Though he wanted to dearly, Amycus Carrow did not plan on harming Lucinda Talkalot. Not today, anyways. The war had only just begun, and he would have plenty of opportunities to make her scream in the future. Still, his wand did look good digging into the side of her cheek. Maybe if he just pushed a little harder, he could see blood. Red was his favorite color, after all. But then Bellatrix Black’s face popped into his mind, and he sighed. Restraint had never been something he had excelled at, but he would have to find some way to summon it up from within. He took a deep breath, willing the rush of power and anger to subside, so that he might have a moment to clear his head.
There was a reason that Alecto had always been the twin-in-charge, and that was because she was able to see things for how they were. She was calculating, able to decide if now was the opportune moment, or if they should wait for another time. Amycus, on the other hand, was brash and reckless and hard to control. Still, he thought of Bellatrix again, and the anger she would show him if he were to be foolish in this moment. He slowly, but very clearly reluctantly, pulled his wand away from her. “I’ll leave you for now. Killing you would be more fun if you weren’t in a hospital bed.” He leaned down, setting a hand against her cheek, almost how a father would a child. “I’d like you to fight back, you see, and I just don’t think you could do that from in bed.”
He pulled his hand away and straightened up, tucking his wand into the sleeve of his robes once more. “I’ll see you again, Lucinda.” He murmured, smiling. “Perhaps I’ll bring my sister along with me? Or Antonin Dolohov? He’s always a good time. Until then, I hope you recover nicely.” He settled her with another sharp look, and reminded himself once more of why he couldn’t just get it over with right now. Then, with a spin of his heel, Amycus turned and strode from the room. He was going to find Bellatrix, or Alecto, or someone of whom he could report his conversation to.
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“Not a good one.” He repeated in agreement, nodding his head. She didn’t seem happy with his presence, but that wasn’t all that surprising, not really. She was here in the Hospital Wing because a secret Death Eater had tried to murder her. And then, here he was to confront her over her choice of Master. All in all, he supposed that a little bitterness was to be expected. Edgar hadn’t come to yell at Lucinda, though. She would no doubt receive plenty of flack from her fellow housemates. Druella Black, Walburga Black, Mrs. Malfoy, Mrs. Carrow… they had all been killed by Grindelwald and his supporters. Slytherin House had a long memory, and those deaths had practically happened yesterday. Still, he wanted Lucinda to know that he knew the type of person she was, regardless of whether it would do any good. 
“Because they believe in something.” Edgar replied, his voice low, but not hostile. “So you believe in Grindelwald’s message then? I’m not trying to attack you, but–” He tilted his head, “– I just don’t understand.”
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Lucinda was more than a little surprised at Edgar’s change in tactic. He wasn’t accusatory as Amycus Carrow, as disappointed at Augustus, or as upset as Lucius had been. He was calm, too calm for Lucinda’s liking. She would have rathered he was angry or that he yelled at her. Anger she could deal with, this weird calm on the other hand she wasn’t sure what to do with. She knew how to deal with her fellow Slytherins but Edgar? He was something completely different.
“I,” Lucinda started to say before looking up at Edgar again. “Of course you don’t understand.” She sighed starting to pick at her blanket. “Do you know what it’s like being a halfblood in a room full of purebloods who think you’re lesser than they are just for being born? What it’s like to try and try and try and still never be good enough for them? I had to believe in something so I chose the lesser of two evils when it came to picking sides. At least Grindlewald didn’t start with the premise of halfbloods being just as bad as mudbloods and blood traitors.”
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The situation in the dorm was quickly spiraling out of control as insults were traded and fingers pointed. It was a recipe for a disaster and Savannah raised her hands placatingly, ever the peacemaker. “Woah now, let’s just hold on a minute.” She said in her best no-nonsense, politician voice. “Andie is right, I’ve been in the music room all day. This is the first I’ve been back to the dorm since this morning before breakfast while y’all were still here.” Savannah glanced around the room at the other girls to see if anyone would validate her story. She didn’t hold much hope, however, as it was clear no one would be coming to her aid apart from their calculated deflections thinly concealed under insults and Savannah frowned. Well, if they wouldn’t take a stand, she supposed she would have to do so on her own and turned to meet Bellatrix’s eye once again. “Now, I understand your frustration, I really do, but I didn’t steal anything. I haven’t been around to do so and what’s more, I’m averse to such immoral behavior. Unfortunately my twang isn’t something I have much control over, so I can’t help you there.” Savannah made no effort to soften her accent to please the girls around her. She didn’t much care for their accents either but she wasn’t going to be rude about it, her mama raised her better than that. Clearly these girls’ mamas hadn’t taught them the same manners, but Savannah supposed she could be the bigger person and ignore their insults. “What I can help you with, however, is lookin’ for your shoes and I’d be more than happy to do so.”
