noldorin-drama · 5 days
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noldorin-drama · 27 days
I was wondering if we, as humans, can ever escape our humanness and write something completely detached from our experiences. I concluded not.
But that led me to a realisation of why The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings have such different auras. One of the reasons is that they were written by two different species: elf and hobbit.
Of course, that is disregarding the fact that they're both fictional races and the books are ultimately still written by a human with very human experiences. But the effort is quite visible to me, to distinguish the two works into 'elf-written' and 'hobbit-written', with their respective species-specific views of the world.
Silm is all about the humbling of the mighty. "We thought we were meant to change the world, only to realise it isn't for the better afterwards."
Lotr is about finding the hidden strength inside. "We thought we're too small to change the world for the better, but together, we were proven wrong."
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noldorin-drama · 1 month
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King of Nargothrond , Five Act Tragedy
“I go now to my long rest in the timeless halls beyond the seas and the Mountains of Aman. It will be long ere I am seen among the Noldor again; and it may be that we shall not meet a second time in death or life, for the fates of our kindreds are apart. Farewell!' He died then in the dark, in Tol-in-Gaurhoth, whose great tower he himself had built.
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Link to my Ko Fi
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
Line of Elros Edit Series: Appendix A
Line of Elros (you are here!)
Three Houses of the Edain
Men of Middle-earth
Elves of Arda (work in progress)
Dwarves of Middle-earth (work in progress)
In order to demystify the information I am presenting in my Line of Elros edit series, here is an appendix/directory of all the edits therein with notes distinguishing between canon and my headcanons. I have created a lot of OCs for this project and invented a lot of stories for named characters who have very little story to them in canon, and while I am happy to let you borrow those headcanons and characters (with credit), I don’t want to discourage you from doing the same, and I certainly do not want perpetuate misinformation!
Keep reading
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
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'gil-galad son of plothole' has to be one of the best ao3 tags ive ever seen, and so i couldn't help myself from exploring several takes on he whom the harpers sing of 😙 for a year now ive tried to follow the silm """canon""" and make him the son of orodreth, but bc of that i never got to jump on the fingon train and decided i was very sad cuz of that
anyways here's two more self-indulgent, 99.999% implausible gil-galad alternatives:
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they may all have different dads and personalities but one thing they all hv in common is being turned into a toasty hot pocket at the hands of mr sauron, and at the end of the day maybe that's the real treasure all along... ✨
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
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Trying on flat colouring style so here's little Finduilas, Gil-galad, and their doting grand-auntie Galadriel. I think Finduilas was already an adult when Gil was still a kid, but I just want to draw them both as lil kids <3.
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
The dadification of Maedhros was inevitable. He’s the oldest of his brothers and cousins. No wonder he’s got BDE (Big Dad Energy).
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
Yes, there is a beautiful and bittersweet nature to the idea that after the Breaking of the World, all will reunite and work together in the Second Music. That after millennia of a slow defeat, the waning of magic and the slow decline of dwarves, everyone will at last be together after Morgoth’s ultimate defeat at Turin Turambar’s hands. Fëanor and his sons will be released and redeemed, Míriel will get to be with her son, Finrod will see Beör, Aegnor will see Andreth, Celebrimbor will work with Narvi, Elwing and Eärendil and Elrond will finally get to see Elros and meet all of his descendants, just imagine how large the family gatherings will be. And it is the fact that until then they are kept apart by the fates of their races and choices that makes that implied final union at the end of time so much more impactful and beautiful. It’s one of the reasons I love the deep thematic story structure of Tolkien’s worldbuilding.
The fact remains that - and I don’t care how many internal laws of the lore it breaks, I am well aware of them - I want to see little Eldarion meet all of his elf-ancestors. Cuz the fact is that he is descendant of pretty much all of the greatest elves to ever live.
Like, could you imagine almost an Alice In Wonderland-like situation? Little baby Eldarion stumbles upon a figurative rabbit-hole and falls into Valinor and meets this gang of elves with various degrees of crippling issues who can only stare at this random child, but they all decide to ignore the tension between them because as soon as they see the kid Elrond joyously screams that HOLY SHIT THAT’S HIS GRANDSON
None of them with the exception of Elrond have had children for literal thousands of years and are ecstatic to have one that’s descendant of them, even if it is - as Celegorm put it - a “dirt baby”, and they all begin to compete for the child’s attention.
Elwing is overjoyed to meet her great-grandchild, even moreso because of years of nothing but her own imagination and letters and stories from Elrond of her other son’s many descendants, she finally gets to meet a child from Elros’ line. Even after all these generations later, Elwing can see so many little mannerisms from Eldarion that she fondly remembered from when Elros was a small child. Though she cries when she holds the boy for the first time, they are tears of joy immeasurable.
Elrond is much the same, for one of his greatest pains when he left Arwen in Middle-Earth was that he would never get to meet the family she made for herself, but now he has little Eldarion on his laps and recounts him with tales of Arwen and Aragorn in their youth. And though Celebrian can never see Arwen again, meeting Eldarion and knowing just how happy her daughter is helps mend some wounds that not even the bliss of Valinor could have healed.
Out of the elves of Finarfin’s house, Galadriel’s joy is matched only by Finrod’s, who not only is fascinated by and adores human children in general, but is so happy to meet the boy who is descendant of his dear friend Bëor.
