ofvillcins · 4 months
Sarah was just as enraged as she saw the hit did nothing to him. Nothing did anything to the supernatural. They were almost untouchable when it came to a human like her. "Your lessons sucked. I still died," She explained. Her wrist throbbed and she just glared at him. "What? You're not gonna heal me with vampire blood? Erase my little mind because I'm nothing, right. Just a meal and a life you can mess up,"
"And yet, you still brought me into whatever game you had with Stefan and Damon. Using me as a pawn because what better way to hurt people is by using someone that should have never existed," She heard his words. "Was it worth it? Did you get everything you wanted? Because as I had bled to death, all I could think about how was how ignorance was bliss,"
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Enzo allowed Sarah to have her moment, taking the punch without much protest, and casually rubbed his jaw where she had struck. That punch had likely hurt her more than it did him, at least physically.
"My lessons were not without purpose," he remarked, acknowledging the effectiveness of the training he had provided her to defend against vampires. "Our time together, however, has worn off." A hint of concern flickered in his eyes as he noticed her cradling her wrist.
"It was a mistake bringing you into my life." The family that abandoned her had similarly abandoned him, and he had thought to use that connection as a means to strike back at the Salvatores. However, he now realized that using her had only brought more misery into her life. He observed her enduring pain, even after he had let her go.
"And after everything, I still used you as the pawn in my game. I used you to protect someone else I care about." Caring about Sarah had proven to be a fatal flaw, yet even then, he had exploited her to safeguard another person he cherished, making her a means to his own pursuit of happiness.
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ofvillcins · 4 months
Noa had gotten used to looking at dead bodies but no matter who or what the person was, it was hard not to feel sometimes. "Well there was a fracture in the shoulder area," She pointed out. "I could from the lines and such," She explained. "Seems like repeatedly punching and fighting so I think this is one of your OEA people," She stated. "Is there any news I should be keeping a look out for? Any people who are missing currently," She asked, hoping she didn't hear Alexander's name.
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The hunter slipped his digits into the gloves, swallowing the lump that had risen in the back of his throat as he enclosed the distance between himself and the body on the slab. Asher knew exactly who this was; assuming that inside of that very same room there would be four more bodies with the same cause of death. To ensure discretion, he shook his head "they have to be one of the missing hunters" brow creasing in thought, he turned to face Noa and asked "is there anything that can be matched up to records, old injuries, broken bones that kind of thing?"
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ofvillcins · 4 months
Isaiah listened to his daughter and smiled softly. "I know it doesn't feel like home all the way but your mom wants me to come stay with you and Libby," He said. "All of us together as one big family again," He knew the separation or whatever him and Bonnie had been doing weighed on the girls too much.
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"Of course I did. It didn't feel the same without you here. I mean its not so bad here, but it didn't fully feel like home." Maddie shrugged some.
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ofvillcins · 4 months
Sarah wiped at her tear stained face, trying to get her crying under control. "No, there's no one," She felt so embarrassed. "I'm alone in this city. No one at all," She tried to stop sobbing but she just felt the weight of it all.
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luna had saw the girl enter the bar. she seemed...confused. luna sat there for a moment or two, before she followed the other into the bathroom. "it's okay...i." she commented as luna watched the other for a brief moment. "i came on to make sure and to see if you're okay. is there someone i can get you?"
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ofvillcins · 4 months
Noa chuckled at the other woman suggesting they needed something to wash their drinks down with. "You're speaking my language. Seems only right we get two sangrias and such,"
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"it's nice to meet you too, noa. i'm imogen, and i'm happy to be helping feed your potato addiction." the redhead laughed, she was sure she had one herself with how many different ways they can be eaten. it was as if she was finding a new way every single day and each way was delicious. "of course, ketchup is good but we might need something else to wash all these fries down. what do you think we should get?"