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As per usual, having this many snakes in the same room was interesting. No one, sans Andromeda, had dared to speak back to Bellatrix or Alecto. That was usually how things worked in the seventh year dorm. The girls were smart enough to know what battles to pick. “I’m not accusing, just asking.” Bella nodded towards her sister. Andie was truly the only person who she would ease her attitude towards, after all, they were sisters. And Andie could curiously bring out Bella’s good side. Lucinda and Emma both deflected the question, as she expected them too. Their quidditch squabble seemed to still be in full bloom, and Bella certainly got her entertainment from it. She did laugh a bit at Lucinda’s comment. “Well I cannot deny that…” She muttered, looking Savannah up at down. As each little betrayal, Savannah’s hope must’ve been dwindling. Slytherins were loyal to their own, and the Wilkinson girl had never really been accepted into the group. “Averse to immoral behavior? Merlin, you’ve been misorted.” Bella looked around at the rest of the girls. A couple tooted alcohol despite strict rules, and each girl had done something unsavory to advance their own goals. Such as Lucinda with the captaincy, Emma with that absolutely brutal fight she had, Alecto… well Alecto was her right hand woman, which covered enough immoral bases for their whole house. “You know, we all have little reason to actually trust what you’re saying- you avoid us all like the plague, you haven’t proven your loyalties to anyone in this room… ”  Bellatrix turned to Alecto, swirling her wine in her glass. “Don’t you think that’s odd?” 
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Alecto held her glass of alcohol in her fingers, tilting her head curiously at the replies that she received from the various snakes in the dormitory. It was truly fascinating the way that they easily folded over to Bellatrix and Alecto’s side or deflecting the question in true Slytherin fashion. They had learnt well over the years. Andromeda was the only one who seemed to have briefly qualmed Bellatrix’s questioning before Lucinda’s comment allowing her to smirk at Savannah’s direction. It was rather amusing to watch the American try and defend herself against the rest of her year, especially when none of them were inclined to vindicate her. She began to raise an eyebrow at Savannah’s comment, her smirk beginning to widen at the girl as she stated, “What must the hat have been thinking? Should have been a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff with your problems with immoral behaviour.” However as Bellatrix continued the conversation she began to drink from her glass of alcohol, using her wand to pour more wine into her glass, as she could see in what direction Bella was heading before stating, “That is rather correct. Perhaps Andromeda could enlighten us upon whether we should trust the American’s — Samantha’s words or not.”
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There was a very fine line Andromeda had to walk in between standing up to Bella and making her angry. But at the moment, she wasn’t sure that she cared that much if Bella was angry. Savannah hadn’t done anything to earn this sort of hatred. Lips pursed, Andromeda looked from her sister to Alecto before very deliberately standing from her bed and walking to join Savannah. “You can hardly expect her to feel much loyalty to any of us after the welcome we gave her.” Even Andromeda herself hadn’t done much to befriend their new roommate at the start of the year. And she knew very well just how welcoming her sister and Alecto could be. Reaching Savannah’s said, she crossed her arms over her chest. “I trust her completely. If Savannah says she didn’t do it, then she didn’t do it. There are plenty of other people who would take something from our room, and Savannah is too smart to steal from the people she lives with.”
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“Hmph, yeah right.” Was all Emma let out towards Lucinda — it was an argument they’d both repeated countless times, and while normally she was more than happy to start it up again, she felt worried about the position Savannah had gotten herself into and was not going to let her own squabble with Lucinda overpower that. However, she couldn’t exactly make it obvious that she didn’t think Sav had anything to do with it — she was engaged to Alecto’s brother, and Bellatrix… well, she was Bellatrix. “Do you have an anti-theft charm on the shoes?” She asked, taking her wand off her nightstand. “If not — we can try Summoning them, and if they fly out of Savannah’s belongings, well… at least you’d have irrevocable evidence it was her.” Emma hoped that she was right, and the American girl was smart enough not to steal from her dormmates because she knew the teasing that Bella and Alecto were giving her now would be nothing compared to what they’d do if she was actually the culprit. 
