nikalouise · 4 years
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Bill and Ted Face the Music, 2020.
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nikalouise · 4 years
if you read this you’re cute no take backs
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nikalouise · 4 years
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nikalouise · 4 years
I just watched The Conjuring 2, and while it’s on my mind in a similar vein to this post, I also want to spread some appreciation for Javier Botet because GOD DAMN LOOK AT THIS SHIT
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He has Marfan Syndrome, which is a rare connective tissue condition that gives him bizarrely elongated limbs and allows him to do unnatural things with his body, and he’s built quite a resume for himself appearing in horror movies
Like Doug Jones, he also appeared as three of the ghosts in Crimson Peak:
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But you may have also seen him as The Crooked Man in The Conjuring 2:
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Eddie’s leper in IT:
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The Nina monster in all three REC movies:
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Set, the God of Death in The Mummy (2017):
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The titular creature in Mama:
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He did motion capture work for the Xenomorph in Alien: Covenant:
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And he most recently appeared in Insidious: The Last Key and the Slender Man movie!!
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He’s done other more obscure horror movies too but basically this guy is adorable and inspiring and an amazing talent and I adore him 8D
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nikalouise · 4 years
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nikalouise · 4 years
How do you move on?
You don’t. You just live with it everyday and time shall pass, memories turns vague and it would feel like everything was just a dream.
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nikalouise · 4 years
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nikalouise · 4 years
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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nikalouise · 4 years
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“Maybe you could understand it if you just listened closer, listened harder, maybe if you stopped listening to everyone else…”
— How to Make Jorts (2019) dir. Brian David Gilbert
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nikalouise · 4 years
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Is he wrong tho?
I wished so much that when aunt May found Peter is Spider-Man she had called CPS on Tony for child endangerment.
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nikalouise · 4 years
Other heroes are allowed to fail and grow, but Antis love tearing tony down and hating him for not being absolutely perfect. Why is Harry Potter allowed to be flawed? Why is Superman? Why is Optimus Prime? Why is Luke Skywalker? Why is Captain Kirk? Why is literally ANY other popular hero? Your toxic culture of perfection is damaging to people in real life.
off the top of my head its bc harry potter, clark kent, luke skywalker, and captain kirk aren’t 50 yo ex war profiteers who made themselves into weapons and are actually good ppl but that’s just me ig lmao   
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nikalouise · 4 years
wait so tony does die? because i'm not seeing endgame unless he dies please tell me that post wasn't a joke
he does die for real (i’ve read a ton of spoilers and heard first hand from people who’ve seen it) 
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nikalouise · 4 years
the world: absolutely fcked. post apocalyptic spiral. unsteady economy with a significant rise in poverty. rise in crime bc law enforcement divisions & govts world wide ate struggling to even exist
tony stark, who has the intelligence AND the money AND the technology to make life easier for millions, if not billions: perfect time to retire. I’m going to live in a lakeside cabin where no one can ever find me. (:
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nikalouise · 4 years
concept: scott lang dressed up as robin hood on halloween going around and stealing from rich people
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nikalouise · 4 years
tony, being a selfish bastard as always, really told bruce banner not to negate the last five years (even tho it would have saved millions from trauma, brought back anyone who died in the last five years, and saved the world from an apocalypse) cause he didn’t want to lose his kid. also lots of ppl died in the final battle so like….the trolley problem in action folks.
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nikalouise · 4 years
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i was gonna crop this but that comment got me too
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nikalouise · 4 years
tony stark, about the quantum realm: you accidentally survived. it’s a billion to one cosmic fluke.
scott, thinking about how the antman suit but also how hank never wanted his tech to get into stark hands: HA HA yup cosmic fluke alright
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