ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
Alright! So I’ll be starting college tomorrow, I’ve no idea how this will effect my activity, but to be on the safe side I’ll be placing this blog in a semi-active state.
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
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hey so this gal will be on the blog too once I decide on stuff more than her name - and also maybe get a better model in the future because the direct export is a little fucked. She’s named Dhalvane Eme Naa.
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
"You're not my sons? Who would've thought, it's almost as if I've never had kids." He stared down Maeponia, up, rather, whatever, a brow plate still raised. "Aren't you a little tall to be questioning the man that grew up with your mother?" Tena managed to hold the stare before Petadtus started speaking, eyes flickered back to Marponia before he stepped away to listen.
Man, did that kid talk... Or were they men? Mecia didn't exactly give their ages. He found himself having trouble looking at him the further he went, eyes eventually came to rest staring at the rug of all things. He knew he was right, there was nothing to gain being a grump, and nothing to lose by getting to know the pair. That didn't stop him from groaning, however, talons placed on either side of his nose with his eyes closed.
"Fine, fine," he waved the hand, then rested it on his hip. "I'll make nice and not force what she did on to the both of you." Tena took a moment to glance at them. "So... Grab a seat on the couch, I'll clear some meetings from my schedule and get us some water. Either of you hungry?" He made his way back to the terminal at his desk, turned it on before he swiped and typed. "We should be good for about five hours. Think she'll be back by then?"
Surprise Inspection || Closed RP
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
"I was asking if you've got a better idea for me on how to live my life before you... Spaced out, or whatever you did there. Thinking too hard?" She turned a bit on the bench, a hand against the side of her head.
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
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the rosy gleam of his lips, the FEVERED gleam of his eyes. there was not a line ANYWHERE on his face, nothing creased or graying ; all crisp. he was SPRING, golden and bright. envious death would drink his B L O O D, and  grow young again ; the never-ending ACHER  of love and sorrow …   the iris spun and paced her weary course. // indie priv. tekhartha zenyatta. written by edel. 
art credit. // promo credit.
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
"If she told me, would I really be so surprised to have her two sons standing in my office?" He turned around then, head cocked to the side, a squint to his eyes. "I thought she was dead for longer than the two of you seem to be old. So no, I guess it slipped her mind." Tena shrugged. "Not that I'm bitter or anything.
Surprise Inspection || Closed RP
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
"You got a plan for the next couple of centuries? Because I sure don't," she immediately retorted. Tasae raised a brow over his unfinished sentence, eyes flickered about to check if he'd seen someone, which didn't quite seem to be the problem.
"Hey, Val," she snapped her fingers twice, "you still with me here?"
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
"But, I—" And just like that, she was gone. Tena groaned, placed a hand against the side of his neck, then turned his head. When he was thinking of taking a break, this wasn't quite up there with the ideas he'd had in mind.
He found himself drawn to the window, whether to simply wait or to not have to see them immediately as they entered, he didn't know, gaze glued to the world outside. Outside would be nice right about now. Somewhere warm, relaxing on a lounge chair, with a drink and some music.. He could feel the tension ease up just thinking about it.
Surprise Inspection || Closed RP
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
“We all honor heroes for different reasons.” | “You look old in that.” | “Everyone loves a scandal. No matter how big or how small.”
Desperate Housewives Season 1 Sentence Meme
“You’re no help whatsoever,” subvocals tinged with annoyance. “I had a perfectly fine outfit at home, but you’re insistent on me purchasing a new one for tonight. It’s not even my first one!” He’s obviously grumbly about having being called old. “Fine, what do you suggest then? And don’t get something that makes me seem old.”
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
“It was the sound of a family secret.”
Desperate Housewives Season 1 Sentence Meme
"Now, I don't know about you, but it's not much of a family secret if you're the only one that's faked her death."
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
“Kids?” He cocked a brow plate with a stare, taking a few moments to think over the question before he stood, shutting down his terminal.
“Mecia—” he started with a hand on his hip. “I haven’t even had a successful relationship, let alone get the chance to even think about having children. In what possible sense do you think I’d even be remotely good with kids? I’ve got no lived experience, and this isn’t exactly something they teach at boot camp.”