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If Lucinda had been a smaller girl she would have responded to Emma’s words with a rude gesture. Surrounded by their roommates, Lucinda decided to be the bigger person and instead took a drink from the bottle in front of her and rolled her eyes. It seemed like they were going to be having this argument for the rest of their lives. Glancing at the new girl, Savannah, Lucinda did feel a little bad for making the conversation revolve around her and Emma’s squabble. “You said it yourself Alecto, Savannah is basically a Hufflepuff. She’s too soft to steal from Bellatrix, or any of us for that matter.” She said after a moment of carefully picking her words. She didn’t know either way if Savannah took the shoes but if she did she was only digging her own grave by lying about it.
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“You know we can’t let poor Hogwarts suffer through some dull event without adding a little spice to the mix,” It wasn’t until she was actually talking to Lucinda again that Emma really realized just how much she’d missed the other girl. Sure, there had been some moments in the past time where she’d felt a hint of regret for what happened — but now that they were actually talking again, not just having a discussion, she truly realized how much she’d missed her friend and how they used to talk before everything went down. 
And of course, there was also this — the way Lucinda’s eyes wandered over her dress, the way her fingers brushed over hers’, that was something she’d missed too, and Emma let her own eyes linger on the girls’ lips for a little too long. “It never is, is it?” She replied to Lucinda’s statement, her eyes glazing over slightly when the girl said she’d missed her. Instead of replying to tell her the same — she just answered the soft caress of her lips, albeit a little hungrier, while her arm gently slipped behind Lucinda’s hair, resting on the back of her neck. 
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Lucinda hadn’t been certain that Emma had been serious when she’d offered the rose. Both girls were as stubborn as centaurs and neither girl would give an inch more than they got in return. Valentine’s day had been the perfect excuse to give a little more but Lucinda hadn’t expected to receive more than she’d offered. Lucinda had offered friendship and Emma had given her heart once more. It was only for one night and Lucinda wasn’t going to mess this up a second time.
Any doubts Lucinda had about her former best friend, were gone as Emma returned the kiss. A needy whine slipped past Lucinda’s lips when she felt Emma’s arm on her neck. Merlin she’d missed the way it felt to have Emma touch her- to be able to touch her back. Her hands had been resting on Emma’s hips and as she broke the kiss to gently bite at Emma’s lower lip, she pulled the other girl closer. 
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Their last conversation had been civil, positively friendly in some opinions. However, as he looked at her now, Edgar felt like he could only focus on the bad. He knew there was good inside of her, as there was good inside of everyone deep down, but Lucinda Talkalot had chosen to join a murderous organization. And that was inexcusable in Edgar’s eyes. It probably wasn’t the best idea to confront her about it, but Edgar wanted her to know that the eyes of Hogwarts were on her, and the time for playing nice was coming rapidly to an end.
“Charlotte Fawley is an evil murderer.” Edgar said flatly, stepping further inside of the room. He kept a distance from Lucinda, but he knew this conversation was not meant to be had from the doorway. He lingered by the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why’d you join?” 
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“Not a good one.” Lucinda couldn’t help the bitter words that fell from her lips. Charlotte Fawley had tried and failed to kill all four of the members of Grindlewald’s Army. Though if the rest of them had been as unprepared for the attack as Lucinda had been, Charlotte Fawley hadn’t been trying to murder any of them. She had been sending a message and the four victims were being forced to pay the price. Lucinda was beginning to wander if it would have been better if they’d just let her bleed out rather than saving her life.
“Why does anyone join anything?” Lucinda countered. She really didn’t feel like explaining herself to someone who as far as she was concerned had no dog in this fight. 
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Nadezhda hadn’t been sure of visiting the hospital wing, at least not right away. She didn’t quite know the intensity of Lucinda’s injuries, but once Nadezhda got a look at the girl, she realized why she hadn’t left the hospital wing yet. Lucinda appeared vulnerable, in a miserable state. Nadezhda felt her indignation towards Charlotte rise, and a rare sympathy for Lucinda’s condition as well. Empathizing with another was a foreign concept to her, but as per usual, Lucinda was an exception.
