not-iron-ic-blog · 6 years
So I'm Ukrainian, but I'm gonna write in English, because 1) this way more people can read&understand my journal (and I'm an attention ho) and 2) either way I don't know what I'm doing or writing so it's not going to really make a difference
I'm a 17yo genderfluid mess, go by Alice, Notiron(Нежелезная) or Persefona, I suffer from BPD and I currently despise almost everything there is to say about my life
Let's take a look:
— I'm extremely socially awkward and I have 0000 friends in country I currently live and study in (which is Poland, UJ). People's attention to me as a person (and not something I do) makes me super uncomfortable, for example, I got hugely stressed out yesterday just from downloading badoo (to talk to at least someone) and getting way more likes than I could handle
— I got into a fairly good uni but right now I'm completely incapable of studying or even reading freaking books, so I already failed my first test and have to re-take it tomorrow
— I'm terrible at taking proper care of myself, so right now I don't exercize, my sleep schedule is whack and I have a proper meal 0-2 times a day
— I've fallen into quite a bit of an artblock, not in a sence that I can't draw, but it doesn't bring me any joy and all I feel from it is pressure
So yeah, this is currently my life, and I plan on changing it. Follow my changes if you want to, I guess. I’ll try to post moodboards, arts and quotes so this blog is actually interesting for normal people
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