nicholasdyer · 3 years
( OLIVER JACKSON-COHEN + CISMALE ) —  Have you seen NICHOLAS DYER ? THIRTY-THREE year old is a DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AT AN ARCHITECTURe FIRM who resides in MANHATTAN. He has been living in NYC for TWENTY-NINE YEARS, and is known to be PASSIONATE and EMPATHETIC, but can also be IMPULSIVE and PERFECTIONIST, if you cross them.  People tend to associate them with BRUISED KNUCKLES and SCOTCH ON THE ROCKS. @codstarters​
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Hello everyone! Very excited to join you guys. I’m going to keep it short and simple because I’m trash at intros. The name’s Emma, I’m 25 and from the cst zone. I bring to you my baby Nick. (He’s a brand new muse so I apologize for the lack of info, I’ll be adding more as muse grows. ) Still working on some connections but feel free to smash that heart button if you’d like to plot!
Nicholas Dyer was born New York City on October 19th and is the oldest and best looking out of 4 siblings.
There is nothing complicated about Nicholas life really. He comes from a wealthy, hardworking and very loving family, but that doesn’t mean that the Dyer’s offsprings didn’t know anything about hard work. Their father always made sure to let them know that everything they had, they had it because he never slacked off, he worked hard to achieve his goals and the life he wanted for his family. In fact you could always find him telling his oldest son “Without labor nothing prospers, son.”
He took that phrase pretty seriously. As a child he put a lot of pressure on his shoulders to be the perfect son. He wanted, no he had to succeed at everything he did to show his father that he too understood the meaning of hard work and make his parents proud. He was a sort of parent pleaser. 
And so his need and desire to make them proud went beyond just getting good grades. Soon it also involved more important decisions like his career choice or his relationships, what he said or even how he felt sometimes. It felt to him like like he was losing himself, or more like he never truly got to find out who he was and what he wanted.
It was around college when Nicholas chose that it was enough of living a life he didn't plan for himself, that he had to start doing started more of the things he liked and to start making bigger decisions for himself, like moving out of his parents house and finding an apartment. Amongst those things there was boxing.  Of course, at first his parents, specially his mother, wasn't very keen on the idea of his son getting beat up and having a black eye or bruised face. “Why would want to do this to your face? You have such a beautiful face.” Those were the words that his mother told him every time  he visited their house for the weekend. It didn’t bother him, it actually made him laugh that out of all the compliments in the world she could give him, it would have to be about his looks. But then again, any other mother would’ve said the same thing. What kind of mother would want to see their son’s face with a black eye or some bruises just because he thought it was a fun sport.
Another decision that made an impact on Nicholas life was moving to London. He went to study the last semester of his career as an exchange study at Cambridge. There he felt like he was able to truly show himself, no parents  breathing at the back of his neck, judging, disapproving all the choices he made. London felt like big breath of fresh air. He graduated college there and began working at an architecture firm. Of course he started very low, but thanks to his hardworking perfectionist side he managed to climb on a very short time to a higher position. 
He lived in London for around 4-5 years until a famous architecture firm offered him a job back in New York. It was hard decision to make but the fact that he experienced his first heartbreak and that he sort of missed his family helped decide that it was the best thing to do, at least for a while. 
He’s very passionate about everything he does.
Good-natured, well-meaning.
Despite the vibe he gives sometimes, he’s a huge softie and an extremely emotional person.
A perfectionist to the core, Nicholas not only sets the bar high for himself, but for the people in his life as well. 
His loyalties lie primarily with himself, his family and best friends.
Nicholas can be sometimes closed off with people, it’s very rare for him to let new people in.  
It doesn’t happen very often but sometimes he tends to act first and think later, which has led him to some trouble but he’s always been able to talk himself out of it. 
He can also be charismatic and even cocky at times.
Wanted Connections:
Siblings: Of course I’d love to see Nicholas siblings around the rp. Even if at the moment his relationship with his parents isn't the way it used to b before I picture the Dyer’s kids pretty close. Like they probably they do have fights and probably get on each others nerves sometimes like every other sibling but at the end of the day they know they have each others back and also complain about their parents when they get really unbearable.
Highschool sweetheart: I would love for Nicholas to have some romantic connection from the past when dated someone his parents thought would be a good match for them just to please them. Of course he probably would’ve been very polite and a gentleman with her but he never got to feel any romantic feelings towards her. Of course how she felt towards him its totally up to you, she could’ve done it also to please their parents or maybe she did had some feelings towards him, its totally up to you. I just want some angst in mah baby’s life, the more the better.
Best friend(s): It could be someone he met in his childhood or someone he met in college. Of course I want someone who has been through Nicholas whole change from being the perfect little son to slowly becoming himself. They are his ride or die, and probably have always had his back and probably are someone Nicholas turns to whenever he needs to seek advice from someone who isn't his family for a change. Also they would be the ones who Nicholas went to cry to when he got his heartbroken back in London.
Fling to (best) friend: Okay so maybe they met through some mutual friends and at first sight they were like “you’re cute, let’s go out.” Probably had one or two dates, ( maybe even hooked up) and after that they got along really well but neither of them saw it becoming something more so  both agreed that it wasn’t going to work out and decided to stay friends. And eventually they became besties and make jokes and tease each other about when they went out.
Exes (good or bad terms)
Sparring buddies
Good / bad influences
Crushing on (could be mutual or unrequited)
Those are just some ideas that came to mind but if none of these catches your eye then we can definitely come up with something else I definitely will take all the plots.
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nicholasdyer · 3 years
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nicholasdyer · 3 years
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nicholasdyer · 3 years
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nicholasdyer · 3 years
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nicholasdyer · 3 years
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nicholasdyer · 3 years
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