nowheres-world · 1 month
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@hisvixen 😈 ❤️
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nowheres-world · 1 month
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nowheres-world · 1 month
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I love my girlfriend.
I love her for the strong, caring woman she is.
And she is full of love.
But I have to admit that I'm an open minded dirty boyfriend and I think this is better than being one of those jealous and possessive ones.
I must confess that I would like to let my beautiful girlfriend experience other men.
But why?
It's not that I want another man to fuck my girlfriend, but that she can live out all her filthiest fantasies.
And I know she would never do this because she would feel like cheating. She comes from a very religious family where that would be an absolute taboo.
But cheating implies dishonesty. 
If a girlfriend tells her boyfriend about every man she has fun with, that's not cheating. 
In my opinion, it's just great sex.
And I know she loves great sex and new adventures, because she's a curious little thing.
I want her to know that in my opinion being a faithful girlfriend does not mean having sex only with me.
She knows that I have no insecurities in sharing her with other men. 
And all I want is for her to explore her fantasies just to enjoy herself. 
I know I will always be her alpha male.
I want her to admit that she thinks about other guys.
In a few months she will say: "I could never share my boyfriend, but I love that he shares me. When I realized that he was serious about me sleeping with other men without it being an excuse for him to have other women, the world became much more interesting."
My girlfriend is 26 and has only had a few cocks in her life. This post is for her. To show her that I support her gaining more experience. I encourage her to live all her wildest fantasies.  
I want her to be my dirty vixen girlfriend. Her pleasure is my passion.
A vixen is a woman in a committed relationship who seeks attractive males for sexual pleasure with the full knowledge and permission of her boyfriend, who doesn't want this for himself.
Being a vixen is getting the love of a relationship and the sex life of a single.
And no matter how often and well she is fucked, a loving vixen will always truly need the love of one man.
I think being a vixen is a beautiful result of a perfect relationship full of love and trust.
She can go on a Tinder date or invite a hot couchsurfer she has chosen and seduce him…
A non-jealous boyfriend means she never have to wonder what it's like to fuck a guy she likes.
And I know how she gets all submissive for a nice cock. 
I want her to get down on her knees, show other men her best skill and swallow their darkness.
I wanna hear her say: "I can't imagine having only one cock for the rest of my life. I still want to try so many men. But you are my home, I love only you!"
I want her to taste at least one other man this year and tell me all about it in detail!
Not a single day goes by that I don't imagine my girlfriend being a dirty little vixen.
She will always be my girl. But that doesn't mean she can't be someone else's slut.
The perfect girlfriend is devoted to one and experienced with many.
A relationship should not be the end of our fantasies, it should be the beginning.
At the end she will say: “I love to have new experiences with all the men. This has to be part of my life from now on. There is no going back."
And I don't want that either, because my girlfriend gets prettier the more of a slut she is.
I think turning your naughty fantasies into reality is one of the most exciting things you can do together as a couple.
And by having a vixen girlfriend, she has the opportunity to live out her dirtiest desires, while I realize my fantasy of having a naughty vixen girlfriend who shares her adventures with me...
There is a saying that some of the best moments in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about.
At the beginning my fantasy will shock her & then she will realize all her possibilities.
Why do I want all this?
I finally found out that I am a stag.
A man who likes to share and show off his girlfriend.
It turns me on to know that my girlfriend enjoys herself and receives pleasure.
Every woman needs a man that teaches her how to explore all her darkest fantasies – I’m the one.
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nowheres-world · 1 month
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nowheres-world · 1 month
I don't want to keep this distance between us,
I need you close, close enough,
To inhale your scent and have it ingrained,
Unable to forget,
I don't want to let go of you,
Lose the moment of having you in my life,
The thought of not being able to feel you,
Is hard for me to bear,
The touch of your skin on mine,
Is a sensation that I don't want to miss,
Feeling you next to me when I open my eyes,
Having you laying there,
Closing up this unnecessary space...
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nowheres-world · 1 month
non sexual intimacy!!!! bathing together, washing each other, playing with each other's hair, kissing every inch of their body, writing love letters on their back with your finger, connecting their moles and freckles to create constellations on their skin, running your hands up and down their thighs, ugh just expressing physical love without it having to be about sex!!!!
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nowheres-world · 1 month
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New n lovely pics of hotty ARCHU in her new outfit for hot summer
Hope u all love her smooth thigh n big boobs n cleavage show…..
Plz like comment n reblog
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nowheres-world · 1 month
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nowheres-world · 5 months
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nowheres-world · 5 months
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nowheres-world · 5 months
True pleasure is born when you are ready to give her more pleasure than you want to receive it yourself.
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nowheres-world · 5 months
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Freedom can only be exchanged for true love, everything else is too cheap for it.
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nowheres-world · 5 months
“So, if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me because I, too, am fluent in silence.”
— R. Arnold
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nowheres-world · 5 months
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nowheres-world · 5 months
We recently told my wife’s BF about our lifestyle choices - ie she is not cheating. I know everything. He does not understand it so this is my attempt to explain it. Top reasons I enjoy our lifestyle:
1. I want her to experience the new relationship energy that I can no longer give her. Having sex early in the relationship is always amazing. Learning about each other, experiencing new styles or energy or D. The chemistry can be good or better because it is new and you do not have the burden of life. This honeymoon phase can last a while. He does not have the same responsibilities that require a couple to grind through certain days. They are together only when then are in the mood to be together and only for a short time. It stays fresh and helps give her the vibes that any new relationship can give. Yet it feels really fun and good and I want her to experience that goodness.