”It’s perfectly alright,” Nadezhda assured her, taking a careful seat on the edge of the bed near Lucinda. It was much easier to see her expression at a different angle, and it was obvious that she was trying her best to appear confident. Truly, Nadezhda believed Lucinda had a right to exhibit her vulnerabilities at the moment, but she refrained from commenting on it, as she hardly knew how to do so herself. Before answering Lucinda’s question, she glanced around the room to make sure nobody was listening. “Not much. I’m awaiting information from Grindelwald or one of his lackeys about a next move, although after Hogsmeade I’m not sure we’ll be made aware. About Fawley, five idiots went after her, and I heard they caught her for a moment, but she escaped. Glenda Chittock’s been captured.” She was especially careful with her words pertaining towards Charlotte. “People have been spreading a lot of…gossip as well. Both Edgar Bones and Amycus Carrow confronted me earlier.”
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Lucinda had be confident in the face of people she barely knew, acquaintances, and friends interrogating her and questioning her motives. Sitting here with Nadezhda beside her, Lucinda felt so vulnerable. Almost more than she had when she’d been bleeding to death a few days prior. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the only person she truly cared for. The only person she would ever allow herself to be this vulnerable around. As she felt the bed shifting next to her, Lucinda reached over to gently touch Nadezhda’s hand. She needed the touch to ground her. Give her the confidence she so much wanted to have again.
Leaning closer to Nadezhda as she talked, Lucinda sighed and shook her head. “I can’t believe it’s come to this. We’ve been locked out of Grindlewald’s good graces since no one had the decency to tell us about the Hogsmeade attack and we probably aren’t going to hear anything after the four of us were attacked.” She said before laying her head on Nadezhda’s shoulder. This sort of intimacy would have been too much had it been anyone else but Lucinda never really thought about appropriate things when it came to Nadezhda. A scoff left her lips when she heard that Charlotte had been captured and then escaped. Of course no one could do a blood thing right and detain that psychopath. Though if Andrei and her got their hands on Charlotte, she would be lucky if she got detained. “Which one is Chittock again? You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t quite remember everyone in this bloody school.” Lucinda said before squeezing Nadezhda’s hand gently. “You too?” She asked softly lifting her head just enough to look at Nadezhda’s face. “They came to see me too. Amycus even threatened to finish the job Charlotte started.”
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Lucinda had ice in her tone, but Amycus did not feel anything but a blazing sort of warmth. He felt righteous in his approach of her, for she had proven herself a traitor not only to him, but to the ideals of Salazar Slytherin. It had taken Amycus some time to truly come around in his loyalty to the Dark Lord. At first, he’d only joined because Alecto had told him to. And he had only stayed because he had found himself growing more and more fascinated with Bellatrix with every encounter. But now? After Hogsmeade, and this, Amycus finally felt loyalty to his master, and as such, he felt that he ought to let his enemies know that they were in fact his enemies. Amycus allowed his upper lip to curl into something resembling a snarl as he moved closer to Lucinda’s bed.
“You’re so smart, Lucinda.” He said, his voice almost resembling a mother’s coo. “It doesn’t matter. I’m glad you can see that. Sometimes I worry that I expect too much out of you silly half-bloods.” He leveled his wand in her direction, playfully closing one eye as if he were pretending to aim. He wasn’t really going to hurt her – not today, anyhow. In a unusual show of self-restraint, he decided that he would save the main act for another time. He didn’t quite like working alone, anyhow, and the experience would be much better if Alecto or Bellatrix were involved. Or… better yet… maybe he would offer her up to his new fiance. It would be an interesting test to see how far Emma Vanity was willing to go. Still, these were all plans for another time, and Amycus wanted to focus on the present matter.
Amycus scoffed. “My auror friend. I think not. No friend of mine would be so careless as to leave all of the victims alive. One, to spread the fear? Sure. But all four?” Amycus clicked his tongue. “Just careless. – Anyway, I wouldn’t act so careless if I were you.” By now, Amycus had made his way to her bedside, and he extended his wand, tapping it gently against her cheek. “I wouldn’t be nearly as kind as Charlotte was to you, Lucinda.” He smiled. “Nor would my sister. Tell me, are you having doubts about being Grindelwald’s bitch? Is it everything you wanted it to be and more?”
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Any other time, Lucinda would have been terrified of Amycus’ wrath. She’d always done whatever she could to blend in, keep herself under the radar. She was already considered different among her peers just because of her blood. Her grandmother had married a muggle and now there was nothing that stopped her from being labeled a halfblood. Her blood was tainted now and forever. Lucinda was smart though and was willing and ready to do whatever it took to get out of Hogwarts alive. Her recent outing as a follower of Grindlewald was making that just a little bit harder.