Fëanor - even though he never met one - had never thought highly of Men, and the child wasn’t even directly descendant from him, unlike Fingolfin and Finarfin, though he was surprisingly invested in winning the heart of the Eldarion. Probably at first because he sure wasn’t about to let another person prefer one of his brothers over him, but his smiles came to be more genuine.
Maedhros and Maglor feel similarly to Elwing, seeing Elros live on in some small way and not only in their hearts. However, there is still a LOT of shit they have to go through inside themselves, cuz let’s be honest, the relationship between them and the twins wasn’t always as romanticized and fluffy as a lot of people like to make it out, and they feel afraid and unworthy to even approach the child. But in spite of their attempts at subtle distancing, Eldarion finds them and latches on, and the brothers discover they have a hard time saying no to the boy.
There are probably a ton of other interactions that could come from this wildly world breaking scenario that I’m not smart enough to come up with, but this wildly un-canon idea makes me so happy.
All I’m saying is why can’t the House of Finwë just come back to life and get along while taking care of Aragorn and Arwen’s dirt baby?
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
a fascinating, impactful thing about Elrond and Elros’s Choices to be Elf and Man respectively is that no way did they not start out Pretty Fucking Codependent. Since the age of 6, it’s been just the two of them surrounded by kinslayers, and then just the two of them surrounded by Gil-galad’s people and the Host of the West who don’t understand their many, many complicated feelings about the kinslayers. Like their parents before them, they are the only two half-elves alive in the world, completely alone but for each other. And their primary models for healthy relationships are Elwing “I will not let you suffer the wrath of the Valar alone” Dioriel, Eärendil “[I’m exhausted and want to leave but] My wife may Choose for both of us - immortality? Alright, babe” Tuorion, and Maglor “this is a terrible idea but I will not let you take further blood on your hands and Eternal Darkness on your soul alone” Fëanorion. There’s no way for them to have not been Pretty Fucking Codependent!
Yet still, still, for the love of boldness and fortitude and the mystery beyond the edge of the world, Elros chose to be a mortal Man; and for the love of wisdom and grace and the beauty of the world, Elrond chose to be an Elf forever in Arda; and as price, they both accepted that they would be sundered from one another until the end of all known time.
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
Like, I'm sure Tolkien would make Narsil a sword that belongs to good guys and stuff, but the idea of Narsil being Maedhros sword (maybe even made by Fëanor himself) makes me so rabid.
Like, Elros taking the sword that caused so much pain, that belongs to someone he both loves and hates, and makes it into part of his own kingdom for the purpose of good.
That sword being then broken by Sauron and finally used to defeat him in its brokenness (something, something, the redemption in battle that Mae never gets, something, something, symbolism).
And its shard then reforged into Anduril.
Flame of the West.
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
Idril hearing Ulmo's warning and heading it. Idril building a secret path out of Gondolin, an escape route for the survivors. Idril making sure there would be survivors.
Eärendil, searching for Valinor when so many others have failed, the ban be damned. Eärendil reaching Valinor. Giving up the silmaril — it's just a piece of rock, after all, no matter how pretty it is. When banned from Arda, still managing to show up in time to slay fucking Ancalagon. In some versions, killing Ungoliant. Ungoliant. Guiding the lost as a star of hope.
Elros, whose life had been a mess and who still grabbed it firmly with both hands and didn't let go. Didn't waver. Elros, who knew nothing but war, leading his people to peace; Elros following his father's star and doing his goddamn best to be a good king. Building a realm, preserving lost cultures, starting new ones. The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and Elros made sure to be that to his people.
Elrond, who keeps losing everything, but never loses kindness. Elrond, who is an unbreakable rock in the middle of a wild current, who will always be there, in good times and in bad. Elrond, standing by Gil-galad's side during his reign; Elrond, helping the refugees of Eregion, and every weary traveller who wanders to his home, Elrond making his home a place of rest and healing. Elrond, of whom everyone knows his doors are open, and he is a well of knowledge, and he will share it to make the world a better place.
What I am saying is, getting shit done runs in the family.
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
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Elwing's goodbye, for @nolofinweanweek filling both prompts for Day 4 and for Day 5 (Elwing, Elrond, Elros). Double posting today because I'm working the rest of the weekend and I don't think I'll get around any more prompts this year.
This hurt to paint lol. I need to go lie on a cold floor for a while.
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
i enjoy thinking about the silmarillion as an in-universe historical text and also building on that it's really fun to think about what other texts (not necessarily limited to writing) might have survived in-universe from the first age or even before. of course a lot of it got destroyed, but as in the real world, there would be copies of copies and fragments and things written down from memory and stories told to children that survived. Even if 95 percent of everything was lost, that still leaves a whole lot! and all of that would be subject to further translation and mythologization and fragmentation and alteration after the first age. there's so much potential in the cultural legacy (& its reception) of first age beleriand
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
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Fëanorians ~ 🔥
Caranthir - Curufin - Amrod - Amras
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
• // PRINTS!
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
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House of Finwë ~
Finwë - Miriel - Indis - Findis - Lalwen
// prints!
fëanorians: 1 - 2 - 3 nolofinwëans: 1 - 2 - 3 arafinwëans: 1 - 2 - 3
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noldorin-drama · 4 months
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Our girls Findis and Írimë!
I missed @finweanladiesweek 😭
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