omggitzflutterzx3 · 19 days
he's got two different eyes! hetoerochromia!! so cool!
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“What? Oh, yeah. Ok.”
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 19 days
brian birdo...briado? brido? birdan???? LOL
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Cannot Unsee: Brian from Family Guy versus Birdo
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 19 days
hai tumblr!!! i hope you're doing good!! back from school now, first time going since wendseday. was pretty normal a total MONDAY yanno 5th grade is dull im so ready for middle school thats when things get COOL. jeremy says things need to be COOLER all the time so im trying to follow his advice and only strive for the COOLEST of things. COOL COOL COOL. lol anyways you know who's really COOL?? TWILIGHT!! and she comes home tonight tonight tonight!!! i cant wait to see her again it feels like years 0_0 and then i can stop having to bother jeremy all the time and maybe i can get the word COOL out of my head!! lol she's probably not going to be home till super late but it's okay ill stay up past 10 if i need to i dont care! she'll come home and ill give her a big KISS and then ill also get to see tiger tig again!! ive missed him too.. im gonna wait in twilight's room all night in case i fall asleep, ill still be there to surprise her! everything's gonna be so much nicer and back to normal..not that i like normal normal is lameeeeeeeeeeeee but ......also i do enjoy consistency :P
now that twilight's gonna be back honestly im not sure how much im gonna be using tumblr cus its been fun but its really jsut been cus i havent had twilight arounddd. but maybe ill show it to her and she'll make one too and then we can be total tumblr buddies!! XD ill definitely show her my blog tho and show her all the funny memes she missed while she was gone hehehehehe Thanks for your company this week, Tumblr! love you! ~Flutterz 05/13/10(˃ᆺ˂)
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 20 days
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miku!!! she's so cool and pretty!! >x<
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 20 days
i love this episode heheheh X3
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Season Three - Meet the Beat Alls
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 20 days
hi tumblr! ^^ last night was crayyzayyy ives never done anything like that and im still alll weirddd O.o itz hard to even remembur what happened. we watched all the back to the future movies and we ate so much food and laughed so much and then. uhhhh OMG NO WAY. NO WAY THAT ACTAULY HAPPENED OMG. cant say that that is too embarrasing. omg omg. but anygays it was really fun and DRUGS feels so nice i have no anxiety or anything! we've just been sitting on the couch watching survivor all day and eating lots of snax lollll awesome sunday!! X3 today is also the last day before twilight gets back!!!! :O!!! she wont be back until late tomorrow night but that's still tomorrow and im gonna stay up super late to make sure im there to greet her when she gets home im so excited!!!! gonna be clinging to her for the whole week i miss her so much hehehehhee ^c^
everything is still supperr like foggy and stuff from last night but im feeling reallyy great and i should have more to say tomorrow lol! i have school acutally so maybe ill talk about that! thats all for this evening bye bye tumblr love you!! <3<3<3 ~Flutterz 05/12/10(˃ᆺ˂)
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 21 days
UPDATE TO THE YPDATE: uuummm THOSE WERENT NORMAL BROWNISER GUYS!!! 0_0 my brother frickignD RUGGED ME DOODEE WHAOOOOO!!!! XD X0 this is so crazy tumblr woahhhhh i cant beleve this im only like e.,..,barely 12 LMAOOO but this ai=s aweomse tahnks you jeremy :3 typing is crazy its like wooaahhaha i feel like one of those drug guy sin a movie that like..is a totaly hippie and hes just..drugs...thats wht i feel like LOLLOLOLOOO ROFL omg ok oh my gosh..this is so ridiculousi am sooo drugged umm what do they safy...say...FUCKED? im FUCKED YEA WOOO i odnt say that i shouldnt say that whhoops whoops sorry tumblr!! LOL XD anywaysyyss oh my gosh i sihould show this bplog to twilight when shes back from dC i bet she'll find it soooooo funnny LMAO i miss herrr i cant wait for her to be homee already love herr love uuu AHHH oh okay ao i am. woOOO LOL SO CRAZYYY SICJ A CRAZYYY GIRL WOOOOO anyways!! i think thats all i havet o say everyone i love you utmblr thanks for lettingm e typing!! kim so drugged love u back to the future time!! X3 great scott LOL
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 21 days
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 21 days
(via thingsorganizedneatly, eritissimilesdeo)
so satisifyinggg 0.0....i want my bones to be arrange dlike this when i die LOL
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 21 days
OMG i still need to do this ive wanted to for a while but ive been soo scarred XD people are so scary...>x<
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if you haven’t tried the creepy yet hilarious chat roulette yet, i feel badly for you.
