nvnchalants · 3 years
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“I don’t think just saying you don’t mean it doesn’t make it untrue,” Oliver quipped back, unconsciously mirroring Charlie with a cock of his head. His amusement faded, though, when Charlie asked ‘what abs?’ “What do you mean I don’t have abs? Dude, look at me,” Oliver insisted as he stood up again, sweeping a hand over his body once he faced Charlie head-on.
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charlie looked up at the sky nearly immediately, not wanting to get caught look at oliver. “dude... personal space...” he shoved oliver lightly while laughing his butt off. he shook his hand wildly, a little grossed out by how much sweat he had gotten on it. “ewww, you need to shower like right now! i’d like you use my skateboard to get home quicker, but someone stole it. you’ve been no help, by the way.”
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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“You have one towel?” was obviously Jack’s response. He was broke broke, and even he had more than one towel. He had so many questions, but when the tiny little cutie started a manic lunge for the raccoon, well, he refused to be left behind. That skateboard was one of the only things he had left to his name! So when the angry stranger fell on his face, Jack didn’t help him up. He left him there, took off after the raccoon, and wondered how his life got this way.
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“hey, don’t you run after that raccoon like that skateboard belongs to you!” charlie shouted, charging after jack and the raccoon thief. his hands and knees were a little scuffed from his attempt to get the board back, so the guy was in pain as he ran. if he had a soundtrack to his life, the scooby doo song when they’re chasing the villain or running from them would be playing right now. they rounded the corner and found themselves in a park. the raccoon somehow scurried up a tree, and the two dudes found themselves standing by the trunk. “well... climb, jerk.”
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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It was Vance’s break. The wires dangled from his headphones to the phone in his hand, swiping through his playlists until he landed on the one. In his other, he carried a cup of coffee. He didn’t hear Piper’s yelling over the music, but when he looked up, her body language told the entire story. He pulled out one earbud and raised his eyebrows. “No luck with the landlord?” he asked. As if it wasn’t obvious.
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piper slumped against the wall near the front door, sliding down until she was comfortably rested against the store. “you know what? i don’t even think the landlord lives here. i’m just desperate and exponentially losing functioning brain cells the longer this goes on,” piper lamented, patting the spot next to her for vance to sit down to join her in her misery. “what do you think i should do? should i just give up on the flower shop?”
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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“Babe, have you heard of a towel?” Jack’s voice strained as he gripped the skateboard and yanked it back toward himself. “If you don’t want things to get stolen, then you don’t give people the chance. Everyone knows that,” he defended himself to the passerby with a point that, actually, most people probably didn’t agree with, but it was a principle he’d learned young.
Before the random onlooker could reply, however, a raccoon scurried onto the scene and, in an absolutely fucking cinematic feat, hurled itself into the air, grabbed the skateboard with two grubby paws, and skedaddled several yards away. Then it sat. And it watched. Taunting them.
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“babe, i don’t want to get my shower towel gross by touching the skateboard,” charlie retorted through gritted teeth. the audacity of this rando to assume that he had more than one towel to spare! it this economy! puh-lease! before he could launch into another rant, that damn raccoon stole it out of his hands. the love of his life -- just snatched like that. the noise that escaped charlie’s throat was inhuman. “you-- jimothy-wannabe! give me back my skateboard!” he launched himself toward the racoon, landing on his frontside as the raccoon scurried further away. demon.
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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piper was frustrated, having moved back in with her mother until she can get back her flower shop, being unemployed due to her own decisions, and frankly just existing. it’s been a few months since her return, and it was a bit of an understatement to say that she’s had it! she stomped up to the old store to argue with the landlord, only to find it closed! “you have to be kidding me. at least pick up your phone!” she yelled, slumping against the glass door.
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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Jake rolled his eyes with a short chuckle. He didn’t need the validation of some angry skater. And the whole angry thing he had going was still pretty cute…then he stole his skateboard back, which was extremely un-cute! “Dude, what the hell!” Jake cried, a hand shooting out to steal the board back. “If it’s your baby, maybe you shouldn’t leave it lying around like garbage. I found it!”
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beginning a tug of war in the middle of the street, charlie pulled it back toward him. “i didn’t leave it lying around like garbage! i left it to dry outside of my apartment because it got wet! do you know how moldy shit can get? finders keepers isn’t a thing, dude! back off!” a bystander had stopped to watch the pair argue, and charlie tilted his head to ask them for their opinion. “i’m right, and mr. forehead here is wrong, right?!”
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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Oliver shot Charlie a look, though it was probably lost on him since he wouldn’t even meet his gaze. “Well, I couldn’t ask if someone stole your Bruno Mars playlist,” Oliver retorted before turning the conversation back to his favorite topic. Himself, of course.
“You definitely slut shamed with me. Come on, man, it’s 2020,” he echoed Charlie’s earlier sentiment with a laugh. “What, are you afraid if you look at my rock hard abs too long you’re not going to be able to keep your hands off me?”
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charlie tilted his head at oliver with playful disdain on his face. “first of all, i said i was shaming you personally so that negates any form of generic slut shaming. second of all, i don’t know what abs you’re talking about. not that there’s anything wrong with not having abs, i just don’t think we should lie to each other, y’know?”
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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“You really think I’m pretty?” Jake replied with a smirk. It was cute how mad this guy was. “I didn’t steal your board, man. I found this outside someone’s unit in my apartment complex, waiting to get taken away with the trash. I saved it from death.”
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charlie scrutinized the blond bastard in front of him before he scoffed. “now that i’m getting a better look, i’ve changed my mind. your forehead is too big.” he reached out and tried to snatch the skateboard out of the guy’s hands. “welcome to the apartment, we don’t fuckin’ steal things in front of people’s places. this is my baby, don’t touch my baby.”