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ofvillcins · 4 months
"I don't really remember," She remembered the sharp pain of being stabbed, the sensation of being bleed out. But the year. "All I know is that it was a long time ago," She explained. "I don't think my parents had a home phone,"
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"what year did you come from exactly?" adelina asked, not sure how to approach the situation. in her many years on the planet, she hadn't encountered something quite like this. "oh of course," adelina spoke as she handed her phone over to the clearly distressed woman, "do you know your landline? you might want to try that too." she was sure she was showing her age, who had a landline in this century?
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ofvillcins · 4 months
Trent smirked as he watched the witch keep talking. Bonnie Bennett was one who seemed to be abuzz all the noise when it came to witches or so he had learned. When the hunter came closer, Trent stepped in the way. "You don't want your superiors to have to come get you, especially when I shove your head up your ass, literally," He smirked. "Plus, there's children around. Don't want them to see that. So lets just call it a day and head on out,"
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@exitiumstarters ⭒ bonnie bennett
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The proposition of a supernatural council had provided Bonnie with hope, but it was a plan that would have to be executed in complete secrecy if it was going to operate without suspicion. The witch had taken it upon herself to cloak everybody who both entered and left St. Anne's, as discussions were held and supernatural's came forwards as leaders. This was their chance to instigate change, to come together and force the resistance they needed. Her intention had been to return to the church today, but after encountering some member of the OEA outside, she had settled for a café nearby instead.
With the curfew, came an all new hurdle and after the news of the deceased hunters had broken, the OEA were on edge. The only thing more dangerous than hunters, was paranoid ones.
Despite her intentions to go unnoticed, Bonnie had found herself a target amidst the busy café, as she sifted through paperwork; interrupted by the presence of a hunter aching to pry.
'They're test papers' she quipped 'surely you've seen these before, or did they skip the standard curriculum at psychopath school?" Crossing her arms against her chest and leaning back in her chair she added irritated "by all means, feel free to finish grading them for me."
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ofvillcins · 4 months
"I don't want to be Klaus Mikaelson. I just want to be Trent Wyatt. No need for the comparisons because I'm sure we're nothing alike." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Funny what happens when you get exposed to the public. More funding. More people joining into the propaganda that the supernatural are the problem. Every time I've gotten close, they ten steps ahead," He admitted. "Well there's a witch who is in grave need of having her neck snapped as she led me into a trap. But I like to see what I can get out of her before I bite her head off. Wanna join in?"
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"Cute. Sadly for you I've spent a great deal of time in the company of Klaus Mikaelson, and he does the dark sarcasm better," Hayley's mood immediately changed at the response, though, heart leaping into her throat. "They've had her for a year? How can you help, and where are we going?"
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ofvillcins · 4 months
Trent tried to pull Hope back when she pulled back a little. He did look down, seeing he was a bit of a bloody mess. "You're right," he kissed her again, moving his hands to strip his shirt off before pulling her to the bathroom with him. He turned the water on, letting it heat up before he moved to just breathe her in. "I don't know if I said this but I love you, Hope Andrea Mikaelson,"
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Hope was kissing him so deeply that she don't know who was breathing for who , but his mouth and tongue taste like warm honey mixed with blood . It reminded her of how messy he was covered in it . She just wanted trent to consume her completely . she doesn't know how long it lasts or how they got to the upstairs master bedroom , but when she let go of him, she miss it already . ❝ How about a shower ... ❞ She chuckled breathlessly as she looked over his clothes .
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ofvillcins · 4 months
"Vervain will do that to you," He stated. "Took you long enough. Yes, I have been on a killing spree. Of those who try and double cross me about Hope. and maybe those who get in the way. And maybe if they're just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Tell me you wouldn't be doing the same if it came to Kol," He countered.
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❝ Not judging , just pointing out ... ❞ Davina corrected . ❝ Well , I'm finally free and I heard hope disappeared and you going on an all out killing spree ❞
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ofvillcins · 4 months
"And you think that scares me,. I'll always find my way back to her. You can't get rid of me that easily," He said. Trent knew he probably should think before he spoke but when it came to Hope, he had never loved anyone as strongly and he wasn't about to give her up for anyone or anything. "She's not the little girl before you died, mate. Things change. It's okay to acknowledge that," He stated. "Then why are we wasting time. We need to find her," He said, standing up.
