memelord sentence starters
“i have depression, karen.”
“step the fuck up, kyle.”
“is that a marijuana? in my good christian suburbs?”
“wow, what a dad.”
“what are thooose?”
“go back to sleep and starve.”
“[slams oven door rhythmically]”
“i said, whoever threw that, your mom’s a ho.”
“catch me outside”
“wake me up. wake me up insiiiiiide (can’t wake up).”
“mmm whatcha say”
“never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down”
“tfw no gf”
“girl, you’re thicker than a bowl of oatmeal”
“[looks into the camera like in the office]”
“if your name is junior and you’re really handsome, come on raise your hands”
“when will they return from the skeleton war?”
“sorry sweaty :)”
“brother may i have some oats”
“the floor is genuine love and affection”
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Send 👐 to catch my muse
They could have tripped, or are falling out of a tree… catch ‘em! 
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Embarrassing Starters
Send one to…
😨 - Run head first into my muse’s chest
😱 - Accidentally trip my muse
😰 - Spill coffee on my muse on a crowded bus
😢 - Accidentally sneeze on the back of my muse’s neck
😥 - Trip and fall right on top of my muse
😭 - Run face first into my muse while walking down the street
😓 - Get a voicemail from you’re muses mother in front of my muse
🤥 - Get caught in a petty lie in front of my muse
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Send me 🍔 to crawl through my muse's window with fast food
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Stabby starters
“No. You buried your knife in my stomach, which means it’s mine now.”
“I really didn’t want to have to hurt you.”
“Next time I won’t miss on purpose, so choose your words carefully.”
“Did I not warn you to never cross me again?”
“You’re the one with a blade at my throat, so obviously you’re upset.”
“I get that you’re angry, but is it really necessary to bring weapons into this?”
“That could have killed me!”
“If I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.”
“I’m not trying to kill you, I just wanted to get your attention.”
“It’s kinda hard to concentrate when you can slice open my stomach at any second.”
“Please don’t stab me with that thing; I’ll get tetanus if I survive!”
“I’ll drop the weapon if you drop the phone.”
“Is-is that a real sword? Do you even know how to use it?”
“If I get nervous I start stabbing things, so no sudden movements, please.”
“Yes, I know how to use this, so I’d be a lot more polite if I were you.”
“So this is why you’re not allowed near sharp pointy objects.”
“I’m supposed to be afraid of a bread knife? It’s not even that sharp!”
“You have about a minute to convince me not to bury this in your heart.”
“I’m the one with the knife, which means I’m the one who gets to ask the questions.”
“That’s not a toy, put it down!”
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* VIOLENT ACTION STARTERS Send me a NUMBER for your muse to : 
001. — Backhand my muse. 002. — Stab my muse.  003. — Put out a cigarette on my muse’s skin. 004. — Hit my muse with a blunt object.  005. — Throw something large at my muse.  006. — Kick my muse. 007. — Punch my muse. 008. — Break one of my muse’s bones. 009. — Scratch my muse. 010. — Headbutt my muse. 011. — Shoot my muse. 012. — Knock my muse out. 013. — Strangle my muse. 014. — Push my muse roughly. 015. — Grab my muse by the hair. 016. — Bruise my muse. 017. — Threathen my muse with an object of harm.  018. — Go to harm my muse’s eyes. 019. — Bite my muse. 020. — Tear away parts of my muse’s skin. 021. — Force my muse’s head under water. 022. — Throw something scalding at my muse. 023. — Burn my muse. 024. — Step on my muse’s fingers. 025. — Rip one of my muse’s teeth out. 026. — Slash my muse’s achilles tendon ( s ). 027. — Clothesline my muse. 028. — Harm my muse enough for them to cough up blood.  029. — Drive into my muse with a vehicle. 030. — Electrocute my muse. 031. — Slam my muse against a wall. 032. — Force my muse’s arm behind their back. 033. — Kick my muse’s crotch. 034. — Trip my muse. 035. — Put my muse in a headlock. 036. — Break my muse’s nose. 037. — Force their fingers down my muse’s throat. 038. — Crack my muse’s head against a wall. 039. — Attempt to kill my muse. 040. — Attempt to kill my muse creatively.