2. I hope that she will lean into the lifestyle and use this to increase the spice in our sex life. I want her to bring the energy from this lifestyle to our bedroom with me. The teasing, the stories, the reclamation sex, the transparency. I want her excited that I am into her pleasure and be equally into mine. I want her to wake up wet thinking about him, me or all of it and fuck my brains out. I want her to have afternoon sex with him and want more from me later because she is happy and horny.
3. I enjoy and need the competition. I enjoy having someone help me improve my game. We are competitive creatures so the competition makes us want to do more for her. Courting competition, sperm competition, all of it.
4. The kink! Going on a date as a married woman with another man has to be excitingly kinky. He may be there to help her experience the kink but my permission is why it happened. I want to give her so many other kinky experiences.
5. My wife is an adventurous person. She enjoys getting to know other people and talking to 50 people a day (I exaggerate but she is a social butterfly). Giving her the freedom to have adventures is something I do because it makes her happy and that is who she is. I want to see her work the room, have men fawn over her, laugh and hold court, provide advice to some and laughter to others. She is a beautiful person that needs some freedom to touch others spiritually and she is given that freedom.
6. I enjoy being chosen. To expand on this, my top life value is to avoid uncertainty. I am risk adverse. I need to know that I have enough job security, money in the bank, a home that is mine, kids are safe, wife that is committed to me. In other words, I am boring. Letting my wife have a BF rocks everything I hold sacred but makes me feel alive. It gives me adventure that I would not otherwise have. I experience emotions that are different and unexepected. I worry about losing her. I focus on how valuable she is. My mind turns into an erotic movie. I compete harder for her. I have adrenaline rushes. I have mystery. At the same time, I need her to choose me afterwards and restore my security. When I am left with uncertainty, I am not lost. The feeling of her coming home, making love to me, and falling into my arms for the rest of the day comforts me. I have been chosen again and not left wondering if I am good enough. The feeling that she puts him on hold because we need to catch up is even more powerful. I know it’s about us and not her, not him, not them - us.
7. The power of the secret. I really enjoy that she and I have this little game that we play and no one else really knows. It makes me feel like we are both living our best lives and a great team to help each other enjoy life. She understands what I hope to get out of this and uses it to maximize my adventure while also having her own. It’s never just about her or just about me but its about both of us every time.
8. The intimacy. When you can tell your person about your date, sex with your BF, fantasies, experiences, emotions with your BF, kinky stories, complete transparency, you create intimacy. Now don’t get me wrong, it also creates the need for affirmations and emotional sharing but all of it creates intimacy.
9. I am exploring a lot of feelings that I enjoy exploring. It’s really hard for me to explain all of the emotions that I experience in this lifestyle, but it can be everything from desires to be submissive to jealousy to desires to be dominant. Without being able to fully explore them, it is hard to understand if they are real or just fantasy. For instance, I am interested in aspects of the caged life. Do I want to wear a cage? No. Seems uncomfortable, unhealthy, and possibly embarrassing. But I like the aspect that the wife has control of his orgasm and uses that control to intensify it via delayed gratification and teasing. I like that she is intentionally grabbing control of the situation and mind- fucking him before she gives him pleasure. She is not ignoring him. Quite the opposite. She is giving him a lot of attention just no gratification until a delay. Another I have often wondered is the clean up after the BF situation. When I think about that one, I have no desire. After me, yes! But after him, no. However, if my wife came home after her date and wanted me to do that, I would not be able to contain myself. I would literally do anything that she found enjoyable, even if it was just in that one moment. All she has to do is let her desire be known and the more dominant she is in asking, the more excited I become. This lifestyle has brought out a side of me that was the opposite of what I thought about myself and I want to explore more of it. Why is this? Read number 10.
10. The compersion. The more I feel like I am giving her pleasure, the happier I am. I have goosebumps and butterflies in my stomach when I know I gave her a great experience. I get that I am not always “the giver” here - the BF is. But my permission or even suggestion gave her the experience. In fact, the more she plays with my suggestions, the better it is for me. If I was completely in control of her/our adventures, I wonder how that would feel. I would decide when she could have sex with him, when to have a date, and other adventures that she has not had yet. She would not be disappointed because I truly enjoy her pleasure. We would plan her entire week. If she was extra horny this week, I would take that into account. If she or he was extra busy, I would help them find the time. To some extent, I already do this. They have a busy week and do not think they can hook up, I suggest finding time on Friday between x and x and meet me for dinner after. This creates a joy that makes me want to do this.
As you can see from the above, the reason a man is willing to do this is because of the joy he receives in return. It is sexual and emotional. It is all grounded in his desire for her to achieve pleasure but it always comes back to the joys he also experiences or hopes to experience that makes it possible to do this. So ladies, understand what your man wants from this, and give it to him! I assure you that you will be the recipient of just as much, if not more, pleasure than you could imagine. Take advantage of this and make the both of you truly happy.
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nowheres-world · 11 months
How do you tell someone that you love them?
You show them every day
You kiss her every day like it is your last
You fuck her like it is the last time
Look at her like she is the very breath of life
Touch her like fine pocelain
Hold her like she will never escape
It is always about how you show it
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nowheres-world · 1 year
… ‿ℒℴνℯ⁀❤️  
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