ohauana · 5 years
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Sister Moonshine
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ohauana · 5 years
como que um manifesto de mim pra mim, quero-me-plantar na vida como a folhar verde no sol, como o vento nas asas, como a água no corpo e o fogo em lava pra recomeçar: presença, presença, presença. se ela não se finca, eu te encontro. te sinto, vejo, cheiro, paro e percebo.
você vem e me ensina e juntas vamos pro mundo.
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ohauana · 5 years
e' o meu caminho, minha verdade. e' sobre confiar que o meu coracao me guia e isso nao significa saber exatamente onde vou mas significa que por onde eu for, levo junto meu amor que se expressa em presenta-atenta, olhar-em-afeto, ouvidos-de-abracar, fala-de-calar.
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ohauana · 5 years
parece que tem uma parte que mim que busca uma luz, uma direção, um guia, o know-how de como fazer esse lance de viver... de como seguir cada passo do caminho, pq ha sempre um receio de “ta’ certo isso?!” certo: o que e’ isso afinal?! como eu vou saber alguma vez se foi certo ou não diante das infinitas possibilidades dos outros caminhos e suas ramificações que nunca arrisquei? e eventualmente se “o pior acontecer tb” e por um momento por consequência de minhas escolhas eu for infeliz, o que resta e esta por trás desse desvio? ou melhor: quais são os limites de onde eu posso chegar se o meu caminho ninguém vê?!
porque e’ como se houvesse algo que quer prender a minha autenticidade?
porque o medo quer prender a vontade de ser?
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ohauana · 5 years
I humbly thank the great spirit, the universal wisdom for allowing me the power of consciousness and free will. My heart is grateful for the permission to me given to cocreating my reality at every single moment. Let this power rise and shine. Let the abundance be and overflow in all aspects of existence. Let my heart beat with ease. Just surrender and be...
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ohauana · 5 years
i guess this is also has to do with the fact that i don’t really have a plan!
because yes, i actually don’t. otherwise if i did i could at least be looking at it now and thinking, well, where am i at on this journey? how far am i to conquer my goals? what have i done wrong? where can i improve? what should i try in another way?
THAT would be helpful yes.
it’s been about 9 months i’m here and i don’t really know what i’ve built so far. and this is frustrating, yes. a lot. but i didn’t have any plan either! where was i planning to go if i haven’t wrote a script, or draw a map?
truth is if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably get to nowhere!
so fucking step up for yoself, woman!
step up in yo life and create your reality!
look at all your surroundings, get your resources and craft your life!
feel the endless source of potential within you and empower yourself!
and please, PLEASE, do not wait for someone else to come and say how amazing you are, don’t wait for other people to recognize the virtues and skills you’ve seem to forget about yourself!
remember NOBODY knows you better than you know yourself! so how and why would they be able to dictate this or that about u?! this has to do with outside validation, heyo girl, you fucking don’t need this! you’ve been struggling too far by now to deal with your own expectations! so don’t bring any other weight onto your shoulders, what others think about you is not your problem! will never be! since you’re not here to validate or serve other people’s dreams, that’s a fucking jail, my love!
you are here only and exclusively to go after YOUR own DREAMS! to dive within and uncover YOURSELF! so that at your OWN TIME, you LIVE the story you was meant to.
just make sure along the way you don’t forget to take easy with yoself and understand that yes yes yes some days will be easier than others and that’s fine, is just another part on the trail, the trail that’s not about getting to the waterfall -it actually can be, of course- the trail is the way itself and regardless of where you’ll get at the end of it, most important is that you were present and either enjoying, learning or whatever at every single step you toke. and hopefully not only steps you’ll take! why not some dances, jumps, handstands and all that?
appreciate! enjoy! embrace! and obviously and primarily, BE GRATEFUL!
thanks for allowing me to somehow have this insight upon what i was considering to be only and exclusively as a dark, heavy, shitty moment. and yes, it maybe can be but what’s behind that?! what is so shitty about it that makes me so blue and down?! look at it, straightly, face it, acknowledged and go for it! learn and grow with it! learn how to use this crisis as the boost you needed to jump and fly higher, to go beyond!
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ohauana · 5 years
i guess i was suppose to be studying, very often for the past few days (weeks?) i feel like i’ve been drowned in this selfsabotage and undervaluating damp. at the same time i see it, i don’t stop it.
i’ve been asking myself what’s the matter and my head sprouts tons of challenges which i dramatically turn into problems, massive problems.
truth is i’ve been feeling really lonely, i’ve been feeling like i’m not a good company and i’ve been feeling like i do not make a tiny difference. and i beat myself up for feeling those things, because i should be enough, because i should be able to cope with all my burdens.
and deep inside i know i am, there’s just this crazy feeling that comes from this evil voice that keeps telling me i am not, that keeps telling me i should do better, i dont do as much... 
there’s something that pulls me down and holds me back against the brand new, against this thing that i know i should be stepping into but why do i hold myself back?! WHY?!
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ohauana · 6 years
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Spooky X-Rays Reveal the Bone Structures of Oregon Zoo Residents
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ohauana · 6 years
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ohauana · 6 years
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Bill Sussman
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ohauana · 7 years
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1. You are acceptable.
2. You are valuable.
3. You are loved.
4. You are forgiven.
5. You are empowered
🕉🔱ॐ नमः शिवाय || Om Namath Shivaya🔱🕉
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ohauana · 7 years
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What a good boy. (via meriah_j)
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ohauana · 7 years
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ohauana · 7 years
os dias têm sido difíceis mas reforçar essa fato não muda coisa alguma, apenas dá mais força ao que é. é um exercício profundo o de ficar calma em meio ao caos, de estabelecer a equanimidade diante do desmoronamento das coisas que construímos. dói. dói ter que reconhecer que o amor não basta e que se precisa abrir mão de um grande amor pra se permitir adentrar o desconhecido, este que muitas vezes tememos enfrentar. dói ter seu irmão ao lado e não falar com ele, ter medo dele e sentir que não há consideração ali. dói não resolver e honrar essa relação. dói o peso da cobrança. o peso que se impõe por sentir que poderia deixar outras pessoas tão fortemente envolvidas na sua existência serem mais livres, menos preocupadas, mais dedicadas a si mesmas do que a você. dói ceder à ansiedade e intoxicar o próprio corpo, este que já está sob tanto estresse e ilusóriamente crer que é "apenas um mimo" porque "eu mereço e está difícil demais". aguente. seja firme. confie. dói o Brasil também. dói o mundo. dói a guerra e a violência. dói a pobreza, a miséria, a desigualdade. o capitalismo mata. o poder enlouquece. além de tudo isso é preciso acreditar, se entregar e agir. é preciso firmar internamente que dou conta. que o universo está me presenteando com um teste para a minha força, para o meu centramento. acima de tudo, eu agradeço.
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ohauana · 7 years
é no corpo que nos cristalizamos, esse corpo perecível, preenchido pela alma imortal, mas que sem ele a alma não poderia estar vivendo essa experiência
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ohauana · 7 years
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ohauana · 7 years
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