She kept her face an even mask of anger as she stared up at Amycus. His words were making it easier. How did the pureblood expect halfbloods and others to stay loyal to their cause- to want to join Voldemort if they thought so little of them? Of course there would be opposition. There were more non-purebloods than purebloods. It was only a matter of waiting them all out. It wouldn’t be difficult to get rid of them all. They were all so haughty- sitting on their perches. “Of course I am. You never suspected my disloyalty all this time. If it wasn’t for her you would have never found out.” Lucinda spat back at him. He was toying with her and it was really grating on her nerves. Where was the bloody matron when you needed her?
As Amycus drew nearer, his wand on her cheek, Lucinda was surprised by the sense of calm she felt. She honestly would have preferred if Amycus would just kill her already. She was getting bored of his posturing. “Oh yeah. I’m having the time of my life Amycus.” Lucinda responded with a roll of her eyes. She turned her head just enough so that Amycus’ wand was now in front of her nose rather than her cheek. “Either kill me or leave.”
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Lucinda did have a point, but Charity stood by what she said. She truly believed that Lucinda was one of the better people of her dorm room, although they’d only spoken a few times. She had been unsure of the girl before, but gaining her trust was admittedly an easy attack. Charity had faith in people, and when they showed good qualities, she truly did think they were good until they proved otherwise. She was hardly able to see someone as morally gray. “Of course.”  She smiled, following Lucinda closer to the center of the courtyard. “Thanks, I’d say I try my best. And I’d say the same about you.” 
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Lucinda smiled as Charity followed her willingly and easily across the dance floor. Part of her worried what people would say if they realised who was under the masks but a greater part of her really didn’t care. Not when a girl as beautiful and trusting as Charity was in front of her.  Drawing Charity close, Lucinda let her fingers linger over Charity’s curves before speaking again. “A girl has to do what a girl has to do to survive in Slytherin. It’s almost impossible not to be smart.” She laughed. “Enough talk about me and my roommates though, tell me more about you.”
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Andrei was more concerned about  how his father was going to react when he heard the news. Anger was sure to be his reaction, but whether it was going to be towards the boy or Charlotte was unclear. Surely the man would increase his workload, especially since it was now the second half of the school year. The man already expected his son to go into the same career choice as him, while also rising in the ranks of Grindlewalds followers. Thankfully there wasn’t to much further for him to go in that regard. 
“Locking her up would be too easy.” He spat. Even just simply taking revenge would be to easy. “If she gets locked up then I want the dementors to get to her at least. Only after she experiences the pain we did, and then some.” He was considering all the ways he could torture her. She would be lucky if he ever even let her live once he got a hold of her. “If you ever hear anything about her whereabouts, I want you to let me know immediately. Alright?”
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Lucinda was slowly starting to remember why she had become a follower of Grindlewald in the first place. While they didn’t scream their allegiance to the world like the Death Eaters, they took care of their own. Charlotte would be a dead woman if Grindlewald’s supporters got their hands on her. She had attacked children and left them for dead. If one of the four of them didn’t get to Charlotte first, then surely someone else would.
“It really would. I never really considered myself to be a violent person but the things I can imagine myself doing to...” Lucinda’s voice faltered. While she thought her anger was enough to take her past her fears it seemed that wasn’t quite the case just yet. “The Kiss would be too easy for her. I want her to suffer.” Lucinda responded her voice low, the anger she’d thought she’d lost coming back with a vengeance. At Andrei’s request, Lucinda looked up at him before giving him a curt nod. “You’re going to have to fight me to get to her if I ever hear anything about her whereabouts... but I’ll be sure to let you know if I do.”
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Edgar wondered vaguely if Lucinda really planned on passing along his condolences. He didn’t quite think so. He couldn’t imagine that her teammates would appreciate that. The only one that he thought might respond the right way was Andromeda, but even that was a longshot. Save for her, and perhaps Emma Vanity (slightly), he wasn’t the most popular among the ranks of the Slytherins. Edgar ducked his head down, chuckling a little at Lucinda’s comment. No, he truly wasn’t as beloved as everyone said, and he had been trying to make that clear for some time now. “Tell me something I don’t know.” He quipped, flashing her another smile. 
Surprisingly, their conversation had gone fairly well. As far as conversations with Slytherins went, anyhow. He squinted his eyes, suddenly realizing that he and Lucinda had more in common than he thought. She was to Lucius, as he was to Narcissa. He smiled wryly, shaking his head almost imperceptibly. What rotten luck for her. He knew this well, seeing as he had been through it himself. “Well,” Edgar called loudly, looking over Lucinda’s shoulder at the castle in the distance, “Then I suppose I’ll let you get to practicing. I’ll see you in the match later this week. May the best team win.” He nodded as a gesture of goodbye, and then collected his things, and padded on back up to the castle.