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 21 days
hai tumblrr!!!!! i dont have a lot to say today cus not a lot has happened today lolol ive just been watching tv with jeremy all dayy..cartoon network!! :D it's soo cozy to just sit on da couch all day with jeremy and our kitty n puppy and just watch cartoons..well, MOSTLY cartoons..sometimes the shows arent even cartoons which like, erm, it's CARTOON network!! do you guys even know the name of your own channel!! LOL jeremy still says we have big plans tonight..he's realllyy hyping it up. im so cited!! ^C^ i really wonder what we're gonna do..he can drive now so it could be anythign!! still so crazy that dude can drive he can barely READ LOLOL (just kidding ily bro<3<3) but uhhhhh yea i think that's all i have to say for now i think i'll do a post when i know what the surprise is so i can tell you!! see you tonight tumblr love you!! ~Flutterz05/11/10(˃ᆺ˂)
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 22 days
hi tumblr!! ive already talked to you a lot today but havent done my actual diary thingy yet so.. time for that!1
todays been super slow, but im starting to feel better! so that's exciting.. im still worried that i got twi sick but hopefully she's doing ok. i wish i could call her and ask her about the trip so far but they dont let the students bring their phones. its a nightmare >< really excited for twi to get back..it's gonna be weirdd not seeing her at school on monday. but i gotta start getting used to that cus she's starting high school in the fall! which is super awesome im so happy 4 her but also its gonna be so weirddddd cus we've always gone to the same school..it's one of those ones where it's from 1st-8th grade so we've been at the same place forevarrr.. and by the time ill make it to high school she'll only have a few years left..and then she has college @[email protected] hope she doesnt go to far for that but mom says basically any school in the whole country wuld except twilight..and they should she's sooo smart!! smarter than YOU! i just..hope she doesnt go to far ><........... BUT ANYWAYS LOL other than taht, like i said todays been in slow motion..just been watching youtube lol. and ive hung out with jeremy a bit..he's been gaming the whole time, which is basically all he does when he's not at school lol i dont even think he eats or sleeps and ESPECAILLY DOESNT DO HIS HOMEWORK!!! he just games games games 365 24/7 such a DUDE he says him and i are gonna do something tomorrow night but wont tell me what but he says it's gonna be fun so im excited!! i should hopfuly be feeling better so i should be up for fun! lolololololol i thinnnnkk that;s all i gotta say tonight so i'll see you tomorrow tumblr!!! sleep tight!!!!
~Flutterz(again LOL) 05/10/10(˃ᆺ˂)
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 22 days
Gayyy XD nice song by da way haha it’s coot :p haha i was just joshin ya earlier beetles 4 life!!
JEREMY IT'S SPELLED BEATLES YOU DORK!! im coming down stairs to GET U. flutter attack!!!!!!!!!!!∩ (◣_◢) ∩
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 22 days
i bet you want meh to b your badboy be your man ;o lolol love ya sis ps. hi its youre fav big Bro also your tumbler SUX o_o just kidding loveya LOL ps ps. twilite is dumbbb im cooler lol
OMG SHUT UP JEREMY ....love u too. hmph.
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 22 days
dude Harry potter is waaayyy cooler than john lennin. your flippin stupid harry Potter has magic and savedda world from doom. come Tell meh when jon lennin saves da world …..oh ya he’s dead TROLOLOL problem??,
WTF shut uppp who is this.. at least john LENNON was REAL XD
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 22 days
(via iyoupapa)
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omggitzflutterzx3 · 23 days
look look look!! i recorded something...well not something that's the wrong beatles song..but i recorded two of us!! this song has some tricky bits but i did my best!! enjoy, tumblr!! ><
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