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❛  I can’t believe you said that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we were destined to do this forever. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you are still talking. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you did that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t help me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you betrayed me. Again. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you walked out on me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you listen to them over me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your wearing that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you want out of this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you stabbed me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you shot me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your wearing my clothes in front me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you think it’s funny. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we are the news for this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you lied to me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I trusted you. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you stole from me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I ever even loved you. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we are related. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we’re dating. ❜ ❛   I can’t believe you never told the truth about anything. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you tricked me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe this is all connected. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you went without me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you don’t remember me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you told me that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we lost everything. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you sit there and let it happen. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you never wanted to me know. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you kept secrets this whole time. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t even say sorry. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you said you didn’t do it. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you lied to the police. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you thought this was a game. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you came back around here. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you cheated on me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I cheated on him/her. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I fell in love with him/her. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I’m this happy right now. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you wanted to leave. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t leave me alone already. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you thought that was okay.. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you made a song about me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you wrote a poem for me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe they died.. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I’m still alive. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we are doing this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you never been to the movies. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you are not in jail for that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t believe me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you asked me that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you kissed me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you thought I wanted you. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe they didn’t want me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your eating that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your helping me.. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I helped you. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I gave you everything. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe they aren’t in my life anymore.. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I’m not allowed to go. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you never told me any of this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you kicked my ass. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you cussed me out! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe this is so different. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you think I owe you.  ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you can sing. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you never learned that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you punched me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you smacked me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you watched! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we ran into one another again! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we said that at the same time. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we like the same person. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I haven’t met my soul mate yet. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your laughing at me. ❜   ❛  I can’t believe your ignoring me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t even listen to me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we’re like the same. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you slept on my porch all night. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I actually won something. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I’m actually good at this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t drop it already. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you doubt me. ❜
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{ @tumbarius​ || continued }
    It wasn’t as if Ryou had given up looking for the Egyptian – none of them had. Yugi, Anzu, Honda, Jounouchi... It had been a year, maybe more – the spirit was gone as so was the closest thing he had to someone who understood. It had been so difficult to recover, to take care of himself between the daily searching for Malik, constantly calling his siblings, anything to help. But it had become obvious that wherever the Egyptian had gone, he wasn’t going to come back. At least, not until he wanted to be found. And, so, as if a cruel joke, life slowly started again. His nearly daily searches becoming every few days, once a week, once a month… If he felt the urge to, he still went as far as the buses would take him, from one side of Domino to the other, searching every face and carrying pictures no matter where he ventured. Even now, the worn pictures of Malik smiling from ear to ear in a picture he had snapped on Ryou’s phone on some late night was tucked safely into his wallet.
    It had been a quiet day for the most part, getting up early for a morning jog (he couldn’t help scanning whenever he did) and visiting the market, but nothing else. He had settled to take a nap on his couch when the knock of the door startled him out of his rest. Ryou rubbed his eyes blearily, swinging his legs off the couch and ambling over to the door and unlocking the two bolts he had there purely by muscle memory. He peeked out the door like usual, eyes heavy and the voice to match.
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    “ Who is—“ He hardly got his words out before he realized who he was staring at, voice dying on his tongue. The sleep vanished from his features, every atom in his body buzzing wildly. In an instant, tears sprung to his eyes and the door swung open, hitting the wall with a ‘thwak!’ unnoticed by the boy who was currently throwing himself onto Marik in a full embrace. Time had stopped, and so did his breathing, heart roaring in his ears as he tried to register the warmth in his arms and blonde hair in his face. “ Y-You’re back—Oh my god, you’re—You’re actually b-back—! “
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{ @tumbarius || continued }
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     The words sent cold spikes down his spine, wanting to recoil from the hot breath on his skin and call him disgusting. It would only serve to further spur the alter, however, and all he could do for now was play into his hand. He had never wished more that the artifact missing from his neck was with him, for comfort if nothing else. His skin prickled in discomfort the longer the contact with, turning his head from the other and shifting.