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Severus wasn’t sure what Lucinda had put into her tea that morning that was making her act so bothersome, but he was really growing tired of it. The smile on her face was annoying, and even doubly so were the words that were spilling from her mouth. Did she not speak before she spoke? Was he the only one in the school able to keep his mouth shut about things that were obviously too idiotic to be spoken aloud? Apparently so. Severus sighed, turning a little in his chair so that he could rest his arm over the back of his seat. “I assure you, Lucinda,” He said flatly, “That I will not be sharing any of my feelings with you.” Silly woman. 
Feeling a bit more at ease now that the conversation had turned back to her, he slipped back around in his seat to face the table again. He didn’t look at her, and instead allowed his eyes to roam the cover of the book in front of him, though he wasn’t actually reading anything. “Yes, of course you do.” He replied, almost under his breath. Severus didn’t think it was a given that Lucinda had something on her mind, but as he was actually tact, he didn’t say so out loud. “If we could only all be so lucky as to only worry about Quidditch.” The words were perhaps more acidic than he had meant them to be, but he didn’t dwell on that. Swiftly grabbing all of his things into one bundle, he pulled them close to his chest as he rose up. “Go find someone else to bother, will you? You’ve succeeded at running me off.” He stepped away from his chair and then around the table. As he walked away, he didn’t glance over his shoulder at all, and instead stared at the ground before exiting the library.
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As soon as they had been allowed to leave the Great Hall, Lucius had been tempted to go to the Hospital Wing. But it wouldn’t have been seemly to rush there. Narcissa certainly wouldn’t like it. So he waited instead, alternating the day between prefect rounds and pacing the common room trading quips with Evan and Narcissa.  Lucius was trying to process how he should react to this development. Part of him had cared about Lucinda - it was a much larger part than he’d ever admit, even to her - but how could he forgive her?
Still, he couldn’t stew over it forever. He was a man now. He had to face his problems head on. And more than anything, he had to know what she knew. About the day of the attack. He hoped, almost desperately, that she had been as surprised by the events that day as he had been at Halloween.  Then at least he could quell the part of him that burned with rage at those involved with his mother’s death. So, that evening, he went to see her. He found Lucinda’s bed quickly and gained her attention just as fast. It almost warmed his heart - even after a terrible event, she was still herself, always quick to admonish him.
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“Isn’t it rude to join a murderous cult?” He deadpanned in return. He couldn’t stop himself, no matter how… sad she looked. He couldn’t allow himself to pity her until he knew for sure she wasn’t involved with that night.
Lucinda’s heart stopped when she heard Lucius’ voice coming from the doorway. When he hadn’t come immediately after the Great Hall had been reopened- she’d had several surprise visitors -a part of Lucinda had been relieved. Lucinda had been with Lucius just after the attacks in Hogsmeade. He’d all but told her how much he hated anyone associated with Grindlewald. How he wanted to murder everyone who followed him, who had anything to do with his mother’s death. She had been carefully planning out the rest of her days at Hogwarts so that she could best avoid seeing the only boy she’d ever allowed herself to have genuine feelings for.
“Lucius,” Her voice came out as almost a whisper once she finally found it. It had felt like an eternity that she’d sat there just staring at him. She had looked over his face, his hands, and the rest of him almost as if she was afraid this was the last time she’d get to see him this close ever again. Despite everything she had convinced herself she’d see in his eyes when he looked at her, she only saw the eyes she’d fallen for. She saw the same boy who cared about her as much as she cared about him.
“You’re one to talk. Grindlewald isn’t the only one with blood on his hands.” She responded, trying to keep her voice as even as she could. She couldn’t let him know just how much he meant to her. How much it would hurt her to lose him.
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Her dorm. It was no wonder she’d been sorted into the same dorm as his sister. Although he couldn’t help but wonder how he hadn’t been sorted there as well. Then again, he’d been almost a completely different person back then. His first year at Hogwarts had been a good one, when he wasn’t wondering why his father refused to speak to him. Gryffindor had seemed like a good choice back then, but now he stuck out like a sore thumb. 
