ofsincorazon Β· 1 year
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brows furrowed , he's been good at catching the repetitive words that she throws his way , when she gets frustrated : it's quite comical to him. ❛ you can't get it because you're not doing your homework. ❜
it was rare to see him so playful and maybe even , somewhat happy . there was no one who saw this part of him , no one that got to see him smile if it wasn't rosalia or rosario , everyone else got the part of him that was more reserved. a small chuckle escapes his brims as he hears her prose ❛ old man ----- ❜ he places his hand gently over his head , dramatizing each gesture on his features ❛ you hurt my feelings , preciosa ! i'm actually very funny , the ladies love my comedian ass . ❜
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ofsincorazon Β· 1 year
closed starter Β   ⧽ Β  Β  Β  Β  β€” Β β€” Β  @dr-azra-kaplan
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joint between his index and middle finger , a roll of his eyes as he watches the femme beside him . maybe she's struggling , maybe she's just thinking but regardless , he decides to tease her ( a side of him that no one saw ) ❛ you know , you can stop thinking it's starting to smell pretty bad in here , burning out the wires in your head already ? ❜
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ofsincorazon Β· 1 year
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ofsincorazon Β· 1 year
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hello fellow mun's , my name is tatia and here i bring my sad boy rafael , who is just seriously a whole ass mess and the underboss for the cortazar cartel . below is his back story , if you have any questions or any wc , just let me know but that is all and let's start plotting !
tw : death, violence , assassination , heart defect , murder .
rafael mariano santamaria Β  was born on a cold Friday morning in Medellin , Colombia at two am , the second oldest out of the santamariaΒ  siblings. his journey into this world wasn’t the easiest , a premie baby with a heart defect. something that he had got from his father and his amazing gene pool . three months in the NICU and various surgeries but he was in the clear and it wasn’t long until he was brought home.Β 
his father dotted on him and his father taught him how to play soccer, his mother watched him like a hawk . scared that he wouldn’t exceed himself too much but if anything , it was quite the opposite . he worked twice as hard as anyone did and when the time came to follow through with his fathers business , he didn’t hesitate . his father wanted a better life for his son , than a criminalΒ  . now his mother was a different story , she wanted him to be the best at whatever he wanted and if that was the life of crime , then so be it.
as he slipped into his late twenties , they moved to the sunshine state that is, miami florida. things turned rather dark ,Β  his father had sent him and his eldest sibling to venezuelaΒ  to do some business with the guerra family , thinking that they would be welcomed with open arms . that wasn’t the case , he got out with only a few wounds but guillermo ( his oldest brother ) died on the way home to miami.Β  all the power and all the money in the world , couldn’t save his life. something changed in him that day , something dark and twisted . his trust for people became non - existent and the only two people who saw a shred of the man that he used to be , were his mother and his baby sister. Β 
nothing else mattered , not even when his father decided that his life had to be spent with a women he didn’t even know , a women that he didn’t even love but he didn’t have a choice , people like them weren’t privileged enough , to have a home and a family to raise but bloodshed and loss . Right before joining the Cortazar cartel ,Β  the more that the years passed , the more he realized that his wife was becoming a problem and what better way to get rid of a problem ? a tragic , tragic death at the hands of. Car bomb that was supposed to be for him . he played the grieving husband and she’d a few tears . it wasn’t long before he was the underboss for the Cortazar cartel .Β 
everything seemed to be going good ,his family opened up a nice little Mexican - Colombian restaurant , somewhat portraying a wholesome family but at the end of the day , a snake can shed it’s skin but their still snakes .Β  The only family he ever knew was the cartel , was the business that his father tried his best to rip him apart from , that was who he was and no matter what . no one could ever change that , he was irrevocably and ultimately broken and there was no fixing him : in his mind this was who he was , he was powerful and he’d rathe have someone fear him ….. than love him.Β 
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ofsincorazon Β· 1 year
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ofsincorazon Β· 1 year
tag drop !
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