    “ I’m tired. “ It was a curt statement, but Marik had yet to deny him at least a little time to rest between the frequent visits to his new home in the cold basement. He tried forcing a sweet tone in his voice, just to sway the man to give him a favor. “ Do you think you could give me a blanket…? It gets so cold… “
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     What felt weirder was how almost endearing the question was. He wasn’t sure if Bakura truly cared, but the question had been asked, so he would respond. “ Yeah. I think I’ll be ok. “ He wanted an out of this, an out from seeming too dependent. After all, he was supposed to rebel against his spirit and fight his presence, and he did, but there were days he wished they could just co-exist for a while. He felt maybe today would be one of those days.
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     “ I’m hungry, “ he admitted, almost non-nonchalantly. As if nothing had happened. “ I haven’t had meat in a while, so... Maybe I’ll make steak tonight. “ He was speaking out loud to himself, but he left the spirit to take the invitation or not. Perhaps he wished for a bit more companionship between the two of them than he cared to acknowledge or let on. After all, there were four ways to the spirit’s heart - gold,  blood,food, and a knife between the third and fourth rib.
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     “ …Thanks for that. ” He wasn’t sure how to word it, but Ryou did feel a bit calmer. The hysteria he was in not five minutes ago had dulled to confusion, and though his chest felt uncomfortably tight and too close on the verge of panic for his own comfort, it was better. The ring spirit still had a few tricks up his sleeve, he guessed.
    “You don’t… Have to do that again.” He was sure Bakura wouldn’t, but maybe he should reassure him that he didn’t have to get uncomfortable for his sake.
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“Oh, thank god,” he breathed. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but it had slipped out. He was a bit self-conscious over how awkward that kiss had been, and there was no way in hell that he was going to do that again until he had a better idea of what, exactly, he was doing and why. He shifted uncomfortably, watching him, brows furrowed.
“…Are you okay?” Weird question, but it felt like he needed to ask.
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     Right, the child’s issue with touch. He could understand it to a point, but the blanket felt fine. His first instinct was to toss the cloth at him and watch the resulting panic, but it seemed he was tightly packed into a roll. Fucking Ryou and his worm-like sleeping habits. The spirit squirmed on the couch to try and get in a more comfortable position,  rather than being face-first on the cushions, having at least some dignity left.
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     “ I would say that’s sweet of you, but a broom? H-Haha! “ He shook his head, sharp teeth bared. “ You’re a riot. Now, let me out. “ His voice dropped, dripping with annoyance, pointedly looking at the broom. “ If you don’t want to to touch me, fine. But do something useful and release me from this fabric prison. “
@nightmaretroubadour || continued from here
     After a few awkward strokes with the aid of a spare broom, the other’s unconscious writhing finally came to a stop, bringing a sigh of relief from Yugi. He didn’t know what was wrong for him to turn in his sleep like that, but it hardly mattered now that it was over, he supposed. However, his small moment of relief was brought to a quick end as the lump on the couch quickly changed shape, hissing before confronting him about his course of action. 
It would have been embarrassing enough to have to explain himself to Ryou, but trying to explain to this guy was a chore and a half. The broom was quickly set aside as frantic hands rose in an attempt to dismiss himself, waving slightly as he shook his head, obviously flustered.
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“N-No, that’s not it. You- or Ryou or, um- you guys- were turning in your sleep and, well- I don’t know. Your blanket looks kind of itchy so I didn’t know how else to comfort you since I didn’t really want to touch it…”
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    The white haired boy visibly hesitated, taking a half-step back and unconsciously going to touch his ring, forgetting it was hidden beneath his shirt, instead clenching his fist and watching Touzouku with caution. Despite his wariness with strangers, something in the thief’s voice incited a feeling of calm in him. Of trust. Something moved him that instead of running away, he stayed in place, letting the other get a closer look at come to him. The adrenaline was finally wearing off, letting him collect his thoughts and breath.
