oneeyedsolidsnake · 22 minutes
Life is unbearable. Please save my children; I don't want them to die in Gaza. If I don't survive, please don't forget them. Save them after I'm gone.❤️🙏
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 22 minutes
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URGENT Lolo's life is in danger
Not only did Israel kill her parents and make her an orphan, but Lolo now suffers from fractures in her skull and hand, and her suffering has increased due to her infection with hepatitis. Please, I can't bear to lose her after I lost my brother. Just imagine it is your daughter or sister. Will you ignore her suffering? Please, you are my only hope. Donate or share the link.
I trust your humanity
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 1 hour
it's me, still needing some help!
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I'm a disabled Black lesbian, still working as much as I can but also undergoing a lot of medical treatment.
I have occupational, speech, cognitive behavioral and physical therapy each week. I have an endoscopy coming up in a few weeks, just had an ophthalmology appt and that's just to name a few things in the long list!
I still try to work as much as I can in between appts bc I love my job and i make press on nails as a side hustle but it's rly hard to make ends meet especially as my medical bills pile up.
Here are my paylinks and a medical and home needs wishlist as well:
vnmo: Serena-Manning
cshapp: $sailorsylvie
DM me to pay a bill through its web portal!
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 1 hour
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An update from @asiafmostfa on Instagram, a displaced woman with her family in Palestine. (Post about her and her family here)
In an incredibly tragic turn of events, her family's GoFundMe was funded right before the Rafah crossing was closed. They are currently headed towards the Nuseirat camp.
If there's anyone that understand eSIMs better, this is a request for any advice or assistance of any kind. I'm attempting to contact or connect with the Connecting Gaza group, but if anyone else here could also help or give a best plan of action, I'd be nothing short of thankful.
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 1 hour
Helping Four Sisters: Four Campaigns (Update 2)
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I'm making this post to help spread the campaigns for four sisters currently in the Gaza Strip, and their efforts to escape.
Second Update added to the contents of this post.
The women in question are a business owner with two young daughters, an educator, an internship MD, and a photographer. They've each started respective campaigns in an effort to help their parts of their families.
You can also follow their instagram accounts: @asiafmostfa (Asia), @nusaibafmust (Nusaiba), @queen_gazal_gal (Sumya), and @asma_fawzy_photographer (Asma). They've made posts showcasing the condition of their displaced lives in Rafah right now.
Note: The above fundraiser has received full funding
Ibrahim Fawzi (@ibrahim_fawzi_mostafa), at request of his aforementioned sister Asia, and with the help of Dylan McGlone in the US has also started a campaign.
Associated Art Fundraiser
Dylan also has an Crochet Fundraiser, where you can receive a Crochet Key in exchange for proof of support for one of these campaigns. You can contact them on Instagram via @__dylan__28 to ask any questions you might have beforehand.
Google Form here.
Update 2
Asia's fundraiser was completed, but the Rafah border closed before any evacuation was possible.
With help, she has set up a fundraiser for help living in displacement. Please do not hesitate to help her, even a small amount will be invaluable.
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 1 hour
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A request on a story from @nour_yousif regarding eSIMs.
This family is line 750 at Operation Olive Branch.
If possible, could anyone help them? Campaign link below.
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 2 hours
[after having sex] babe, that was great--but it would have been better if it was about a witch in the alps trying to find her neighbours lost cat,
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 2 hours
When sorrow and difficulties strike hard, hope becomes the lone star in the dark sky. This is the story of Amira, a 23-year-old girl who found herself bearing the burden of her family after her father's death three years ago due to the coronavirus.
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After my father's passing, I found myself taking care of my family, consisting of my mother, sister Noor, and brother Abdulrahman. My mother, suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, faces health problems that further complicate their situation. But courage and determination drive Amira forward.
I worked as a teaching assistant at the university while pursuing a master's degree in data science, and also worked as a programmer in a company. My life was going smoothly until war came and destroyed everything.
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My university, workplace, and home were completely destroyed, forcing them to flee south in search of a safe haven. Now, I and my family live in tents for displaced people in Deir al-Balah, where they suffer from water shortages and the spread of diseases, posing an additional challenge, especially for my immunocompromised mother.
This is a brief about our daily suffering.
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Please help me, my mother, my sister and my brother to go out to treat my mother because she suffers from widespread diseases because her immunity is weak and help us to complete our educational journey, me and my brother
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I am Iyad from northern Gaza. I am an elderly man with a family, and we are displaced to the south. We need your help to provide basic necessities for my family, such as food and water, and to secure a safe place for them. I hope you can share my story so it reaches many people and share my campaign. Here is the donation link:
Verified by nabulsi
Hi, can anyone find this nabulsi verification post? If i can get some second confirmation I'm happy to share this around.
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Mohg is the most problematic queer rep of all time. He rules. Yeah he has magic AIDS that works especially well against Christians. He captured and intends to marry an eternal-child god, not for pedophilia reasons, but because he wants to commit genocide. Presumably to replace the christians with his magic AIDS blood cult.
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Urgent food help 6/06/24
if u see this, we need $78/$$$ of any amoun for 2 kids 5 disabled adults, four whom are gay. we desperately need help for food for rest of the week and next week, kids can go through a box of Ramen in 2 days at the slowest and one if unsupervised. Mom needs healthy food & Derek needs diabetic friendly food. My sister h terrible mouth pain so she needs easy to eat food. We aren' allowed access to the fridge.
Next thing that costs us much, uber/lyft, a ride to Walmart costs us 11 typically, then factor in tipping and no public transportation either.
Just, more than anything we need food help, I worry about the kids growing up like me, always scared of not having a next meal. I'm not asking anyone to donate or share, just that if you want to d*nate, be it any amount is more than I had before, or to reblog, to help in anyway you can.
p3ypal c3sh app v3nmo k0fi
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zun went like "im gonna make the perfect most specialest girl ever" and thgat's how we got reimu.
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Slam Ibtesam, can you please help my sister family
This is a legitimate gofundme with very very few donations. Please consider donating
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 2 days
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Two American soldiers resting in their bunks aboard the US Coast Guard vessel USS Joshua Speed on May 4, 1942, off the coast of the Aleutian Islands. The man on the lower bunk, radio officer Aoba Seragaki, keeps an ear open for any distress calls. The man on the upper bunk, Richard Long, was reportedly a very close friend of Seragaki.
Photograph taken by Johnson Butch, who also remained close to Seragaki and Long throughout the war. According to their commanding officer, “The three of them were practically inseparable.”
On the back of the photograph, Butch seems to have written “Ricky’s on top, as usual, ha ha.” (Perhaps Long had a preference for the top bunk?)
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 2 days
my friend;s relatives still need help to get out of gaza the last donation was 17 days ago and they are very far from the goal
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 2 days
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oneeyedsolidsnake · 2 days
the funniest possible interpretation of the "button that turns you into a girl" is that it leaves a cis man apparently unchanged, except for a newfound deep but implacable sorrow whenever he sees a depiction of two women holding hands
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