyes. After removal, the surgeon neatly joins the skin along your eye line to visible no scar.  
Who is suitable for blepharoplasty?
You may find several tips and tricks to deal with an always tired look, such as get enough sleep, drink enough water, controlled usage of salt, more potassium intake, and many more. However, if you still look tired after doing it all, you must be thinking about blepharoplasty.
Typically, blepharoplasty is performed for aesthetic reasons to improve overall facial appearance. However, such plastic surgery is recommended for medical reasons as well. For example, if you have droopy lower lids showing more than the regular white portion of the eye, saggy upper lids due to fat, or suffering from vision problems, blepharoplasty is the solution.
Preoperative assessment
Eyes are among the most delicate features. However, the treatment of your always tired look calls for a proper examination. Before performing blepharoplasty, your plastic surgeon conducts an appropriate evaluation of your condition. The assessment includes a complete medical and ophthalmologic history of the patient. The ophthalmologic history includes corrective lenses, trauma, glaucoma, excess tearing, dry eyes, and allergic reactions. 
Furthermore, an evaluation of the periorbital region is also essential such as skin quantity, quality, soft tissue contours, and skeletal support. To avoid the unseen risks of blepharoplasty plastic surgery, a detailed examination is necessary.
There is no surgical procedure without any risks. In blepharoplasty, the risks may include dry and irritated eyes, noticeable scarring, skin discoloration, eye muscle injury, and temporarily blurred vision.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
Male body contouring procedures | What is gynecomastia? 
 The most common reason for male body contouring is gynecomastia. Learn about standard body contouring procedures, especially gynecomastia. 
Men also seek various male body contouring, and the most common is gynecomastia. Treatment for gynecomastia includes surgery and liposuction.
Target URL: https://cosmeticoplasty.com/body-contouring-and-sculpting/
Body sculpting is not confined to women only. Conversely, there are several men out there who are looking for male body contouring procedures to their apparent body imperfections. Body sculpting refers to a procedure that focuses on removing extra skin and fat, even after a strict diet and exercise. Hence, bring out a fine-toned body. Some of the go-to body contouring in Lahore for men include:
Gynecomastia, the most common of all the Male body contouring surgeries
Cryolipolysis tummy tuck
Body implants
Crisp jawline contouring
Fatty pockets. 
What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is referred to swollen breast tissues in men. Often estrogen levels exceed the expected level, or it is imbalanced in relation to testosterone levels in gynecomastia. Estrogen is responsible for female traits, while testosterone is responsible for the development of masculine characteristics. Therefore, in normal conditions, the estrogen levels are deficient in males. However, the anomaly results in larger breasts in men.
Moreover, some other factors for gynecomastia include;
Lack of nutrition
Kidney failure
Liver disease
Testicles and adrenal gland tumor
However, whatever the reason may be, it is embarrassing for men to have swollen breasts, and it causes lower self-esteem.
Therefore, Gynecomastia is one of the reasons that men look for body contouring solutions.
Who should look for Gynecomastia treatment?
As there is a variety of reasons behind gynecomastia, male body contouring is not for everyone. You can go for the treatment if 
Non-surgical treatments have no impact on your gynecomastia
one maintains his body weight and enjoys good health
does not smoke or take drugs
Not suffering from a medical condition that may interfere with     the procedure.
Gynecomastia treatment 
The treatment for gynecomastia, depending upon the underlying issue, includes the following options.
Liposuction: It is the most appropriate male body contouring procedure for gynecomastia if the fullness of the breast is solely due to fat accumulation. Consequently, reducing the fat tissues leads to more masculine breasts and more toned chests.
Surgery: In some cases, the main reason for the fuller chest may be excessive glandular tissue. In such situations, the surgeon removes the gland via surgery for a smoother chest. In surgical male body contouring of chest, different incision options depend upon the candidate conditions. 
Moreover, if there is too much tissue mass or fat removed, there may be saggy skin left after the surgery. In such a case, body contouring would also include skin adjustment with the surgery.
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navicosoftpvtltd · 3 years
Lymphatic drainage massage, the post-surgery treatment
 Lymphatic drainage massage ensures rapid recovery after plastic surgery. Learn about the lymphatic system and its impact on the body.
Lymphatic drainage massage after plastic surgery boosts the immune system, prevents post-surgery infections, and reduces swelling, bruises, and scars. 
 Most plastic surgery treatments are elective and are pursued solely for aesthetic reasons. Desired results or not, it is necessary for the candidate undergoing surgery to observe post-treatment care and precautions. If you are also a candidate for plastic surgery, you must know about the post-surgery recovery timeframe for recovery. Depending upon the type of the surgery, the recovery time period varies. It may take 5- 14 days for complete healing. For example, it may take 5-7 days to recover from eyelid surgery, 10-14 days for a facelift, 5-7 days for breast surgery, and 2-4 days for abdominoplasty. However, in our busy schedule, no one has that much time for rest. Therefore, rather than postponing your treatment, you must benefit from a lymphatic drainage massage (LDM).
Before going into the details of LDM, we must learn what the lymphatic system is. 
Lymphatic system 
Just like the circulatory system, the lymphatic system consists of vessels, tissues, and organs that circulate the lymph’s watery fluid. It is a vital part of the human body’s immune system and works to cleanse the blood from toxic substances. Additionally, it helps maintain the fluid balance in the body and absorb fat and fat-soluble nutrients in the blood.   
The function of the lymphatic system is not confined to health only. Instead, a fully functional lymphatic system plays its role in maintaining the quality and age of skin. It boosts the radiance on one’s face and copes with the swelling one may feel in the morning. This is the reason lymphatic drainage massage plays an essential role in rapid recovery after plastic surgery. 
LDM and cosmetic treatment
It is a common understanding that most plastic surgery procedures such as abdominoplasty and liposuction result in some degree of swelling. It is a natural course of healing of our body. Mainly it is because such treatments disrupt the biological circulatory pathways of the body. Consequently, lymphatic drainage is caused. This is why lymphatic drainage massage helps you fasten the recovery process after plastic surgery.
Benefits of LDM
Following are some other benefits of LDM. 
Elimination of toxins,     metabolic waste, and water.
Reduces body pain, a source of     relief after the treatment.
Manual massage helps the     sympathetic nervous system and relieves stress and anxiety.
Minimizes the stiffness in the     body.
Bruising is the ultimate result     of any cosmetic surgery. The massage helps in reducing the bruising by     transporting the cells at a rate ten times the average rate.
It helps to drain the toxins     and prevents catching infections after surgery.
Above all, the lymphatic     drainage massage helps to boost the immune system.
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