“She’s a sneaky bitch.” He sighed, moving so that he was sitting with his legs over the edge of hiss bed. “She’s been here for a while, just watching us. She probably figured it out somehow.” Truthfully, he had no idea how she knew about Lucinda. Andrei wasn’t very subtle about his thoughts and alliances, and now was the only time he’s every come to regret it. 
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Lucinda watched Andrei as they both came to terms with what happened to them. It wasn’t much of a secret that Andrei and Irina had been followers of Grindlewald. They were practically royalty among the rest of His followers. How in Merlin’s name had Charlotte Fawley known about all of them though? It should have been near impossible for an outsider to have that kind of information about them. Who had given them up? Who had been responsible for this?
“Sneaky or not, I don’t understand how she figured so many of us out. It’s not like we were wearing badges that screamed our loyalty out to others. Some of us tried very hard to keep our allegiance a secret.” Lucinda responded, feeling the familiar surge of anger start to return within her. “Part of me hopes that the other Aurors find her and lock her up for what she’s done. The other part of me hopes they don’t find her and that we get to make her feel what she put us through.”
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In comparison to some of his other teammates, Edgar wasn’t all that rabid about Quidditch. He played it because he found it to be fun, and he was also pretty good at it. He had a decent aim, and more often than not, he managed to toss the Quaffle through the hoops. However, enjoyment aside, Edgar wasn’t obsessive over it. Not like Emma Vanity, or Alexei Krum. Like those two, Lucinda was one of the more Quidditch obsessed in the school. He vaguely wondered if she was friends with Ludovic Bagman, considering their shared interests. He paused in his thinking as Lucinda responded to him. The mention of the attacks had his smile dropping a little, but that was only natural considering the nature of the conversation. “I’m sorry about that.” He said genuinely. His mind wandered towards Narcissa. She’d lost a parent too, he hoped she was okay. He couldn’t imagine losing either of his parents, and though he knew the Slytherins to have questionable morals at best, Edgar was not the type to wish ill on someone without a concrete reason.
Lucinda changed the subject then, and there was something weird about her tone, he noted. He supposed she probably wasn’t very excited to be talking to him. They had never been friends, after all, and they would be competing against one another in just a few days time. Not feeling too bothered, Edgar smiled at her again. “My adoring team?” He laughed, shifting his weight to his other leg. “I’d hardly call Hestia Jones adoring.” His laughter dissolved into a quiet chuckle before he continued. “We had a long practice yesterday, so I think most of them are taking it easy. – But I’m sure Ludo and Krum will be out sometime today. They can’t stay away.” He felt a little smug about being able to toss in Krum’s name. It was a big boost to the Ravenclaw team to have a Professional Quidditch Player in their midst. “What about you?” He asked, “Where’s your teammates? I thought you’d have Carrow and Mulciber out here practicing to bash our skulls in?”
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Lucinda watched Edgar carefully as she brought up the attacks. It wasn’t a secret that Edgar and Narcissa had been a thing for a while. Part of Lucinda had wished that their relationship would flourish and that Narcissa and Lucius’ engagement would fall apart. It seemed like that wasn’t written in the stars for them though and like every relationship when it comes to purebloods who’ve been betrothed since birth- Edgar and Narcissa had fizzled out. She wondered if Edgar truly felt sorry for all of those who lost family or if it was only Narcissa he felt sorry for. “I will be sure to pass along your condolences.”
Lucinda honestly couldn’t name a single person on Edgar’s team other than Alexei Krum. It had been a real blow to the Slytherin Captains when they’d found out that Krum had gone to Ravenclaw. They really had been expecting and praying for Krum on their team. Their team was more than just one player though and Slytherin would come out on top. They had to. “I suppose you aren’t as beloved as everyone says then.” She laughed after his comment about Hestia Jones. As he asked about her team, Lucinda smiled a little. “ Carrow and Mulciber don’t need practice at that. I’m pretty sure they could do it in their sleep.” She shrugged, readjusting her broom. “None of them are out here because I didn’t tell any of my teammate I was practicing today.”
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The Hospital Wing wasn’t a place that Edgar liked to be in. He had bad memories from his own stint in here during the attack on Hogsmeade. However, he was not there today for any injuries of his own. No, he was there today because the students that had been exposed as Grindelwald supporters were in there, and Edgar had some questions for them. He knew it shouldn’t be that shocking to have Grindelwald supporters in their midst – after all, some of the Slytherins were one use of the word mudblood away from being confirmed de facto supporters of You-Know-Who. Still, despite it being expected, it was still shocking. 