Surprise Inspection || Closed RP
With the adjustment to her collar, and the clearing of her throat, Mecia pushed the button and unlocked the doorway to the private office, which, granted, she shouldn’t have access too, but a lot of things shouldn’t have happened the way they did. 
“Tena, I need to call in a solid while I go take care of some official business. Are you good with kids?”
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
"Wouldn't cloak if I didn't need to, perhaps I said something wrong," she shrugged. "Agreed, although, bounty hunting's been my calling for the past couple hundred years, suppose I get used to all sorts of things when it comes to that."
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
Desperate Housewives Season 1 Sentence Meme
Feel free to change pronouns, etc. if you want!
“I know someone who knows someone who knows an elf.”
“I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas.”
“We all have moments of desperation, but if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out how strong we really are.”
“It tastes like it’s burnt and undercooked.”
“I’m very big with the under five set.”
“Ease up you little vampire.”
“Every time I’m around that man, he tries to grab my ass.”
“Apologize now I am begging you.“
“You’re the one always acting like she’s running for Mayor of Stepford.”
“Not now, honey, Mommy’s threatening Daddy.”
“Tell me again why I fought for custody of you?”
“I just can’t live in this… detergent commercial anymore.”
“It was the sound of a family secret.”
“I’m not feeling the grass!”
“She’ll find a way to survive. We all do.”
“She may be trash, but she’s still a human being.”
“And silverware. Remember silverware?”
“I don’t even have time to wash my face.”
“It’s like a high five on the lips.”
“People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw soda cans.”
“We are raising little terrors, you know that, don’t you?”
“Don’t worry I’m not packing heat.”
“To live in fear is not to live at all.”
“You better get over there. She’s wearing cotton.”
“They’re six years old, make them.”
“She always overcompensates when she’s stressed.”
“You burned your rival’s house down. If that isn’t desperate, then what is?”
“Thank you, that’s the nicest way you could’ve said that.”
“Get her out of here, she’s killing it for the rest of us.”
“Why do I even let you out of the house?”
“I hate that I’m turning you into a little thief.”
“I got a sunburn the other day washing my car.”
“Keep going. I’m mad at you for about 7000 other things.”
“When can I have my door back?”
“Just know that inside, I am quietly but decidedly hating your guts.”
“They won’t make it to their later years if I have to spend all day with them.”
“If another sacrifice has to be made, I think it’s your turn on the merry-go-round.”
“Mom when this is over we need to talk about your parenting skills.”
“Sometimes evil drives a minivan.”
“Perhaps he should shove your head into a locker.”
“I always assumed I’d have sex for the first time before you had it again.”
“What do you know. It’s eighty degrees outside and you’re wearing fur.”
“Oh my God. I just want to slap and shake you.”
“Slow down you jerk! This is a residential neighborhood!”
“I’m going to have to burn every sheet you’ve touched.”
“You look old in that.”
“You’re never gonna be a sailor, what do you care?“
“If you came in here to judge me, you can just leave.”
“Lassie would’ve had a firetruck here by now!”
“I love my kids so much. I am so sorry they have me as a mother.”
“I am so tired of feeling like a failure.”
“Treachery never goes out of style.”
“When I was your age, my pen pal lived on a farm in Ohio, not a mental institution.”
“Our last version of normal had me popping pills. Normal is a bad, bad plan.”
“He hung out in your womb for a few months back in the 80s!”
“If you were my mom I’d smoke pot too!”
“I guess he does sort of have a dorky charm.”
“It’s a constant battle between the better angels of our nature and our inner demons.”
“Sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.”
“Fine, fine, be 3’8” for the rest of your life. See if I care?”
“I’m not a mutual fund!”
“She didn’t like worrying. She felt it gave her wrinkles.”
“Trust is a fragile thing.”
“She’s like a roach.”
“We’re not like other families are we?”
“Why couldn’t he have embezzled like other white collar criminals?”
“Please don’t mistake my anal retentiveness for actual affection.”
“You kissed me as though that would end this conversation and it so won’t.”
“My husband won’t admit that he has lust in his heart.”
“It will snow on the hills of hell before I ever
“A more eel would seem safe after you.”
“Well we’re not negotiating my uterus.”
“I hope someday you have lots of children.”
“You’re the man of the house? You can’t even leave it!”
“You know the house isn’t that big, you’re going to have to stop avoiding me.”
“Memories lie.”
“Every once in a while even I want to do the right thing.”