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    He cracked the a wry smile at the laugh, noting it had an odd lilt to it. Before Ryou knew it, his tense shoulders had dropped some and the defensive stance became softer. “ Someone was chasing me. I’m not really sure who, but… I think I’m okay now. Just a little freaked out. “ Hopefully letting his guard down wasn’t a mistake.
[ @nightmaretroubadour || continued ]
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“I have no interest in your money.” That was a lie, to be frank. Of course Touzoku had an interest in whatever valuables any individual might have. But this situation was different. His need to steal could wait. There was something about the other that felt familiar to him. Be it his appearance or the blatantly obvious fear he was experiencing, Bakura felt responsible enough to need to approach. He held his hand out, much like one would to an animal, as an offering for inspection.
“Are you okay?” He asked again, taking small, gentle steps closer, to get a better look at the other. “I won’t hurt you. I promise. I’m unarmed anyways,” he said with a half laugh. He had plenty of muscle to take on someone with his bare hands, but that was besides the point. He came in peace, and that’s what was important. He could prey on other, less terrified individuals later.
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   Atem was so far away. That’s all Ryou could think at the moment, watching his eyes fill with anger and confusion. He hadn’t seen anyone show any sort of emotion in a few months towards him – just indifference. Brushes past him, quick glances, but no one seemed to really want to know what was wrong with the quickly ailing boy. He supposed pushing everyone away until there was no one left to push was to blame, as well as the spirit residing in his necklace. He could feel him at the moment, digging into his mind with those sharp talons of his and hissing in his ear.
    ‘Ryou, silly, don’t you have to get home? It’s not as if the Pharaoh cares, no – he just wants to play hero again.’ Ryou blinked, unsure if he was really there or if his concious now permantly sounded like the thief. At least a minute must have passed. Maybe more. He had lost his sense of time and space long ago. Finally, he spoke up. “ I don’t know ,” It was a half-lie, though looking back at the scars, old injection sites marring the ghostly skin, he suspected something hard. Thankfully the newest ones were hidden under his jeans.
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    “ I think… heroine. I don’t remember. ”
@nightmaretroubadour continued from (x)
He knew in some ways that withdrawing from the world had been a stupid idea but that didn’t mean that he no longer cared about those he had been around as Yami. He was simply attempting to adjust himself to this way of life, to get used to the sounds and noises that seemed to swallow the city up within a buzz of hyper activity. It was strange - difficult to get his head around but once he had he had decided to go back to school. At least for a little while.  It was then that he realised that something was wrong with Ryou. He was growing annoyed with how the others seemed to almost ignore him, how he seemed to blend into the background so easily. Even when back when they first met - Ryou still had more life about him than what he seemed to have now… So - he cornered him one day to try and find out what was going on. The spirit wasn’t back, was he? “Ryou” he sighed softly. The other male looked as though he was a million miles away and as he pulled up a sleeve he soon figured out as to why that was the case. Why? Why would Ryou do something so harmful to himself?  “…what did you take!”
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{ @setsukix || continued }
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     Complaint, the boy rested against the sofa and rubbed his head, half checking for a fever. He was sure he was just tired and delirious, neglecting to eat or hydrate himself much wallowing in his despair. He shut his eyes. “Go straight, there’s a light switch... the sink is a little to the left.”
     Small was a bit of an understatement, but at least it made navigating easy. Everything seemed to be in the same room - a small false wall hid a bit of the kitchen to give it the illusion of having more rooms than the one. Simple but functional seemed to be the theme of his house. On the left, there was a little passageway that led into the bedroom and bathroom.
     “Please, drink some water yourself. I’m sorry for the trouble... I’m not usually...” This vulnerable? Weak? Reliant? He wasn’t sure what sort of excuse to make, so he felt silent. Hopefully his apologies were sufficient for Setsuki.
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