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Klaus inhaled a sharp breath, but remained stubborn to release it; simply continuing to stare the other down before eventually submitting. “There’s still time, mate.” His quip came paired with a subtle smirk. The adjustment to Hope being engaged was proving to be a difficult one, but perhaps Klaus’ views would change after having spoken to his daughter. Trent had a way of pushing his buttons though and that was rapidly becoming a problem for the hybrid. “I know exactly who my daughter is. Question it again and those will be the last bloody words that you speak.” Despite his evident irritation, his voice remained calm. Perhaps too calm and he rolled his shoulders; standing himself up straighter. "I know where she is and if you have half the brain that you insist you do, you'll do well to bite your tongue if you have any intentions of reuniting with her."
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ofvillcins · 4 months
"LIKE SHIT? I LOOK LIKE SHIT?" Trent yelled. "Yeah, you're right," He groaned. "You know anyplace I can get a bite," He asked, neeing some blood that wasn't tainted in him. "Or if you can help me get into that compound over there, that would be great,"
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Levi was hoping to have a few minutes of peace and headed to a place he knew was usually quiet, but it seemed as though someone else had the same idea. Soon he was looking at the other - staring even - unknowingly only pulling out of his daze when the other spoke. "Oh... uh yeah... sorry... you just look how I feel.." Levi admitted.
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ofvillcins · 5 months
"Davina. A judge sight for sore eyes who are not in the mood to be judged," He stood up. "What's new buttercup?"
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❝ You look like shit , trent ... ❞ davina sighed as she saw the hybrid . Knowing he was hope's fiance .
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ofvillcins · 5 months
Noa smirked at the woman's words. I'll take that," She said, putting in an order for the fries. "I'm Noa. Nice to meet you kind woman who is feeding into my potatoes addiction," She chuckled. "Should we add a drink to these fries or no?"
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upon hearing the woman imogen turned to give them her full attention. as she listened, there was something about this simple little exchange that brought her back to the words she has always lived by, enjoy life. the big parts, the rough parts, and the small parts like choosing a type of fry. "that's a hard decision, i'm going to have to go with definitely both. i'll get the curly fries and you can get the waffle and we can split it?"
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ofvillcins · 5 months
Noa looked between both bodies. "This is not funny," She said to him. "You didn't kill two people to see if they would come back," She moved to shut the door to the morgue room. "The OEA is crawling around every corner,"
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"If my theory is correct, then, they won't be dead for long," casting a glance back at the table and the lifeless body. He half-expected a resurrection any moment. "Or was it the other one?" He tilted his head, anticipating potential complications. "Ah, well, I'm certain we'll soon find out."
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ofvillcins · 5 months
"So you're saying that it's the year twenty-" Sarah couldn't even fanthom it. She had missed so much time. "Can I see your phone please?"S he was freaking out. "I need to try my mom and dad again," She had done that but maybe, just maybe they would pick up this time. "This can't be happening..." She had been dead for so many years. | @exitiumstarters
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ofvillcins · 5 months
"Because the department doesn't like to pay for good grounds. You do not want to know what the morgue was having down there before I arrived.," She said in disgust. She looked at one more sentence before looking back at Sofia. "Yeah, everything lately has been weird. And the dead hunters? Yeah. I think they're bringing them to the morgue which means I'm gonna be dealing with OEA down my neck," She nodded. "Too much but someone has to do it,"
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Case files were littered Sofia's desk, none of them looking even a little organized. But if you had asked, she'd say that she knew exactly where everything was. Noa's voice pulled her out of her daze, a small smile forming on her face when she saw the coffee. "Oh thank you! I swear the coffee here is disgusting. " Taking the cup she nodded at the woman's question.
"Yeah, I mean it's great to see all these people come back but the circumstances are so just weird." Closing the file infront of her, Sofia looked up at Noa. "I'm glad you stopped by. I heard about those dead hunters. Must be a lot of paperwork in the morgue."
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