“A lifetime of responsibility isn’t always easy.”
“Sooner or later, we must all become responsible adults.”
“Most mothers will tell you their children are a gift from God. Most mother will also tell you there are some days you wish you could return them.”
“The only reason you have anything in your life is because you’re pretty!”
“That place is so pretentious. I’ve been dying to go.”
“Guys, my hands are tied! Thieves get spanked. That’s just the way it works.”
“Do you know what psychological warfare means? No? Well too bad for you.”
“Let’s just say I’ve put those feelings in a box and I don’t plan on looking at them for awhile.”
“After a few decades whiz by, I’m sure I’ll find a way to forgive him.”
“We’re WASPs. Not acknowledging the elephant in the room is what we do best.”
“No offense, but you’re getting up there in years you probably forget where you put things.”
“Nobody in my family knows or cares where your stupid clock is.”
“I may be stupid enough to shoot myself, but I’m not stupid enough to walk away from you.”
“He’s a teenage boy! We could take away his penis, he’d still try to have sex.”
“Guys, this isn’t a hockey league could you take it outside?”
“I forgot how fun you are when you’re bitter.”
“I’m gonna go take a shower. Jail’s kinda gross.”
“My daughter is considering giving you her virginity and I would consider it a personal favor if you wouldn’t take it.”
“You know I’ve been broke many times in my life, but I’ve never been poor. Because poor is just a state of mind.”
“Throughout even the most respectable of neighborhoods, you can hear the sound of scandal.”
“Awwww, I miss how we used to steal things from each other.”
“Oh sweetie, they didn’t abandon you because you’re a whore. You weren’t all that nice to begin with.”
“I was on vacation. It made sense at the time.”
“What the hell kind of street do we live on?”
“Good friends offer to help in a crisis. Great friends don’t take no for an answer.”
“Everyone loves a scandal. No matter how big or how small.”
“We all honor heroes for different reasons.”
“You talk to him all you want. I’m gonna check out the place with the electrified fence.”
“That sounds kinda formal for a burrito and a soda.”
“You know I so much wanna like you, but you just won’t let me.”
“You have to hand it to the Catholics, they do Greek better than anyone.”
“Would you like a glass of water and maybe an excuse to talk to me?”
“That’s me. Never afraid to create a scene.”
“I used to have all these questions about how you got to be the way you are. They were all just answered.”
“Today I have a chance to rejoin the human race.”
“I know, baby, it hurts to lose.”
“This is the place where good taste goes to die.”
“And tonight, whatever you do, don’t call me beautiful.”
“Some dreams are just too beautiful to come true.”
“I could explain to you what might happen, but I’m a lady and I don’t use that sort of language.”
“I would love you even if you were a murderer.”
“Could you please at least wait for desert before calling our son a sodomite?”
“Honey, I’m hating you a little bit right now.”
“Half of life is obligations.”
“You just threw rocks in her mother’s face!”
“She sorta thinks you’re evil.”
“You’re basically a predator. I need your advice.”
“You’re such a Republican!”
“I plan on getting really fat as a tribute to your mother.”
“It’s not my fault you don’t have love in your life!”
“You are so far out of your league that you’re playing a completely different sport.”
“I can’t have donuts and juice it’s unnatural.”
“Why did you hit the lawn boy?”
“Maybe after lunch, we could talk about your leather beanbag chair.”
“I’m pregnant, caveman, remember?”
“For the last time, I won’t bring my daughter to stalk my boyfriend.”
“If you don’t want to talk to me, fine! At least have the courtesy to hide!”
“Not everyone gets a happy ending.”
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
"Assuming so, yes. If I had my Claymore with me, we might've had a fight ahead of us were I part of this supposed death squad." A smile quirked her lips, and she took the hand, gave it a firm shake before placing her own on her hip. "Tasae Edara, if we're giving full names, Val'Os." She gave a quiet hum. "Good choice. But it's hard for them to hit what they can't see, no? Invisibilty's a bitch when your enemy's a cloaked asari with a shotgun."
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ofandromcda-blog · 7 years
There are just too many sad people in this world and how I wish I could ease their heart and their pain. I wish I could be the tender hug that cures it all. I sincerely wish every one of you out there, find peace and love that you deserve.
kissmylime (via wordsnquotes)
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