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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“What’d you lose? Your Bruno Mars CD?” Oliver’s expression had none of the sympathy Charlie wanted. If you think about it, it was kind of his fault for expecting it from Oliver of all people. Plus Oliver couldn’t exactly make his face do anything other than a little smile when he saw Charlie, even if he didn’t know where they stood after they…watched the Wizard of Oz together… ? ? Oliver invited himself to take the free seat on bench, his smile growing to a smirk at Charlie’s reaction to his shirtlessness. “I’m running,” was his only comeback.
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“cd? oliver... it’s 2020, you either have everything on spotify or you’re a freakin’ hippie and only own vinyls. keep up, bro,” charlie retorted, a little offended that he was being taken seriously. he turned his head to the side so he didn’t get caught staring. “someone stole my skateboard, so now i have to walk everywhere like a loser. but unlike some people... i’ll keep my shirt on. i don’t need to show all i got like that -- oh, did that sound slut shamey? i’m just trying to shame you personally. need a jacket, sweaty?”
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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Jake was in his own little world, and it took a moment for the shouting to penetrate his bubble. It registered in steps, first the yell, then the fact that it was directed at him. He glanced over his shoulder, confused but amused nonetheless. After all, he called his hair pretty. He skidded to a stop with ease and nudged the board to flip up into his hand, where he held it steady at his side. “Hello to you too. Can I help you?”
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“yeah, you can help me!” charlie retorted, pushing his sleeves up like a bully from the 70′s about to get into a fight. he pointed to his skateboard defiantly. “you stole my freakin’ skateboard, pretty boy! give it back! what kind of person steals, huh? maybe steal from the mayor, but i’m broke. you’re taking all i got!”
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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Oliver rounded the path on mile three of his run, shirtless and glistening obviously, and geared up to keep at it. However, someone familiar caught his eye, and his feet had a mind of their own. His breath came slower but still heavy as he planted himself in front of Charlie, hands on his hips. “Why the long face, king?”
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charlie hung his head over the back of the bench and let out a loud sigh. “i was robbed, dorothy. something super important to me was taken and now my heart is broken!” he glanced over at oliver in hopes of finding any kind of supporting expression on his face. it took him a second to realize that oliver was shirtless, resulting in a scarlet red blooming on his face. “cover up, bro! have you no shame?”
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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Jake loved his new skateboard. When he saw it outside someone’s door last night, he figured it was out with the trash and helped himself to scoop it up. He couldn’t believe someone would want to throw a board like this away! He sailed gleefully through the park, the wind in his majestically smooth hair, and paid no mind to anyone else around him, not even the grumpy little white boy on the bench.
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he was so annoyed that he couldn’t even admire the skateboard of the guy who zoomed past him. it wasn’t until charlie got a closer look at it that made him pop out of his place on the bench. “hey! hey you! hey jackass with the petty blond hair! get back here!” he yelled, beginning to run after him.
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nvnchalants · 3 years
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charlie sat down angrily at the bench in the park, his arms crossed in a huff. somebody in his apartment complex stole his skateboard during the night, and he was peeved. to be fair, he shouldn’t have left it outside his door -- but what happened to the honor code?! “ugh, this whole day sucks!” he cried out to himself, never shying away from the drama.
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nvnchalants · 4 years
y’all really thought you could unfollow me huh @nvnchalants @indykings @ofidyllics
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nvnchalants · 4 years
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“culinary star is a bit extreme,” dominic said. it wasn’t lost on him that augustus was actively avoiding eye contact; he’d noticed it before, back at around the clock when augustus would come in several times a day just for a cup of coffee. “but yeah. south’s is good. i have a lot on my plate, no pun intended, but i’m enjoying it.” he took a sip of his drink before circling back to something augustus had said. “you mentioned being back; where had you gone? it’s been so long since i’ve seen you i didn’t even realize you weren’t in cape hazel.”
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“you’re a culinary star in my eyes, and i personally think that’s enough to label you as a culinary star,” augustus interjected with a quiet chuckle. it fade with dom’s remark about augustus’ disappearance, so he pursed his lips to hide the brief moment of silence. “i left the cape to move back to boston for a little. i got a job offer down there, but i suppose... something just didn’t feel right there. guess my move didn’t make waves!”
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nvnchalants · 4 years
lights will guide you home 🍓 cara & augustus.
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“ooh!” cara exclaimed when they knocked foreheads, a hand instantly flying to her temple. she met augustus’s eye with a sheepish laugh, tilting her head to the side as she brought her hand to the sidewalk to steady herself. “you all right there? i think mercury is supposed to be in retrograde or something, so maybe we can blame it on that. or maybe a full moon.”
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“i feel as though we find ourselves in a situation where one, if not both, of us is hurt,” augustus joked while he rubbed the sore spot on his head. “i’ve never been keen on the horoscope thing, but i’ve heard a lot of people saying during an inconvenience so i agree. we can blame it on mercury and gatorade or-- yeah.” he steadied himself as he pushed himself up and offered cara a hand.
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nvnchalants · 4 years
celebrity master chef🥑 vance & amelia.
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“must i remind you again, madame, that food doesn’t have to cost an entire paycheck for it to taste good?” vance quipped from his spot the stove. amelia had arrived just in time, and the vegetables were perfect for plating now. he distributed them over their dishes, then nestled the freshly finished chicken beside them, finally setting them down at his table. “bon appetit, queen amelia. i hope it can live up to your standards.”
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“oh please, you make it sound like i purposefully go out of my way to spend an outrageous amount of money on food just for the ego boost. from my experience, there’s a reason that the price tag is so high,” amelia defended as she pulled the wine opener from the counter to pop open the bottle. a hint of a smile played on her lips as she poured the red wine into their respective glasses. “are you asking for a full food critique? i can give you that.”
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