He stepped into the room, the bottom of his shoes silent against the stone floor. Madame Pomfrey wasn’t around, so he assumed that she was in her office. Good, for he was probably going to be kicked out of the Hospital Wing for what he was about to do. The other beds containing the other victims had their curtains drawn, so he didn’t bother with them. Instead, his eyes settled on Lucinda, who was looking like she was in a sorry state. He couldn’t bring himself to feel bad for her. She had signed up for this when she chose to support an evil man. 
When she finally noticed him, Edgar was quick in his response back to her. “Don’t you know it’s rude to support a criminal?”
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It took Lucinda a moment to realise who was in front of bed. Out of everyone she’d been preparing herself to see, Edgar Bones had not been one of them. What reason could he possibly have to come see her anyway? They weren’t friends. She hadn’t gone to see him when he’d been in the same position just months prior. So why in Merlin’s name was Edgar here bothering her? Where was the bloody Matron when you needed her?
When Madame Pomfrey didn’t show up, Lucinda sighed and rolled her eyes. “Is that all you came here to say because honestly I think Fawley made that point very clear.”
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Friendships were a foreign thing to Nadezhda. She hardly ever allowed herself to get close to someone without some other ulterior motive. She suspected it wasn’t just allowing herself either, as she seemed to be incapable of it. Ever since the moments she’d sneak around her father’s dingy shop, eavesdropping on the more domineering families of the Wizarding World that would grace their prescense, Nadezhda felt a hunger for power, and only power. She simply couldn’t afford to let friendships get in the way of that. However, Lucinda Talkalot had always been different. She would never hesitate to use the interconnected web of secrets she held to gain dominance over someone, but Lucinda was an exception to that rule. She loved the girl as much as she had the capacity for it. 
Which was why the day in the Great Hall had been so damn infuriating. Nadezhda had mostly sat quietly in isolation, keeping the anger that surged through her at bay. As soon as they were freed from the confines of the large, locked doors, she’d pushed herself out, still scowling at the pathetic display of fearful students she’d been forced to stay with. She hated how desperate it seemed, to go down to the Hospital Wing the first chance she was given, but this was Lucinda. She stepped inside, paying no mind to Madame Pomfrey, and made her way over to Lucinda’s bed. For a moment, she found herself stopping in her tracks, considering how to go about this. Surely, Lucinda would be as vengeful as her after this passed.  “Of course, but I don’t recall ever caring. Don’t you know it’s rude to talk to a friend like that?” Although her words were far from it, her tone and gaze showed concern. A shudder went through her as she mulled over it; concern for others was a weakness, and Nadezhda didn’t let herself show weakness. 
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Out of all the people Lucinda had been expecting to see in her room, Nadezhda had not been one of them. She had expected all of the angry Death Eaters and even a few curious acquaintances but not her best friend- probably her only true friend. Though maybe she had been expecting Nadezhda she just didn’t want her there. She didn’t want one of the only people she cared about to see her so small and so weak. Brushing off the tears in her eyes, Lucinda avoided eye contact with Nadezhda.
“I didn’t realise it was you love.” Lucinda’s voice came out softly, trying to muster up an ounce of the confidence she’d had before the attack. “What have you heard about,” Lucinda mulled over her next words carefully. She couldn’t talk about Charlotte Fawley just yet but she hoped that Nadezhda knew what she was talking about.
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“I can tell you for certain that it’s far from my intentions to make you jealous about anything. I complimented you before any of them, didn’t I? Besides, one’s disposition can cancel out their beauty, and yours definitely isn’t.” While all the girls in Lucinda’s dorm room were very gorgeous, a lot of their attitudes were incredibly unpleasant. “I’m sure she is. Us Hufflepuffs are always pretty welcoming, if you ever need a break.” She didn’t know for sure, but the Puffs were always considerate. Another smile spread across her face at Lucinda’s offer, and she offered her hand. “Who would I be to refuse?” 
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Lucinda smiled at Charity as she mused over the other girl’s words. “Well of course you had to compliment me first. I am the one right in front of you.” She laughed before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thank you. I try to keep some sort of balance in my life.” She smiled. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment as Charity suggested Lucinda ever stop by the Hufflepuff common room. While it was a nice offer Lucinda could never imagine being welcomed among the other Hufflepuffs. Pushing past the shock, Lucinda took Charity’s hand and led her to the dance floor. “You’re a smart woman, Charity Burbage.”
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